Lost soul – 2
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Lost soul 2
Tue 14 Feb 6:53 PM
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Wed. 15 Feb 8:54 AM
You added Yoko Grandsagne to the group.
You added @Yoko Grandsagne
You added Peter Lawrence Ewart to the group.
February 15 at 9:17 AM
Wed 9:17 AM
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You added @Peter Lawrence Ewart who earlier gave a “thumbs up” on my Getting to know your fb friends symposium.
Ewart, have you digested my follow up to you on fb messaging?
Given that no human can provide a negative critique of Elon Musk’s father’s praise of me, much like you see in my mother Zena’s admiration in The Lady’s Speech which has the unconscious plebes so silent, other than GemACH’s sic “kinsman”, South African Michael “Tordu” Awerbuch, you would be a fool to think that Elon Musk is foolish enough to think that his father and my mother are “out in left field”.
You can see that GemACH sic is unwilling to admit that he finds himself caught between the rock and the hard plate given that he can’t refute my findings on the unfairness of the wealth distribution in favor of the worst human’s imaginable and their trusted informer networks such as GemACH’s sic ChaBAD sic cult who represent the exact opposite of Jewish teachings.
The elevation of the rebbe Schneerson to godlike, Messiah status is all thanks to the virulent anti-Israel, anti-Semitic German-South African Oppenheimers who once taking over from anti-Semitic, monopolist, racist, Cecil (1853-1902) and who died at age 49 right before the Anglo American JP Morgan Boer War ended, were immediately ostracized by the good Jewish people of South Africa who felt indebted to the blacks of South Africa who treated them with far more respect than the Czars.
February 15 at 9:48 AM
Wed 9:48 AM
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It is nothing short of miraculous, rather than mind boggling to think that there are still people today who hold on to every word of ancient scripture written by scribes 2400 years ago in Babylon with swords hanging over their heads, and yet these ugly, monstrous talkers, perfectly represented by debauchery GemACH sic, demonstrate total lack of common sense beginning with the crap they eat which they feel proud of because a bought rabbi has blessed, followed by a Kosher stamp, the putrefying dead animal carcass spewing off cancerous atoms and eventually cells that migrate throughout the body-mind and the visible deformities are most unattractive to the healthy youth who are the first sent to die by the heavily neuron depleted older generation who only feign their objection to the carnage that provides TV entertainment and eyeballs to advertisers who are all part of the Mineral Energy Complex which Professor Terreblanche describes so well and should be shared publicly with Putin and his generals but most of his soldiers and the rest of young Russians as well as Ukrainians.
If you lack basic common sense it is not possible to have a moral compass.
When you focus your attention on these Black Hatters who have proliferated like ants across the globe you know just from their vile neglect of their body-temple they don’t believe anything they read in the Torah.
They pick and choose what serves first their money agenda that if they get enough they can divorce their wives and get someone much younger and beautiful, and justify it on the basis that God makes not only no mistakes but has a hand in everything.
These are very sick people.
You added Abner Weiss to the group.
Wed. 9:55 AM
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Professor Dr Rabbi @Abner Weiss you can speak to this based on your personal experience.
So why don’t you?
@Solly Krok, we must assume you are still alive and cannot find anything more interesting to keep you awake at night thinking about what is going to happen when you take your last breath; the same of course with each of you voyeurs.
We must never forget Michael Tordu Awerbuch who proudly proclaims that he is a graduate of the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime’s “Finishing School” Army which some 32,000 unconscious Jewish South African boys also attended.
Nor did it take Tordu who sought a job with me back
under the guise that he wanted to invest in a counter lawsuit against ex CIA Charles Knuff, to withdraw his posting in the comment section of The Lady’s Speech given that he realized he had committed a defamation, much like this egg head GemACH sic who cannot take back his lie that Torah supports the private ownership of land in Israel.
GemACH sic, knew he had the choice of simply being quiet, but he also reckoned that to do so was the same as lying.
When scrolling back you will see your mind reading in the one section that it is not only GemACH sic who is now in a death spiral from which there is no escape.
Whenever someone says, “Let it be”, “Live and let live”, “Just ignore, and move on” you know that they have big problems at home.
When the ChaBAD sic Lipskar brothers told @Solly Krok, “We don’t talk about it” in answer to his legitimate question, “Where was God during the Holocaust?”, the Lipskars began watching @Solly Krok much closer than he was paying attention to them.
When the human brain goes into shock as Solly’s did because it is the most unJewish response, “We don’t talk about it”, it is nothing less than a stroke.
They were out to kill @Solly Krok.
Nor was this the first time they had heard the question.
They had practiced all different variations in order to achieve the objective of murder.
They also know that very few Jewish people dare to ask the so-called religious Jews such an important question given how each successive generation of Jewish people are that much more singularly focused on the money.
Helping the few remaining curious Jewish people get over such an incredible cop-out is that these all about the money
ChaBAD sic who number less than a 100,000 Jews, ask, “Any amount of donation will help us bring more assimilated Jews to Torah and God, and if there is anything to spare, it will go to poor Jewish people who cannot afford to participate in the Jewish ritual of swinging the chicken
before devouring it” [sic].
What can be more sick than bullying a chicken right before chopping off its head, and then placing the neck bones in the chicken soup to be sucked on?
GemACH sic, that must get your stomach rumbling.
Feel free to take a second lunch, and be sure to tell us where you get your chicken-turkey soup when eating out.
@Shneur Reti-Waks please tell us how you and your family have made peace with the ChaBAD sic monsters.
IAF pilot @Tomer Tene are you noticing if Israeli youth on the fast track to become alcoholics continue to revere the turncoat Schneerson?
@Peter Lawrence Ewart how long can you tell us it will be before you speak up?
@Jonathan Gevisser do you plan to change your yoga pose?
Don’t you think you are a bit too old and fat to be trying to look cool?
@Nick Sternberg, we will be returning Bank of England-IG Farben-Deutsche Bank-Peter Thiel official Gordon Richdale’s The Sunlit Years where your grandfather Colin Sternberg, a co-conspirator in the “asset stripping” of our multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] gets an honorable mention, along with co-conspirator, Sol “Little King” Moshal, chairman and managing director of Moshal Gevisser Holdings
which never lost the attention of Mossad head, David Ben Gurion
going back well before Ben Gurion organized in 1929
for my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 – 24 February 1970]
to purchase the priceless Haifa
harbour properties that extended all the way to the very top of the hill where you see his favorite son, my father Bernie
me, and my 2 elder unconscious brothers back in early January 1968.
I am inching that much closer to the secret strength of us Jewish people, and it is most certainly not Jewish “turncoats”
but they most certainly play their part.
As beautiful, sunshine day as it is deep in the forest and wonderful spring conditions bringing out a variety of birds who singing sounds muffle out all man’s ugliness, and what can be more turquoise than the Robin’s eggs
I have to head back into town.
@Olga Zabludoff would you like to join Marie and me + Mango High Energy to the point of invisibility for an espresso?
You added Володимир Зеленський to the group.
You added Olena Zelenska and Olena Zelenska to the group.
You added Sergii Marchenko to the group.
You added Dmytro Kuleba to the group.
You added @Володимир Зеленський, President of Ukraine
You added @Olena Zelenska @Olena Zelenska
You added @Sergii Marchenko, Ukraine Minister of Finance
You added @Dmytro Kuleba Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
You added Foster Gamble to the group.
You sent
Wed. 10:59 AM
Added imposter @Foster Gamble, heir of duplicitous Proctor & Gamble.
11:07 AM
You sent
@Julia Ioffe, before I leave.
There is an unspoken history in the relation between Russia and the Americans that is purposely hidden from the public, like Uranium One corporation which I mentioned this past Monday at 5:42 PM Calif. time on symposium, FB friends of Philippe Basset, that Putin got from the duplicitious, beyond belief arrogant German-South African Oppenheimers, and if you go deeper in the mineral energy complex [MEC] you always go back to South Afirca which is never touched by anyone; it is a taboo subject.
The testing grounds for this mass psychosis which is money based, is in the schoolong of white South Africans, and in particular white Jewish South Africans who the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime afforded Jewish day schools in every major city; and some like Johannesburg, two, possibly three, much along the line of the Hitler Youth Movement and nor were the Jewish Kapos subtle.
Do not get distracted by the Gestapo Jewish collaboration network Zagiew which didn’t die out following the Holocaust as it merely morphed into a much more sophisticated intelligence gathering entity, and no less deadly.
Just keep it in the back of your mind which is helped by realizing that the General of Generals Ben Gurion was no fool to trust a Jewish person simply because they spoke perfect Hebrew and was circumcised.
Not to speak is to speak.
You added Justine Musk to the group.
You added Kimbal Musk to the group.
You added Michael Musk to the group.
You added Michelle B Dagan to the group.
You added @Justine Musk, first wife of Elon Musk
You added @Kimbal Musk
You added @Michael Musk, uncle of Elon, and brother of member @Errol Graham Musk
You added @Michelle B Dagan, daughter of Max Bineth (27 June 1917 – 21 December 1954) a lieutenant colonel in the Israeli Intelligence who committed suicide in his Egyptian jail, rather than face a public hanging, following the “debacle” of Operation Susannah 1954.
You added Daniel Ammann to the group.
You added Roy Essakow to the group.
You added Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
You added Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
You added Adele Pick to the group.
You added Ivan Oshry to the group.
You added Ivan Strous to the group.
You added Harry Rady to the group.
You added Andrea Kerzner to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Nadia Meer to the group.
You added Shehnaz Meer to the group.
February 15 at 6:14 PM
Wed 6:14 PM
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You added Roy Essakow to the group.
You added Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
You added Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
You added Adele Pick to the group.
You added Ivan Oshry to the group.
You added Ivan Strous to the group.
You added Harry Rady to the group.
You added Andrea Kerzner to the group.
You added RabbiLevi Illulian to the group.
You added Nadia Meer to the group.
You added Shehnaz Meer to the group.
Nadia Meer left the group.
Yoko Grandsagne left the group.
February 16 at 10:45 AM
Thu 10:45 AM
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Nadia Meer and Yoko Grandsagne left.
GemACH sic, check your email inbox for, Key to understanding; response to economist Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency+OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) established in the upside down year of 1961, headquartered in Paris, France.
Plotter GemACH sic, you responded just now on NSS, “ok”. Did you forget to do so?
