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Lame parents

From: “” <>
Subject: Lame parents – Screenshot 22:29 Calif. time
Date: June 19, 2019 at 11:10:17 PM PDT
To: Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>, Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – Evil South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>
Cc: rest; Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Professor Norman Finkelstein Phd.” <>, Joyce Mohapi – Recieved a De Beers-Rhodes Scholarship after being imprisoned during the 1976 Soweto Riots <>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <>, Helen Zille- Leader of the Democratic Alliance – Republic of South Africa <>, “Allison M. Macfarlane; Chairman – Nuclear Regulatory Council” <>, “German lawyer Claudia {I didn’t know the coin was gold} Seibel Esquire – (So why did she keep it?)” <>King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, “South African Gary Barber – Former Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser. MGM co-producer with Megan Ellison of DETROIT.” <>
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“The top one percent owns nearly $30 trillion of assets while the bottom half owns less than nothing.”
Suzanne Fortier Those who benefit most within the system and need the money the least! Thanks (NOT), GOP!!!



Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross, Ive written to you a lot lately and you have also written me a lot and ive responded to everything you have written to me.

So why would you talk and promote the money after you have read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond 
Invention book?

True you have yet to say you have read the book that causes but all the forwarding looking people to shut down but you said you would get to it the moment you had free time after downloading which is free just like you can read it free on your screen without wasting time downloading it and then if you print out a copy you are just destroying trees and polluting the earth that much more, and I assume you have read it not only because everyone comes up with the same excuses not to read it because then one can immediately figure out what makes each of us tick but you are here investing time and energy in promoting a bunch of distracting nonsense which is the cornerstone of how the mineral -banking monopolist DeBeers-Barclays Bank have got away with mass genocide for the past century and 19 odd years.

Again if we can get one uncorrupted black African who can see the devastation to their culture and the environment to wake up and not be violent, nor be foolish to don yellow vests until every human on the planet is ready, then such success can spread instantly given the light speed of the Internet to all 4. corners of the globe.

Now if that doesn’t uplift you, more important than what will, is how your atoms will generate the energy to let you know what you are doing right as well as wrong.

You know that if you put dirty fuel into your combustion vehicle engine it could crap out on you instantly depending on the fuel if say it is cow dung that is not properly processed in a state of the art petroleum refinery and the same if digest substances that you know in advance will mess up your digestive system and that pain is just the start of the rapid increase in cancer cells and closing of the heart arteries but the addiction is just too hard to overcome because your ingeniously designed atoms simply want you to follow logic and why shouldn’t such genius trillions upon trillions of atoms the same as what we find in a piece of rock take a rest from powering you up if you are not listening before moving on to a more receptive human host given how the rest of nature has their atoms working perfectly 24/7

Granted I am using Siri and there could be errors 

Pls Let me know


Lisa Lieberman Ross David Perry it’s called the diamond invention if you’re interested by jay Edward Epstein. If you’re interested, you can download it and read it for free.


David Perry I was just questioning what the heck was the point of the long comment. The second part about atoms and energy was barely legible. It hurt my brain reading it. Please don’t use Siri to dictate. It makes it garbled and difficult to understand.


David Perry It’s hard for an English teacher to read un-punctuated neverending run-on sentences.


Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross excellent. Your response came in 23 odd minutes ago. That means with taking tea breaks and knowing better than to let anyone distract you, you should be done in a couple of hours.

Is this David Perry also an English teacher? Does he have any background in economics?


Gary Gevisser David Perry, let me ask you directly; do you have any formal training in the study of economics?

Currently I am talking to a woman in Australia who prides herself on being an expert on the Bitcoin business.

Here is our conversation so far and notice how she avoids answering my question:

11:27 AM

Bitcoin Trader:

Hello, are “their” [sic] owners of bitcoin? Who sets the original pricing?

Bitcoin trader:
How’re you doing?

I am doing great.

I was being very serious. I am curious to learn about Bitcoins.

Do you not think my question is legitimate?

Bitcoin trader:
I think
So you wanna learn more about bitcoin


Bitcoin trader:
That’s great
Where’re you from?

South Africa originally.

Can you quickly answer my question?

