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I only debate people who agree with me ~ Everybody is great – Part 1

I only debate people who agree with me ~ Everybody is great
Date: May 27, 2019 at 7:10:44 PM PDT
To: “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>
Cc: rest; Simon Bull – FB friend <>, Elon Musk <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>, “Ugly Billy \”I hear that your mother is in perfectly good hands\” Jacobs – No longer FB friend” <>,British Embassy – Israel <>, “” <>, JFK Library Textual Archives <>, “Gillian Slovo -daughter of assassinated Ruth First, whose husband and father of Gillian was Joe Slovo, a South African politician, an opponent of the apartheid system. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).” <>, Oprah <>
Screenshot: 17:35 Calif. time May 27, 2019 
The Coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow, when you now look at Simon Bull’s FB wall and compare it to the screenshot taken at 17:35 – see below – you will see that he has done a lot of censorship which I have attempted to address, but given the attention to detail you observe in my writings and photos and which you used – scroll to the bottom – against surfer Paul Tomson who doesn’t look all that great considering his age unless you have kept him in the surf along with the nuclear radiation, you shouldn’t have trouble following.
Screenshot: 17:35 Calif. time May 27, 2019 
Thanks to Eileen Workman for sharing this on another page. What an amazing quote. How could I have NOT seen this before. It should be hanging over the entrance to every high school and university . . .
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Simon Bull I suspect that Einstein did not actually say this, but it SOUNDS GOOD. Here’s something that he definitely DID say though

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person – Einstein


Gary Gevisser Simon Bull that is a true otherwise you are a master of nothing

So Bull what are you dedicated to?


Brianna Rae There’s a whole page on Wikipedia dedicated to verifying alllllllllll the mystic quotes that are falsely attributed Einstein, and correcting who actually said them. 

Because people will give weight to quotes/wisdoms if it says they’re from Einstein


Simon Bull I have noticed this Bri. And have become far more suspicious of quotes attributed to Einstein for this very reason. At the current rate of attribution of wisdom to Einstein he could quite easily become a GOD in the near future. In fact we are seeing, how this very thing may have occurred through attribution in the past. We are the people in the God Factory


Brianna Rae Lol wouldn’t be surprised if he did! Yep, we are certainly the god makers


Simon Bull Brianna Rae how’s that supply of plastic God Heads coming along Bri? I notice that production line three seems to be a bit slow this morning. Can you sprinkle some angel sparkles on the brain wave wobulator?



Christopher Le Breton Yes. Good point. I would like to see verifiable references mandatory for all quotes!


Simon Bull Christopher Le Breton Good luck with that. We have entered the Age that I call the McLuhan Paradox. The medium is the massage BUT the content of the medium is now OFF THE CHARTS, So what about that?
Marcus Gaillard Simon Bull he’s already a God in the pantheon of materialist reductionism.


Marcus Gaillard Simon Bull by god it’s ALIVE!!!!! 😬


Christopher Le Breton I would love the medium to be the massage Simon Bull. I fear that you mean the medium is the message. Less somatically sensual!


Simon Bull Christopher Le Breton copied from Wikipedia: The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects is a book co-created by media analyst Marshall McLuhan and graphic designer Quentin Fiore, and coordinated by Jerome Agel. It was published by Bantam books in 1967 and became a bestseller with a cult following
Image may contain: 1 person, text


Jane Cajdler Wow 😮


Simon Bull I am suspicious about the double use of the word “souls”. It is clunky, and I do nto think Einstein would use such clunky phraseology. Consider this slight edit as being a better version

We are dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies 
are the instruments through which our souls play their music”

Now doesn’t that just FLOW so much better? I cannot see Einstein over-using the word “souls” twice in a sentence, and hence I cam calling in the sniffer robot.


Marcus Gaillard pity he was a paid agent and fraud. his mathematics is nonsense.


Hide 22 Replies
Simon Bull I seem to remember from my own research that Einstein was indeed being monitored by the FBI and secret service agencies during the time he was in America. There are MANY public intellectuals and journalists who have been cited as being on the payroll of such agencies in the America of the 20th and I would imagine 21st Century. However I do not believe that Einstein was among them. The fact that he was an outspoken opponent or at the least a conscientious objector to Nazism would suggest that, on the whole Einstein was not one who went along with the dictates of the security state, and indeed his stated philosophies repeatedly point to the fact that indeed he was a free thinker unregulated and uncompromised in his intellectual explorations.

