We don’t listen -: Equality brought women down
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Date: March 23, 2023 at 4:59:48 PM PDT
To: Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <errol_musk@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: We don’t listen -: Equality brought women down – Get a grip – Re: God – It is time – Revised Re: Pretty impressive
Errol – Don’t have me explain how the mix up of the fireplace photo and the one of of Putin and Oppenheimer that I keep sending out to journalists-politicians; and its been months since I have got a response; compared to a success rate of almost 100% and most within a few minutes.
The French Revolution did not bring Freedom of Speech to the poor, then or to this day.Voltaire “I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it”, was again not there to put an end to the rapid devolution, all the while advances in the sciences and communications technology was skyrocketing.When the leadership can’t speak, there is no need for them. How long do we want this madness to continue, just so that we don’t have to admit we got it all wrong?We can still ask Putin why he doesn’t get the money from China to buy all of Ukraine, and stop the fighting.He can ask Elon or Jeff Bezos or Jeff Bezos’ ex wife MacKenzie Scott who of course is not the only member of my facebook symposiums who knows what is going on, but prefers not to think about it, and busies herself and her staff giving away more free money.It is a dangerous game to play with your future when you know that you can’t predict anything good doing the wrong thing.We can still ask Biden,Why didn’t you get the Abraham Peace Accord when you were in office for 8 years.Do you see anything wrong with them right now?What does peace mean when nations are at war over money?Money is used by all sides to buy weapons and other stuff such as bribes, land and toilet paper to win over the other side, or the alternative, kill them before continuing this path of construction-destruction.There is a reason why my facebook symposiums have them all sticking, and saying nothing other than they wished you hadn’t voiced your pennies worth.Do you recognize my uncle Joe Ash
seated across from his wife Lynne Tillim whose younger brother, cricketer Tony was not only a good friend of yours, but lifelong best friends with Nicholas Oppenheimer who would have been around 22 at the time of the photo.Joe Ash you will remember was a most vocal
supporter of Jan Christiaan Smuts and his United Party. The SA Oppenheimers did not like to see the people united.The United Party began to disintegrate when Harry Oppenheimer won his first seat in Parliament during the 1948 South African General Election under the banner of the United Party, which didn’t help Smuts who was defeated; and so did Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Choice for the blacks.Nothing great in that Swaziliand-Eswatini, home to the SA Oppenheimers’ casinos and the likes of Natie Kirsh, another small monarchy, much like Monaco:An economic circle of 15,000 businessmen takes most of the country’s wealth. This circle includes South African investors who have come to Eswatini to find a workforce that is three times cheaper and a group of white businessmen who are heirs to the British settlers.How do you block that obscenity out of your mind?
On Mar 23, 2023, at 2:14 PM, Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote Errol Musk:I’ve been very patient because I knew from a young age that for the evil to be so strong there had to be God.
I didn’t look at scripture, which didn’t mean I failed to pay attention to the religious who were so out of shape and non-athletic.
Look at the journalists who are all now not wanting to hear about Oppenheimer:
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Date: March 23, 2023 at 8:00:32 AM PDT
To: Ted.Mann@wsj.com
Subject: Do you recognize the man on the right?
Sent from my iPhone
Word is getting out fast.
The shut down is exponential.
They don’t trust each other.
There is nothing else that unites them so tightly.
They and the politicians, each group, getting equally filthy rich like the Nobles of old, but who had to provide the soldiers who were not going to get bossed around by the Noble-Landlord who was absent from the frontlines, at the start to the end of the battle, and the internecine fighting was raw and in all their faces; but today they act like they are fighting about the other things they disagree; god forbid they touch the money.
It is hard to imagine such a circus of fools fooling all the fools, which makes it so great.
It is God.
The light, bright sunlight that appeared out of the rain, just withdrew back into the clouds.
