Illumunati puppets – Screenshot Aug 4, 2018, 17:32
David Barrows Illuminati puppets.
Gary Gevisser David Barrows, I’m not sure why you bother writing, using up sacred energy, about the “illuminati” which to begin with, from a common sense perspective, is infantile.
You might as well be talking about ancient martians before the universe began running everything.
Didn’t you learn in history books that there are dates specific, individual kings and noblemen who marched their armies into battle?
For the first time ever I looked into the definition/description of this “illuminati” and I found Wikipedia:
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power.
What I noticed is that at the very start they don’t give specific names and their current history.
You said the other day, perhaps it was yesterday, that you needed to catch up on sleep.
When you wrote, “Illuminati puppets” which FB says was some 7 hours ago, I know for sure that you were not sleeping.
It is not so important that you continue to help lead people astray but what you are doing to your own brain.
If I can get one of you to slow down, then that would be a miracle because so far I haven’t succeeded in getting one of you to do that.
Maybe it is much like a chicken that continues to run around for quite some time with its head chopped off.
I have never timed this and nor would I choose to watch. I also don’t think it is healthy to eat anything that once had a heartbeat, but that is just my own personal point of view.
When however, I put effort in educating someone such as yourself in exactly how the whole money system works because everything outside of the hand of a Higher Energy Source [HER] is driven by money and if one believes in HER then because money is the embodiment of human civilization then you would expect HER to have you focused on the thing that most makes mankind, the oxymoron of all time, tick, and you revert back to bad habits that make no sense, it simply means that you are one of those chickens who take longer to collapse than those chickens which collapse on the spot.
The sight of blood affects people differently. I don’t find it at all appealing, and I realize that some people once they kill someone and see the sight of blood, they cannot wait to kill again, and if it means 1 billion people in a matter of a split second, all the better.
The difference between beauty and perversion in the human mind is incredibly small.
But why choose perversion when the easy option is beauty unless there is no beauty around you.
You may have noticed that the human body throughout the world is not getting prettier.
More and more children are being born with obesity.
So it looks like things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better and for them to get better would take a miracle.
If you are counting on a miracle why not simply pray for a miracle than writing crap on Facebook?
Praying has been proven to be effective, even if you only believe in helping the person you are praying for.
Do me a favor, don’t bother replying to this, just pray for my mother Zena.
That also means don’t write back to me telling me that you have started to spread Epstein’s 1978, non-fiction The Diamond Invention, because what I have seen and which includes a hyperlink to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, without explaining the history and how you came about it, sounds both stupid and conspiratorial.
Now try and remember what I said; do nothing but pray for my mother Zena to be delivered into my hands.