I simply challenged your bullshit
Title: I simply challenged your bullshit – Denise Ward [Screenshot 11:16am Calif. time Nov. 2, 2018]
You’re friends on Facebook
Studied at Worcester State University
Lives in Westborough, Massachusetts
AUG 22ND, 12:48PM
Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Denise.
AUG 31ST, 3:16PM
Are you following everything on Knight’s fb wall?
Yes up to today, but haven’t looked today yet.
SEP 1ST, 1:43PM
Did u c my postings?
I you talking about Michael E V Knight? I have another friend Tony Knight…?
SEP 1ST, 4:02PM
I am reading it but most posts are from Mark Mason. You’re not giving me much information. But yeah Mark Mason really hits the point, he is right on. I agree with everything he says.
SEP 1ST, 5:15PM
Have you seen any posts of mine on Knight’s wall?
Scroll down to where you see comments from David Milne and Steven Bailey. You should find mine there.
OCT 15TH, 7:45PM
Would you like to see my dialogue with James Patton on FB messaging?
OCT 23RD, 11:12AM
Let me know if you didn’t receive a copy of what I sent Goldie Hawn.
OCT 24TH, 10:17AM
Yes I read just about everything you write. I go to your blog page. But I can’t read everything and I have lots of things I am involved with.
I consider you a truly decent-minded person. And you’re good with language. I’d like to look forward rather than back as I know the past has been so messed up. I would like to form new clusters of thinkers, sharing ideas that are radical and different. For example, adding new words and phrases to our lexicon. And other ideas. We need to sever ourselves from this vile system and start talking about the new. I imagine it has to start by the few who recognize the chicanery.
OCT 24TH, 12:16PM
Are you on Review of Down Durban Memory Lane?
OCT 24TH, 1:53PM
did you leave? If so would you like to come back?
OCT 24TH, 3:37PM
Would you like to see a draft of my email to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington DC?
Yes please.
I be it is tres entertaining…
I will do so shortly. What is your email?
Yes, it should also stop have you hating us Jewish people
I’ll record yours too.
I don’t hate Jewish people. I have several Jewish friends. I actually find Jewish people quite entertaining. But I object ferociously to what Jewish people are allowing and even condoning and celebrating, in Palestine. So don’t feel bad…
And the thing I abhor the most is Jewish control of the media. That is wicked indeed.
But everyone doesn’t seem to mind it so I just point out the injustices.
I just forwarded you what I wrote on Jewish South African Glen Sol’s FB wall earlier.
Keep the following foremost in your mind.
The DAAC are not Jewish.
They only support Jewish Kapos-sellouts.
I am totally certain, you are going to wake up to the truth about the media, just so long as you are not on drugs and you have a very healthy body.
On a scale of 10 to 0 and 10 being very healthy, totally fit and totally crazy about your lover, how would you rate yourself?
Did that forward come through?
I want to make sure I got the email address right before sending you the draft which is just moments from completion.
And so what if you are only a 9.
Sorry, was on a phone call…
I don’t rate myself at “only a 9”. What do you rate yourself as?
Whos the email from?
No I have nothing in my email that suggests it comes from you.
I rate myself a 10, the same with my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion.
It is from me. “Chech” [sic] your email spam. It is very short email. In the subject line is the name Steve.
Did you find it?
Yes I saw the video a number of days ago. Your mother must have been quite a lady
I was talking about what I sent you at 3:38pm Calif time which was approx. 50 minutes ago. did you “recieve” [sic] it?
I also just you Draft – wisdom working in their favor. Did you get it?
No I am doing other things as well. I got one email. And I’m not sure of the thread of it. It’s like coming in half baked. I haven’t got time to look at it properly and talk with you about it.
I don’t know what you are trying to say in the end.
Did you get “Draft – Wisdom…”?
Still looking…
yes, must have come after I opened the other one.
