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Kathy Gevisser Danziger – Your future is not bright

Screenshot: 9:35 Calif. time, Wednesday 30 March 2022

Steven Bailey

March 25 at 7:02 AM



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War I$ A Racket


Vermin Supreme

March 23 at 9:00 AM



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Paul Everet Roan, Philip Ashworth and 15 others







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    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey – we have 84 mutual fb friends and below is a sampling.

    They along with the rest of your fb friends, which you no longer show because I believe you are hiding, do not all know that you are a miserable “taker” which is not the worst thing I can say about you; and remember you describe yourself as “lame” versus what I believe is far more accurate; namely treacherous.

    One of the great things about the Internet is it’s ability to spread truth.

    Best of all it takes little effort, using just one tool and what is revealed is the unconscionable, impossible to predict, zero spirituality of the human.

    Yet it is a specie that prides itself on the merits of being civilized and caring for one another.

    But if you didn’t use this tool; namely Professor Edward J Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, that remains free on The Internet, most everyone would say they believe in karma-destiny.

    Bailey, do you believe in Karma-Destiny?

    How are you doing in verifying the backup of my symposium “Forgetfullness” (sic)

    Harold Schenk, Harold Joffe, Alan Yudelman and Michael E. V. Knight, how are the 4 of you following along?



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  • Steven Bailey
    Let me fix it. Sir.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey it is now 11:11 AM Calif. time.

      I hour ago you wrote, “Let me fix it. Sir”.

      What have you been doing in the interim other than going around the issues?

      Are you up to speed on my last message to you on fb messaging which was at 11:10 AM and resulted in you putting up an “astonished” look emoji?



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      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey have you noticed that I have reached the maximum number of members allowed by Facebook on both my symposiums-group chats “Forgetfullness” (sic) and Watch the price of Facebook’s shares, and no one is leaving.

      Why do you think that is?

      Do you think Elon Musk’s father, my fb friend Errol Graham Musk thinks I’m stupid?

      You wouldn’t know from all the media attention his eldest son gets, that his father was not only very wealthy when Elon was born 28 June 1971, but very politically connected, a member of the Pretoria City Council and homes in the most exclusive neighborhoods of South Africa.

      That takes nothing away from Elon’s achievements or his father’s contributions to the success of his son; rather it is his father, a great engineer in his own right, who didn’t spoil his son throwing money at him.

      Elon Musk and his 2 siblings left South Africa poor.

      Nor have I mentioned that it is obvious to me that Elon harbors not a shred of anti-Semitism which I suggest is possibly entirely attributable to his father.

      Bear in mind only a fool would be anti-Semitic and/or anti-Israel; and of course Bailey I’m talking about people such as you.

      Bailey, you have a bunch of kids. What would say besides for your sperm have you contributed towards them?



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      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, it is now 11:38 AM Calif. time.

      Previously, I wrote to you for the second time, 11:37 AM the following:

      It’s amazing what comes out of their mouths.

      All they think about is how to go around the pot, the issues.

      Those 21 words resulted from you first writing at 10:18 AM:

      I don’t know most of my FB friends except the letters on the screen and what their “character” behind those letters shows.

      Is it treachery to not** enter a password for some random site I was directed to on the Internet?

      At 11:08 AM I responded:

      That doesn’t explain why you now hide the rest of your fb friends.

      Slime Bailey you know that my website is not a random site.

      Didn’t your mother teach you before shipping you off to the NAVY the drawbacks of lying?

      Are you afraid if you help me expose the Oppenheimers that you won’t be able to afford your slave gardeners?




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      Gary Gevisser
      Jill O’hara are you able to follow the dialogue I am having with Steven Bailey?

      Jill did you see that I just added you to my fb group chats-symposiums, “Forgetfullness” (sic) and Watch the price of facebook’s shares.

      May I suggest you first study the membership and notice like everyone else that no one is leaving, including Steven Bailey.

      It is really only the money that binds the human in this day and age, and yet since the turn of the last century, just 120 years ago, the Industrial Revolution has picked up tremendous pace, most of which has come off the battlefield when we all have impregnated into our pee brains “money is no object”.

      But not only does that most talkative human specie have no clue how the money is valued but far worse when it is explained how as well as who prices the money, created all the wars and the necessary refugee crisis one after the next to breed the generation of terrorists, the people all go into denial and start mouthing off like Steven Bailey.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Jill O’hara should you or anyone else like to hear my response to Wikipedia editors who have replied to my earlier enquiries which focus on the crack at the very top of the SA Oppenheimers’ pyramid which none of the war profiteers below, including Florida gardener Steven Bailey want to touch with a 100 foot pole, hence the ugly distractions, you just have to ask.

      Bear in mind @Jill 2 important facts:

      First, it is not class warfare that I am encouraging, it is the welfare system of the lazy rich I am questioning; and I am a member of the favored class.

      Second, there is no one alive today who has personally dealt not only with a bunch of multibillionaires, but each of them trusted me more than any of their trusted advisors.

      One of them is my fb friend, Solly Krok. Feel free to ask Solly all your questions.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Jill O’hara at 11:37 AM Calif time, and it is now 12:08 PM, I sent Steven Bailey the following message:

      Bailey, do you remember why you referred to yourself as “lame”?

      Why do you hide your other fb friends?

      This is a fairly recent decision.

      At 12:05 PM and it is now 12:09 PM, in other words 4 minutes have elapsed, I followed up with Bailey who didn’t respond with the following writings:

      Bailey, you were just saying, “Y’all sitting over their talking shit about everybody huh?
      Nice folks.


    • ”.

      A minute later, 12:06 PM and still Steven Bailey is quiet, I continued:

      How are you doing on verifying that I have a complete backup of “Forgetfullness “ (sic)?



    • Errol Graham Musk


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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Quantum Mechanics

      Errol Graham Musk, Errol,

      at 3:29 AM Calif. time you gave the BIG SMILE followed by, 28 minutes later, 3:57, and those 19 odd words in total, explain brilliantly you understand that no one has an argument.

      Correct me if I am wrong.

      For this clever, positive support, first really from a total stranger, up until a little over a month ago, when we first met online, and you know that most likely, given how I am literate, I had previously heard of your son Elon, you will be the first to receive my mother Zena’s 50 minute and 51 second “Words of Wisdom” back in early spring 1987, 8 years after I officially joined Harry Oppenheimer’s one of kind military-industrial-complex, following a year long orientation when I knew much more than what is revealed in Peter Schmeisser’s 19 March 1989 piece; and we shouldn’t forget had Peter reminding us that “nothing” means “everything”.

      1978 a pivotal year in my life, how about yours?

      I will email you a link.

      BTW, check out “wow” on Google and you won’t find much, because there was none on the first page when I just looked. That is wow.

      So “Words of Wisdom” or “Wonder of World”?



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      Gary Gevisser
      P2 – Quantum Mechanics

      Or “World of Wonder”

      Or “Wisdom of Words”.

      It all works.



    • Errol Graham Musk
      Ok thanks. You are very interesting to read. WOW sounds great. Your mom was a stunner.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Errol Graham Musk, Errol great to hear from you, again so publicly.

      It is now 10:54 AM Calif. time.

      We last heard from “talk to talk” Steven Bailey 28 minutes ago, scroll down:

      Gary Gevisser I think “rat” was a term Nazis used to describe Jews just before WW2 started.
      And yet here we are.


    • Go on…

      My first response was a link to Password protected: Randolph Apperson Hearst ~ “Go on”.

      It would be wrong to expect that Bailey can hold his tongue forever; but then GoDNature is totally unpredictable and he has no choice but to think that much more about his future destiny knowing how much shit he has already endured.



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    Write a reply…

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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, you know that when I mention your name, I am also aware that others are following along perfectly.

    I also expect Elon Musk is not taken by everyone’s foolishness.

    He knows like every South African the extraordinary gun-money power of the SA Oppenheimers who are not shy about publicly showing they have the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on their Brenthurst Foundation payroll.

    Jill, do you know who is the big elephant in the room of any boardroom meeting?

    Jill have learned the month and year Warren Buffett was bought by the Oppenheimers?

    Steven Bailey, do you remember?

    Jill, is there any part of you which would like to hear me in a public debate with Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, the Koch brothers, Green Peace, The Venus Project, Sea Shepherd, Doctors Without Borders, OECD, IMF, and World Bank?

    Jill, you and everyone else has to ask yourselves, how much do you really want the war in Ukraine to end with a victory for Mr. Zelenskyy?

    Or do you only concern yourself for what it means to your pocketbook in order to buy people and material goods?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, just this minute, 12:31 PM I sent Steven Bailey the following message on fb messaging after providing him a backup of this wall, just in case:

    Are you observing nature and finding any insights?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, it has been 37 odd minutes since you “mmost” [sic] likely would have seen, “He knows like every South African the extraordinary gun-money power of the SA Oppenheimers who are not shy about publicly showing they have the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on their Brenthurst Foundation payroll”, unless you are having curlers placed in your hair thinking that with the human going backwards why not ondulate and before you know it, you are back in your mother’s womb, and not wanting to get out, assuming your mother is eating extraordinarily healthy as well as exercizing, focused only on the health of her baby.

    During your pregnancies were you that attentive to your child?

    If you didn’t know that 4 Star US General Richard Myers is on the Advisory Council of the SA Oppenheimers’ Brenthurst Foundation, does that bother you, and if not, is it because Nicholas Oppenheimer is not considered an “Oligarch” or anything close, because you only know from what you have been brainwashed with?

    Do you think that when you were being taught grammar and never to begin a sentence or end a sentence with a preposition such as “With” or “In” that you were being purposely distracted or do you think your teachers were also totally brainwashed not to think for themselves?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Let’s bring in others for their point of view:

    Nadine Cohen
    Brad Awerbuch
    Michelle Goldberg
    Kerry Molfesis
    Marine Serre
    Jonathan Marine
    Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
    Micha-el Frame



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    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey it is going on 3 hours since you wrote at 10:10 AM Calif. time, “Let me fix it. Sir.”

    It is now 1 PM.

    What were you planning on fixing, exactly?

