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Going out of your minds – Preserve human consciousness – Know what your issue is ~ Ashley Berman

Screenshot 4:35 PM Calif. Time, Thursday Oct 3, 2019
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Solly Ganor

never again shall we allow jewish people to be slaughtered like this!! and we shall never forget!!!

‎Solly Ganor‎ to Jenny Kagan
September 5 at 2:49am ·
Murder of Jewish people in Kaunas, Lithuania. Their Lithuanian neighbors hacked them to pieces with axes, as soon as the Nazis invaded Lithuania on June 22, 1941. They got a license to kill Jews from the Nazis and they did it with pleasure. The people in the background Lithuanians who seemed to enjoy the spectackle. Among them were German soldiers who photgraphed the slaughter ,and showed it to the German media. Among the murdered was my uncle Goerge Shtrom , the kindest man I ever knew. Solly Ganor

Gary Gevisser Solly Ganor, once again you have censored my writings. This came after David Simpson had applauded what I had to say.

I will shortly be posting everything “Enjoy the spectacle” up on the blog of 2facetruth dot com.

Shame on you and all those quiet collaborators.


Ashley Berman Gary, i dont know what your issue is but this man survived the holocaust and u survived nothing in comparison! So grow some humility and respect!


Gary Gevisser Ashley Berman, it says that you are a “occupational therapist” or something of the sort.

A half-truth or anything less than the full truth about anything is not good.

When it comes to our Jewish Holocaust the survivors have to be on the forefront of intellectual honesty.

Only someone very ignorant or profiting from the warping of our Jewish history, especially as it pertains to our Holocaust, would write the crap you just did.

Grow up!

See a backup of all this on my 2facetruth dot com BLOG.

Bear in mind that I was born and raised for the first 21 years of my life in Apartheid South Africa where it was obvious to me without having to be schooled by my very good Jewish parents or for that matter Mossad head, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, that the mostly Jewish leadership of the opposition to the insidious Apartheid Regime who were backed by my future employer De Beers-Barclays

were no less bought than the Apartheid Regime.

Now you should apologize and admonish Solly Ganor for his censoring and all those who are quiet.

BTW, do you take any issue with Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention?

How old were you when you discovered the existence of the Zagiew Jewish Gestapo collaborator network throughout Nazi occupied Europe which ran into the thousands?


Gary Gevisser BTW, Ashley Berman, I see that you got a Masters of Education at Columbia University.

Prior to enrolling did it bother you that Columbia refused entry to Jewish person Richard Feynman because he was Jewish?

I also see that you are from Johannesburg, South Africa and Afrikaans nor Zulu would be your first language.

Therefore when you saw that the virulent anti-Semitic German-South African Oppenheimer family were not suffering financially from the rule of their Apartheid Regime did it not occur to you that the Oppenheimers were behind the lameness of Jewish people like Helen Suzman and my lifelong friend Tony Leon who while heading the political opposition parties to the heinous Apartheid Regime, never so much as dared point a finger at the Oppenheimers for their duplicity?

How would you rate yourself as both a teacher and an independent minded person?

If our mutual friends were to not admonish you for your bad behavior would you really want to keep them as friends?

Don’t you just love facebook as a tool to figure out who is a fair weathered friends who can’t really be trusted and to support exposing these flakes-fakes?


Gary Gevisser Ashley Berman, I see that your official designation is “Educational Psychologist”.

Im not asking you for the email addresses of your Columbia University professors unless you would like to share them with me, but why not have them check out my 2facetruth dot com website where you will find this discourse already on the BLOG.



