I never said that
Screenshot of fb wall: 5:58 PM Calif. time. Monday 13 June 2022
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Title: Pick up a gun and kill a Russian or Ukrainian.
The Ukrainians are being killed left and right; that is so sad.
What is happening to the world?
Is Zelenskyy going to give in?
How many youths will be sacrificed? They are the future.
All these kids that have died; they showed up the world.
What does it mean when the people say, “ For the future of our kids!”? It means absolutely nothing.
Putin could do the same thing again, break any future agreement.
A guerrilla war forever? And then they get raised with all this hatred; makes them just killers amongst the rubble. Pick up a gun and kill a Russian or Ukrainian.
Nobody thinks about the youth.
This war could have been over before it started if Ukraine got their planes.
A study of World War II; it is more technical and more brutal when you don’t see who you are killing.
Up to 200 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed every day by Russian forces, Zelenskyy aide says
Scott Coleman, Monica Palermo and 3 others
Gary Gevisser
Can you imagine killing someone at 18?
Mikhail Bakunin
Gary Gevisser Can you imagine being your age, and not understanding the geo-politics of this conflict..
Gary Gevisser
Mikhail Bakunin, yes, I am so naive.Please explain them to me, while giving your “military economics” background.
I have gone back to our dialogue on fb messaging which ended on 17 September last year with me asking you 2 questions:
Do you feel you have the intelligence, sensitivity to recognize that even though you too missed the so obvious calamity of the GDP?
Are you simply too plagued with jealousy?
I think you need to revisit the conversation.
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Algirdas Zuk
West “partners” now are responsible for every life lost in Ukraine. Ukraine defenders could already finish this with proper weapons…
Gary Gevisser
Algirdas Zuk notice how quiet is talker Mikhail Bakunin who knows he can’t explain without my help the “geo-politics of this conflict”.He thought he could ignore all that he had previously learned from me and simply attack attack attack, thinking that I would cower.
The big ego of the unaccomplished human who is first of all someone who cannot learn and generally out of shape as they have selfishly allowed their body to turn to rot by ingesting poison foods full of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) prevents them from ending the cycle of violence they impose on themselves and just lash out as you would expect from a bully.
There are also individuals who like someone lashing out at them, being right in their faces as it helps the brain forget all the previous abuse by others as well as the abuse they impose on their own bodies due to their laziness in not taking responsibility for what they eat and drink.
You are what you eat and the company you keep.
You see this a lot with animal rights activists, human rights activists and the such.
You would expect them to be more open minded; meaning, in a constant search of truth.
The internet provides the solution in seeing what makes each of us tick.
Even you Algirdis Zuk are contributing to the confusion when failing to acknowledge the one specific weapon system I articulated at the start; namely, this war could have been over before it started if Ukraine got their planes.
There is no need to go on talking in general terms about weapons or equally vague “west partners…” when the logical approach is to focus on who in the west saw to it that Ukraine would have no air defense system at the start while trickling in sufficient other weapons to ensure a lot of human carnage and infrastructure destruction to make way for future construction of Airbnb rentals, Casinos bringing in high rollers to afford the luxury penthouses, and the dead are replaced with a memorial that doesn’t take up much space or require significant upkeep.
You have shown yourself no better than Bakunin.
Fortunately there is a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) watching over this pitiful circus.
Gary Gevisser
Zuk I notice your pitiful emoji.What is your education and experience since beginning to talk?
Algirdas Zuk
Gary Gevisser I agree with you, but so what? My generalized opinion on this is 1. West must give heavy weapons asap unanimously. 2. Nor Zelensky nor any other Ukrainian now will stop till death for every step of the land and for every person killed or raped. And it’s a fair stand. This is a fight between Good and Evil in it’s purest form. There is no future for young people in the Evil. That’s what this nation stands for. And if you asking for Zelensky to give in – you are promoting for Evil… so just stop poking fingers and criticizing others. Here is the fund for military aid to Ukraine – prove your point: https://blue-yellow.lt/en
VšĮ „Mėlyna ir geltona“ – Blue/YellowVšĮ „Mėlyna ir geltona“ – Blue/Yellow
Algirdas Zuk
Gary Gevisser you can also enlist as volunteer fighter.