GemACH sic, who is the most senior ChaBAD sic official who took over from the Schneerson?
Thursday 16 Feb 11:00 AM
Don’t understand. I will look at the email
11:01 AM
You sent
Did you understand my question who took over from Schneerson?
@Solly Krok fb show you just joined us.
You were also included in the cc section, “Key to understanding”.
11:06 AM
I did not read yet. On a subway, not good signal
11:11 AM
You sent
Solly, obviously GemACH sic doesn’t want to put me in direct contact with the official who took over from Schneerson who advocated, and which we read in the ChaBAD sic newsletter that GemACH sic sent me and which I passed on to you, resulting in you like any normal person going furious, to put it mildly.
In essence ChaBAD sic-Schneerson advocating that there are no innocent victims to a crime, including the crime of rabbis raping young children
Solly, notice how this GemACH sic, a true representative of ChaBAD sic, runs off at the mouth with little nothings;
I did not read yet. On a subway, not good signal
It is just a question of time before I hear:
“I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct?”
He has quite the vocabulary.
Solly, you got a taste of it when the Lipskars
responded abruptly, “We don’t talk about it” to your good, logical question, “Where was God during the Holocaust?”
@Shneur Reti-Waks you are a victim of rape when you were a young kid by senior ChaBAD sic officials on their Melbourne, Australia branch.
Are you following along?
It seems to me right that you would be clueing in right now both your parents and 16 other siblings, assuming they are still alive, to witness the remorse of ChaBAD sic.
Solly, back to you.
What if you hadn’t asked about the Holocaust; instead asked,
“Where was God when senior officials of Melbourne ChaBAD sic raped at least 2 children of the Waks family who lived directly across from ChaBAD sic headquarters, making Manny and Sheur easy pickings; and then all the rabbis double down, ostracized the Waks family and made it very difficult for the Waks’ to sell their house, departing for Israel before they had a buyer?”
Solly, are you aware that ChaBAD sic couldn’t be bothered to hire a gardner to cut the grass of the Waks’ unoccupied house?
Don’t you feel like putting your hand in your pocket and sending them monies to cover such cost? I don’t think I need to tell what to write in the accompanying letter.
The last “wait” was at 11:06 AM Calif. time. It is now 11:27.
GemACH sic, how much longer before you tell me “Go to shul if there is one close” or “You don’t understand Torah. You are ignorant” or “I’ve been speaking with an anonymous person who has left your nonsense symposiums where I am the only person talking because I feel you are a lonely person and they tell me that I shouldn’t bother trying to get money from you because you are broke and live off your wife” or “Why do you bother me?” or again, “I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct?”
GemACH sic, let’s assume that you can only do one thing at a time besides for picking your nose.
What is the name of the official who took over from Schneerson?
GemACH sic, who told you that rabbi Abraham Shemtov introduced Wall Street crook, Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman to ChaBAD?
GemACH sic, do you remember saying yesterday at 2:22 PM Calif. time on NSS, “I do not Perlman or anyone associated with him and no nothing about him other them he was married …”?
Why did you previously, back on 21 January, at 4:40 PM Calif. time, write on NSS?:
Rabbi Shemtov of Philly. He was the one who brought Ronald to Lubavitch.
GemACH sic, have you heard of Rabbi Abraham Shemtov?
GemACH sic, you were saying again yesterday on NSS that Perelman received “spiritual cleansing” from ChaBAD sic, is that correct?
Would you expect that ChaBAD sic would have refused any and all monies from Perelman in return?
When you wrote earlier, “Whait Wait” were you thinking of anything else other than thinking it might get me off your back?
GemACH sic, is it ChaBAD sic standard operating procedure, when consciously misinterpreting Torah, because the consequences are colossal, the collapse of your cult that has a domino effect on the entire fabric of human society globally, and great, however, for all the other creatures as well as honest, hard working humans, happy to share, tired of all the bullshit, and you find yourself at your wits end, to vomit, “I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct?”?
It isn’t like you have your own version of Torah, because that wouldn’t fly.
Instead when caught in your first lie, again falsely stating that Torah supports the private ownership of land in Israel, which. of course has immediate and direct repercussions to all 4 corners of the planet, because non-religious law has its moral code stemming from Jewish Law-Halakha, you jump to naming a Jewish sage who is responsible; but that I should find someone to assist me with the research to locate such non-existent chapter and verse, because you are too busy, trying to fuck with me.
As time progresses, and I’m not letting you off the hook, you send me a section of Torah that contradicts your lie, and which you knew was a lie from the beginning.
Can you recall previously behaving so badly?
@Solly Krok, you must now be recounting each and every interaction you have had from the beginning with Schneerson’s top aids, Chaim and Mendel Lipskar who you tell me you continue to be in close contact.
@Torah Gemach aka Benzion … what if your actions beginning with that incredibly demented ChaBAD sic newsletter which had its author Rabbi Feigelstock attempting to get me to “laugh it off” and when that didnt work, he invited me to come to his synagogue and speak to the congregation but of course that was only deflection, have resulted in either a shortening of Solly Krok’s life and/or his enjoyment of life, how do you respond?
GemACH sic, I am still waiting. It is now 11:59 AM Calif. time
Let’s look again at the ChaBAD sic newsletter that caused South Africa’s biggest Jewish money sponsor of ChaBAD sic, multi-billionaire @Solly Krok to experience nothing short of the biggest stroke of his life.
The pdf may not be accessible by everyone.
Below are screenshots of the 2 page total crap newsletter:
A contact left the group.
Thurs. 12:04 PM
RabbiLevi Illulian left
You added David Masinter to the group.
You sent
Senior South African ChaBAD sic rabbi, @David Masinter how would you rate your underling, @Torah Gemach aka GemACH’s sic performance?
GemACH sic, did you find the email?
Do you know what email I am talking about?
If you are not sure, when you click on “Key to understanding” in your email inbox, you can try hitting the “reply all” button followed by the “send” button asking, “Did you all receive a copy of ‘Key to understanding’?”.
GemACH sic, would you like to know how President Biden’s top financial and legal advisor, America’s cash and land richest shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. and I first got acquainted?
Should I move on to how long it took me to develop the algorythms, without the aid of a computer or input from someone like mathematician, Marc Grossman or for that matter anyone, that convinced me that we had a really good chance of taking down Perelman and in the process shutting down all of Wall Street, meaning not only the New York Stock Exchange but every stock exchange including the London Stock Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange along with every bank and insurance institution, including Bank of England-London Exchequer?
GemACH sic, all of no more than 20 minutes; but I was surrounded by total silence.
Bear in mind, to complete the “takedown” of the entire financial services sector of the economy that rules the very lucrative war business, it would require simply lining up Mr. Krinsk Esq.’s intimate, Attorney General of New York State, Elliot Spitzer Esq. who wouldn’t need to be a math genius because all Mr. Krinsk Esq. needed to share was the hard evidence that our investigation eventually uncovered.
February 16 at 12:44 PM
Thu 12:44 PM
You sent
Of course you can ask Mr. Krinsk Esq. yourself what caused Attorney General Spitzer Esq to back off; whose office I had previously communicated with, and you should like this “Huff and Puff …” addressed to Professor of Finance, Yeshiva University New York City, Professor Aaron Brown when I was atop Machu Picchu, Peru for the third time, back on June 27, 2004:
GemACH sic, do you know personally Professor Aaron Brown?
Im not asking whether you both compare your beards each time you meet looking for lice, since what else would you talk about?; no, Im just asking if you know of him personally or previously heard of him?
This important “Whait Wait” business is fast approaching 2 hours.
Are you pushing the train with your tongue to loosen up your bowels; and if so, may I suggest strongly you have a diet problem?
Please don’t respond telling me that there are blood vessels inside your sick stomach that are programmed to do that allowing you to think more about how you are going to get out of your bind.
You added Deborah Sturman to the group.
You sent
GemACH sic, if you look carefully at the information provided in the previous link, you will see that in fact my communication with Professor Aaron Brown who was using the Internet to “trap” investors to help his friend-client, Melvyn Weiss Esq. a close colleague of Mr. Krinsk Esq. as well as Ms. @Deborah Sturman Esq., took place on an Internet forum the day before, June 26, 2004 at 9:19 PM.
GemACH sic, since you are waiting, let’s examine that post which Professor Brown would have preferred not:
Dear Yeshiva Professor and all [et al],
A gathering of international friends have spent the
past hour enjoying Peruvian wine and music at the hotel
atop Machu Picchu reflecting on the incredibly
uplifting news in the northern hemisphere preparing for
one incredible dinner.
Since when do pigs at the trough go into hybernation –
call it for what it is – hiding in your stone house!
Thinking that u can fart in peoples´ faces u forgot
that smokescreens only work in the stone age.
I´ve invaded your house with the Digital Age.
U just handed me the keys by closing your bulletin
People r getting enlightened QUICKer, faster www.NextraterresTrial.com.
Gary S. Gevisser
The Rattlesnake
P.S. – Make your plea bargain with the Feds.
Cc: FBI, Deborah Sturman Esq., Jeffrey R. Krinsk of
Finkelstein & Krinsk, Kenneth Standard Esq – President
of the New York State Bar Assocation et al the
representative sampling of the world´s literate
1:06 PM
You sent
GemACH sic, need I remind you that very close intimate of Attorney General New York State Elliot Spitzer Esq., scal Mr. @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. was previously fully acquainted with my “risk assessment” services that led to the filing on 1 October 1999, the epic lawsuit against big ChaBAD sic sponsor, Wall Street crook Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman who I had previously run into during a short elevator ride to visit with chairman of the board Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000]
and his wife Veronica, some 6 years earlier; and nor did Perelman and I, at the time, discuss you or the Schneerson.
GemACH sic, so while we all wait and remember 93 year old Solly Krok who was born 2 days before my extraordinary and inspirational, highly secretive British-English mother Zena, the first civilian allowed into the capture Sinai territories following the 6 Day War, and the day before his identical twin brother Abe
is not getting any younger, what “support” do you think Perelman receives from ChaBAD sic in return for you cleansing his soul?
Do you think, GemACH sic, that Wikipedia have got it wrong?
“He supports them because he thinks they are Judaism’s best chance for surviving and thriving in modern society.”
GemACH sic, we all know that you, nor the rest of ChaBAD sic have a direct link to God because first of all God would tell you the drawbacks of eating a tortured from birth animal and then letting its rotting, dead carcass poison your insides that slow down your thinking along with the rest of the body and the smell you put out should warn off the healthy human which I understand does not come as first nature to any of you.
