Human contributes
From: “” <>
Subject: Human contributes – Re: READER MAIL: Joe Cochrane
Date: August 7, 2018 at 12:22:01 PM PDT
To: “COCHRANE, Joe” <>
Cc: rest; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by President Putin.” <>,, Elon Musk <>, Rafael Zulueta Egea <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “James A. MacKay – Senior Lloyds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012.” <>,,,,,,,,,,,, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, Robert Cromeans <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser ” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Showley, Roger” <>, “Pam Kragen author, Flower Hill owners aim for the human touch” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dave Osh – Newest FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, “Bill Clinton – 42nd President of the United States. 1968 De Beers-Rhodes Scholar. At 11th hour of his presidency, January 20, 2001, granted De Beers-Rhodes stooge, terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon.” <>, “Jack Quinn Esquire – Former White House Counsel and close personal friend of President Bill \”De Beers-Rhodes Scholar\” Clinton who played the most decisive role in the Marc Rich pardon.” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “John \”Fish out of Water\” Reed” <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>, “Peter Berendse – FB friend of Gary Gevisser, Neil Woodhead and Vic Wartski.” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, and for treason <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB \”friend\” of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Andrea \”Gambling Money Charity Giver\” Kerzner” <>, Richard Pedro – FB friend of GG <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East have no shops in Israel.” <>, Steven Haigh – Director of Met Media – Metropolitan State University of Denver <>, Nina Sencar – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, “Eric Lichtblau – New York Time journalist – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets.” <>, Erik Moeller <>, “Erik de Jong – Directeur, Museum aan het Vrijthof” <>, Edward Snowden <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, Cardiologist Warren Grundfest MD <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s military.” <>, “Dominic Powell – author, South Africa’s Coast2Coast Capital acquires Australian homewares wholesaler Albi for more than $50 million” <>, Coast 2 Coast Capital – Acquirer of Albi-Danziger-Gevisser for $50+ million in June 2016 <>, Julian Assange – Wikileaks <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “Jonny Gevisser – only son of Leslie Gevisser; Director The Extra-Mural Education Project Cape Town South Africa” <>, Frankie Selikow <>, Binyamin and Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, “Ron Sandler – Senior Adviser Chatham House – c/o Nina Black, Press Officer Chatham House” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Natie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <>, “David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Sam Tollman – born and raised Jewish in Durban, South Africa. Served in the Apartheid Regime’s military. Converted to Islam. Now FB friend of GG.” <>, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of his close cousin Stephen Moshal Cohen. Alan’s first cousin was murdered ANC armed wing member” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, “Andrew Annandale – Managing Director, ASML-Lloyd’s of London” <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>, “Peta Elizabeth Gorshel – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, Mossad <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef ” <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, David Barrows – No longer FB of GG <>, Adam Steltzner – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Derek Abbott – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Janna Levin – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Max Tegmark – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Savas Dimopoulos – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alexandros Delithanassis – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, “Dr. Michio Kaku – Physicist” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>
Date: August 7, 2018 at 12:22:01 PM PDT
To: “COCHRANE, Joe” <>
Cc: rest; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by President Putin.” <>,, Elon Musk <>, Rafael Zulueta Egea <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “James A. MacKay – Senior Lloyds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012.” <>,,,,,,,,,,,, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, Robert Cromeans <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser ” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Showley, Roger” <>, “Pam Kragen author, Flower Hill owners aim for the human touch” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dave Osh – Newest FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, “Bill Clinton – 42nd President of the United States. 1968 De Beers-Rhodes Scholar. At 11th hour of his presidency, January 20, 2001, granted De Beers-Rhodes stooge, terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon.” <>, “Jack Quinn Esquire – Former White House Counsel and close personal friend of President Bill \”De Beers-Rhodes Scholar\” Clinton who played the most decisive role in the Marc Rich pardon.” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “John \”Fish out of Water\” Reed” <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>, “Peter Berendse – FB friend of Gary Gevisser, Neil Woodhead and Vic Wartski.” