I wonder what my mother would think?
From: “gary@2facetruth.com” <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: May 22, 2019 at 8:09:09 PM PDT
To: Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <pr@albi.com.au>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>
Cc: rest; Roger Waters – Pink Floyd <help@RogerWaters.com>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <repetitor@ziggo.nl>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <gvanleeuwen@yahoo.com>, geoffrey.rothwell@turner-harris.com, “Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org” <Geoffrey.ROTHWELL@oecd.org>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <email@gop.com>, Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <iherzog@jafi.org>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <EssyProgram@ccf.org>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <bjp1@cornell.edu>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <pcrm@pcrm.org>, “Dr. Lim MD” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <Tandis@pmri.org>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <drmcdougall@drmcdougall.com, Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <barak@idc.ac.il>, Zvi Remak <sdebokerwinery@gmail.com>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <guy@merkaha.co.il>, guy bechor <guy.bechor@gmail.com>, Uri Bar-Joseph <ubarjoseph@gmail.com>, Uri Rosenberg <urir77@gmail.com>, “Dr. Cristina Lanata MD” <cristinalanata@yahoo.com>, “Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo.” <markblumberg09@gmail.com>, “courtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk” <courtofprotectionenquiries@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk>, British Embassy – Israel <enquiries.consular@fco.gov.uk>, Elon Musk <NAsales@tesla.com>, JFK Library Textual Archives <Kennedy.Library@nara.gov>
You look like an old menopaused [sic] Jewish princess, trying to be the trophy wife but you don’t have the sexy body.
You are short, fat and trying to show the boobs, the long nails and bling bling to boot.
You look ridiculous especially next to that beautiful young girl.
I wonder what my mother would think?
You should have a good sense of where I am going next on my Facebook group chat, Review of Down Durban Memory Lane
Let my mother go free and be with me which is all she wants, and you obviously don’t enjoy being with her not just because you don’t show yourself in the two photos you place of my mother on your FB back on March 23 being warm and cuddly because for starters neither you nor my two brothers are in either very sad photo
and nor is anyone else. Nor have you replaced her two dogs that you were quick to have destroyed.
My mother has lost weight since I last saw her. That is not a good sign.
The fact that you probably haven’t yet brought in a nutritionist is not the only wrong which is unforgivable.
You didn’t put up those two photos of my mother on your Facebook because you wanted to show your 72 FB friends what a good daughter you are.
They all either know or they don’t want to know.
You must also be talking to me via ESP because I can feel that you are shaking.
Of course there is no comment about my mother’s mental health since you have had exclusive custody of her the past 2 years, 7 months and 14 days, and nor are any of your again 72 FB friends breaking the deafening silence because to do so would have them logically asking you to show videos you have taken of my mother Zena since October 8, 2016 which has my mother just as alert, sharp as tack, as she was with me until you sent in the Jewish Gestapo police at 1:30AM Tuesday, September 27, 2016 on the most vile fabricated charge that I was a threat to my mother.
Both my mother and I as well as my father Bernie knew better than to spoon-feed the 3 of you the history of Zagiew-Jewish Gestapo Kapos because the 3 of you should have asked when you realized that the loudest mouthed Jewish supporters of the Apartheid Regime, the Durban North Lazarus clan met with no opposition from either the Durban Jewish religious leadership; namely rabbi Abner Weiss, our immediate family’s closest Jewish friend, or the secular leadership who all profited from the “asset stripping” of Moshal Gevisser, the game was rigged, and the only course of action was to stay quiet and not even think of writing a poetry-blank verse book
which touched on the politics of Apartheid South Africa, especially when you served in their military when you had the choice of settling in Israel “free of charge”.
You have a lot to learn and I am doing my very best.
What is most important is the “here and now” or as my mother Zena says,
“What is present is better than in the past, and you are very handsome..”
That took place on your 63rd birthday, September 24, 2016, less than 3 days before you sent in the Israeli Zagiew-Gestapo police.
