I only debate people who agree with me ~ Everybody is great – Part 2
Continuing – Part 1 CLICK HERE
Even those of you who wished you had the attention span of a nat should find the cover of November 10, 1947 NEWSWEEK very interesting.
Perhaps you have never seen such a beautiful red flower?
When you open the cover and start reading the feature story about Smuts and your only interest is money and lets just forget the main purpose you spend so much time on FB which is not lost on Mr. Zuckerberg who is well coached by Mr. Don Graham the former owner of The Warshing SIC Post before he sold it to missile launcher Bezos as well as Kaplan University which remains the only advertiser on the Internet edition of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, may I suggest that if you have a weak heart, suffer from Type 2 diabetes, have high blood pressure to boot along with fat talkative cells which would eventually do you in and you are probably already feeling the pain of death, try to have whole plant food based diet proponent, cardiologist Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. present rather than just a used stent that you plan to self-administer because for good reason you don’t trust all the rest of the money hungry, void of humanity, medical doctors.
You could also hire someone to read that most revealing article published 197 days before General Smuts, the best friend us Jewish people have had since Moses, celebrated his 78th birthday and his surviving son of the same name who authored Smuts’ 1952 biography, warned his father that recognizing the State of Israel which was expected to be soundly defeated would cost him the election in 2 days time.
This way it may help your brain go into further denial because you will have heard of the monkey “dont see, don’t hear …”
So what is a most beautiful 18 year old
with an amazing body to boot
who was just as quickly engaged, March 20, 1948
to best looking World War Two Fighter Bomber Pilot
getting involved with South Africa’s two bravest communist party officials with enemies surrounding them from all sides including those within the South African Communist Party who had already turned and were leading the South African Communist Party towards the insane violence option?
If none of you don’t mind, allow me to cut and paste from LIFE STORY OF ZENA:
Within a week of her arrival in Durban not knowing what to do with herself as training models took up very little of time, initially, she took a job with a lawyer, Rowley Arenstein. His wife Jackie ran a communist newspaper The Daily Worker and Zena found herself involved in all kinds of politics as she typed out the different stories and eventually met Africans, Indians and Whites who were against the Apartheid Government. Ashwin Choudree introduced her to his Ghandi philosophy of non-violence and she became friendly with A.N.C. members and Indian organizations.
She was devastated when sisters had to attend different classes of her teachings because some could pass for “Whites” whilst others were labeled “Colored”. This was all during her early years as a mother and when her children were born (all four before she was 29) she made up her mind that they must be trained to live outside of the country and sadly the land of their birth. Albert Luhzuli (his cousin worked for her), Chief Buthelezi, Alan Paton had a dramatic effect on her.
Brought up in an anglicized rather than religious Jewish home she found comfort amongst the Zionist families of Durban. Janie and Maurice Gevisser, Mary and Charles Lachman and dozens of other people opened their homes to her and it was a great learning process.
Let me also make note at this time that while none of you are talking yet about the Newsweek November 10, 1947 and over the past 71 years, 8 months and 18 days, more than the editorial staff of Newsweek have read that very important information which should long have ended the offering of history at university, the same with law as well as economics, and only military economics being taught and that could all be completed in junior high school, there are 14 very quiet mutual FB friends I have with Simon Bull:
Ann Kroeber, Brian Campbell, no less talker Bryan Winchell, Carol Williams, Fiona Mclennan, Judy Stark, Mandy Cochrane Hansson,
Marcus Gaillard, Mary Nash-Pyott, Michael E. V. Knight, Michael Webber, Susan Broadbeck, Tina Lloyd and Will Parrinello.
So let me also assume that none of you quite had a mother like mine, wouldn’t you agree?
Could that be the reason why you don’t want to dig into why my most alert mother Zena would be driven mad by her captors in Israel because you hate more than anything else in the world having been so horribly duped by your parents, teachers, professors, rabbis, mullahs, priests, self-help gurus, psychologists, psychiatrists, media etc etc?
Let’s jump back to the paragraph before of LIFE STORY OF ZENA:
Eventually, Zena found herself lecturing to corporate lawyers and public figures in America and elsewhere overseas on the benefits of investment in South Africa. Wherever she went she was well received. The ignorance of academics and others in fields of power on the subject of South Africa astounded her. In the school holidays she would take her small children (all four eventually) on her overseas trips.
