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Let the wisest rule

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Paula Densnow

I’ve posted this twice as a comment, but it deserves a post of its own.
This is what a presidential candidate said in 1968. (They killed him 3 months later).
““And this is one of the great tasks of leadership for us, as individuals and citizens this year. But even if we act to erase material poverty, there is another greater task, it is to confront the poverty of satisfaction – purpose and dignity – that afflicts us all. Too much and for too long, we seemed to have surrendered personal excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things.

Our Gross National Product, now, is over $800 billion dollars a year, but that Gross National Product – if we judge the United States of America by that – that Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children.

Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.”” RFK, March, 1968

Robin McMillen I can’t decide which I like the best, Paula’s essay or the picture choice! ;]


Gary Gevisser Title: Let the wisest rule [Word count 3363]

Robin McMillen, and of course others listening, this “great speech” by RFK on March 18, 1968, 6 days before my 11th birthday which I celebrated in my birth country, mineral rich South Africa, says nothing about the Gross National Product, synonymous with the Gross Domestic Product index punishing twice mineral rich regions of the world, specifically the majority black populations of countries like South Africa and the Belgian Congo which now has a different name, but the rulers remain no less puppets.

All he talks about is the people and the environment of those countries profiting the most from the rape of mineral rich countries.

Do you have any doubt about the price of the money being rigged?

Have you thought why you don’t find a single economist, philosopher, lawyer, judge, politician and the such not questioning this very specific matter of great importance?

Let’s just assume that you thought about this as a young man and started out by first researching the economic text books rather than risk the wrath of the godly rulers by asking such a question leading to the capital crime of capital crimes.

In my last year of high school I specifically chose the study of economics and nothing came close to raising this question.

You can save yourself a great deal of time by doing a search for the word “military” in economics text books and silence remains.

How come RFK has not a word of compassion for the raped countries, increasingly burdened with ruthless dictators who are no less puppets?

His wonderfully flowery words still has the people distracted some 51 years, 1 month and 4 days after the event.

That is because to dig any deeper, it would bring RFK into direct conflict with his immediate family’s principal benefactor, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who by March 18, 1968 was not only my immediate family’s strategic partner in our huge ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES

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which fixed the price of all timber used in Engelhard’s South African mines to support the shafts, but all the other industries dependent on wood products such as furniture, residential and commercial real estate.

By March 18, 1968 every “mover and shaker” around the world knew that Engelhard Jr. was nothing less than the South African Invader which is the title TIME MAGAZINE

endowed Engelhard Jr. with in their most important article of January 27, 1961, just 10 days after the CIA, under orders from President Eisenhower executed brutally Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Belgian Congo, and as you would know on that very day, January 17, 1961, Eisenhower gave his very distracting Industrial-Military-Complex speech from the Oval Office which no doubt incoming president John F. Kennedy paid careful attention to just as President John F. Kennedy had access to the US Department of Justice files showing that Engelhard Jr.’s German-South African partners, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer [1880-1957] and his son Harry should have been the first and last prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47] for not only supplying Nazi Germany with their industrial diamond needs out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo, but Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who was knighted in 1921, the same year his South African Reserve Bank was established, failed to execute an Executive Order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who demanded that Oppenheimer stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil.

So extraordinary was the Oppenheimers’ foul play which included dominating the special Diamond Committee which was established within the British Ministry of Economic Warfare, the only right conclusion you can draw is that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, a stickler for detail, had the goods on everyone including President Roosevelt.

You also have to ask yourself, what have all the world’s philosophers and historians been doing all this time since the end of WW2?

The important point I wish to make is that nothing has changed in the way the world works except that with the advent of social media, everyone thinks that they have not only a unique opinion but it should be shared with everyone, and even if no one listens at least they have had their say, and they feel that much more fulfilled as a human.

The chances of this posting going viral are not very high but that possibility exists.