God would also tell you that in preparing for G DNature returning, if that is what you believe, man is supposed to repair the earth which is not helped by the impurities placed in the water supply or for that matter the methane messing with the air we all breath by domesticated livestock who have to be continuously produced in order to replenish the 90 billion animals slaughtered every year to poison that much more the sick, unconscious.
GemACH sic, do you remember what took place 54 days before “Huff and Puff…”?
3 May 2004 was when AIG senior risk management specialist Ron Bellows Snr. sent me his “I need a drink ….”
GemACH sic, again you have time because you also know time waits for no man, to look AIG’s share price at the close of trading on 3 May 2004, 192 days before I broke my 24 year silence with Harry Oppenheimer’s mineral-land-banking-war empire.
GemACH sic are you able to identify Nelson Mandela in the above lineup?
GemACH sic, I am assuming you are aware of where Wall Street is located just down the road from you and what takes place there?
Previously you have intimated that you consider yourself somewhat of an expert of world affairs given that you say you found material errors in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic non fiction book, The Diamond Invention that so far no one else I have communicated with has been able to find.
Granted you were lying but still let us hold you to your word.
We have also established that it is not possible for either a stupid person or a liar to believe in anything other than the money and so you must have more expertise in money than you do matter of God where you are a total failure, no different of course than say The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow and his brother @Roy Essakow.
The two of them are of course very quiet, and when they have spoken it has been very threatening and so you have common ground in your gross treachery.
Again, Im not saying that either of them are expert in money matters and it is easy to make money if you are a crook or an unwitting pawn such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon.
I only refer to Bezos as a dimwit because if he was sophisticated financially he would know that the Walton family would never have allowed Amazon.com to get off the ground unless they were in the driver’s seat.
The fact that I can easily see Bezos making the claim that he wasn’t so stupid and knew all along he was being given a “free ride” is because I can’t think of anything else he would say in his defense.
GemACH sic, were you comfortable when first reading chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON of The D I book because you are a buffoon who has been cursed by God and lacked the mental capacity to read and comprehend basic, simple English?
Without you forgetting that you have yet to tell me what job I might possibly apply for, and I think you would agree exposing every corrupt religious and non-religious institution in the world with one stroke couldn’t be seen as wrong in God’s eyes, look, you miserable specimen, at the AIG Yahoo Historial Data section:
Scroll down to 3 May 2004, and you will see that AIG, adjusted for splits and the like, last traded at just shy of $916 a share.
Scroll up to 25 June 2004; $915
So far so good, right?
GemACH sic, let me know when you have read, “Key to understanding”.
February 16 at 2:17 PM
Thu 2:17 PM
You sent
You would agree, GemACH sic, that it takes a while, according to the stats we are looking at, before things go totally catastrophic, beginning on 11 September 2008, 4 years, 4 months and 8 days after Bellows’ Snr. provides the “smoking gun”.
The next day 12 September, the share price is pretty much halved and eventually settling down under $5 a share.
GemACH sic, are you looking at the share price of TESLA right now?
@Harry Rady, why don’t you share with GemACH sic a selfie of yourself and in the backgroun your bank of computer screens of total bullshit graphs and analysis and forget the electricity spewing forth into your cells.
You added Larry Winokur to the group.
You added Larry Shain to the group.
You sent
Added retired Hollywood celebrity promoter @Larry Winokur
Added rabbi @Larry Shain
It would be nice to have cardiologist Paul Bozo The Clown Tierstein MD but he has hit the block but remains a member of NSS.
GemACH sic do you have a cardiologist you and your wife “prefer of others” [sic]?
GemACH sic, fb show that you are following along both Lost soul and NSS but for the others, I just posted up on NSS the following:
You added a participant to the group.
You sent
Bozo The Clown cardiologist @Paul Teirstein MD we were just talking about you on Lost soul symposium and I was saying to @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka GemACH sic:
It would be nice to have cardiologist Paul Bozo The Clown Tierstein MD but he has hit the block but remains a member of NSS.
GemACH sic do you have a cardiologist you and your wife prefer of others?
[Seen by Roch Chouinard at 2:28 PM]
Bozo the Clown
the reason I brought you up is because we are discussing AIG [American International Corporation] one of your favorite subjects and one you impressed upon me when we ran into you at Barbarella Restaurant & Bar a good decade ago if not much longer that you should have been the first person your best friend, member America’s cash and land richest shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. should have called when looking for a shareholder of AIG before the share price began to tank and which I gave him ample advance warning.
Of course, you were just talking to fill up empty airtime after you asked my gorgeous and equally super smart F-C wife Marie Dion and me, “How come I don’t see you any more at Jeffrey’s parties?”, and MDG’s quick, simple reply, “Why don’t you ask Jeffrey?”; again took the wind out of your sail, hence the chatter that followed; and nor did I feel the need to speak, just nodding my head gently, without going overboard; you know what I mean.
@Andrea Kerzner while you sat on your father Sol “Gambling Czar” Kernzer’s board and your university economics schooling not really helping much, rather much like your father’s Chartered Accountancy background, it only led you both down the garden path, you should still have much of your grace.
The same of course cannot be said about GemACH sic or for that matter every ChaBAD sic Black Hatter I have run into in person or on the Internet.
Making it my business to avoid energy vampires and time stealers is part of the success to leading a happy life which is helped greatly by the High Energy to the point of invisibility guiding one to a partner-lover the result of choosing the good path.
Of course until you make the conscious decision to choose the good path you can understand why it is that you are a cynic and only happy when you hear about the unhappiness of others and/or go out of your way to make others unhappy.
Let’s take a quick break from the war-financial services sector to the religious sector where it all begins.
It looks like RabbiLevi Illulian belongs to ChaBAD sic cult or another that ends up doing the same thing; namely misleading, steering the young curious mind into not questioning all the while concentrating the talk around the money that stunts questioning.
Blind faith, if you say it enough times, even if you laugh at its stupidity especially if you are Jewish and you are also told us Jewish people are the questioning people, again the exact opposite of the ChaBAD sic cult movement that the virulent anti-Israel, anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers elevated to prominence in the two most concentrated Jewish populations following the SA Oppenheimers’ victory in the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals following World War II; and again it didn’t go unnoticed by Ben Gurion who didn’t wait to speak his mind whenever an idiot Jewish person arrived with a big check in his hand and thinking that Ben Gurion was going to prone himself on the ground and keep kissing until the money bearer said, “This is getting embarrassing. I don’t deserve such an honor. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.”
@Antony Unruh, you must have felt at least once in your life beginning to feel embarrassed for a foolish person who is talking absolute nonsense?
Let’s see if we can bring back Rabbi Illulian who has yet to accept my fb friend invitation.
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Ah, there he is.
@RabbiLevi Illulian, can you tell us how you feel right now?
When you assess someone to get something out of them whether it be sex or money do you first look at the condition of their shoes or the size of their belly?
A palm reader is what I envision for all the fake religious when they return.
By that I mean, if say your first life once getting out of the compost, the highest and best use of most all humans, you fly towards a palm tree looking for the sweetest date.
You would need good eye vision as well as an acute sense of smell.
GemACH sic do you feel that you pile on the table salt because you like the taste of poison salt or because you feel otherwise you might as well be eating burnt rubber?
@RabbiLevi Illulian, what do you think of GemACH sic suggesting very strongly that I must have been raped as a kid by an animal making out that they are a rabbi?
Do you think that is simply par for the course based on all your training to infiltrate at all cost?
Imagine a stranger going up to a complete stranger and asking them what they know about the finances of someone they are trying to infiltrate as well as their spouse?
Could you see such as person not being in the least put off by their fellow rabbis raping innocent children?
A contact left the group.
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@Solly Krok how are you doing recollecting your arrival in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) and the first to greet you was Chaim Lipskar who was the last person you were expecting?
February 16 at 7:24 PM
Thu 7:24 PM
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You added Robert Rothman and Robert Lobel to the group.
Fri 17 Feb 1:06 PM
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It is now 1:06 PM Calif. time, Friday, 17 November 2023.
You added Robert Lobel and Robert Rothman
Fri 1:22 PM
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Treacherous plotter, ChaBAD sic bad actor @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka GemACH sic, has yet to acknowledge receipt of his copy of yesterday’s email broadcast, “Key to understanding”; and nor has he said who at ChaBAD sic who were silent when Harry Oppenheimer wiped out all their resistance in Israel back in the late 70s while the world was distracted with the bullshit of the Camp David Accords, took over from Schneerson who died on 12 June 1994, age 92 without this widely proclaimed “Jewish Messiah” coming close to bringing peace to the planet.
Not to mention nor did Schneerson make a dent in ending the suffering of the 90 billion domesticated animals such as pigs, turkeys, chickens,
and cows slaughtered each year to fill the guts of the unconscious including his ChaBAD sic followers, like himself, “Worshippers of ink on paper”.
How important were those pair of Camp David Accords signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and bought Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
the first on 17 September 1978, 78 days prior to renowned American Professor Edward Jay Epstein, author of the 1978 epic non-fiction The Diamond Invention
first meeting with virulent anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-competition, anti-fair trade agreement, pro war, pro global chaos German-South African, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], and the second on 26 March 1979, right when I was now officially employed by Harry Oppenheimer’s global terrorist empire?
Important enough that I knew it would be suicidal to speak out, other than to my highly secretive British-English mother Zena
who then shared enough with my father Bernie
whose training and experience in World War II
made him acutely aware that more deadly than ground to air artillery fire, ak ak,
that took out John “Jock” Lithgow
kneeling in the front row on the far right, and my dad standing on the far left next
on 29 January 1945, 2 days after the Russian Red Army liberated Auschwitz, is the silence of wretched family members, harboring deep rooted jealousy, and for which money grabbing is their second most joy.
GemACH sic, how does ChaBAD sic teach its membership how best to cope with the onslaught of jealousy?
For example, did the Schneerson advocate and pass down, taking the very best care of the Godgiven body-temple would attract more positive feedback from the opposite or if you are gay, from the same sex, to enhance your positive disposition?
Or do you think it is simply natural for an ugly born child to be predisposed towards evil?