It is very interesting. Let me chew it a bit…
Can you focus on it for 60 seconds and give me your comments, suggestions etc
Yes of course. I’ll give it longer as I like to dwell on things a bit…
When they garner my attention!
okay you have 10 minutes and then it has to go out. A fly is telling me to pay attention to the sun going down and I need to take mango who lying in the sun on a bicycle ride up the mountain and no Mango does not have is own bicycle because he has not yet learned how to ride.
I haven’t got time to absorb this – you are asking a heck of a lot. And you didn’t ask me if you could add my name to the email list. I am happy to talk with you but please afford me and the way I choose to spend my time, some consideration.
i will just include you in the blind copy section. Do you want me to take your name out of the text?
No I just had a beef with you using it without asking me, tis all. But please do note..
Hold on to your horses. I only sent you a draft. No one else was included. What is your beef?
Again, do you want me to remove your name where I write, “Please send your replies not only to me but your entire email list, and please do not leave out my FB friend Denise Ward”?
No don’t remove it. I’ll take a look at it but you’re missing my point…
pls explain your point, the sun is going down fast.
I sent you a draft for you to review everything and if you didn’t like something to let me know.
It’s just courtesy. I shouldn’t have to explain. And my light going down is just as important as yours. You asked something of me. YOu ought to have more grace.
Have you managed to read all of it?
Well what made you think I even wanted to read it? Your assumption. That my friend is not treating me as an equal whose time is equally as precious as yours.
No I don’t particularly want to right now. So I’m sorry but I have other things I prefer to do right now. I don’t even know what you stand for. You seem to have a good sense of disgust for many of the things I do. But your integration with me is out of alignment.
you answered, “Yes please” to my question, “Would you like to see a draft of my email to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington DC?”
Yeah but you said it would take 60 seconds I spent longer and there was still more to go.
Did you see that you told me that you wanted to read the draft?
Look if you don’t get it I’m sorry. But I haven’t got time for this.
Do you see that there is some inconsistency on your part when you wrote me back, “what made you think I even wanted to read it? “
Just be gracious – I spent my time on your shit. You have not spent any on mine.
right then.
yeah I was busy. Now do you mind…?
may i ask how old you are?
Well how old are you? I am 643
Ooops 63…
What percentage of your other fB friends do you think would be interested in the communication to the House of Saud?
Im 61.
Put it on my wall and see.
okay, im just making final edits
Make sure you are fully focused when you get your copy.
OCT 24TH, 6:04PM
Did you get your copy?
OCT 24TH, 7:15PM
where are you?
what is your work?
SAT 10:44 AM
Can my posting on your FB wall be seen by all your FB fiends as well as the general public?
I will soon compliment you on your efforts
Have you received any feedback?
I don’t want compliments. As much as I appreciate your work Gary and the love of your mother, I am not interested in pursuing the same trajectory as you.
I am promoting my work not myself.
You can take my work if you like and call it your own – I don’t believe in copyright. How did you you learn how to walk? Talk? Write? You copied someone.
So copying is baked into biology
See how insane we think?
We prohibit copyright!
We draw up patents
And dare anyone breach them.
We can poison the water, land and air, but dare you go against copyrights or patents.
We have a whole complex for that (and I mean it in the most psychological and emotional way)
That’s the trajectory you are on.
It’s the one your mother was on
All of us have been infected with patriarchy my friend – domination – the alpha male’s wet dream. Hey I think I’ll meme that. Thank you brother for your great stimulations though…
Can you explain your work!
How have you made a living?
No I cannot “explain” what a word to use on someone that you barely know.
And about that asking me where my satisfaction lies on a scale. How puerile
You obviously are one who goes straight for the clit
What is the clit?
I couldn’t figure out anything else you wrote
Let me share with you a conversation I just had with the lady who I covered in my last email broadcast that you should have received a copy
It began with my writings ending:
“In fact your reaction to this might be it.”
This lady wrote me back the following:
Anne Mulholland is one of my sisters. We are five sisters Lynden (usually known as Bly) Anne, myself, Moyra and Sonya.
I am unfortunately all too aware of the human condition of power, greed and corruption. I have two children a son of 35 and a daughter of 31. One granddaughter who will be 4 in December. My children’s father passed away many years ago. He was Jewish but I never converted.