    Can I rely on you to reach each one of our in common 84 fb friends, in order to say me the time?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, how do you feel about calling my highly informative website 2facetruth dot com a “random site”?

    Can you explain in words the ugliness you feel inside or has it got to the point that you enjoy being ugly other than towards people whose money you want?

    Steven Kofsky, are you thinking that maybe if you were more talented you could follow in the footsteps of Jim Steinman and not only produce something in the order of Bat out of Hell, but find the next Meatloaf?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Who thinks the murder of innocent women and children in Ukraine is acceptable so long as your lifestyle improves and you can put on a face to others how deplorable it all is?



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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: Your future is not bright

    Kathy Danziger, (Gevisser) how is your dementia coming along or is it cancer you feel spreading, slowing you down, or God’s vengeance?

    The 50 minute and 51 second filming of our mother Zena back in early spring 1987 in Kensington Park, London has now been uploaded on to Youtube, but I have it on a “private” setting, allowing a select audience to get a preview.

    You are going to die, but your fate is that it is not going to be instant, at least not to the point that you can feel each synapse snapping away from every neuron each one in sync or not in sync controlling every aspect of your body, including the weight you feel of the smallest fly resting on your knuckle, as you eat your favorite chicken wings.

    There are no words to describe your behavior, depriving our mother of her only wishes to spend the rest of her life with me.

    Gloating still, that my mother and I would not get to enjoy each other’s company at the dinner table; not even to speak on the phone as you drained her lifeblood dry.

    Note how long it has been since anyone left my fb symposiums-chat groups “Forgetfullness” [sic] and “Watch the price of facebook’s shares”.

    They don’t want to be there, but they also don’t want to miss out.

    It is the support from everyone who knows the whole story that should bother you most, and them as well. So rotten you can’t think of the right smell to assign to it.

    And it is all just because you did wrong, and your jealousy prevents you from fixing what is wrong.

    What ugly supporters to have watching your back.

    Let’s turn our attention momentarily to the horrific plight of Tracy, Shaun and Paul Tomson’s sibling Terri Tomson.

    In “Missing pieces” published less than an hour ago, 4:53 PM and it is now 5:38, you get to see the complexities of having a black skin growing up in Apartheid South Africa that spanned 46 uninterrupted years, and all the time in the world for the Apartheid Regime, only protecting the rich informers, to turn one generation of non-white people after the next; and our mother Zena was the last of the brave warriors.

    We need to talk more about our mother Zena’s very good, most trusted Muslim friend, Fatima Meer.

    You live for your friends recognizing your presence, but you know that they, including our mutual fb friends, Micha-el Frame and Jenny Arenstein – Friedman only stay friends with you hoping that you will at a minimum, remember them in your will, although they would prefer to get a money bribe now, wouldn’t you agree?

    Bear in mind 1987 was not only a decade after the virulent, anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers wiped out all their opposition in Israel – where you have kept my mother Zena captive since late September 2016 – and first they had to conquer the Jewish communities of South Africa, but it was the year I turned down the invitation from the SA Oppenheimers’ Lloyds of London to join the world’s most exclusive and oldest Old Boys Club.

    Not to mention the due diligence I did there brought me into direct contact with South African White Insurance King Donny Gordon, who was praised by Harry Oppenheimer, at least amongst other puppets.

    Nor it is hard to imagine what Harry Oppenheimer really thought about these Jewish traitors.

    Again, a pivotal year was 1987 and why I felt it was good timing to film our mother sharing the highlights of her 3 decade career, unmatched by anyone now, or in the past, as well as into the future considering how little time we all have left with the fake Green Movement worse than Big Oil because they have so many fooled all these years, not to mention the fake Green Movement is getting stronger by the moment; and yet we should understand the concept of wolf in sheep’s clothing going back forever.

    GoDNature can change its mind at any moment.

    You really cannot trust those positioning themselves to stab you in the back.

    In the mind-boggling New York Times article of 19 March 1989 written by Peter Schmeisser, titled, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD there is reference to the clown, Warren Buffett in all but name, and the relevant parts is closed in parenthesis:

    (In the early 1980’s, Minorco entered the investment business via a stake in Salomon Brothers, the New York brokerage house, but Salomon bought back that interest in 1987.)

    Remember who is Minorco. These are not people interested in fairness, democracy, free speech and the such.

    Buffett, joined Salomon Brothers’ board of directors in 1987, and was named chairman and CEO of Salomon Brothers in 1991.

    Continuing …



    The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am

    The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am


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    Gary Gevisser
    P2 – Your future is not bright

    BTW, very talented writer, Peter Schmeisser, dead at age 27 on 10 August 1992, 3 years, 4 months and 22 days after his “eyeopener” article that should have ended all wars on the poor in the very next instant as it explained so well the duplicity of Harry Oppenheimer and all his little officials throughout the world talking out of both sides of their mouths, much like everyone here, and whose “death was attributed to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, an AIDS-related disease contracted through a blood transfusion he received for treatment of hemophilia”, did his thesis at Oxford on government manipulation of the media during the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968; same year future President Bill Clinton crossed the pond to become an alumnus of De Beers-Rhodes Scholarship whose playbook is provided at the start, and knowing going forward they just have to keep perfecting their acting skills until their mouth becomes crooked, but then they look pretty much like everyone else.

    Government manipulation of the media at a time of horrific bloodshed on an innocent and very poor population a long way from Coventry Garden, London.

    If we jump forward a few years to July 2005 when “turncoat” David Gevisser [1926-2009] at age 78, and well into his 79th year, got capped with Master of Studies in Historical Research, specializing in the years leading up to World War II after which the biggest war profiteers, the German-South African Oppenheimer banking-mining cartel came away unscathed and eager to “cash in”, and they haven’t stopped.

    Also in 1987 as Schmeisser points out, ”South Africa Inc.,” published an exhaustive chronicle of the Oppenheimer’s business empire, “calculated that the combined assets of all Oppenheimer-affiliated companies totaled 98.8 billion rand, or about $247 billion at current rates. The South African Government checked in at 98.1 billion rand, or $245 billion, for assets in state-run enterprises.”

    I see no need now to get into how the rigging of the exchange rate markets take place; but of course I’m ready to answer everyone’s questions.

    Of course it is not only fair, but most accurate to combine all the assets of the Apartheid Regime but each and every South African who had more than a pot to pee in with the Oppenheimers’ not $247 billion “net worth” but some $492 billion as the corrupt State did what it was told.

    Of course Elon Musk knows that he is poor compared to the SA Oppenheimers who are now fearful that President Putin could lose.

    Bear in mind that any and all debt held by the Oppenheimers on their balance sheets has even greater value given how they are able to force any and all creditors, starting with their banks to wipe out their debt, and the auditors such as EY, currently producing annual revenues of $40 billion and knowing their paperwork is complete nonsense, know better than to object, otherwise their cliff houses in places like Sydney, Australia get shuffled to the next more compliant.

    The only thing not spelled out in Schmeisser’s article is that the moment Harry Oppenheimer or one of his shills sits on the board of any bank or for that matter corporate entity, they own the management.

    They make Warren Buffett, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, US Federal Reserve, London Exchequer etc look stupid.

    Remember we not now talking about how the SA Oppenheimers conduct 90% of their transactions “off balance sheet” and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by the 90%, and why no query?

    Let us now take a deep dive into Consolidated Gold Fields.

    Does everyone have their seatbelts firmly fastened, helmet strapped, tight around the chin.

    Continuing …



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    Gary Gevisser
    P3 – Your future is not bright

    Imagine yourselves right now in the cabin of Challenger Spaceshuttle at the front, because the rockets are in the back providing thrust.

    It is 28 January 1986, and it is approximately 25 seconds after the explosion reaching the highest point of 65,000 feet (20 kilometers) off the ground, and you are still in one piece as is the cabin, which has now separated from the rest of the orbiter.

    Bear in mind you are experiencing during maximum acceleration between 12 and 20 times that of gravity (g); and within two seconds it had dropped below 4 g, and within ten seconds the cabin is in free fall.

    I am not saying you are fully enjoying this weightlessness, only that you are fully conscious given how the forces involved at this stage are probably insufficient to cause major injury, if any.

    Now you are ready to learn about little known Michael Young, a “businessman” who Wikipedia don’t even give his age.

    What you learn is that he has a “a political background” and “secretly organised the meetings between the South African government and the leadership of the African National Congress (ANC).”

    I know that I don’t need to teach anyone here about the Nazi supporting German-South African Oppenheimer clan who relied heavily following World War II on their Jewish South African collaboration network just as the Gestapo did with the Zagiew whose history was never formally taught at our Jewish day school in Durban, South Africa Carmel College, the same with Jewish schools throughout the globe, including Israel.

    Who feels they can answer the question why?

    Does that mean all non-Jerwish people love Jewish people to death? No.

    As you follow the history of Mr. Young, notice a keen resemblance to that of Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale who went on to become the Chief Executive Officer of Harry Oppenheimer’s American partner, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].

    BTW, Gordon Richdale’s 1962 autobiography, THE SUNLIT YEARS, and which I have previously mentioned, is a must read if you have any interest in how the Bank of England lead the procuring and nurturing of despots in the poorest of Third World Countries which send a clear message to the others.

    Not to mention, just yesterday I was told to “tow the line” at the very start of me most politely enquiring why Nicholas Oppenheimer cropped in half his Wikipedia profile photo with Putin, taking Putin out of the picture entirely, versus simply putting up another photo of Oppenheimer altogether.

    This is very sloppy work, and the coverup no less, a complete twisting of the historical facts and location, which of course needed to be changed.

    Moreover, now Oppenheimer looks with open right hand a Godly character pontificating, nothing resembling the simple turning down of an invitation by President Putin to invest in a diamond mine in Russia, and this preposterous cover story, again well beyond totally ludicrous.

    Now if you are not following along perfectly, you can simply ask Steven Bailey to help explain, and if he is “mum”, well I will get to it in due course.