Or are you saying that you need more time to think and research the question?

Bitcoin trader:
Think of what
I’m a bitcoin expert trader and I help individuals and investors to trade on their behalf in order for them to earn ten times of their investment
Bitcoin price is very high at the moment and you can earn enough profit from the investment every week
Have you ever invested on bitcoin before


Gary Gevisser David Perry, let me continue to share with you the very important dialogue with this Bitcoin trader as I also bring onboard to this discussion economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd, since I haven’t heard back from you; not to mention, you would think that if I had to communicate both verbally as well as in writing with Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] at a most critical juncture in the business of his Hearst publishing empire that included many TV stations and magazines; i.e. intellectual property which could be repackaged very easily for the upcoming digital age including social media, that I would be able to do so articulately and succinctly without necessarily calling on you.

Would you like to see that 4 page White Paper from late 1993 which woke up all the people Mr. Hearst had in mind?

So continuing on with this Bitcoin trader:

You asked “Think of what”?

Do you not think my original question/s are legitimate or do you need more time to think and research them?

Here they are again and note that I have placed the Latin Adverb SIC because I misspelled “there”.

Are “their” SIC owners of bitcoin? Who sets the original pricing?

Bitcoin trader:
What kind of questions is this?
Why asking?

First, I studied economics at university and if you are also a “study” [sic] of economics you would know that one of the first courses is to learn about the Laws of Supply and Demand.

Therefore there is always a starting point.

Let me give you one example. If you were out at a bar just cruising and someone came up and offered you either a free drink or to contribute to the cost of what you are already drinking, you would probably look at them funny unless you liked the idea of this person trying a novel way to pick you up. If they were not to your liking then you would quickly tell them to get lost.

So the initial pricing of the first alcoholic drink is very important even if we as a society are long past that.

That is not the case with bitcoin. It is all very new.

So I believe it is a legitimate question to ask who were the original organizers as well as how they went about establishing the initial pricing?

Do you disagree with my thinking? If so, can you explain why?


Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross, please don’t let this Bitcoin interlude interrupt you finishing the book.

Bear in mind, that I have yet to find one English speaking person who isn’t traumatized long before they have completed the Prologue.

David Perry, have you started reading the book?

Let me bring in a couple more people who speak English and are interested in making money that generally takes precedence over cruising on facebook unless one is a professional prostitute and still it is all about the money.

Sean FerrariKeisha Whitaker ex-wife, or soon to be ex-wife of Hollywood blockbuster actor, Forest Whitaker, South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry Esq. currently eating a waffle at The Waffle House, St Albans, United Kingdom.


Gary Gevisser David Perry, it is likely that you are not an expert in “military economics” which is essential if you are going to be talking politics of any nature either to your English students or just cruising at a bar or on the Internet which ostensibly the idea is to share information, but as you may only now be founding out, that is not a priority with the people who price the money just as they do the mineral resources.

Since you are quiet and as yet have not provided me suggestions on how best to punctuate what I first wrote to help you understand things better, I take it that you have started to read Epstein’s most excellent written page-turner book because in part you wouldn’t want to get behind Lisa Lieberman Ross.

Please don’t think I am suggesting that your goal from the start has been to pick up Lisa.


Gary Gevisser David Perry and others, just this second, actually 30 seconds ago, more or less, I followed up with this Bitcoin trader:

How could that have stumped you?

Let me share something else with you.

One of my fb friends is economist and water expert as well as advisor to multi-billionaire clients Dr. Rodney Smith Phd and whose billionaire clients are no less sophisticated than my several multi-billionaire clients.

Both Dr. Smith Phd as well as each rich person in the world who has a penny to their name and therefore Im also including in that group anyone who is poor but not starving because they would only be thinking of their [next] meal, would be not only interested in our conversation but no less important, the difficulty you are having answering the questions.

Is it just enough that you are making a lot of money that you don’t go beyond that?


Gary Gevisser Arnold Gerson a money raiser, Ray Wainman wanting to learn more,  Heidi PretoriusYvonne Hirsch, Afrikaans talker Dirk Kotze,  Jenny Arenstein – FriedmanJanet Goldblatt, media person Nadia BilchikAlan Yudelman living in Melbourne, William DechantBeverley Ann MitchellStanley Hurwitz something to do with finance, I think, Mucuti Bruno Leandre model, studying mining engineering in Rwanda.


