Ah yes. Thanks.
It is needed in a Tweet to Musk which few to none will find ways to ignore quite different to this earlier, Revenge of the chickens
following this news headline story
Man killed by aggressive pet rooster
that is just a warm up.
Btw, an earth-shattering event took place yesterday on another fb symposium, Name Someone Stupid following Black Hatter GemACH sic who you see above bully a chicken right before killing it, writing
Go find a real JOB and get me out your FANTASY
and which he repeated twice on 2 other symposiums, Lost souls and ATOH.
But it was GemACH’s sic follow up at 2:16 PM Calif. time:
They must have helped him (Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman) in some way
that takes the cake.
It took until 3:03 PM, before delivering:
If you own all the land on the earth along with all the sea routes and you are the only provider of rockets to place satellites into space, civilian aircraft to transport humans and their cargo, as well as military weapon systems to all the warring parties, you would have a difficult time getting the people to work for you even if you paid them a better wage than your closest competitor.
in accordance with your instruction to reel in slowly The Fish Rots From The Head Down

Gr, you know that if you shared those precision bombing 72 words at the first lecture of your first year economics students they might vent their anger with your idiot graduate students to help relieve the pressure off their exploding heads.
You of course would have planned your quick escape on Elon’s first Starship to Mars unless you could convince the clown Bezos to speed up the development of his rocket 🚀
If you were Bezos’ girlfriend and reading this, wouldn’t you be speaking with your divorce lawyer before reaching the end?
My audience all know there is no humanity, other than the infinitesimally small number of human exceptions and our good mathematics sustain the positive spirit, without the need for applause.
Einstein is the very best example, knowing he had hit a home run, second only to the mythical figure Moses meeting face to face with God, without Eddington’s 29 May 1919 direct experiment, occurring 10 years and 1 day before my mother Zena was born.
Not to mention, even Moses could have been hallucinating after eating shrooms.
The same of course couldn’t be said about Einstein who painstakingly applied the highest level mathematics, with help from Marc Grossman, to his one of a kind dream.
Such a dream doesn’t even appear in any scripture, either the Jewish Elijah or Mohammed.
Again, nothing before or since comes close to the discovery of General Relativity and for Einstein not to have been awarded the Nobel Prize had to have him smiling 🙂 to himself and thinking how best to stick it.

Nor did he need to spell it all out; why talk when it is obvious the people are unconscious, and spoil all the fun.
You know from lecturing economics university students for 27 years at Stanford the fools you had entering the workforce there was no joy in telling them they were stupid, and in the next instant ending the fun and joining the homeless.
Of course Einstein knew when removing his fudge number needed to support the comfortable feeling that this is a static universe, completely wrong of course, there aren’t any mistakes in this precision order universe.
Now I spell this all out for intellectual midgets such as Labor Secretary Robert Reich Phd, Tordu Awerbuch, Tommy Simpson, GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah Gemach, Bailey, Marc Rich underling, Roy Essakow, butcher’s daughter, Adele Strous Clingman, and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor Jeffrey Essakow, and still they might need help and then they can reach out to you.
Marie+I don’t plan to stick around to either see ourselves looking and feeling like geriatrics or the end, that isn’t going to come with nuclear Armageddon for that would be too easy and uningenius, but we do plan to breeze through Europe possibly one last time, and since nothing is predictable we could run into you and Genevieve, if you are still together.
You should allow me to tag you on my fb symposium A Test of Humanity (ATOH) without hearing again you decry fb-Zuckerberg who would have also been drawn to my writings without me advertising.

Member Julia Ioffe
in her most recent Frontline interview, 2 weeks ago, that has gathered 3.2 million views on YouTube, missed a couple of critical events in the chronology which you also know all too well.
On ATOH I have covered 2, but not the events that led to our dinner in Paris on 16 September 2013 when it was hard to predict that Putin would go ape shit.
Put aside money and fame; focus on what it would mean to have Julia Ioffe falling on the sword, as she has already admitted publicly she got wrong Putin’s invasion without however spelling out the forces eager for such a war that is only taking the lives of mostly young, poor Russian and Ukrainian 18 year olds that no one really cares about because they only care about their pocket book.
Again there are no mistakes and nor are you going to live forever; and for sure fearing what awaits, the closer you get to death and you are smart enough to examine the forces that got inhumane man to this one spot and the rest empty, no color, no soul.
The sound of one beautiful bird appeared synchronized with the sun announcing its presence over the mountain peak.
We are not talking about an intelligent being this human, and that is key to understanding our position in this spectacular universe.
Good hearing from you.
Keep smiling!
(Word count 1027)
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 16, 2023, at 1:22 AM, Geoffrey Rothwell <> wrote Gary S. Gevisser (GG):
Look up “bright eyed and bushy tailed”
More like an eager squirrelly politician.
They are all squirrelly. Less are beaverly.
Sent from my iPad
On 16 Feb 2023, at 05:33, Gary2 <> wrote Bushy?:
What’s the expression that has the word “bushy” to denote a fresh face, eager beaver politician?
Ive tried Google, but …