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How far we’ve come

Prior broadcast, Wider Waistline Linked To Weaker Memory – CLICK HERE 



Subject: How far we’ve come
Date: August 9, 2018 at 5:48:45 PM PDT
To: Two new interested parties
The hyperlink over CLICK HEREstarts to get you caught up, but right now the two of you know more than all those following closely what I have previously said, which goes back further than 11.11.2004 when I broke my 24 year silence with my former employer, the world’s number one weapons andterrorist financier, De Beers-Barclays

as I began to express myself “publicly” back on October 18, 2000, my father’s 77th birthday – CLICK HERE; but of course my writings on October 18, 2000 while highly informative of the military-economics at the time, they were much more subtle than on November 11, 2004 as I began, “Remember me?” – CLICK HERE.

The funny thing is that on December 1, 2000, 44 days after my first public writings, I sent out an invitation to pretty much my entire email list inviting them to my “retirement party” which I labeled NEW BEGINNINGS
and it was held on December 10th at my studio-office in Del Mar
that was across from the St Peter’s Church.
My spot was known locally as The Cave, and it was the converted single car garage on the left where you see the green Mercedes which belonged to my wife Marie who I often refer to when writing as my great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion, which she doesn’t mind because she thinks it is cute, and nor does Marie have any “hangups”; but that doesn’t stop her from disliking bad people.
We later, after first moving to 27th Street on the flats of Del Mar where we rented two houses right next to each other, ended up renting the main house of what is known as The Tree house for obvious reasons, once we decided to move in together.
The interesting thing is December 1, 2000 “triggered a number of coincidences” including the reality that exactly 9 months and 11 days later, we had 9/11 – CLICK HERE.
That previous hyperlink takes you to an email broadcast I sent out on October 2, 2017 and which was addressed to an Israeli judge, Yocheved Greenwald-Rand and it enumerates those rather extraordinary coincidences which besides for the timing factor of 9/11, my huge party invitation was addressed to an Internet kingpin entrepreneur-venture capitalist, Randall Kaplan who was the ceo of Internet algorithm public corporation AKAMAI and whose partner and the brains behind the success of Akamai was multi-billionaire Israeli Special Forces, Sayeret Matkal officer, Daniel Lewin. Lewin was probably the first victim of 9/11, other than the truth, as he was in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first to hit the Twin Towers; and seated behind him was Al Quaida terrorist and Saudi law student, Satam al-Suqami.
Again, those were not the only amazing coincidences of 9/11.
I actually began to come out of my retirement at my party as Paul Tomson whose face you see squeezed in between me and his blonde girlfriend and Paul is the younger brother of 1977 World Surfing Champion, Shaun Tomson, began telling me about a female friend of his, Vicky Schiff up in Los Angeles who he was teaching how to surf. That story which I won’t go into now is bigger than any news story going back at least to the day of my party.
But what I will quickly share with you, and it has no connection with the Vicky Schiff saga, is when I heard that on January 20, 2001 President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton granted De Beers-Barclays stooge Marc Rich a pardon, I felt it was important for me to speak out – CLICK HERE.
As you can see from the previous hyperlink, Israel’s Jerusalem Post published all 4 of my articles; and the first one, published on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the treasonous pardon, explained it all in the first sentence:

