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Important – I prefer to keep it public – You are right

From: gg <>
Subject: Important – Re: I prefer to keep it public – Re: You are right
Date: March 17, 2018 at 9:39:26 AM PDT
To: Fran Baker Poeggle – Roman Catholic first cousin of Zena Ash Gevisser and elder sister of Cynthia Petit <>
Cc: REST; Cynthia Cindy Petit – Roman Catholic first cousin of Zena Ash Gevisser <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, “ omer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Neta Mark <>, Menashe Cohen <>, Galit Tassi <>, “Esther K. Ilan” <>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <>, “Guy Bechor – principal G.Planet Israel” <>, Uri Bar-Joseph <>, “Yossi Melman – co-author FRIENDS IN DEED.” <>, yossi menachem <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Laura Malter – ex CIA – has twice now deactivated and reactivated her facebook and still avoiding answering a most important question about The Diamond Invention book. No longer a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD – Cardiologist + First cousin of Gary Gevisser” <>, Kerry Anderson Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>
I will in due course congratulate you publicly not only for your decision to hit “reply all” to my forwarding of “I prefer to keep it public” to Jeffrey Krinsk, but your appropriate words regarding my mother Zena. Well done.
But you can do much better.
The fact that the 168 individuals/groups you included in the cc section will mostly be concerned with how Elon Musk is going to react to this wealth of knowledge, is not lost on me.
Your actions will start a chain reaction. They can’t fault the truth, even if you went on too long about thanking me for meeting with your sister and her immediate family, who of course had little interest in understanding how the Diamond Invention Game greatly impacts their lives.
Nothing should be left in God’s hands entirely, otherwise the game is not interesting, and Musk would understand that perfectly.
You couldn’t possibly have such systemic evil without a “master hand” behind it; and while that sustains me, I also leave it to God to take his vengeance on the wicked.
You, nor any other human will ever be able to take away from me my positive spirit.
So I do not need any words of encouragement. 
You know exactly what you need to do in order to end the suffering of my mother who every moment is being nothing less than horribly tortured.
You are not capable of knowing what great intelligence resides inside my mother’s brain which is far more than what the physical world shows, but your minds are very capable of seeing that this is a case of premeditated murder.
You should also explain the purpose of hitting “reply all” to your sister and at the same time show her how to write a comment in the Youtube videos
From: Cynthia <>
Subject: Re: I prefer to keep it public – Re: You are right
Date: March 17, 2018 at 7:58:25 AM PDT

I couldn’t find the comment line to place my comment about the YouTube on your mom.? Explain to me how to add a comment. I was the one who hit the like button because I liked it. 
Try playing Dungeon Boss and you will see it is very little violence. You can get it free in the apps store.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 17, 2018, at 2:30 AM, gg <> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: I prefer to keep it public – Re: You are right
Date: March 16, 2018 at 8:13:51 PM PDT
To: Cynthia Cindy Petit – Roman Catholic first cousin of Zena Ash Gevisser <>

If neither of you nor the members of your immediate family and their children including the one producing less violent video games still don’t know how, then again cut and paste all the people you saw included in the cc section of what I forwarded Jeff Krinsk and this time make sure you include his email address, and ask them.
The more people that know is good for me and my mother.
Both of you understand that perfectly.
You do not explain why “it was best to stay quiet” which is spelled quite different to “quite”.
You don’t explain because there is no logical explanation. It is cowardice as I have so well explained.
I am not interested to hear your thoughts on why my mother Zena chose not to “know you” unless they are different to what I explained. My explanations were very clear.
Your sister Cynthia still doesn’t get it, but maybe now she will rethink her response, go back to what I forwarded Jeffrey Krinsk, hit the “reply all” and write something that will shake up the world. You can also choose to help your sister compose that communication.
There is also nothing to stop you from also making a public comment on the Youtube videos.
There is also nothing stopping you, other than dragging your feet in making this disgrace VERY PUBLIC, to write to every one of your family and friends including each and every one of your FB friends, and encourage them to put pressure on my 3 siblings and the Israeli judge.
Things don’t “always work out” because the human is a chicken.
The fact that you are poorly “emotionally strung” and cannot consistently apply logic, and which is rampant throughout the world, still does not make your actions right. 
How could you possibly write such garbage, “Since your family was raised with different beliefs from my side of the world, I was disappointed in you.”
There is no logical relationship between the start of that sentence and the totally insane conclusion, “I was disappointed in you.”
All that you are right about is that my mother Zena loves me for very good reason and which my mother articulates so very well at the start of the Lady’s Speech, and those words, “You make me feel important” are words that the overwhelming majority of mothers could never say about their children and most importantly they come from the most generous, and accomplished person of her times. So go stick that in your hat and smoke it.
The fact that a pipe bomb or other killing device has not yet murdered me and Marie and of course it would be best for Mango if he went out with us because no one could possibly care for him as well as us, does not give you the right to write nonsense when it suits as well as “play stupid”.
My energies will now go to reaching out further to Elon Musk, who no doubt would be interested in all this.
Thank you again for hitting “reply all”. 
Next forward what you wrote when hitting “reply all” to everyone you know; and may I suggest that you either correct the spelling error in the last sentence “I do wish you the best in persuading this goal” as you meant to write “pursuing” or simply place the Latin adverb SIC at the end of the sentence while encasing the 10 words in English quotation marks.
PS – All it takes is truth remains up on Maye Musk’s FB wall. Let me know when you have posted it up on your FB wall. There might be a “share” button that you can press which will make it easier for you, although simply cutting and pasting it onto your FB walls wouldn’t take much longer. It might also be therapeutic for you to type it out. That might take as long as an hour if you only use your one index finger and then pausing for no more than a few seconds after every stroke.
[Word count 1137]



On Mar 17, 2018, at 6:14 AM, wrote:

I will answer question one: your sibling were raised different then you, they might resent the attention you received from your parents.  Parents can try to raise there children with the same preparation for life, but it does not always work out.  

Blood relations:  I contacted you,I was thinking maybe you needed a family support to comfort you.  I found after many contacts with you, it was best to stay quite.  Your replies are hurtful.  
I had no other motive in contacting you.  
When I told my sister of you, she was looking forward to met you.  Since your family was raised with different beliefs from my side of the world, I was disappointed in you.  
I only wish and pray that your mom receives everything needed for her care.  Her not being exposed to things that would keep her mind learning, she would best be happier to be with you.  
In your past correspondence to me, you refer to me as a person, Zena choose not to know.  It works both ways.  
Your cousin, 


On Saturday, March 17, 2018, gg <> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: I prefer to keep it public – Re: You are right
Date: March 16, 2018 at 8:13:51 PM PDT
To: Cynthia Cindy Petit – Roman Catholic first cousin of Zena Ash Gevisser <>

Chicken…. CLICK HERE