Once landing in a capital city in Europe she was met in by a leading civil servant of that country. Handing over her blonde, blue-eyed daughter to this lady she was astounded to be told by her “it is amazing how white your child is with a black father!!” Recovering from shock I asked her what she meant and why did she think my husband was black? Her reply was that I had told her over the phone that I was married to a South African and she therefore assumed he must be black!
Should we now jump forward from December 1967 to early January 1968
Between January ’68 when the photo above of me was taken in Israel and the semi-automatic weapon just like this Uzi which I am playfully pointing at my middle brother Melvin taken a couple of years before,
during which time the final elements of Mossad-IAF Operation Diamond were already in place, belonging to an Israeli Special Forces commando, and February 1, 2001 when my first article was published in the Jerusalem Post criticizing the pardon of someone whose entire wealth as well as those in support of him, both in Zug, Switzerland where he was holding out as well as in Washington DC which included not only the Clintons, President and First Lady Hillary Clinton but US Attorney General Eric Holder, I didn’t feel it necessary to shoot myself either in the foot in the head in order to improve either my intelligence or knowledge.
How many of you have kept the same weight as when you left high school?
Could you see keeping the same weight and getting increasingly healthier by changing one’s diet as a negative?
There is a knock now at our back door and Mango is going nuts.
Title: Can you tag me?
You all want to hear something funny which won’t avoid altogether the important question, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?” which led from the logic of water research to everybody choosing stupidity, thus providing further, if not concrete evidence of God which is the last thing those of you “playing stupid” such as ” i really don’t quite understand what you are on about…” want to hear.
At 9:36 AM I wrote my new FB friend Fiona Mclennan the following:
did you follow my posts on Bull’s wall?
At 2:20 PM which was 8 minutes ago Fiona replied:
Not sure – can you tag me?
2 minutes later, 2:22PM I replied:
I tagged you earlier, did you get a notification?
Just this second Fiona Mclennan responded:
I hadn’t checked them.
Will look late 🙂
I wonder how many of you who are so busy, busy, busy, remember how busy are DAAC officials such as Harry Oppenheimer who has been dead 18 years, 9 months and 9 days, and his son Nick who I plan to write to publicly just as I did American-Israeli-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard in that first article
in the Jerusalem Post some 167 days after Harry Oppenheimer’s death?
Now let’s assume the majority of you reading this have also heard of President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers’ ’68 Scholar” Clinton and what he did on January 20, 2001 besides for going at least once to the toilet, but you didn’t grow up in Apartheid South Africa.
What would you do if you and/or your parents were not quite as accomplished as my parents and Jenny Arenstein – Friedman‘s parents and you were asked to inform on one of your classmates at our Durban Jewish day school Carmel College, and as a reward you and your family will be assured a lifestyle that you could have previously only imagined, such as purchasing on the first anniversary of 9/11, September 11, 2002 the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall located on the corner of the richest landmass in the United States, Rancho Sante Fe where it is only fairly recent, a couple of generations ago that Jewish people have been allowed to own property, Del Mar and Solana Beach, before J. Essakow and his younger brother Roy who was hold out in Zug, Switzerland alongside Marc Rich prior to the treason pardon on January 20, 2001 went on to purchase Rancho Sante Fe’s crown jewel, Valencia Resort & Spa where get a free courtesy brand new Porche to drive during your entire stay, and now J. Essakow has “won” the right to the $1.9 billion redevelopment of the San Diego shoreline in downtown San Diego across from where the US Navy SEALs train and that would not include all the US Navy SEALs who have been killed in the War on Terror which was kick-started by the Rich pardon?
This is not a multiple choice answer.
It more simple than that because we have to keep track of that thought, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?”, and there is only so much space remaining in the 5% of the human brain that we have access to, would you keep the head Jewish Kapo-Zagiew, Durban North patriarch, German-South African Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus informed of your classmate Jenny Arenstein – Friedman‘s comments about her parents?
White Jewish South African society is very homogeneous in terms of its sheep behavior.
You just have to ask each of them and there are bunches of them who I have tagged here, if they were ever asked to inform on their schoolmates such Jenny Arenstein – Friedman and her fellow classmate, banned David Schmahmann
who you see in the back row in the photo above with his face, wearing glasses, turned to the right, during their schooling at Carmel College or when they served in the South African Apartheid Regime’s brutal military and police forces who were not averse to shooting black African school children.