    Gordon Richdale – known intimately to Ayi Kwei Armah who Richdale wanted to adopt as his son who was also best friends with Ayi Kwei Armah – was eventually replaced by my father Bernie Gevisser’s treasonous first cousin, my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser.

    Ayi Kwei Armah, and who I believe is still alive, haven’t checked in a while, is a member of both symposiums, “Forgetfullness” [sic] and “Watch the price of facebook’s shares”.

    Bear in mind, Ayi Kwei Armah sent Gordon Richdale packing, unwilling to be his “lapdog”.

    People had a value system back then.

    In 1970, just ahead of his death on 2 March 1971, Engelhard Jr. named David Gevisser ceo of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa which was the “control person” of the SA Oppenheimers’ worldwide and unstoppable empire.

    Continuing …



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    Gary Gevisser
    P4 – Your future is not bright

    Let us now finish off on Mr. Young, an important lackey of Harry Oppenheimer.

    After graduating from the University of York in PPE (Philosophy, politics and economics) in 1972,[1] Young started his career in 10 Downing Street, the Prime Minister’s office and in the Foreign Office when Edward Heath was Prime Minister.[2] He moved to ARC Ltd and then to its parent Consolidated Gold Fields as Public Affairs Manager where he worked under the Chairman Rudolph Agnew.[2] It was under Agnew that Young organised secret meetings at Mells Park House, a building designed by Edwin Lutyens in Somerset.[2]

    For those unfamiliar with 10 Downing Street or what the title Prime Minister of Great Britain means, it is more than a location where top officials get drunk and laugh at the plebes not even recognizing that Boris Johnson’s hairdo is a dead giveaway.

    Hear Hear.

    Let me quickly add; while my highly secretive British-English mother Zena’s primary residence since the early 80s has been in Somerset, England, my mother was not a party to these secret meetings, all designed to confuse the masses.

    Back to Wikipedia – Young:

    The meetings were attended by various delegates from the South African government as well as leaders of the ANC such as Thabo Mbeki and Oliver Tambo.[2] The meetings contributed to the end of South Africa’s apartheid regime.[2] In 2001 he was appointed OBE for his contribution to human rights.[3]

    “Human rights” is the last thing on the minds of mass murderers who perfectly understand genocide, but they look at each of you, and they don’t think they are any worse, just richer, and party more than most.

    Let me add, 2001 was not an inconsequential year for my mother Zena and myself.

    My 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon by outgoing President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton of terrorist financier Marc Rich remain the most controversial in the 90 year history of the Jerusalem Post; and the deafening silence is not all that followed, but they were telling of the unconscious human, all about the money.

    Continuing Wikipedia’s profile of Young:

    Young later joined the Liberal Party, standing as the party’s candidate for Penrith and The Border at the 1983 General Election, where he came second, and in the same seat in a by-election seven weeks later, when he came within 552 votes of gaining the seat from the Conservatives. He also stood as the Liberal candidate in the 1987 General Election for the Isle of Wight, again coming second.[4]

    In 2009 Michael Young was the subject of a Film called Endgame[2] produced by Channel 4, a national Television Network in the United Kingdom.[5]

    I have not seen “Endgame”. Does anyone recommend that I do?

    Continuing …



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    Gary Gevisser
    P5 – Your future is not bright

    The entire “hostile takeover” of Consolidated Gold Fields was a ruse to give Wall Street and its investors including overmatched widowers, pensioners and orphans a semblance of competition, which is an anathema to global monopolist Oppenheimers.

    Cutting and pasting: Schmeisser’s HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD;

    Oppenheimer presides over this empire from the modest helm of E. Oppenheimer & Son, a small, private company in Johannesburg that he runs with his son, Nicholas. On paper, the family’s only other holdings include 8.2 percent of Anglo American, 6.5 percent of Minorco and nothing of Charter and De Beers.

    Note: “… and nothing of Charter and De Beers.”

    Nothing to most people means “nothing”.

    Cutting and pasting: Schmeisser’s HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD

    The structure of Oppenheimer’s empire is dizzyingly complex and nearly impenetrable to outsiders. He wields his power indirectly, through pyramided holding companies, interlocking shareholdings and a myriad of cross-directorships. As a result of this operating strategy, few people are aware that in the last two decades scores of businesses in the United States, Europe and Australia have been founded or purchased with Oppenheimer capital and are managed by Oppenheimer loyalists while maintaining no legal ties to South Africa.

    Oppenheimer’s principal vehicle for diversification -and the most visible example of how his vast holdings operate – is Minorco (chart, page 42). Moved from Zambia to Bermuda in 1970, and later to Luxembourg, Minorco quickly became the chief overseas investor for the Oppenheimer clan.

    Roughly two-thirds of its shares are controlled by Anglo American and De Beers.

    That 6.5% of Minorco is “nothing”.

    More than two-thirds, which is significantly greater than majority which is anything above 50%, of Minorco is controlled by Anglo American Corporation and De Beers which are “sister” corporations under the complete control of the SA Oppenheimers.

    Try explaining this to an economist, you will see them seeing stars.

    I just got buzzed by Starwalker that this a good time to watch the stars, at least here in southern California.

    Cutting and pasting: Schmeisser’s HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD;

    In 1981, with assets valued at about $2 billion, Minorco acquired interests in the Engelhard Corporation, the American mining and commodities trading conglomerate, as well as numerous other, smaller American mining concerns. (In the early 1980’s, Minorco entered the investment business via a stake in Salomon Brothers, the New York brokerage house, but Salomon bought back that interest in 1987.) Last fall, Minorco embarked on its most ambitious enterprise to date. On the morning of Sept. 21, it launched a hostile bid for a British firm, Consolidated Gold Fields Ltd., the world’s second-largest gold concern, whose assets include America’s richest gold mines.

    Notice I have repeated what Schmeisser placed in parenthesis.

    Engelhard Corporation is Charles W. Engelhard Jr., David Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer, but Harry Oppenheimer calling the shots from shortly after the death of Engelhard Jr.

    Now we scroll down just passed that stated value of Harry Oppenheimer’s holdings before they began skyrocketing in value.

    Cutting and pasting: Schmeisser’s HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD;

    Anglo American, which accounts for more than 50 percent of the stocks traded on the Johannesburg stock exchange, permeates every conceivable corner of the South African marketplace: iron and steel production, engineering and heavy construction, automobiles and paper products, distilleries and slaughterhouses. (Before it was taken over by the state in 1970, the Anglo-affiliated African Explosives and Chemical Industries supplied ammunition to the South African Army and police force. In the chaos that followed the Soweto uprisings of June 1976, it was revealed that A.E.C.I. had manufactured the tear gas that police and mine guards used to silence demonstrators.) Despite Oppenheimer’s public stance on labor unions, when Anglo American was confronted with massive walkouts by the National Union of Mineworkers in 1987, it retaliated by dismissing 40,000 laborers.

    Does anyone have any questions about what it means to have one corporation, the global mineral monopolist, responsible for more than 50% of the stocks traded on the Johannesburg stock exchange and combined with their sister corporation De Beers responsible for 85% of the stocks traded on the JHB stock exchange and every other corporation told what to do, and when to do it?

    Imagine 40,000 laborers, slaves in their own country.

    Prior to the arrival of the white man with the gun they survived without polluting cities, without genocidal wars, without plastic, without deforestation and we know where the oxgen goes to feed our brains to think clearly, going back thousands of years, and in 1987, a long time after slavery was supposed to have ended, fired from their slave wage jobs and not able to fend for themselves, and along with their children faced with the choice of begging on the streets or joining the armed wing of the ANC, uMkhonto we Sizwe, and getting slaughtered on the journey by Oppenheimers’ South African Secret Police aka Malan Death Squads, who are today no less lethal.

    Anyone here celebrating the Jewish Sabbath tonight?



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    He is hurting @ZelenskyyUa when taunting Putin without giving Ukraine timely, critical weapon systems, starting with jets long overdue.…/status/1507944947781144579…



    Gary Gevisser on Twitter

    Gary Gevisser on Twitter


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    • Steven Bailey
      Gary Gevisser Uhh, wasn’t Ukraine originally Russia’s? And you WANT more weapons in the area?

      You make NO fucking sense



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Title: It makes sense [Word count 1472]

      Steven Bailey, were the 219 odd words of Quantum Mechanics which I finished posting up yesterday at 5:56 PM Calif. time beyond your pay-scale?

      Can I do anything to help?

      Again you go around the issues, but you are fearful, not only our 84 mutual fb friends will catch on to your game, but all the rest of your fb friends that you now hide from me; and then there are your children who were it not for wanting to grab all the money wealth you leave behind, even if it is an old wooden rake which they might be able to sell for a few pennies, would if they were normal decent people have nothing to do with you.

      That doesn’t make you presently a lizard because lizards don’t speak, but you get my drift because you are aware of destiny and the role it plays in your past, present and future.

      The fact that you feel embarrassment means that you are not a psychotic killer, wouldn’t you agree?

      What you wrote above at 6:10 AM Calif. time, “Uhh … make NO fucking sense Warmonger” was followed up 7 odd minutes later, 6:17 with more on fb messaging:

      “More jets? 


    • more bombs & tanks too? How about more nukes too you fucking warmonger “

      Obviously you weren’t making love to your wife whose fat face photo you have removed from your fb profile while writing your crap, which is simply more bad Karma that doesn’t disappear into thin air.

      Then again you have to agree that achieving the highest levels of spirituality requires intelligence and you know that people like the “Deli” [sic] Lama cannot be all that intelligent if they failed to recognize the deplorability of the grossly unfair, Gross Domestic Product economic index, even if he has been bribed to distract.

      The SA Oppenheimers fully understand that the human ego is not easily put into words.

      The feeling of “stupid” is something that none of us like.

      To compensate is the lust for money which can’t buy love which is what the human most desires.

      You only, though, only learn about money once either reading Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention or from me as there is no other possible source, nothing else anywhere comes close.

      The D I book is a perfect litmus test for human morality and so far there is very few who pass the grade.

      Ask anyone who has had great sex with a beautiful female body and also recognizes that the woman who just enjoyed the love making as much as you is also super-smart and can figure out everyone’s bullshit, if they have achieved any higher level of spirituality?

