Looking for the next reorder
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Looking for the next reorder
Date: March 27, 2018 at 6:17:14 PM PDT
To: Pat – US Air Force Fighter Pilot [1986-1999] – Flew F-15Es in the First Gulf War.
Pat – in preparing the final “lead-ins” to the first edition of my book, I thought of you; more so than your son; and the reason for that is because I don’t see your son as being sufficiently motivated at this time to search out the truth about the level of lying that is going on which stems back to how Germany was able to rearm so quickly after WW1.
Not to mention, it is more important to me to continue reaching out to Elon Musk whose fine-tuned mind would know better than to dismiss coincidences while eager to learn more about our fellow countryman Smuts.
Nor was General Smuts a great fan of the Germans, and yet he allowed for draconian war reparations to be placed on Germany making her an easy target for those humans who profit from war; and that is increasingly most of the human population as war, especially its aftermath is all about profiting from the improvement of stolen real estate.
Below are two almost identical biographies written by Smuts’ one son of the same name, and published in 1952, two years after Smuts’ death on September 11, 1950.
The British edition contains one most revealing paragraph on page 373.
Given what was happening in the world a month and a half before Nazi Germany invaded Poland which began in earnest WW2 that included the horrors of the Holocaust, how could the American publisher William Murrow Co. have removed such an event?
“In the middle of July, 1939, my father accompanied Sir Ernest Oppenheimer on a flying trip … to the jewelled wonderland of the Western Rift Valley of the Belgian Congo.”
The paragraph before, “… Two days later France and Britain were at war with Germany” is how the American edition ends the chapter that is titled slightly differently, “Prelude to War” versus “Dark Clouds”.
Consequently, in the American edition there is no mention of Ernest Oppenheimer.
His name is mentioned 9 times in chapter 9 of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER – CLICK HERE – and the subtitle also requires little explanation; THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA.
Remember when Epstein was a professor at Harvard, UCLA, and MIT the rest of the faculty members including the deans who hired him knew that they were not dealing with a conspiracy theory junkie, even though while a graduate student at Cornell University in 1966, according to Wikipedia, “he published the book Inquest, an influential critique of the Warren Commission probe into the John F. Kennedy assassination.”
In other words, Epstein was taking on the establishment who were clearly covering a very well organized murder of a President who got to power all thanks to two individuals, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer who Kennedy met with when President elect at the Carlyle Hotel and which Epstein covers in great detail in chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, and Oppenheimer’s partner, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.
Imagine yourself as the incoming President, Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces meeting in a very public setting, and your Secret Service detail not potted plants, with a man that the heads of the CIA and FBI know should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals of 1946-47, along with his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer.
If you suffered from back pain, would you expect the pain to subside after the meeting with Oppenheimer?
Could you really focus that hard on the task at hand such as running the business of war or would you find yourself easily distracted by someone such as Marilyn Monroe?
Have you noticed that Donald Trump doesn’t tout himself that much lately as a great Commander In Chief?
A great Commander In Chief cannot get to be a great Commander In Chief by being easily distracted by a great pair of legs to the point that they would end up embarrassing their wife and children assuming they still feel shame.
Not that many US Presidents after JFK have come into office with the most beautiful wives. Jimmy Carter’s wife, as best I recall, was very average looking, but still Carter wouldn’t have embarrassed her. I can only think of George W. Bush who could have been distracted had he not a beautiful wife.
So what caused President George W. Bush to pull out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with the Soviets soon after 9/11 and Bush knowing like everyone else that the two events were totally unrelated?
My guess is that Bush was simply told it was time to take the offensive with the Soviets who simply capitalized on this huge mistake.
It is only a mistake if your plans are to profit but you don’t profit as much.
You don’t need to look into a crystal ball to know that what the media portray as what goes on behind the scenes in the gathering of intelligence before it is presented to the Commander In Chief, has no semblance with the reality.
When you are making weapons of war, you want to see them being used and that means the reorders will follow.
When President Trump was placed in military school because he was more than a handful at home, he probably didn’t study that previous section in his how to win wars and influence people manual because it was not there.
At some point, however, between deciding to run for President and becoming President on January 20, 2017, he would have learned the “art of war” which is very different than the “art of making money”.
A person who is constantly wanting to please is someone who has lots of affairs and they end up using the same or identical lines with each woman they want to bed.
There are many similarities between President Trump and President Clinton. You could see the two of them getting along great smoking cigars in the locker room.
So who would you want as President, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
The more important question is why would 80% of us Jewish Americans vote for the Democratic Party unless we thought their candidate would be the most amusing?
Besides for Lyndon Johnson who became President by default when Kennedy was killed, no President of the United States has cared much about Israel, other than George W. Bush who didn’t start out all that friendly towards Israel and that may have had everything to do with Israel not quite sure what it really wanted.
