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Joy Cobra Rutenberg – fb messaging

How come you don’t ask to be added to my email list? :}

Joy Rutenberg
Evening! Or, should I say, morning! I assumed it would be done irrespective. I read your chats in messenger…. By all means, add my name…..🙂
I need your email.

Are you following along perfectly, You have a point get to it?

Joy Rutenberg
I got your message above. Did you get my previous message? Do you also recall saying to me “add…” and you didn’t send me your email? I am about to explain not only politeness and lack thereof
but how the next generation of children can empower their parents ahead of their corrupt, hypocrite, distracting parents even thinking of first corrupting their children and making sure that they are more corrupt than the previous generation but in the meantime these reckless adults have their fun with the children and grandchildren. Do you think that is a good idea? Can I throw your name into the hat?
Joy Rutenberg
Yes, you’re right! Apologies… I got your message above. Did you get my previous message? Do you also recall saying to me “add…” and you didn’t send me your email? I am about to explain not only politeness and lack thereof
My English is pretty excellent.

You wrote, “By all means, add my name…..🙂

Your words did not say, “Send me your email.”

I then followed up “I need your email” to add to my email list.

Was I not clear enough?

Joy Rutenberg
I was distracted by work…
Imagine if we were now to become best friends 🙂
Joy Rutenberg
Imagine that!
Let’s be positive.
Joy Rutenberg
One always needs best friends
Do you have 5 minutes to spare?
Joy Rutenberg
Indeed Gary!
How can I help you?
Before I broadcast a very important fb conversation with someone by the name of Jackie Lynn, could you tell me if you see her. Her last fb profile was a large jeep.
Joy Rutenberg
Alright, one moment please?
What is your work?
BTW, are you following along perfectly my group chat, You have a point get to it? Im also going to be adding you to Forgetfulness.
Joy Rutenberg
The only Jackie I see has a large long distance truck in red in her profile picture
I’m in Real Estate
Thank you
I love reading people’s points of view, and their reactions
Does the red truck look anything like the white one above? I also see that I have already added you to Forgetfulness. Are you following Forgetfulness and You have a point, get to it?
Where do you live? Am I able to ask you your approx. age and whether you have kids, grandkids?
I need to take a 5 minute break.
Im obviously back. Are you still there?
Joy Rutenberg
In Cape Town
Why do you ask?
This Jackie Lynne who was following everything I was writing her in response to her question saw everything up to and including what I wrote to her at 10:06 AM Calif. time which was which was just over 2 and 1/2 hour ago. Those writings of mine: Yes it is quite the game that no Hollywood screenwriter director producer could have imagined in their wildest dreams
Joy Rutenberg
The trucks do look similar
This Jackie Lynn, no “e” at the end, can also see the rest. Can you tell from the ABOUT what she does?
Joy Rutenberg
According to FB, she is a he
I’ll check for another
While you check that out, I am going to share with you her and my entire dialogue on fb messaging and pay careful attention to how long she waited before answering my initial question from Feb 3, waiting until today, and I responded to her/he right away.
You can also answer my previous questions if you wish 🙂
Joy Rutenberg
I’ve no children Gary.
And over 50
Is Joy Cobra your real name? Approx. how old are you? Im just starting to cut and paste the dialogue with this Jackie Lynn and as I do so feel free to provide me with your critique. BTW, are you Jewish and a practising Jewish person, i.e. do you celebrate the Jewish festivals?
Joy Rutenberg
I’ve no carbunction about that
I do celebrate every occasion I get. Every day is worth celebrating
You’ll see my FB profile
Every successful achievement is worth celebrating
Are you Jewish? Also remember to let me know about the two group chats of mine where you are member, and what you think? Okay, Im now about to paste the dialogue. There are a few photos which take a little time to upload.
Joy Rutenberg
Very well….
I just noticed that this Jackie Lynn provides a little work history, let me know if you see anything that matches up with what you have seen on fb: Works at Heels and Hardhats Contracting Corp and Heels and Hardhats Contracting Corp. Studied Engineering at Hard Knox
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
One last thing, before I paste it in, have you heard the name Nicholas or Harry Oppenheimer and/or their banking-mining empire De Beers-Barclays Bank?
Joy Rutenberg
You missed a video chat with Joy.