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, and for treason <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB \”friend\” of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Andrea \”Gambling Money Charity Giver\” Kerzner” <>, Richard Pedro – FB friend of GG <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East have no shops in Israel.” <>, Steven Haigh – Director of Met Media – Metropolitan State University of Denver <>, Nina Sencar – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, “Eric Lichtblau – New York Time journalist – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets.” <>, Erik Moeller <>, “Erik de Jong – Directeur, Museum aan het Vrijthof” <>, Edward Snowden <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, Cardiologist Warren Grundfest MD <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s military.” <>, “Dominic Powell – author, South Africa’s Coast2Coast Capital acquires Australian homewares wholesaler Albi for more than $50 million” <>, Coast 2 Coast Capital – Acquirer of Albi-Danziger-Gevisser for $50+ million in June 2016 <>, Julian Assange – Wikileaks <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “Jonny Gevisser – only son of Leslie Gevisser; Director The Extra-Mural Education Project Cape Town South Africa” <>, Frankie Selikow <>, Binyamin and Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, “Ron Sandler – Senior Adviser Chatham House – c/o Nina Black, Press Officer Chatham House” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Natie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <>, “David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Sam Tollman – born and raised Jewish in Durban, South Africa. Served in the Apartheid Regime’s military. Converted to Islam. Now FB friend of GG.” <>, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of his close cousin Stephen Moshal Cohen. Alan’s first cousin was murdered ANC armed wing member” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, “Andrew Annandale – Managing Director, ASML-Lloyd’s of London” <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>, “Peta Elizabeth Gorshel – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, Mossad <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef ” <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, David Barrows – No longer FB of GG <>, Adam Steltzner – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Derek Abbott – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Janna Levin – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Max Tegmark – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Savas Dimopoulos – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alexandros Delithanassis – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, “Dr. Michio Kaku – Physicist” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>
It was my intention to reach you.
Not knowing anything about this photo
means that you are totally in the dark about both the money and the mineral resources that the general public, including most of Wall Street believe is purchased with government currencies such as the US Dollar and Euro; but that isn’t close to the full story given how the truth is something very different.
Let me share one other important piece of information.
Long before that most important meeting in Cape Town, South Africa back on September 5, 2006, Lloyd’s of London were accepting from accredited investors price fixed diamonds as their capital base which has a number of problems.
First when something is price fixed, it means the market is rigged.
Second, if the insurance market is rigged, then it means something significantly worse than getting a bad haircut which isn’t the end of the world unless you get scalped. It is totally catastrophic, but so long as the Tornado doesn’t touch down in your home, then you will probably remained glued to the weather channel eager to hear the body count and if own a funeral home near to where the Tornado touches down, but it has avoided the path of the Tornado then all your brain hears is “ca-ching, ca-ching”, and if your funeral home is unlucky and gets blown to smithereens then you hope that you are overinsured rather than underinsured so that you have better bargaining position with the adjuster.
Note Lloyd’s officials in the cc section. See if you can first of all get them to comment on whether the ban has been lifted, and it might help you to jump to point 6.
Second, both the diamond gem and industrial diamond market which includes the world’s drilling industry is a huge market, and the biggest player in the world in the drilling industry since the turn of the last century is the family of the man on the right, Oppenheimer.
Third, their principal holdings De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] are the most diversified conglomerate on the planet and most of their acquisitions, in fact 90% are conducted “off balance sheet”, and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by the 90%.
Fourth, they won the game when they were not prosecuted for their war crimes at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals
Fifth, if you want to know why the Israelis have failed to hold the DAAC’s feet to the fire
and you can’t figure it out from reading scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, then of course you should ask me who joined the DAAC officially on 47th Street New York City in early spring 1979 after a year long orientation that was directly supervised by Nick Oppenheimer’s father Harry.
Of course, you should ask the vocal opposition to the Israeli government if any of their leadership are bought – CLICK HERE.
