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Interesting people in America – Part IV

Part III –

—–Original Message—–
From: Gary S Gevisser
Sent: Feb 2, 2012 5:47 PM
To: dave
Subject: read this – see u tomorrow

From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: February 2, 2012 8:06:35 AM PST
To: dave
Cc: rest; Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball star , alexis Dizon , Jeffrey Krinsk , Kate Jarosinska , Zuma Dogg , “Nbci. Snl” ,, “Gillian Tett – Financial Times of London, US Managing Editor” , Martin Rapaport – Rapaport Report , “Martin. Wolf” , Michael Awerbuch , “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” , “Joe “Could I stop you?” Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School” , “Joseph Steinberg – Chief Executive Officer of Luecadia National Corporation.” , Barbarella Restaurant , “Matthew Margo Esq. – Senior attorney for CBS – Matthew’s father Judge Cecil Margo was tasked by Ben Gurion during Israel’s War of Independence [Nov. 1947 – Jan. 1949] where South African Commander Margo played a pivotal role and overseen every step of the way by devout Christian Jan Smuts to develop the “blueprint” for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force” , Marc Gurvitz – Comedian Bill Maher’s Manager , jodyperling , “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD” , “Paul “Bozo the Clown” Teirstein MD Teirstein” , Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV , “American-Oppenheimer protectorate Republic of South Africa c/o Mr. Jacob Gedleyihiekisa Zuma – Puppet President of South Africa. Africa” , American-Oppenheimer protectorate Belgian Congo , “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia.” , “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan.” , “Kara Cooney – celebrity Egyptologist and Assistant Professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture at UCLA.” , Rabbi Luke Ford – First to out South African-American Rabbi Abner Weiss , “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA ” , Rabbi Stuart Federow – Houston Texas Radio Show Host , Rabbi Abner Weiss , “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” , Lawrence Binderow – Attorney , “Steve Wizburd Esq.” ,,,, Brazil Embassy – USA ,, “JOÃO DE VALLERA – Portuguese Ambassador to the US.” , Chinese Embassy – USA , “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” ,, “President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy Washington DC Israeli Embassy” , “Larry Summers – former President Harvard and key male player in Inside Job. Harvard” , “Dr. Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967, the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation” , “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser “male heir” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey” , Leon Cohen – Codiam Inc , “Stephen Cohen – Codiam Inc.” , Cyndi Lauper , Vice President Dan Quayle
Subject: Vote for me – Re: failure notice

Brilliant. Can you imagine how much more brilliant you would be if you were totally drunk?

(Why did you reply to this email and not the one sent to Devin Standard titled, Which weakling contacted you?)

What do you think about having copies available for your customers to read as you write up their invoices? BTW, Marie was commenting last evening, “The race has started; you dont want to be behind. I’m on the learning curve. I’m going to learn as much as possible (talking about painting with Sebastian Capella). I am going to paint. more; get healthier, eat right, drink more water, maybe have more sex.” Is that not awesome? I’m coming back with different underwear to try the trousers assuming they are not sold. I still think you should have a charity drive going for Harmless-UNarmed man to get his right arm stump a prosthesis.

(You know it costs the US Government and it’s citizens not one penny; and you would also agree that the spoils of war on the world’s poor beginning with those living in mineral rich countries is not shared equally amongst us American citizens; and the word is getting out despite Devin Standard having deactivated his Facebook account. In other words if you have been brown-nosing all your life and the person-s you are sucking up to understand it all perfectly because this is how they moved up the food chain quicker by just being smarter with their youthful better looks, do you think you would turn before or after the person you have been brown-nosing turns on you? This applies of course to both blood and non-blood relations.)

Were you aware that it is possible that I could become President of South Africa or Israel and if I got enough Americans voting for me, President of America? Would you vote for me? (Obviously, I didn’t have my cup of coffee this morning).

[Word count 324]

On Feb 2, 2012, at 12:04 AM, dave wrote:

its dave again, clearly not sober, I finally finished your email to your defriended friend, and I saw that he just eliminated his facebook account and he’ll see you soon. I totally get getting rid of facebook, when I did it, people chastised me for it and they (facebook) don’t really make clear how or what happened to your facebook account (why the fuck is spellcheck not recognizing facebook as a real word, I”m not remotely technologically modern, and I know facebook is too big not to be a real word in 2012) facebook sent many strange emails, etc to my old facebook “friends” (I just wanted to say to my facebook “friends” that they posted way too many fucking pictures of their children and cats and I just can’t be bothered)
—–Original Message—–
From: Gg
Sent: Jan 31, 2012 3:01 PM
To: dave
Subject: Fwd: failure notice