I have more than touched on the proof of God but it does no harm to look at how huge is our sun in volume compared to earth, 1,412,000 times and there is a sun 10 billion times bigger than our sun less than 5,000 light years from us which is 1/5th the distance to the center of our Milky Way galaxy that is one of hundreds of billions if not trillions of galaxies spread out over 90 billion light years across without forgetting there are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of our suns all burning piping hot in a mostly freezing cold universe and we are okay with human young boys and girls freezing to death, hungry in frontline trenches of Ukraine all to support fake sovereignty assertions.
Should I tell you how much laughter Harry Oppenheimer got from seeing the fools who visited with him such as Solly Krok after he purchased in an auction the most expensive residence in South Africa, paying more than 6 million Rand and then told that Oppenheimer’s Sanlam had later bid twice what Solly paid, and all that Solly needed to do was bid as little as a 100 RAND more and the property would be his, so long as Sanlam didn’t return to the real estate inflationary bidding war?
Of course Sanlam didn’t continue the bidding. They had their fun and besides they achieved the goal of raising real estate prices that in turn raise the prices of everything with the real estate owners always coming out ahead.
It makes sense to always smell the roses when they come out
Then Elon must know from the reaction to your 100 words that the people are bad; and he is no different if he chooses to do nothing but perpetuate the cycle of violence against the poor and the downtrodden who in a fair world would all own their free TESLA car, house, food, clothing and education.
I can help him in other ways.I can get him back into shape unless he doesn’t like his looks.Looks and how you feel inside are interrelated.He could learn also from the best art teacher all about art that his contemporaries don’t have the first clue.And that too is impossible to believe.To be so fooled by contemporary, abstract, bullshit art all because it is easy to produce and market just like unlimited stolen lands.Look how many manmade islands we can build in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea with everyone having a perfect view as far as the eye can see.Right, it just takes money, I nearly forgot.You see I am also a pragmatist. I know how politically connected are the devilish Black Hatters who are the bloody spear of the rest who don’t all have the clown dress, but the Pope’s yarmulke is a dead give away you are dealing with a very closed minded individual.Like the Gwyneth, they would kill me without payment, just to seek their revenge.In the end you want to have God at your side and why wait; it isn’t going to get any better than it is right now that God exists, unless you are debating with a moron.Why would he want to be beaten by someone like Bezos or his ex wife or any of the people who hate Elon because he is so successful. Bezos didn’t beat the Walton family, they beat him.Why didn’t Elon’s board of directors inform him that Bezos was given a free ride?Could you imagine if you owned Walmart and your Goldman Sachs advisor failed to mention to you that this upstart prick Bezos was about to start squirting his pee on your turf?Are you watching any of these Russian videos of the mountain lion Messi and leopard Gerda? If not, it is really entertaining. They must spend a lot of money on food.Should I get back to how Natie Kirsh was able to pee on our turf when we had the entire black market locked up because the blacks liked us?How could a Pick N Pay hypermarket help the blacks get back their lands and way of life according to our Jewish bible?Just because you have a black skin doesn’t mean you are stupid.Nothing should cost anything.Everything should cost nothing, and when we wake up the waste will stop.Why waste resources with inferior products just so we can have wars to cover the money heist.Elon is the right person for the times.Why not have the best at his side.The blue Jay and Juncos are getting along; they don’t seem to bother over the same stuff.Jays want bigger seeds.The Juncos used to come in bigger batches, but that is when we gave them bird seeds and then the squirrels came.Eventually, it took just a season, and that more than 2 decades ago, we wised up.It is just not good to feed wildlife.It is just nice to observe them with little interference, as much as you can.What is the message right now for Elon?What happened in that strange period of contrived chaos resulted in the lazy rich manipulating the 1789 French Revolution which was the death-nail of liberty, justice and peace.We need a Cardinal Richelieu who died in 1642, age 57.He nor Voltaire who died at age 83, 30 May 1778, 151 odd years to the day before my mother Zena was born were around to prevent the debacle of the French Revolution which set in stone the plight of the poor and accelerated destruction of the planet.It is worth mentioning