It all depends on whether Mother Nature has a say in everything because it is getting increasingly more difficult to predict the behavior of man who does not show that he is interested in learning as our universities proliferate.

The hyperlink above takes you to the May 1986 pamphlet; The Revolution in South Africa: An Analysis.

What it mostly shows is that the American Kennedy clan as well as Engelhard Jr. and his junior partner, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] had not fooled the well educated black South Africans whose knowledge was handed down by mouth because the history books, including the dissenting opinions, are written by the victors of wars.

I am currently in touch with the University of Kansas having asked them earlier after they acknowledged that Kennedy’s speech was legitimate whether there is any record of R F Kennedy or for that matter any member of his immediate family launching an investigation of the GDP/Gross National Product in an effort to correct it?

That question seems to have stumped them.

Nice if everyone reading this contacted the university at this email address asking them the same question.

I am obviously at a distinct advantage over those whose immediate family weren’t in business with Engelhard-Oppenheimer, but that does not mean my knowledge is faulty.

Besides for my paternal family, the Gevissers being in business with Engelhard-Oppenheimer-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] going back to the early ’50s when Engelhard Jr. first bought a minority interest in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES and then 5 years later, 1956, ousted the then majority owners, Rothschilds which tells you how little power the Rothschild had when compared to Engelhard-Oppenheimer who had the world’s two most powerful banks, JP Morgan and Barclays Bank in their back pockets despite Engelhard-Oppenheimer’s undisputed status as the most vile mineral monopolists who anyone with a brain knew were in complete control of their Apartheid Regime despite Oppenheimer in particular decrying his Apartheid Regime when providing the bulk of their “free funding” to the political opposition parties just to tell you how systemically corrupt was the opposition, and no different throughout the globe, my British-English mother Zena also had a very good mind of her own which she put to good use when making other worldly contacts; and so it was no surprise that right after Robert F. Kennedy gave his equally hell-raising speech to Cape Town University students on June 6, 1966, 2 years to the day before he was assassinated, his “advance team” of journalists, just to tell you how systemically corrupt is the media, contacted my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena


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asking her the strange question, “Who should Robert Kennedy not meet?”.

At first my mother thought it was a joke but when my mother asked for the question to be repeated, my mother knew better than to suggest that he meet with either Oppenheimer or Engelhard Jr. because if you were genuinely concerned with the plight of the downtrodden rather than exposing to their death naive students or protestors like these

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taking to the streets in January 1985 denouncing the hypocrite Senator Ted Kennedy, those are the only two men in the world you should be talking to otherwise you are simply doing their bidding.

We can also see today how much the average human talker has become the politician they most denounce.

Within 3 years of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, Engelhard Jr. met a similar fate but there was no doubt who profited the most from Engelhard’s assassination because all his priceless mineral wealth, including control of the world supply of platinum, 80% mined in South Africa, ended up in Oppenheimer’s hands, which is not to suggest for a moment that Harry Oppenheimer who directly supervised my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays

and which began soon after I immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, arriving one week shy of my 21st, had his hands in Engelhard’s death because it looked so obvious, which was the intention of Israel’s Mossad, causing Oppenheimer and Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir” my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] my father Bernie’s first cousin to dirty the hands of both President Richard Nixon and the US Congress who were about to make Oppenheimer’s vast mineral wealth skyrocket.

To understand that you just need to listen to Nixon’s incomprehensible short speech on August 15, 1971, 166 days after Engelhard’s death on March 2nd, having turned just 54 the month before, and then shortly after the US Congress mandated that the US auto and truck industry purchase their catalytic converters within the exhaust system from Engelhard’s US based corporation, Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation who had embedded a 1.9 gram piece of platinum in the catalytic converter and that platinum came from South Africa which had been deemed a pariah State with a full on trade boycott in force.