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

Of course you would expect that if there was one honest media person, they would have heard of me by now and most eager to help me get the information out. You could say the same thing about any politician anywhere in the world. You could say the same thing about any academic or economist.
It has taken me going on 2 hours to pull this together and it stopped me from continuing to write to Elon Musk – CLICK HERE– but you will see that I do my best to use my positive energies for maximum effect.
Did you pick up what I said that [was] most important? I will repeat, “right now the two of you know more than all those following closely.”
The two of you know that back in 1989 soon after running into Jonathan Beare in Hong Kong at the 5 star Regent Hotel where we were both staying, I joined with his favorite nephew Derrick Beare 
in flushing out Terry Rosenberg – CLICK HERE.
The previous hyperlink takes you to my August 7 email broadcast, Human contribution. As you scroll down you will see Rosenberg’s CV.
While there is “overlap” between his services to Jonathan Beare; namely Prefcor-McCarthy Retail and De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays, there is a gap for the years 2003-2005.
You should recall me mentioning that I last met with J. Beare for breakfast at the Beverley Wilshire on the corner of Rodeo Drive and Wilshire Blvd on January 13, 2005 which was 63 days after I broke deafening 24 year silence with De Beers-Barclays on 11.11.2004 – CLICK HERE.
J. Beare had never previously mentioned either in person or via email that he was bothered about his name appearing often in my email broadcasts which I had begun in anticipation of breaking my 24 year silence, once I came across Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.
I was of course totally shocked that he would bring up this matter as a precondition to discussing the only purpose of our meeting which was the Clean Water Fund project – continue reading below – which Dr. Rod Smith Phd and I had painstakingly put together.
I couldn’t accept what J. Beare wanted because for starters it would be wrong to suddenly back down from exposing the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] given how they are the instigator of all the destruction of the environment. They would also only take it as only a sign of weakness, and my “footprint” on the Internet was my and Marie’s only protection. The history since then proves out conclusively how cowardly is the human.
But Marie and me are still here, and its certainly not the coward human wishing us well.
If there is this God-HER then you would expect the most severe retribution for the cowards.
It is hard for me, knowing what I know to really make a counterargument for HER not watching each of our moves.
My comeback to J. Beare who had lied about his intentions as I journeyed all the way to Beverly Hills from San Diego just for that meeting, and I also never figured that his time was more valuable than mine and Dr. Smith’s, was to show him this one section from chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of The D I book:
The founder of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals, Charles Engelhard, was a well-connected American entrepreneur who had inherited a small metal fabricating company from his father. In the late 1940s, he had journeyed to South Africa to make his fortune. South African mines had a surplus of gold, but government regulations prohibited the exporting of gold bullion from South Africa without permits from the central bank, which were very difficult to obtain. Great Britain, which still controlled the financial affairs of South Africa, wanted to retain as much gold as possible within the sterling bloc. Engelhard found a legal loophole through that regulation: while it was illegal to export gold bars, it was legal to export objets d’art made of gold. Engelhard formed a company called Precious Metals Development that bought gold from the mines and cast it in the form of statues and other religious items. Engelhard exported these religious objets d’art to Hong Kong, where they were melted down and turned back into gold bullion, which could then be sold on the free market. (This ploy, used by Ian Fleming in his novel Goldfinger may had led to the apocryphal story that he based the Goldfinger character on Engelhard)
J. Beare, of course knew who Charles Engelhard [1917-1971] was. 
J. Beare knew that Engelhard back then compared to J. Beare today – CLICK HERE– could step on ant Beare and there would be total silence.
Nor did J. Beare back on January 13, 2005, know how intimately in bed was my immediate family and Charles Engelhard Jr. who ousted the Rothschilds, our former strategic partner in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES thumb_page24image256_1024.jpeg
as one would a small fly and knowing that this fly or its offspring would never bother you again.
Moreover, word moves very fast amongst the community when German-American Charles Engelhard Jr. and his partner, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer come calling.
J. Beare, like anyone of his generation who came from a well established family as were the Beares, knew even if they had never had direct business dealings with Charles Engelhard, that this man “called the shots” in mineral rich South Africa.
So when J. Beare read the simple words, “Engelhard found a legal loophole through that regulation”and it didn’t then go [on] to say, “by writing a letter to the South African Reserve Bank to permit Engelhard to do whatever he chose”, J. Beare realized there was a great deal of “bullshit” which had never entered his mind.
In that instant, he reflected back on his entire career, starting when he made a $1 billion “killing” in Amsterdam real estate back in the 70s when he was just 30, not even.
He finally muttered, “You know that is a bunch of bullshit”. It was not a question, because I directed him to that very important paragraph. Then I told him, “My career started out with De Beers right after I immigrated to the United States. A year later I joined Codiam Inc. in New York. Do you know Stephen Cohen and Alan Lipworth?”
In his shock, J. Beare continued the conversation without missing a beat, “Of course I know both Stephen and Alan. They had a business dispute and I was approached to help mediate.”