that most conscious Smuts died on 11 September 1950, 51 years to the day before 9/11.It is only unconscious thinking that I am pointing out, and remember still not a single “thank you” other than from those who matter most.The lazy rich who no longer wanted to man the frontlines or be susceptible to dethroning by relatives or their generals, saw it coming because they manipulated the plebes into thinking they were being freed, and so did Voltaire of course.It just took the most basic common sense.He tried to warn us but still we don’t listen; and when the revolution began which first meant Voltaire had to disappear their wrong interpretation of his teachings took off and it hasn’t stopped.Time is ingenious.The timeline is right; only the money gauge is completely wrong and the worst was their introduction of the asinine Cryptos which have a hugely antisemitic undertone.Imagine that no one other than me had laid out the diabolical nature of cryptos and they are all silent, other than you.This is bigger than any of us and it doesn’t matter if no one joins in.You can put it down to, it is meant to be, including you getting me in so much trouble with your praise of me.Without fair weather friends, however, how would we know the despicable true nature of man.You only needed to be around Mango for a couple of minutes at the most to know God exists, just so long as your mind wasn’t on money.Only God could have created this nothing money out of thin air and to top it off has the US Federal Reserve chair
putting on an act, “I’ve been up all night worrying” worthy of an Oscar.You can imagine that clown getting drunk the night before, laughing with his friends of the next day’s circus.There is no escaping that the money gauge is what has screwed up all human relations.You mess up your sexual appeal, you resort to controlling the money and the war machine.The caring for one another is in the food preparation, period.What my mother said about woman’s lib,Equality brought women down.
is true today as it was when women’s lib was getting off the ground as it has diminished the role of the mother and the lover.There is a reason why you see how little good man has done, and so why want to value someone’s worth in terms of money when you see that the money has done little good, rather it has only brought harm, first to the planet.To think that all the recent philosophers are worth shit is only disturbing if you are stupid.See I could have easily used more vulgar terms, but I didn’t.I want to show some level of restraint.
Earlier at 1:11 PM Calif time, and it is now 2:05, I Tweeted a reply to Maye:
@mayemusk @caaspeakers Equality brought women down
Not one of the world leaders can be trusted; they are only playing to the audience at home, who they want to keep in a constant state of fearing their neighbor, and the white picket fence not helping humanity, obviously.Nor should my neighbor’s words of praise be understated, even if they are not as eloquent as yours.So of course I’m not waiting, expecting anything good out of this human specie.Therefore I must continue on as I’ve been doing long before the Musks came into the picture.The weather has changed again. It is now heavy rain with intermittent drizzle.No I would not like a job as a weather person, in case those were your thoughts.[Word count 1824]
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Begin forwarded message:From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Date: March 23, 2023 at 9:56:03 AM PDT
To: Errol Musk <errol_musk@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Get a grip – Re: God – It is time – Revised Re: Pretty impressiveThe most important advice is to always tell the truth, unless one is a spy, and there is no need for government or business spies, when the money gauge is crap.
Everyone who has read your 100 words of praise, including our cabin neighbor Brad, who continues to face an uphill battle against cancer and he knows like each of us that he is running out of time to make up his mind if God exists and what changes if any he should make if God exists otherwise to just live it up as much as one can afford, and then to take one’s own life since getting old and decrepit is not fun and knowing the absolute reality that most all people are totally rotten and won’t miss you, especially if you have done good, understands perfectly you hit the nail on the head.Brad’s words, “Please accept my deepest respect” from 20 March which you would have seen before writing your response, should be more than on the tip of everyone’s tongue.They are abnormal.They are cruel.They are disgusting.It doesn’t get much worse than:An economic circle of 15,000 businessmen takes most of the country’s wealth. This circle includes South African investors who have come to Eswatini to find a workforce that is three times cheaper and a group of white businessmen who are heirs to the British settlers.[102]If Elon listens to you then because you are compelled by logic-truth, he knows it is not by chance that the bad are so numerous.