You must have thought about how you could sit down my mother just as I did on her long couch and her right next to you – CLICK HERE -, and you asking her the exact same questions and to see if at least she could remember telling the camera’s eye how much she loves and adores the 3 of you and your lawyer Weisel.
Note that there are now 1172 independent views of The Lady’s Speech and the deafening silence would only make you feel comfortable if you were totally foolish.
When you watched and heard my mother Zena joyfully fooling around and playing with her pigtails, “I’m mindful, that’s what I am – Why did you have to die? I need you today.”
the thought must have occurred to you that anyone who told you that what they are seeing is a very unhappy person who has clearly lost their mind, such a person can never be trusted.
Anyone who also chooses to ignore my mother’s very good memory of the important events in her life including her two parents who she clearly misses “Why did you have to die? I need you today” is a very evil person either motivated to get money out of you like Weisel or very troubled about their personal life which when seeing my beautiful mother they quickly attribute to not having such a fine woman as their mother.
Had you been told much earlier in life all the people in our Durban Jewish community including our close relatives who plotted against our immediate family, there is every reason to believe that you would have ended up exactly like David Gevisser and more importantly there is no guarantee that I would still be here.
You remember writing to me on September 11, 2016, the 15th anniversary of 9/11, – CLICK HERE – “…she just can’t remember! She can sometimes fool us, but, it takes so much energy for her to maintain a conversation. Best never to ask her questions and memorises to say ‘brilliant…never been happier’ when you ask how she is. She knows to say ‘I wish you were here’ and ‘ if you come I won’t want you to go’ as examples. Her intelligence has kept her illness hidden for a long time, however, 4-5 years ago I noticed a change in her.”
“She can sometimes fool us” is totally stupid were the stupidity not the result of the most evil plotting against the world’s best mother, best human who you derive great satisfaction in putting under your thumb.
4 years ago you last contacted me to let me know my father Bernie had passed away but nothing about my mother Zena. Strange isn’t that?
You also forgot that immediately after I asked you to send me our father’s FINAL WILL which you did, and thinking nothing of it, because it really didn’t say much of specific monetary value which is all that the 3 of you cared about, I wasted no time in explaining to you what you had all missed. As you know I had never seen that November 7, 2007 [FINAL WILL] or the codicil attached which changed nothing of substance and I knew better than to ask, not only because it would be most impolite, but knowing my father and mother as well as I do, my father would have lit a fire under the 3 of you to help wake you up to all the wealth he had left on the table because all the money in the world could not have brought back his father, Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890-1970] who died of a broken heart when realizing that his nephew David Gevisser had done everyone in.
My father was also telling you something else; namely the monies Alan Zulman stole from me which I had assigned to my father because there is no monetary value one can place o[n] being so fortunate as to be able to Honor both a wonderful mother and no less wonderful father, led not only to the 3 of you not in the least bit bothered that those monies were in fact coming out of my father’s pocket to much bigger thieves who murdered 6 million Jewish people, just for starters; and their main course was of course the final destruction of the last pocket of Jewish resistance which had naturally been concentrated in Israel.
What you most have to smoke in your pipe tonight is how you sold yourself so s ort because of your short-sightedness in valuing our mother and our father’s worth in terms of the financial wealth they had accumulated which given it’s small size spoke loudly to their integrity for which there is no price.
It was not for you to know all that my father and my mother had sacrificed for me to gain entry to [the] inner sanctums of De Beers-Barclays which would not have been possible had either of them “blown the whistle” before than fleeing to Israel where we would have faired no better, other than David Gevisser would have gladly parted with all his hidden overseas wealth which I had all the details, just to hold on to his head and the six of us would have all been filthy rich beyond your wildest dreams.
