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The Lady’s Speech Observers – 4


Screenshot 10:50 AM, Monday, 24 January 24, 2022

A contact left the group.

You added Laura Kam to the group.

You sent

7:17 AM, Monday, 24 January 24, 2022

Added @Laura Kam

Her and my dialogue on fb messaging will follow completion of the Einstein transcript.

8:00 AM

You sent

Note that my cousin, Zuckerberg aid, Engineering manager for Meta-Facebook, @Niv Kantor has yet to remove himself.

Few would believe that Zuckerberg hasn’t studied my website which does more than flush out the two-faced.

Reason for great optimism.

8:21 AM

You sent

@Steven Bailey , 14 minutes have elapsed since you have chosen not to respond to my question on your fb wall:

“Steven Bailey, do you believe in the afterlife based on your life experience?

Are you that much more fascinated by a slime snail?”.

You remain glued to that conversation as you do to The Lady’s Speech Observers.

8:30 AM

You sent

@Steven Bailey has ducked out and now @Dani Rakoff aka 


 RATcoff [sic] has joined.

Everything is connected.

8:39 AM



As you see, I’m not** glued to my handheld device.

And, I see no PROOF of an afterlife.

9:13 AM

Torah Gemach


9:21 AM

You sent

You [Steven Bailey] just provided proof that you are glued.

Do you see evidence, at least, that a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) exists or as Einstein says, “The Old One” (TOO)?

Do coincidences mean nothing more to you than they can’t be explained, and nor are they predictable?

Could you predict that ever since the introduction of the heinous to the environment GDP economic index in 1934, no one picked up the devastating impact of the GDP on the green space?

Any computer would have figured it out.

Yet no human did.

Could you @Steven Bailey have predicted such unconsciousness from your life experience?

Why would you say that you see no PROOF of an afterlife when clearly you display proof of Evil Mass Capability (EMC).


We must not forget that the religious worshippers of ink on paper, such as the ugly inside and out, @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend lie about scripture that they consider totally sacred, nothing less than the Word of God who they show such reverence towards and spell with the “o” removed, replaced with a dash “G-d”, all the while unconscious of their poison food intake despite their incessant praying, which obviously hasn’t fooled TOO.




It must be important that so far every rabbi I have approached has also lied through their teeth before getting very angry, or they are silent.

It is very important that they lie, and the irreligious profiting no less give these hypocrites of the highest order so much slack.

Even the dumbest perfectly understand why the fake pious choose to lie and say Torah supports private ownership of land which defies logic as well as what is written in the Torah, as they see their whole world crumbling.

Long by now given the attention I have given to this most important subject of land ownership on which the entire money system is based, you would have expected the rabbis to have found support for private land ownership either in Torah or amongst the many writings of the sages.

Instead all these miserable specimens can do is distract with more of their garbage “Jewish Soul and the Afterlife.”

GemACH sic, you know you have no soul.

Not even the Jewish scribes with swords hanging over their necks when writing nonsense fiction stories and some based on past events, just as you would find in a comic book would deviate from the land of Israel being given to all the Jewish, one Jewish person no more worthy than the next, unless won in battle.

9:23 AM

Torah Gemach

Everyone has a soul

9:24 AM

Torah Gemach

You have been silent for quite a while

What changed?

9:25 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, your next distraction has you permanently removed.

You have lost the game of life.

9:27 AM

You sent

In other words you go once again deafeningly silent or left to your insincere prayers.

You talk a lot but don’t say much following your lie of lies.

9:28 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, there is a reason you have a sinking feeling in your fat stomach full of poison.

Look how easy it is for you to pull the plug on yourself.

Let me help you.

9:29 AM

You sent

One, two, three, just place up a single character or emoj or cartoon depicting your afterlife.

9:30 AM

You sent

This way you will have more time to pray and think about your lie of lies which is devastating to all the rabbis as well as other worshippers of the SA Oppenheimers’ money.

9:31 AM

You sent

It is you GemACH sic who has been quiet.

9:33 AM

You sent

The corrupt such as Bailey have depended on you demonstrating a semblance of piety.

GemACH sic, you are killing everyone.