I would draw your attention to the fact that Einstein’s original theories were published in Germany and Europe in the early 20th Century. The significance of his first paper and writings were altogether revolutionary and ground breaking. These have been acknowledged by the greatest minds of both his generation and subsequent as being impeccable. Therefore please allow me to make a few references here. You can check these in a number of locations including but limited to Wikipedia. If you have any argument that any of these theories or ideas are somehow fraudulent, please do take this up with me here – or elsewhere Marcus. I would be happy to discuss

In 1905, Einstein proposed the existence of the photon, an elementary particle associated with electromagnetic radiation (light), which was the foundation of quantum theory 

In 1909, Einstein showed that the photon carries momentum as well as energy and that electromagnetic radiation must have both particle-like and wave-like properties if Plank’s Law holds true. This was a forerunner of the principle of wave-particle duality. He would go on to receive the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for this work

in 1905 Einstein developed a theory of Brownian Motion in terms of fluctuations in the number of molecular collisions with an object, providing further evidence that matter was composed of atoms. A few weeks earlier, he had derived the Einstein relation for diffusion, which was the first example of the general fluctuation dissipation theorum. and allowed a good estimate of the Avogadro Constant. (Apparently Avocadoes have been very popular ever since, but this has nothing to do with Einstein Marcus Gaillard

In 1905, Einstein developed the theory of Special Relativity, which reconciled the relativity of motion with the observed constancy of the Speed of Light a paradox of 19th-century physics). Special relativity is now a core principle of physics. Its counterintuitive predictions that moving clocks run more slowly that moving objects are shortened in their direction of motion (nothing to do with Bill Shorten Marcus) and that the order of events is not absolute have been confirmed experimentally.

In 1905, Einstein developed his concept of Mass-energy Equivalence. It’s relation E=mc2 suggested that matter is a form of energy, which was later verified by the mass defect in atomic nuclei. The energy released in nuclear reactions – which is essential for nuclear power and nuclear weapons – can be estimated from such mass defects.

In 1907 and again in 1911, Einstein developed the first Quantum Theory of Specific Heats by generalizing Planck’s law. His theory resolved a paradox of 19th Century Physics that specific heats were often smaller than could be explained by any classical theory. His work was also the first to show that Plank’s Quantum Mechanical Law E=hν was a fundamental law of physics, and not merely special to blackbody radiation

Between 1907 and 1915, Einstein developed the theory of General Relativity, a classical field theory of gravitation hat provides the cornerstone for modern astrophysics and cosmology. General relativity is based on the surprising idea that time and space dynamically interact with matter and energy, and has been checked experimentally in many ways, confirming its predictions of matter affecting the flow of time, frame dragging, black holes and gravitational waves. 

In 1917, Einstein published the idea for the Einstein-Brillouin-Keller Method for finding the Quantum Mechanical version of a classical system.The famous Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom is a simple example, but the EBK method also gives accurate predictions for more complicated systems, such as the dinuclear citations H2 and and HeH 2

In 1918, Einstein developed a general theory of the process by which atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation (his A and B coefficients) which is the basis of lasers (stimulated emissions) and shaped the development of modern Quantum Electrodynamics, the best-validated physical theory at present. 

In 1924, together with Satyendra Nath Bose, Einstein developed the theory of Bose-Einstein Statistics and Bose-Einstein Condensates, which form the basis for superfluidity, superconductivity, and other phenomena 

In 1935, together with Boris Padolsky and Nathan Rosen Einstein put forward what is now known as the EPR Paradox and argued that the quantum-mechanical wave function must be an incomplete description of the physical world. 

In the final thirty years of his life, Einstein explored whether various classical unified field theories could account for both electromagnetism and gravitation and, possibly, quantum mechanics. However, his efforts were unsuccessful, since those theories did not match experimental observations.


