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I think this makes more sense

From:” <>
Subject: I think this makes more sense – Re: Please stop sending me your junk!!!! – Maureen – how are you?
Date: April 21, 2020 at 6:16:06 PM GMT+2
To: “My father Bernie Gevisser’s first cousin Maureen Rapp – mother of my facebook friend 61 year old Ira Rapp eldest of multi-billionaire real estate developer Michael Rapp. Both Ira and Michael feature in South African Financial Times editor, Rob Rose’s The Grand Scam – How Barry Tannenbaum Conned South African’s Business Elite” <>
Cc: REST; Chris Steyn – Co-author THE LOST BOYS OF BIRD ISLAND & former many years married to De Beers-Apartheid Regime Malan Assassination Squad Commanding Officer, Eeben Barlow.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Michael Tordu-The Coward Awerbuch – Sees his service with the Apartheid Regime’s cowardly military as Military Finishing School.” <>, “Richard Poplak – author of Dr. Shock, How an apartheid-era psychiatrist went from torturing gay soldiers in South Africa to sexually abusing patients in Alberta – back to being my FB friend but blocks me on fb messaging.” <>, Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>, “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – service in the brutal South African Apartheid Regime-3rd Reich’s Southern Division’s military.” <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – Evil South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, “Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo.” <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. ותומר טנא” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” , Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, “Wellington Weekly News – Somerset, England” <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>, Hilton Wolman – nephew of Sol Gambling Czar Kerzner <>, Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>, John Shiffman <>, Whitney Webb – Mintpress News <>, Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, Rabbi Abner Weiss <>, Founder & President – Global Grassroots Gretchen Steidle Wallace <>, “Shawn Hesselberg – B.COMM graduate” <>, “Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <>, Paul Watson – Founder Seashepherd <>, Katie Melua <>


Maureen – Ira had told me that you reside in “a very secure old age home in Cape Town” but he didn’t go on to explain if you had enough natural light, and surrounded by beautiful nature so inviting to the birds; and so if you don’t have the birds to talk to, and the people taking care of you are all about the money then it can be depressing.

Moreover, I know from experience that old age homes are often staffed like the Vatican church with imposters – CLICK HERE – who are only looking for a handout; let me know if you get the pun.
Those caring for the elderly who are not genuine look either to the aged or the next generation for their handouts, and if the next generation are like my 3 vicious, barbaric elder siblings who just want my mother Zena dead because my mother spoke so eloquently and consistently about their foolishness in being all about the money, then they will reinforce to the imposter caregiver to do everything within their power to drive the aged that much quicker into a casket; otherwise the caregiver will go out of their way to make sure that before doing something stupid like being unkind to those in their care they have won over their next elderly victim.
Right now people in Montreal, Canada where my 97 year old mother in law Rachelle Dion lives independently, does her own shopping nearby and walks unaided, but with quick access to medical staff if needed, the caring next generation are taking their parents back home after they see that their parents are dying like flies; and I think this makes more sense. 
Rachelle, who has the same first name as my maternal grandmother, is the widow of Canadian tail-gunner Johnny Dion, the sole survivor 
of his high altitude bomber which hit the tree-line on approach, breaking off the rear of the fuselage as the rest of his mates died in a fiery crash.
Another reason the aged are depressed is because of a lack of sex.
If you click the link below

taking you to Zena The Lady’s Speech, where there are now some 3141 independent views, and all their deafening silences speaking the most volume, and then scroll down to the video titled, “The addiction” which is video number 26 taken at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem outside patio restaurant on September 24, 2016 my sister Kathy’s 63rd birthday or just click the link below


you get to see and hear my mother Zena, an expert on sex, more so in fact than her friend Dr. Ruth

who is seated between my mom and her second husband, Alan Zulman who passed away on August 6, 2016.
You may have noticed that not all sex therapists are beauty queens.
Would you know of a beautiful woman who wishes that she was less attractive to the opposite sex?
Sex is a touchy subject.
You would expect all war profiteers to care more for their profits than the physical health of their combatants.
Once you [k]now that the richest people in the world are the ones who back all sides to war, then it is just a matter of convincing the masses who these people are.
You begin by having the masses place themselves in the shoes of those backing both sides to war and then to choose people like Bezos to crow loudly how rich he is because of his doggedness in pursuing economies of scale and working his workers to the bone in order to maintain tight profit margins keeping out would be competitors.
Let me know if you didn’t pick up on the key words, “choose people”.
Notice how lovingly my mother touches my hand as she recounts that sex is not something she felt the need to talk about to her youngest child.
Now take a look at video number 15, shot earlier in the day at my mother’s beautiful and valuable apartment in Netanya where the all about the money Filipino spy-maid of my atrocious sister Kathy shows her true colors and my mother Zena wastes no time in picking her out, “You are very bossy”:

Nor is it normal to expect the highest quality food served in old age homes, even if the best in the world to be like the meals my wife and I enjoy; and mainly it is my wife who does the heavy duty thinking that begins with sprouting the highest quality food sources that have never had a heartbeat.

