Margaret MacMillan – Canadian historian debator – Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Why do you think that is? – Re: Im watching you on a Youtube video debating WW1
Date: December 13, 2018 at 2:40:53 PM PST
Date: December 13, 2018 at 2:40:53 PM PST
To: Margaret MacMillan – British historian debator – Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War <>
Did you receive my response?
Also, as I expected, that “cooperation” with the Soviets didn’t stay a secret for very long.
Moreover, to be cooperating with the “devil communists” would have bothered a great many rich people throughout the world who were more concerned with the rise of communism than the Nazis, and that included many of us Jewish people?
What surprises me most is that this subject has not been the focus of any grand scale study, far from it in fact.
Why do you think that is?
On Nov 12, 2018, at 1:42 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:I also heard that an example of how the Germans broke the Versailles Peace Treaty was their building of “pocket battleships”. Do you agree with that assessment?
Most novices realize a critical element in the logistics of war is the preparation, and that seasoned, battle hardened, top notch generals such as South African General Smuts would not have forgotten when drafting the VPT.Can you give me an example of a “proper enforcement mechanism”?Could you also provide me more detail on Germany testing tanks in the Soviet Union, and do you think this would have escaped the attention of our Allied spies?We are talking about the loss of 9 million soldiers during WW1; wouldn’t the desire be to avoid a repeat of such a calamity, let alone a repeat from such a belligerent instigator, merciless Germany?BTW, I thought you were great in bringing up the point in the debate about the German massacre in South West Africa. Well done. I also think you put the men to shame in all categories including physical beauty 🙂
On Nov 12, 2018, at 3:35 AM, Info Margaret Macmillan <> wrote:Since there was no proper enforcement mechanism it was easy.And Germany did a deal to test things like tanks in the Soviet Union.
From:Gary Gevisser <>
Sent:Saturday, November 10, 2018 12:05:40 AM
To:Info Margaret Macmillan
Subject:Im watching you on a Youtube video debating WW1My question is, how did Germany overcome the strict prohibitions in the Versailles Peace Treaty from rearming?
Thank you,