Before getting married within ChaBAD sic, are there any Charm School courses given in how best to attract someone beautiful looking leading to a long-term happy marriage or do they totally dispense with that bullshit and profess, “Be happy with the ugliest and pleasantly surprised surprised that your future father in law is filthy rich and in a worst case scenario you can grab the dirt and trade up”?
Before scrolling back to help imagine what
20 year old “Jock” Lithgow,
knew what was awaiting him, traveling at some 800 kilometers per hour, spiraling towards the ground, trapped in his cockpit
with burning hot flames all around, and it wasn’t going to be a controlled, soft, bellyflop landing; more likely looking forward to a quick end, sooner than a Sumarai sword expertly applied which is not always the case, let us take a quick look at AIG’s share price at close, adjusted of course, on 29 November 2004, 18 days after I broke my 24 year deafening silence with H. Oppenheimer-IG Farben-Bayer-Monsanto-Bank of England, although it was only 5 odd days later, 16 November 2004, that Leon Cohen of Codiam Inc., Oppenheimer’s most important “listening post” sight holder, acknowledged receipt of “Remember me?”
and on 24 November abruptly cut off communications when I wrote back to him, 3 odd minutes after he suggested we get together for lunch in New York:
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 11:51 AM
To: leon@codiam.com
Subject: RE: Hello
Terrific – I am still waiting to hear back from the feds and then I will let u know my plans.
All the best,
Friday, 17 Feb 3:32 PM
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GemACH sic would you ever turn down a free meal, period?
Would you first talk with the person whose name you don’t want to share with me once you realized that not only would you get a free lunch where you could order a BLT [Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato] sandwich which is all that Leon’s father, Stephen ate at every lunch, but the person you will be dining with could eat Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman for lunch?
Remember, we are only talking about money that uplifts most modern day humans.
GemACH sic, you of course remember well telling me that Schneerson understood money which he applied when discussing with Prime Minister Begin the land they could buy from the Arabs on the west bank of Israel rather than risk Israeli lives in armed combat.
Peter Lawrence Ewart left the group.
You know the story of Court Jester who is looking to be a young upwardly-mobile professional [Yuppie], and to achieve financial independence well ahead of “swolling” [sic] the purple pill, all the while aware that there are younger, better looking, more agile, sexier competitor just waiting in the wings.
@Torah Gemach aka GemACH sic, are you aware of greater sex enjoyment if you are healthy versus ugly, fat, unhealthy?
You would agree that not only do Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot wings attract the hottest French women bathing mostly naked on the French Riviera, and you might not recognize the French Côte d’Azur, ) the Mediterranean coast of southeastern France that includes famously glamorous beach resorts such as Saint-Tropez and Cannes
where my father and 2 of his buddy Fighter Bomber Pilots of South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] elite Squadron 11
spent a week vacationing, 8-14 February 1945, following the day before, 7 Feb, “WE BOMBED WRONG TARGET – SHAMBLES DE -LUX NO A.A.” which didn’t mean his two 500 high explosive bombs didn’t kill Germans and traitor Italians while scaring the living daylights out of German High Command that the American 8th Army was testing for weak points in the German defense at the same time authenticating Partisan intelligence.
Either way, Allied Command which briefed General Smuts who was second in command to Churchill; meaning that in the event Churchill died or became incapacitated, Smuts would have become Prime Minister of Great Britain and mineral rich South Africa, ROVER JOE STRONG POINT BUGGIANO
which my father probably mispells, wouldn’t have been forgotten.
GemACH sic, you would agree that with Hitler tracking every Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot in the most important region of the war, all designed to take pressure off the Red Army, it was smart that their radio conversations were spoken in Afrikaans, much the same as in Israel’s War of Independence, once my father’s wingman, Captain Syd Cohen arrived in Israel late June 1948, and although not yet Commander of Fighter Squadron 101, all 5 Arab armies were that much more anxious.
You added Alexis Hearst to the group.
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GemACH sic, do you recall by “hearst” [sic] what the writing of my father’s reads on the back of the postcard with the photo of himself and Syd Cohen taken in December 1944?
Added Alexis Hearst, great neice of my client Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000], a World War pilot instructor.
The sun is still very bright, but not for long, perfect time for an evening mountain bike ride, and having to think less of the mountain lions who at this time of the year are very hungry.
To mention little of when Attorney General of New York State, Elliot Spitzer Esq.’s one top assistant, Whitman Knapp Esq. heard me say over the phone, “I just sent you an email, please check your inbox”, he didn’t have to say, “Gary, do you mind if I get to enjoy my stroke in peace and quiet”, but still after reading, “Attorney Knapp – Although we r on the phone at this moment may I make one further suggestion, have Mr. Spitzer not spare another moment in calling me on 1-858-945-6398 …” and partially recovered, he knew it was time for Elliot Spitzer Esq. to take charge and reevaluate his refreshing criminal complaint against megalopoly AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd, which of course Spitzer Esq. promptly did; and if he had thought about getting hold of a $200 hobbyist hot air balloon to distract the masses, he might have ordered a dozen.
GemACH sic, can you share with us a photo of the flower arrangement you brought your wife for Valentine’s Day?
Fri 11:11 PM
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Sat. February 18 at 10:51 AM
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@Torah Gemach aka Benzion … GemACH sic, do you think stretchy clothes allowed people to get fatter?
They wear athletic clothes not because they exercise.
It is not very profound
“I do do other exercise”.
My mother Zena, would be appalled at how inappropriately dressed are people.
That is ugly.
You are passed the age where you want to show so much skin , even after surgery, and crash dieting.
Sat 1:13 PM
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@Roch Chouinard why haven’t you left, and you know what to do, that you don’t get added back?
It is now 1:12 PM Calif time 18 February 23
A contact left the group.
February 18 at 10:30 PM
Sat 10:30 PM
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Repeat of Name Someone Stupid [NSS]:
Pope RabbiLevi couldn’t take it.
No evidence that God punished Israel in her War of Independence [1947-1949] when not one of her senior commanders, including the 2 commanders of the IAF’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101, wore skullcaps-kippahs like those worn by the Popes, tools of the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition.
Let’s move on to the forthcoming Russian offensive.
Laser focus Israel.
The Biggest Surprise of War: Israel made the tough decision against Russia!
Wagner chief openly blasts Russia’s official military leadership
Talking heads.
It is now 10:24 PM Calif. time 18 Feb 23
Israel again.
Preemptive strike on Russian-Belarus air force bases; that would be good, instead of waiting for more destruction, more deaths, people dying.
Way of Thinking by Richard Feynman | The Cosmological Reality
He has a sense of humor, otherwise he would go crazy.
He’s so brilliant, he can admit that he doesn’t know anything
High Energy to the point of invisibility, visiting
[GemACH sic shows his face]
You added Keith Edwards Sr. to the group.
You added Jared Lipworth and Annabell Lipworth to the group.
Today at 9:25 AM
9:25 AM
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Added voyeurs @Jared Lipworth and @Annabell Lipworth
Added former IT professional, divorced @Keith Edwards Sr.
Monday Feb 20 9:27 AM
Keith Edwards Sr.
Ok on it.
9:50 AM
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@Keith Edwards Sr. when did you post up on your fb wall, “… It’s not food. It’s that simple”?
9:55 AM
2 days ago.
Pigs are not food. Neither are cows. Or goats or chickens
When humans began eating meat is when they started killing each other.
10:05 AM
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@Keith Edwards Sr. we have all seen your words and that includes snitch Black Hatter, fool follower of snitch Rebbe Schneerson, GemACH sic aka @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond, without forgetting the Lipworth family and the rest of the voyeurs.
You have also shown that you can keep quiet when it comes time to speak out.
I would very much like for you to not interrupt until you have studied both the names of existing membership and read everything from the beginning of Lost Souls.
And then only speak if you have something original to say and I haven’t seen anything from you so far that shows you have ever had an original thought.
Then again you have already stated that you are self-taught.
The man below standing to my right
10:07 AM
Thumbs up sign
is Spanish master painter impressionist Sebastian Capella who passed away in the United States back in early 2013 when my one of a kind F-K (Française-Canadian) wife
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Marie Dion + Mango+me
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10:54 AM
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@Keith Edwards Sr., hold up.
11:28 AM
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… were staying in his and his wife Margarita’s
palatial residence in Valencia, Spain.
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@Keith Edwards Sr., I said not to interrupt and besides you reinforce that you are on a much higher level than the rest of us, which I don’t see with your unoriginal video post above that interrupted the flow.
i also dont believe celebrate priests are happy just like I don’t think people who sleep with fat people, i.e. have sex are as happy as those in great physical-mental shape, the. two go hand in hand.
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@Keith Edwards Sr., the fact that you couldn’t remember 2 important posts of mine on you fb wall is probably because you chose to ignore them when I repeated them to you on fb messaging; and yet you keep writing now only because you are as uncomfortable as those playing voyeur and you too are not listening, only focused on what you want to say; and you are needy, which I have previously pointed out in our fb messaging conversation.
You can’t be spiritual when you are purposefully distracting, no different to GemACH sic who can’t get enough of his Kosher cancer meat-dairy or for that matter my 3 elder siblings and my two elder brothers Neil and Melvin led by the nose by our horrific dresser and speaker sister @Kathy Danziger.
11:38 AM
I’m not angry at anyone. Peace is the absence of anger.
Who are you angry at???
You sent
Sarcasm @Keith Edwards Sr. is the very first indicator of a non-spiritual person, unless they have already outed the spiritual imposter such as GemACH sic and the rest of the ChaBAD sic movement.
A dialog has to be more than one.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr., you have been very clear that you are happy being celebrate for donkey years and that is abnormal.
I’m just old. It happens to us.
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So it would make sense that you feel defensive and go on the attack accusing me of being angry when you are so sexually frustrated.
I just asked.
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Nor should you assume that old people when making the excuse for their terrible sex life are honest in their beliefs about anything.
You didn’t just ask, you were looking to deflect and distract.
I don’t have very much desire
If any
You sent
Would you now like to hear from Professor Capella about the importance of a self-taught person which you say you are?
I was raised poor even here in the USA. Not unusual. I’m listening to you.
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I could care less if your parents were Romulus and Remus. Anything about your personal life that you think is important should be in the about section of your fb profile.
I am also teaching you and others the importance of the discovery by us humans of order and mathematics at its highest level, General Relativity-Quantum Mechanics.
