Lucky 8 bicycle
From: “De Repetitor” <>
Subject: Re: Lucky 8 bicycle
Date: May 20, 2018 at 3:50:57 AM PDT
To: “GaryStevenGevisser” <>
Hi Gary, not much time, class at 3 and now preperation.
I have heard of Tolle, and alway had in mind of reading a book of his,
as I find it interesting that he made such a turn around in his life.
I am sure medicine kills a lot as doctors make a lot of mistakes.
Just in my little world of family and acquitances too many people
got a wrong treatment.
I didn´t know Smuts had done so many important things.
My grandfather as a young man went to a demonstration
in support of Paul Kruger who visited The Hague trying to muster support for the Boers.
My grandfather was there as a supporter and Paul Kruger stepped on his foot in passing by.
(not really the same as being buddies with Ben Gurion etc, so not really perhaps worth mentioning)
Have got to do more prepartion. It’s Roman law, and you would expect after like 23 years what is there to prepare,
but they keep changing the subjects and even the rules!! of the law.
From: GaryStevenGevisser
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Jp V Leeuwen
Subject: Lucky 8 bicycle
Good morning,
Yesterday’s Marie’s rental bike “lucky 8” number 1124
Mango and me outside the famous “bulldog” coffee shop with the “interesting” police department right above.
Carre comedy shop where apparently Holland’s top comedians perform.
The church where Queen Beatrix, an alumni of Leiden University got married in 1966 to a German aristocrat who during the war was a member of the Hitler Youth movement.
The church, a short stone throw from where Anne Frank hid.
The attic where she hid is directly above my head.
BTW, in my dealings with Philips BV in Eindhoven back in late 1989 when I uncovered a huge fraud perpetrated by Philips BV and of course there were a bunch of “Dutch sandwich” corporations involved, I was introduced to the Queen’s personal lawyer who lived on Herengracht in Amsterdam, and on a walk from his fancy canal house to a fish restaurant nearby he explained to me how cheap is life here in Holland. It was all rather funny; but a long story which I won’t bore you with.
I did, however, wonder when the “shoe was going to fall” as before our stroll to the restaurant, we all sat and had drinks in his private study which displayed photos of himself with the Queen and her German husband Prince Claus. This lawyer was also known to Jewish South African billionaire real estate investor Jonathan Beare who I know extraordinarily well. J. Beare first made a name for himself when buying and selling prime real estate in Amsterdam back in the 1970s and pocketing a billion US dollars profit which he then took with him to the US and made a bunch more billions.
Ask yourself, given how sophisticated are “Dutch traders” going back to the Dutch East India Company, could you see the Dutch allowing a South African foreigner to just walk into the 800 year old capital of the Netherlands and make sophisticated Dutch real estate speculators look stupid?
This cycle has been repeated all over the world.
Today when Marie visits the Van Gough museum, I will probably try and get in with Mango to the Jewish heritage museum which I haven’t previously visited.
Another number coincidence.
Interesting that Prince Claus’ father Klaus Felix von Amsberg in WW1 he fought as a German officer at the side of General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck in German East Africa.
Not many, if any, of the royalty of Europe lost their fortunes during WW2.
BTW, when von Lettow-Vorbeck and his family were starving in Germany after WW1, his adversary who held him in check in German East Africa, thus neutralizing a very significant element of the German war machine, sent him food parcels. Not to mention as a result of Smuts military genius, bravery and extraordinary fitness both in routing the Germans from Namiba-South West Africa as well as GEA, the British government realized that they needed him in the British War Cabinet which he joined in 1917 without ever taking up British citizenship; and of course when WW2 broke out he rejoined the British War Cabinet and was second in command to Churchill, so that in the event Churchill died, Smuts would have become prime minister of Great Britain as well as South Africa; to mention little of Smuts was the “father” of the Royal Air Force, the South African Air Force which is the world’s second oldest air force as well as the Israel Air Force.
A legend of the South African Air Force during WW2 was Jewish Captain Syd Cohen who you see standing next to my dad
Both my dad and Syd were the only Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of Smuts’ South African Air Force Squadron 11
When Israel’s first commander during Israel’s War of Independence [1947-49] was killed on October 16, 1948, Syd Cohen who see below with a mustache and to the right of Ben Gurion with Alon in front wearing sunglasses,
became commander of Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101. 6 days before, October 10, 1948, my parents were married in a spectacularly distracting wedding.