I will be, if God permits, 66 tomorrow.The weather forecast at the moment
calls for it to begin snowing at midnight and continuing until at least 3 AM subject to changes in the weather.There can only be a humorous God when there is nothing good about the direction the people are taking.The fact that no one else thought, “Why didn’t Putin buy Ukraine?” is dumbfounding.With Oppenheimer’s backing he could outbid any other bidder which is how it works.That is how Natie Kirsh bought Moshal Gevisser although it was Engelhard rather than Harry Oppenheimer who gave the green light.Peaceful coexistence is not however what Oppenheimer and his puppets want because when there are no wars people have little to talk about other than why it is that people who don’t work physically for a living are richer than others like themselves and those who do physical labor such as clear away fallen trees caused by storms.Few if any I know can feel as healthy as I do right now.Of course I have sadness because I miss 2 persons in particular that God has chosen to separate from me and my wife, but that is only very temporary.When you have given it your all and the people show their true grotesque colors there is no reason to stay alive.It is more than the healthy food that makes me smart and knowledgeable because a lot of people have made the transition to a vegan diet and their consciousness hasn’t improved, in fact they show they really only care about their personal enjoyment, eager to get attention.I remember well your primordial, visceral reaction to me saying that we have to rule out you not being jealous of Elon which I knew you weren’t, but I did it to elicit a response, not expecting you to be the first and only person to respond.They are all dead quiet because they know they are reacting poorly.You would have seen that this monster person Livia continues to repeat “Monster go away” and the people hide behind her cloak and dagger.How can there be no “Thank you” other than from Errol Musk?View again the usage of great
the past 300 years and yes I’m going back well beyond the 100 years you suggested, all the way back to the beginning of time.I’m not a physicist and nor am I stupid moreover if you give me the math I can figure out pretty much everything other than the things God does that I can’t figure out and that gives me more than hope.It is only stupid people who don’t believe in God and the fact that I’ve never met or communicated with a religious person who truly believes in God, only reinforces my trust in God.Time is beyond miraculous and that should have been figured out a long time before me but like the question of “Who said Torah is the word of God?” and how the church could go along with private land ownership, and they say they care for downtrodden and poor it means simply we should be humble and smart and not look to fools for anything other than to be led astray.I can’t think of anything dumber than not asking the question of “Who said Torah-scripture is the word of God?” and not raising an eyebrow if you are religious to the enslaving of the militarily weak who don’t own land while the paper rich make slaves of the renters without paying the soldiers on both sides a fair wage so that they don’t have to fight and just have to be worried about getting others to do the fighting and dying.I refuse to be stupid.I refuse to bow to stupid people.Elon has picked up on the important things such as selling off his real estate and when applauding Spinoza the greatest Jewish person of all times he pissed off a lot of people starting with orthodox Jewish people such as embarrassing GemACH sic who detest Spinoza and Einstein and all they can say is that both men are nonbelievers and should remain outcasts.Everything happens for a reason including injuries.Gwyneth the actress would have the man accusing her of injuring himself on the ski slope killed if she could get away with it.You know she detests him such.It is not morals that hold her back.That is to tell how ugly this human is over the money that god created to test our intelligence which is less than his.That is evidence of good, and not one to mess with.Elon needs to embrace your 100 words publicly.There is no need for further death in Ukraine.All it took was money to stop Putin from invading and if we don’t do anything then we are as bad as Putin or whoever you think is the most corrupt.What better do we have to do with our remaining short time.I’m on Elon’s team because he is in position to eliminate all the waste.Competition is an illusion when the money is rigged.Any high school student who isn’t on drugs would understand this perfectly.It is all their egos which is getting in the way.What better way for God to show his-her presence.Aren’t you tired also of all the bullshit?Again, it is also Elon who knows you have no jealousy towards him, on the contrary you only care for his happiness even when you go off the cliff making out that all humans can fit on top of pinhead.Christ almighty Errol, get a grip.Why not simply be good.Yes, back in the first half of the 18th Century there must have been a lot of bad times and good times.Elon should talk to his other advisors and ask them what they think of me.His only real choice is to back me 100%.I need to go to the wood pile to fetch more firewood but as you can see we still have a very hot fireplace.
