Tat Wolfen, you and I are currently having a conversation on fb messaging about the different forms of government and you have made it perfectly clear that you are not a socialist and very anti-lefties; moreover that you feel the current ANC Government in South Africa is racist against whites.
As you know I have been trying to get you to focus on the South African Oppenheimer family who we all grew up knowing they controlled the entire South African economy and nor did they keep it a secret that during the height of their Apartheid Regime, this very “liberal” family controlled directly 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange which if you missed in your university studies it didn’t prevent your common sense from kicking in and doing your own investigation before starting to mouth off your political manifestations unless you felt that was the best way to become one of their high paying shills.
Moreover, you have been resisting talking about the SA Oppenheimers who you know I know intimately because my common sense told me to follow the money-mineral resources trail like it is the deathly bubonic plague, but that doesn’t mean your viewers as well as the rest of world are prevented from learning what has you much more frustrated than your prior angst; namely how the “racist” black South Africans and “lefties” have created this “shithole” in South Africa that you can’t wait to leave.
So let’s look again at my last writings to you and then see if we can get more than our mutual fb friends involved; and why not since it has your temper flaring to see how we can get it all going viral in the next instant and of course using all my connections that include my 10k plus email list.
Cutting and pasting my last message/s to you on fb messaging:
What do have to say about the South African Oppenheimers?
Do you think it makes a difference to them whether a politician or would be politician or member of the media or someone like yourself venting your frustrations on social media is a capitalist, socialist or communist or a mixture of all 3?
Tat Wolfen you are distracting and you know that our entire dialogue on fb messaging including your inarticulate voice recordings showing your frustration with yourself for not having the common sense to look into the politics of South Africa’s richest family, demonstrates your game playing beyond a shadow of a doubt.
That you will shortly find on my 2facetruth dot com BLOG as well as the backup I will shortly share with you via email.
Nor did I say that you write posts to please or displease the Oppenheimers. Again you are distracting from your great frustration with yourself for not having paid attention to the Oppenheimers despite all your vitriol on social media about the “shithole” South Africa which is only shit if you are poor and don’t live in a perfectly safe place.
Tat Wolfen, you would agree that the issues you are so vocal about, again the “shithole… racist, anti-white South African government, are shared by a great many South Africans including your close family members who recently moved to the United States.
Since harmony must be your goal more so than money, wouldn’t it be great if we could get everyone involved starting with our respective fb friends?
Surely, you would also agree that someone such as myself should be listened to given how there are extraordinarily few people who have had as many or close to as many multi-billionaire clients who prefer not to have advising them people who talk to talk.
Nor is it inconsequential that I began my professional “risk assessment” career working for the SA Oppenheimers at their highest level on US soil soon after completing my economic-finance-law studies at the University of Natal-Kwazulu and my year long orientation before joining them officially in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age, was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer who along with his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals.
Tat Wolfen, can you or anyone else including my two-faced fb friend, South African lawyer
Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
whose parents were vocal opponents of the Apartheid Regime, and both very well known to my highly secretive, most worldly and beautiful British-English mother Zena, explain why the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime who ruled brutally for an uninterrupted period of 46 years beginning when Harry Oppenheimer became the “Trojan Horse” in General Smuts’ United Party which lost the rigged May 26, 1948 South African General Election, never complained about Oppenheimer being two-faced and supporting the opposition South African political parties?
can you see why the Oppenheimers were most proud of their stupid middle class who to compensate for their lack of physical work became highly talkative social butterflies?
Tat Wolfen, have you yet managed to drag yourself away from your misery and done more than just glance a look at Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention that is free on The Internet and which no politician or member of the media touch with a 100 foot pole?
Only when one truly knows the real history behind RSA from 2.5 centuries and how it haa beccome a fiefdom and cash cow, can they speak with any authority about its issues. The rest of the commentary, for me, i leave for other’s to make. But usually someone does. Sooner or later.
Tat Wolfen, you just don’t want people to know that you are a fool, not so?
You are on Facebook collecting friends from all over the world.
I don’t see many of them responding to you and this will not only help you get better known and that may bring your more clients and less time venting your frustrations on social media, but helping the world.
Don’t you want other ignorant white South Africans being better informed than what you have previously attempted to do?
As a communications expert could you think of ways to improve my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post following the treason pardon by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton of terrorist financier Marc Rich at the 11th hour of Clinton’s presidency.
Is there anything more you want to say about the SA Oppenheimers and your fixation on anti white racism in South Africa?
Tat Wolfen, would you be able to make a judgment call why South African multi billionaire
Solly Krok
chose me rather than you as his most trusted advisor?
Let’s say it is because Solly Krok didn’t know about you. Previously, you said that if Harry Oppenheimer knew you, he would hire you.
Given how well I knew Harry Oppenheimer, I am quite certain you are wrong, but that is not important.
Solly Krok is with us and he is currently hiring internet-multimedia -marketing-PR people such as yourself for his charity drive Keep The Wolf From the Door, how would you go about selling yourself now to him?
Tat Wolfen, it would be wrong to think Solly Krok is a fool just because he hired me or that the importance of the SA Oppenheimers escapes the attention of people like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk.