Sent from my iPhone
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: January 31, 2012 12:57:47 PM PST
To: Lawrence Moses – victim of US Air Force Major Terry Smilin Sam Samples
Cc: rest;, “Raye Anne “You defame fat people” Marks [RAM]” , “Lynne “I like looking at myself in the mirror Dinosaur” Zimet” , TheTonightShow , “T. C
olin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” , ian of the movie King Corn , “Gary Firer [1957- ] – Carmel College Durban South Africa. Now living in Switzerland-Germany” , “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” , Rose Tchang-Sun Yat-sen , “Matthew Margo Esq. – Senior attorney for CBS – Matthew’s father Judge Cecil Margo was tasked by Ben Gurion during Israel’s War of Independence [Nov. 1947 – Jan. 1949] where South African Commander Margo played a pivotal role and overseen every step of the way by devout Christian Jan Smuts to develop the “blueprint” for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force” , Vice President Dan Quayle , Cyndi Lauper , Rabbi Luke Ford – First to out South African-American Rabbi Abner Weiss , “Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA ” , Rabbi Stuart Federow – Houston Texas Radio Show Host , Rabbi Abner Weiss , “Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman [May 30 1929 – ] c/o Arnold Pollak” , “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” , “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser “male heir” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey” , Jonathan Beare – founder Investec , “Jonny Gevisser – only son of Leslie Gevisser; Director The Extra-Mural Education Project Cape Town South Africa” , Nigel Gevisser , “Terry Gevisser – sister-in-law of Gary S. Gevisser” , “Bernie Gevisser – [Oct. 18 1923 – ]. 2nd Lieutenant B. Gevisser along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only Jewish Fighter-Bomber-Pilots of South African Air Force Squadron 11 during WW II and whose Commanding Officer Allied Field Marshall Jan Smuts was second-in-command to Churchill.” , “Hedda Gevisser c/o Jonny NORRIS brother-in-law of Alan Zulman and former executive of the Frame Group South Africa.” , Michael Awerbuch , “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” , “Joe “Could I stop you?” Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School” , Sherri Hendricks – De Beers , “De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc.” , Chairman’s Office – De Beers Julie Burgon – Assistant to Jonathan Oppenheimer , “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan.” , “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby.” , Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant , “Adele Strous “Im not interested in history of Israel” Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” , “President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy Washington DC Israeli Embassy” , “Addy Cohen – wife of Syd Cohen [1921 – 2011] South African Commander of Israel Air Force War of Independence.”
Subject: Lost time Fwd: There is nothing worse …Fwd: U sound like university professor … Fwd: Changes to Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Lawrence hi – how would you if in my shoes spend the next 4 weeks before Google decides to do the bidding of the Oppenheimers’ US Government and start full-on censoring of The Internet beginning by shutting down my website

How much of a difference do you think it will make to all those including neophyte Obama who now know where all the “stimulus monies” have disappeared?

Little and no difference is the [correct] answer.

Just like you don’t know who has been forwarding my highly informative emails nor does the corrupt government, but they do know they are accountable to the people beginning with our soldiers who never asked to be brainwashed.

It is not only RAM who thinks she is more brilliant than me, let alone think she can get away with quoting my very brilliant mother Zena who would have long told RAM to wash her own mouth out with soap because who in their right mind would want to get close?

Yes, besides for diamonds which the Oppenheimers have never provided and inventory, the rest of the monies going back to the first Green Backs printed in 1861 to finance the American Civil War on the poor of America who were being wiped out in the American Indian Wars still sit in the Oppenheimers bank vaults, apart from those tossed into big fire pits which the US Federal Reserve don’t comment on, just like they don’t announce on a daily basis that they have never required the Oppenheimers to provide an inventory of their unlimited supply of diamonds as well as credit lines, etc.

The rest of the monies which are continuously recycled because one can never burn digitized monies are used to simply spend the earth, and still there is so much left over by fat cats that it goes to supporting the proliferation of bs abstract modern art and fine art oil painters not objecting because their limited mental capacity has them also not being able to get enough of the lack of competition.

When you have so-called fine art oil painters breeding nothing but increased mediocrity, you have a huge crisis on your hands, especially if you have someone like me explaining it all the way I would to a bunch of imbeciles.

No discipline is more important than fine art oil painting that one cannot suddenly wake one morning and decide after you have let your body, again the mind’s temple, go to hell, to do something about it, just the same way none of us can ever make up for lost time.

Given the support the corrupt US Government and their allies have got from all of you so concerned with both your own personal financial survival as well as your overpowering deficit needs, you must surely be asking yourself how come I haven’t already been shutdown?

Please go ahead and email everyone you know as well as each member of the US Congress, and please add in that thanks to my information you are realizing how much clearer is your image of why ours is the first generation of westerners who see that the luxurious lifestyles the media have told us can be ours simply by knowing the right people who have the money, could end in the next instant were either the world’s soldiers and/or poor who remain in the majority to get the information that has all you selfish clamming up.

I just finished a breakfast conversation with the best looking American couple I have seen in a long time, both with equally beautiful smiles and the young wife who is in EMS and her husband a firefighter, commenting that it was the most interesting breakfast that she can remember, and you could close your eyes and know that her equally very strong and athletic husband was in agreement.

Will in fact could be the person who picks up from where you have left off, and if not him then his most beautiful young bride even before they visit South Africa which is a wedding gift from her step-father.

So no, I am not going to do anything different than what I have been doing ever since deciding that 11.11.2004 was the right time to break the news to the Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation tha
t the game was up.

Perhaps you haven’t yet seen the first couple of sentences of my first commentary to the email that my most beautiful French-Canadian wife sent Raye Anne Marks who should of course be very embarrassed, to say the least – CLICK HERE.

You do understand that the further up the socio-economic pyramid of the Oppenheimers once moves, the more you think, not of deficit needs because you don’t have any since you have all the material possessions including tons of money, but of your staff killing you.

When Major Sam Samples “stole” Vice President Dan Quayle’s US AIR Force 2, you know that Samples wasn’t thinking along the lines of decorated US soldier Timothy McVeigh who also fought in the first Gulf War.

It is a most important question that my utterly delicious in every respect F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser are asking all of you beginning with how much to pay the soldiers and whether you believe or don’t believe in G-d.

Just because you choose to ignore the questions does not mean others such as this couple who don’t come from financially rich families cannot figure out what is going on.