Simon Bull Marcus Gaillard, I have copied and pasted what I believe are relevant sections from Wikipedia to create the outline offered and proferred above. If Einstein is a fraud then I can only pray that I too I should become such a fraud. With an output and work ethic like Einstein’s, I really do not see that he needed to be a “fraud” (not sure how you are defining the term.) 

Einistein’s genius and dedication seem to have been enough to win him all the women, fame and money that he needed to live a spectacularly fabulous life – by and large – and there is no reason to suggest that he was a fraud, from what I can see, other than that his ideas were ground breaking and revolutionary.



Stephen Gipps Yeah but he didn’t invent the avocado……soooo. that was the famous Spanish explorer who settled in Australia a few years back who was without transport in the mainland. Upon arrival he was calling for a train but his mates were beckoning , pleading with him. Forget the train. Why? 
Coz they – have a car, doh!


Marcus Gaillard Simon Bull now tell me how mathematics holds us to the ground and the Earth in “orbit”. Then tell me how “space-time” is real and was derived by the Scientific Method. Garbage. I rest my case.


Marcus Gaillard Einstein was a clown.


Marcus Gaillard (He’s not my guru)


Simon Bull Marcus Gaillard I dunno nuthin


Killian O’Brien Sometimes those you need to block wear big neon signs…


Marcus Gaillard me either. 🦋❤️🙏


Fiona Mclennan Marcus who is your “guru”?


Marcus Gaillard god. I am not religious.


Fiona Mclennan I note heavy condemnation with very little refuting of the extensive body of work Simon only partially offerred.

It interests me what is real for you – and how the work of Einstein conflicts with that


Marcus Gaillard truth wins. not what men have decided.


Fiona Mclennan Well we agree there.
God as guru.
Not religious.


Marcus Gaillard abstract mathematical formulation is not reality. questions?


Marcus Gaillard tell me how space-time actually bends space and time. tell me of the mechanism of action for Gravity. it’s all nonsense for the masses.


Marcus Gaillard I’ll not debate all day.


Fiona Mclennan It is not how I relate to the world naturally either.

Yet I admire it and resonate with the truth of sacred geometry and mathematics as a way to understand the construct of reality.
See More


Fiona Mclennan I understand why you call it nonsense – but there are many spokes to the hub of the wheel?

The hub being God.
See More


Fiona Mclennan Clearly I can’t answer your question because I am not naturally detailed oriented about reality.

But I appreciate those who are.


Mary Nash-Pyott i knew that. I extrapolated it from reversing his theory of Relativity. It was obvious. I used it to crack-up audiences while i was tuning my guitar. Part of my patter. Fun!


Simon Bull Good one Mary. I would have expected no less from you


Mary Nash-Pyott they would laugh because first i took them to the opposite extreme of the speed of light: utter stillness.

if mass becomes infinite accelerated to the speed of light, it struck me that stillness could cause us to blink out of existence.

then if you accelerate us, say, at 1000 mph (our speed of rotation), fling us around the sun at a few 100,000 mph, then hurl us around the Milky Way as the Milky Way hurtles around some even more distant center. That’s FAST. We sit here, drink coffee and don’t realize we are holograms, completely existent ONLY because of our velocity.

isn’t that a HOOT?



Mary Nash-Pyott i feel incredibly blessed for the view. 

it’s kinda spectacular from here 😉


Stephen Gipps Is that a typo…..”message” ?


Simon Bull Stephen Gipps nope… THAT… is the title of McLuhan’s book. Which is why i posted here. Most people think that it is “message” when in fact it is Massage”


Stephen Gipps Simon Bull …I thought as much but I don’t quite get it. What exactly is the “massage.” Exactamundo or some other proximation.


Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, you must have heard of the Apartheid Regime. Their most eloquent opponents were on their team

A lot of these South Africans found fertile ground in former penal colony Australia which is probably a plus until they helped quieten you

Big positive happened yesterday which you will hear about shortly on my group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane.

Btw Simon Bull have you responded to my previous comeback?

Do you have fb friends questioning you directly as to the delay?

What have you learned so far from both The Diamond Invention book and The Sunlit years written by Bank of England official Gordon Richdale?