      I very much doubt it unless they have themselves directly communicated with God and/or had a doggy like our Mango, then they will know better than to speak about it.

      When you eventually get to see my mother Zena’s awesome 50 minute 51 second “Words of Wisdom” notice how this most amazing speaker, intellect of intellects talks about me as if I wasn’t there; and it is only me filming my mother at a most important juncture in our lives as my name would soon be moving rapidly to the top of the SA Oppenheimers’ “Watch List” when turning down the invitation to join their Lloyd’s of London, a very important tool in managing their puppeteers such as Boris Johnson who is probably drinking more than usual.

      Btw, did you learn anything in my response to Errol Graham Musk placing up yesterday at 3:29 AM Calif time a very distinguishable, large, happy smile face in reply to my earlier post, Friday at 12:12 PM, some 15 hours before, when addressing Jill O’hara and I mentioned, “Bailey, do you remember why you referred to yourself as ‘lame’”?

      Have you thought of other approaches such as spending more time at Taco Bells counting cockroaches in the kitchen which the customers don’t see or just flying a kite?

      It is not enough to say, “I am staying in the moment” or “I live in the moment” when you are constantly trying to keep track of your lies.

      A bad memory person is someone to avoid at all cost.

      I’m sure if you put your mind to it it is possible that you could see how effective was journalist Peter Schmeisser in exposing the Achilles Heel of capitalism in his mind-blowing, dizzying New York Times article of 19 March 1989 when I was visiting the Far East for the first time, and alone.

      You observe more when there is silence all around you.

      You haven’t explained your presence on facebook.

      Do you consider Zelenskyy and the rest of the Ukrainians worse than Putin and his supporters led by the virulent anti-semitic, anti-Democracy, pro dictatorship, German-South African Oppenheimers?

      Is there a part of you that wishes you had my courage and intelligence?

      “Your future is not bright” also applies to you, just in case you thought not.

      The SA Oppenheimers would have picked up quickly the lack of reaction from people such as yourself as well as all those bribed to be quiet.

      What is important is the present.

      or to put it in my mother’s words, “What is present is better than in the past …”

      Doesn’t it annoy you to no end how my mother keeps coming back to, “… and you are very handsome”?

      Bailey, you understand why you are angry and can never make sense other than to write whatever comes into your mind that you can latch on to in an effort to distract from what bothers you most which is yourself.

      Your misguided anger and no one else pointing out your Poverty of Thought shows that we are not alone in this very orderly, cause-effect universe which we are continuously reminded of because of people like you who speak for all the stupid who are more susceptible to being bribed and treacherous, call them slime, if you will.

      The knowledge I’ve been imparting here since coming across your “eye-catching” cartoon characters is both unique and universal even though it doesn’t spell out how real estate investing became a respectable profession.

      I will be explaining that important piece of history in due course as I place the finishing touches to my book which I first began sharing with my client, Chairman of the Board, media giant, Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst (1915-2000) in late 1993 soon after I handed him a 4 page technical “White Paper” that he had asked for in order to tighten the noose around the necks of his top executives who amongst other annoying stuff were interfering with his playtime.

      Nor did Hearst need to finish reading the first page before a broad smile came over his face.

      I had kept him in suspense all this time once letting him know that I would produce this document to achieve his objectives.

      There is something to be said by being entertained, especially if it is clever.

      It must make you feel good to call me a fucking moron and warmonger when you know I am the total opposite.

      Continuing …



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      P2 – It makes sense

      You are talking about yourself. Of course you also hate the fact that I continue to expose The Venus Project and the such who have trapped many unsuspecting.

      You don’t think for a moment that someone like Elon Musk’s father would want to be a part of the common herd led by you.

      Everything you say and don’t say is important, the same with Biden, his son Hunter and the rest of us 8 billion humans.

      To use an expression Biden used yesterday when slamming Putin for invoking Nazi imagery as a pretext for an invasion, calling it an “obscene” lie.

      You admit to being around obscenities from when you were born, and you just don’t seem to be able to escape from; and I don’t see how wearing the snorkeling mask to breath when not underwater is proving helpful to the oxygen prevented from entering your thick skull.

      Yet you have enough neurons remaining to know it is garbage when Putin says his goal is denazification in entering Ukraine with military might to subdue the population and make them automatons like Steven Bailey, a rat if there ever was one, the same of course with my 3 elder siblings who know better but their destiny is their weak emotions envy, jealousy and greed which drive them

      Even Biden or his speech writer is able to recognize Putin’s obscene lie.

      Bailey, it makes sense to work on your karma by doing positive in order to influence your destiny.



    • Steven Bailey
      Gary Gevisser I think “rat” was a term Nazis used to describe Jews just before WW2 started.
      And yet here we are.


    • Go on…



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey it is now 10:28 AM Calif. time, 3 minutes after you responded to “It makes sense” with “… Go on …”



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, didn’t your mother teach you that “rat” is also used to describe a rat?



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, do you feel that you are surrounded by good Karma?

      Do you feel that your destiny is going according to plan?



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, if our mutual fb friend count which has increased by 2, now 86, were to start dropping, would you feel good?



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, it is now 10:36 AM Sunday, 27 March 2022.

      Do you think a moron could produce that 4 page White Paper?

      Do you need help figuring out what wording I provided near the start which brought on a big smile from Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] some 28 years ago?

      Steven Bailey, since Errol Graham Musk is interested in what I have to say, does your logic tell you that his eldest son, Elon Musk wouldn’t be in the least bit interested?



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, have you heard of Elon Musk’s father, Errol Graham Musk?

      You must also think Errol Graham Musk shows lack of intelligence when writing 13 odd minutes ago, 10:50 AM Calif. time, after my “Quantum Mechanics” the following:

      “Ok thanks. You are very interesting to read. WOW sounds great. Your mom was a stunner.”



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, what does “You are very interesting to read” sound like to you?

      Did the cat bite your tongue?

      What do you recall about Minorco?

      It is now 11:05 AM Calif. time. Take your time. It is only your destiny that you are working on.



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey 29 odd minutes have elapsed since I wrote, “…what does … you are working”.

      You have known that I have been right about everything that you don’t like.

      You would expect the opposite reaction in a logically driven universe.

      The long and the short of it is that I must be right also about destiny in the past, present and future.

      At least you have to think the possibility is there that I am right.

      Let’s also put aside the fact that I know I am as right about destiny as I am the wretchedness of the GDP that drives everything including the moronic cryptocurrency market that is as fake as the wheat market which is no less corrupt than the weapons manufacturing market.

      So with that in mind when you next see or feel a fly landing on you do you think your life is a pile of shit and your future the same, unless you get smart?



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      iT’S NOT EASY
      TO soar like an
      E A G L E
      When you are surroundeded
      by TURKEYS !

      for Gary
      Z [Zena]


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      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, it is now 1:16 PM Calif. time. Do you remember me mentioning at 11:10 AM which was 2 PM your time in Florida once roamed by native, indigenous peoples aka “Indians” and who are referred to as “savages” very near the start of the 4 July 1776 US Declaration of Independence, the following to you on fb messaging:

      It is now 11:09 AM.

      Do you recall Marc Rich’s involvement with 9/11?

      Those 15 odd words-numerals contain great, accurate, positive knowledge unlike you only demeaning, filthy, mean-spirited writings, all because you have not only a big ego, meaning you have little knowledge because you spend too much time feeding your negative attention driven mind, the result of both destiny and failing to improve upon the lot you are born into that you had no choice other than your actions in past lives which continue on ad-infinitum, but you realize that you have the anti-Semetic, racist, pro fascist, anti-democratic German-South African Oppenheimers to thank for you affording slave wage workers to help you take care of rich people’s properties, and if you were wealthier then you would feel that much more superior to hire these customers to take care of your property, thus affording you more leisure time to contemplate your navel.

      And it is interesting that 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11, 1 December 2000 I sent out a heavily broadcasted email party invitation to all the people I knew with an email address they had given me for my upcoming NEW BEGINNINGS PARTY.

      I have previously shared all the numerous coincidences that are represented in that one of a kind party invitation which was attended by my Allied World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser who took all the many photos over a period of 2 days.

      When I shared them with my distant cousin, Israeli-American Niv Kantor, an engineering team manager for facebook-meta specializing in augmented reality and virtual reality

      Niv was of course, blown away.

      I am also not saying that Niv is the smartest person in the world or that Mark Zuckerberg isn’t able to assess what caused Niv to follow the same path as you over the cliff.

      “Staying in the moment” requires first and foremost a comfort level with yourself.

      You can’t expect the joy of coincidences to end your increasing anxiety.

      You made your bed when you decided to lash out of me.

      You want to blame me because you don’t want to take the blame for your previous actions.

      Calling me “Fucking stupid” when writing, “You make NO fucking sense” immediately followed by “Warmonger”.

      Nor were you seeking my answer when right before writing, “And you WANT more weapons in the area?”.

      In other words you are all for the Ukrians being slaughtered.

      You are vulgar, deceitful and one big fucking mess.

      Now when you started out with “Uhh” you thought that being sarcastic it would show that you are better than me.

      When a human enters a black hole from which there is no escape, they can’t expect to be enlightened no matter how much poetry they read or regurgitate what they hear off the TV and radio which is all that you are good for.

      That ugly “Uhh” was followed by, “wasn’t Ukraine originally Russia’s?” as if to suggest that would make the genocide of the Ukrainians justified.

      Does The Venus Project attract violent people?

      How come you project all this violence on to me, without touching a glove on the warmongering German-South African Oppenheimer clan?

      Can you spell out what exactly you like about them that you want to protect them at all cost?

      Steven Bailey it is now 2:27 PM my time, 5:27 PM your time.



      Valerie Schulte Esq. – Turner’s 15 year lover

      Valerie Schulte Esq. – Turner’s 15 year lover


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    • Active

      Gary Gevisser
      Steven Bailey, you and I now have 87 odd facebook friends. Im looking forward to that number dropping dramatically given how persuasive you are with fellow automatons.