I will also keep to my own pace as well as unique style that you shouldn’t attempt to imitate because again I have found nothing original in what you have to say and dressing up what you have heard elsewhere, no different to the rest waking up to being all about the money and yet they didn’t have the first clue how the money system actually works.
Would you now like to hear from Professor Capella about the importance of a self-taught person which you say you are?
Thumbs up sign
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@Keith Edwards Sr., I don’t care for emojis, because they allow too much wiggle room for the needy who are more prone to snitch and snitches are the first order of people who have stolen the land-minerals that belong to everyone and then layered their corruption with far lesser crimes against humanity.
Answer the question, would you now like to hear from Professor Capella about the importance of a self-taught person which you say you are, either with “Yes, I would like to hear what Professor Capella has to say” or “No, I don’t want to hear what he has to say.”
Yes thanks
You sent
Are you saying “Yes” that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?
Nor am I interested in if you have a different opinion to Professor Capella because I simply don’t trust your judgment which you explain you lack when you say that you are happy being “celebrate” [sic].
Nor should you argue this point with me. My mind is made up entirely about you, just as it is GemACH sic and the rest of the sick ChaBAD sic cult.
@Keith Edwards Sr., you need to be faster with your answers.
Are you saying that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?
Just write “yes” and I will understand.
BTW, @Keith Edwards Sr. did you ever have a great teacher like Richard Feynman?
I misspoke…I’m at peace with being celibate..
an entirely different thing. Happiness is rare for me. Peace is most of the time.
You sent
Are you saying that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?
Just write “yes” and I will understand.
How old are you?
I’ve heard of Richard Feynman but no.
You sent
Are you saying that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?
Yes I’m 72 last bday.
You sent
72 is young if you are in great shape, the same as if you are 21 in bad shape, it is hell.
Are you saying that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?
I live in the USA. There is really no sexuality here unless one is very wealthy. It must be bought and bargained for. It is exhausting. Yes
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. I also don’t want to hear any of your philosophy because I’ve heard it, and it is nothing original.
Proverbs is original; “It is better to keep quiet and let everyone think you to be a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt”; and it applies to you, GemACH sic who has yet to give us the name of the ChaBAD sic official who took over from the Schneerson when he died without this self-proclaimed Messiah bringing peace to the planet, given how Schneerson, nor the rest of the cult who hijacked our Jewish religion care one iota for the happiness of the animals they slaughter to feed their bloodthirsty cravings, addictions.
Again, just answer my question “Are you saying that you want to hear what Professor Capella has to say and that you also promise not to interrupt even after I share with you what Professor Capella has to say?” with a complete sentence, “Yes, I give up. I won’t try distracting to deflect that I hate myself that at 72 I have failed to make myself sexually attractive to a most beautiful woman. I want to hear what Professor Capella has to say about people such as myself who are self-taught and I promise not to interrupt the class again until you have dismissed the entire class including me, in which case I will be quiet until the class reconvenes.”
@Keith Edwards Sr., have you looked at the current “rooster” [sic]
of Lost soul?
@Keith Edwards Sr., you know that a person with knowledge of the inner workings of the universe cannot be angry.
You knew that your earlier question was “off base”?
At 9:24 AM Calif. time and it is now 12:38 PM you wrote to me, “I just went to you fb. You have interesting posts.”
Since you last spoke at 12:09 PM , “It is exhausting. Yes” it is highly doubtful you are now sitting at a bar trying to trap a barfly.
Can you imagine a person such as GemACH sic who maintains that he is religious, pious, good and that you would first and foremost trust him over the person flogging either war or Cryptos, which is one and the same, no different to the fraud of the world’s stock markets whose first. Amsterdam Stock Exchange was founded in 1602, 173 odd years before the bs Lubavitcher-ChaBAD sic cult movement, 1775 to help you with the arithmetic, refusing to give the name of the new leadership who make it their business to embrace the biggest Jewish Wall Street crook, Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman?
@Keith Edwards Sr. I do want to get on with things and explain the teachings about man’s lack of humanity when a nobody, Jewish Natie Kirsch “asset stripped” our 60 year old hugely successful multinational national trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Comanies [1910-1970] headquartered at 173 Maydon Road, Durban, South Africa
and the lack of unity amongst the family members combined with the entire leadership of the Jewish South African community, both religious and irreligious corrupt, it made for very interesting times, but nor was it in the least bit depressing; on the contrary it reinforced the genius of the Creator to have engineeered what looks like a mistake specie, until you just scratch the surface.
I have no religion or theology. Never practiced business…being a nobody is very peaceful.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. if Hitler came at you with a chain saw long enough to cut down General Sherman or similar sequoia
standing in one spot; meaning you wouldn’t need to shift your position given the length of the blade, and the chainsaw is running at full blast with a full petrol tank, would you fear Hitler less if you knew God exists?
What is are not real. More likely a grizzly bear. Just lay down be quiet maybe he go away.
Sorry what ifs’ are not real
God’s I do not know. May the force be with you.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. you protest that you were raised poor, like member @Errol Graham Musk, wouldn’t you therefore make it your business to learn everything there was to know about money so that you wouldn’t find yourself like President Zelenskyy being bled to death and the western alliance saying that they want to see better results on the battlefield before first getting rid of old stock?
Since you say that you don’t know God then wouldn’t it make sense to learn where you went wrong in the first place?
I don’t protest being raised poor. War stuff is insanity. So no concern to me.
You sent
What did you learn from being poor?
When the past is not here it’s not important.
I don’t desire stuff.
You sent
So how we got here from that first hydrogen atom that shows no evidence of humanity, is unimportant to you?
I get enough to get by. So ok.
Nothing past matters.
You sent
You are not telling the truth when you say that you don’t desire stuff.
You show that you are needy by making a spectacle of yourself on social media.
Nobody knows.
I like to share if I have anything I share it with others.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. since you couldn’t figure out the corruption of the money that only takes common sense you would be wrong to assume that because you are a fool and therefore cannot be expected to know Let’s get back to Professor Capella, do
BTW love the painting of the woman and dog.
You sent
Again, I could care less what you think of the portrait of my wife and Pypteetoe because your only knowledge is limited to that it looks beautiful to the naked eye, without a clue to the Godgiven expertise that it took to produce such unimaginable beauty.
Then again you are joined by most all Professors of History of Art.
We should stick to what we know.
Previously I hadn’t completed my post when I inadvertently hit the return button, so I will rewrite.
I am no critic. Just like what I like.
According to you I don’t know anything.
But we both were raised by savages.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr., since you couldn’t figure out the corruption of the money that only takes common sense you would be wrong to assume that because you are a fool and therefore cannot be expected to know God and God’s genius moves; so why would you talk for people who are smarter than you?
Let’s get back to Professor Capella’s position on the teacher of a self-taught person.
Are you ready for that answer?
If so, write the following, “Yes, I am ready to hear Professor Capella’s view of a self-taught person”. Otherwise, just be quiet.
@Keith Edwards Sr. I take it that you were really undecided when giving the thumbs up and also saying “yes” but vague, and now your silence is clear that you don’t want to hear what Professor Capella has to say about the teacher of a self-taught person.
Can you say, therefore, why it is that you are not alone in knowing so little about South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] who saved half of European Jewry before going on to prepare with Mossad head David Ben Gurion
the defense of the pending attack on 15 May 1948 by the 5 Arab armies following Ben Gurion the day before declaring Statehood for us Jewish people who had nowhere to run during the very orchestrated Wall Street-IG Farben-SA Oppenheimer Jewish Holocaust?
Nor am I convinced that you only know a little about Smuts since in all likelihood you haven’t previously heard his name.
@Keith Edwards Sr. didn’t you find yourself often in class thinking you were stupid because you weren’t as bright as the brightest person?
How did that make you feel?
That’s nice. I actually do think I’ve heard of him. History is always wrong. Maybe some truth gets through. Not a fan.
You sent
Shouldn’t a fool, using common sense, not speak for everyone unless they think everyone is a fool?
Did you ever come first in anything?
Never thought of myself as smart or stupid. I’m curious and love to read. So that goes kinda far.
You sent
Maybe this is a good time to think.
I played a lot of team sports. Win some lose some.
You sent
You are saying that you don’t remember what it was like to feel stupid when you didn’t come first.
We are talking about the classroom where you are being taught subjects like math.
I don’t ever remember being first.
I was great at History and biology and typing.
You sent
Okay, we’ve established that you never once remember being first in any classroom subject, is that correct?
When you didn’t come first did you feel that you were smarter than the kid who did?
Well biology class I was highest average.
You sent
I see you as the average plotter.
When you didn’t come first did you feel that you were smarter than the kid who did?
I have never felt smarter than anyone. Everyone is a different smart.
You sent
Are you saying that you felt indifferent or smarter or more stupid than the person who came first?
I was ok with getting by.
You sent
Do you, like GemACH sic resent the fact that you look and feel old at 72 and that results in less positive looks from beautiful women who you are trying to impress on social media with your weak intellect?
@Keith Edwards Sr. can your weak ego let you admit that it never occurred to you to investigate how the money is valued and distributed and the need for wars to cover up this atrocity?
@Keith Edwards Sr.have you thumbed through the membership of Lost soul?
I’m not trying to impress women. If a women happens ok if not ok. I’m 72. I already had sex a lot and kids.
Yes did not recognize anyone.
You sent
So the sex wasn’t that great and so you don’t really miss it?
Have you heard of Elon Musk?
All sex is wonderful. But you are correct some is different and better. Sex is no longer a glue for me.
You sent
Would you be interested in what his 150+ IQ, brilliant engineer father, member @Errol Graham Musk has to say about me?
I’ve heard of him.
You sent
What have you heard about Elon Musk?
Billionaire wants to rule the galaxy. 8 or 9.children.
Buddy I’m starting to like you. You are warming up.
You sent
Are you saying you have “8 or 9 children” or that you have read in the tabloids, which you say you dont believe because all history is wrong, Elon has fathered 8 or 9 children?
Im just trying to establish if it is possible to calibrate you.
Nor am I your buddy. I do not like people who con.
I’ve hear EM has 8 or 9 children. But no I don’t know.
Calibrate away.
Sorry can’t help it.
Thumbs up sign
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Why are you no longer turned on by what Professor Capella has to say about the teacher of a self-taught person?
I also understand that you are going through the continous cycle of grief and it won’t be long before you turn angry like GemACH sic and the rest.
I promise I will not get angry.