Some of you who don’t have to be black skinned will still remember the 1976 Soweto uprising when I was in my second year of University at the University of Natal-Kwazulu and Steve Biko and his partner in the Durban Movement, Professor Richard Turner had yet to be assassinated because Biko’s 2 day torture death began on September 11, 1977 whereas Turner was hit 119 odd days later, January 8, 1978 by a Malan Squad sniper bullet fired into his living room and he bled to death in the arms of his 13 year old daughter Jann Turner.
It is probably not every day that you imagine yourself as a 13 year old holding your 36 year old father in your arms and then as he takes his final breath, what do you do next?
My fb friend South African-American Alan Brody remains a very talkative film producer, and he will remember that he was not one of those defenseless school children murdered in cold blood back in June 1976 or one of the millions of black South African youth who were murdered on their way to ANC guerrilla training camps both inside and outside of South Africa which had all been compromised going back even before 1944 when Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress [ANC] and nor for that matter was Alan Brody or the rest of the very quiet Jewish South Africans spread throughout the globe so loud in their disgusting hypocrisy espousing liberal causes in support of the poor and downtrodden, my cousin and classmate Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997].
For those of you knew or who have forgotten, Sandy who was the complete opposite of her grandfather Sol “The Little King” Moshal, the most esteemed member of the Durban South African Jewish community, but a hypocrite no less as well as a thief and liar, was brutally assassinated by fellow members of the armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto and her tortured, half-naked body found in the trunk of Toyota automobile on November 4, 1997.
No less important – and you see how many of her other classmates and fellow alumni from Carmel College Durban pay tribute to her and there is none of that – in March 2006, going on 9 years after her assassination which sent a very strong signal and which her grandfather’s favorite nephew, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser saw reason to highlight her assassination in his 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER
the corrupt South African Police, the same as the Apartheid Regime because their primary sponsors remain the same, began a whitewash investigation into her murder.
On September 5, 2006, the month after David Gevisser wrote the AFTERWORD to his so self-incriminating autobiography
the South African Police released the nonsense coverup of Sandy’s death which they attributed to a man they always suspected but who conveniently died in 2003.
September 5, 2006 was also the day that Uranium King Nick Oppenheimer met with President Putin in Cape Town, South Africa which was a couple of weeks after the stooge, half-black Senator Barack Obama visited mineral rich South Africa for the first time and to the delight of the De Beers-Bank of England-Barclays Bank-INVESTEC, Obama did just as he was instructed and never sought a meeting with Nick Oppenheimer, at least none that anyone is willing to speak about.
Wouldn’t you if you were a white person, a black person or something in between and you were concerned with human right’s abuses and you were traveling to South Africa where 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is controlled by one German-South African Oppenheimer family who bought their way, through bribes and intimidation, out of prosecution at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47], wouldn’t you make it your business to speak to a crowd of students at Rhodes-Cape Town University demanding that the world’s biggest white thieves finally give the majority black South Africans their rights?
Of course you would.
But if you were corrupt and all show, then you wouldn’t.
You would also feel that you would have got away with it, were it not for the advent of the Internet and me still here reminding you all of your distraction.
Yes, one month before the opening of the white-wash report which only added weight to the clear message of Sandy’s brutal assassination – and you can easily see who are both the cowards and profiteers of her assassination to this day – Nelson Mandela was officially placed on the DAAC’s payroll in expectation of the forthcoming release of the distracting movie Blood Diamonds.
Any questions from anyone?
It seems to me that you are all ready to hear the fb messaging dialogue with this Kathy Smuts:
Kathy Smuts
From Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Studied at Durban Girls’ High School
Lives in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
SUN 9:59 PM
Are you related to Jan Smuts, the general?
Today 12:29 AM
Kathy Smuts
No idea it’s my surname by marriage
9:33 AM
Can you ask your husband if he is related. Smuts you may know was a South African general and prime minister of South Africa and during WW2 was he was second in command to Churchill.
Had you previously heard of him?
9:48 AM
Kathy Smuts
Yes he is related to general smuts
9:49 AM
Kathy Smuts
And apparently very proud of it lol
10:09 AM
but not proud enough to have told you.
how long have you known your husband?
10:11 AM
Kathy Smuts
I’ve been married 17 years and yes I did know but … I don’t know you
10:11 AM
But you started out saying “No idea it’s my surname by marriage”
You know me by my good questions.
