Following up on “Failed tyrant”.
Sauce: orange juice, tahini and wasabi – next time lemon zest on top will be good.
Gr, isn’t it amazing the shit people put in their bodies, the sauces full of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) to hide the flavor of the decomposing animal flesh triggering the cancers, and yet they survive so long and manage to talk so much shit?
Do you ever feel that GoDNature has you totally fooled or are you more concerned that Gen lets you eat all the killer SOS because she isn’t being all that nice wanting you dead sooner to inherit?
What about this South African comedian Trevor Noah whose voice I’ve never heard, now making sick jokes about inflation killing the poor, do you think he rose all on his own, oblivious to how he has to please Oppenheimer?
Does it help to focus on the next ant 🐜 that gets your attention to realize how little intelligence you have?
Why do you think intellectual midget Steven Spielberg comes up with such a weak depiction of an alien that looks ugly and scary?
Doesn’t a simple blade of grass
blowing in the wind trigger something utterly beautiful such as the imagination that you cannot even draw?
Why look for aliens when there are abundant Alien Invaders (AI) getting uglier?
They spend lots of time on the Internet, and the kids too which make them less attractive.
Why have you been writing to me all these years so much distracting stuff but you block me from adding you to my Facebook symposiums.
Don’t you want to do something good before you croak, knowing that you haven’t figured out what this vile, destructive, two-faced human is doing here, and join us at my symposium Getting to know your friends that is going to get even more interesting in the hours ahead, especially since Elon’s father, brilliant engineer Errol Musk, included in the bcc section, agrees with my assessment of Crypto currencies but doesn’t want me to share the knowledge with anyone else, even though it might save Elon from those who would prefer he is killed.
I think Elon Musk has it all figured out, only missing the food. Imagine if he gets inspired!
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On Apr 14, 2022, at 6:34 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote to Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>:
It is so ugly.
Indescribable the lack of humanity.
You use Nuclear not only to kill the planet but to genocide the poor by withholding weapons to defend themselves.
How do you and Gen sleep-live with yourselves.
Btw we slept well last night and knowing that outside of a miracle Mariupol will probably have fallen overnight.
What is the news from your end?
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: April 13, 2022 at 5:00:07 PM PDT
To: Anonymous full of himself cook
Cc: rest
Subject: It has always been – Re: Why are you all heartless? – Re: Cemented in- Re: Self-delusion – : That is true – Fwd: Continuous monologue – Re: Your writings – Re: Going off – Re: Have your hours been cut back?
That’s contribution.
It is not only at this time. It has always been. It is more evident with all the social media.
Since you are so eager to maintain the value of your Bitcoin investment, at all cost to your brain, and many are in the same boat, why not hit “reply all” unless it makes you feel no less foolish?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 13, 2022, at 3:22 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
Matthew 24:12 Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold
On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 12:57 PM Gary Gevisser <> wrote to Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
The question is why are you all heartless?
Are you heartless because you have no love in your lives?
Is it your destiny?
BTW, we stopped ordering from the kitchen, where you are the main cook, because of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar).
Free people
Can’t wait for your next move
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 12, 2022, at 10:24 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
its way too easy to see what you are trying to do in that email. whatever the source of your information is it is obviously bad. they also misinterpret
my motives by a longshot. why are they so nervous that i will go and tell someone? its a little flattering to know that i am on all of your minds so often.
On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 11:38 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
Solly Krok’s crystal clear writings need no further explanation.
It is also wrong to think destiny, like karma should be taken lightly.
Just because you use “destiny” twice in your last monologue doesn’t mean destiny is something “passive”.
When you smell something rotten, assuming you still have a sense of smell, your entire body, not just your mind, reacts with convulsion.
Everything in this universe down to each atom is in constant motion.
Test it out.
Try thinking of nothing.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ~ Einstein
Again, you didn’t hit “reply all”. You might have enticed Mr. Krok to speak with you directly. Wouldn’t you like to speak with such a coherent thinker?