Gary Gevisser
Algirdas Zuk you are a clown at best.You are no different to those who want Ukrainians crushed when you dare to suggest that I’m in favor of Zelenskyy giving in.
You are deflecting.
You are doing the bidding of the people behind Zelenskyy not having a solid air defense system in place at the start which leads back to those puppets in charge of Ukraine who handed Ukraine’s nuclear weapons to Russia; a move of incredible stupidity, other than they were puppets of the money people who are the people who control the minerals.
You encouraging people to give money is playing right into the hands of those controlling the minerals who control the politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths.
Of course I’m not talking to you who isn’t going to change your mind, especially if you are bought.
Zelenskyy now needs to speak clearly before he gets sick and dies.
I’m optimistic he will or someone like Elon Musk will do it for him.
All we can do is help HER.
Algirdas Zuk
Gary Gevisser start doing something.
Gary Gevisser
Algirdas Zuk I am. I’m exposing you.Again, tell us about your background, education and experience in the minerals market, and then explain what and where you gained your knowledge of “military economics”.
I also note that you continue your deflection when not conceding how wrong it is to throw money at the problem.
Zelenskyy must get the message and not wait for cowards to weigh in with support.
He can’t afford to lose another moment.
Algirdas Zuk
Gary Gevisser you are talking nonsenses and going personal… just troubled mind. time to kick you out from friends
Brien Emard
It’s good to hear that progress is being made.
Gary Gevisser
Brien Emard another one who talks in generalities.
Monica Palermo
Brien Emard Progress to what end? The creation of fatherless children and orphans?
Gary Gevisser
Monica Palermo that’s more like it.It is the women who need to tell it the way it is.
Most men don’t have good mothers and so it is necessary to explain things to them that don’t bruise their fragile egos unless embarrassment is all that is left.
Btw, Monica are you aware of the high likelihood, like 99.9999%, that my writings to Matt Damon’s Hollywood lawyers, detailing the fatal flaws in Swiss journalist, Daniel Ammann’s best seller, King Of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, caused Matt Damon and John Krazinski to back out?
How difficult is it to access the complicity of all of the media with the deafening silence that followed?
Statistically, do you understand the significance?
A major blockbuster movie is shut down because the protagonist, Marc Rich who received a pardon on Clinton’s last day as President, 20 January 2001, is not who he says he is?
The title of the book is very clear; The Secret Lives and they left out that Rich was a puppet.
What if puppet Marc Rich didn’t know he was a puppet?
Monica, do you see all of Hollywood-Madison Avenue inevitably unraveling or is your focus how to resolve not thinking how the money is priced and not either learning about it in your early teens or figuring it out on your own?
Monica, do you see all the forces at play to hide such an important truth which is in plain sight?
Who are you going to trust next with the truth when you decide to turn on the tv and radio?
Naturally, you are going to be quieter.
Envision everyone quiet, won’t that be nice?
ActiveGary Gevisser
Monica Palermo, just earlier, after I responded to you at 3:55 PM Calif. time, “… won’t that be nice?” you placed up an emojii with a tear coming down the left cheek of the sad face.Had you read “I never said that” which I posted at 2:05 PM addressing, “… and the interpretation is vague enough …”?
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Gary Gevisser
Norma-Jean Garza
Lisa Johnston
Errol Graham Musk
Ellen Ericksen
Solly Krok
Sofiaan Fraval
Lynne Karen Bentel
Zorair Veganian Tahmasian
Bon Vegans
Randy Powell
Gary Gevisser
Lew Joubert
Alan Yudelman
Tomer Tene
Michael E. V. Knight
Richard Poplak
Lindie Botha
Les Films de Lisa Azuelos
Des Lindberg
Patsy Cline
Jeffrey Essakow
Gary Gevisser
It is now 11:46 AM Calif time, Monday 13 June 2022.Title: Why bet against yourself?
@elonmusk you must care. A poor diet will make you depressed. Without forgetting the damage to the kids, follow logic-truth at all times and you can’t go wrong.