It seems to me that in fact you did not know otherwise given how important is General Smuts in the history of your South Africa it would have been on the tip of your tongue.
Most people are just into themselves in the moment and could care less about anything else unless that person is super rich and they can get something out of them, including marriage.
Im just finishing writing a book which General Smuts would be very proud of and Im thinking given this great dialogue to include it on the back cover.
Why don’t we become FB friends and get to know one another better?
I also have a clever name website 2facetruth.com.
10:18 AM
Kathy Smuts
No bru. My mom asked me if I know you. And I just replied cause Stan is my step dad and he always talks bout general Smuts at work so I just assumed.
[10:19 AM, I got a 39 second voice message from a male which I would like to share with you all but haven’t quite figured that out. Let me know if you have an idea.]
10:20 AM
Kathy Smuts
My mom thinks you are being offish towards her and it’s all cause I just replied
10:21 AM
Kathy Smuts
I don’t know anyt8about Smuts only what I’ve heard Stan say
10:22 AM
But my mom enjoys reading so when she gets baco to you, cause we at my brother and sisters birthday super with family.
11:04 AM
I’ve listened to your voice message, and you seem calm and collected, but your end, “Keep it cool dude” is something I’ve heard before coming from white South Africans.
I thought I was talking to a Kathy Smuts all this time; and so you “Cool dude” must be either the husband or Kathy’s brother.
You may also find that we are very much on the same team, because I consider General Smuts who was my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father
Commanding Officer during WW2, and it was General Smuts himself who ordered my father’s South African Air Force Squadron 11
back on March 19, 1945 to fly 2 dive-bombing missions in support of the Jewish Brigade who were launching their first attack.
There was also one other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot in Squadron 11.
Syd Cohen who went on to command Squadron 101, Israel’s only fighter squadron during Israel’s War of Independence [1947-49] to victory.
In the photo above taken in Israel prior to October 16, 1948, you see Syd Cohen without the beard standing behind and in between Ben Gurion, the general of generals, and he is the man on the far right with white hair, and Modi Alon, Squadron 101’s first commander who was killed on October 16, 1948.
All the while my father Bernie was kept in reserve in South Africa but nor was my father expected to flap his wings and make it all the way to Israel on his own and then when flying over Cairo to drop his bed pan.
I would be considered today as I was when playing competitive rugby all the way through the age of 24, a “lighty” in South African Afrikaner terminology, and lets assume you still play prop or lock and come in at 100+ kilos, whereas Im the same weight as when I finished high school, which was and is around 138 pounds, so a good half your weight, then still you would know that the bigger they are the harder the fall.
Granted, I did not serve in the brutal, cowardly South African military during the Apartheid Regime who were backed by the same cowards who supplied Hitler
but that didn’t make me either a coward or incapable of holding my own against anyone unless they came up behind me and took an ax to my head or hit me square between the eyes with a sniper’s bullet.
That you would quickly realize when you see me back in January 1968 kneeling and holding an Israeli Special Forces semi-automatic which you have probably fired many more times than me, or at least a similar one were you in the Apartheid Regime’s military or police forces.
Simon Bull Dear Gary Gevisser, you’re a bit of a pain in the arse. I wish you would stop tagging people on my post here. At least… you could have had the decency to ask me, or.., to let me know beforehand. I private messaged you because i thought it might be better that way. Clearly, you have absolutely no idea of manners or etiquette, when it comes to your obsession. And you ARE OBSESSED. Would you kindly cease and desist?
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Gary Gevisser That also does not mean you were a better shot than me also using an Israeli made Uzi submachine gun which you also see above and that shot was taken in 1966 when I made two trips to Israel when I was just 9 years of age.
The fact that I didn’t care very much for judo when I was 15 years of age on Ulpan-Gadna training back in ’72 at Mossad head, David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker, didn’t prevent me from becoming quite expert at Krav Maga long before I finished high school.
Now if you want me to tell you how I best used my expertise in Krav Maga to best defend against an American football player who weighed about 220 pounds and had been a running back high school football and had decided to change over to rugby back in 1981 when you could work out that I was now 24 years, I will share that with you.
But maybe you want to tell me more about the party you are attending?
I’ll continue, but jump in at any time, and please feel free to bring in the whole family and friends.