Six, beginning in the early 1990s, Lloyd’s which plays a pivotal role in setting insurance rates worldwide going back to their very beginnings back in 1774, same year as Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations and two years before the US Declaration of Independence where not far from the start, “All men are created equal…” is reference to the “savage” native Americans, implemented a ban prohibiting American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s.
This ban which was not kept a secret didn’t prevent Lloyd’s from continuing to sell their insurance products to Americans and American Corporations. In other words, Lloyds-De Beers-Barclays were right in the face of the US Congress and the US President who had to counteract this most extraordinary body blow and bloody nose.
We were supporting the money laundering by the world’s most wildly successful monopolist, the backbone of the South African Apartheid Regime who ruled with a diamond studded iron fist, over the majority black South African population for a period of 46 uninterrupted years during which time they wiped out all opposition to their future puppet Nelson Mandela.
Mandela came to power in 1994. There was no coincidence in the timing unless you believe that everything is a coincidence.
Both Putin and Oppenheimer were also fully aware that Senator Barack Obama visited South Africa for the first time just a couple of weeks before that meeting in Cape Town, and Obama came away “empty handed” other than his hands were not clean. His failure to call attention to the misdeeds of Oppenheimer showed that he was the perfect candidate to be the next President of the United States.
There is of course much more to this story including Uranium One, but I would think this is enough for you to chew on.
It only takes one good person to end all this pretense that is destroying the world.
Hope you are the right person.
I would think it shouldn’t take you more than a day to do your research and get back to me; and in the meantime I will copy you on my follow up to Dershowitz. Part 1 of Grounded in something good – CLICK HERE
PS – You should not be surprised that a great many New York Times reporters, including Jo Becker are already fully up to speed with the importance of that meeting and the fact that they have not discussed it with you, and that would also mean the editors of the NY Times, would indicate to me they have only an agenda of keeping the information from you.
It would also probably be wrong to assume they have restrained themselves from capitalizing on the information while adding bunches of noise to help with the distraction.
As you must know Jo Becker’s April 23, 2015 article, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal, 1 month and 26 years after the NY Times published the highly informative feature story, Harry Oppenheimer’s Empire: Going for the Gold which seemingly went over all the rich people’s head, and the poor as you know can barely find the time to breath, immediately got a lot of TV coverage and I would know, not because I watch TV which I don’t, as I dont have a TV connection but she and I were communicating on that day over email.
Given how her “attention span” which was short to begin with, got stripped down to bare bones once I introduced myself, I didn’t provide her with my knowledge of one of the directors of Uranium One, South African Terry Rosenberg 
who I had intimate business dealings with soon after he became chief executive officer in the late 1980s of South African billionaire Jonathan Beare’s Prefcor Holdings-McCarthy Retail; and one of Rosenberg’s first deals was acquiring a golf club manufacturing company, Avenger whose aluminum-bronze golf club heads were manufactured the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime’s principal weapons manufacturer, ARMSCOR.
BTW, the funny thing is when you ask South Africans, and now I am only talking about white educated South Africans what they know about the German-South African Oppenheimer they all tell you, “Of course, I knew when I was 15 years old that they ran everything”. So when you next run into a white South African, if they give you different answer please let me know.
In fact the most educated white South Africans as well as the most educated British who attended their prestiges Oxford, Cambridge, and never to forget the biggest nonsense of them all, London School of Economics, were completely clueless about the gun-money power of De Beers-Oppenheimer.
You must be wanting to know why?
It is because the Oppenheimers said publicly that they opposed the South African Apartheid Regime and to reinforce their words, they made sure that they were the largest financial contributors to the opposition parties.
Their South African media lapped it up and so did everyone else.
Could you see our ancestor chimpanzees behaving so stupid?
Below is me in Las Vegas, standing next to a full set of Avenger golf clubs.
The photo was taken by Jonathan Beare’s favorite nephew, Derrick Beare who I will mention more of in a moment.