How come in all your writings since all this important information, much more pertinent than feel good generalizations are conspicuously absent ?

Are you aware that the entire liberal establishment in Apartheid South Africa whose governors decided what you were educated at school and how much your profession pays including if you are only a trust fund kid, was bought and nor did they end their influence at the South Africa’s border crossings?

Can you explain what you think happens to the human when it chooses denial?

Isn’t it wonderful that social media today can flush out all the hypocrites in an instant

If only one person reads this it is one better educated person who makes the rest a whole lot more anxious and less likely to be violent.
Of course there were a handful of exceptions amongst the liberal establishment of South Africa which only tells you what bad monsters were the rest

With such huge quantities you must surely think God guides the current leadership as well.
Simon BullTina Lloyd, the two of you are not my only fb friends who are highly talkative.

What else you have in common with everyone else is that you failed to recognize the fatal flaws in the economic system and so why not support an exhaustive inv
estigation into the science of water?

Water is made up of 2 particles which on their own float with and into the air we breath

Water when freezes expands which is quite the opposite of other materials

Also when it freezes it floats on its warmer parts which no doubt help keep it afloat

Then there is evidence that positive thoughts produce much prettier looking water crystals than negative thoughts

There is also evidence that it goes deeper than that, that water has memory

If water has memory then it has knowledge and that would mean it would know if this was a good or bad universe

If we are not going to be able to answer that question, which seems improbable at the moment, then the conclusion based on the evidence we see is the destruction of nature caused by stupid people who are quick to call everyone else but themselves stupid, failing to recognize prior to becoming such stupid talkative humans the fatal flaws of the fundamental economic index GDP which drives the building of roads and houses which destroy nature which we are part of

Nor can you find comfort that the world’s top economists since the introduction of GDP in 1934 were either too stupid or bought to educate you all and still just because some of them were bought can’t explain the total stupidity of the rest of you

Unless there is a higher purpose to all your stupidity 

That is why I’m proposing a definitive study of water which brings together the world’s best scientists and I’m talking about tens of millions of them including those keeping quiet about the secrets of water they have already discovered and that in turn well within a minute, max 24 hours will bring into question why any human can charge for water

Now that would be a good thing 

So what I’m doing publicly is testing your integrity and if it turns that you are all as corrupt as Trump Clintons Obama etc at least you will know and be less talkative which brings quiet all around

Nor do we need to bring in the extraordinary laughable flaws of the economic system which to those of you who already know tells you how stupid is your brain that has you so quiet when not distracting 

With everyone so stupid with few exceptions doesn’t that tell you the genius of nature which must be God

Or does the existence of God be so painful that you would choose ongoing stupidity and then wouldn’t that be all the proof you would need for God’s existence and so let’s all choose stupidity, don’t you think?
I have just moved stupidity to the most used word in the English language 

Feel free to join in
Tina Lloyd Gary Gevisser I would’ve thought fuck was tbh

[Continuing on from Feel free to join in]

Gary Gevisser You stupid and intelligent, why do you think it is okay for my fellow South African countryman to own rockets?

What makes him any better or worse than those who attach nuclear weapons?

What makes you think Musk is not smart enough to build an atomic weapon?

Would you trust him more than Obama Trump Clinton Idi Amin Mr Bone Saw Crown Prince?


Tina Lloyd Gary Gevisser 😳mmmm have thought this myself many times how who decides
Gary Gevisser If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Gary Gevisser They sound positive but they dont contribute to the issue.

They are neutral.

There are two types. There is the voyeur and the other ones distract.
Gary Gevisser Title: Missile right

We are in the process of designing a t-shirt that will bring everyone together, and that means everyone will want to wear it, Obama, Trump, Merkel, Macron, Clintons, his and her, because no one wants to risk another crazy with a m
issile right who decides that if he cant rule the world, Mars, the Moon, etc then he might do ME [Mother Earth] the favor and blow us all up.

Given the silence of everyone, we don’t think anyone will buy it.
If you were not aware that today is the 71st anniversary of the Bank of England, combined with the rest of the world’s central banks executing regime change in mineral rich South Africa in favor of the Apartheid Regime who ruled ruthlessly for an uninterrupted period of 46 years when no less dishonest politicians took over, you really should limit your comments on the subjects of history, economics, military & politics [HEMP] nor does it make you a good philosopher to be ignorant in any of those important subjects which dictate military economics.