BTW, thinking of healthy, vibrant sex, tomorrow is our 17th wedding anniversary – CLICK HERE – although we have been together an additional 9 odd years which doesn’t mean sex is the only thing constantly on our minds.
As you can see below, at 11:49 AM France time which was some 5 hours ago I Tweeted, “Unexamined conviction”



Im not expecting you to memorize all those names highlighted in blue or to keep returning to this Tweet by CLICKING HERE to see who else I add to the mix, but may I suggest you do your best to remember the essence of “Unexamined conviction” two words picked up in David Berlinski’s The Devil’s Delusion.
Bear in mind Berlinski debunks a lot of stuff that people take as gospel.
Granted Elon Musk has stated clearly, “Physicists never change their minds, they just die”.
It is not clear to me if Musk is putting down his fellow scientists or saying that he too never changes his mind even when more enlightened?
I like to think that he is putting them down, but only Musk can speak for himself.
He is however most definitely in the scientific community and all his writings so far indicate to me that that he believes that science can answer all the problems.

The scientists are plagued with the “singularity” which they know it is not possible to escape from but that doesn’t stop them from trying to fool the masses in order to keep their gravy train plowing full steam ahead.
Since they cannot rely on logic, as they cannot prove their theories such as String Theory, as String Theorists increasing head for the hills, they find it easier to say “something out of nothing” than say “God.”
And my God, the idea of multiple universes can only have them aging so poorly, which is no reason to wish bad on anyone because nature has an answer for everything including the onslaught of degenerative diseases.
As you know I don’t feel [the] need to give our Jewish religious leadership any slack but that doesn’t mean Im going to gobble up all the trash coming out of the Roman Catholic Church who when choosing those for leadership positions like Cardinals are not all that particular, obviously, how strong the candidate up for reward has been in eliminating rapists and pedophiles.
And when it comes to integrity such as “Thou Shall Not Steal” you have to be a blind man to be walking through the Vatican and not noticing all the ancient artifacts so conspicuously displayed from places like ancient Egypt won with the pointed sword.
Why does all this shit happen?
Because they get away with it.
There is blind faith in the Pope.
Below is today’s lunch and while it is a pretty picture, it doesn’t come close to telling you how incredibly tasty it was without you forgetting that you can buy chick peas in a can – CLICK HERE – which is not the same as fish mercury in a can, but then what good do most people do with the time they save not sprouting the peas-beans overnight and in the freshest clean drinking water before removing the water and repeating the process another couple of times before letting them stand for several hours to gather light energy from the sun?

Let’s face it these quick, hot tempered people lacking nutrition which also doesn’t mean they think intelligently being malnourished are not out there trying to slow down the permanent destruction of the planet which is pretty much complete.

I will also suggest to Ira that chefs at your old age home, to bring out the best in you prepare from scratch using the best cacao, cacao butter, nuts and dates and all organic of course, make homemade chocolate to die for. 


It also seems that [the] very best cacao is found here in France.


At this time, I would like for you to take a very deep breadth and revisit your poor response without me forgetting that you have probably, and for good reason, never forgiven your younger sister for sleeping with your ex-husband, billionaire real estate developer Michael Rapp, and that resentment has you not only bitter but delighting in the maltreatment of my mother Zena.
What else can explain your putrid, albeit, so delayed response to my nice message some 15 days ago?
PS – You must know that your son Ira and his father, your ex-husband billionaire Michael Rapp played a key role, unwitting as they may have been in this retard Jewish South African Barry Tannenbaum pulling off a much bigger scam than this guy Madoff given how Tannenbaum caught the elite of elite Jewish South African business people.
You didn’t need to work for South African Harry Oppenheimer to know, you just needed either common sense or to have read Professor Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book to know that nothing escapes the attention of the Oppenheimers who keep tabs on their bankers such as INVESTEC and the South African Reserve Bank when having their respective officials in a constant foot race to be the first to inform.
The fact that Robb Rose may not have done a count of how many times the word INVESTEC appears in his “The Grand Scam: How Barry Tannenbaum Conned South Africa’s Business Elite” does not mean its 100 mentions escaped my attention.
Of course it does not bother me that Robb Rose, no matter how many more books he will sell in the future, wishes he never wrote the book.
I will now send Ira a copy of this via facebook messaging.
[Word count 1721]
On Apr 21, 2020, at 11:47 AM, Maureen Rapp <> wrote Please stop sending me your junk!!!!:

Sent from my iPhone

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Maureen – how are you?
Date: April 6, 2020 at 4:22:58 PM GMT+2

Let’s catch up.

I’ve been talking with Ira on facebook. If you would prefer phone, give me your number.

Im currently in Corsica for the next couple of months at least, or until this confinement is over. Couldn’t think of a better place on earth to be; so that is not good, it is great and that has a lot to do with being in the right company; my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion and our little doggy Mango.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