9:34 AM

You sent

If course, how can you leave and be left alone with God killing you slowly from the inside out.



You sent

What sort of religious person would feed their body-mind as well as that of their children, poison?

9:38 AM

You added Radebe Timothy Nhlanhla to the group.

You sent

Cousin, @Niv Kantor why don’t you introduce yourself to new member @Radebe Timothy Nhlanhla.

@Radebe Timothy Nhlanhla , why don’t you tell us more about yourself?

Have you heard of the South African Oppenheimers?


9:45 AM

You sent

Back to GemACH sic who last spoke at 9:24 AM Calif time, “What changed?”

How do you hang knowing that your belief in the afterlife means that right after you take your final breath before returning as a crab 


 always fearful of the Manta Ray you will have to answer why you lied about the Torah.

Remember GemACH sic, all it takes for you to depart and return to your fake worshipping of ink on paper, is just one press on your keyboard, you ugly piece of shit.

9:50 AM

You sent

Everyone else who perfectly understands everything, including all the bullshit statistics put out since the start of Covid and still no explanation what good scientists had anything to do with virus lab in Whan China, is also free to leave.

So why do you all remain silent when you have so much support from each other?

What happened to your independent minds other than this GemACH sic and the rabbis blowing them to smithereens?

9:52 AM

You sent

Of course, the Schneerson telegraphed from the start he is all about the money which plays right into the Nazi caricature of the “Dirty Jew” and which you would expect from the shill of the virulent anti-Semitic, anti Israel SA Oppenheimers


9:53 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, would you like to comment on the phot[o] above and knowing that any keystroke has you permanently removed?


9:55 AM

Laura Kam


Please.  This is way too much.

9:57 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, try to calm down this @Laura Kam who of course now wishes the Jerusalem “Pist” sic hadn’t published her article which failed to mention the Zagiew who she had never heard of, despite being a bigwig with the ADL.

10:06 AM

You sent

@Laura Kam why would you speak up here with such nonsense, albeit weak?

Have you got the courage to talk with editor of the Jerusalem Post who approved your headliner article why you weren’t informed of the critical, devastating role of the Gestapo’s Zagiew Jewish collaboration network which made easy work of the Nazi SS throughout Nazi occupied Europe for well over a decade?

10:08 AM

You sent

In fact the Zagiew long predates the arrival as German Chancellor of the German-South African Oppenheimer stooge Hitler.

10:08 AM

Laura Kam


I have no time for all this.

10:10 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, why don’t you explain to now very talkative @Laura Kam why neither Schneerson nor Menachem Begin spoke out against Harry Oppenheimer wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s?


10:11 AM

You sent

@Laura Kam , why do you feel the need to write more Mickey Mouse nonsense?

You obviously have the time and the need to talk.

Laura Kam left the group.

10:12 AM

You sent

You didn’t know about the Zagiew and you obviously hadn’t given any thought to how private ownership of stolen lands came about.

What credentials got you into the ADL?

10:13 AM

You sent

Why don’t you say hello to my sister @Kathy Danziger and her nemesis @Deborah Sturman Esq.

10:14 AM

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Is there anyone else you would like to be formally introduced to?

10:15 AM

You sent

Again, would there be any circumstances that would have you turning traitor to a good Jewish person?

10:17 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, while not forgetting the conditions of you remaining a member, would you ever traitor a good Jewish person?

Do you remember sick fuck GemACH sic you writing publicly after I caught you with your big lie and cover up, that there was this South African friend of yours who “has your number”?

10:19 AM

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10:31 AM

You sent

GemACH sic, how can it be so important to you that you stayed glued to The Lady’s Speech Observers that you maintain no one other than you pays attention to, to the point that you can’t speak?

10:33 AM

Torah Gemach


Hay Gary, I see you are up to speed. I have not looked at the 40 posting you put up yet but I later today I will read them and get back to you.

10:34 AM

You removed Torah Gemach from the group.

You sent

You removed Torah Gemach from the group.

10:50 AM

Edit: remove duplication “my cousin” from 8 AM.

12:23 PM

You sent

Edit: “If” [sic] course, how can you leave and be left alone with God killing you slowly …