Not to mention, my Jewish Kapo-sellout uncle Dave Gevisser was appointed the year before, 1970, and remained for another 3 years, chief executive officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa, a wholly owned subsidiary of Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation who controlled the likes of terrorist financier Marc Rich from when he first failed to execute a simple transaction on his first visit to South Africa in 1958 as well as every trade of significance he entered into until his death in 2013, some 12 years after his pardon by DAAC President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton at the 11th hour of Clinton’s presidency, January 20, 2001.

12 days later, February 1, 2001, the Jerusalem Post published my first of four articles denouncing this treason of the highest order.

In the case of Robert F Kennedy’s murder there is more doubt who was behind it because Sirhan Sirhan like many refugee Palestinians had been indoctrinated not to look too deep at what they politicians have to say.

All politicians have to follow a very tight script when it comes to pointing fingers at the mineral monopolists and that speech contains no words.

To fill in the silence they have to say something otherwise they look like a robot whose wiring has short-circuited.

Robert F. Kennedy couldn’t say anything bad about us Jewish people because we were not the cause of our Jewish Holocaust that murdered 6 million of us, half of European Jewry, or for that matter wanting to avoid Hitler’s FINAL SOLUTION which would have come about had Israel lost her War of Independence [1947-49].

Good questions include, why did Israel need to fight, other than it was expected that Israel would be defeated?

So if your goal was to get rid of questioning Jewish people then you would figure out a way to corrupt the Jewish people just by following how effective the Jewish Kapo system worked for the Nazi SS in keeping order in the death factories such as Auschwitz.

Nor could Kennedy avoid talking about Israel and so he had to say something positive otherwise he would be labeled a Nazi like his father Joseph P Kennedy, the inaugural chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission [SEC] who new President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed in 1934, the same year the heinous Gross Domestic Product economic index was introduced.

All the noise of war covers up a lot of bad stuff which is the only reason we still have wars.

Those black South Africans who hit the streets protesting the arrival of Senator Ted Kennedy less than 9 years after the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime were shooting dead black South African school children had to have known that they were putting their lives in mortal danger, but they felt that they had no choice if they wanted to get the world’s attention that Ted Kennedy like his two brothers, John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and their father Joseph Kennedy Snr. were puppets of the mineral monopolists.

I have few supporters, but remember, not only am I sharing the truth but life is short and us humans mostly contributing fertilizer throughout our existence at the same time destroying the earth worse than any previous civilization because while the others destroyed the forests of Europe it is only us responsible for the nuclear age that has exploded human population given how very cheaply nuclear energy is priced by the mineral monopolists who control the entire global financial market which is not lost on anyone who reads American professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic 1978 book The Diamond Invention, and that would include people like President Putin and the Chinese leadership.

So can all the world’s leadership agree to each of them putting on an act that at any time they are willing to go to war with each other either to protect their land sovereignty and/or strategic mineral interests in other parts of the world and that would require collusion with the next group of officials?

Or are each of them independent thinkers and willing to have their militaries fight it out?

Why not simply expose these mineral monopolists and their far flung meddling-middle men like Marc Rich and his successor fellow South African Ivan Glasenberg of Glencore?

So what that Oppenheimer-Glencore could in the next instant expose all the bribes paid to the nations’ top officials who would only expose such fraudsters if they felt that they had their ducks fully lined up.

What if one of the DAAC’s puppets with his hand on a bunch of nuclear weapons was crazy enough to start World War 3 if they thought they and their family had everything to lose but of course justifying it like President Nixon that anyone attacking the currency faced an all out war to the very bitter end?

Bear in mind that Nixon was not defending the United States Dollar as much as he protested that these unnamed “international money speculators were waging an all out war on the United States Dollar” for he was only protecting himself and at the same time the US Congress allowed the DAAC-Barclays Bank to grow only stronger as the years passed by.