      At 2:08 PM, 21 odd minutes ago you wrote to me on fb messaging, all the while being awfully quiet here since understanding much better that the negative reaction you and others similarily victiims of strokes, strokes of bad luck, have to good, useful knowledge for ending this ugly mass pyschosis is the complete opposite reaction you would expect from an orderly, cause-effect universe.

      It is a very fucked feeling you have, and obviously your wife is not able to help you.

      Have you thought about taking a permanent break from social media and just spending your remaining free time alone with your wife to discuss what you have in common?

      Your last message on fb messaging reads:




    • Yumm.
      Carrots black & green olives, banana peppers, I would add capers, Guac, wh rice and… cheese? WTF?

      Those 40 word-emojs are in response to a photo I sent you at 1:58 PM, and you are constantly on your cellphone or laptop, of the most delicious vegan, healthy soup which tasted out of this world, and you weren’t close to getting all the ingredients right.

      Below is a photo of the same bowl of soup but with pee shoots that my gorgeous F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion placed on top.



    • Active

      Gary Gevisser


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    Write a reply…

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    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, it is now 2:42 PM and about to enjoy a no less delicious dessert.

    It bothers you a lot, more than you can ever describe, reading what Elon Musk’s father Errol Graham Musk has to say.

    “You are very interesting to read. WOW sounds great. Your mom was a stunner.”

    This is very new for you Steven Bailey.

    That was at 10:50 this morning, less than 4 hours ago.

    Previously you had got lots of encouragement from the rest so silent when not acting out like you.

    Do you remember your friend, Torah Gemach, the ultra religious ChaBAD sic member who lied first about it saying that our Torah-Jewish Bible explicitly supports the private ownership of real estate-land; and when confronted with his most evil lie, he digs his grave, writing that one of our Jewish sages made up that nonense, but that he is too busy grabbing the money when not fooling others, to find that sage or any writings on this most important matter, and that I should do the research myself.

    Of course, Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend, has opened up a hornet’s nest for all the fake religious people who can only blame God for not knowing any better.

    Yes, we are talking about billions of people now in the same boat and they have Torah Gemach to thank.

    Also don’t forget how much you hate every word of Elon Musk’s father, starting with “Ok, thanks …” once reading “Quantum Mechanics”.

    I will shortly share my follow up with Errol Musk who isn’t your typical white South African, nothing close.



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, it is now 2:58 PM and 2 minutes ago I wrote you the following on our fb messaging dialogue:

    Have you thought about opening your entire list of fb friends to me, making it easier for me to reach them?

    Those 21 odd words must prove unsettling, and nor can I suggest a remedy other than accepting that destiny is not something to mess with or take lightly.

    Again, the fact that I have the most clever mother who was sought out by the most powerful people of her times, along with their spouses, mistresses and daughters, and my mother Zena and I know that destiny is real and shouldn’t be taken lightly, does not make those with a different opinion more intelligent.

    They are simply wrong.

    As you examine the behavior of those who don’t subscribe to “destiny” defined “a predetermined course of events”, what is most transparent is their unhappy disposition.

    I’m not suggesting a facelift for you and your wife so that if it is pulled back enough you have a permanent smile.

    Who wants to think that the ugly person they are likely to spend the remainder of their life with is predetermined by a Higher Energy Reaction [HER]?

    Steven Bailey, we now have 88 mutual fb friends.

    Your best efforts are directed towards both the slaughter of the Ukrainians who are going to win this war, and keeping everyone focused on how little it costs to eat crap at Taco Bell.

    It is 33 years and 8 days since now dead journalist Peter Schmeisser explained in his New York Times feature story, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD that it costs Harry and his son Nicholas not a penny to own everyone and everything.

    Steven Bailey, do you remember the name of the father of Elon Musk who on paper is the richest person in the world?

    Do you understand why Errol Graham Musk wants to have no part of the common herd?

    Again, have you thought about taking the block off, and opening your entire list of fb friends to me, making it easier for me to reach them?



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, it is now 3:14 PM and I doubt I have put you to sleep, the same with the rest watching and figuring their next move.

    At 1:47 PM I sent the following to Errol Graham Musk who I know nothing about how he feels about his personal relationship with his 3 children or his ex-wife Maye Musk, the mother of Elon, Kimball and Tosca Musk, because we are not “familiar” with one another; and nor has Errol Musk been rude like you and Torah Gemach with whom I share 17 odd mutual fb friends, and I wouldn’t consider any of them more trustworthy:

    Errol, I don’t believe I have shared with you my dialogue with my distant cousin, Israeli-American Niv Kantor, an engineering team manager for meta-facebook specializing in virtual reality and augmented reality; not to mention one of our common relatives is Sir Aaron Klug who in 1982 won the Nobel Prize in chemistry – molecular biology and genetics.

    Aaron is mention[ed] in chapter 3, CHILDHOOD of David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.…/CH03_CHILDHOOD.pdf

    My dialogue with Niv began with him on 26 October of last year responding to a matter I had written to him about a decade [before], that’s right 10 years prior, 10 years, 6 months and 13 odd days before to be very precise, April 13, 2011.

    Niv, began:

    Just saw this message after 10 years





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  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Those 3 photographs were given to us by the brother of the photographer who witnessed for himself the abuse of power.



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, it is now 3:30 PM and approaching your bed time.

    Your thinking is that more weapons provided to the Ukrainians to defend themselves from Putin-SA Oppenheimer’s invasion will lead to further bloodshed.

    Let us look again at your precise wording at 6:10 AM today, just over 9 hours ago:

    And you WANT more weapons in the area?
    You make NO fucking sense

    Steven Bailey, are you considering using those 14 words on your tombstone, or at least suggesting it now to your children?

    Steven Bailey, I am not hearing you saying as frequently as before that anyone who hired my “risk assessment” services had to be out of their minds when they could have hired you for the same amount your charge to clean up other people’s property.



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Steven Bailey, I am my mother’s legacy.



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Steve Wesner, Philip Ashworth, Zack Taylor, JP Outeiro, Paul Everet Roan, do you feel you know our mutual fb friend Steven Bailey better as a result of reading this dialogue?



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Everyone tuned in and not doing everything they can to help Mr. Zelenskyy fend off this barbarism that has so many unconscious, must recognize that they have the blood spilled of all Ukrainians on their hands.

    This includes Keisha Whitaker, model-actress wife of Hollywood blocbuster actor, Forest Whitaker, and economist Rodney Smith Phd who hasn’t forgotten our almost all day meeting with 2002 Nobel Prize laurette, economist Vernon Smith Phd back in May 2015 or for that matter our one of a kind board meeting on 8 February 2002 at the headquarters of Wetherly Capital Group who were in the process of orchestrating the “voter fraud” in the upcoming November 2002, California Gubernatorial election, as both canditates, incumbant Democrat, Gray Davis and the Republican candidate, William Simon Jr. the son of the billionaire former US Treasury Secretary, were beholden to the Wetherly Capital Group who with the handouts they provided at the start of the board meeting were attempting to co-opt Dr. Rodney Smith Phd and myself into their grand conspiracy.

    That does not mean either Keisha Whitaker or Rodney Smith are no different to member Steven Bailey because they may very well be doing everything within their power to move the people to end the suffering of the Ukrainians who once suffering PTSD can never be expected to fully recover.

    Just ask Steven Bailey.



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Behind this war is the push for cryptocurrencies by the world’s central banks who have been behind the nonsense cryptocurrencies from the very start.

    It is now 3:56 PM Calif. time and Steven Bailey is not the only person most quiet.

    Let us now cycle back to what I wrote back at 11:43 AM

    Steven Bailey, 29 odd minutes have elapsed since I wrote, “…what does … you are working”.

    You have known that I have been right about everything that you don’t like.

    You would expect the opposite reaction in a logically driven universe.

    The long and the short of it is that I must be right also about destiny in the past, present and future.

    At least you have to think the possibility is there that I am right.

    Let’s also put aside the fact that I know I am as right about destiny as I am the wretchedness of the GDP that drives everything including the moronic cryptocurrency market that is as fake as the wheat market which is no less corrupt than the weapons manufacturing market.

    So with that in mind when you next see or feel a fly landing on you do you think your life is a pile of shit and your future the same, unless you get smart?



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    It is now 4:04 PM

    For those wondering what Steven Bailey meant this past Friday at 10:10 Calif. time when posting up here, “Let me fix it. Sir” you would have thought as a reasonable person that he was responding respectfully to what I had written before at 8:24 AM:

    Steven Bailey – we have 84 mutual fb friends and below is a sampling.

    They along with the rest of your fb friends, which you no longer show because I believe you are hiding, do not all know that you are a miserable “taker” which is not the worst thing I can say about you; and remember you describe yourself as “lame” versus what I believe is far more accurate; namely treacherous.

    One of the great things about the Internet is it’s ability to spread truth.

    Best of all it takes little effort, using just one tool and what is revealed is the unconscionable, impossible to predict, zero spirituality of the human.

    Yet it is a specie that prides itself on the merits of being civilized and caring for one another.

    But if you didn’t use this tool; namely Professor Edward J Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, that remains free on The Internet, most everyone would say they believe in karma-destiny.

    Bailey, do you believe in Karma-Destiny?

    How are you doing in verifying the backup of my symposium “Forgetfullness” (sic).

    Harold Schenk, Harold Joffe, Alan Yudelman and Michael E. V. Knight, how are the 4 of you following along?



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    Those 200 words don’t seem to have any bearing on Steven Bailey‘s response, “Let me fix it. Sir”.

    That is because they don’t.

    His 5 odd words were designed to keep you guessing.

    This is the thinking of a politician, a manipulator.

    The more you read Steven Bailey‘s writings the more you see he sounds like the politicians he hates, or leads us to believe that he hates.

    Yes, Steven Bailey speaks for the common herd and why it is that my stunning mother Zena and I have very few supporters.

    It is why my mother Zena was quite certain, outside of asking God-Higher Energy Reaction [HER] for intervention, I was doomed.