It is worth spending a few moments studying the “Professional Details” of Rosenberg, who is not Jewish because he is a born-again Christian:
Director | International Facility Services Pty Ltd
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 2012 – present
Director | The Sharks Pty Ltd
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 2012 – present
Chairman | Oakbrook Holdings
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 2010 – present
Chairman | Oakbrook Investments
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 1999 – present
Director | ECN telecoms
Johannesburg, South Africa | 2008 – 2011
Chairman | SA Bio Products
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 2006 – 2009
Director | Uranium One
Toronto, Canada | 2006 – 2010
Director | Relyant Retail
Johannesburg, South Africa | 1997 – 2002
Director | AECI
Johannesburg, South Africa | 1995 – 1997
Director | Anglo American Industrial Corporation
Johannesburg, South Africa | 1994 – 1998
Director | Munich Re-Insurance
Johannesburg, South Africa | 1994 – 2004
Chief Executive Officer & Deputy Chairman | McCarthy Retail Limited
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 1992 – 1999
Chair and Chief Executive Officer | Prefcor Holdings Ltd
Kwa-Zulu, South Africa | 1988 – 1993
Country Managing Partner | Arthur Andersen SA
Johannesburg, South Africa | 1986 – 1987
Managing Director | Arthur Andersen SA
Durban | 1983 – 1986
Of course if you were as familiar as I am with the spider’s web of the DAAC’s holdings which include the dynamite monopoly AECI [African Explosives and Chemical Industries] which got its new name in 1944, you might now be wondering what was a “nice Christian boy” doing with “Nice Jewish boy” Jonathan Beare who continued to allow Rosenberg’s poor management skills to run Prefcor-McCarthy Retail right into the ground, given the strong reaction of J. Beare once Derrick Beare who was my best friend, and I presented him in person with the malfeasance of Rosenberg.
It all took place in J. Beare’s Westwood, Los Angeles’ offices as the 3 of us sat around a glass circular table in the conference room which of course Derrick Beare and myself were most familiar with as we were J. Beare’s great party house in Bel-Air.
It had taken many months and much traveling around the world including a trip to South Africa, but finally Derrick and I managed to get Rosenberg to part with the shareholder’s agreement he had entered into with his church buddies who were running Avenger.
J. Beare’s famous words, “Heads you win, tails I lose.”
A good decade later, I would use similar words, Heads up, you lose. Tails we all lose – in the title of my first article published in the Jerusalem Post on February 1, 2001, 12 days following the pardon by President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton of DAAC terrorist financier Marc Rich. This article was actually an “open letter” to American-Israeli-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard; and the first sentence explained it clearly:
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
Do you have any idea how much anti-Semitism was spread throughout South Africa following the Prefcor-McCarthy Retail debacle which made little dent in Teflon Don Jonathan Beare’s wealth?
You obviously hadn’t heard of me.
Do you ever get the feeling that there are a great many selfish people in the world who are keeping the information to themselves and yet the number of journalist and filmmakers and lawyers and accountants and physicists and medical doctors, and real estate developers and banks and insurance companies and waiters, and espresso makers with fancy Italian name Barista keep exploding much like what continues with the Big Bang?
There really does not appear to be any way for the human to escape.
Even heroin and pot have atoms.
Okay, you feel for a moment that your soul has possibly been cleansed because you didn’t know all this, but now you are back in the real world and wondering what you are going to do next?
I have a lot of knowledge and know a great many important people throughout the world and that is not because I have a Facebook account and find the time to communicate with a whole bunch of people who have nothing else going on in their lives other than talking crap and making out like they know so much.
Then again, and I don’t need to be reminded, even the smallest ant in the world has a purpose even if its ultimate job after reaching its full strength is to turn human remains into compost which is the most positive thing the human contributes, wouldn’t you agree?
[Word count 2212]
On Aug 6, 2018, at 8:25 PM, COCHRANE, Joe <> wrote:
Not sure if you meant this message for me, but no. I have never been to South Africa and no nothing of the photo.
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Date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:16 AM
Subject: READER MAIL: Joe Cochrane
From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:16 AM
Subject: READER MAIL: Joe Cochrane
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Are you familiar with the photo of President Putin taken in South Africa on September 5, 2006?