Let’s now take a closer look at New York Times journalist, Jo Becker’s April 23, 2015, feature story, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
“The Russians are easily winning the uranium war, and nobody’s talking about it,” said Mr. Katusa, who explores the implications of the Uranium One deal in his book. “It’s not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.”
When ARMZ, an arm of Rosatom, took its first 17 percent stake in Uranium One in 2009, the two parties signed an agreement, found in securities filings, to seek the foreign investment committee’s review. But it was the 2010 deal, giving the Russians a controlling 51 percent stake, that set off alarm bells. Four members of the House of Representatives signed a letter expressing concern. Two more began pushing legislation to kill the deal.
Let’s now move to the tail end:
Two months later [August 2010], the deal giving ARMZ a controlling stake in Uranium One was submitted to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States for review. Because of the secrecy surrounding the process, it is hard to know whether the participants weighed the desire to improve bilateral relations against the potential risks of allowing the Russian government control over the biggest uranium producer in the United States. The deal was ultimately approved in October, following what two people involved in securing the approval said had been a relatively smooth process.
Not all of the committee’s decisions are personally debated by the agency heads themselves; in less controversial cases, deputy or assistant secretaries may sign off. But experts and former committee members say Russia’s interest in Uranium One and its American uranium reserves seemed to warrant attention at the highest levels.
Are you still with me?
Remember each of our atomic structure show that we are connected to within minutes of the one of a kind explosion that took place 13.5 billion years ago.
It makes no difference what has become or not become of Uranium One including who is and who isn’t on their board of directors.
The most important thing is that De Beers-Barclays and their media had the relatively few humans interested in the 2010 Uranium One deal thinking that there was a strong possibility that money going to the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation was at the “root of it all”.
The money that “changed hands” was nothing more than to promote the money [and distract all of you].
Since the turn of the last century the people throughout the world have been brainwashed to increasingly believe that the money is the most scarce resource and even though EVERYONE without exception feels the need to joke, “We know the money is worthless. We know you can’t eat the money. We know the money is just printed paper” the fact of the matter is that in order to survive in a city environment you have to have money.
You cannot just show up at a gas station and say that you are willing to clean dishes.
You can if you want to be arrested for disturbing the peace.
The police vehicles that you see most often at the present time in downtown San Diego with words imprinted in HOTbold
can all be traced to the ongoing Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which is well explained in scholarly Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.
It has been less than 24 hours since you became aware that all this Russian election interference is one mighty big smokescreen.
The fact that you don’t find one person on the planet, apart from me coming close to spelling it all out, does not mean you want to trust all these other people.
Now you know who to trust, b[y] just sharing this information and see how responsive they are.
Now you know where to go to should you have any gaps in your knowledge.
Of course they have not left me alone, but De Beers-Barclays officials are not stupid, they are just merciless and think because they perfectly understand human nature, starting with how most of the talkers are the biggest cowards, no one is going to stand tall with me.
In fact so far pretty much everyone with few exceptions have done their very best to knock me down including my 3 elder siblings.
The intimidation leveled at me and my wife Marie is unprecedented. It started in earnest with a bogus, totally fabricated defamation lawsuit filed against [me] on February 23, 2010 in Texas States Court by a Californian who I have still never met or communicated with. Charles Knuff also happens to be an ex-CIA official.
They knew of course from the start that they had nothing on me, and so did the Texas State Court Judge Martin Lowy who knew that Texas was the wrong legal jurisdiction, and while making out like he was some innocent, Lowy began the kangaroo court proceedings which I never attended but there was a transcriber present, stating my best defense, “Defense to what?” since Knuff in the complaint against me or at any future time ever presented a shred of evidence that I had committed defamation.
It was just to shut me up and steal my money. Lowy handed Knuff on January 21, 2011, 3 months after the Uranium One deal and Terry Rosenberg-J. Beare still very much around, a $4 million pay day which was called a $4 million Texas Death Sentence Default Judgment.
Everyone who knows me is quiet, and that includes all the lawyers I have known and worked with. The ACLU also know and they too are complicit.