    Following her words, “Are you not concerned for your life!!” after I explained on the telephone moments before that I was about to begin publicly exposing Nicholas Oppenheimer, his father Harry and grandfather Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and all their shills, starting at the very top of their pyramid, and which I began on 11.11.2004 having lined up my ducks as best I could, my mother said in a very quiet voice, “I will begin now sitting shiva for you.”

    For those who don’t know “Sitting shiva” is what the bereaved of a deceased immediate family member do for the next 7 days.

    My mother did that.

    To the horror of Steven Bailey and those of the exact same mindset, again no souls, I am still here going on 18 years later.

    For people unconcerned about their destiny and who can’t get enough trampling on the good karma of good people who actively fight corruption, they see their memory failing them constantly, and death coming not quick enough.

    For good reason when good people are surrounded by the ugly enemy it is best they turn off and show no signs consciousness other than to do their best to convince their audience who have no interest in searching for truth, that they are mostly totally unconscious, no memory.

    Everyone who sees The Lady’s Speech knows perfectly well that my mother Zena is as far removed from “advanced dementia” as people like Steven Bailey are from the truth.

    “Advanced dementia” is what corrupt Israeli medical doctors and lawyers told an all about money, full of herself, Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald Rand on 15 September 2006, some 7 odd days before the filming of the 9 minute and 24 second, out of this world, The Lady’s Speech which has everyone ugly-corrupt in silence.

    The chronology is important.

    It was only yesterday at 11:56 AM, almost 24 hours after we heard from Steven Bailey, “Let me fix it. Sir” what he was talking about.

    “I needed to fix my sentence of War is a racket with a period.”



  • Active

    Gary Gevisser
    It is now 4:32 PM.

    How many of you behave like Steven Bailey on a regular basis?

    I still don’t see a “period” or as the English say, “full stop” after “War I$ A Racket”.

    It is a mad world, but it doesn’t have to be.

    Errol Graham Musk has shown that he doesn’t want to have any part of the stupidity even if everyone votes to keep Steven Bailey as your spokesperson.

    I could easily see his eldest son, Elon Musk thinking the same as his very articulate father.

    Elon’s sister Tosca Musk who is fb friends with her father Errol, but yet to accept my fb friend invitation, might also decide that she wants nothing to do with stupid, ignorant, violent, warmongers such as @Steven Bailey and all those who give him comfort.

    Before we know it, the merit system can be finally introduced and in the next instant all the waste including all the fake Green Opposition such as The Venus Project, Green Peace, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Sea Shephard, Sierra Club etc etc, is forever eliminated.

    One state of the art factory such as TESLA can produce every item and the only item remaining is who will teach the next generation of children.

    My vote is that it is not Steven Bailey or my 3 elder siblings.



    • Steven Bailey
      Gary Gevisser It is You who are calling for more jets (with bombs) to be sent to the totally corrupt Ukrainian country, not me.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Putin-Oppenheimer Nazi Liberators [Word count 1766]

      Steven Bailey your reply earlier at 7:31 AM Calif. time, 10:31 AM in Florida where I assume you are, and you also must have felt that you were awake at the time, is bizarre.

      You must feel that you are capable of influencing more people than me, just by being able to speak your weak mind.

      It is true that I am, and have consistently called for more armed jets to be sent to Ukraine to defend against President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer who is now trying his hardest, but failing miserably, to distance himself from President Putin.

      Do you think Zelenskyy is more corrupt than either Nicholas Oppenheimer and/or President Putin?

      That seems to be the point you are trying to make. You must like Putin and Oppenheimer a lot.

      Let’s try and keep this brief, unless you would like for me to go on.

      I know, because you told me, that your mother shipped you off to the US NAVY when you were too young to think for yourself and you don’t appear to have any relationship with your father that you want to talk about; and that you really didn’t have any more formal schooling than that.

      What is your source of knowledge concerning military economics that has you concluding “totally corrupt Ukrainian country” which would include all the civilian women and children being killed?

      You must also believe that President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer are Nazi liberators.

      So try your best to give a full explanation of what makes you so worldly savvy and allows you to mock me as a fucking stupid imbecile?

      Again you must have previous experience as an “influencer” because you surely don’t give me any credit for anything other than I support your own description of yourself as being “lame” following your lameness when failing to follow up with The Venus Project official, Roxanne Meadows and Nicholas Oppenheimer as you had led me to believe that you would.

      Again, a former senior US Government official whose name is unimportant as you can see from his universal teachings, shared with me after we spent the better part of a day “shooting the breeze” an important tool to deal with fools such as yourself.

      He said when someone tells you something that you don’t fully understand because either you weren’t listening well, or they are more likely, if you are intelligent and a good listener, trying to fool you, to ask, “What do you mean?”.

      If when they next talk and you don’t perfectly understand, but you have your suspicions, to ask, “How do you know?”

      That tends to really fuck them up, wouldn’t you agree wholeheartedly?

      So again, Steven Bailey, how do you know “totally corrupt Ukrainian country”?

      Bear in mind this “shooting of the breeze” took place on the campus of the University of California San Diego which yields the most valuable, sought after lands, the long ridge of the cliff stretching from very expensive and getting more expensive La Jolla to no less stuffy Del Mar, all here in southern California.

      BTW, where did you learn that the more expensive everything gets, due to what is described as “inflation” along with “market forces” driving “supply and demand”, the winners are always the rich flush with cash and real estate, and the losers are always the poor and renters?

      Of course you first learned that when reading The D I book, so well spelled out for even the dumbest in Chapter 6, THE RULES OF THE GAME.

      Then there is Chapter 17, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING after the defeat of Israel, chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.

      Notice at the present time, Professor E J Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book is no longer available over the Internet; the timing with the cropping by Oppenheimer of his photo with Putin back in 2006 in South Africa couldn’t be more coincidental.

      Steven Bailey, I won’t ask if you are happy with the way your life is heading.

      Remember everyone knows that my mother Zena likes me a lot because I look vibrant, healthy and my good brain acts accordingly.

      How would you rate your brain’s performance currently?

      Moreover, attending this ex US Government senior official’s lecture on the campus was a Silicon Valley hot-shot entrepreneur who I had previously met once, and very briefly, after I caught his eye looking at a nude of my wife that my wife had painted, and which was hanging on the wall of a very quaint cottage, well constructed, almost totally soundproof, I was renting less than a block from the water’s edge of Del Mar on 11th Street, and right before the owner of the double lot on the water’s edge at 101 11th Street, Merna Sturgis offered me her one of a kind ocean front guest house which we lived in for almost a decade, departing right when the fallout of the Fukushima nuclear disaster hit the beaches of California, Oregon and Washington and the pollution has only intensified; just speak with surfers and you will see how much common sense they spit out; then again you have to know the right questions to ask.

      That does not mean if you see a cancerous growth protruding from their neck or their one thigh you should ask, “How great is your sex life these days?”

      This hot-shot digital age entrepreneur when seeing that I had caught his eye staring at this one of a kind beautiful body and face, and my wife was just beginning her decade and half studying under Spanish master painter teacher, Professor Sebastian Capella where she excelled given her natural drawing skills and mathematical-logical reasoning at the highest level of humanity, and you remember Marie Dion’s, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!” gave me a broad smile and so I invited him to take a closer look.

      I mentioned after he also applauded the quaintness, again great solid construction that had well stood the test of time, that the owner who was kind enough to rent it to me on a month to month basis, was also looking to sell it, causing this entrepreneur with some $30 million and change to spare to purchase the property that very day, and I simply waited for the next smart cards to be dealt for having done the right thing, beginning by rewarding someone who recognized beautiful art.

      Of course there is nothing in this world, no food, no home, no car, absolutely nothing comes close to being as beautiful to the mind-soul of the healthy human male as that of a beautiful body-face woman; again nothing close.

      The next day, knowing that I was going to be out in a month I began scouting the area and behold there was the great Merna Sturgis, the coolest woman I have ever met besides for my mother and my wife, and anything but stuffy was very private Merna who has since passed away.

      For good reason, given the good Merna knew we were doing, quickly became our best friend.

      You couldn’t ask for better memories.

      Today the property has been sold to money rich, little taste people as Merna’s heirs are only too happy to cash out, and it is in great disrepair; the saddest is the tree to the left of our great view, now fast dying, all the concrete and asphalt surrounding and covering its root system to blame, and that of course rests entirely with destiny and the unconcerned human.

      Continuing …



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      Gary Gevisser


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      Gary Gevisser
      P2 – Putin-Oppenheimer Nazi Liberators

      You should be feeling a glimmer of hope if you can possibly still dig into your imagination and see how obvious it is that a beautiful, omnipotent power is constantly at work; and if not, put down your wretchedness to destiny.

      This meeting with the good insight Government official who during his talk made mention that he never liked a single merger proffered by Wall Street because of course mergers like sanctions only benefit monopolists and their shills who all have one thing in common, they talk out of both sides of their mouths, was after I turned down the position of Chief Executive Officer of media giant Hearst Corporation along with Chairman Randolph Apperson Hearst’s offer to publish this book I am continuing to write in real time, with a guaranteed upfront royalty payment of $6 million which matched the “sign on bonus” my Allied World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser’s [1923-2012] first cousin, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser [1926-2009] received immediately from the estate of murderous, racist, anti-Semitic, global mineral monopolist, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] following his death of at the hands of Mossad operatives now focusing attention on both treasonous David Gevisser, and Harry Oppenheimer who received the bulk of Engelhard’s estate which was the most valuable in the world beginning in earnest once first arriving in mineral rich South Africa in the late 40s, same time as my maternal family who didn’t need to read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention to know how Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his only son Harry managed to escape prosecution for their war crimes of World War II.

      Steven Bailey, I will assume that you don’t want to talk about the great efficacy of that 4-page “White Paper” just like you are trying to ignore as much as possible, Errol Graham Musk‘s pronouncement yesterday at 10:40 AM;

      “Ok thanks. You are very interesting to read. WOW sounds great. Your mom was a stunner”.

      Bailey that doesn’t mean I have forgotten your articulation at 6:10 AM yesterday:

      “You make NO fucking sense Warmonger.”