To life!Sent from my iPhoneOn Mar 22, 2023, at 1:37 AM, Errol Musk <errol_musk@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
I am, and Elon takes my advice as he always has done..On Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at 01:50:20 GMT+2, Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote Errol Graham Musk:Errol, you should be looking out for Elon’s best interest, even if he doesn’t want your advice.Whatever your differences it is not because either of you are stupid.It is one thing not liking some of the people who invest in you and give you mostly money which is what it all comes down to, but stupid turning a blind eye to God.God has many options and so why be foolish and not want the choice of being the most happy.Nothing appears happy about the life of any ant. They are totally robots.Elon is surrounded by talkers and takers.It isn’t going to long before Elon meets our Maker and knows that I am right.You can only improve your chances by choosing what is smart.The numbers don’t lie. You can’t have so many totally bad.Gary[Word count 142]
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>
Date: March 20, 2023 at 4:28:18 PM PDT
To: Brad
Subject: It is time – Revised Re: Pretty impressiveYou are too funny. What would we do without a sense of humor and the animals who all seem to show unconditional love so long as they are not hungry or mistreated.We have long been out of a food, housing, clothing and transportation survival mode.It is pure greed and jealousy mixed in.Long gone is the notion, one for all and all for one.
All the nature science documentaries don’t amount to much if it turns out that God exists, and we are each being tested by how we respond to adversity; and it is no secret that this planet has very little time left given how we have ignored the debacle of the GDP that coupled with man’s insensitivity has destroyed the planet.Actually nothing amounts to anything if that is the case other than staying as healthy as possible until it is time to go which can be of our choosing should we decide to do ourselves in, and knowing that whatever tears are shed they won’t be for very long and our enemies will celebrate their victory “Good riddance to bad rubbish”.Of course all this is predicated upon not only God existing but my interpretation of God’s actions to be accurate which is a mighty big undertaking; and if God exists and sees I am just putting in my best efforts to at least give me an A for trying.
We are compelled to choose our company carefully and when walking into the “lion’s den” as I did yesterday when visiting with a man I hadn’t seen or communicated in going on 30 years, at least he hasn’t attempted to respond to my communications, you end up doing what I did which was to keep on my wool beanie and all the many layers of clothing acting as insulation from his insinuations that he was clueless; but I know because he replied using the same email I’ve been using all these years, for me to call; and then we visited at his home for a couple of hours.Not to mention I was doubly shocked by what greeted me at his front door beginning with him now wearing a religious cap, a kippah, which had a clip that he kept fidgeting with to affix to his thinning hair, and the rolls of fat eating him alive.What prompted him to break his silence?From: Lionel Kahn <lkahn09@aol.com>
Date: March 19, 2023 at 8:51:15 AM PDT
To: garystevengevisser@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Lionel, do you have plans for coffee this morning?
Reply-To: Lionel Kahn <lkahn09@aol.com>Hi Gary.
Great to hear from you.Call me 619 933 6797Lionel
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 8:08 AM, Gary Gevisser<garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote: Lionel, do you have plans for coffee this morning?Do you remember when I arrived (17 March 1978) with (my) dad
at your apartment in chicago my dad expressed concerns about whether I was cut out for working at an accounting firm?
Let me know as I’m an hour away.