They are all profiting from the theft of the world’s mineral resources and they want the people to continue being hooked on the monopolist’s money.
My last heavily broadcasted email communique, Wider Waistline linked to weaker memory – CLICK HERE– began being broadcast on Tuesday at 7:22:07 PM PDT. Yesterday, at 9:38:55 AM PDT, I started the much larger rebroadcast and you can see in that a great many professors from Leiden University, Holland which I visited earlier this year.
They can all read but they still don’t know my next move.
They are relying on the past to assure them that no matter what my knowledge will never achieve critical mass because in a worst case scenario, they will either shut down the Internet or remove my postings.
Now if there isn’t this God-Higher Energy Source [HER] then it must just be fear that has prevented them so far from pulling the plug.
You also know that if they bump me off, not one of my adversaries including my 3 elder siblings will care because they will celebrate that much more.
So far I have not recapped on how I flushed out Terry Rosenberg because I explained it all in great detail.
You might also want to share with me either a summary of my “presentation” and/or your thoughts on how best to achieve critical mass without a miracle?
Yes, it is hard to imagine that Derrick Beare and myself who were enjoying life more than anyone we knew back in 1986 where you see us – scroll back up – at World Cup finals in Mexico City, exposed the most important director of Uranium One a good 2 decades before Uranium One-Putin-Oppenheimer-Rosenberg “embarrassed” not only all 3 branches of our government but all officials.
Nor was it because we got thrown out of the stadium for being too rowdy that we only found out who won once we arrived back in Los Angeles.
How many people in the world can tell such a story? How can you fly all the way from LA to Mexico City for just one day, and only to see the World Cup Final and you voluntarily leave the stadium before the excitement really begins?
Had we stayed, then we would have been just like all the rest of the spectators. We still had a great time and besides when you are high up in the stadium unless you are using binoculars you cannot really see the goal scoring as well as on TV; but leaving well before the final whistle because we didn’t want to miss our flight back as both of us had important matters to attend to back in the States, makes the trip more vivid in our minds.
A lot of things far worse could have gone wrong on that trip. We didn’t get injured. No one got hurt. Derrick managed to find a place to take a leak
and the team we wanted to win, Argentina still won without us being in the stadium.
Derrick also knows that he takes to his grave the fact that I did everything right, especially with his uncle J. Beare. It was J. Beare who behaved very badly at our meeting on January 13, 2005 which was only to discuss our Clean Water Fund project that Derrick was intimately familiar with and totally supportive. Derrick, like me, expected his uncle to sign off on the deal and provide the seed capital and easy as 22/7 getting the rest to make sure that every human on the planet received fresh, clean drinking water, and those who couldn’t afford it would get it free immediately, and that in turn would lead to a more conscious human being.
The key of course is the “fresh, clean drinking water”. Once you understand that the biggest crooks get everything free starting with the money that doesn’t cost them anything and they also get “gifted” everything they want, then you can start to have decent and meaningful conversations with them.
Of course at the present time, I would probably be the best person to negotiate on behalf of the poor of the world to get a better deal for themselves than what De Beers-Barclays are currently offering.
While those were fun times in 1986, the happiest and most inspirational time of my life would have to wait another 8 years before hooking up with Marie who of course is the greatest blessing I have received apart from my mother and father.
“Embarrassed” is just one word, but there are plenty more.
What does it take to get an audience?
You can be the funny guy in your circle of friends and they will listen to you, but what you all say goes in one ear and out the next, pretty much.
You can be a comedian at the comedy store and hopefully you can get people to laugh and it is only because you have something interesting to say.
The two of you could walk into a Starbucks right now and without ordering anything, strike up a conversation with a total stranger, by doing something as crazy as, “I know you might think this is totally nuts, but I just got an email from someone who I barely know, in fact I only ran into him last evening.”
Just stay close, but not too close as they read.
PS – I know you realized that was not a photo of St. Peter’s church in Del Mar as it is the photo that _ sent me earlier today with the caption, “How far we’ve come…”
[Word count 4872]