So you wouldn’t expect my father Bernie who completed while still very much 21 years of age a miraculous 71 dive bombing missions against the Nazi bastards over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, to be a bird or for that matter a turkey.
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Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, if you dont fool me, then you are not fooling anyone else.
Why not stick with your praise of Einstein even if he would not have been so foolish to issue those silly words?
So let me just put up my mother Zena’s depiction of the Turkey symbolism.
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Simon Bull Gary Gevisser since you had the decency to ask…i have included your mother’s message. And a photograph of her? Very nice.
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· Reply · 1h
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because in fact he started his first dive bombing mission on December 19, 1944 with both his arms and legs and upon landing and getting out of the cockpit
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after his 71st mission on April 15, 1945, all his limbs along with his head were still attached to his torso.
To prove this, below is photo of my household name mother Zena Gevisser and my dad on their wedding day, December 10, 1948.
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Being related through sexual intercourse to the great General Jan Christiaan Smuts who is responsible, besides for God, for saving half of European Jewry during World War 2, and of course the rest of us Jewish people because the mop operation would have been as easy as making a pie out of cow dung if you didn’t know better, then you would know that his favorite son Japie died on December 10, 1945 from a 24 hour illness.
Now if you didn’t know all these great things about General Smuts what on earth do you and your step-father? talk about all day?
Now I know you didn’t say that General Smuts is in your thoughts 24/7 only that you were admonishing me to “be cool dude”.
Let me look for a photo of me quickly in our heated pool in Glenwood, Durban.
While I look for it, why not invite me to be your FB friends?
You can see that I have 900 and nor are all of them the biggest dummies in the world. In fact I would not call either Jenny Arenstein whose great and wonderful parents were banned and imprisoned by the cowardly Apartheid Regime who had turned many of us Jewish South Africans who failed to react upon General Smuts losing the rigged May 26, 1948 South African General Election which was 2 days after he used his 78th birthday to recognize the fledgling State of Israel now into its 11th day of bloody fighting, or economist, Dr. Rodney Smith Phd as fools.
You know that May 26, 1948 came before October 10, 1948 and during those 4 months and 15 odd days, General Smuts did not die.
Nor did the 50 American built Kittyhawk fighter bombers which South African-Israeli spy, Israel Air Force Colonel, Boris Senior
purchased when returning from Israel to South Africa for the total sum of 300 English Pounds Sterling back in February-March 1948 deteriorate noticeably.
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That is because they had been first expertly mothballed and lined up perfectly on a runway and only needed to be fueled and armed.
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Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, that is where my conversations with Kathy Smuts and the rest at the party are up to.
Should you remove my posts I will simply start placing them up elsewhere, which of our 14 mutual FB friends do you suggest I start?
Now wouldn’t you feel better about yourself by putting on your philosopher hat, since you know that you are very wet behind the ears when it comes to economics because you really have to know the military component which is 100% of economics, and take a stab at answering, if you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?
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Simon Bull Gary Gevisser clearly, you are mentally derranged. And there’s nothing wrong with that until you start to become a pest. Which you have now indicated you are
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Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, I will now email you along with my 10K+ email list a backup.
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Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, do you have any university education, and if so can put me in touch with any of your professors who you know to still be alive?
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Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, this “mentally deranged” doesn’t buy you much other than more pain for your brain.
Do you have a beautiful wife who is capable of mouthing the very smart words of my wife Marie Dion, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”?
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Stephen Gipps oh the pestilence!
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· Reply · 1h
Simon Bull Gary Gevisser i cannot even begin to offer you an extensive criticism. I am not opposed to your message. It is the arrogant and incredibly rude way you go about trying to deliver it that leaves me speechless.
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· Reply · 1h
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, then lets give you a break.
Do you see a connection between my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which you have read and understand their clarity and which the editors of the JP recognized instantly and why they made not a single edit on all 4 articles and the fallout from the people not recognizing the brutality, and the insanity of the gross, Gross Domestic Product index that is also morally reprehensible?
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· Reply · 1h
Simon Bull Gary Gevisser Gary… i really didn’t think much of your so-called four articles “in the Jerusalem Post”. I think they were published more as comments to something in the online blog?
And the reason i didn’t think much of them, was that i found them poorly written. Meaning that i did not understand what you were trying to say, and they did not hold my interest
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· Reply · 1h
Gary Gevisser Hope none of you mind if I take a break for another very healthy dinner.