July 1, 2019 at 12:56 PM
Joy Rutenberg
Pardon. Error whilst placing my phone down…
Of course Gary!
Who hasn’t?
Where about in L.A. Do you reside?
Or California?
A beautiful city
This is clearly not her!
We live most or half the year in San Diego where we spend most that time in the Cleveland National Forest; what about you? Did you learn about Oppenheimer-De Beers from me or did you know about them before? Are you South African?
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Joy Rutenberg
No Gary! Known about them for decades!
I’ve always been interested in geomology and the origin, who’s who in the zoo. The who, what, where and why….
It’s good to know about these companies, and what they get up to
Yes, I’m South African
Are you born and raised in South Africa? Im assuming you are Jewish?
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Where do you live?
Joy Rutenberg
Yes, all over really
Explain, “all over”.
Joy Rutenberg
No, I’m not Jewish, however, I may as well have been.
My husband is Jewish.
We divorced after almost 26 years together
In Cape Town
I did mention that
Had you heard my last name Gevisser before?
Did you know that my mother Zena had a weekly radio show and trained Penny Coelen?
Joy Rutenberg
Religion is irrelevant. As long as you’re kind, and do what you do with love, passion and purity, you’ll be just fine
I know about Penny
Sorry about forgetting the Cape Town bit or was it that you told me you were not Jewish?
Joy Rutenberg
Wow, that is many moons ago
Grosser almost sounds Dutch
Had you heard the name Gevisser before? How come you haven’t commented on my two group chats where you are a member? Gevisser is German.
Gevisser means “all knowing-certain” and Gewissen is “conscience”.
Joy Rutenberg
It definitely has the tone of both Dutch and/or German
Had you heard the name Gevisser before? I have a cousin who is a well know South African journalist/author Mark Gevisser. Had you previously heard the name Charles W. Engelhard Jr.?
Joy Rutenberg
I’ve not heard that last name before
Not that I can recall Gary.
Just quickly tell me about what you have picked up from those two group chats and then I will paste the dialogue with Jackie Lynn and let me know if the other Jackie Lynn you saw has the same work description.
Did you pick up that I worked for De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on US soil and that I reported directly to Harry Oppenheimer?
One more thing while it is on my mind, what does your husband do, and would he be interested in all this?
Joy Rutenberg
A lovely position to have. The world was a very different place back then
My ex husband is a great historian
Very knowledgeable
His favorite subject
Do either of you have a university education?
Joy Rutenberg
Unfortunately not.
I wish I did.
I grew up humbly
Working when I had the opportunity
Most weekends
It is not unfortunate as you will soon see. What business is your ex-husband in? Are you friends?
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Joy Rutenberg
Loved it
Indeed we are.
What do you mean “Loved it”, loved what?
Joy Rutenberg
I’m very capable, and love to learn new things constantly
I enjoyed working and earning money whilst being at school
I learned so much more, than I world have at Scholl
About businesses, people, culinary skills, manufacturing etc
I like you comment on Forgetfulness, “Evening Gary!” but I wasn’t sure about “No virus” on You have a point, make it.
Joy Rutenberg
Shall do
I particularly enjoyed my years in paving and Construction
What business is your ex in?
Joy Rutenberg
He was the king of carseat covers, and electric blankets in this country
A very good business man
What is your relationship like today?
Joy Rutenberg
We’re friends, and trying again
I take it one day at a time.
That is truly wonderful to hear.
Joy Rutenberg
Joy, now I want you to listen carefully to what I have to say and then if you don’t have any questions I will paste the dialogue.
Joy Rutenberg
Alright, continue
You and I have 19 mutual friends. Here they are: Friend Friends Andrew Bryson 1,000 friends Friend Friends Chana Miriam Opert 4,903 friends Friend Friends Clive Kaplan 4,963 friends Friend Friends Dani Gal 25 mutual friends Friend Friends Henri Slier 4,949 friends Friend Friends Joseph Nogid Gluck 1,624 friends Friend Friends Lance Levin 2,947 friends Friend Friends Lionel H. Phillips 2,551 friends Friend Friends Malcolm Kluk 2,401 friends Friend Friends Michael Burts 2,496 friends Friend Friends Michael Canes 785 friends Friend Friends Nanine Levitz 3,850 friends Friend Friends Paul Abro 4,802 friends Friend Friends Ray Lipner 97 mutual friends Friend Friends Ray Wainman 622 friends Friend Friends Sharlene Ravinsky 688 friends Friend Friends Sharon Anne Joffe 4,955 friends Friend Friends Sharon Levitt 2,407 friends Friend Friends Steven Sacks 4,977 friends
Joy Rutenberg
Yes, this is true….
You can see that all 19 combined have at least 55,000 other fb friends. Remember now less than a handful of things.
Joy Rutenberg
First, you don’t know of anyone who right after completing their university education where I was also a very good first year economics-business tutor, I had the opportunity to sit for the year long entrance exam to join global banking-mining monopolist De Beers-Barclays.
Joy Rutenberg
Second, before I began which was right after I immigrated to the US on March 17, 1978 one week shy of my 21st birthday, Harry Oppenheimer knew that I was no fool.
Joy Rutenberg
You’re clearly gifted in business Gary
I want you to just listen without feeling the need to comment, you will learn and remember much better if you concentrate on what I am saying without feeling the need to talk.
Third, I also knew before I began my university studies in 1975 a year and a half before the Soweto Uprisings that De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC]-Barclays controlled both their Apartheid Regime and all the opposition political parties.
Fourth, common sense told you that the opposition political parties along with their leadership such as Helen Suzman who also studied economics at university were bought, and that it was the DAAC-Barclays

who bought all of them as well as the religious leadership; the Muslims religious leadership, the Christian religious leadership, the Jewish religious leadership, the Atheist religious leadership whose God remains money and yet none of these groups had a clue about how the money system works other than those who were directly bought and knew better than to speak out.

Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel
n the winter of 1978, diamond dealers in New York City were becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a serious rupture, or even collapse, of the pipeline through which De Beers’ diamonds flowed from the cutting centers in Europe to the main retail markets in America and Japan. This p…
Fifth, you can’t be that great a business person in South Africa or anywhere else in the world if you don’t know who is the source of all the wealth.
Sixth, Harry Oppenheimer fully understood the big ego of the human who if it was ever to find out the truth would do everything within their power to support him and his institutions including all their charity work. Seventh, nothing in South Africa has changed since Oppenheimer-De Beers-Barclays-Central Bank of England-South African Reserve Bank replaced the puppet Apartheid Regime with the puppet ANC government. Eight, remember I am the only person on the planet exposing the truth of these people who control not only all the world’s resources but each and every war.
Now Im going to paste my dialogue with Jackie Lynn.
Then I will tell you what I am doing next.
Jackie Lynn You and Jackie aren’t connected on Facebook Works at Heels and Hardhats Contracting Corp and Heels and Hardhats Contracting Corp. Studied Engineering at Hard Knox FEB 3, 2019, 3:26 AM Gary Did you see my post on Vistage before it was taken down? Today, July 1, 2019; 8:49 AM Calif. time Jackie No i didnt , what was it for 9:07 AM Gary I will check for it in a few hours Better you read The whole dialogue I can tell you as both a former member and authority on the mining-banking business they do not like Prof Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book even more so that it is free on the Internet without having to download it In other words this book obsoletes the need for organizations like Vistage-TEC and YPO along with self help gurus like Tony Robbins. Read the book which you won’t be able to put down and that means you will finish it in 3 hrs or less without feeling hurried because you want to enjoy it given how well written it is. Then I can put you in touch with tens of thousands others including a poor man in India who is a Christian pastor and he would have started reading it about 10 minutes ago and already he understands more than all those with Phds in business, law, economics, history and political science from the top universities in the world. Note that one of my fb friends is economist Dr Rodney Smith Phd. He just turned 71. We have worked together intimately since 2001. After completing his studies he joined the Pentagon’s prestigious THINK TANK, RAND CORPORATION. You can ask him directly what he thinks of me and the book. Another friend is Israel Air Force Lt Colonel Tomer Tene. I have only known him since early 2016. You can ask him the same thing. Vistage talk about having 20,000 members. They too would be speechless. Wouldn’t you want to participate in getting all of them to attend a conference online especially if you could profit financially? I’m at a stream playing catch with our hugely athletic mango deep inside a forest here in Southern California. how are you doing with the book and the rest of your due diligence? It says you are active. WhAt is your business? “WhT” [sic] is your favorite hobby? You must have thought about what if everything I have said is true?
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
The next question is probably what has Vistage’s new owner who prides himself on being the richest resident of Rhode Island been doing since my knowledge and who I am would have immediately been moved up the chain of command? It couldn’t please you to know that he is ducking and diving.
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Joy Rutenberg
Most interesting Gary
So what’s the deal with Jackie?
Joy, I have not finished sharing with you the dialogue with Jackie Lynn. Why do you think you felt the need to ask me at this point, “So what’s the deal with Jackie?”
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Joy, Im not giving you a hard time. I want to learn what you are thinking. Is it that you are simply eager to know what has caused Jackie Lynn to implode?
Bear in mind, that I waited 24 years after leaving De Beers-Barclays employment before ever speaking out. Nor did I ever discuss with my very alert and worldly parents
the knowledge that I acquired during that year long orientation as well as when I officially joined them in New York in early spring 1979 when I looked like this
because I knew that neither of them could contribute to the “conversation” and it would have me questioning them if word leaked out which could have happened inadvertently which even the most closed lipped are known on occasion to do. So why also place my very good parents in an uncomfortable position where all they could do was worry?
So Im interested to know if you were just very eager to learn what Jackie Lynn is now up to? Should I continue and then let me know what you think?
Joy Rutenberg
Please do
You may find once you see everything that I have shared so far with Jackie Lynn that all your questions will be answered, and if not, then you will let me know 🙂
Joy Rutenberg
I’m going to make some tea, and see how my other half is… I’ll be back in a while.
I will certainly let you know…
Is the other half your ex?
Joy Rutenberg
I’m in my study
Are you planning on bringing him up to speed during tea?
Joy Rutenberg
Not till I have all the facts
Are both of you in good health, exercise etc?
Joy Rutenberg
He unfortunately had a bad fall in December, and shattered his hip.
Is he overweight?
Joy Rutenberg
Then, 4-5 weeks later, a long prostrate procedure
He’s 27years my senior
We’ve been together a lifetime
So he is in his 80s?
Joy Rutenberg
No, 77
78 this year
51 this year
okay, now I will continue. Also given his age, he most likely has heard of my mother Zena and our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970].
Joy Rutenberg
I’ve no doubt
I know of Helen Suzman
Golda Mahir
They’re are some greats that lived
And ruled
Pardon the spelling errors
Joy Rutenberg
The auto correct and Swype don’t gel well
Joy, you should have picked up that Helen Suzman was anything but great. She was a stooge, worse in fact than the Apartheid Regime officials. Both were under the direction of Harry Oppenheimer. Should I paste now the remainder of my dialogue with Jackie Lynn?
Joy Rutenberg
I was referring to Golda
Yes Gary
I’ll read on my return… Gong to make tea, and check on my ex….
Excuse me, please…..
Thank you
You are mostly right about Golda Meir who died on December 8, 1978 died 4 days after Harry Oppenheimer met with Professor Edward Epstein. The shock of the huge military intelligence failures in the October 1973 Yom Kippur War could have caused her mental faculties to suffer horribly. No doubt her smoking and the rest of her poor food diet wouldn’t have helped sustain her brain. On November 21, 1977, two days after Sadat arrived in Israel, Meir was the first to speak before the Knesset and she ” Sadat for his courage and vision, and expressed the hope that while many differences remained to be resolved, that vision would be achieved in a spirit of mutual understanding.” Harry Oppenheimer-Barclays and the bought members of the Israeli Knesset were laughing at her nonsense.
You are still – Stay positive – Mother – Comfortably numb – Part 1
From: Gary2 <> Subject: You are still – Fwd: Stay positive – Re: Mother – Re: Comfortably numb – Part 1 Date: February 2, 2019 at 10:44:45 AM GMT+1 To: luca Cc: rest; Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <>, kjl…
Below is the tail-end of my writings to Jackie Lynn; picking up right after the photo with Mango looking at the camera lens: 10:03 AM Calif. time. Gary You also understand that I could be posting our conversation including the silences up on my fb wall to be seen immediately by more than my 1119 odd fb friends who all pretty much understand why it is that I have fb friends who choose to Unfriend me and others who I unfriend when they duck and dive. It is only those such as sherpas who don’t speak a perfect English who are possibly unsure Non English speaking people are less and less When you have Finished reading chapter 1 of the diamond Invention
Go back and read it again and this time place firmly in your mind that on the day that Epstein met with Harry Oppenheimer December 4, 1978

I was just completing my year-long orientation into global mining banking house De Beers Barclays that was directly supervised from the very start by Harry Oppenheimer.

Yes it is quite the game that no Hollywood screenwriter director producer could have imagined in their wildest dreams.

So what would you do if you were the top official of the Vistage or a Hollywood studio Chief at this moment knowing that I’m speaking with someone such as yourself?

do you think De Beers Founder Cecil Rhodes who had very interesting things to say in his first will of 1877 could have ever envisioned a day like today?

imagine that someone deep inside a forest several kilometers away from the closest human would be able to reach more than all the 2.4 billion Facebook subscribers at the very same time.

