Huge event – Screenshot 18:59 Calif. time, Sept. 23, 2018
Kim Goldblatt is with Jack Goldblatt and 2 others.
Goldblatt sibling reunion – Martin, Saul, Kay & Jack
Kay Cohen Special times
Jack Goldblatt A rare pleasure.
Joanne Zimerman Special
Michelle Goldblatt Love this!
Sharon Gordon Fingleson Precious moments
Arlene Nola Kagan Stunning picture. !!!. Remember Martin from Carmel. Is that you in ref checques
Gary Gevisser The 4 of you were never at our Friday night or Passover tables
and the most important of course Passover 1967 when only Janie Moshal Gevisser
who was standing right behind me, was the only member of the Moshal family present.
That did not mean we, the Gevissers, the Goldblatts, the Levins and the Barnetts had forgotten that we were closely related, and nor was their any “falling out” to speak of, because there really wasn’t; your side of the Sher family was also pretty large and so there was only so much space.
That didn’t in any way, shape or form take away from the importance of Janie’s most conspicuous presence at our 1967 Passover table which probably would have mean’t nothing to any of you had you known at the time that she was the only Moshal present, right before the breakout of the 1967 Six Day War when my extraordinary and inspirational, highly secretive British-English mother Zena
played her part and which resulted in her receiving the honor of being the first civilian allowed into the captured territories of the Sinai following this very bloody war which was nothing more than the start of the much more bloody and longer lasting War of Attrition (July 1, 1967 – August 7, 1970) which only ended in a “ceasefire” and continued on until my former employer De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] succeeded in wiping all their resistance in Israel
in the late 1970s, right when I joined this very anti-Israel and anti-Semitic banking-mining institution which has owned the world’s banking and drilling industry since the turn of the last century.
My FB friend Steven Bailey along with my cousin lawyer Jack Goldblatt’s wife Kim Goldblatt, both FB friends of mine, along with 438 others, would be more up to speed with how the DAAC’s real dog eat dog “money world” works than the 4 of you who I haven’t communicated with since our high school days.
Given how slow Martin and Jack are to accept my FB friend invitation, I will assume that Kim has brought you up to speed on why she decided to leave my FB group chat ATOH [A Test of Humanity] which just minutes ago I invited Martin who of course we all remember as a pretty good cricketeer, but still not good enough to be invited on Nicholas Oppenheimer’s [June 8, 1945 – ] cricket team like South African cricketer Tony Tillim, the brother of my mother’s brother Joe Ash’s one and only wife
Lynne who is seated in the photo above opposite Joe who is seated next to my mother Zena and me next to her. And it is my middle brother Melvin who is still with us at ATOH seated in between Lynne and our maternal grandmother Rachel Ash
who passed away, around age 69 on April 23, 1972, 6 months and 9 days before I first met David Ben-Gurion, November 1, 1972 during my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at his Kibbutz Sde Boker, Negev Desert.
A lot took place between November 1, 1972 and Passover 1967 where you see Janie Moshal Gevisser [scroll back to Pesach-Passover 1967 photo]
who passed away several years later, May 20, 1976, right before the Soweto shooting of innocent black South African kids, standing in front of my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890- Feb. 24, 1970], who passed away, one month before my 13th birthday.
Without providing a full litany of Jewish South African history where backstabbing was no different in the Old Country, Lithuania, but you might have expected better following our brutal Jewish Holocaust, and in fact the backstabbing only got worse following the demise of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] and this deceit of the worst kind was led by Janie’s elder brother Sol “Little King” Moshal [1894-1986]
and whose co-conspirator David Gevisser [1926-2009]
the favorite “blue eyed boy” nephew of Sol and youngest child of Janie and Morris Gevisser [1881-1961]
played a most active role in “newcomer” and DAAC Jewish stooge, Natie Kirsh “closing shop.”