Even Proverbs suggests strongly; “It is better to keep quiet and let everyone think you a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt!”

If you consider yourself a knowledgeable person about the History Channel on TV and/or the study of the history but you were not an expert on South African general Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] who lost the rigged South African General Election of May 26, 1948, then you are no expert on history.

Being an expert talker but not knowing what you are talking about is not something you would expect out of a computer and if it happened you would justifiably trash it or send it back to the manufacturer.

What do you do though if you realize that your brain is fried?

Would you eat more Kentucky Fried Chicken even though you know it is unhealthy for your internal organs?

You know of course you can’t flush all internal and external body parts down the toilet which you are doing but this suicide is not exactly harikari which is quicker and less messy to the environment.
Economist, water expert, Dr. Rod Rodney SmithPhd, Jenny Arenstein – FriedmanLawrence KushnerAlfon YoungStan KatzStan MilcMichael E. V. KnightVictor Silver on Ulpan-Gadna training Kibbutz Sde Boker ’72,  Matt LavineChristina Moritsch-Krall “First Line Nobility” of Austria which is what Ms. Moritsch-Krall says is the reason why Hitler allowed her 5th generation Austrian trust fund to remain in tact, without Ms. Moritsch-Krall yet to explain that the “First Line Nobility” only had to do with how her family first got their wealth which was from either performing on the battlefield and/or providing weaponry and/or soldiers for the winning army and that wealth had to be defended at each and every battle going forward, and then holding on to that wealth without however fighting on the frontlines bravely and/or providing weaponry-soldiers from the ranks of the nobility and their peasant farmers, meant simply being reliable informers on the enemy; namely us Jewish people during WW2, Michael Ditz, South African-Israeli Jeremy Perling, head of a kibbutz in Israel, Micha-el FrameGidon FrameNadine Fels FrameTish VorsterErik HolmanHazel FreedNeil De GouveiaNina SenčarMichael Rodd friend/colleague of the South African swimmer Princess of Monaco, Michael BurtsMarjorie Joanne Telasco, Roch Chouinard [no longer FB friend] former head of acquisitions for the Canadian Federal Government overseeing 25 financial analysts and previous to running into me was clueless about how the financial markets work and he was now into retirement, Kim BramanDennis Mulligan, Del Mar real state investor, Neal Jones, South African-Israeli Ministry of Health-Education official Beth IsaacsJane Beth Cantor,Lionel H. PhillipsRobin McMillenRich NaganDiane Aimar HewsonFoster Gamble, an heir of the Proctor Gamble fortune and producer/director/actor THRIVE, Lt. Colonel Israel Air Force, Tomer Tene, still an active reconnaissance pilot for the IAF and Israel’s largest organic produce farmer.
 Martha DixonAnna ZaikinWendy Ann Bouman, my high school history teacher and former RAG queen, Colin WightColin SchachatJared Aufrichtig, Ryan Aufrichtig [no longer FB friend], Bob Gilfoy, Linda Licht [no longer FB friend], Linda Rothbart Shein, Linda CesariBen BrackeenVadim Xomenko highly educated internatioinal Russian lawyer, now an investment banker, Vanessa Chris SommerladMichelle B Dagandaughter of heroic Meir Max Bineth who was turned by fellow Israeli Military Intelligence officer Avri Elad (Avraham Seidenwerg) even before Operation Susannah (spring of 1954) began, and Bineth deciding to commit suicide in his Egyptian cell on December 21, 1954, once realizing that there was no way out for him and he did not want to give the Egyptians the pleasure of hanging him in public, which was the fate awaiting him after conviction, Chemise MichelleJenny TuckerHeidi PretoriusColleen Nicola MuskatLarry Burnett, Andrews Peter, Tony KnightTrent HancockYvette Mason.
Ann KroeberJennifer Bruyns NeethlingHenry William McCarterAbdou DamphaShane AndriesPatricia HerreraPatrick N. McguireMeon SaorSlade VegasNicole GawronskyHazel Rosen, South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry Esq. who was also on Ulpan-Gadna training in ’72 at Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker, Jean Edelstein Gaylis, the same with Jean.
Harold Velez Gary Gevisser Why are u tagging people? Just wondering that’s all.