Of course his idea of a secret society running the world would immediately implode.

All this while exercising Mango who is having great fun and the cool running stream keeping him hydrated.

how would you rate your physical and mental health at the moment?

You really should give thought to why the book was provided free on the Internet as well as why there is [only] one advertiser who happens to be a very significant player in the world of financial advice and

You must know that Don graham was the former owner of the Washington post before he sold it to b[ezos] a[nd]

Surely you must know that Do[n] graham is the most trusted advisor of Mark Zuckerberg?

remember I have personally turned on tens of thousands of individuals and groups to Epstein‘s the Diamond Invention book

Not one can refute the irrefutable facts contained in the book which explain well the farce of Wall Street and of course our capitalist system

Not to speak is to speak

You can count the [14,819] days between December 4, 1978 in today July 1, 2019.

10:23 AM
Nothing has changed in this modern world other than the rich have got richer and the poor poorer and the earth and earth’s orbit with all the satellites have got that much more polluted as well as that many more people throughout the globe know the truth and choose to be quiet.

Well there are of course others beside for me speaking out.

Type in Wikipedia the word De Beers and scroll down

Note how they have addressed and further entrenched the ever increasing short attention span of the human with the photo you see of Putin across from Harry Oppenheimer’s only son whose name and face in all probability you do not recognize.

Why do you think President Putin waited 759 days October 3, 2008 one month before senator Barack Obama became president elect before having the Kremlin release this photo of photo that speaks for itself?

10:32 AM
I will prepare both Rod Smith Phd and IAF pilot Tomer Tene not to be all that surprised were you to contact them shortly.

Do you have any questions for me?

11:45 AM

Above you will find a[n] email broadcast I sent out on February 2, the day before writing [you] here on facebook messaging, to former Israel Air Force fighter pilot Dave Osh, a supporter of the BDS movement as well as official of Vistage although he may have now branched out on his own; but not really since to the best of my knowledge he has yet to distance himself from Vistage.

To recap:

You stopped talking after first writing to me at 8:49 AM Calif. time, “No i didnt , what was it for”.

At 9:07 AM I began replying, “I will check for it …”

At 10:32 AM I took a break from Siri. I heard noting more from you.

You have however blocked me from seeing your fb profile and yet you have not blocked me on fb messaging.

So you just want to suck out as much information from me as possible.

You would agree that it not nice, polite or civil in any way shape or form.

You also have the right to be the way you are.

You would agree however, that others could learn a great deal about your behavior.

BTW there is great film footage of this out of control east coast woman, Caren Zeldie Turner who will be my age, 62, 3 days from now July 1st, and who I will be mentioning in my follow up email broadcast to Nicholas Oppenheimer [June 8, 1945 – ]

In the meantime I am going to share our fb messaging dialogue with Dr. Rodney Smith Phd and IAF Lt Colonel Tomer Tene.

2:36 PM
Are you still there? I am moments away from broadcasting via email as well as sharing on my facebook group chats, all that I have shared with you; and you would expect every literate person in the world to not only find all this very interesting but to be asking, “What’s the deal with Jackie?”

Of course Vistage International with its 22,000 members in 20 countries and for the past year owned by Jonathan Nelson’s Providence Equity Partners with US$18 billion in assets and US$41 billion in commitments has their entire enterprise at stake.

It is of course all totally fake, because all that Providence Equity Partners brings to the table is money-capital and they cannot possibly compete with De Beers-Brenthurst Foundation-Central Bank of England-INVESTEC-South African Reserve Bank-Anglo American Corporation who have zero cost of capital on their unlimited supply of currency both regulated government currencies as well as their unregulated, price fixed diamond currency whose value is confirmed each time that their affiliate banks such as Barclays Bank have considered the diamond currency as collateral for other government currencies.

It is the financial scam of financial scams that has been going on for a century.

So how do you make right all the wealth that these fraudulent financial institutions have helped their favored clients and customers accumulate?

Joy Rutenberg
I would say, “it’s a fraud on the fiscus”
What is “fiscus”?
Joy Rutenberg
This all reminds me of the Rothschild family
They too, hold power….
Control much
If you haven’t started to read The D I book, you are behind a great many people including the Rothschilds.
What is important is what it all “reminds” you.
You, however, only know from what you have previously been told.
What you have previously been told about the Rothschilds is 100% wrong.
Still you only know what you know.
Now you know different.
The Rothschilds have simply been willing pawns.
They are not the decision makers. The decision makers have been the German-South African Oppenheimer family who found a great many people throughout the world including Jewish people to be willing collaborators.
In other words, everything you have learned, picked up, heard via the gossip channel is totally bullshit.
The D I book causes everyone with a handful of exceptions to shut down and they also try their best to distract.
My 3 elder siblings raised in the best Jewish household fell victim to both jealousy and greed and worst of all the feeling of stupid.
You have an epic, unprecedented case of the great masses having been hopelessly duped.
So it is not about the Rothschilds getting rich.
That is distracting thinking.
It is about the entire financial system being a complete farce and that means all the wealth that has been accumulated has been done so terribly unfairly because the first criteria in business is getting money, and the people with the most money are the biggest crooks and they decide who is going to be rich and who is going to be poor.
In order to have fooled the masses they first had to get the masses not to question the highly illogical, morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index, which they accomplished with “flying colors”.
If you had children you would have an even more difficult time coping with the truth.
Every food item, every plane ticket, every parking ticket, every drop of petrol for your car, every toothpick you have used, has been priced by De Beers-Barclays who are the world’s biggest thieves, and nor have they paid the soldiers and well as their terrorists a fair wage.
Joy Rutenberg
I never mentioned the Rothschild family being rich, I mentioned the power and control
The Rothschilds are very rich, and they have zero power compared to the Oppenhe
Joy Rutenberg
That may be, however, we are still trying to survive the tilt
It’s spiraled out of control
Joy, remember who you are talking to. I not only worked for them but my immediate family were in business with Oppenheimer-Engelhard Jr. until they decided to simply wipe us out and they didn’t use the Rothschilds to do so, they simply used one of the Jewish South African puppets Natie Kirsh.
Remember also you are coming in rather late in the game.
All the others in my group chats ahead of you, know all this and they are not sharing the information.
Joy Rutenberg
Gary, I wish I had more staying power to talk to you more, most interesting history….
It’s a pity I’ve entered at this stage…
I need to sleep…. Will catch up tomorrow….
Do you have your answer about Jackie Lynn?
Joy Rutenberg
Go back and study your question.
So what’s the deal with Jackie?
Joy Rutenberg
I was merely curious as to why she had blocked you on FB, and left the conversation
I’m exhausted.. Hardly slept in two days….
Good night Gary….
Thank you for sharing….
She/he has done something that I did not know could be done. She/he has not blocked me on fb messaging. She/he still shows that she is active on FB as she is getting my messages. You would also expect Mark Zuckerberg who remember has the closest to ties to the Don Graham who is the only advertiser on the Internet edition of the D I book, to be following along perfectly. Good night. Sleep well. Knowledge is Light.
My half-colors in rugby 🙂
Always remember you can trust people who tell you the truth; and the truth can not only be verified but the truth is that which does not change.