I replied:
Are u FB friends with Trevor Goldberg?
You possibly know that he was one of the first year students at the university of Natal who I tutored as part of the B.COMM HONOURS program that I abandoned to move quickly forward in joining the DAAC
I make it my business to learn from every interaction including dumb people like Trevor who demonstrate they are dumb by having no filtering system
You must have heard or come across people who are as good as the last person they spoke with
That explains Trevor Goldberg and most people
If you tell someone like Trevor Goldberg a secret then you are a fool because he is an insecure person and needs to constantly reassure himself by passing on information told to him in confidence so that the people he is sharing the confidential information will continue to keep his company
I have never shared confidential information with Trevor or anyone else because I learned very young in life that not even family can be trusted, instead to not busy oneself with gossipers and with more time not listening to nonsense talkers one is rewarded with intelligence to solve the problems placed in each of our paths
That did not mean I had few friends growing up
In fact I had the widest circle of friends than any of my siblings, cousins and other friends and if I felt any of them were gossipers which was easy to tell from the way their parents behaved then I just kept my distance
You just wrote a lot of words but you didn’t really address what I sent you, and so I took you on a little educational excision
You also saw that I included what I sent you without revealing your name to a huge number of individuals/groups who all perfectly understood the essence; namely, the distrustful have to count on each person getting the information remaining loyal to this group of treacherous fools.
Telling me about your many sisters and two children and what you have learned about the treacherous human without specifically identifying which if any of your siblings and grown up children are treacherous, greedy, power hungry and corrupt, tells me that you are trying to protect them
People only protect bad people because the bad people know the bad done by those protecting the bad
That does not make any of the bad good
You could have long by now shared with your entire list of FB friends as well as your entire email list the plight of my one of a kind mother and to keep forwarding them every communication you receive from me the instant you have read it
Telling me that you have a 4 year old daughter is no less distractive than the rest
I know the people don’t want this information to get out but they are still curious about what I think is going on that the media-politicians are not talking about
They have yet to talk about, “the distrustful have to count…”
So I told you that I thought this human case study I have been conducting that actually began 4 years before I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004, when I wrote my father on his 77th birthday, Oct 18, 2000 a military-peace plan that I titled Perspective One that you can find on Google, is now complete and simply requiring that I figure out the best way to reach the largest possible audience
Again the callousness shown towards my mother who the Israeli authorities had no business placing a non family member as her guardian shows the ultimate depths of human depravity
Should I not respond to you again, it is because I consider my time doing other things more important, and of course you can share this with the world
Denise, are you interested in her reply?
MON 3:18 PM
Gary my apologies. I am not ignoring you just a little overwhelmed with readings – I will get to you maybe in a day or two at worse.
My goal is to bring out the best in everyone, until they reveal their true colors.
In the words, of my gorgeous, one of a kind F-C wife Marie Dion, “Being non-confrontational is no excuse for bad judgment!”
MON 8:04 PM
Oh I love that. Great quote.
That is your goal huh? I find that pattern in people too, to be nice at first and quickly go down hill from there. Not always though.
My wife’s thinking is very original and no one even close with her intelligence
She understands man perfectly
She knows that everyone is looking to be original but prefer to stick with crowd who are distracting because they hate worse than having been fooled by the money people who are the same as the weapons people who are the same as the politicians who are the same as the media is the feeling of being such fools and so they hit me with distracting talk hoping the truth will go away
That should make perfect sense to you
In other words they can’t come out and say, “we are worse than trump “Merke” [sic] Obama Clinton etc because at least they are being paid to act like they are against human rights abuse”
It’s a bizarre asylum but it will change
Change is happening just look at how the cowards are so quiet on my group chats and my focusing on one trust fund that Hitler didn’t grab
When u wake up tomorrow morning you are going to see even with u and everyone else doing nothing to change things that the questions I asked earlier of this Joubert character will have resonated throughput human consciousness
How come u didn’t think to ask your teachers and parents when u were in junior high how it was possible for the allies to arm Nazi germany and no one said anything just like they say nothing today about arming our terrorist nations?