Gary Gevisser Harold Velez why do you tag?


Harold Velez Gary Gevisser lol But what are you promoting or advocating?


Gary Gevisser Title: There are more

Harold Velez, you felt the need to go on after asking a very self-explanatory question, was that because you couldn’t think of anything else to say but felt the need to say something?

Why not now since you have the attention of everyone including Tina Lloyd who also didn’t say exactly what she had been thinking and so made a point in speaking in vague generalities, please answer the question, If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?

That important question considering the knowledge I had previously shared which obviously strikes a deep cord within everyone as they are all so quiet and the logic is plentiful both ways, took place almost 5 hours before you jumped in, “Why are you….?”

It is now 9:45 AM on the west coast of the United States and I have just completed a 2 hour great hike in the mountains just east with our dog Mango which was especially exhilarating following the heavy rains during the night and even snow flakes which is most unusual this time of the year, in fact it is a first that I have experienced such cold, and that would mean you have had 14+ hours to think of my 6 word response which would be 4 if I hadn’t included your name.

On the “return leg” I ran into a man who I have met once before and he is a very sweet fellow, totally non-confrontational, wants to be friendly with the world, you know, “You look great. I am also great. The world is great” and warns you mid-way, “Im like one of those people who when you ask them the time, they tell you how to build a watch”.

What if in fact there are more like that out there?

Have you ever thought of yourself stupid?

Do you see people who have made a lot of money as at least smart in making money?

Have you read The Diamond Invention book and do you think Professor Epstein was remiss in not spelling out the deficiencies of the GDP economic index or are there other things you found there and/or in my writings that are disturbing to the point that you feel if you don’t speak and hear your voice you are going to go mad and if you have a lot of wealth then your close relatives might decide to have you committed or as a backup position drive you totally out of your mind so that you either don’t spend it all or give it to someone more deserving?

Are you aware of the concoction that is created when you combine money greed with jealousy which brings on the bloody internecine fighting?

Is there anyone out there who you aspire to who you think is bright?


Harold Velez Gary Gevisser Dude when somebody is tagging me. They’re usually promoting something or advocating, or family.


Gary Gevisser Harold Velez, if you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?.

Harold Velez, are you following my question to Simon Bull if he sees the connection between the pardon of a terrorist financier Marc Rich who was watched intensely from when he first visited South Africa in 1958 and left empty handed and which resulted in him skyrocketing to pole position in the financing of the most brutal dictatorships leading to one refugee crisis after the next, and grossly flawed GDP economic index that all you would need is the most basic common sense to see realize its fatal flaws?

Do I need to spell out what GDP stands for?


Gary Gevisser Title: To all the needy people

Harold Velez when you saw that Fiona McLennan wrote to me earlier on FB messaging, “can you tag me?” did it make you feel totally stupid in which case you got even angrier or did it make you feel good that at least someone was paying attention to you?


Gary Gevisser 48 minutes ago Andrews Peter who just removed all his posts along with my responses first post up this:

Andrews Peter …. inspiration, feeling, emotion, passion, animation, intensity, fervour, ardour, enthusiasm, eagerness, warmth, energy, vitality,

Peter saw this “If you were not aware that today is the 71st …” and everything that has followed all the way through, “…same with Jean”.

Approx. 10 minutes ago according to my backup at 17:21 Calif. time Sun, May 26, 2019, Andrews Peter followed up:
G.G is a TAG addict ….watch him go and annoy the fuck out of people ….

2 minutes later I responded:
Andrews Peter are you talking for all my FB friends such as yourself.

What prevents you other than the limitations of your brain from unfriending me?

2 minutes later Peter replied:
Why do you have to tag so much unnecessarily on someone else’s post too ?

3 minutes after I responded:
So you have changed the subject?

Do you have permission to speak on behalf of Simon Bull?

Do you feel that you are a good representative?

Should I help you by unfriending you, or will that make you more mad?