Screenshot 5:15 PM Calif. time Oct 3, 2019

Elana Janit

829 friends

Hugh Raichlin

57 mutual friends

Lance Levin

3,002 friends

Leemor Davis

3,181 friends

Solly Ganor

1,199 friends

Steve Zagey

43 mutual friends

Tanya Kim

4,963 friends

Telfed Israel

2,251 friends

Wayne Osrin

653 friends



Wayne Lusvardi

Wayne Henlis

Andrea Lee

Penny Griffiths

Aviva Freer



Kelly Schaefbauer

Colin Schachat

Charles Cooper

Dr. Charles Cooper

Charles Segal

Kerry Menzies

Kerry Nelson

Shogun A Anthony

Trent Hancock

Jeff Hodde

Eitan Ash

Tony Knight

Mike Shepherd

Richard Poplak

Stan Milc

Stan Katz

Mark Kromer



Screenshot 2:37 pm Calif. time, October 4, 2019



Ashley Berman What the hell are you on about! Dont you point a finger at me… You know NOTHING about me! What have you done with your big mouth and life! Sent letters!!! Wow thats valuable




Ashley Berman Have you given back to society in any way at all?!



Gary Gevisser Title: Preserve human consciousness [Word count 1092]


Ashley Berman, you are wrong. I do know about you. 


You revealed yourself both with your unsubstantiated attack on me as well as these two responses above which are clearly designed to distract.


It is not what you say but fail to say that counts most.


I provided you with very good information about the duplicity of the Jewish South African religious and secular leadership when failing to denounce South Africa’s richest family, the anti-Israel, virulent anti-Semitic German-South African Oppenheimer family who were the principal architects and profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust and which is well explained in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention.


Chapter 9’s title, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER nor the subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA leaves little to the imagination but your Masters in Education from Columbia University should have taught you not only their anti-Semitic history but it is in the detail where you will find the Oppenheimers’ explicit war crimes.


I also provided links to that riveting, page-turner book which shuts up all the talkers, leaving them only to either distract and/or go on the attack.


Then there is my “open book” website 2facetruth dot com which provides the history of these anti-Semitic Oppenheimers who once escaping prosecution at Nuremberg moved swiftly and violently to secure both their personal safety and financial wealth in mineral rich South Africa.


When did it occur to you that the leadership of the Apartheid Regime were Nazis and openly supported Nazi Germany during WW2 and why many of them including future Prime Minister Vorster were imprisoned by General Smuts?


When did it occur to you that something was wrong with the Jewish leadership around the world when failing to ask the Oppenheimers’ American partners, the Rockefellers to at least say “sorry” for so arrogantly placing their IG Farben gas pellet production facility in the dead center of death factory Auschwitz?


Do you think that your university degree gives you the right to simply blab your mouth, whatever impoverished thoughts you might have?


How can you possibly ignore the fact that I make clear mention that I worked for the Oppenheimers without me also mentioning that I began my year long orientation that was directly supervised by their head, Harry Oppenheimer right when they were in the throes of completing the elimination of the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s?


Is there a good reason why you don’t comment on chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?


Do you think yourself and Solly Ganor are right for doing your best to sweep these important truths under the carpet?


How reckless can you be?


What have you done with your life to redress the wrongs of the Oppenheimers’ Zagiew informer network which was so mighty strong in South Africa following the anything but defeat of Nazism?


When did it occur to you that something had to be horribly wrong that after the stench of the death factories such as Auschwitz, and the world supposedly in such an uproar, that us Jewish people would have to stand and fight alone against much more than 5 Arab armies surrounding the fledgling State of Israel?


You sound more like a defender of the status quo than a bright, young, with it, wanting to do good person with a conscience.


As much as I hate to keep using the word “I”, the fact is that both my parents and I realized that were I to ever open my mouth about what I learned about the DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] and their favorite client, Barclays Bank who along with the bought Israeli Knesset broke all the banking laws, all forms of human decency when eliminating the DAAC-Barclays’ last remaining threat, I would never be able to rely on people such as you for anything more than a knife in my back.


Hence my decision to wait 24 years until 11.11.2004 to break my silence, and nor have I been quiet since.


Moreover, what we predicted has most definitely come true.


It would would be wrong to assume that if I didn’t have the footprint on the Internet as I do today, that people such as yourself would be kinder, nicer and gentler towards me and my mother Zena.


In fact logic-truth tells us all clearly that you would be even more vicious.


So to be clear. Bitch, you do not scare me.