All humans are grieving to some extent. We are killing everything.
You sent
Does it tell you to shut the fuck up or listen better than you ever have when reading what @Errol Graham Musk, the father of Elon and member @Kimbal Musk has to say:
Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!
followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
I would never write a history of the 20th century. I would get it all wrong. And so would anybody. History can never be recalled accurately without embellishments.
You sent
So you are saying that you were indifferent when you felt stupid for not coming first in class?
Do you think repeated ignoring of one’s feelings of stupid, and to deny the truth, makes you a more conscious human?
Nothing ever happened to me.in the past, I have forgiven and forgotten..
Every second is same. Forgive forget. Easy peasy.
If you were here I would invite you to trivia night.
You would be an asset.
You sent
You know that I would much more enjoy visiting with Hitler than to bother breaking bread with you.
Do you feel in any way stupid that being born poor financially and not as bright as say @Errol Graham Musk you didn’t ask questions about the money?
For example if you weren’t self-taught wouldn’t you if you had all the money in the world, buy up all the weapons?
When you say I would be an “asset” so that you could not only leverage knowing me in order to make money connections and/or get laid by a beautiful woman?
What do you think you can teach me when you go out of your way to avoid learning what Professor Capella has to say about the teacher of a self-taught person such as yourself?
Would you prefer to be self-taught or taught by the snitch Schneerson or is there no difference?
You were being sarcastic weren’t you when asserting that I would be an “asset”?
How can a sarcastic person who is using sarcasm to hide their true feelings be spiritual?
No it’s just the enjoyment of the game. Friends. Food. I don’t drink alcohol. Been playing for years with this group. We are always looking for a person who know history.
You sent
You don’t like war and yet you don’t want to learn that like GemACH sic you are profiting from President Zelenskyy being denied the weapons he needs to protect his people.
You contradict yourself.
You say that no one knows history.
Humans are always at war. No big deal.
Boom boom out go the lights. Yawn
You sent
Your reaction to member @Errol Graham Musk’s 100 precision words shows that you are a jealous person, no different to GemACH sic and most all of the membership including my 3 elder siblings who were raised in the smartest most moral household, but they too weren’t gifted with sufficient common sense to ask the right questions.
Therefore it is highly unlikely outside of an Act of God that we are going to find amongst us humans more than the handful of good people I have already encountered.
God you are boring.
You would think that a boring person would at least make certain that they had a spectacular body to please a beautiful woman.
Are you not able to see that your poor brain wiring prevented you from applauding Errol Musk’s positive words?
Can you see why visiting with Hitler or for that matter Putin who is one and the same it would be far more interesting than listening to your crap?
Could you see given the ingenious order of the universe that the human such as yourself was hardwired stupid, resentful, jealous etc for the simple purpose of demonstrating the ingenious Creator who created the self-destructive human with a big ego that he would rather die than let go of their ego?
What others think of me is none of my business. Love loves to love love.
All the ego anyone needs is enough to avoid getting hit by a bus.
You sent
If it is possible for people such as yourself and GemACH sic at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to intellect, you are so wishy-washy to change your attitude in order to improve your chances of being born rather than an ant, a human with more intelligence as well as good looking so that the best looking women in the world would desire you as their sex toy, then we can progress with those far less ugly and more intelligent until we are all on the same page, understanding that it is only money that stands in the way of Ukraine able to withstand the pending massive attack by Russia.
@Keith Edwards Sr. first you have to admit that you were angry when reading Errol Musk’s most accurate 100 words.
Second, you have to admit that you know shit about history because you lacked the common sense to ask the smartest people in the world why for example Israel had to defend herself following the world being outraged over our Jewish Holocaust.
This is all about your ego @Keith Edwards Sr.
You are divorced because you don’t get along perfectly with everyone.
The easy going person who doesn’t understand the money-war relationship is pretending to be happy.
You are fucking miserable.
Misery loves company.
You have a very similar look to the wretched GemACH sic.
I could see you dancing together.
Have you heard of Twitter?
If so do you know who owns Twitter?
The more you tell me the more I love you. My friend.
Twitter never impressed me much.
You sent
I didn’t ask your opinion on Twitter.
Do you remember my question?
Could you see God smart enough to fool all the fools?
You can’t even admit the despair you felt when you didn’t come first.
Moreover if you were good at history then you had a fool for a teacher.
@Keith Edwards Sr. you of course know perfectly well that you are helping send a very important message with all the time you have spent here today pretending to be enlightened, intelligent.
I’m driving get you later
You sent
I know this conversation would be most interesting to President Zelensky.
I’m sorry it sucks right now for him
You sent
Unless you are willing to admit that your big ego has got in the way, don’t bother with more of your dribble.
Nor are you in the least bit sorry.
You are again attempting to deflect from the fact that you are very short on knowledge and only now finding out so late in life when you feel like you are dying; and what can be worse than knowing you are a fool and not getting laid by a beautiful mind-body?
Do you want to choose war?
You sent
Have you pulled to the side of the road?
Actually i’m using my voice recorder
Works pretty good
You sent
That means you are reckless because you are not focused on driving and we know you are quite stupid.
You are pretty awful. You should consider joining ChaBAD sic.
It’s too bad woman
You sent
When writing, “Do you want to choose war?” it a very sick mind.
Let me explain in detail.
Is bad a woman?
You sent
Your follow up “Is bad a woman” is further proof that you are a dishonorable person.
Well you could introduce us
You sent
Your thinking is that you can say just about anything, any garbage will be suffice.
Just trying to light things up
You sent
Let’s step back a little.
What do you mean when you write, “Do you want to choose war?”
Humans choose war and vislands and they suffer
You sent
You are lying when you say that you are just trying to “light things up” and the correct word is “lighten”.
I know but I couldn’t get it to say that you know what I mean
You sent
You are embarrassed because you feel stupid before a worldwide audience.
I know but I just love all the human beings. You’re welcome
You sent
Your last post shows you know that you are talking garbage.
All humans wanna hear what i’m saying
Whether they admit it or not
Good news
You sent
What do you mean when you write, “Do you want to choose war?” when it is obvious that I have a solution to end all the wars so long as the people will focus on the money that buys the weapons and the politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths, just like you and GemACH sic.
You can just write to GemACH sic here on Lost soul and ask him out on a date.
Is Seri not working as well or has your weak mind got nothing to say?
When someone looks ugly like Henry Kissinger, yourself and GemACH sic, do you automatically assume that they must be highly intelligent because God wouldn’t curse them double?
I honestly do not pay attention to people’s looks. Even women.
But I do not like purple hair or green hair or yellow crazy hair
You sent
While you focus on driving yourself mad, but do so on the side of the road, and well clear of traffic, Im going to be heading home for a great lunch with the most beautiful F-C woman in the world before heading on a late afternoon mountain bike.
Make sure if you are in a cold climate you don’t freeze to the death waiting on the side of the road, and if you do, then think what you will have to do in order to have God on your side when you take your last breath.
Now piss off.
Have a great time. Enjoy your life. Glad you are vegan.
3:20 PM
God doesn’t take sides.
Humans do that.
Monday 4:55 PM
Sorry got busy. It was the weekend. Sun was in my eyes. The wicket was sticky.
Thumbs up sign
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. can your weak ego let you admit that it never occurred to you to investigate how the money is valued and distributed and the need for wars to cover up this atrocity?
For example if you weren’t self-taught wouldn’t you if you had all the money in the world, buy up all the weapons?
Would you feel better about yourself if Elon Musk didn’t have such a bright father.
Do you find it ingenious how the most important lessons of life that explain the cruelty to the other animals, the jealousy that causes the human brain to go haywire, the coverup wars, go in one ear and out the next of the person in denial which we can establish easily and instantly in interconnecting social media conversations?
Even big fools like you, GemACH sic and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow see how vastly superior is Facebook to any other social media platform in establishing truth and the con artists with their pitiful small talk all geared to distract.
Do you think @Errol Graham Musk doesn’t know what he is talking about?
What does it tell you when all the people are corrupt, with exceedingly few exceptions?
Why do you think all the voyeurs remain quiet and yet they are free to leave at any time?
Why don’t you invite all your friends who you hang with and who are always looking for a person who knows history to start your own symposium on fb, and invite me to join.
That would quickly establish your game.
What better do you have to do with your remaining short time?
What had you previously heard about Smuts? Remember you have portrayed yourself as loving history.
What general in both World War One and World War Two in your opinion was more important than Smuts?
When you heard that British Prime Minister Lloyd George invited Smuts to join the British War Cabinet did that go in one ear and out the next?
Could you see the SA Oppenheimers choosing smart or stupid candidates for political office as well as university professors, media talking heads etc?
Would you see it as smart by Einstein and Feynman to distance themselves from all the money talk given how neither had the benefit of the light speed Internet?
There has to be an ugliness still resonating inside of you following your thinking ahead of writing, “Do you want to choose war?”
Imagine your aggressive behavior if you ate meat-dairy.
You are also lying when you say “All humans wanna hear what i’m saying”.
Was your wife responsible for raising your children or did you take charge because you chose worse?
What a bunch of bullshit, “I honestly do not pay attention to people’s looks. Even women”.
These are the type of questions the AI chip implanted into human heads should be asking while prompting dialogue with the unconscious humans who once singularly focused on sex will make good decisions.
You say you don’t look at their looks.
What sort of conversation do you find stimulating with fools that results in an orgasm?
Right, celibacy has its virtue.
Do you know how many women and men who are sexually frustrated use that bs line?
Again, you can’t make sense of what you are thinking at least half the time, so you wouldn’t know that God doesn’t take sides.
There is an order to this universe that you shouldn’t fuck with.
You know that a messed up mind is no fun and depression is hard to overcome when you have lost your body.
For confirmation just ask GemACH sic and my sister @Kathy Danziger .
Yes, it is a killer for the religious as well as the irreligious who are only accomplished in blah blah that they never thought to ask “Who said what is written in scripture is the word of God”.
2500 years the human has been wandering aimlessly in the desert destroying everything within sight.
Now piss off unless you wish to demonstrate genuine remorse.
How can you be in this environment, worst music in the world and grotesque obese wherever you look.
Try finding some green wilderness even if you have to travel to the dark side of the moon.
Wow lots of questions. Might take awhile. I can’t use my phone here during the rounds.
It is sure a messed up world. I’ll see if anyone is interested other than me.
Smuts I will read his bio.