A minute went by and I followed up:

Andrews Peter, have you already told me your level of education?

A minute later Peter:

Gary Gevisser , no Wukkas, I took your advice. Problem solved , Pease ))))))

Everyone should note that I was not suggesting that Andrews Peter apply for a refund from all your elementary school teachers as well as your parents-grandparents, I just want to know his level of education?

This is of course the pre-launch of my forthcoming book and t-shirt that I was talking about earlier.


Sue Ross I would also like to understand why I was tagged….


Gary Gevisser Sue Ross, why do you tag?


Gary Gevisser Sue Ross, you remain a FB friend of mine, which doesn’t prevent you from answering the important question, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?”


Simon Bull Gary Gevisser have you had a diagnosis of your condition? Would you like to share that with us?


Gary Gevisser Title: I only debate people who agree with me

Simon Bull I don’t know if it is a medical diagnosis, but I have an aversion to stupid people even if they don’t consider themselves intellectual midgets, wouldn’t you agree?

You remind me of something my mother Zena warned me about from a young age; steer clear of people who only debate those who agree with them!
BTW, if anyone is interested, I am now responding to Simon Bull who has decided to now write to me on FB messaging preventing the rest of you from seeing what he has to say.

I will of course share all that eventually on my 2facetruth.comBLOG.
One learns a lot from the voyeurs who are all about distraction.
Here is the tail end of my FB conversations with Simon Bull who I only know from all his public writings and what he has written to me on FB messaging; 11:46 AM Calif. time [17 odd minutes ago]:

Simon Bull:
Gary, i really don’t quite understand what you are on about. I just saw all the mad tagging you were doing on that Einstein post that i put up. Can you tell me what you are trying to achieve?

Why are you acting so surprised?

You will have read starting with my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post that I am a most articulate writer because I think very logically.

Moreover, as you have been so very silent and for so long all the while I address perfectly all your questions, I have been testing out with a huge representative sampling of the world’s literate population everything that I have been writing, and for good reason no person can fault my logic.

So you have decided to break your public writings to write to me on FB messaging when knowing how easy it would be for you to write to me either on your FB wall and/or respond to my email broadcasts which you have been getting and which include backups of your FB wall, but not as of yet our FB messaging.

How could you when you have so much to say about an Einstein quote that may not even be his because it is so incredibly weak, not answer my question, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?”
I would suggest that everyone make a backup and should you wish to join my email list just let me know.
While waiting for Simon Bull to respond, and the same with the rest of you, who is willing to step up to the plate to defend the merits of the Gross Domestic Product index?

We know some of you are professional economists, lawyers, medical doctors and the such and making money connections is all part and parcel of being on social media FB, but that is not everything and which you can all surely agree; and yet none of you so very talkative and wanting to please when not trying to impress the next person that you are smarter than them, are saying what else is your reasoning for being here, when you are clearly not on facebook to face truth.
I am also having a very interesting conversation with a Kathy Smuts who you can see is not one of my FB friends but she is related to South African General Smuts by marriage, although not very up on the General, but she and her family now celebrating a family birthday are quickly getting up to speed.

Who would not like to see that conversation on Simon Bull‘s FB wall and would prefer to either have it emailed or placed later on my BLOG?
All of you will realize, and that includes especially quiet Tina Lloyd and Harold Velez that passing the year long entrance exam into the banking-mining mafia monopoly of mafia monopolies De Beers-Bank of England-Barclays Bank did not prevent me 22 years later, February 1, 2001 from writing the most controversial articles in Israel’s most widely read international newspaper, the Jerusalem Post.…/letters-published-by-the…/

So when Simon Bull writes to me, “Gary, i really don’t quite understand what you are on about. I just saw all the mad tagging you were doing on that Einstein post that i put up. Can you tell me what you are trying to achieve?” who amongst you continues to have a problem in understanding my sharing critically important information about who decides those who will be rich and who will be poor and those in-between as well as when war should break out and how far the war should extend?
If it turns out that it was me and not any of you who had written so publicly and articulately about the treasonous pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich pardon which most adversely impacted Jewish people around the world who are not rich, maybe that will explain precisely why you are all so passive aggressive and showing your true colors in your distraction techniques.