Peace in the Middle East means what to do with the poor in the region who don’t all have $5 million penthouse apartments in Tel-Aviv increasingly looking like Las Vegas.
Peace brings great many social problems which war can no longer solve.
Let’s just assume that you are still interested in who killed Kennedy. That is not as important as those making weapons looking for the next reorder.
What is very clear is that President JFK confirmed he had committed treason against the United States of America the moment his meeting with Nazi Harry Oppenheimer ended, without calling a press conference and announcing that he was going to make public all the information Epstein later got his hands on under the Freedom of Information Act.
You are either in favor of war which the majority of the rich population appear to be, or you are in favor of peace.
If you are quiet once given the knowledge then you are not in favor of peace.
If you are not in favor of peace then you are doing something terribly wrong to your brain.
When you injure your brain you cannot expect to be rational.
I would like to see more rational people inhabiting this world than bad people.
There was nothing in the least bit rational about Hitler but he suited his financial backers because he spoke with authority and sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
Nor can you fault Hitler for failing each time he got up in the morning and announcing as he practiced in front of his full sized mirror, “I must thank all members of the Academy as well as the audience who purchase tickets to watch me perform”.
There is something seriously wrong with human thinking when you cannot get anyone to focus on how utterly ridiculous it is that Hitler got his hands on more than a single spade to dig his own grave.
By the time John F. Kennedy entered the White House as the 35th President of the United States of America he was not a child, and I assume he was potty trained. He had fought bravely in WW2 and had lost his elder brother who was his father’s favorite to be the first Roman Catholic President of the United States.
Nor are all Roman Catholics bad because not every Jewish person is good.
Pat, there is something very strange, and wonderful going on when everyone who has the knowledge acts like they are playing the fool.
When you have all the world’s politicians who have the knowledge of the Diamond Invention Game which has hurt us Jewish people more than any other group including hundreds of millions murdered and made refugees since the end of WW2, ignoring these important truths, it does not mean they are all in agreement on anything other than they want these truths to remain hidden from the public.
100% success in shutting down all the politicians and journalists is greater than Musk maintaining that there is a 1 in a billion chance that this is not a simulation.
Assume that he is right and this is a simulation, that would mean even those responsible for murdering Kennedy, Patrice Lumumba and other assassinated leaders including Hendrik Vervoed of South Africa, are part of the game.
If you can end all hostilities at the same time ending the suffering of the poor who will not keep producing consuming babies because the Chinese have proven that humans can be educated not to have a bunch of children, that should be the focus of everyone’s attention.
The authorities are saying that they agree with my findings when they are all deafeningly silent when not threatening towards me.
A chicken does not have truth at their side no matter the huge numbers of their supporters.
You only back the wrong side because you don’t think the good side will win.
But you can never win if you back the wrong side, unless all you care about is living just for today and figuring that not only did Elon Musk get the numbers wrong but he can’t be influenced to do good which is rational thinking.
So I know introduce you to Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who I got to know really well and he got to know me really well when I began exploiting my knowledge of both The Internet and human behavior which had everything to do with listening carefully to my mother Zena’s views on Social Behavior including how to overcome shyness.
I posted up on the Revlon Corporation Yahoo message board on June 10, 1999, several months after I first met Mr. Krinsk Esq. at the La Jolla restaurant Matre D where his law partner, Howard Finkelstein Esq. a former United States Attorney had been banned because he once upset the owners who obviously were not all that fearful of a Grand Jury investigation:
Revlon makeup job – What is with this company?…
This was 22 days after my intimate Deborah Sturman Esq. – CLICK HERE – became a household name amongst the world’s top bankers, lawyers and politicians as the Wall Street Journal chose very carefully its title, Milberg Weiss Lawyer Focuses On Cases for Holocaust Survivors for Ms. Sturman’s “coming out parade” and that “seedling” being created by non-other than my mother Zena who strongly encouraged Ms. Sturman, after running into her at synagogue in Cologne, Germany to give up her job as a French Horn player for the Cologne Philharmonic which wasn’t considered the worst symphony in the world.
Mr. Krinsk Esq. and I waited. We didn’t hold our breaths because breathing in is automatic whereas exhaling takes conscious effort; quite different to if your mind is telling you that to feel relevant in this world you have to post something up on Facebook even if it is complete nonsense.
Nor were we fearful because we saw that we had nothing to lose, other than possibly our lives, were we to upset too much Ronald “Capo Di Capi” Perelman who owned 85% of the outstanding shares of Revlon Corporation and never thinking for a moment that any litigator would dare go after him given how badly could the minority shareholders get hurt by any fraud he may have perpetrated, other than the decline in the value of their shares and since there were so few of them, why even bother?