God doesn’t just laugh at his stupid human creation She applauds herself at such perfection
Did u know that without WW2 there would never have been the human population explosion?
No. Why do you say that though?
About the pop explosion? Schools are a joke. We ought to empty them and bring schools back to smaller numbers held in our neighborhoods and people’s homes are now big enough to cater to a few students. Can learn online as well as share group classes with other homeschools in the area.
Without nuclear energy we would have run out of oil by now
The atomic bomb brought nuclear energy
We just need to open up the patents and get free energy. There are probably many technologies for this and using water and other easily obtained substances. We could just use hemp and sequester CO2 while we make energy. Even if we did just that, we could restore the soil and detox it from pesticides and mercury, etc.
Notice how you go on about another subject but how can you have credibility as a teacher when you couldn’t figure to ask the most important question when you were in junior high or younger?
If u couldn’t muster up the common sense to figure out how Germany, totally ravaged after ww1, then jumped ahead of the rest of the world in military then do u think u still have the aptitude to teach kids who when they find out how dumb were their parents why would they listen to a word coming out of their mouths unless frightened by their parent-teachers?
Sounds like you’re having a hissy fit. No i don’t notice how I go on about another subject, make yourself clear.
Give an example so I know what you’re blabbing on about.
While we’re at it, you need to get to the point of what you’re saying. I was interested to read your blog but it took the reader nowhere. Are you trying to be pretentious?
Do u not think that my former employer DAAC who take all their puppets, Obama Clintons bush trump Merkle May blah blah for fools, don’t know all the better solutions than you have mentioned?
I was going on about a simple subject, common sense
Common sense said that Germany was not only breaking the law but it could only rearm if the allies, her future enemies agreed to arm her
That is very important for u to understand
These people are not dumb
They know you are not alone in having a very difficult time and are very frustrated that they don’t stop all the fighting and be peaceful and kind to the planet
So relax and see how u do in composing a letter to all the people who you think might be acting like they are stupid but they are against common sense people solutions because they don’t want to give up their gains
Another way to put it. Who do you think is good out [there] who has a larger audience than me [and] who might be willing to listen to what you have to say about what we need to do better in the schooling system?
I’ll make it even easier
Invite all your FB friends to a town hall meeting on FB to debate this subject of what is the best way to proceed?
How many of them do u think will show up after they have read Epstein’s The D I book?
The D I book which cannot be refuted shuts up everyone
That is why they still have it up on The Internet
I’m really struggling to keep up with your thinking. I only mentioned one little idea I had about schooling.I am writing a book and it will all be in there. But I like the idea of getting people together who want another world to live in, one that lives up to our highest ideals. First thing I would like to put to them is to adopt another calendar. I’ll tell you more if you’re interested…
TUE 7:10 AM
Have you read The D. I book?
Would you agree that if you are not an expert in military economics you shouldn’t open your mouth talking about money or anything that money buys including books?
Do you think you can really understand the present without being an expert in history which is the history of warfare?
Do you think you have a great memory?
Do you remember writing to me about your disdain for the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians and your belief that the Jews control the media?
My book as opposed yours that you are still developing is being shared in real time
Today you are going to be woken up like never before so you should have already prepared your huge following
WED 3:31 PM
It is true what u say about fluoride but I m not commenting publicly for two reasons first it does not tell the whole truth which the fluoride-Government are very happy about and second for me to comment distracts from what it is that they wish to hide the most which is the consequences, call it aftermath, of these exact same officials-weapons manufacturers not being prosecuted at Nuremberg
Just earlier in between running two very important errands I fired off a reply to the leading Israeli officials now responsible for distracting from the premeditated and ongoing murder of my Mother Zena who continues to be held captive in Israel
I can for[ward] that if you like, once the car stops and of course I’m using Siri
WED 7:09 PM
No I can imagine that would take up a lot of my time.
Have you learned anything from my response to your words concerning Je[ws] and Israel.?