You have been given gifts that extend back very far in order to overcome all
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Gary Gevisser
Notice how Algirdis Zuk, the monotonous human, ducked, “Gary Gevisser you are talking nonsenses and going personal… just troubled mind. time to kick you out from friends” following, “… He can’t afford to lose another moment.”I bet he continues to watch like the rest of you and waiting for the first of you to say, “How the fuck did I not get it right? How the fuck did no one else think to ask ‘How is the money priced?’ How the fuck outside of ingenious coding of human DNA does everyone’s ego prevent them from saving the lives of the 18 year olds while protecting what’s left of the planet from Airbnb rentals, luxury penthouses and Casinos to entertain and distract from who prices the money?”.
Norma-Jean Garza can you explain why you keep giving multiple “thumbs up” while saying nothing about your own denial?
“Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient doesn’t make you a good parent” ~ MDG
MDG ~ “Being non-confrontational is no excuse for bad judgment!”
“People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” ~ MDG
You have to think this mass psychosis of stupidity cannot be by chance, the same with QM’s Double-Slit experiment that says we along with our mechanical observing instruments are being watched.
People though who are all about the money would rather die than let go of their ego.
Imagine if you all do end your lives being united in such ugliness when the Internet allows for all this suffering to end in the next instant.
Who wants to sound like this ignoramus, what’s his name, Algirdis Zuk?
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Gary Gevisser
Title: I never said thatPeople are going to lose their vocabulary with all these emojis, like this “astonished” look Norma-Jean Garza just gave following, “… what’s his name, Algirdis Zuk”; and the interpretation is vague enough, “I never said that”.
Norma, do you remember writing to me “Wow!! Since I was little I ALWAYS questioned subjects like how money is priced and so many other inquisitive questions about life outside of the matrix we are placed in. I want out!” after I asked right before “Do you know how the money is priced?”, and yet you still haven’t answered my repeated follow up question, “Did you find your answer?”.
Worth repeating also that no one would have begun their university economic-finance-law studies if they had asked and got answered that most important question, unless they were like me, aiming to get hired right after university by the individual so transparently responsible for the pricing of the money, and feeling no conscience, because Harry Oppenheimer saw the human masses as having no morals.
Who thinks Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nicholas are wrong?
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser
It is now 2:09 PM, still 13 June.More important than than the question of how Harry Oppenheimer would feel today, is the reaction to such important knowledge.
It is not their own analysis; they stopped short; they thought they were “movers”, a “voice”.
The people are lonely. A cause gets them a lot of attention.
But now we are talking about this pricing of fly away money reaching far and wide.
Who wants to end their life which could be in the next instant, stupid?
Gary Gevisser
If you are stupid, you can’t expect to figure out what comes next.Is there anything bigger that you missed?
It doesn’t get bigger for a money-me society than how the money is priced.
It is 2:19 PM.
Gary Gevisser
Christine Cline
Gerald Katz
Richard Henry Whitehurst
Tony Leon
Clifford Benn
Trevor Abramson
Trevor Goldberg
Dan Tollman
Harold Schenk
Marion Brivik
Alan Brivik
Jennifer Bruyns Neethling
Gary Gevisser
Mervyn Brivik
Roy Essakow
Kimbal Musk
Gary Gevisser
It is now 2:39 PMhttps://twitter.com/garygev…/status/1536462788750585856…
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Gary Gevisser
Cognitive dissonance takes on global importance, although it is bigger than that but we don’t want to overemphasize the distinct possibility there is a smarter intelligence than the poor listener human, once learning how the money is priced, and no one wants to go there.Instead they just can’t wait to hear more talk about the latest billionaire and their lifestyle and tribulations with illnesses and diseases.
Btw does anyone know if the entertainer Bieber got vaxed?
Do you think Bieber’s mental state will improve once hearing how the money is priced and distributed first to the least doing good who are counted on to distract or do you think Bieber won’t want to go there?
Gary Gevisser
It is now 3:06 PMhttps://twitter.com/garygev…/status/1536469310939353088…
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Christine Cline
Gary Gevisser what is the point of tagging me in this? am m I to magically save others when I cannot save myself?