You sent
So you didn’t know the first thing about Smuts.
Can your weak ego ever let go?
You know there is no point in you reading Smuts’ bio. It will go in one ear and out the next.
May I suggest you use your time more wisely ahead of me removing you from Lost soul as well as To be honest where I earlier added you, to begin a dialogue with GemACH sic.
Here’s one option to break the ice.
“Benzion … I too have noticed that you told Gary Gevisser twice to wait as you continue to delay stating who took over from Schneerson, and yet you have so much insight into the inner workings of ChaBAD sic, knowing off the top of your head the name of the person who introduced Wall Street crook Ronald The Finagle King Perelman to ChaBAD sic which had to be a long time ago as you say this Abraham is now very old? Did the thought occur to you that Perelman is using you as much as you are using him to say great things about you, saving the Jewish people. If you don’t know to the penny how much money Perelman has given ChaBAD sic so far, can you guess or if you have to find out from the new head of ChaBAD sic, can you give me an idea of how long I should expect to wait?”
5:37 PM
I know he probably was racist. But I love bios.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. you knew shit about Smuts.
Get busy making your acquaintance with GemACH sic.
I don’t think I can keep up with all this drama.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. can your weak ego ever let go?
Guess not.
You sent
It is now 5:41 PM Calif.
One can only just nod one’s head ever so slow, “Guess not”.
Was your ex wife happy to get rid of you?
GemACH sic loves Torah more than anything else in the world but he is a liar.
You love humanity more than anything else in the world and you are no less a pretender.
The two of you should be hugging and kissing each other as you take your last breaths.
Two peas in a pod.
“Guess not” should appear on both your tombstones.
Your phone seems to be working just fine.
Since everything goes in one ear and out the next; if you can remember to cut and paste, just cut and paste my suggestion of how you should introduce yourself to GemACH sic.
I am was less serious than a lot of humans. Go vegan (stop killing) would solve almost all problems.
Way less serious
For there to be an afterlife, there has to be a before life. There is an only an immediate life
You sent
@Julia Ioffe, you and @Alexis Hearst come to mind in terms of good looks which ugly people can’t voice their jealousy which they compensate with lust of money.
The wicked are always behind the ball.
This @Keith Edwards Sr.’s, “Guess not” is incomplete without his obscene follow up.
Driving home we lost could have used you.
Who was the 1st? President born in the united states
Don’t google
Is not allowed
O k another who was the only president to serve two non consecutive terms
You added Steven Bailey to the group.
6:47 PM
You sent
Laughing off his admittance of Poverty of Thought gives you a far better understanding of not only Putin kidnapping thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children, to turn into future Russian soldiers and spies to kill their fellow Ukrainian mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, but even worse, the very very slow reaction of Putin’s opposition in the west.
@Julia Ioffe this is much more than bullshit.
This is unprecedented evil that is unimaginable.
The first chapter of The Diamond Invention book spells it all out in one short sentence, and Professor Epstein’s reaction was not to pursue, rather to help facilitate Harry Oppenheimer’s warning-threat, much like Eisenhower’s Military Energy Complex speech on 17 Janus 1961 at the very hour his order to brutally execute Belgian Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is being carried out.
The SA Oppenheimers know to choose their most bloodthirsty pawns from the bottom of the barrel, Little Corporal Hitler, sadistic, traitor Stalin, Bad Actors, @Torah Gemach , @Steven Bailey, and the list is quite extensive.
To go from “Guess not” and the possibility, however remote, there could be remorse, to instantly “I am … O k another who was the only president to serve two non consecutive terms”.
@Julia Ioffe it only takes a smart conscience to do the right thing.
President Zelenskyy must pressure Netanyahu.
You could help.
Get a meeting with Netanyahu and let him read all this from the time @Keith Edwards Sr. arrived this morning with his bullshit.
6:51 ~ 6:55 PM
I did…peace love world peace
No seriously how can I help?
I’m all in.
6:58 PM
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. you are lost, but you will go to your grave remembering your atrocity “Guess not” or when dementia sets in fully, whatever is sooner.
You are not “all in”.
To be all in you must already know the total bullshit of Doctors Without Borders.
Now let’s bring in our 53 odd mutual fb friends and let us know the name of your ex wife and children Mr Peace Lover.
@Keith Edwards Sr. , I’m talking now with your son Keef.
What should I know about him?
Now you just went creepy.
You sent
Have you previously acted defensive?
How will you explain best your “Guess not”?
In my defenselessness safety lies.
You sent
Try English with greater peace of mind.
Nothing could ever make me hate anyone.
You sent
Do you still love your ex wife?
I love everyone. But nobody special.
You sent
Please don’t use the words “Guess not”. … in describing you ex wife.
Did your ex wife know that you loved nobody special?
Could you see yourself as creepy?
I probably am to some people.
You sent
Do you see the opportunity @Keith Edwards Sr. of getting everyone in the same room and no one killing each other or do you think the ego is too big like yours and Little Corporal Hitler-Putin?
Imagine if we neutralize you by having all your family members and more than 4000 fb friends see you for what you are, would that have you “all in”?
I always thought that one day a group of humans could sit down and work things out. But it faded over the years.
I don’t think any of those people are even concerned with me.
You sent
You belong in Lost soul.
You added Keef Edwards to the group.
Ok what is Lost soul?
You sent
Added @Keef Edwards
Now you are gonna creep him out.
You sent
Just explain to him “Guess not”.
He already thinks I’m weird as hell.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr.once you have explained, “Guess not” share with him your thoughts on Elon Musk’s father’s 100 words of praise which didn’t end there.
@Keith Edwards Sr. do you want to know what else is of utmost importance that member @Errol Graham Musk‘s supports?
Refresh me about the guess not and the musk thing.
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. while I prepare to enjoy a most delicious, nutritious vegan, no SOS [salt oil sugar] dinner, be quiet and let your son read everything from the beginning.
Who is Margaret Edwards?
@Keith Edwards Sr. do you recall these 2 posts of mine:
Title: Asshole with no soul
Gregory Paul you are becoming more of an idiot every day. Have a fun time on the toilet, asshole!
Title: Who gives a shit?
It is a bunch of bullshit since we are in the toilet talk.
Let’s talk colon cancer, heart attack, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, all these wonderful fat putrefied meat-dairy diseases. Let’s leave out the planet. Who gives a shit?
7:33 PM
My father raised me and I am the person I am today because of him. If he says something it’s true. I love my father and any disagreement you have with him is more than likely your problem more than his.
Margaret is my brothers widow. She has alzheimers. About 80. My brother died at 55. Cancer.
Yes I had French fries and water. With vinegar and salt. I like junk food sometimes.
7:43 PM
If y’all have a disagreement with my father than this something y’all need to discuss between yourselves. Finding his son and messaging him is an act of, how do I say “fucking creapy”
You sent
@Keef Edwards since you persist.
Your father responded to “can your weak ego ever let go?” with “Guess not”.
Have you heard about the rotten apple not falling far from the tree?
@Keef Edwards did you see that just earlier your father said about you, “He already thinks I’m weird as hell”?
We have irony and humor.
Took years
You sent
If the two of you wish to leave the room and work things out between you, that is perfectly fine.
May I suggest you begin by exploring more the divorce.
I see you have a few children here as well.
Water under the bridge.
Wow and a lot of Musks
You sent
Go ahead and identify them. I am not aware of anyone under the age of 20, but I could be wrong.
Man are you really that connected to that family?
You sent
@Keith Edwards Sr. did your ex-wife ever voice concerns of you distracting?
She was way younger than me. We had about 5 good years then she wanted something else.
I get it.
You sent
Remember, we just need to have interconnecting circles like the corporate structure of the SA Oppenheimers’ De Beers and Anglo American Corporation which is covered in the study of economics and they learn from the non-reaction of the students.
How much younger was she?
14 years and I have 4078 friends. I use to have almost 5k. But I got rid of the magas
You sent
How old was she when you first started dating?
19 I was 33
You sent
Keef Edwards left the group.
You sent
Yeah it was great those 5 years.
You sent
Did you notice @Keith Edwards Sr. son left after the second Hummmmm?
You sent
You sent
What was your respective education and profession?
I was in IT and she was a cashier in a big chain store
I learned by working the job.
She dropped out of hs
You sent
You went after a very young woman. You should be ashamed.
Well she actually went after me. I use to be nice looking and athletic
I was fit
You sent
So you are the victim?
No she just let me know she wanted me.
You sent
How old were you when your body went to rot?
About 40.
You sent
Did she abandon the children? How many did you have with her?
I got fat like Americans do. Drank worked all the time.
You sent
Would you like to read a book that would sober you up?
No we stayed together til the children all left over 20 years. 2 children and 1 she had in hs.
I haven’t had a drink now in 10 years.
You sent
So she wasn’t so naive?
She was very savvy.
She even got herself a millionaire after me. But he did not marry her
You sent
What did I miss? I gathered you were together 5 years, but actually 20?
Well the first 5 years was awesome but we stayed together about 22. Then took 3 years to divorce.
You sent
22 years is a long time, these days.
Americans drag stuff out.
It wasn’t all bad
You sent
We are eating. Keep writing. You have quite the audience.
@Torah Gemach aka GemACH sic are you taking notes?
We had great athletes so those years were great.
We still had married sex some.
Boring but sex
We liked to get drunk.
Typical modern marriage.
Actually this nice being able to talk about it.
We had lots of cats.we loved
And a couple of great dogs.
My mom in a nursing home occupied us for many years.
My ex was awesome. Had great skills.
9:13 PM
You sent
“Actually this nice being able to talk about it”, so now I have become the psychologist.
Typical modern marriage? Maybe.
When the mouth gets sucked into the cheeks …
Well I’ve never really shared much about all those years.
You seem to want to know
You sent
Can you really listen to someone who shows no willpower unless they are paying you to pretend to be listening to their crap?
What I want to know from you is the crux of the matter, can your weak ego ever let go?
It is a profession. I have never be able to afford. Just like massage therapy
Well it is very hard to let all ego go. Just don’t allow it to rule.
You sent
Can you recall any conversation with your ex-wife of 22 years where you were both logical without being drunk?
No we were very good at deflection.
But that is a normal thing in the world.
You sent
If you apply your memory cells do you recall me mentioning earlier, it was during this lifetime, you deflecting?
Did the two of you pass that trait on to the 3 children?