[I]n other words do you feel the same way?
is it important to you that every German Austrian pole d[ut]c[h] Belgian French and Italian to name a bunch of Nazi occupied territories, came out of World War II with any family wealth provided Hitler with significant fav[o]u[r]s?
Do you eve[r] pay much attention to the price of something that you purchase
I’m using Siri so it doesn’t always translate perfectly
Did you watch any of the videos of my mother Zena?
Did you see the movie Focus with the actor Will Smith, [a] totally boring movie
Have you read the diamond invention book?
I’m coming into the forest with a moonless night and only [th]e magnificent stars illuminating, what genius compared to the small minded man
Did you learn anything from the study of quantum mechanics that you could understand
Thursday, Nov. 1st; 10:59 AM
Did you remove my post on your FB wall?
I see it is still there.
Any feedback from anyone?
3:39 PM
About 10 seconds ago I forwarded you the communication which you said “No I can imagine that would take up a lot of my time”. I didn’t want it take up your time, because you can easily discard it, but for you to know that in the event you don’t, it has already turned the world on its head.
Remember, you just talk about your work, which I cannot find anywhere as there is very little information about you on the Internet, and before someone should be speaking publicly, then they should have already a “littany” [sic] of credible activities; and if not, then they should say in BOLD lettering that they dont have, but they have thoughts of their own which they would like to share with the public.
That is because there are far too many people who either talk to talk or who are bought to distract.
In the course the just over 24 hours since I began broadcasting “BIG TALKERS”, it has sent ripples through Israel’s most elite intelligence gathering special forces, Unit 8200 who would have led this most recent and previous covert operation to undermine Iran’s enriched uranium project; and again if you are not up on the forces at work who have been promoting nuclear energy which is nothing more than a cover for nuclear weapons development and therefore you cannot be talking about how to improve the soil or air quality unless you get to the bottom of the nuclear weapons development programs, you should be thanking me rather than trying to make out either that it is unimportant in the scheme of things and/or you have better things to do with your time.
The fact that you don’t answer my previous follow up with you which is not off subject as it gets to the bottom of who you really are, tells me that you are no different to the rest who received BIG TALKERS and have been silent all this time, waiting for the next shoe to fall.
A great many of my FB friends are simply hedging their bets when continuing to stay my “friends” because they know that they have no competing arguments to what I present because what I present are material facts that cannot be refuted.
Now you may not have realized that if everything is free to the biggest thieves then to all those who have not been as big thieves everything should be free and that includes all the soldiers on the warring sides and of course all our police “foces” [sic] and prison guards.
So you want to tell me about your reasons for coming up with a new “calender” [sic]. I am all ears.
Now you see with all your pregnant pauses but having said a great deal, you confirm my findings which I began investigating proper when I broke my 24 year silence with the DAAC on 11.11.2004, but as I have previously said, it began on October 18, 2000, 4 years and 24 days earlier
with the “gift” to my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie on his 77th birthday.
If you could write like that, and you had no previous “credential”, you would have immediately attracted a huge audience.
Right after sending it to my father and my mother I then selected a very targeted group of people, and only one responded, a very connected US Democrat, Laurie Black who I have known intimately since the early 1980s and whose father in law was the American Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration and very wealthy, real estate mogul Larry Lawrence died back in 1996 while in office and his burial became a huge embarrassment for both Clinton and Lawrence’s immediate family.
Laure’s words were original, thoughtful and precise, “Does Marie know how well you write?”
[Laurie] of course knew my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion who understands perfectly what was going on then, as well as this very hour; but she doesn’t know that I am writing once again to you.
I have however, read to her the relevant portions of our recent dialogue, and nor was it necessary for Marie to feel the need to comment because she too is a very good observer.
In the course of the past 18 years and 14 days since I sent out Perspective One, neither my intelligence level nor knowledge and the two very much intertwined which forces one to be very humble which is not the same as letting bad people walk all over you, have suffered.
What is transparently clear is that the people do not care for one another.
That is why they need the government to make decisions because the people cannot talk.
The people just come up with words that they feel make them sound useful human beings and as intelligent as the next person.