That does not prevent you and others from reading my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon by DAAC President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton of terrorist financier Marc Rich on Clinton’s last day in office, and the first 32 word sentence of the first article published on February 1, 2001, 12 days later, most clear about the good I was doing:


The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.


That first article was in fact an “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who was now into his 16th year of solitary confinement.


And yes, it did not bring me many friends, but it did make me and my parents that much more aware of our enemies closest to us.


So Ms. Talker, tells us all about yourself, so we may judge you fairly.


At some point even the most wretched such as the puppet Hitler have to ask themselves, not so much “What is the meaning of my life?” but what purpose we each have before fully examining the bigger picture of what is the purpose of this human species, so wasteful, talkative, slow to implement a healthy low fat, whole food plant based diet, quick to anger, the meat probably not helpful in constraining their passive aggressiveness, violence a preference over logic once realizing how easily it has been fooled by the money which is their embodiment by a very small group of people who have used their wealth and political clout to intimidate when not exterminate their opposition either by killing or financial ruin, in stark contrast to perfect nature that also unlike the human is never monotonous. 


Next I will be following up with Elon Musk who feels we need to preserve human consciousness at all cost. 


Should anyone who is not already on my email list like to be added, this would be a good time.


Brett Weyermans-Noble

Paul Abro

Paul Blumberg

Paul Bushnell

Paul Blackbeard

Joel Bach

Margo Judge

Marianna Vera Yarovskaya

Michael Webber

Wendy Ann Bouman high school history teacher

Sharon Milunsky Sneider

Sharon Anne Joffe

Gary Steven Sachs

Steve Saylor

Lynne Ziegler

Lynne Assin

Lynne Fourie Oberholzer

Mandy Michelle




Gary Gevisser Ashley Berman we are now up 13 odd mutual facebook friends, with a Hugh Raichlin having decided to unfriend me; and surely you are debriefing all:


Alan Glass

1,587 friends


Ashleigh Elad

1,352 friends


Elana Janit

829 friends


Lance Levin

3,003 friends


Leemor Davis

3,186 friends


Nicole Salkow Raik

1,139 friends


Solly Ganor

1,199 friends


Steve Zagey

42 mutual friends


Tanya Kim

4,963 friends


Telfed Israel

2,251 friends


Tracey Farber

476 friends


Wayne Osrin

653 friends


שמחה ציון

184 friends



4:49 PM Calif. time, October 4, 2019

Gary Gevisser I see that you have again censored my writings, making it impossible for those who haven’t seen all my writings and the lameness coming from you talkers, to follow.

How can any of you including those of you playing voyeur feel good about yourselves?

Don’t you large numbers make you feel even worse?

The other animals who operate in herds are not close to being so foolish.

You can’t think this is just a random event for you all to find comfort in each other’s reckless stupidity?

5:47 PM Calif. time, October 4, 2019



Gary Gevisser Check out on the 2facetruth dot com BLOG, PRESERVE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS – KNOW WHAT YOUR ISSUE IS




Gary Gevisser Title: Going out of your minds [Word count 254]


Imagine if we are in fact all being watched 24/7 including our dreams and the dreams of our pets.


You can’t imagine that, so why bother even trying.


Nor can you imagine each one of you supporting this censorship which is not to preserve the legacy of the past including its horrors but your individual sanity.


Not one of you so very talkative which is why you are on facebook have yet to break rank.


Nor are you sharing equally with the others you are depending on for this code of silence your wealth, your food, your housing, etc etc


It is for selfish reason that you are all united in protecting the people who have not only stolen the most but bullshitted you into believing that you don’t have to question the money because there are smart Wall Street money people and investment bankers, and actuaries up the kazoo keeping a lid on things.


Why wouldn’t you also start believing in Father Christmas?


But for those of you who call yourselves religious as you attend organized religious gatherings, how can you possibly be focused on genuine prayer?


You must wish to be like the rest who don’t believe in a deity or anything close.


So the secular dont question the religious and the religious dont question the secular and yet more of both groups are getting the information about the money which binds you as one.


What other than a supernatural force prevents each of you from going out of your minds?