Do I have the count right, 3?
Did Keef come after your ex-wife abandoned high school?
What are his feelings towards her?
Have you heard of Dr. Laura the TV personality massage brain-sex therapist?
I have no idea what was passed. They seem to be good human beings. They do drink like we did.
I’ve heard of Dr Laura.
Yes, Keef was our first. Ian was 2 born when she was still in hs.
You sent
Do you recall me mentioning a book that might sober you up to the point that it will be too embarrassing for you to attempt to deflect anytime in the future?
If you were not @Keith Edwards Sr. would you be interested in how this @Keith Edwards Sr. has long forgotten how he was this strong advocate for animal rights but is defending his weak ego on the grounds that when all logical arguments fail to deflect?
We later had a daughter
You sent
Can we bring her on?
Her and I are strained right now from Christmas.
Sometimes we go months without seeing or talking.
You sent
What did you buy her?
What did she buy you?
Does she drink?
Does Keef drink?
Does Ian Drink?
All drink
You sent
All drink, I see.
We don’t buy. None of us have the resources.
We struggle with money the whole time.
We never had money for gifts. When they were little yes. But we could never give each other gifts.
I did get a nice jacket one year.
And we had a lot of new cars. That kept getting destroyed by someone.
You sent
Do you think because I was raised in a household of
teetotalers; and neither sets of grandparents touching alcohol other than the weekly single, small glass of Manischewitz wine full of cancer sugar, not quite as immediate death as Auschwitz gas chambers, I should pass you off to Howard Stern?
Why do you still talk and drive and you have a history of carwrecks?
Do you feel that us Jewish people who support Manischewitz brand, we are out to kill all the Christians?
I never was in wrecks. My children and wife wrecked all the cars. I haven’t had a ticket in over 30 years.
You sent
Do you have any anti-Semitic feelings?
Im talking about when you are sober.
All the Jewish people I know are very loving human beings.
You sent
Are any of them drunks?
Well my good friend. A musician goes to aa every week. He hasn’t had a drink for many many years.
My other good friend Ali Moed loved to drink when she was young but have not seen her in years.
Growing up I was given a lot of prejudice but Jewish people were not on that list. I deprogrammed myself over the years.
No racism, homophobia. My mom hated the Japanese but I did not get that either.
I love Hispanic women. They are so beautiful.
You sent
So you know of one alcoholic Jewish person who attends AA.
Do you see AA as threatening say for example Seagram?
If not why not?
Are you aware that when you tell a weak personality human not to do something they will do the exact opposite?
Is all your writing right now to deflect from earlier question about deflection?
Do you feel that all the anti-Semitism in the world is because there are some Jewish people like the Bronfman family of Canada whose one heir @Harry Rady is with us, who profit from alcoholism?
My ex was not Hispanic but she looked it some.
Ancient hatreds are still with us. Again I’m not a hater. I examined all that. We are all the same but some follow the egoic thought system. I actively do not.
I’m not deflecting. I’ve studied how to undo thought patterns that are unhealthy.
You sent
Do you feel that you show any signs of fat disease talkative cells?
I’m about 40lbs overweight. I don’t exercise much. I don’t overeat. I was about 380 at one time now I’m 240. Took 10 years.
I can walk a fair distance.
You sent
You are disgusting. How uncaring towards your wife?
Was she also disgustingly fat or did the alcohol blur everything?
Did you follow what GemACH sic had to say rabbis engaging in animal sex?
1am here got to sleep. We can continue tomorrow.
Good talk.
You sent
GemACH sic aka @Torah Gemach why don’t you share with Sir @Keith Edwards Sr. exactly what you wrote me.
See you all tomorrow. Thanks
You sent
In which case why don’t you sleep on can your weak ego let you admit that it never occurred to you to investigate how the money is valued and distributed and the need for wars to cover up this atrocity?
For example if you weren’t self-taught wouldn’t you if you had all the money in the world, buy up all the weapons?
@Keith Edwards Sr., should you return and deviate from the 2 questions above, I will remove you from Lost soul.
@Julia Ioffe, the IAF bombing of terrorist cells inside heavily populated residential areas of Damascus, you know is primarily a distraction, at the same time the Ukrainians are learning about the Russian ground to air defensive systems.
I won’t. Love you.
You sent
No, @Keith Edwards Sr., I don’t want you talking. You are off to bed.
Thumbs up sign
You sent
@Julia Ioffe, you know this clown @Keith Edwards Sr. will very likely address those 2 questions because he has run out of gas.
Up until this moment he thought he could behave like GemACH sic and talk his head off.
I’m not saying that he is in fear of God because someone who deflects from something as important as the genocide of the Ukrainian people with Putin planning on using the kidnapped Ukrainian children as both a spear and a shield, is no less ugly than Putin.
You wouldn’t expect God to have people like @Keith Edwards., @Steven Bailey, my sister @Kathy Danziger, her nemesis @Deborah Sturman Esq. Etc believing for a moment there is a higher power.
A higher power automatically means something that is super intelligent to create something like a tiny sperm and out comes monsters like the aforementioned.
The precise order of things like atoms which didn’t exist at the time of the Big Bang because they only came later when the universe began to cool have nothing such as love attached unless love is imbedded in each atom.
As you look at @Keith Edwards Sr.’s life story, the same with GemACH sic, @Steven Bailey, @Kathy Danziger, @Terry Orman Gevisser who married my middle brother Melvin because she thought the money would flow much quicker and obviously having no problem in the theft of my mother’s estate or for that matter the premeditated murder of my mother Zena as everyone knows that my mother has been held against her will in Israel and they all just ignore it, made easier for @Terry Orman Gevisser because my mother Zena didn’t like her from the start because Terry is a self-confessed nutcase and only a nutcase would marry someone who says before the ring is put on her finger, “You should know that I am damaged”, there is nothing close to resembling love.
But it really isn’t impossible to put everyone into one room and all these ugly, rotten, grotesque alien humans will shut the fuck up without you or I having to watch our Ps and Qs.
Wouldn’t you agree with that The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow?
I would like now for everyone and that includes @Keith Edwards Sr. to type in Google Search Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow, and then click on each hyperlink, and report back to us.
@Keith Edwards Sr. remember the rules, and I will hold you to your word, “I won’t”.
Should you make the wrong choice you are free to consult with all our 53 odd mutual facebooks as well as your remaining 4000+ other facebook and to talk about your excessive, disgusting fat and how it is exacerbating the loss of feeling in your toes etc assuming they haven’t been already cut off due to the onslaught of diabetes and the such.
To be clear, if anyone has any ailments of a mental or physical disorder please consult your medical practitioner.
We have firmly established with all of Sir @Keith Edwards Sr.’s bullshit that most all of the world has horrific personal relationships and yet you “won’t” [sic] to project on social media that you are the victim and everyone else who doesn’t give you what you want is to be trashed.
10:36 PM
You sent
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. do you have lunch plans this Wednesday?
If not, and you are into snow, come visit.
Keith Edwards Sr. left the group.
Tuesday, 21 Feb 7:38 AM
You sent
Keith Edwards Sr. Left
You added Mattisyahu S Adams to the group.
You sent
You added @Mattisyahu S Adams, fb friend of GemACH sic.
10:46 AM
You sent
GemACH sic, as just posted on your fb wall following your writings to member @Mattisyahu S Adams, “what is your issue exactly? Why are you so negative?” which you posted up this past Sunday, Feb 19, 4:50 PM Calif. time:
GemACH sic aka Benzion … aka Torah Gemach, you and I now have 21 odd mutual fb friends.
It is now 10:42 AM Calif. time, Tuesday 21 Feb.
Check your email inbox.
Numbers Lucky 7s (word count 777) threads back to: Key to understanding.
11:05 AM
You sent
Mutual FB friends with @Mattisyahu S Adams:
Adira Kripak
11 mutual friends
Ari Schonbrun
23 mutual friends
Aron Niasoff
4 mutual friends
Barbara Rensink
9 mutual friends
Benita Levin Nathan
122 mutual friends
Bracha Din
16 mutual friends
Cathrine Liakopoulou
8 mutual friends
Chanah von Beaverhaussen
25 mutual friends
Esther Lerch
34 mutual friends
Fraidy Reiss
5 mutual friends
Freyda Abrams Lemkus
26 mutual friends
Kathy Kaler
117 mutual friends
Peta Joffe
77 mutual friends
Renee Maletsky
70 mutual friends
Veronica Theart
91 mutual friends
אסטלה דה ביר
20 mutual friends
GemACH’s sic and my 21 mutual fb friends, out of his 4,040 total count:
Adira Kripak
11 mutual friends
Alex Carlebach
180 mutual friends
Aliza Davidovit
8 mutual friends
Aron Niasoff
4 mutual friends
Aryeh Spero
29 mutual friends
Asne Goodman
85 mutual friends
Basil Cohen
150 mutual friends
Bracha Din
16 mutual friends
Caryn Yavin
57 mutual friends
Cece Rubin
13 mutual friends
Eli Knight
158 mutual friends
John P Center
24 mutual friends
Malcolm Steele Steele
27 mutual friends
Marcus Miller
34 mutual friends
Mattisyahu S Adams
16 mutual friends
Neil Lazarus
14 mutual friends
Rachel Terry
21 mutual friends
Rubin Katz
30 mutual friends
Tamar Balkind
47 mutual friends
Yudy Shemtov
2 mutual friends
Zalman Lipskar
9 mutual friends
Monday 21 Feb 11:14 AM
You sent
@Solly Krok this you know is important stuff.
7:00 PM
You sent
GemACH sic aka @Torah Gemach how aware of your evil on a scale of 0 to 10, and 10 being fully aware, when your wrote this past Thursday:
Don’t understand. I will look at the email [Key to understanding]
I did not read yet. On a subway, not good signal
7:00 PM
You sent
GemACH sic, how aware of your evil are you when writing earlier today at 12:07 PM Calif. time on your fb wall, “Gary Gevisser does Congress woman Maria Salazar ever answer you other then form letters?”?
Does it help or hinder your cognitive skills reminding you, a religious imposter, of your earlier sick writings?:
“I think that you may have been molested as a child and it may have been from some animal who claimed to be a Rabbi. Am I correct”.
7:13 PM
You sent
Numbers Lucky 7 – Key to understanding – Bushy
Tue. 21 Feb 7:14 PM
You sent
Lost soul – Part 1