Sent from my iPhoneIs it simply the fear of death and the knowledge you have wronged the one person you should have been applauding for their courage and wisdom?What can be a greater goal than to achieve wisdom when you know you have got the thing that is most important you; namely, the money, all wrong and you can’t connect its expenditure with the death of the planet caused by war and real estate development to support the gross overpopulation population, not helped by “Be fruitful and multiply” and “Save lives”, but notice “at all cost” is consistently and conspicuously absent.How do they all manage to continue mustering, “The health of the economy must be our first priority along with our National Sovereignty, our way of life, democracy, the freedoms we hold dear, the right to private ownership of land, freedoms of speech, justice and truth”.Moreover, Lionel knows that Elon Musk’s father’s great words of praiseGary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.hit the nail on the head, and they should have by now got every politician, every journalist, every academic, every Noble prize winner to suck in deep and join the chorus.But no, they are all nonexistent.Each thinking that they are different accumulation but still we are supposed to be rational.Every atom is rational.Every accumulation of atoms is rational starting with highly explosive hydrogen that when matched up with another before combining with 1 highly explosive oxygen atom produces a water molecule, the most fireproof material and if it is mixed with oil and the fire takes longer to put out, doesn’t make the achievement any less remarkable.Then along comes mankind, the oxymoron of all time, and he is irrational to the point of knowing he is destroying himself and everything and is just too busy living to bother.So why is getting followers so important when you know they are wrong?Why even comment as Maye Musk, Errol Musk’s first wife and mother of Elon, did earlier:
“Don’t bother to answer someone with 12 followers, who is dishonest and stupid“.https://twitter.com/GaryGevisser/status/1637866120924258319?s=20
My response which I shared shortly thereafter with Errol:Look at who we are talking about.He is the most accomplished mechanical and electrical engineer father of the world’s richest man who beat out big government-big oil in 2 huge markets, auto-truck and nuclear weapons delivery and their accoutrements.Errol Musk beat out 5000 South African students to win first prize in the IQ test, scoring 150+, and so far everyone has ignored his most mindful words.You would not expect this from a rational, reasoning human other than he thinks he is above it all because he is the most dominant species and can kill anything in its path because it has the battlefield weaponry and the poisons to even kill off the ants should they decide to invade.But you would from a genius God.At least I would but that doesn’t make me smart in the eyes of people who judge everyone by how much money they have which affords them to live in the best and safest areas and look down on the rest, and the rest just take it or react violently which plays right into the hands of violent war-real estate-lords.How could the church have got it all wrong?God must logically control all their minds and not one of them dares to step out of line.Is it ego or selfishness to preserve their life?What happened to loving God so much you are happy to be a martyr, willing to be burned alive at the stake, but God forbid I concede that God actually exists.What in the world goes through the mind of a religious hypocrite?It can only be money, and nothing remotely akin to morals which this Lionel Kahn did bring up, suggesting that I read a bookMorality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times,written by Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sachs, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth.I immediately asked Lionel, “Does the book” which I had never heard of, but I also knew that rabbi Sachs had to be an intellectual midget at best, “get into anything about Torah admonishing the private ownership of land which makes slaves of the rest?”, and of course, Lionel who is few years older than me responded, “I don’t know”.What was interesting that I had already covered, “Who said that Torah is the word of God”?That too is no less an important question that appears not even a single atheist has asked, and yet it seems fundamental to me as much as it is much more than highly annoying to the religious who see scripture as nothing less than Gospel.So maybe God puts each of us, the other animals, trees, the food and the water on this fast dying planet for the simple reason that we should be constantly reasoning and not into human hero worship when it suits our pocket book.How can the brainwashing be so effective that no one is willing to talk about the money?All I know is that I don’t want to ever be as stupid as any of them and therefore I will try my best not be like them or seeking a compromise with them who can only turn out treacherous, and still they are wrong about God who they must take for being stupid.Lionel might as well have said, “I don’t remember”.First, and foremost, Lionel, who is both a South African Chartered Accountant and CPA, has been following everything I’ve been doing to expose the corruption of the GDP which began in our backyard of South Africa where us Jewish South Africans in particular should have been on top of the situation.The very recent Holocaust and it’s racial discrimination was fresh in our minds, and unlike the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the blacks were still the majority in mineral rich Apartheid South Africa, their slavery was as bad as you can imagine, which was in clear violation of our Torah teachings.Now for the killer hypocrisy; what “sustained” us was the mantra “If there wasn’t a black problem in South Africa there would be a Jewish problem” which