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Simon Bull Gary Gevisserplease do take your time. No hurry this end
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· Reply · 55m
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull thank you for that.
I have noted that our conversation on FB messaging continued following what I wrote you earlier, “How could you when you have so much to say about an Einstein quote that may not even be his because it is so incredibly weak, not answer my question, “If you are not on facebook to face truth, then what?”
3:56 PM
Simon Bull
Very Gary. You… are a bit of a pain in the arse mate
Duly noted. Do not worry, I will publish all this as well, you coward.
[Simon Bull gave a thumbs up]
4:31 PM
Simon Bull
Thanks for calling me a coward. Now i have called you a pain in the arse and you have called me a coward. I can only assume that you go about performing this little ritual of rejection with everyone. I wonder why?
Simon Bull, it is now 4:50 PM, and you have not answered if you see a connection between taking off the hook terrorist financier Marc Rich and the extremely duplicitous GDP economic index that the head of the banking-mining cartel Harry Oppenheimer considered all the evidence he needed that the human was devolving given how to a man, each of his politicians and equally bought economists, had previously thought there was anything wrong with the GDP index.
Bear in mind that annunciation from the world’s richest person took place in early spring 1978.
In the interim I have yet to find one human aside from a handful who I know intimately including that beyond belief bright wife of mine who you know would not stick with a dummy, who is not totally traumatized by the fact their common sense didn’t kick in when they first heard the words, Gross Domestic Product or the equivalent, Gross National Product, and their brain saying, “Wait a minute!”.
You would expect then the distraction:
“i really didn’t think much of your so-called four articles ‘in the Jerusalem Post’. I think they were published more as comments to something in the online blog?
And the reason i didn’t think much of them, was that i found them poorly written. Meaning that i did not understand what you were trying to say, and they did not hold my interest.”
Simon Bull, your response above did not answer the question between the Rich pardon which was so well spelled out in the first sentence of the “open letter” which was not a blog or anything close, and the fatally flawed GDP economic index.
Why is that?
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· Reply · 35m
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull while you focus on the “bullseye” Rich pardon-GDP, do you think that the food we ate is who we are?
Do you still eat meat-dairy-fish?
Do you know of any science that suggests that meat-dairy-fish eaters are less passive aggressive than those who stick to whole food plant based diet which makes them naturally healthier?
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· Reply · 32m
Gary Gevisser Im now taking a break for dessert.
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· Reply · 32m
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, that was totally delicious.
How would you have changed the first sentence in the first “Letter to the Editor” which remember was a most unusual “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard:
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
Mr. Bull, we must hold you to your words:
i really didn’t think much of your so-called four articles “in the Jerusalem Post”. I think they were published more as comments to something in the online blog?
And the reason i didn’t think much of them, was that i found them poorly written. Meaning that i did not understand what you were trying to say, and they did not hold my interest
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· Reply · 24m
Gary Gevisser When someone such as yourself Simon Bullwhose academic as well as work experience I have yet to see but I do know that you didn’t pass the qualifying entrance exam to join De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on United States soil, writes, “.. i found them poorly written. Meaning that i did not understand what you were trying to say..” do you expect me to call you an intellectual or anything close?
Really, you didn’t understand, “eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism”?
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· Reply · 21m
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, if you write to me my FB friend, economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who you would know I have worked intimately with over the past 18 years, and you were to ask him his opinion on those very clear writings in the Jerusalem Post, and he wrote back, “i found them poorly written. Meaning that i did not understand what Gary Gevisser was trying to say” would you conclude that Dr. Smith Phd was either totally stupid or pulling your leg?
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· Reply · 18m
Gary Gevisser On second thoughts why don’t you write seeking a second opinion on your mental health, Israel Air Force pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene and ask him the same thing.
Does you wife agree with you?
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· Reply · 17m
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Gary Gevisser The truth is disturbing to those trying to keep track of their lies.
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Marie Dion Gevisser ~ Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Energy, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth.
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Simon Bull Gary Gevisser but in your case Gary… i think your power to change the world, might be related to your own narcissism and lack of regard for anyone but yourself
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· Reply · 1h
Gary Gevisser Simon Bull, let me know if you plan to change your viewpoint above after you have read my earlier response, “… then lets give you a break …”.
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Photo below used by Apartheid Regime officer J. Essakow to intimate surfer Paul Tomson