At that very instant J. Beare caught himself, but not before reverting back to the narrative he had believed from when he first started making money in De Beers-Barclays’ backyard of Amsterdam where the shrewd Dutch traders know better than to even belong to prestigious Amstel Club.
If you are talking money, interest rates, return on investment, not being able to hold on to real estate indefinitely without having tenants, etc etc, it does not mean you a financially sophisticated. It means you only know what you know, not what you don’t know.
J. Beare had also prided himself on using the same Dutch lawyer as Queen Beatrice’s personal lawyer who I also happened to use when beginning in the last third of 1989 representing the Krok South African family who owned Twins Pharmaceuticals.
J. Beare knew that I was using the same lawyer because we discussed it. J. Beare back in 1989 was someone I spoke to a lot and also spent a lot of time with. J. Beare was also keen at one point in investing in the Krok’s, Epilady USA Inc.
which Solly and Abe Krok had brought me in to restructure immediately following my initial assignment which was to review all their international investments outside of Epilady USA Inc., but these investments including their biggest multimillion investment in Quickwheel which was engineered and manufactured by Philips BV with the closest of ties to De Beers-Barclays and Royal Dutch Orange dynasty, again headed by Queen Beatrice were a disaster with the hands of the Epilady USA Inc. management everywhere you looked.
Nor was there a need to look for under the table deals because this Epilady USA Inc. management team hadn’t even got to that point. After transferring millions and signing blank checks when handing Philips BV personal guarantees, they had yet to independently test the product. I, along with my one attorney of umpteen years King Golden Jr Esq., were the first to do so. The quickwheel wrecked the rear wheel well, disintegrated the front wheel assembly of the Quickwheel and all the executive of Epilady USA Inc., the Financial Officer, Steven Ross, whose new Mercedes we were testing the Quickwheel on, and Ross was driving since the Quickwheel was his pet project and he planned to leave Epilady USA Inc. to become the President of Quickwheel international, had to say was, “My fucking brand new Mercedes”.
After a few moments when allowing Ross to calm down, we did let him know, “Your brand new Mercedes, how about the $15 million already out the door”. They never sold one Quickwheel
which was the fortunate part. 
Nor did the Kroks-Epilady USA Inc. get back a penny. That too is another story. 
Suffice to say, however, soon after my disaster meeting with J. Beare I called Solly Krok who was back in South Africa and still licking his wounds to let him know that I was now taking on De Beers-Barclays, which is not how our conversation began. It was me just saying “Solly hello” when I heard his unmistakable voice which I hadn’t heard in a decade going back to 1995 when I was back in South Africa on another project where Solly was a principal player but totally unrelated to Epilady USA Inc. or Quickwheel. Upon recognizing my voice, Solly spoke most clearly, “Gevisser, I should have listened to you.”
He was also only talking about Quickwheel because that was the first and only time he didn’t take my advice. Had he done so, he would have most likely got the entire $15 million back plus a very healthy profit. We had Philips BV by the short-hairs. In fact had Solly asked for all the future profits from the Philips electric razor they probably wouldn’t have agreed to that, but maybe 50%.
Philips BV were toast. They had sold the Kroks a bag of goods. I had with me when I returned to Philips BV’s headquarters in Eindhoven a piece from the front wheel assembly that had disintegrated into pieces, and I kept the biggest piece. That piece I was able to fit exactly into a mangled Quickwheel which I found under the credenza of Philips’ General Manager who along with his top engineers had been protesting that the product was perfect, much the same way President Trump talks about how he likes thing “perfect”.
The physical evidence was too overwhelming for the General Manager and he called Philip’s security people who then escorted us out of the building, but I held on to the piece I brought with me from the States; but that all became unnecessary when Solly Krok prematurely folded his hand.
None of us and that includes me might not be here today to end all this nonsense in the next instant, given how we never know that when the next small moth flaps it wings whether or not it gets our attention, its impact is no less significant than a world leader giving the green light to start nuclear Armageddon, but there is an electrical malfunction, all caused if there is this guiding hand all around us.
If there isn’t, then surely each of us should still do our best to make this world more beautiful even if we have gone beyond the point [of] no return given the devastation that we have allowed.
The photo of the Quickwheel above appears to be a new generation, and I have no idea of its status.
Hope that the Quickwheel distraction didn’t put you to sleep because of its lack of speed.
There is however, every reason to believe that even though I never told J. Beare that I had broken my silence, he could have been contacted since it was no secret that I was very close to him and Derrick Beare. In fact both Derrick and Jonathan Beare had previously met the front people of De Beers, Stephen Cohen and Alan Lipworth who I officially worked for, starting in early spring 1979 when I looked like this.
That is my British-English mother Zena standing next to me near a Mobil gas station in Chicago right before I moved to New York City.
As you examine my email communication to Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand, you will see that my one of a kind, most beautiful, most alert mother Zena is the main subject of that communication.
Yes, it is hard to imagine that the 2 of you are well ahead of the curve in the most important event that has captured the imaginations of the world ever since there was an utterance in the media about the Russians-Putin meddling in our elections.
In fact Terry Rosenberg’s directorship of Uranium One, which began in that very important year 2006
and continued on through 2010 when the Obama administration approved [it].
Bill Clinton met with Vladimir V. Putin in Moscow in 2010.Credit Mikhail Metzel/Associated Pres
Let’s now take a closer look at New York Times journalist, Jo Becker’s April 23, 2015, feature story, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