It so happens that on the day of my parents’ wedding, Smuts’ 42 year old son “Japie” died of a 24 hour illness.
Even if “coincidences” mean nothing other than they take up time when thinking in the moment about the coincidence and that means an event we cannot control in the past impacts our future because we are delayed in contemplating each and every coincidence we pay attention to, it is important that even the healthiest of us could be dead in the next moment.
So why not make the most of every moment?
Most people not only repeat themselves all the time, telling the same stories time and again, and learning little to nothing, but they see their life passing them by and when looking at their contribution they have their minds full of little contributing people in the public eye like the Prince who got married yesterday and for the effort of having to wave at the common herd people, he gets to drive for free a most beautiful E-type jaguar alongside his pretty new wife, and knowing that if Megyn gets ugly, he will be allowed not only to divorce her but have affairs on the side.
Here is a photo of Mango, Marie and me in the La Marais 5 years ago today which I placed up on my FB:
Here is increasingly stronger-healthier Mango just 2 days ago getting a workout
You had been talking the other day of the human attention span which is not helped by technology and which cannot all be blamed on the handheld communicating devices and laptop computers because the TV has been around much longer and was deadly from day one, much like the radio and newspapers except that the TV puts a nice face to the humans spreading false propaganda.
The more you see someone in front of you every day and at a regular hour so you trust them even more. Yet, we know from each of our family’s experience that we don’t all get along all the time, and sometimes we fight physically as well as mentally. So why do we trust these strangers talking to us through a box while knowing that they have their own personal set of problems just like everyone else?
On that point, your diplomat brother obviously makes more money than to cover his basic needs. Once you read The D I book you learn the real business of diplomats which is no different to the royal families who talk peace and care for the underprivileged but their wealth is all from war on the poor; and so when Prince Harry’s mother, Princess Diane was protesting against the use of landmines, the manufacturers of those weapon systems didn’t lose a peaceful night sleep especially when there was no public questioning of the important role the royal families play in the ongoing war on the poor.
Wouldn’t you if you were in charge of a TV network or radio station or newspaper look carefully at the history of the person you were going to be charging with issuing false propaganda and be more inclined to hire the person more likely to have psychological problems?
You know that when you are interviewing someone for a job whether it be the President of the United States or France or Holland or someone in the shipping department only responsible for licking the stamps to be placed on regular envelopes and there is someone checking to see that their spit had sufficient moisture to seal the envelope, what you are seeing before you is the person on the best behavior. If they had bad breath, it is more likely that their bad breath would get worse the next time you met with them. If they had dirty socks, then the next time they might show up at work without shoes or socks. If the collar of their shirt was dirty, when they worse the same shirt the next day, it is unlikely it would have got cleaner if they also slept in the same shirt.
So naturally you ask them at that first interview, “I realize that I am never going to see you looking and smelling as great as you are right now, so tell all the bad things your previous employer as well as your family and friends would say about you?”
If there is any hesitation you know that you are not dealing with the sharpest tool in the shed.
If their eyes start shifting, that is also not a great sign that you are about to hire a superstar.
If they respond, “My previous employer fired me because they felt threatened as they thought they had hired a ‘Yes man’ who are the most likely to get you killed if you are in battlefield conditions” or something similar then my suggestion is continue with the interview otherwise more on to the next candidate.
Currently Marie and I are sitting with two of the three copies of our friend Mickey’s, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle who writes in A New Earth, “according to the journal of the American Medical Association medical treatment is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United”.
That alone tells me that Tolle has significant “positiveness” passing through his body-mind. I will be writing to him next.
Since this is Sunday, and I don’t see you leading the congregation of Leiden in church, and if you were, not only would that be great, but I might very well drive to Leiden to listen to you, you are possibly taking a few hours off from your preparation work.
BTW, Smuts who did his scouting in both WW1 and WW2 had quite the nose. On June 12, 1944 while my dad was getting familiar with the cockpit of the Spitfire
over the skies of Egypt and preparing to move up to northern Italy alongside Syd Cohen who was the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of SAAF Squadron 11, Smuts who had just landed with Churchill on the French coastline picked up the scent of German paratroopers, all of which was captured on film as Smuts left the group which included Field Marshall Montgomery to go check out the nearby bushes.