Gary Gevisser This bitcoin trader, Cindy Michelle Anderson who was so eager to recruit me, has now blocked me on facebook messaging but continues to be my fb friend.

Maybe Mr. Perry, given what you believe is a better command of the English language than me, at least that is my read, perhaps you could find the right words to bring out the best in Cindy Michelle Anderson?



Lisa Lieberman Ross Gary Gevisser I am reading the book now


Hide 13 Replies
Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross, I see that at 1:16PM which was going on 2 hours after you wrote, “I am reading..” you jumped in to write a 229 odd word piece on another subject.

Couldn’t it have waited for you to finish the book or were you looking for any distraction?


Lisa Lieberman Ross Gary Gevisser no, it couldn’t wait. My writing is more important to me than anything. Everything else is second.
In any case, I am reading the book at my own pace.


Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross I have yet to study those 229 words. Is there any money connection with those writings or any other writings of yours that I might have missed?

What was the last chapter you finished?


Lisa Lieberman Ross I have a lot of money associated with my past writing and am currently working on new ones every day to make more.
I believe I’m on chapter two


Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross, those 229 words include you using the word logic and delusional quite a bit.

Having read chapter one, and clearly you must be a slow reader, you would therefore know that despite you have previously never heard of Harry Oppenheime
r, he is someone who has a lot of say in how the money is valued and distributed.

In other words, when you say “I have a lot of money associated with my past writing and am currently working on new ones every day to make more” you seem very motivated by money. Is that the impression you want to give?

Have you learned anything so far from The D I book that you think you should share with those yet to read the book or those who have read the book like 99.99% of the people I know and that same percentage shut down immediately when not coming up with distractions to avoid commenting.

Since you say logic is your strong suit, and you don’t want to be spoon fed and to just take your time, why do you think the book is free?

BTW, I am still having difficulty figuring out such words, “I have a lot of money associated with my past writing…”. Have you previously expressed yourself in such a way or is it new since you started reading The D I book?


Lisa Lieberman Ross Gary Gevisser you asked if I made money from past writings and my answer was yes. Money is always a motivating factor, but because I’ve worked hard most of my life and made some wise choices, it is not my only primary motivating factor,
The satisfactio
n of writing and writing well is a primary motivation. And the satisfaction of being read by those who appreciate my writing is motivating as well.

I am finding the book interesting, but it has not shifted my view of money as it applies to me personally yet.
Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross the rigging of the valuing as well as the distribution of the money affects all of us, and that means you personally.

What don’t you understand?


Gary Gevisser Also, have you previously come across this group Żagiew?


Gary Gevisser I have been talking with your friend Suzanne Fortier who is off to a party. If she invites me along, I might join her, assuming it is in the neighborhood and it doesn’t interfere with my hike. I have suggested she take along a hard copy of this article about my mother Zena Gevisser
Image may contain: one or more people
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor


Gary Gevisser Lisa Lieberman Ross, had I mentioned to you that my mother Zena was one of the 3 co-founders of Oil of Olay which was formulated and manufactured in Durban, South Africa?

My highly secretive mother’s “best” Jewish friend, in the true tradition of Gene
ral Sun Tzi, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer”, my “lucky uncle” Jewish-Kapo-Żagiew David Gevisser [1926-2009], the “male heir” of virulent anti-Semite, racist, anti-Israel, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] 

helped facilitate the sale of Oil of Olay to the Americans in November 1970, just 3 months before Engelhard Jr. succumbed to his diabetes helped along by his Swiss medical doctors who earned little, if any, additional monies for hastening Engelhard’s death.


Gary Gevisser Btw Mr. Perry, I see no error in the logic I first presented. In other words, I am happy with Siri.


Gary Gevisser I know a great many people very eagerly await Lisa Lieberman Ross‘ read of The D I book and Im sure that would include Lisa Finkelstein who also has to be wondering how Wall Street Journal editor, Adam Z Najberg is sharing his new found knowledge.