If Aristotle or Plato or Socrates or Pythagoras had simply asked, “What is the human doing here?” those unlike Pythagoras who had a great command of mathematics-logic would have found “themseves” [sic] out of work.
How many times can you ask, “What are we doing here?” before sounding totally mad? Nor would the rulers pay you for asking such an important question which would then have the people thinking because there is nothing more to talk about other than answering the question, “What are we doing here?”
Now, my gorgeous F-C wife and I along with my mother Zena before they began to murder her brain, can discuss this very important question because we have a litany of credibility that inevitably the people will listen to.
When I said earlier, I managed to turn the world on its head, it was not just an opinion I sucked out of thin air, but the extraordinary response I received from two members of IUA-Jewish Agency of Israel.
Would you like to see their response?
10:16 PM
I think you’re brilliant. I actually took copies of everything I could find that you wrote a few times on facebook. I keep records on lots of people, what they say. I keep them to refer to and to remind me of who is legit (in my eyes)
Trixters abound and they’re very good at tricking. But your work is circuitous and I cannot keep up with your meaning. There is meaning within meaning within meaning and I lose track of what you’re actually getting at. So I give up on trying to figure it out. Maybe you should summarize?
My work is the Womens’ Council. What I do usually is go on youtube and online newspapers and write comments to change the tide. I particularly grab onto people who don’t “believe” we are causing the climate to change. So many pedantics that have to be sifted through and I try to do that to challenge that mindset.
But this is my main work. It’s the Womens’ Council Constitution and I am preparing to assemble people to write the second draft. It’s a manifesto for the 21st century, for a new epoch and even a new century where we reset to 0001 instead of 2020. I think that would give the UN a bit of indigestion as a counter to their Agenda 21 and 2030. There will not be a 2030, there will be instead a whole new epoch of freedom on planet earth, the way it was meant to be.
2030 will actually be 00010. Exciting no?
Denise Ward edited a doc in the group: Womens’ Council.
I will read the attachments in due course.
I have only known less than two handfuls of brilliant people, and you would also know that someone who is not brilliant is not a good gauge of anyone else’s intelligence.
You wrote a lot of fluff to begin with that took a lot of your valuable time.
It is more than two years since I have seen or spoken with my mother and that is because the human is a coward.
A coward is also someone who is very unintelligent.
Im writing to you now when I could be that much closer to closing my eyes and getting a perfect night sleep, and hopefully when I awake both our dog and my wife Marie will still be breathing and more importantly having a very positive disposition which is extraordinarily difficult given what the two of us know about the devolution of the human which to be speaks of divine providence and that is infinitely up-lifting.
The devolution is what grips you and everyone else and why you feel the need to try filling in the space of emptiness within your brains with fluff.
What didn’t you understand about BIG TALKERS?
Did you really think I would miss your failure to ask the logical question?
Would you say that you have a good memory?
How would you describe your quantitative, analytical, logical-math skills?
What are your academic qualifications and work experience?
Can you explain why everyone you admire has yet to explain how Nazi Germany was able to rearm and the silence all these years?
Look I’m not into being interrogated. I’m tired too so no offense I think you’re probably doing good things, your heart is in the right place but I don’t believe in the same things as you. I want to do everything differently.
So goodnight for now.
Yes, you should sleep on the reasons why you are defensive given how very clear, how well summarized was “BIG TALKERS” no different to PERSPECTIVE ONE, and that meant the first thing you should have written was not uncalled for praise, but to ask the reaction of the smartest minds in Israel who also would have read most carefully and been mortified by your extraordinarily warped view of Jewish people and Israel.
BTW, are you aware that one should be very cautious about people who choose either the law profession or social services, the same with “pschologists-psychiatrists” [sic]?
As everyone knows, I leave no doubt where I stand with everyone.
There is nothing in the least bit circuitous about my thinking and that clear mindedness is apparent in my writings, which is not lost on either my parents, my wife, our few friends and no less important all our great many adversaries who will never find peace.
Have a good day!