our corrupt Jewish leadership, bowing to the Apartheid Regime, created when refusing to stand up to the former Jewish South African Oppenheimer family and their politicians who sat on both sides of the isle.Were you to ever push a Jewish South African gently, they will respond, “But the Oppenheimers were born Jewish and you don’t want to spread antisemitism!!”, and still you couldn’t be sure that you weren’t communicating with one of their informers.All the Oppenheimers did was dish out money to the most convincing judges and business people who couldn’t wait to convert their business profits into stolen real estate and think they had been blessed by God.Of course I didn’t need to spell out to Lionel that the atrocity of the Gross Domestic Product index made a farce of the accounting-auditing profession which he has always known I didn’t think much of soon after I began working together with him at the accounting-boutique investment banking firm of Bernstein & Bank who were later bought out by Laventhol and Horwath, the 7th largest American accounting firm that failed in 1990.Yes it is the biggest joke that the biggest crooks get bailouts and the small time thieves and repeat violent offenders, not mass murdered on the battlefield and in poverty distribution that creates fertile soil for broader border conflicts, get lengthy prison sentences.Nor did I point out that long by now the Big Four, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) all 4 generating just shy of $200 billion in annual revenue and employing 1.4 million “specialists” in the financial services sector which of course includes real estate and weapons developers, should have shut their doors along with the universities that breed them.After telling him that my purpose in getting together with him was to get feedback on the book I am writing and sharing in real time via email broadcasts and group chats on social media such as Facebook, and especially his thoughts on why Putin didn’t simply buy all of Ukraine that he and Nicholas Oppenheimer
didn’t already own, rather than create this bloodbath, he was quick to tell me that he suffers from acute migraines, so bad he can’t even think; before going on to say that the only thing that seems to work is Botox.To keep the conversation going because I felt it would be too rude to just get up and go, I countered with, “I thought Botox was only used to remove wrinkles”.That led to him talking more about how he spends his time working with the local Jewish community whose leadership of crooks and backstabbers I know all too well, with his main focus helping his only child from a divorce build up a nest-egg in real estate that is supported by 2 businesses and the one a parking lot maintenance service he works alongside his son who he made clear doesn’t care much for his father’s religiousness, but obviously not to the point that the son is willing to cut off his nose to spite his face and tell his father right to his face,“You are a hypocrite and I don’t want anything to do with you other than I hope you die soon and I get enjoy all the money without having to bother with being nice to you, and watching my Ps and Qs”.I must now end as Marie is telling me to check on the cake on top of the fireplace which is getting pretty hot.I also have to get back to 3 other fellows, Errol Musk, economist Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, former principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency, and Stephen Gardner, a blogger with 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube, focused on the Ukraine-Russia war.All 3 responded quickly and clearly uncomfortable to this question of why Putin didn’t simply buy Ukraine.If they are not already thinking God must have something to do with the mass money psychosis that once known to all psychologists and self help gurus flogging their books and speeches will end their careers, and let’s not forget all the rest of the professionals propping up this House of Cards, it must mean more time needs to elapse.Looking forward to your return, and I did see the video your later sent on the rather gruesome mountain lion kill.Not to mention the order of everything leads to the conclusion that is God watching, and the creation of time, no small achievement.To mention little of the level of brainwashing is well beyond sickening. The main opposition to Jewish Zelenskyy by Jewish people is that he married “outside of the faith” and if that wasn’t bad enough he had his 2 children with a non Jewish woman baptized.If you are non-Jewish and all you hear are Jewish names on Wall Street Goldman Sachs, George Soros etc your negative view of Zelenskyy is reinforced once you listen to the media calling Zelenskyy corrupt and a puppet heading up a Nazi regime; and the push back by Jewish people so very weak; the message is clear, Zelenskyy must be as corrupt as the Jewish Kapos who kept order for the Nazi SS in the death factories.To mention in passing the Nazi doctrine, “The masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie” must of course be the work of the people most profiting from the big lies and there would have to be an end to that at some point in time.All the bestGary
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On Mar 19, 2023, at 7:57 PM, Brad wrote:
Sounds like you might be talking about me!
On Sun, Mar 19, 2023, 4:39 PM Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:
He looks like he has atrophied muscles from living in a zoo and confined space in a house.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 19, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Brad wrote:
That one in the picture looks like 20 pounds lighter and the head is also much daintier looking and smaller.
On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 10:45 PM Gary Gevisser <GaryStevenGevisser@gmail.com> wrote neighbor Brad:
how does this mountain lion compare in size to your last encounter?