I d
o find it interesting that both David Perry’s photo and the man along Cindy Michelle Anderson have an incredibly similar look. Could this represent the low point of human interaction?


 Cindy Michelle Anderson’s mate
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, eyeglasses, selfie, closeup and indoor
David Perry
Image may contain: 1 person, beard, eyeglasses and closeup


Gary Gevisser Subject: Mango sends you his love [Word count 2272]

Lisa Lieberman Ross, I had earlier an interesting conversation with what was at one time our mutual fb friend, Suzanne Fortier who also got a lot of information out of me before realizing that her de
afening silences had not gone unnoticed.

Can I send you my fb messaging conversation with this can’t get enough ribs Suzanne Fortier?

Of course she didn’t like my animal ribs comment, “Cone head thinking” but that was just the excuse she was looking for before unfriending me, but not so eager to block me on fb messaging in order to again grab selfishly as much information as she can in order to use to her advantage.

Funny how it doesn’t take long once reading The D I book for the human to show its true very ugly colors.

Nor as I have been explaining rather well, is that reason to be cynical, pessimistic or anything close.

In fact it is reason to rejoice.

It does help a lot to be good at mathematics-logic but even that is not enough because you have to be out in nature and really observing nature talking to you which first of all requires that you be physically healthy and eating junk food as you should know with all the pesticides does not help the brain department thinking, and not being all about the money.

A human shows they are all about the money when they are given the knowledge of the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] and then stalls.

Again, it helps having a very accomplished and beautiful mother and a no less accomplished and handsome father who achieved the highest level of accomplishment for any soldier, a Fighter Bomber Pilot in the most important war, especially for us Jewish people, World War II.

The evening before last I had a most relaxing evening with a close neighbor of mine who our dog Mango decided to sit on his lap which was not as comfortable for much more than human eyes Mango compared to where he was previously sitting.

Yes, Mango was sending a clear message that this guy was a good guy; and more importantly that it would help with Mango on his lap for me to listen that much more carefully.

What I learned is how tough it was for Jewish people growing up in the United States after WW2, and this guy was clearly not the caricature of the “Ugly Jew” that the Nazis who weren’t so pretty themselves; i.e. Goebells, so proffered.

If this neighbor who was clearly good looking, sufficiently well sized to nab the best looking non-Jewish girls and lose his job in the process because he was screwing his boss’ wife in conformity with “buddy fucks”, all part of the package that came with the job when partners were split up and sent to wherever they were needed, leaving those behind with nothing more to do than drink and fuck which you would well understand having lived all these years in 3 Rivers.

Moreover, he was obviously not only very good looking but athletic to boot; and furthermore, just a really nice Jewish guy who understood how fortunate it was for him to be born in the United States, a country that was telling the world with the turning away of the MS St. Louis, sending the Jewish people to their deaths, that America didn’t really love Jewish people and whose rich Jewish American brothers and sisters were at the forefront of halting Jewish immigration into the US for their fear that anti-Semitism would spread.

So he was not your typical obnoxious New York Cohen lawyer fixer of Trump who had a wide choice of Jewish pricks to choose from.

A job with the US Forest Service demanded most of all that you couldn’t be obese.

So for him to have encountered the most vile anti-Semitism when he was anything but the typical New York Jewish slob showing all their ill-gotten money gains when arriving at a funeral in Brooklyn in their jaguars and fur coats, how disgusting, says a lot.

Instead of being wrongly accused of being “Cheap like a Jew” he was being pragmatic, sharing and kind in the best of Jewish traditions when cooking chicken soup which would go a long way for all his fellow workers rather than a meat burrito from a fast food chain that simply increases the speed of the chain reaction cancer cells; and these stupid anti-Semites dared to ridicule him.

Why haven’t you already written a best selling story about this guy; other than I just beat you to it?

Of course you can imagine what it was like for the rest of you Jewish Americans who if you want to marry Jewish look at the crap you have to choose from.

So why shouldn’t Jewish cousins who are good looking and get along, marry, fuck and have kids together?

We were heavily inbred in the shtels of eastern Europe only because we were not allowed by the authorities to intermarry.

Inbreeding however, is not good.