Remember Kirsh who is the biggest player in meat on the north east coast of the United States and no less active in profiting from the ongoing warring in the Middle East, found himself with no opposition to his incredibly “low ball” offer for Moshal Gevisser which all the notable Jewish South African lawyers and accountants understood perfectly what cards they had to play to ensure that Kirsh was unopposed; bearing in mind that the only business experience Kirsh had prior to grabbing the hugely valuable, and well below market value, real estate properties of Moshal Gevisser which my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970]
seen below at my parents’ wedding reception in Durban on October 10, 1948
made sure were all purchased for cash, no mortgage, was knowing how much to bribe the King of Swaziland to get the country’s maze concession; and it was Sol “The Little King” Moshal – standing to the left of Issy – who my mother Zena took the scissors to when handing me the photo along with many other family memorabilia just before I immigrated to the US arriving in Chicago on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
Of course, this was not your regular dinner conversation as you all had your busy lives to lead.
But you would know that your aunt, Kate Sher Gevisser [c.1895-June 8, 1945] who died on the same day Nicholas Oppenheimer
who was rather unusual when compared to the rest of the rather “slack” other members of our rather large family.
When you are all about the money, meaning you don’t know any better you become either a lawyer, medical doctor or accountant and still that does not make you a good observer.
Of course you all would have known that my father Bernie was a Fighter Bomber Pilot during WW2
which if you had jealous parents like David Gevisser or Sol Moshal, you would not have paid as much attention to my father as did Janie Moshal Gevisser along with Issy Gevisser as well as my maternal grandparents Al and Rachel Ash who “worshipped the ground” my father walked on.
The fact that my 3 elder siblings, Kathy, Neil and Melvin who I will be getting to shortly and of course all of you would already know their deceitful and pivotal role in the premeditated murder of my mother Zena who remains captive in her Netanya, Israel apartment, never placed an obituary in the newspapers when my father Bernie passed away on August 27, 2012 is not only most unusual for a Jewish family but totally disgraceful.
Please though, don’t let me distract you from each of your role in the murder of my mother Zena and to know how very far back this jealousy extends we just have to look back and remember when it was that any other beautiful and most accomplished member of our family found themselves on the back of a cereal box?
Of course my mother Zena’s accomplishments extend to all areas of beauty
including you all remembering that it was my mother’s model, Penny Coelen who won the Miss World in 1958
not to mention you all should have by now seen what my sister Kathy wrote me repeatedly in early September 2016…/
about my mother Zena suffering from “advanced dementia… no memory” while Kathy ignored both the many taped phone conversations I had with my mother shortly before which demonstrated clearly that my mother Zena was “totally with it” and explaining well that my 3 elder siblings were “all about the money” as well as the essence of my prior writings that I was in total disagreement with their self-serving assessment of my mother’s mental faculties.
Of course once you start viewing the 29 videos including both The Lady’s Speech
and this one, “Her name is Penny Coelen”
where my mother without any prodding remembers so well Penny Coelen, you are aghast as would be any normal human being.
Were you in my shoes, you too would have begun immediately filming my mother Zena once I arrived at her apartment in Netanya, the evening of September 21, 2016
and while I have the camera upside down you have no difficulty making out how poignant is my mother Zena on how easy it is to get a passport renewed, which both my very worldly and most beautiful F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion and I already knew, but letting my mother speak her most wonderful one of a kind and lucid mind, made a lot of sense.
Yes, that was only the beginning; and my 3 elder siblings were seething, but they had a backup plan in the event I got on camera showing how “sharp as a tack” was my mother in support of everything that the taped phone conversations demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt.
On September 15, 2016, and knowing that I would be shortly arriving in Israel, my 3 elder siblings had my sister Kathy’s money friend lawyer, malice ridden Israeli liar-lawyer,Ayala Weisel appointed as my mother’s guardian without letting me or my mother Zena be any the wiser, thus taking away my mother’s right to her body as well as most valuable assets that they hadn’t already stolen.
I am not wanting the 4 of you or anyone else reading this and of course everyone should be making a backup and posting this all over The Internet, to turn back the clock. I am just providing the irrefutable evidence of premeditated murder of my mother.
Nor do I need any of your scholarly advice to tell me how important is the law in a case like this because the first thing a lawyer has to establish before deciding how much money they might end up making out of a messy family conflict are the facts.
All of you with the exception of Kay would be considered well above average bright, but still none of you demonstrated sufficient mental aptitude to be chosen by DAAC head, Harry Oppenheimer to sit for the year long entrance exam before joining this mafia monopoly of mafia monopolies at their highest levels on US soil where my only responsibility was to observe how the DAAC kept consolidating their power following their escaping prosecution at Nuremberg for crimes of genocide.