8:34 AM
I have read what you provided which provides no signatures in part because it is extraordinarily superficial and I have the intelligence and the knowledge to wake up anyone credible involved in the development of this joke of a document which would be laughed at by the UN and their handlers who control the mineral resources and they include the wives and daughters
Moreover they would pay handsomely for such a distraction
It mentions the money but only in a way that would keep women suppressed and oppressed
In short it is a colossal waste of energy and time
Since I’m pretty good at turning negatives into positive and it is overwhelmingly negative you have thrown my way, I will move post haste to share our dialogue here
Well done for increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight [and analysis] of the important events of the day
Do you eat meat or fish or poultry or anything that once had a heartbeat?
When you write that I’m brilliant and in the next breath that you think my heart is in the right spot [but misguided] you knew that you were mischievously neutralizing my command of logic
Even the most vulgar, poverty of thought individuals would recognize that and they will shudder
You obviously have too much time on your hands and nor have you put it to good use in helping beautify the planet, but now you may be directed to do good
Do u have a significant other in your life?
How have you previously afforded a pot to pee in?
What purpose do you think us human serve other than your documentary keeps referring to enjoyment?
Who in your society would clean the swimming pools of the rich, and should the rich be allowed to hold on to their estates even if they have done favors for the dictator governments and those holding the purse strings?
You have yet to acknowledge learning anything from me and nor have you pointed how your document didn’t prevent you from spreading horrific lies about Jewish people and Israel
You sound like you’re interrogating me.
I simply challenged your bullshit and you don’t like it
Do you understand why my mother Zena stated privately and publicly, “Equality brought women down!”?
Nor did my extraordinary and inspirational mother have to fuck her way to the very top where the most enlightened women such as Indian Muslim South African Fatima Meer also resided; although Meer didn’t have as illustrious clients as my mother such as Pandit Nehru, his daughter Indira Ghandi, [and] Aristotle Onassis who trusted and listened far more carefully to my mother than his wife, the former First Lady Jackie Kennedy who also understood why my mother was the only other woman in the room when she signed her marriage papers in October 1968, and for JACKIE O to never forget her place which was easy, because my mother felt for her and guided her to the biggest players in the DIG and “Templesman” [sic] is also still alive; not to mention both President JFK and his brother Robert F Kennedy Attorney General of the US were also clients of my mother which does not mean they were good people because not only could these scoundrels have been worse but my mother helped see to it that they left the clearest trails of their deceit and conflicted souls
It is inevitable that you will end up with a twisted mind once you don’t separate from bad company, and they didn’t get worse than Joe Kennedy Snr and President Franklin D Roosevelt who was nothing more than a disgusting warmonger doing the bidding of the weapons manufacturers who demand prolonged conflicts
Aware people who are the only ones to be trusted and you can figure them out by the sort of dialogue we are having, know that the only way to gauge someone’s intellect and goodness, the 2 going hand in hand, is to exclusively focus on their actions because their public statements were intentionally deceptive.
The hand of god reveals itself 24/7 but you can’t expect the insensitive person who rarely if ever engages in strenuous physical work which is essential to the vitality of the mind the same with clean healthy food and the right human company, to recognize these positive guiding forces which if neglected come back to bite you in the backside and worse
One such incident occurred when my mother and I were having a very private conversation about Fatima Meer and we were talking quietly as we always do, but at that moment my mother’s second husband Alan Zulman who was in the room but working away at a sewing machine making my mother a beautiful garment-dress, stopped the sewing machine and heard the key points of our conversation perfectly; and he let my mother know that he disagreed strongly with my mother who said very positive things about Fatima Meer whose public statements about israel were very similar to yours, but of course you are not Fatima Meer and nor were you a close friend of my mother’s.
My mother knew that quite worldly Alan Zulman was out of his league and instead of just letting A Zulman’s comments blow over, my mother made the mistake of speaking out and defending Fatima Meer and that moment’s speech by my mother “you don’t know what you are talking about “ brings us to this very moment when we can see from the lack of comments on The Lady’s Speech
how very ugly is the human, and that has more out-[of]-this world intelligent design than what we find anywhere in scripture, but all over nature and quantum physics.