Gary Gevisser Page 2 Mango sends you his love 

Again, look at Goebbels and the rest of the Nazi inbreds.

Dr. Doolittle told us in the ‘50s that us humans were already swimming in our polluted DNA.

Why when you can instantly end all anti-Semitism by just getting the people to focus on the teachings of The D I book which explains that us Jewish people are not the powerhouses that Jewish puppet Captains of Industry choose unwisely not to explain because they are profiting from their placement, shouldn’t we Jewish people at least try?

How can you talk about charging for anything, let alone water that comes from the heavens, when the richest people who are not the stooge Donald Trump have stolen all their wealth by committing one genocide after the next?

We should not take after them even though they were so successful in fooling most of us Jewish people that their German stooges were Aryan when nothing could be further from the truth.

Don’t you want to get away from all the nonsense of racism, bigotry, political persuasion and focus on the money which us Jewish people should have been the first to investigate given how we are the ones that those in charge of the cultivation and spread of anti-Semitism say that is all we were good for, and use our power to mess up the world?

Don’t you think it is a miracle that we have one Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Ornish amongst the heavyweight handful of smart, conscience-fulled?

What’s wrong with the rest of them?

How on earth could it be taking so long to end the slaughter of all animals including those few remaining in the wildlife that the obese officials can’t wait to open up to gunfire?

Look how nice Donald Trump is to us Jewish people who he likes and who give him honors and awards so that when he departs the White House he can capitalize on that much more, assuming he doesn’t have a full-on stroke while still in office.

Obviously you have realized after reading The D I book that the only thing to do if not embracing its teachings which says clearly that if you have a rich father who you hope to inherit the bulk of his estate or enough that you don’t ever have to make a living from writing on your fb wall to a very small audience, then there is nothing preventing De Beers-Barclays especially if your father is Jewish from instantly finding himself in the poor house, is to help, like a Żagiew member, either distract and/or turn on your fellow good Jewish people in order to ingratiate yourself that much more with the enemy.

The food they know is important.

How come so few Jewish people haven’t connected the dots with the anti-Semites in power wanting increasingly dumber children?

If us Jewish teachers are so totally stupid how can we blame someone like Donald Trump who is just focused on war on the poor, the same with all the rich?

Have you discussed The D I book with your father yet?

Would you like for me to provide him with a synopsis?

You have yet to answer why you think, The D I book is free?

You have obviously thought a lot about it because you know that I ask very good questions.

What I am doing is also explaining how little caring there is amongst us Jewish people for the poor of the world and we should be the ones leading the charge given what was done to us during the Jewish Holocaust.

Yet us Jewish people throughout the world, other than the right wingers in Israel are overwhelming in support of the Democratic Party which was in power in the arming of Nazi Germany and no less importantly, even after stooge Franklin Roosevelt’s death there was no call for prosecution at Nuremberg of the mineral monopolist De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who had no trouble in shutting up President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the very start of our Jewish Holocaust.

Are we simply stupid?




Gary Gevisser Page 3 Mango sends his love

Why bother calling yourself Jewish?

How can so many of us be so stupid?

Why aren’t the right wing conservatives pointing out our diabolical hypocrisy coupled with stupidity, other than they are the same?

If us Jewish people cannot do the critical thinking why blame the rest who blame us for the ills of the world because us Jewish people fail to provide the right arguments to end their nonsense anti-Semitism?

It must be because our Jewish leadership throughout the globe profit from war as much as Obama, Clinton, Trump, blah blah don’t you think?

People though who are unhealthy are the least likely to change their poor habits, both thinking and eating; and bad food creates bad thoughts leading to bad-stupid actions which bring with it lots of regrets; and of course there is a lot of passive aggressiveness out there to begin with because most of the people who are talkers are also bad eaters; hence my expression fat talkative cells.

Man like all atom structures has an equal and opposite reaction unless they are tightly bound with positive energy like the nucleus.

Human atoms are the most perfect silent engine. They tell us not to place garbage in the fuel tank of an automobile and when we’re at the petrol/gas station to fill up, there are as many as three options to choose from.

Don’t you feel that God-HER [Higher Energy Reaction] is talking to you each time you fill up?

Have you tried putting your mind into the thinking if you were God?