Bear in mind that during my year long orientation into terrorist of terrorist financier De Beers-Barclays Bank-Bank of England whose officials laughed their heads off at both Rich and his supporters such as President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton as well as Clinton’s adversaries, all the vociferous right wingers who can’t give President Trump enough praise, I got to see from a bird’s eye view, all the most visible bought humans.

You would expect that given how the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] birthplace is mineral rich South Africa that the DAAC-Bank of England-South African Reserve Bank-Barclays Bank focused their attention on the South African Jewish community.

Would anyone including all those Jewish South Africans present in this very important discussion, hazard a guess as to why the DAAC officials of the Third Reich’s Southern Division would watch the religious as well as secular Jewish leadership of South African Jewish people like hawks?
Granted, those of you who either never attended university or who failed to graduate because of a weak attention span which I could clearly understand but that still is not a positive, would have more difficulty attending a university lecture unless the presenter was not only a drop dead gorgeous woman but one who was naked.
How incredible that you would all have difficulty answering the very important question, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?”.
Notice that none of you are saying, “Hey Gary wait, we are here to learn …”
Yes, DAAC-Barclays Bank-Bank of England head, Harry Oppenheimer was convinced that once I realized how very common was everyone, unwilling to buck the system because what they hated more than not being as financially rich as George Soros and Warren Buffett was the feeling of being so easily duped, I wouldn’t bother in speaking out, let alone attempt to reach any of you.

Note the time; 12:38 PM Calif. time.

In early spring 1979, Harry Oppenheimer was only thinking of his replacement in the event he wanted to retire fully much earlier. 

He was still only 70 years of age, but he was already getting bored, because how interesting is it really deciding every day when getting out of bed where to vacation and who to kill without ever having to bloody one’s hands when you had people like Idi Amin, Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, his younger brothers Attorney General of the United States, Senator Robert F. Kennedy Esq. and Senator Ted Kennedy willing to do so gladly.
Don’t you all find it quite amazing that the masses are only now hearing about what an incredible fraud was the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

Have you noticed how very quiet are his supporters in asking for the US Department of Justice to release that audio footage?
Harry Oppenheimer never envisioned a day like today.
Joining us here is a fellow Carmel College, Durban, South African student, Johannesburg lawyer, Jenny Arenstein – Friedman who was also a classmate of my elder sister Kathy Gevisser Danziger [1953 – ] who is leading the pack in holding my mother Zena captive in Israel.

Jenny’s parents were very important to my highly secretive British-English and Jewish mother Zena that they are most prominent in my mother Zena’s most carefully crafted memoirs titled, LIFE STORY OF ZENA which my mother first published via an email broadcast on September 25, 2001, just 14 days after 9/11.

Jenny is of course more up to speed than most of you because of the magnificence of both her parents who decided to hire my mother Zena within days of my mother and her parents arriving in Durban, South Africa when not only was my mother already running her model agency company but my genius mother was still 18 years of age.

Moreover, my mother Zena did not need a job.

She was the only child of both her parents. She had a half-brother Joe Ash
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who was not with them on the ship journey aboard the Southampton Castle, first stopping off in Cape Town where they were the guests of General Smuts who kept a suite at the 5 star Mt. Nelson Hotel nestled in the foothills of most beautiful Table Mountain fast in decline, because Joe who was an engineer with the Royal Air Force was still in Rhodesia cozying up to married Roman Catholic, most attractive in every respect Aid Parker, a Mossad mole who wouldn’t take long to penetrate deeply inside the Apartheid Regime~Third Reich’s Southern Division thus making her best and most trusted friend, my mother Zena fully aware of all the bought Jewish South Africans.

Al Ash
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who is also the grandfather of my first cousin Lisa Joanne Ash and her brother Adrian Ash who last met with Harry Oppenheimer in 1998 and joining them at lunch was Harry’s only son, Nick Oppenheimer
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was an extraordinarily cash rich businessman who owned 12 supermarket stores in Leeds, England which he cashed out before immigrating to South Africa in late 1947 when it was uncertain that General Smuts was going to stay in power very long.
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Continuing… Part 2  CLICK HERE