Do you think that because Mr. Krok is going on 93 he demonstrated stupidity with his very coherent thoughts?
When combined with my earlier writings which shook you up, “The problem with most people is that they talk to talk about themselves mostly, and there is no content to discuss, it is a continuous monologue”, it makes the human rat run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Your destiny is cemented in. An ant.
Bear in mind, you who is all about pictures in your mind of zombies and holograms, steered clear of the photo of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer whose father Harry is the one central character of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.
When a bad student tells me that I am not a good teacher I know that I am getting through.
You are miserable, not because you put your savings into Cryptos which became your God.
You actually thought you were smart.
Nor do you have any regrets because you are brainwashed like most to be all about the money, and you are certainly better off than the down and out street person dependent on government handouts, and random acts of kindness from strangers.
You only write your nonsense to me because you associate money and wealth with intelligence, and it doesn’t sit well with you that you have been fooled, and you would prefer that less rather than more people learn the truth.
I have explained perfectly to your shocked mind that your God, Cryptos, are the biggest con since the GDP which is singularly responsible for the destruction of the planet’s green space.
No green, no oxygen.
You also cannot smell nuclear pollution.
What you can’t see, you can’t miss.
I know that you don’t care about the damage that is being exacerbated by Cryptos which is again no less war on the poor than the GDP, and why you try to make out that you don’t fully understand everything I say.
Your goal is to defeat me intellectually with garbage, monologue talk rather than be appreciative, humble which in turn makes you look inward and examine not only your diet but to get out in nature and exercise as your lungs heal you with the ultimate goal being enlightenment, void of all fear.
STUDY: Humans Can Fight Off Viruses — Simply By Breathing…
You must know that you have failed miserably.
Of course I am not going to cure you of something you don’t want cured.
My writings, including all those you see on my clever name website which also flushes out all the two-faced, are nothing like anything you can find elsewhere not even in your contrived delusional state.
I love “… were on there sometimes”.
Not really because in that context the word “love” is pure sarcasm.
You know that you cannot point to anything that comes close.
You are the human sheep that you so detest.
You obviously didn’t make it into military intelligence, and even if you were a candidate that would be scary.
You and I will never end up in the same bar unless it is a coincidence and that is most unlikely since I don’t go to bars because I don’t drink alcohol and nor am I looking to pick up someone for sex.
Thank God you are not going to change the course of the world because it would only be worse with you in charge. It is enough that we have to deal with Putin who has played quite a game. He has so many fooled.
These 11 odd words, “Putin has played quite a game. He has so many fooled” are not inconsequential.
Let me know when you are ready to join my fb symposiums and I will give you the floor to talk your gobbledegook.
Again a big day today. Already 2 individuals, including restaurant entrepreneur Kathleen Water, have seen the title of my next piece.
[Word count 785]
[Photo of Penny Coelen, my mother Zena’s model who won Miss World 1958, standing next to a lifeguard rowing boat on Durban’s beach with me in my mother’s arms and my 3 elder siblings behind]
[Photo of Penny in London right after winning the Miss World]
On Apr 12, 2022, at 7:59 AM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
maybe there are a couple things i could do but other than that there is no clear path except to just sit here and wait for the inevitable.
my destiny seems to be cemented in, there are certain things that have to happen i think, for some reason i don’t fully comprehend.
i did not mean to imply you are delusional or like an old blogger. internet forums were not nearly the same back then as they are now
and the type of topics you talk about are very similar to ones that were on there sometimes.
you say all these things about clinging to illusions etc but no mention of what those could be. should i just pretend like nothing is wrong and
a few weeks from now we will all be in some bar at happy hour enjoying life? go stick needles in my shoulder injecting bat venom in my arm and
jump on the wagon? you want me to come to come conclusion and maybe you have knowledge but you don’t really convey a lot of it in a way that
has enough context for me to interpret it most of the time.