Wouldn’t it make sense to at least try and see if you are guided perfectly or do you think if your mind is upset about something to trash the body with poison foods and drink such as Coca Cola?

No doubt if you haven’t by now finished The D I book it is because you have decided that stupidity gives you advantage over others; and you can’t be that stupid and therefore the first thing you would have thought about is all the richer people you know including those who could have been giving you handouts to afford your current lifestyle, is what defensive actions they could take if De Beers-Barclays

or one of their operatives came calling?

Remember, I got to see their “playbook” in operation.

That you and the rest perfectly understand which is why you don’t ask me any questions.

That is very ugly, even if there is total beauty, perfection in the design of every aspect of the universe starting with the atoms that couldn’t have come so perfect, so identical, so numerous out of nothing.

Of course the stupid don’t want to get into a debate with me on the subject, “Only a fool doubts the existence of God”.

The enemies of us Jewish people like more than anything else Jewish Kapos aka Żagiews which incredibly so few American Jewish people are familiar with and how they roamed not only in the death factories such as Auschwitz, but throughout Nazi occupied Europe, and in particular German cities like Berlin helping the Nazi Gestapo round up hiding Jewish people; and these Żagiews did it with a vengeance.

Should I explain to you why these sellout Jewish people were so overly enthusiastic?

With us Jewish people so defeated shouldn’t the rest of world now compensate by choosing our religion?

How terrible for a world without Jewish people who can think rationally?

Now wouldn’t it be great if this wonderful neighbor were to waste not a moment longer since it is obvious he is at death’s door, and who would want to be dying alone and in constant pain even if sickness is what gets lonely people the most attention, and contacts these courageous medical doctors I have previously mentioned?

Not to mention the one, Dr. John McDougall MD, responded so positively, “You couldn’t have said it more clearly” to what I wrote this sick neighbor who clearly his family don’t really care that much about him otherwise they would have used common sense and shared with him long before now an alternative path to mental suicide.

Looking forward to our next visit and by which time let’s hope this close neighbor has turned his life around. 

I can live with him losing his life to a mountain lion, but cancer is ugly.

PS – Mango sends his love.

[Word count 2272]



Gary Gevisser Subject: Lame parents

Lisa Lieberman Ross by now you would have finished The D I book or read enough to quit.

But you haven’t changed your position that there is nothing really to it that warrants further comment. 

I deduce that because you haven’t spoken.

Again it’s an old story.

If you knew before running into me that a group of unknown foreigners from the most southern point of dark Africa could walk into your company, your legislature and tell you how you are going to run your business going forward, you would not have chosen to be a writer or active on facebook.

I know you haven’t forgotten me telling you in person that 14 years ago I educated a group of young teenagers by simply having them read the book.

What I didn’t share with you because of time constraints and wanting to keep it very tight, just like my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post right after the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich on Clinton’s last day in office, is that about 6 months later half a dozen of these kids showed up at our front door on the water’s edge of very rich Del Mar, calif and wanted to get an update from me on the book that they knew I didn’t write and also what I thought was going to happen next that they could capitalize on.

When asked if they had discussed the book with their parents they didn’t say they had lame parents but they might as well.

Today they not only have a 14 year jump on you but they are now lawyers, doctors and the such.

You would expect each of them and their parents to observe carefully my website and my facebook account.

Like anyone in denial they are all living in the past and constantly seeking anonymity and new friends which is a contradiction but “they” [sic] minds are heavily conflicted.

“Not” [sic] am I bothered that I have no contact with them

You may have seen that facebook are now saying that they cannot confirm this bitcoin trader I was having a conversation is a real person which she clearly is. 

Facebook can also see clearly that this Cindy Michelle Anderson quickly fell apart when I asked “are ‘their’ [sic] owners of bitcoin? Who sets the original pricing?”.

Facebook have wiped out her side of the dialogue on fb messaging but kept mine.

Everyone in the world would be interested to hear this because Zuckerberg has now officially entered the crypto crap currency business.

Just earlier I wrote the following to a new fb friend who appears to be in the movies:

Have (you) seen any of my writings?

What are you currently working on?

If it is the truth, then it’s fine to say nothing very interesting.