Can you tell me if it is foremost on your mind, not that when you first spoke about the Rothschilds you knew that their power and control came from being very rich without you ever realizing how they got rich, but rather your earlier comments more than two hours earlier, beginning at 1:02 PM calif. time yesterday: No Gary! Known about them for decades! I’ve always been interested in geomology and the origin, who’s who in the zoo. The who, what, where and why…. It’s good to know about these companies, and what they get up to
Joy, again Im not giving you a hard time. I am wanting you to think honest and that means to think smart.
This way I learn when teaching the few adults still interested in searching for answers by knowing early in life how to question right and why there are so extraordinarily few like me, my mother Zena and my wife Marie Dion, and more importantly all the youngsters whose programming is to search for knowledge until their stupid parent-teachers screw up their wiring.
So try not to be defensive.
Bear in mind that I have been at this since I was 15 years of age and began to ask the right people the right questions about the demise of our hugely successful, immensely powerful Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies which controlled the South African timber industry, the furniture sector which included any like sheepskins retrofitted to car seats, the residential and commercial real estate sector; all thanks to our strategic partner American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who controlled everything including the German-South African Oppenheimers which you would quickly pick up once finished reading chapter 18 of The D I book.
Have you said anything to your hubby? You know that he would have to have several screws loose if he hadn’t heard of either my mother Zena, our highly diversified Moshal Gevisser or Engelhard Jr.
You also would see what I sent this Glenn Spinner this morning. What percentage of the people you know would be interested to read those 412 words? What about my follow on facebook with his first cousin Lisa Lieberman Ross? Would you believe me that were Harry Oppenheimer alive today he would be seated on the edge of his seat waiting for my next move? What do think Nicholas Oppenheimer is currently thinking?
Did you see what I just posted up on the wall of my new fb friend Karen Tatham?
Dont you find it amazing that considering how the people don’t want to hear the information my number of fb friends is now 1124

and they are so quiet?

Don’t you think Mark Zuckerberg would have little difficulty finding this analysis most interesting to the point that he would be more focused than growing the fb subscriber base or launching his Libra crypto currency?

1+4+2+1= 8 =1*4*2*1 E=mc2 ~ 2 c mE ~ Albert Einstein’s, “The mind of God” 1421 The Year Chinese Admiral Zheng He began his epic voyages west, although there is greater evidence that Chinese explorers were more advanced a thousand years before when discovering the Americas. 8 is a very significant as…

Does the name Penny Griffiths a South African attorney mean anything to you?

I just sent this new fb the following message which I have begun sharing with the world:

3:37 PM

Did you see my postings?

I bet you have never seen legal malpractice as what has been executed against my mother Zena.

Is my mother’s name at all familiar to you?

The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am
Who has dementia, is questionable? My mother or my siblings forgetting who my mother is, and their lack of respect for everything that she accomplished? It i…
My extraordinary and inspirational mother was also the co-founder of Oil of Olay. You should read my most recent posts and ask me your questions. Were Harry Oppenheimer alive today do you think he would find anything else going on in the world more interesting than my last posts? Do you think Nicholas
is less interested? How much do you think my 3 elder siblings and their no less corrupt Israeli lawyers would be willing to settle if they thought you couldn’t be bought? Does the name Penny Coelen mean anything to you?
Joy Rutenberg
Yes, Penny Rae
Big in the 60’s and 70’s… As I remember
her maiden name was Coelen. She was one of my mother’s models and was the first South African Miss World. That photo with me in my mother’s arms was taken on durban’s south beach soon after she won the title.
Here she is with my mother on the steps of the Barbizon Hotel in New York.
Joy Rutenberg
Beautiful woman….
So have you discussed anything with your hubby?
If you had the opportunity to address Nick Oppenheimer, what would be the first question you would ask him?
Joy Rutenberg
No, I have not….
What about my question of Nick?
Joy Rutenberg
Why did he do what he did, and how he slept at night?
Explain more.
Joy Rutenberg
I met to discuss this, when I have more energy… It’s been a long three weeks… Packing up, moving, working and running a household…
I’m exhausted…
I’m afraid, I’ve run out of steam…
Fighting off a cold as well…
Have a solid day today… Chat soon… Good night Gary….
Get good sleep which is always made better by a healthy, low fat whole food plant based diet and always trying your best; and then you get gifted the smart cards. When you wake up explain more this point you would make to Oppenheimer.