On July 26, 2017, I posted the following on my FB wall:
Subject: Smuts, “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
Winston Churchill’s Bodyguard 11 The Kiss of Life yr8CNImVZf2KMtHsMCs1U7R8G0
32 minutes and 46 seconds, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ name is mentioned for the first time. Film footage from June 12, 1944, 6 days after the D-Day landings.
The narrator begins:
Walter [Churchill’s bodyguard] was not the only one at risk that day for he was missing one of the most extraordinary lucky escapes that Winston was to have during the entire war.
The prime minister and his party were driven in brilliant sunshine to a chateau, about 5 miles inland from the beaches where General Montgomery had established his tactical headquarters. The front was only 3 miles away.
Monty had briefed them in his mobile map room, one of a group of caravans hidden amongst trees in the garden.
As they left to go to lunch a strange incident occurred which was later reported by major Noel Chavis, Montgomery’s aide-de-camp.
General Smuts stopped, sniffed the air, and then said, “There are some Germans still here, quite close to us.”
He was assured that there couldn’t be, that the whole area had been thoroughly searched.
“I can’t help that!” retorted Smuts. “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
He looked around suspiciously, heading into the dense clumps of rhododendrons and laurels that surrounded the caravan.
Eventually he followed the rest of the party into the mess tent, and the incident was forgotten.
But two days later, two young German paratroops emerged from a huge rhododendron bush a few yards from where Smuts had stopped.
They had been cut off from their unit and gone to ground scraping a hole amongst the roots of the bush. Still fully armed they could have caused mayhem amongst the Allied high command had they decided to become heroes. Instead they lay there terrified, until hunger and exhaustion made them give up. It was an extraordinary incident but one which was not revealed to Winston or Walter until very much later.
Think back on what Tolle had to say; bearing in mind that I have yet to begin reading his book.
It is highly possible that he hasn’t heard of Smuts or Epstein’s The D I book but he is obviously highly suspicious of the American medical profession.
Tolle, must obviously believe that he can influence behavior with his thoughts.
Once he realizes that everyone shuts down once they begin reading The D I book because they are introduced to economics that are not covered in the teaching of economics-finance at university, and yet they are able to continue with their lives with the hope that nothing will change just so long as everyone keeps the best kept secret to themselves, he will inevitably withdraw.
What if he is already familiar with The D I book but isn’t speaking about it?
Wouldn’t you and your students like to see Tolle and me discussing the crux of all of this which is the price manipulation of the money which has been totally absent from the human mind for a century now?
Obviously those doing the manipulation who all have names and faces have known what they have been doing; and that then brings us back to Smuts.
If Smuts was in support of Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry, then that would make Smuts a Nazi.
If you were Smuts and understood the thinking of the monopolist Oppenheimers would you distance yourself from them or follow in the tradition of Chinese General Sun Tzu, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”?
By now you would realize that more than Edward J. Epstein and the Oppenheimers have read his chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER. In this most revealing chapter you hear that within the British Ministry of Economic Warfare was the Diamond Committee which was dominated by De Beers’ officials.
People are aware of their own stupidity like taking too much sun or not eating as healthy as they can without necessarily thinking how such actions impact their thinking.
We read to get new information in order to learn.
How do you explain how even the most learned scholars don’t want to hear more about the impact on society by a monopolist controlling human population?
When they dismiss the information, “I don’t think there is anything I can do about it” that does not explain the reaction of every politician who is there to change what is wrong.
There is a two-volume biography of Smuts
by Australian Sir W. K. Hancock who was a staff member of British War Cabinet during WW2. As you can see it covers the entire lifetime of Smuts.
In 1952, two years after Smuts’ death on September 11, 1950, his son of the same name penned Smuts’ biography. There was both a British and American edition.
“In the middle of July, 1939, my father accompanied Sir Ernest Oppenheimer on a flying trip … to the jewelled wonderland of the Western Rift Valley of the Belgian Congo.”
Given how I never got to meet Smuts who died 7 years before I was born, I wouldn’t know for sure what he thought about the Oppenheimers with support from the rest of the world’s weapons manufacturers supporting the arming of Nazi Germany which was prohibited by the Versailles Peace Treaty, but I doubt he would have supported, and most probably thought to himself, “How can I best oppose this insanity?”.
That you can see from the reaction today of everyone when given the truth and they would prefer not to know even though we have the power of the internet to share all this knowledge in the very next instant.
Im looking forward to the peace and quiet of your castle; and just sad that my mother Zena will not be joining us. Fortunately, I know that the ugliness is not hidden from our Creator.