Have you yet come across the only advertiser on the internet edition of The D I book?
Tat Wolfen then he went on to say, “He’s dead already … Geeze Gary you mincing him up now”.
Don’t you want to prove him wrong, that you are man enough to own up to having so misled the flock into thinking that the biggest problem in South Africa is the racist Black government?
You know that you are not going to change the truth about the duplicity of the SA Oppenheimers who had you, your parents, grandparents and possibly great grandparents fooled.
How in God’s name can a Jewish person support a narcissistic, racist, ignorant, sociopath Donald Trump, just because he is the most convincing liar?
So what that his alternative Joe Biden is no better.
When all candidates for political office don’t escape the attention of the people who should have been the first and possibly last prosecuted at Nuremberg, the first thing you do is look under the skirt of the “liberal” opposition leadership to their Apartheid Regime.
Do you think that because Helen Suzman and Tony Leon were Jewish it automatically eliminated them from heading up the fake opposition to the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime?
Wouldn’t you love to see me debate Tony Leon, considered the greatest political debater of his generation?
Why do you think Tony Leon who I spent a great deal of time with in Cape Town South Africa back in 1995 when he was the leader of the Democratic Alliance Party said to me about Harry Oppenheimer, “Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa”?
Tat Wolfen, why do you think Trump doesn’t go after Joe Biden given how his son Hunter has investments in the Congo which played a pivotal role in Obama winning the presidency and the Congo as you know from The D I book is where the Oppenheimers sent Hitler his diamonds using officials of the Red Cross such as Nazi Wallis Simpson as couriers?
Do you feel that you were short-changed in your high school history lessons?
Do you think if Latin hadn’t been removed from the educational system, you might have ended up wiser?
Could you see the SA Oppenheimers pulling out all stops to keep their plebes stupid and sick?
Why do you think with all this contrived COVID 19 confinement including wearing masks, you hear nothing from any of the governments about the steps people should take to increase their immune system?
Could you see that as a conspiracy?
Do you see the poising of the food supply a conspiracy in the same vein?
If you managed to avoid capture and trial at Nuremberg would you put in place strong or weak puppets?
Can you name me one strong leader besides for David Ben Gurion and Smuts amongst the western leadership following the puppet Franklin D Roosevelt and Hitler coming to power at the same time?
Tat Wolfen wouldn’t you expect that people in denial which one can ascertain by the health of their bodies driven by poison foods such as all meat-dairy-fish products, age that much more poorly?
Or do you have a different opinion or have you simply not given it enough thought?
Do you feel after running into me that you are now less of a blabbermouth or are you thinking that you wish you had never been born?
Are you able to see your way out of your misery if only you could let go of your ego?
Just because most everyone sees change as too difficult because their ego is unrestrained and would rather die than let go of their ego, doesn’t mean you have no choice but to follow in the path of the bloody fools.
Nor do the number of fools prove that a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) does not exist.
In fact the more the human seeks knowledge the more it realizes how little it knows especially since it is so obvious that the space between the ears is full of so much crap, how can you expect enlightenment which is a requisite for a happy disposition if you weren’t born with a happy disposition.
On a lighter note, have you noticed when women in particular put on weight, their hair becomes the main focus?
Janice Lipman, do you have an opinion on this subject?
Janice, do you also have an opinion why it is that Jewish South Africans who supported the Apartheid Regime in South Africa when they settled in the United States they immediately began supporting the liberal democrats just so long as it meant more money in their pockets and to also assuage their guilt, while the rest became right wing in their politics?
Doesn’t it make sense before you decide what political party to join that you look at their greatest leader, Franklin D Roosevelt who not only served 3 terms but long before he turned away the MS St Louis sending hundreds of Jewish people to their deaths, right before the official start of World War 2 which was a godsend to the rich of the world as few got caught up in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, he was an open supporter of Eugenics?
Not only was the science of the Eugenics movement totally flawed, again forget racist to the Nth degree, but the United States like many western countries was built on slavery and stealing land from the indigenous peoples.
But for Jewish South Africans such as yourself with your white skins to be so insensitive to black Americans shows you to be either totally disgraceful or totally stupid?
What is it in your case?
Once you whittle it all down you come to two things:
First the 4 questions of the Jewish Passover service and you know you immediately fall into the category of the stupid son.
Second, all you care about is the money and when you have to fuck your ugly, out of shape husband, especially if he is medical doctor able to bring home the bacon by being first and foremost a pill pusher and staying as far away from advocating to his sick patients a low fat whole food plant based diet, the money is all that keeps you sane, until you either hear what I have to say or you read Prof. Epstein’s The D I book.
Tat Wolfen, do you see the coincidence of the “wolf” in your last name and
Solly Krok’s Keep the Wolf From The Door?
Do you see a correlation between coincidences and notice the “money-coin” in the first 4 letters, and Quantum Mechanics where nature proves herself to be totally unpredictable ?
Tat Wolfen you really need to rethink your friends list! I mean, for the most part your post are very entertaining but this is just like watching paint dry!