By November 7, 2007 my father Bernie had not only mastered every element of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book and I had long answered his only question, “What good will come of it?” to expose the truth to the light, but my father and mother had read David Gevisser’s so self-incriminating 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER which nailed his coffin as well as Natie Kirsh who might very well this wonderfully rainy day have joined Bezos and Musk so eager to leave planet Mother Earth, other than of course, all this Mars and further Moon exploration is to distract the people into thinking this new round of Captains of Industry care about the future of mankind when in fact nothing can be further from the truth as the rockets have predominantly a military component.
Groups like the Pentagon have a clear objective in shutting up anyone who thinks war is not a good idea.
So you have to come back to the fledgling but heavily militarized State of Israel who is never going to be able to explain its pivotal role in helping the world’s greatest mass murderer, De Beers-Barclays wipe out legitimate Jewish business people who were simply doing the right thing and opposing monopolist rule.
My father Bernie had a slight problem with reading because of his mild dyslexia which didn’t prevent him passing with an “average” grade “instrument flying”
The fact that you wouldn’t know that I our father Bernie graduated top of his class of Fighter Bomber Pilots and was immediately sought out by the world’s best veterans such as future commander of the IAF Syd Cohen tells you how little you know, period.
The business of war is the first thing you should be most curious about especially if your father flew alongside the best of the best who were never put out by my father’s extraordinary humility as well as a unique ability to get the job done without any fuss where others had failed and that you would have learned from his chairmanship of the Durban Jewish Club
had you failed to notice when visiting the headquarters of Moshal Gevisser at 173 Maydon Road, Durban
that his name was not only the most called, “B. Gevisser” [over the broadcast system] but it was continuous throughout the day.
When he was out of the office flying in his own single engine airplane from one branch to the next he was also constantly dictating into his handheld recorder and it was not like he was trying to impress his Facebook friends with his vocabulary. The only fault they could find with our father was that he lacked ambition and was without fault.
Ambition to be financially rich is for morons.
My father was accomplished on May 8, 1944 when he earned his Fighter Bomber Pilot wings, and still 163 days shy of his 21st birthday. A Jan Smuts Fighter Bomber Pilot at 20 years of age. Less than a year later he had achieved a goal few today can only dream about.
This past Sunday evening on 60 MINUTES the world saw how one Branch of the Nazi Deutsche Bank so cavalierly laundered something in the order of $240 billion of Russian Oligarch monies which had the audience left wondering that it can only be the tip of the iceberg.
The iceberg from top to bottom is the Central Bank of England who take the lead role in executing “Regime Change” and no Banana Republic is too smallI.
This May 8, call it coincidence, I began revealing to the world via the FB group chat, Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, Gordon Richdale’s 1962 autobiography, The Sunlit Years and which you no doubt saw and perhaps thought no more than, “Waters over a duck’s back”.
In the course of the past 15 days you wouldn’t expect that just because you haven’t bought The Sunlit Years that the people who have been following my writings ever since my first and most controversial article appeared in the Jerusalem Post on February 1, 20[0]1 denouncing the treason of terrorist financier Marc Rich, would view such a book as the type people read just to help put them to sleep after the TV news has them so worked up.
The “fool” also came up in your previous communication 2 days earlier, September 9 [2016]:
- Melvin, Neil and I just want Mom to be at peace and well cared for. Her condition has deteriorated and although you think she knows what is going on , she is smart enough to fool you. She has no memory ,however,in the moment she could make you think she is OK. David went to see Mom en route from South Africa to Poland for 1 night last week and she is in good health physically, but, has all the signs now of complete Dementia…..very sad.
You don’t get to write the definitive White Paper on the Marc Rich pardon by being either a talker or someone who fails to follow the money-mineral resource trail left behind by South African Invader German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]
PS – You may want to check quickly with Kerry Anderson Malfesis what I sent her earlier. First thing tomorrow, I plan to be back on Review of Down Durban Memory where you notice that not one of our cousins or for that matter David Gevisser’s widow, Hedda Cohen Gevisser have left.
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