“The Russians are easily winning the uranium war, and nobody’s talking about it,” said Mr. Katusa, who explores the implications of the Uranium One deal in his book. “It’s not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.”

When ARMZ, an arm of Rosatom, took its first 17 percent stake in Uranium One in 2009, the two parties signed an agreement, found in securities filings, to seek the foreign investment committee’s review. But it was the 2010 deal, giving the Russians a controlling 51 percent stake, that set off alarm bells. Four members of the House of Representatives signed a letter expressing concern. Two more began pushing legislation to kill the deal.

Let’s now move to the tail end:

Two months later [August 2010], the deal giving ARMZ a controlling stake in Uranium One was submitted to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States for review. Because of the secrecy surrounding the process, it is hard to know whether the participants weighed the desire to improve bilateral relations against the potential risks of allowing the Russian government control over the biggest uranium producer in the United States. The deal was ultimately approved in October, following what two people involved in securing the approval said had been a relatively smooth process.

Not all of the committee’s decisions are personally debated by the agency heads themselves; in less controversial cases, deputy or assistant secretaries may sign off. But experts and former committee members say Russia’s interest in Uranium One and its American uranium reserves seemed to warrant attention at the highest levels.

Are you still with me?
Remember each of our atomic structure show that we are connected to within minutes of the one of a kind explosion that took place 13.5 billion years ago.
It makes no difference what has become or not become of Uranium One including who is and who isn’t on their board of directors.
The most important thing is that De Beers-Barclays and their media had the relatively few humans interested in the 2010 Uranium One deal thinking that there was a strong possibility that money going to the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation was at the “root of it all”.
The money that “changed hands” was nothing more than to promote the money [and distract all of you].
Since the turn of the last century the people throughout the world have been brainwashed to increasingly believe that the money is the most scarce resource and even though EVERYONE without exception feels the need to joke, “We know the money is worthless. We know you can’t eat the money. We know the money is just printed paper” the fact of the matter is that in order to survive in a city environment you have to have money. 
You cannot just show up at a gas station and say that you are willing to clean dishes.
You can if you want to be arrested for disturbing the peace.
The police vehicles that you see most often at the present time in downtown San Diego with words imprinted in HOTbold 
can all be traced to the ongoing Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which is well explained in scholarly Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.
It has been less than 24 hours since you became aware that all this Russian election interference is one mighty big smokescreen.
The fact that you don’t find one person on the planet, apart from me coming close to spelling it all out, does not mean you want to trust all these other people.
Now you know who to trust, b[y] just sharing this information and see how responsive they are.
Now you know where to go to should you have any gaps in your knowledge.
Of course they have not left me alone, but De Beers-Barclays officials are not stupid, they are just merciless and think because they perfectly understand human nature, starting with how most of the talkers are the biggest cowards, no one is going to stand tall with me.
In fact so far pretty much everyone with few exceptions have done their very best to knock me down including my 3 elder siblings.
The intimidation leveled at me and my wife Marie is unprecedented. It started in earnest with a bogus, totally fabricated defamation lawsuit filed against [me] on February 23, 2010 in Texas States Court by a Californian who I have still never met or communicated with. Charles Knuff also happens to be an ex-CIA official.
They knew of course from the start that they had nothing on me, and so did the Texas State Court Judge Martin Lowy who knew that Texas was the wrong legal jurisdiction, and while making out like he was some innocent, Lowy began the kangaroo court proceedings which I never attended but there was a transcriber present, stating my best defense, “Defense to what?” since Knuff in the complaint against me or at any future time ever presented a shred of evidence that I had committed defamation.
It was just to shut me up and steal my money. Lowy handed Knuff on January 21, 2011, 3 months after the Uranium One deal and Terry Rosenberg-J. Beare still very much around, a $4 million pay day which was called a $4 million Texas Death Sentence Default Judgment.