      Still you have nothing to lose by thinking this is also your destiny as it is mine, the same with Elon Musk, Errol Graham Musk, President Biden, Prime Minister Bennett, Boris Johnson and President Zelenskyy who represents the essence of what it means to be Jewish in these last remaining days.

      Now if you forget everything else, try to remember that my very accomplished Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser, with 71 dive bombing missions tucked under his belt, dive-bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards, and still only 21 years of age, recognized within hours of returning to South Africa on 23 April, 1945, having flown his last mission 8 days prior, 15 April, that the Nazis had won World War II.

      Fortunately for my dad, so did Mossad head, David Ben Gurion and his most trusted advisors.



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    Gary Gevisser
    Mandy Moore, Steve Saylor, Rolando Reset, Ryan Christopher Reeves, Paul Everet Roan, Naturinda Innocent




    Torah Dedicated to 2 Fallen NYPD Officers

    Torah Dedicated to 2 Fallen NYPD Officers



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      Gary Gevisser
      Torah Gemach how is God treating your brain since lying about the Torah and Jewish sages supporting the private ownership of land-real estate?

      When a man purports to be religious and lies boldly about an important matter that he says is contained within “Holy Scripture” and not only are his words untrue but they defy logic altogether, the liar must also look very ugly to themself.

      Does it help you to think of money when you act like you are praying?

      GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend, both you and I as well as everyone watching know that when you first started out saying that Torah supports the private ownership of real estate, you were not only lying through your teeth, but you cannot possibly believe in God.

      This trauma is made worse for you the remainder of this life before you return as a jellyfish, you wishy-washy hypocrite of the highest order, given how obvious it is to any rational person that a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) exists wherever we look.

      Why do you think you life, from the time you were born, has been surrounded by ugly men who protect pedophiles?



    • Torah Gemach
      Gary Gevisser brain function and being ugly are two separate things. One is internal and one external so which function is more important to you? One I know, I can address this very important issue with you and your audience!



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      Gary Gevisser
      Solly Krok, I would assume, just for your peace of mind and nothing else, and let’s make note of the time here in southern California, when a beautiful cold, rainy front has just earlier emerged, 3:30 PM, Monday, 28 March 2022, you are restricting as much as possible your visits with Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend’s friend, also ChaBAD sic player, Mendel Lipskar who remember is mentioned most dishonorably, but accurately in The Grand Scam: How Barry Tannenbaum Conned South Africa’s Business Elite, authoried by Rob Rose, Editor of the South African Financial Mail.



    • Torah Gemach
      Gary Gevisser once I know



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      Gary Gevisser
      Solly Krok, also note that GemACH sic who we havent heard from in a long time, responded just a minute ago, 3:35 PM to my earlier writing, “… ugly men who protect pedophiles”; and you of course remember more than what the top rabbis in ChaBAD sic, Melbourne, Australia did to the Waks family – lets say hello to Shneur Reti-Waks – when they protested the rape by the rabbi’s son in charge of security, of their children when living right across the street from ChaBAD sic headquarters.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Solly Krok, as you know from personal experience, you cannot teach old dirty humans new tricks.

      So you have to when dealing with the corrupt, wretched religious hypocrites to always bring it back to God.

      It really kills their minds, and the more you expose them the less willing are normal parents-grandparents to leave their defenseless children in the care of such monsters.

      What can be a greater sign of God to a religious hypocrite Jewish person than the fact that during this Covid-19 which revealed a great many things about the utterly stupid human condition that makes out as if every human life is sacred, the ultra-orthodox Jewish religious in Israel, such as Brooklyn ChaBAD sic born and bred GemACH sic, who represent less than 10% of the Jewish population of Israel, thank God no more, accounted for more than 50% of the hospitalizations?

      Solly Krok, please stay awake and if there is knocking at the door, why not assume it is the prophet Elijah arriving ahead of Passover just in case the Matzah runs out.

      The ultra-orthodox religious who must have previously heard of the expression, “Your body is your temple” assuming they hear anything other than their false prayers, are disproportionately fat.

      Fat is not a sign of beauty.

      A healthy human is repulsed by fat.

      Fat also stinks, but if you are used to being around fat, just like eating a lot of garlic you don’t notice the smell, then you get used to it and before you know it, you have stopped thinking about “You are what you eat”.

      How can you spend so much time praying over the food, before you start and ending with the long service, and yet you are so disrespectful of God who you cannot stop praising?

      This represents a deformed human being.

      So again Solly, what attracted you to them in the first place; was it that they looked more unhealthy than you and that made you feel better about yourself?

      I doubt it, because talking for myself I am repulsed by people who are so self-absorbed, lack willpower but yet they look down on the rest of humanity.

      Is it because they are so thankful when you part with your money and then they can’t wait to sing your praises so publicly?

      Solly only you know the truth.

      What you do know is that none of them can be all that smart given how if you are doing so much praying to God then at a minimum God, if God believes you are genuine, would impart knowledge of nutrition and how best to respect your “Body Temple”.

      Go ahead Solly, you have the floor.



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      Gary Gevisser
      Errol Graham Musk, are you still awake?



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      Gary Gevisser
      Torah Gemach


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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Russian forces 60 minutes to surrender [Word count 810]

      The last we heard from GemACH sic was at 4:31 PM.

      At 3:36 PM, 55 odd minutes ago, this disgusting pig wrote, “Gary Gevisser once I know”.

      We should all note that he will bury his head permanently in the sand rather than explain why he felt the need to lie, and say that our Jewish Bible-Torah supports the private ownership of real estate.

      The fact that it is possible that not one rabbi or priest or mullah or secular scholar has questioned the insanity of how private ownership of land came about following the constant revolutions of the masses which had the masses losing every time, does not make it any less an insanity.

      And for those who know better, they are simply thieves, manipulators, cheats of the highest order.

      There is no basis and why it is first the most religious who feel the need to lie.

      Their whole world is crumbling, and they know they cannot possibly turn to God to help them out of their abyss.

      It is also real estate as much as it is the expelling of munitions behind the brutal invasion of Ukraine led by a remarkable Jewish man who has gone beyond all expectations.

      So why are Jewish people in the rest of the world so “mum”?

      It is understandable that a moron, intellectual midget like Steven Bailey who we haven’t heard from since I responded to his last vomit at 2:10 PM with “Putin-Oppenheimer Nazi Liberators”, but what about all us Jewish scholarly philosophers, industrialists, lawyers, medical doctors, judges, teachers, professors and the such?

      It is quite amazing what one book, The Diamond Invention does to our consciousness or lack thereof.

      Of course, the SA Oppenheimers understand all of it, but we must remember they are not God, even when they act like they are, the same with their shills.

      How can you fear such people responsible for such ugliness that has their shills arguing that we should not look to see any connection between the internal workings of the human muscular-skeletal system and the internal brain?

      Who else other than God could be in charge of such mass disorder; and these retards don’t stop talking.

      GemACH sic wants you to believe that if you put crap gasoline into the engine of a motor vehicle so long as God is in control then the car will run just fine.

      Pedophiles really don’t like the children they rape. They simply like the power over a defenseless human being.

      They don’t think like normal people.

      Fat people obviously don’t care about the health of their internal organs as do those who see greater performance out of their body-mind when they treat it with great care.

      Again, and it is worth repeating, it is obvious that only God can be responsible for mistreating the worst hypocrites.

      The religious hypocrites can never take personal responsibility and blame themselves because it brings into question what they are doing when constantly praying followed by doing good deeds to help the poor and downtrodden and get the people back to God by wearing yarmulke and laying tefillin.

      Of course these weak minded charlatans despise both very Jewish Einstein and David Ben Gurion who both have publicly applauded the great Jewish person Spinoza, if not the greatest Jewish thinker of all time, and who was banished by the corrupt Jewish priesthood of Amsterdam, Holland beholden to the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition.

      Does something similar during ancient Roman times come to mind?

      So why aren’t they focused also on the virulent anti-Semitic German-SA Oppenheimers unless they are either too stupid or bought?

      They prefer to go around the issues just like Steven Bailey.

      Had Israel won the war against the SA Oppenheimers and their banks back in the late 70s, then of course Mr. Zelenskyy wouldn’t have even needed to ask yarmulke wearer Prime Minister Bennett for weapon systems.

      President Putin knows that if he uses one nuclear weapon, even if it is a tactical nuclear weapon within the borders of Ukraine the United States and NATO will turn Moscow in the next instant to dust, unless there is already a deal with Putin and that deal cannot possibly include Putin being the first to use nuclear weapons since the US dropped two on Japan.

      No need to even give thought to a false flag-covert operation by either Putin or the Allies, now that you know the entire layout.

      The risks of nuclear war only get greater as Putin gets more desperate, and therefore the time is now to fully challenge this out of control puppeteer of Nicholas Oppenheimer with an immediate “No Fly Zone” over Ukraine and at the same time give Russian forces 60 minutes to surrender.…/



    • Torah Gemach
      Gary Gevisser look like it is an interesting read



    • Torah Gemach
      The grand scam



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      Gary Gevisser
      Torah Gemach you are fooling no one.

      You know you are integral to The Grand Scam.

      Try not to use Errol Graham Musk‘s words in the future, they harm your brain that much more.

      Stick to your Torah lies for they are original thinking. God hasn’t forgotten you or your future.

      “Don’t wait for the fickle people to be anything more than focus on the ticks that they are already turning into.”…/status/1508880657472270337…

      GemACH sic, note that your kinsman, Steven Bailey has been quiet all this time, thinking, “How do you know?”

      GAS [Gomorrah & Sodom].





    Gary Gevisser on Twitter

    Gary Gevisser on Twitter


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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: Correct answer [Word count 402]

    It is now 7:10 PM Calif. time, still Monday 28 March 2022.

    It is not inconsequential when all the Jewish rabbis lie.

    It is also very important that it began with a very observant, ultra-orthodox Jewish charity worker and prescription drug dispenser Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend who kick-started the whole affair.

    Why God chose this fool is anyone’s guess.

    He probably never came first in anything in his entire life, other than possibly the ugliest person.

    It is just my personal opinion that I always express in the expression of my first amendment rights to free speech.