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None of this was lost on Israel’s Mossad who hadn’t forgotten that for the United Nations not to have provided their armies to defend the newly formed Jewish Homeland which was the last place on earth where Jewish people could feel safe because they were going to be building a strong army to prevent another pogrom which is what our Jewish Holocaust was, but on a mass scale and involving all the world’s financially richest and led of course by the biggest thieves, the mineral resource monopolists, the United Nations were complicit in wanting to bring about the end of Jewish existence.

Where would the world be today without Jewish people?

Why aren’t more Jewish people supporting me, other than that explains perfectly how the forces of DAAC neutralized all their Jewish opposition which is self-evident in the defeat of Israel’s fledgling democracy in the late 70’s?

Epstein titles chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL and the end, “De Beers had won the first round in the diamond war with Israel.”

He does not go on to say that it was also the final round, that is left for you to figure out on your own.

Diamonds remain a universal currency that continues to be traded globally 24/7 even though it is price fixed like every other government currency while it remains totally unregulated and is also used to buy other currencies which when sold can be replaced by diamond currency.

So does it really matter today whether Nicholas Oppenheimer is calling the shots in this insane global financial scam?

All he and his father ever cared about was that their middle class of Wall Street investment bankers and traders never get close to upsetting the apple cart.

The defeat of Israel was and remains catastrophic.

It required the Israeli Knesset bending Israel’s banking laws to help De Beers and Barclays Bank wipe out Israeli resistance.

It did not strengthen the Israeli spine.

A coward can only be expected to go from bad to worse.

The silence is no coincidence with the barbaric treatment of my mother Zena over in Israel because my 3 elder siblings and their easy to corrupt Israeli lawyers have made it their business to show any doubting Israeli who thinks Israel is any more just than the most corrupt nations on this planet, the Diamond Invention book.

Wouldn’t you do the same if you know that you have committed the most heinous crime against an aging woman who every human, good and bad, wishes they had as their mother?

There were not many writers from ancient Greek times like Plato whose writings survive; but you only need one; moreover the digital age allows millions, if not billions to keep their copies.

Nor was Plato a believer in democracy because the rich rulers would only allow the appearance of fairness in their laws serving only to protect them.

He was in favor of a simple concept; let the wisest rule.

Where do you see a wise ruler today?

A wise ruler would first of all insist that their citizens read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book and then figure out on their own their next move.

The fact that I cannot get a sensible competing argument to the reality that the price of money is rigged does not mean all those silent or distracting are wise.

Once you know that the price of money is rigged therefore the price of everything other than true love is rigged.

There is a reason why the top in their fields have always sought my counsel including Harry Oppenheimer who saw soon after my year long introduction began that my good questions and very focused on the GDP index showed that I had fully mastered my university economic studies.

It is also most important to get out of the way given how none of us, including myself know when we are going to take our last breath unless we are planning suicide, that the Kennedy clan have a history, just like the fake opposition to the South African Apartheid Regime, of talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Soon after completing his studies at the Gentleman’s University of Virginia Law School, Democrat Robert Kennedy Esq. went to work for the racist, bigot, anti-Semite, full on corrupt, ultra right wing Republican Joe McCarthy a close friend of his Nazi father Joseph P. Kennedy who after doing a good job at the SEC which was not to talk about either the GDP or how Wall Street legitimizes the activities of mineral-banking monopolist Oppenheimer-DAAC-Barclays Bank at the same time allowing them to diversify their interests in public corporations and the more they entangle their interests in the global economy the more impossible it is to take them out because Oppenheimer-DAAC keep very detailed records of their bought politicians on all sides of the isle, just as you would expect if using your common sense, was promoted to the United States Ambassador to Great Britain where during the Battle of Britain he continued to advocate surrender to Nazi Germany.

While it was just a matter of time before Robert F. Kennedy Esq. got disenchanted with Joe McCarthy but by then the damage had been done, and the people were living that much more in fear of Big Brother Government. Nor did Robert F. Kennedy or the rest of his family ever really come down hard on McCarthy who was no less a puppet.

Any questions?

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