Joy, you know that I’m a very healthy 62 You show like everyone else once getting the knowledge of the corruption of the money that you know is costing my mother her life at the hands of the most cruel people who are worse than the Nazis who were not as bad as their Jewish collaborators Zagiew or the non Jewish Oppenheimers who just saw a lifestyle opportunity and took it, that you mostly prefer not to know When you wrote on a very important group chat NO VIRUS it was at best distraction At worst it was consciously helping my and my mother’s enemies Since then you have all the facts and you are quiet which means you are quitting like the rest That you know does not help me and my mother The two of us is all that stands in the way of Hitler-Oppenheimers dream of a world free of Jewish independent thinkers In 1985 a 60 year old Jewish woman who survived the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and Auschwitz when interviewed about her horrific 5 year experience from the age of 16 to 21, 1940-1945 made it perfectly clear that having survived which she wanted only to defy Hitler having murdered all her family members, it was not worth it She saw that the signs were clear in her head that there were no lessons learned This woman died in 2004 at the age of 80 She was most unlikely to have read The D I book and people like you, your hubby, my 3 elder siblings, Warren Buffett, Natie Kirsh and rest of the world who were clueless about the corruption of the money and World War I and WW2 was just a coverup for all the thieving and layering one official after the next as further cushioning
would not have told her because you all demonstrate that you would have kept it to yourselves in order to profit financially and to distract.
Had she read the book she would have concluded for certain when seeing all your reaction that it was not worth living without the family she had lost and had fought so hard to save including her mother who she lost twice and the second time was in Auschwitz where she gave her mother her portion of food and left her mother’s side immediately so as not to be tempted to eat the food herself because she too was starving
So I return soon to the ever slowing down stream of mountain and spring water near our rock cabin which is only a few kilometers away and along the way riding my mountain bike I will enjoy a cup of Herbe Matte tea with Mango alongside sniffing all the smells and mostly other animal smells which remind me what a piece of crap is the human amidst such spectacular perfect beauty This other woman did not have the one of a kind mother that I was gifted or the second miracle my perfect in every respect wife or third Mango arriving at the perfect time and is not listening to the vet who wanted to put him down because he didn’t think very weak Mango would survive much longer I see the human only getting worse and that is based on the reaction to the truth
The fact that there is no one else to take over from me in getting the truth out instead you can only be counted on to further distort the truth, does not mean for a moment I have lost my faith in God because only God could have created such perfect ugly monsters of the Nth degree
Upon returning for breakfast and only eating the most delicious healthy meal as are all our meals, I will be writing to my siblings and sharing all of this
What are your plans for the rest of the day?
Joy Rutenberg
Afternoon Gary. I’ve not had the time till now(between work) to read this. I did tell you, I’m packing, redoing walls, painting, working etc. When I had written, “no virus” – as usual, I’m distracted by a phone call and hence forget about the last thing I was busy with…. I’ve not completed my read you sent me. When I’m done reading it all, I’ll let you know…. Been a very busy day….
Joy Rutenberg
What are your plans?
I explained my plans for the day After writing to you earlier I posted the following on facebook in the same place as I posted yesterday which u shouldn’t have difficulty finding: Interesting how there has been only one visible reaction, a Ged Hayden who is not a fb friend He must see even if on drugs that he is in a sea of total darkness, an emotionless waste of time and energy species that is so spectacularly pitiful, it can only be by design which means each has it particular purpose like this one woman I was just describing earlier to Joy Rutenberg whose story I only came across on Youtube 2,evenings ago and her conclusion in 1984 when telling 2 interviewers her horrific life story was that she would have preferred to die in the Holocaust alongside her family This Holocaust survivor was now 60 with 2 daughters and her husband of 45 years, although she said in the interview they had been married 35 years, had the worst 5 years during the Holocaust, from the age of 16 when she got married to a baker in the Warsaw Ghetto just so that she could get fed before being shipped to Auschwitz and along the way she cradled her dying 13 year old brother in her arms before meeting up once again with her mother and that reunion didn’t last long as her very lost mother didn’t take long to be sent to the gas chambers. Feel free to write to Joy Rutenberg for more details of what I had to say should you be interested. Need to get up and exercise myself and our beautiful dog Mango

Have u seen my last post?

Here’s the hyperlink

Gary Gevisser

I have a slow internet connection which tells me not only to slow things down because you can see that things are moving rapidly with the deafening silences that are getting louder as they spread fire and wide and the people only wanting to hold on that much more to the bullshit they have been fed by the Oppenheimers and their clowns but that this South African lawyer Penny Griffiths may not have bailed out on me because I can’t say for certain. Still I was able to get the following off to her on fb messaging: It looks like you bailed. That doesnt mean the fact that price of the money is any less rigged and distributed by the most merciless group to the least accomplished who profit from discord. Joy fb also say that you saw my last message at 10:36am calif. time soon after I sent it. It means you are still connected to the Internet and checking your fb like everyone else who has a real as well as fb account. What you are realizing is that those in denial who are also those dragging their feet in either reading Epstein’s The D I book or not wanting to comment because the moment you start reading this most interesting book ever written you know the outcome and you don’t want to put it down other than to check to see what if anything others beside for me have to say about the book, are in fact no better than Oppenheimer. Bear in mind two thoughts. First, Nick and his father as well as grandfather Sir Ernest knew this would be the case the moment they had their Captains of Industry starting with the political leadership amongst the Allied nations ensuring that they would not be prosecuted at Nuremberg. Second, I figured that out at the very start of my year long orientation into this terrorist of terrorist financing organization who count on their most soft spoken liberal philosophers such as Noam Chomsky to lead the people astray; and the right wing simply wear their chicanery high up on their lapels. People don’t share this knowledge with their closest loved ones, not because they want to spare them the agony but to gain a competitive advantage while feigning how busy and distracted they are by life’s events. Just thought I would share that with you.
You should be one of the first to see what I just posted up on my fb wall.