knowledge is power, but knowledge gained by myself is limited. but the knowledge that comes from outside of me is more powerful, as
evidenced by the fear and trembling they exhibit, even though they have every other advantage there could possibly be. their existence
contradicts all of their beliefs, they are unable to reason, only act on emotion and they aren’t even able to pretend they are anything other than
miserable in the world they have been pining for probably forever. they act out the exact patterns and behaviors that has been said they would.
i’m not going to change the course of world politics or anyones mind, at least not of my own doing. they are going to do what theyve planned,
maybe when that happens it will show people what is actually happening, and cement their destiny fully. hopefully they guillotine me or some similar method
where i can smile at them as the realization hits
On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 7:15 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
No. Moreover, you know perfectly well exactly what to do.
You read everything I write and your reaction; i.e. dismissing, before going on your continuous monologue, shows that you follow exactly the mineral trail.
[Photo of Putin + Oppenheimer]
Why do you think the man on the right, beginning this past March 17 decided to hide, and in the process he left a trail demonstrating clearly he has lost his mind?
Does his face look familiar?
How many times have you read The D I book or do you prefer that I spell it out, and drag this out?
Your reaction is the same as everyone.
Maybe if you change your thinking to appreciate both my courage and the unique knowledge I share, you will be a happier person.
Knowledge is Power and power-energy comes from the sun whose origins are beyond the imagination of the full of itself, weak minded human who thinks this world is all about them.
You are doing a great job in cementing your future destiny; you must have previous expertise.
Most people though don’t change their bad habits, they enjoy their misery that attracts others just like them. Misery loves company.
What garbage “Yes, i did” followed immediately, ” but i’m not sure what else to do at this point. everyone seems delusional …”
You want to suggest that I too am delusional, while putting forth the equal nonsense that I remind of some old fart blogger.
You are also aware that I didn’t get off a boat just yesterday at Ellis Island, New York City.
The first thing you do when seeing my email rebroadcasts of our dialogue is to look at who I include in the cc section, and you never ask questions or hit the “reply all” button which you know is the right and the smart thing to do.
One of those names is one of South Africa’s most recognizable multi-billionaires, Solly Krok who made it big here in the United States, not with using money, at least not as much money as his competition Victor Kiam of Remington, the shaving company, but bigger balls, and he pipped Kiam at the finishing post.
When at the pinnacle of his success here in the United States Krok hired me to do a review of his international holdings and I did more than meet his expectations.
Lets jump forward some 31 odd years to November 24 2020 when he wrote me the following:
A mind set is worse than a sickness or Self-delusion is worse than an illnesses, meaning,It is dangerous to cling to ones imagination and illusions, because one acting in such a manner is not perceived as being ill; therefore, no effort is made to heal him as is done when an illness is recognised.
Krok is one of my now more than 3000 fb friends, and it was just yesterday that he spoke loudly on my fb symposium The Lady’s Speech Observers which includes Elon Musk’s very brilliant engineer father Errol Musk who for good reason also sings my praises.
Big day today as the world wakes up to true ugliness of the Ukraine invasion.
It will appear first on The LADY’S SPEECH OBSERVERS, but it will spread fast. Keep your handheld handy, just as you are accustomed to.
[Word cout 548]
[Photo of Penny Coelen, my mother Zena’s model who won Miss World 1958, standing next to a lifeguard rowing boat on Durban’s beach with me in my mother’s arms and my 3 elder siblings behind]
[Photo of Penny in London right after winning the Miss World]
On Apr 12, 2022, at 6:26 AM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
yes, i did. but i’m not sure what else to do at this point. everyone seems delusional and its hard to imagine going out and acting all carefree and having fun with what i can feel inside me is true. especially when everyone seems to have ulterior motives for everything. i can’t tell if the world has always been like this and i am just now seeing it, or if it is a recent change. i know everything has been changing, but the changes i see are drastic and different than what most see.
