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Jean Figadere ~ “The brave that will arise…”

Screenshot 5:41 PM Calif. time, Oct 4, 2020

Figadere Jean

September 30 at 9:45 AM
Vivement la création des prouds boys Francais.
What are you proud of? I can’t think of anything that would make you proud.
Buying one of my t-shirt, WAR IS A LO$ING BATTLE and wearing it might give people the wrong impression about you.
Assume there is God who you call Baby Jesus, would you see a time before you take your final breath, that you would all go quiet at the same time, not a word spoken again on social media but you would all stick out like sore thumbs?
Again assume God exists would you see yourself, Steven Bailey, Torah GemACH sic, etc being reincarnated into an insect you dread the most but who serve to keep the new enlightened generation fully aware of their ingenious surroundings?
Do you see better, healthier days ahead for yourself and are your spirits uplifted?
Have you recommended yet to all your other fb friends that they seek to join my group chats beginning with Tell it the way it is?
Was there anything you learned yesterday that leads you to believe the Clintons know more about the Diamond Invention Game (DIG) than they are letting on?
Would you think Mark Zuckerberg is following along, and what his thoughts are?
Jenny Feinstein
Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
Solly Krok
Stan Milc
Jeremy Perling
David Azzini
Alan Kantor
Alan Yudelman
Alan Gold
Dennis Mulligan
Micha-el Frame
Michael Webber
Patrick N. Mcguire
Sean Ferrari
Valerie Heck
Gary Goldberg
Gary Steven Sachs
Issy Fisher
Martine Alter
Janice Lipman
Janice Bloom
Michael Burts
Alan Glass
Lionel Simons
Lynne Karen Bentel
Richard Poplak
Peter Barendse
Sam Schaffer
Stanley Hurwitz
Meir Hurwitz
Linda Rothbart Shein
Debbie Patton Kingsriter


Gary Gevisser

how can I invite my chat group to our discussions when no one speak English? Or so bad like our corrupted President !


I name Proud Boys The brave that will rise against Corrupted society, and the “merchants du temple”.
It is time to act to stop the hopenheimer like .


Figadere Jean but you are them, what makes you think you are any different?
Moreover, they had the common sense to figure out exactly how you middle class plebes would react in denial, go through all the stages of grief and end being their greatest cushion.
Look how you go around in circles never coming close to talking the truth.
You must all think that your greatest plague is not being born with common sense to have figured it out on your own.
And for there to be so many of you suffering from Poverty of Thought you cannot rule out the existence of an omnipotent force, most likely punishing you from your previous life to get with the program and why you still have free choice,


Gary Gevisser


Figadere Jean

is there anything you want to say more than writing my name in response?

Would you like me to go on talking about probability theory and applying it to all our lives?


Figadere Jean, have you gone to sleep?


Figadere Jean, are you watching what you started here as closely as Tell it the way it is?
Why are you so quick to spell the Oppenheimer name wrong?
You spent 10 years in South Africa, 1966-1976, at the height of their brutal dictatorship rule.
You have also bought and read Professor Edward J Epstein’s 1978 book The Diamond Invention. The Oppenheimers are central characters in that non-fiction book which terrifies everyone.
Why do you think it terrifies everyone more than than anything else in the world?


Figadere Jean, notice how very slow I’m going with you as well as the other fb friends I have tagged who you know remain on my group chats where they are like you that much more quiet and you remember I have amongst the different groups but with increasingly lots of crossover, multi-billionaire middle class people who know me very well from my work product.
You don’t talk about your area of expertise which as far as I know is exclusively in how to make a pair of shoes.
If you have any other area of expertise, please tell me and then point me on social media where you have spoken about that area of expertise.
Take for example my fb friend David Azzini. He is an expert Barman and he knows about making money selling hair products but he doesn’t explain on social media that in fact until he ran into me he was clueless about both money and how the economy of the world works and why in the world he would continue to talk politics without mentioning that all the politicians are subservient to the SA Oppenheimer family who have no problem checking to see if any of their politicians, emissaries who keep their politicians in line, the media as well as their bought Captains of Industry like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates Jr, Peter Thiel, and Warren Buffett speak out of school.

Can you explain your problem in not answering all my questions and yet I address everything you write including your stupidity in just writing my name and nothing more?

You only stick around me for the money knowledge and also thinking because I communicate with you that I therefore think you are intelligent, to some degree.

I only think someone is intelligent if they act intelligent by sharing.

What are you afraid of?

Are you concerned that either Mark Zuckerberg or his board member Peter Thiel will do you harm?
Could you see yourself more likely to be part of the SA Oppenheimer informer network than either of the two gentlemen?


Figadere Jean why have you refused after repeated requests, not to answer the question, when did you become aware that German-South African Harry Oppenheimer ran the show?


Figadere Jean don’t give me that bull that none of your fb friends speak English or don’t know how to use a translation tool like Google Translate.
Obviously, your bad memory has you forgetting that you included a bunch of your friends and family in an email broadcast you sent me and of course I’ve added those email addresses to my ever growing email list.


Figadere Jean I just emailed you and a bunch others including 60Minutes a backup of this.