    Lying is also keeping quiet because they know they have been caught in a big lie that they should never have allowed in the first place, going back as far as when the first civilian got ownership of land without having first to fight for that land by conquering other land and creating a buffer as much as possible.

    With less words, never in the history of us Jewish people have our Jewish rabbis and Jewish scholars been caught lying about the land that was given to all of us, as only a stupid, dumb God would reward non-fighters disproportionately over those spilling their own blood.

    It just doesn’t make sense.

    The record is clear. You had to fight to win territory, period.

    You couldn’t buy your way into avoiding military service because the King-Queen led the troops into battle and you had to be there on the frontline, especially if you were the preeminent weapons contractor, right beside say King David, having given King David the very best protection, and inevitably you would throw yourself in front of the spear about to be thrown at him, who might spear you otherwise.

    Keep in mind, King David loses, the other sides’ weapons manufacturers take over all the conquered territories and everyone is their slaves who would lose their heads if fraternizing with the enemy.

    Again, face truth-logic.

    Can you possibly see the transition from collective ownership to individual land ownership with the banks, unwilling to fight themselves, giving up control of the money?

    No is the correct answer.

    Find me one rabbi or Jewish scholar anywhere, but not drama queen Steven Bailey, who thinks our Torah is clear that individuals have the right to own land given to all the people, according to God.



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    Gary Gevisser
    @ZelenskyyUa, @KremlinRussia_E, נפתלי בנט – Naftali Bennett

    Not enough to kill

    Trust In Tyranny

    Putin made the move.

    Surely Israel Prime Minister Bennett is responding with more than placing Israeli Special Forces in enemy territory.…/status/1508633108979060743…



    Gary Gevisser on Twitter

    Gary Gevisser on Twitter


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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: Stick around [Word count 669]

    Solly Krok, surely, knowing that it is moments in time, perhaps far less, before you meet our Maker-Creator, you want to see with your own eyes my “stunning” mother Zena give one most amazing 50 minute and 51 second performance, and me momentarily interrupting just to prove it is me doing the filming in Kensington Park, London?

    So what that you probably don’t know London as well as my mom and me who began visiting London regularly from age 9.

    What is important is that you know Schneerson and the rest of the top officials of ChaBAD sic have known since long before they began courting you that the money they sought from you was simply a ruse. Nor did they need to read Professor E J Epstein’s The D I book to know who has always buttered their bread.

    Can you imagine any charity not looking to the richest and most powerful people in the world to help them feed the poor, especially a Jewish charity who would naturally look first towards those Jewish people who converted from Judaism and sponsored Hitler without any fear of reprisal?

    Let me remind you that the Russian Red Army liberated Auschwitz 77 years ago.

    Doesn’t the time seem right to do something about it?

    Like any informer network, the goal is to undermine and spread not only disinformation but for you to trust them with all your secrets.

    You don’t expect them to dress as flashy as Putin because that would beg questions that they cannot answer.

    You knew when you asked of them the right question, “Where was God during The Holocaust” and they answered, “We don’t talk about that!”, these were Jewish imposters.

    A Jewish person is not afraid to question God which is why the word “Israel” when translated into English is, “Wrestle-Struggle with God”.

    Back then you were unwilling to ruffle their feathers because you had mostly “money matters” on your mind.

    But today, this very moment, it is a different story.

    My reply less than an hour ago, at 12:07 PM Calif. time to ChaBAD sic sick pontificator Torah Gemach who wrote his crap at 10:33 PM yesterday;

    “Gary Gevisser look like it is an interesting read

    The grand scam”

    to distract from his real estate lie that he can never forgive himself for and nor will God, is not all that I have been doing today.

    You though, Solly have to deal with the past that you cannot change.

    I have no regrets about buying into Schneerson-ChaBAD’s (sic) bullshit, because I never came close.

    When someone’s body odor smells disgusting and it is not from eating garlic which is very common in India, and they walk around with their fat hanging out along with their religious ritual tefilin strings, you draw the logical conclusion that you couldn’t find anything more hypocritical.

    That does not mean you should stick around these people.

    The stench when we entered ChaBAD sic headquarters in Brooklyn, New York back in late October 1989 some 6 months after Peter Schmeisser penned his New York Times most revealing feature story, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD, was impossible to not notice unless you had a very bad cold.

    Be honest Solly, what in the world were you thinking?

    A lot of people are now supporting Zelenskyy and that is only because they are thinking now that Putin might lose and they don’t want to look stupid.

    He only has 5.8 million followers on Twitter and one can safely say that they are not all supporters.

    He made his living being a comedian but that doesn’t mean he fails to keep track of this extraordinarily low number.

    I am also no less certain that Elon Musk is as bewildered by this “low turnout” as I am.

    The rotten human soul doesn’t really like heroes especially when they show up all the rest of the world’s corrupt leadership with no exceptions.

    Solly are tracking?

    Don’t follow losers!



    Trust in truth

    Trust in truth


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  • Torah Gemach
    Hay Gary Gevisser ,how come this fellow Solly Krok never answers your comments?



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        Gary Gevisser
        Title: Out of touch [Word count 1077]

        Torah Gemach on a scale between 0 and 10, and 10 most bothered, how do you feel about yourself having lied about the Torah, and rather than admit you lied, you doubled down?

        You consider yourself an ultra-orthodox, observant Jew who wants the world, not only Jewish people to think that proudly Jewish people such Israel Prime Minister David Ben Gurion and Albert Einstein are “non-believers” and should be undermined, ridiculed to the Nth Degree because they publicly support Spinoza who single-handedly stood up to the traitor Amsterdam rabbis bowing to the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition, not interested in rational thinking that inevitably leads to democracy where all the people have a vote, not only those who have bought the corrupt politicians and clergy who only speak for the rich even when saying with their forked tongues that they care for the poor.

        You, like all irrational foolish “worshippers of ink on paper” have something very important in common which is your deathnail.

        You believe every word, every letter of the sacred Torah-Holy Jewish Bible, is nothing less than the word, the breath of God.

        You have done more than misspoken when writing that there are words in the Torah which talk specifically to the private ownership of the land of Israel.

        When you spoke those lying words, your mind first told you that you were lying, committing blasphemy of the highest order.

        The fact that you are the first Jewish scholar to do so places you above all the others who can either follow your blasphemy or capitulate that they are anything but Jewish, must be your destiny.

        Nor can a reasonable person expect many of us Jewish people to have survived The Inquisition which picked up in intensity following the great success of the Nazis murdering half of European Jewry without the principal architects and profiteers being brought to justice.

        Since your warped, sick mind wishes to distract with more talk about Solly Krok who you dismiss with the backhanded slap “fellow”, as if he is just a pion when in fact South African multi-billionaire Solly Krok with whom I share 220 fb friends, is the longest as well as the preeminent Jewish South African money supporter of your ChaBAD sic clan, I shall do so.

        You had previously heard of The Grand Slam: How Barry Tannenbaum Conned South Africa’s Business Elite, because I brought it to your attention when having you focus on ChaBAD sic bigwig Mendel Lipskar whose disgusting behavior is well chronicled by Financial Mail editor Rob Rose, and it was quite recent when you ran into Lipskar and asked me whether I wanted you to say hello from me.

        You have yet to say whether you have brought yourself to read The Grand Scam: How Barry Tannenbaum Conned South Africa’s Business Elite, after writing so energetically “look like it is an interesting read”.

        You have no intention of digging into to it and sharing what is so ugly about Lipskar and how it festers anti-Semitism which is what you expect from those subservient to the SA Oppenheimers who didn’t need to be geniuses to figure that it would be much easier to turn Jews with low self-esteem who lack the willpower to avoid unhealthy foods because addictions are easier to feed.

        You epitomize Fat Diseased Talkative Cells.

        People such as very clear speaker, and in support of my efforts, Errol Graham Musk and his son Elon have for good reason a positive impression of Jewish people given how they never get to interact with you folks who look bizarre to begin with, and they think the rest of us Jewish people have you “in check”.

        Worth repeating very accomplished Errol Graham Musk’s words this past Sunday at 10:50 AM, “You are very interesting to read. WOW sounds great. Your mom was a stunner.”

        Remember, Elon’s father knows where I come from.

        He also remains the only person other than my wife to have seen my “stunner” mother Zena speaking for 50 minutes and 51 seconds the highlights of her life back in the spring of 1987 in Kensington Park, London when my mom was 58 years of age and accomplished more in her life by the time she was 29 than most people can imagine in several lifetimes.

        The Musks along with the rest of world are now seeing the true ugly side of the fake religious; your vulgar words, deceit, misconstrue, fail to respond, and most of all lying through your teeth about a most important subject given how it is private ownership of land and the coverups by the profiteers of The Inquisition that has destroyed the planet, herded the people into toxic cities where nature is obliterated in exchange for concrete and asphalt; and so out of touch they can only lash out violently.

        Do you recognize yourself proudly holding up all those toilet rolls and still your fat, disgusting stomach protrudes?

        What about the one below, the pedophile rabbi holding up one of his child victims that he sodomized?

        Can you tell us how long that supply lasted you and your wife?

        Do you ever imagine what it must be like to be healthy and spend the better part of a day making love to a most beautiful female body and face and then to be rewarded at the end for your performance with the most magnificent looking and tasting bowl of fruit, sliced Pink Lady and Fuji apples, tangerines and a little piece of the finest vegan Swiss chocolate?

        You must recall the story of GAS [Gomorrah & Sodom] where Lot couldn’t find as many as 10 good Jews in the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah and finally departed himself with less than a handful others before God rained down fire on both.

        You lost God a long time ago when you began your false prayers seeking enlightenment and yet the idea of nutrition that would protect the shape of your body temple where the brain is imbedded never entered your thoughts, just like not looking at what has caused the devastation of the planet.

        Shall I go on and explain why God is the only explanation?

        Moreover, all eyes should be on Zelensky’s unending counterattack, failing which it is easy to imagine this fast dying planet ruled for the remainder of its life by The Inquisition.

        Never bet against unpredictable GoDNature smarter than all man who missed the colossal GDP.