On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:16 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
Did you notice that right after you wrote, “That is true” you continued on your monologue?
Did you know who wrote, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Re: Continuous monologue – Re: Your writings – Re: Going off – Re: Have your hours been cut back?
Date: April 11, 2022 at 8:26:41 PM PDT
To: Anonymous full of himself cook
sleep well.
On Apr 11, 2022, at 8:21 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
That is true but I think there is some sort of mind virus going around right now. Because I have seen the downward spiral of the american mind these last 10-15 years, I can only assume we are being groomed for some kind of coordinated hostile takeover or something. Even if the public heard from a very reputable source the plan, they wouldn’t believe it, and even if they did believe it they are unable to understand what that really means, because, they only think and care about themselves… so i suppose it is about that time.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 8:14 PM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
No, not familiar with of that.
The problem with most people is that they talk to talk about themselves mostly, and there is no content to discuss, it is a continuous monologue.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 11, 2022, at 8:07 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
bulletin board system..i think. basically forums on the early internet, though some of them still exist in different forms.
not fat people. well, a lot of people look dead in the eyes these days but what i meant was actual zombies, they pretty much look like they were dug out of the ground or something and sometimes seem braindead. they look like street junkies but it’s definitely not just drugs.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 8:02 PM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
What’s bbs?
Why do you have to use acronyms?
When you talk about zombies are you talking about fat people?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 11, 2022, at 7:20 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
No, my employer is fine, it has nothing to do with them. I am just talking about walking around outdoors, on the streets or whatever. Usually, people resembling demons or zombies or something like that will come up and attempt to involve me with whatever they are doing, whether it is good or bad, but it is always weird. in fact, pretty much everyone seems like they range from moderately disturbed in some way to batshit insane
and yea the email you sent me had it that way already, i think your cursor may have moved without realizing it during your reply.
you seem like an oldschool BBS guy for some reason…were you ever familiar with &T/nirvananet/any of those? just curious.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 6:55 PM Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
So you are saying that people enter your work space where you work as a cook to fight you or they wait outside?
Have you spoken with your employer?
Also, you response to me now had my previous writings “What makes you think I know anything. You make out that you don’t read anything I write. You might want to get more fresh air” removed from where they should have been and placed under your writings, making it as confusing as your writings.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 11, 2022, at 6:33 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
huh. i would get more fresh air if i could go outside without people coming up to me and saying and doing weird shit all the time and trying to fight me or causing a scene
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 4:25 PM Gary Gevisser <>
What makes you think I know anything. You make out that you don’t read anything I write. You might want to get more fresh air.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 11, 2022, at 10:16 AM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
oh, i wasn’t necessarily referring to work, just life in general.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 9:16 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook:
You really don’t remember writing “… so the people around me can have a chance to fuck me over …”?
April 7:
just go to work, these days, i guess, so the people around me can have a chance to fuck me over or do whatever they gotta do to fulfill their time here. and to keep my head straight i guess. and because i have a destiny to fulfill. whats going to happen is going to happen. im not under any delusion that there is any point to trying for a career. i will probably be too busy with other shit in the near to mid term future, anyways, trying to explain all the shit thats happening to everyone i previously tried to explain it to when they were too busy with pokemon or the mall to take it seriously. or maybe 10 days of torture before i finally get my exit. who knows but this place is fucked and ive been able to see the snare the world is about to run into for a long time now while everyone was calling me crazy
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 11, 2022, at 5:11 AM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
hmmmm, no, i don’t think so?
On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 6:23 PM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
Don’t you remember going off about your employer just the other day?
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On Apr 10, 2022, at 4:40 PM, Anonymous full of himself cook wrote:
No, same hours, why?
On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 6:59 AM Gary Gevisser <> wrote Anonymous full of himself cook, Have your hours been cut back?:
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