I first of all didn’t like Perelman because he gave us Jewish people a bad name. He made us look very stupid.
Us Jewish people were kept out of the arts as well as the trades and only allowed to be money changers which was looked down on.
Therefore if any group of humans would know where to go for money-capital it would be us Jewish people. That would mean simply following the money trail which quickly led to De Beers-Barclays – CLICK HERE.
Nothing about the stock market makes sense even if you didn’t know where to go for the lowest cost of capital.
The only people going to Wall Street for money-capital should be non-Jewish people or very ignorant Jewish people or someone such as Elon Musk who has the most brilliant ideas and knows how to execute, and then it makes no difference where he gets his initial capital and why not be very open about the fact that he is not in De Beers-Barclays’ back pocket.
Both Mr. Krinsk and I went to sleep that night not thinking that all was lost when there was no response since let’s face it could you think of anything more dumb than writing on one of many Yahoo message boards, “Revlon makeup job – What is with this company?…”
Bear in mind that my mother Zena had yet to come up with the idea of the Revlon Make Up Chart cartoon
as that would only come about at the tail end of September 1999, in order to light a fire under Mr. Krinsk and more so his partner in New York, Robert Kaplan of Kaplan, Kilsheimer & Fox who finally filed the epic lawsuit on October 1, 1999 with only a few hours to spare before we believed the statute of limitations was to expire.
Upon getting up the next morning and still not worrying about having to think about inhaling, and seeing that there was no response I followed up:
“Where’s the beef?”
BTW, have you come across any news organization grabbing my wording, “Will Trump weather the storm… Trump has a screw loose” to get more eyeballs?
Let’s assume that Donald Trump and Melanie haven’t made up, because they won’t, and The Donald is bored right now and feeling it is going to be more difficult than Bill Clinton parading bimbos in and out of the Oval Office and he also wants to stay tuned to what is most important to people right now, could you see him reading this communique from the bottom up without getting bored?
“Where’s the beef?” was now starting to get raunchy but not enough to upset my Charm School teacher and most appropriate mother Zena.
Had I first said, “What is up with this company?” then it also wouldn’t have been that clever.
As you know showing just the right amount of skin, but it has to be skin that looks young and tight, not someone who is aging poorly surely, gets the male’s attention, more so.
That was enough to bring momworker63 out of the closet for the one and only time. Her immediate “HELP HELP Help” doing nothing short of lighting a fire underneath me.
The rest of her announcement explaining that her brother had invested her lifesavings in Unilever which had nothing to do with Revlon and should have been a new discussion piece; certainly not a reply to “Where’s the beef?” indicated to me that not only had we struck right when focusing on the nothing to speak of Revlon Cosmetic Center but there was a potential mole inside of Revlon.
Now the point in bringing all this is up is because the 63rd Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq., a very close personal friend of Mr. Krinsk Esq. took office as the most important Wall Street law officer on January 1, 1999.
A wonderful coincidence.
It was also Mr. Spitzer Esq. who had assured me through Mr. Krinsk Esq. that once we withdrew our lion canine teeth from Mr. Perelman’s neck, he was going to lock Perelman away for a very long time.
Of course, that did not happen because Spitzer had other agendas, and so Perelman went on to accumulate a bunch more billions, which only makes him smart if you think dying the richest person in the grave is the way to go.
At some point you have to bet on either there is a God or there isn’t. That knocks out the agnostics who are less sure of themselves than atheists who are not looking good as time marches on.
The fact that the Pope and all the Jewish rabbis and Muslim Mullahs have yet to embrace Elon Musk’s contention that there is essentially no chance of this not being a simulation which automatically means that there is Intelligent Design amongst us, just means they are programmed slow and we shouldn’t hurry them up.
It is important to stay in the moment without losing sight of how we got to the point that half of European Jewry, 6 million Jewish people got wiped out in less than a handful of years, and the visible horrors of the genocide immediately on the movie reels and there isn’t a day that goes by and we aren’t reminded of this unparalleled atrocity, but yet us humans were not moved to defend the rest of us Jewish people at all cost.
Why on earth would us Jewish people have to be, within 3 years of Nazi Germany’s defeat, in a fight for our very survival and everyone thinking that we would be easily defeated, starting with Allied Field Marshal Montgomery, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun”?
The problem I most see with us Jewish people who fail to ask this most important question.
So you can better understand that not every Jewish person in the world loves me at the present time because they don’t like me calling them very stupid.
Still we are not all Nazis.
Not being Nazis we should have gone out of our way to at least protect the legacy of Jan Christiaan Smuts once we failed to hit the streets of Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, New York, Washington DC, London, Vatican etc when Smuts was thrown out of office in the rigged South African General Election of May 26, 1948, having chosen his 78th birthday two days before, same birthday as Queen Victoria, to recognize the fledgling State of Israel now into the 11th day of its very bloody War of Independence.