Nor would any of your skill-sets have been enhanced by virtue of your uncle Louis Sher, the elder brother of my grandmother Kate, having attacked my father Bernie with a kitchen knife soon after my father’s return from war on April 23, 1945, having completed his 71st miraculous mission on April 15 whereupon landing he was informed for the first time that not only was his beloved mother ill, but she was lying on her deathbed only semi-conscious, for insane Louis Sher blamed my father for his sister “catching” terminal cancer of the stomach the result he said of Kate worrying to death that my father would not return like a great many Fighter Bomber Pilots, the most elite of the fighter-pilots.
And I think you all understand that flying a flying bomb into the heat of battle takes more than acting Jewish when it suits you.
Yes, I am doing everything within my power to expose the entire family for your putrid behavior, and I will assume that you will let Alan Barnett and his elder brother Philip know that while they have blocked me on FB, their names will be no less well-known than the rest of you acting like this is none of your business.
My mother Zena’s life and happiness mean the world to me, and if it only means that I accomplish the goal of exposing how deep rooted is the DAAC’s infiltration into the most close-knit Jewish family on the planet, then that will no doubt be a great achievement.
But of course for there to be such rot that displays so well that the money is the embodiment of everyone, and at the same time how easy it is to defeat the DAAC given how they dont have truth at their side and I am still here and most able to present their high crimes and misdemeanors, a whole lot better than you fast talking lawyers, there must be a more omnipotent “guiding hand” at work; and still I think you would all agree that I should continue to do my best.
Most important that it was not only your families’ wealth which did not suffer as a result of Kirsh who was clueless about the trading side of Moshal Gevisser, at least when compared to my father Bernie and his father Issy, but all those who sat on the sidelines with their arms folded as Kirsh “asset stripped” Moshal Gevisser and quickly became a multi-billionaire were handsomely rewarded including all those families like the Beares, Sternbergs and Hackners who got the most honorable mention in David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER which made out like I never existed because David Gevisser did not like me since like my father Bernie and grandfather Issy, I could not be bought.
Not to mention, Sol “Litte King” Moshal who Kirsh also quickly gave the boot, despite their “private deal” that The Little King would stay on, never lived to see that his one granddaughter, my classmate Sandra Jacobson [1957-1997] was brutally assassinated by fellow members of Joe Slovo’s and Nelson Mandela’s armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe; and her half-naked, tortured to death body was found in the trunk of her Toyota automobile on November 4, 1997; and nor was there any suicide note because as you might know it is very difficult to after torturing your body to death to then have it find its way into the trunk of your automobile.
So let’s now go back to those 1976 Soweto school children shootings which still didn’t stop you and some 32,000 other Jewish boys including my two elder brothers Melvin and Neil from joining The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s brutal military hellbent on suppressing any opposition to the DAAC’s most violent Apartheid Regime; or for that matter the DAAC’s future puppet government the ANC led by Nelson Mandela and the no less stooge, Jewish Joe Slovo whose eldest daughter Gillian Slovo I have recently been in touch with, until she shut down once realizing that she was clueless about the “military-economic-politics” of South Africa as were most of the 32,000 who had the very easy option of immigrating to Israel either alone or with their entire immediate family, unless they could prove useful to the fledgling Jewish State of Israel which as you all know only came into existence on May 14, 1948, just 12 days before the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime grabbed power from South African General Smuts, the best friend us Jewish people have had, possibly since Moses although of course Christians, like my FB friend Christina Moritsch-Krall might argue since Jewish person Jesus Christ.
BTW, yesterday was a huge breakthrough in reaching individuals throughout the world who first of all think they know everything there is to know about this world because the schooling system and the media make them think they are so up on it, and that would of course include people like Christina Moritsch-Krall who really should try giving up the fat and Steven Bailey who just can’t get out of his head the 42 years of indoctrination that the State of Israel is run by a bunch of Jews who are committing genocide against the Palestinians even though Bailey has read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which causes everyone to shut down.
The human is much more a creature of habit than anything else in nature who is not only perfect, never monotonous like the rather ugly human whose laughing skull may be the best representation of the great Jewish joke, “Man makes plans and God laughs”, but but G-DNAture is totally unpredictable.
I will shortly share with you yesterday and today’s huge events which I already see changing the world, for the better of course.