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, most people are on fb to make money connections and spy on their friends.The young, healthy people just want to have sex which is normal.
They shouldn’t be interested in the money especially when it is totally manipulated by the biggest thieves which if you figured it out then you wouldn’t be so defensive, again just like the rest.
The fact that the spoils of war which take the lives of 18 year olds on both sides are not shared equally is a very important point which again you should have realized because you pride yourself on you high intellect.
Why are you distracting when you could be reading, learning and asking me intelligent questions?
Did you have an intelligent Latin teacher? I did.
Do you want to read more
or would you simply support getting at the truth why Mr. Zelenshyy didn’t get planes ahead of the Russian invasion?
Do you understand why it is more feasible to get every Russian soldier who quits and crosses over to the Ukrainian side a free Tesla and the Russian generals a truck, if they prefer, rather than this fighting continue and the people backing both sides continue to get filthy rich and spending the earth?
Do you see people’s ego interferring with their logic to the point that they will distract in order to keep their peace of mind that they are not that stupid?
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, you just this minute, 5:27 PM you responded to what I replied to your sickly writings, “… not that stupid” with with a big laugh emoji.My response to you was 10 minutes earlier, and so I assume that was enough time for you to read my reply.
Maybe you also saw and studied what I sent at 5:23 PM to Monica Palermo:
just earlier, after I responded to you at 3:55 PM Calif. time, “… won’t that be nice?” you placed up an emojii with a tear coming down the left cheek of the sad face.
Had you read “I never said that” which I posted at 2:05 PM addressing, “… and the interpretation is vague enough …”?
Christine Cline
Gary Gevisser and I am an American that struggles to survive on little to no food on a daily basis. As such I know all to well that food is not free. My apartment is furnished with dumpster finds and the cheapest things I can get in the few and far between times I can get it. You act as if every american is a rich money chaser with no concern for anyone else. so are so caught up in your own chosen “causes” that you don’t even discriminate between WHO you are talking to.
I do have a high intellect. I also have empathy for others and choose my audience. I am also all too aware that I am losing the survival battle and thus cannot save anyone. Knowledge is not food, shelter, clothes, transportation or anything else people need. Nor is a material resource. You rant about the rich while living well yourself.
Christine Cline
Gary Gevisser And because of health issues I type slowly. And I have other irons in the fire besides just responding to you. Must be nice to be so privileged that you have the luxury to rant about other people’s privilege even as you ignore the poor.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline would you agree that there is something mentally wrong with a person who doesn’t say thank you for giving them information about the money that decides everything, rich, poor, wars and violence?Instead you vulgarly choose to attack.
Is this the way your mother spoke?
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, obviously you don’t type that slowly.It took you less than 2 minutes to type 47 odd words, “… you ignore the poor”.
You also know that you are lying when you say those ugly words.
Is this the way your mother spoke?
Christine Cline
Gary Gevisser no I don’t agree. Just because you have all that free time does not mean everyone else on the planet does. And it seems that your rant about privilege is dishonest as you ignore the unprivileged all around you.
this is not you caring about others. this is you pretending to care. You complain about my not fawning over your rants while responding in such a way as to make it clear you did not bother to read what I wrote to understand it and respond accordingly. If you truly cared you would not ignore the poor right in your face. As I said I cannot change this society. I cannot save myself so I sure as heck can’t save anyone else. Have the cutesy to rant to people with privilege like yourself instead of ranting to the poor.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline why do you persist in lying ” as you ignore the unprivileged all around you.”Have you ever had a successful love relationship in your life?
What don’t you like about me explaining in simple English that it is the pricing of the money by the people who have stolen the minerals before your very eyes which is why there are poor, mental cases and the such?
I think it is your ego.
People would rather die than let go of their ego.
47 words in less than 2 minutes is pretty fantastic for someone who talks so much shit.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, it is now 5:47 PM, don’t you have something better to do?On your way out, would you remove yourself as a fb friend, so that you won’t be tagged in the future.
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Vaarg Gregersen
Now does everyone regret not letting hitler invade Russia??