My mother Zena was not the only Jewish person very fond of Smuts. My father Bernie felt the same way and the same with both sets of my grandparents.
It pays to pay very careful attention to important people who make the difference in our world especially since there was never anyone consistently in support of us Jewish people than Smuts and at a time when it was not popular because it has never been popular since even before the time of Jesus Christ to support Jewish people.
Very similar are both editions of Smuts’ biography in their detail. The William Burrow and Co. has the identical photo of Smuts on the cover as the British edition except that the photo is on the front of the cover in the American edition and on the back for the British edition.
When you bury such an important event as a trip alongside the greatest war profiteer Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to a country that is already supplying Oppenheimer’s industrial diamonds to Hitler using officials of the Red Cross, you know that something is seriously wrong.
War was on the horizon.
Smuts was no longer the leader of very critical British ally South Africa whose white population were equally divided about which country to support in the upcoming war.
Ernest Oppenheimer knew perfectly well that Smuts was the most ardent supporter of the British Commonwealth as it was he who coined the phrase “British Commonwealth”. Nor had Smuts forgotten why he so strongly supported Britain in WW1 which following his very hands-on victories against the Germans in South West Africa and the east African campaign led to Smuts joining the British War Cabinet in 1917.
Nor was Smuts an unknown to Hitler and his generals. Smuts was the most feared Allied general; again for very good reason.
Remember Smuts didn’t only know that law was always decided by the people in power who catered only to the rich but the logistics of war meant knowing ahead of time where to find the strategic raw war materials.
You would have expected Smuts to demonstrate to Ernest Oppenheimer that he was totally consumed by the spectacular natural surroundings rather than requesting an audience with the Red Cross officials who were organizing their courier underlings.
Smuts could have taught all our Presidents the art of spy-catching given how well he executed capturing spies inside enemy camps going back to the Anglo American Boer War of 1899-1902.
I have yet to come across a single document where Smuts is critical of Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who was not doing us Jewish people any favors in his support of Nazi Germany.
Oppenheimer would also have known that there was not a Christian on the planet who was more openly supportive of us Jewish people than Smuts.
Why remove the paragraph which rightfully found its place in the British edition?
In mid-July 1939, the clown Neville Chamberlain was still prime minister of Great Britain. Churchill only arrived on May 10, 1940.
Imagine if Smuts had not won over the South African parliament and returned as Prime Minister on September 5, 1939, 4 days after Poland was invaded.
How could the most important general of World War I and World War II be so quickly written out of the history books, and the people today would far prefer that the history books remain as they are so that people like your son only know what is put in front of them?
It is easy to see that without me setting the record straight, future humans would be totally clueless about not only history but the all important economics.
I mentioned previously that Smuts understood politics because politics is all about favoring the rich who don’t stimulate creativity but they do finance wars because they control the mineral resources as well as human population.
We never know for sure where we will be tomorrow, unless we are absolutely certain what becomes of each of us once we die, and that is most certainly impossible to prove, but still if one is certain of one’s beliefs it is much easier to live in the present and not be fearful of the future.
Should you be quite certain that there is no “God” and to live each day as it comes, there is more doubt about the possible outcome once taking one’s last breadth; and I don’t find that at all comforting.
One must do what is right, even if the entire human population is against you
which makes what Musk is purported to have said that much more meaningful, because he is not a stupid person even if he is not as smart as Tesla but certainly Musk demonstrates much more common sense than Tesla who was only seen as “cool” to a very small audience of “well-wishers” versus Musk who is loved by a great many as there is very little to find fault.
To call him “too rich” only means that those who feel that way about him, would like to see him giving more to charity but that would have him interfering with the business of government which is to give money first to the rich and then have the rich drip it down to the poor.
Today both the governments and the rich gift the money to all those who are quiet and distracting.
This should be perfectly understood by Musk and anyone else who cares about people and the planet; and we know there are so few of them.
Better yet that I get feedback from people such as yourself who still need to get up every morning even when flying commercial passenger aircraft and think logically, even if your mind doesn’t need to be as precise as when you were flying America’s most advanced fighters into heavy battle.
The moment you allow your brain muscle to atrophy which is not helped when lying to it, you start making more mistakes than flying into the Twin Towers.
You find yourself making less jokes, more mistakes and eventually you even forget what purpose you have on this earth.
If you are going to start your investigation of Smuts a great place
is Sir W. K. Hancock’s two volume biography of Smuts where you will come across the most interesting way Smuts went about supporting Neils Bohr’s advocacy that the Atomic Bomb secrets should be shared with Stalin; a point I covered in an earlier communication.
Looking forward to your feedback.
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