I just saw now that you we’re responding appropriately to the person who said perhaps this is a virus Your response was great

Anything exciting going on today? How far did you get in the book? Did you ever think you would experience in your lifetime such quietness?
do you think most people when reading the D I book wish they hadn’t been born? Can you understand perfectly why my siblings would be so cruel given how positive my most beautiful mother is towards me? Why do you think everyone who understands what is going on refuses to intervene not even to ask publicly for my siblings to stop hiding and speak in defense of their crimes? Could it be that each of the silent sees themselves behaving no differently than my three older siblings? Hitler doesn’t look that bad does he?
To think that it would take just one of you to get the ball rolling and yet you have no courage to speak out more than to question Oppenheimer how he sleeps at night but even then not to the point of making it public and sticking to it until everyone is on the page How can someone like Zuckerberg want to be seen as so stupid What if he is exactly the same as everyone else would you want to be part of his enterprise that does the exact opposite of sharing? What advice would you give Zuckerberg at this moment?

Joy Rutenberg
Good night Gary… Perhaps I can catch up on the chat over the weekend…. I’d been a long day….
It must also be obvious to you given all the events that led to creation of this miserable human species with very few exceptions that this life cannot possibly end with death and then nothing else, that you should take as much time as you think you need without feeling the need to write to me letting me know that you have nothing to say until you have more time. It would be wrong for you to think that you are different to all those equally silent who saw what I wrote on this Solly’s wall. When you have a 100% success with everyone showing no moral compass whatsoever, it must make our Creator decide that much easier who is going to return as a lizard, food for the snakes.
Maybe you stay too close to your cellular phone and it has already created permanent damage in the space between your ears, like most?

A moment ago I sent my beautiful mind body face wife the following: Good morning We have been up a while Not thinking about the rain but water is not far from my mind Mango couldn’t have snuggled closer and he is making his regular noises with his mouth and now breathing normal There is nothing normal with the human only that it has to eat to survive – but with a handful of exceptions who we know the rest is shit and they all have to change because they are reading and know they don’t have an argument The communication technology is their enemy as they know they have to sound stupid in order to avoid and that stupid writing is there permanently reminding them of their ugliness that is part of the design because they are all the same Earlier I sent this radiologist father of this bullshit artist Jared Aufrichtig: David, it did not escape me that you entered a discourse of distraction without asking me a single question You also know that I know you would be visiting San Diego to check out the old gang who would not take kindly to you visiting with me not even if you gave them something to talk about You were the last on the list of those with a possible conscience and it comes as no surprise given how to have a conscience you first need sound logical reasoning. A good person gets over having misunderstood things like the insane GDP index and how Germany was able to rearm as well as how it stared you in the face that the Lazarus clan of Durban North relied on their closest friends the Essakows to serve as loyal informers What sort of Jew could have anything to do with people who openly supported the Apartheid Regime who were just a conduit to The Oppenheimers? Type in Google DEMENTIA and you will see dialogue with my sister that will make your nervous system twitch from end to end You has the ability to knock them all off their feet instead you wrote me sweet nothings Don’t be too hard on Jared because he also never asked to be born and then to grow up amongst people who only judged one another by the money they grabbed without a clue how the value of the money was decided U can understand a bullshit abstract artist saying the money is all bullshit because they know there is nothing pretty to splattering paint other than it hides the ugly concrete and often times makes it worse, but you know different I just forwarded you Everything about your life is positive-Morals should weigh heavily Listen carefully to the taped phone conversations with my mother that my sister ignores So when the best raise children turn out so rotten, the lesson is to never give in to defeat The weak have already defeated themselves Sickness comes not only from poison foods but from brain damage caused by the choice of mental suicide which in turn has the poor habit human sticking to its poison diet The fact that the likes of cardiologist Esselstyn and McDougall still battle to convince the rest of you is beyond belief That is what makes miracles So the moral of the story is always choose good
ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location: New Jersey, U.S. Father: Charles Engelhard, Sr. Mother: unknown Wife: Jane Mannheimer Children: 4 biological daughters, 1 adopted daughter of Jane’s previous marriage EDUCATION Primary: Johannesburg, South…

Joy Rutenberg

Do u have email that I can forward you my joint venture proposal to TESLA-Musk and the basis is much more than we bring to the table
HostGator – Please Configure Your Name Servers
You’re seeing this page because your domain is setup with the default name servers: and

What percentage response do you think I’m getting from people when I share the following?: If you share your email I can forward you my joint Venture proposal to TESLA-Musk. The basis of the JV is more than we bring the website Teslavie dot com to the table Joy like all those silent, you are also very into the money If you were Musk and you had heard of me would you realize that Nicholas Oppenheimer would be watching your moves that much closer at the same time knowing that all the other people who know me including my now 1193 odd fb friends are so spineless? Is it enough to know that people’s ego is their own worst enemy but in the meantime they are increasingly reluctant to unfriend me on facebook because they fear looking as stupid as Brian Essakow whose stupid writings represent all your stupid thinking?

Do you see integrity in your little world that surrounds you?

Joy Rutenberg
Yes, I have an email… I did give it to you already….
No, I don’t see integrity as I’d like to see around me…
I’m passionate about what I do Gary, and want achieve success in my career…
I have only myself to rely on…
How far have you got in The D I book?
I see that you are currently also following along on my group chat You have a point, get to it. Is that accurate?
Joy Rutenberg
Indeed Gary!

Can you save me the time and share what I posted earlier starting on Beth Isaacs fb Wall: Title: History in the making Beth Isaacs after you left my group chat You have a point, get to it, I posted the following: O’bed Van Bik, do you understand why I removed Andy Erlam from the group? Do you understand why South African Chartered Accountant Barry Schechter who is involved with investing capital-money decided finally that he had heard enough and that his continued silence was not in his best interest? O’bed do you now recognize that your conversation with medical doctor Ekerette Ekpo was total bullshit other than it helped reveal to everyone including Barry Schechter as well as my first cousin Cardiologist Barry Molk MD, in fact everyone here that you folks in Africa living under the most violent regimes are as brainwashed as those profiting the most from mineral raped countries and those less mineral rich provide the launching pads for placing boots on the ground in the areas which the banking-mining monopolist houses want no interference from the locals? Let me make note that South African-Israeli Minister of Health/Education official Beth Isaacs who looks to me that a big part of her problems is the poor diet she sticks to, has left the group; same with Helen Levy. If your only contribution here is to be a voyeur why would you even bother since it is also so obvious to others? Notice how quiet is former Israeli military intelligence officer @Lital Zilberstein who works for the Office of the Prime Minister of Israel and her nemesis, Israeli liar-lawyer, the imposter, malice ridden, thief, perjurer who stole the guardianship of my mother Zena. When the enemy is in your camp and the enemy did so through deception they are only there to murder you. All of you including those who have left the group are now part of important history… in the making.