Everyone who knows me is quiet, and that includes all the lawyers I have known and worked with. The ACLU also know and they too are complicit.
They are all profiting from the theft of the world’s mineral resources and they want the people to continue being hooked on the monopolist’s money.
My last heavily broadcasted email communique, Wider Waistline linked to weaker memory – CLICK HERE– began being broadcast on Tuesday at 7:22:07 PM PDT. Yesterday, at 9:38:55 AM PDT, I started the much larger rebroadcast and you can see in that a great many professors from Leiden University, Holland which I visited earlier this year.
They can all read but they still don’t know my next move.
They are relying on the past to assure them that no matter what my knowledge will never achieve critical mass because in a worst case scenario, they will either shut down the Internet or remove my postings.
Now if there isn’t this God-Higher Energy Source [HER] then it must just be fear that has prevented them so far from pulling the plug.
You also know that if they bump me off, not one of my adversaries including my 3 elder siblings will care because they will celebrate that much more.
So far I have not recapped on how I flushed out Terry Rosenberg because I explained it all in great detail.
You might also want to share with me either a summary of my “presentation” and/or your thoughts on how best to achieve critical mass without a miracle?
Yes, it is hard to imagine that Derrick Beare and myself who were enjoying life more than anyone we knew back in 1986 where you see us – scroll back up – at World Cup finals in Mexico City, exposed the most important director of Uranium One a good 2 decades before Uranium One-Putin-Oppenheimer-Rosenberg “embarrassed” not only all 3 branches of our government but all officials.
Nor was it because we got thrown out of the stadium for being too rowdy that we only found out who won once we arrived back in Los Angeles.
How many people in the world can tell such a story? How can you fly all the way from LA to Mexico City for just one day, and only to see the World Cup Final and you voluntarily leave the stadium before the excitement really begins?
Had we stayed, then we would have been just like all the rest of the spectators. We still had a great time and besides when you are high up in the stadium unless you are using binoculars you cannot really see the goal scoring as well as on TV; but leaving well before the final whistle because we didn’t want to miss our flight back as both of us had important matters to attend to back in the States, makes the trip more vivid in our minds.
A lot of things far worse could have gone wrong on that trip. We didn’t get injured. No one got hurt. Derrick managed to find a place to take a leak
and the team we wanted to win, Argentina still won without us being in the stadium.
Derrick also knows that he takes to his grave the fact that I did everything right, especially with his uncle J. Beare. It was J. Beare who behaved very badly at our meeting on January 13, 2005 which was only to discuss our Clean Water Fund project that Derrick was intimately familiar with and totally supportive. Derrick, like me, expected his uncle to sign off on the deal and provide the seed capital and easy as 22/7 getting the rest to make sure that every human on the planet received fresh, clean drinking water, and those who couldn’t afford it would get it free immediately, and that in turn would lead to a more conscious human being.
The key of course is the “fresh, clean drinking water”. Once you understand that the biggest crooks get everything free starting with the money that doesn’t cost them anything and they also get “gifted” everything they want, then you can start to have decent and meaningful conversations with them.
Of course at the present time, I would probably be the best person to negotiate on behalf of the poor of the world to get a better deal for themselves than what De Beers-Barclays are currently offering.
While those were fun times in 1986, the happiest and most inspirational time of my life would have to wait another 8 years before hooking up with Marie who of course is the greatest blessing I have received apart from my mother and father.
“Embarrassed” is just one word, but there are plenty more.
What does it take to get an audience?
You can be the funny guy in your circle of friends and they will listen to you, but what you all say goes in one ear and out the next, pretty much.
You can be a comedian at the comedy store and hopefully you can get people to laugh and it is only because you have something interesting to say.
The two of you could walk into a Starbucks right now and without ordering anything, strike up a conversation with a total stranger, by doing something as crazy as, “I know you might think this is totally nuts, but I just got an email from someone who I barely know, in fact I only ran into him last evening.”
Just stay close, but not too close as they read.
PS – I know you realized that was not a photo of St. Peter’s church in Del Mar as it is the photo that _ sent me earlier today with the caption, “How far we’ve come…”
[Word count 4872]