Have you ever known anyone to be so hated for telling the truth about the money that they were all too stupid because of their big out of control egos to explore while still healthy teenagers and they all stick together on my group chats, and yet each of them know that they can’t refute the facts. So you can imagine all 8 billion sticking around in the same room and no one, not even Elon Musk or this Taylor Wilson saying a word. So what they are hoping for is that I will bet sick and die and they would be happy if I just die so that they can all get on with their lives It is hard for me to imagine myself in a room and being quiet because I don’t like the truth I am hearing Why would you consider these people human? If you were to ask each of them they would say that those quiet or distracting like this Holocaust survivor Ganor are totally evil. Even if you have no computer modeling experience you could draw a flowchart that would describe what I am displaying You could put it up on a t shirt Would you buy it?

You, who has so much to say, so quiet Why don’t you start a conversation with rabbi David Masinter without mentioning at first that I’m prompting you. So you begin: Rabbi Masinter shalom, I’m thinking of converting to Jewish Orthodox and I have a couple of questions for you. When would be a good time to talk? Then you wait for his reply and when he replies then write to me “Masinter has replied, what should I say next?” Then I will coach you what next to say.

What if it turns out that people are simply ugly and they don’t care how they look to themselves and others because they simply don’t believe there is this thing called God and they have the choice of denial because it suits them not to change what they like in this world? But you can see if you put them all in the same room the problems of the world are all solved Doesn’t that smack of a miracle?

Sent the following to my fb friend Nigerian medical doctor Ekerette Ekpo less than a minute ago:
Mr calculating, don’t forget to go back and study the chronology of you and me getting together and how quickly you showed that you will cohort with the enemy just like my 3 siblings and the majority of the human race to get what you want and your crowning achievement was that public sucking up to Foster Gamble Yes you gambled big and lost You also have remained my fb friend and a member of my group chats so long as you see advantage You have also changed your spots from being the big talker you are so used to because you notice that your gift of the English gab is not enough to make up for the shortfall of your intellect The fact that I have a white skin and challenged the white supremest mineral monopolist De beers who have devastated not only Africa but the entire planet and also approached them to assist me help expose them when you would have expected that people like Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela Desmond Tutu Jesse Jackson Barack Obama Kenneth Kahunda etc should have been well ahead of me, does not make my efforts less laudable. The fact that when De Beers-Barclays refused to place my De Beers INFORMERS WANTED ad in their South African Sunday Times that only had me pushing harder is also no feather in the cap of the timid who are all treacherous when given the chance I not only approached black South Africans such as Tefo Mohapi whose mother Joyce was imprisoned during the 1976 Soweto Uprisings but I sent him the monies to place the ad in black South African newspapers/Flyers/magazines and Tefo just stole the monies Here is his email and here is his mother’s It has been a long time since I heard from either of them and no surprise that Joyce also received like Bill Clinton a De Beers-Rhodes scholarship. Is that what you are hoping for? At 7:21, just 24 minutes ago I sent the following to my fb friend Maureen Greek and once you read it don’t be surprised if you later get an exact copy of all this plus others who will be added to to the chain from one or more of your other fb friends and/or money prospects: Thought I would start sharing with you first because you are at the top of the list my conversation with Omar Aysha who received the same message as you above as did a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population: Omar Quiet coz I don’t know you and am busy with other things. Don’t fancy contacting people I don’t know for reasons I’m not told either. My reply at 7:14am, Calif time, 3 minutes ago which I will be sharing with the entire mostly silent group: Social media allows you to know everyone much better than family members you grew up with and people you work with a lifetime even your spouses and children and grandchildren When people get uncomfortable with the the most important truth such as how the money is valued and they also have a university education in finance-economics and they have made more money than a down and out Street person they start fumbling for words and resort to “I don’t know you” I knew that would happen the instant I began my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia Banking-Mining cartel De Beers-Barclays who have owned the mineral resources of the world since the turn of the last century thanks to their diamond studded iron fist control of the drilling industry Nor did I think it was wise to speak out and draw the anger of someone such as yourself because I could easily imagine a close relative who thought they knew everything about the money getting very vicious towards me because I had already experienced viciousness of the worst kind towards my very good and accomplished parents So did Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1 of Prof. Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention book that is free on the internet who directly supervised my introduction know from his and his father’s personal experience the Judas mentality of the human; the more accomplished the human is the more it draws the poison tipped arrows of the unaccomplished That explains why I kept silent for 24 years and only beginning to speak out in (a) very big way when two forces of good came together, namely the internet and De Beers-Barclays providing The D I book free on the internet and then knowing it would shut everyone who lacks a conscience who is someone who thinks this world is all about taking as much as you can to be most happy materially and that weakness extends to the highest levels of the religious clerics of all the religions Read the book and you will also learn what makes you tick I make it a point of sharing all my knowledge with everyone because no one should have an advantage over the next person when it comes to critical information about the money-wealth and I also share with everyone who has got the knowledge Of course the most formally educated idiots who never learned at the university the business and awesome power of the mining house
because it isn’t part of the curriculum carry the most venom but still it is not the truth and nature is far too intelligent to grant them victory no matter their large numbers Big week starting now and you are contributing

Are you interested to see my response to Helena Pysna Mrowka who tells me that she is into natural foods and then says that she is partial vegan?
