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Marlon Magnus McCain – FB conversations

Marlon Magnus McCain – FB conversations

Hello, I see that you were born on April 21, 1970 but even if you were fully alert you wouldn’t have known on that particular day what was going to happen 10 months and 10 days later, March 2, 1971 when the world’s richest and most powerful person died. Charles Engelhard Jr. who was my immediate family’s strategic partner in our huge ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES
Chapter One – The Diamond Investigation
Sitting across the desk from Oppenheimer, however, it is hard to imagine that this small, shy man dominated a multi-billion-dollar empire. He spoke quietly, but with great precision. He had a distinct Oxford accent, and as he explained an issue he tended to punctuate his answers with a self-effacing…
that controlled South Africa’s timber and construction industry; and of course all furniture enterprises was a man who mastered many things, including hiding his ownership in the world’s central banks, much the same as his partner, Harry Oppenheimer

who directly supervised my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia De Beers-Barclays

and when I joined them officially in early spring 1979 and still 21 years of age, I looked like this.

Marlon Magnus McCain
Why are you sending me this info?
Engelhard Jr. who is the central figure in scholarly Professor Edward J. Epstein’s chapter 18, aptly titled, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY

would not have heard of Zeitgeist but he would smile and so would Harry Oppenheimer when watching one of your movies.

I am in the process of launching my book which picks up where Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction The Diamond Invention book leaves off.

Let me know if you or anyone else would be interested in joining a round table discussion so we can finally find out who exactly is behind Zeitgeist?

Note carefully some of my FB friends including former RAND Corporation THINK TANK official Dr. Rod Smith Phd and Israel Air Force pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene who I will share our communications if that is okay with you?

Did I answer you question?
I see we have 9 mutual friends. Have you got any feedback from them? Chéri Lucia Linde 23 mutual friends Friend Friends Kerron Craig Walker 3,671 friends Friend Friends Marion Rendahl 15 mutual friends Friend Friends Mon Bouvier 15 mutual friends Friend Friends Neal Jones 27 mutual friends Friend Friends Ryan Christopher Reeves 4,978 friends Friend Friends Stoney R. Harmon 42 mutual friends Friend Friends Tim Gallagher 2,407 friends Friend Friends Trowa Daryon 2,354 friends
Maybe you want to run the numbers starting with your other 4958 fb friends and their reach and lets assume on average they have on average 1000 friends; so there is some 5 million who if properly motivated can be counted on to attend an interesting gathering given how I have travelled the world many times over although there are a handful of countries like Russia, New Zealand and Australia which I have not visited, and 85% of the people have heard of Zeitgeist even if they haven’t all seen one of the movies. When I ask, “Do you know who are the money people and/or board of directors?”, not even those who are Zeitgeist die hard fans have a clue.
More important, and this is the “money shot”, when I give them my background, they go speechless when I ask, “Wouldn’t you like to see them in a debate with me?”

They are not stroke victims.

They just speechless for a few moments before their eyes light up followed the word, “Yes”.
If you don’t believe me, try doing the same thing but you have to convince them that you are me.
Do you know wh[y] the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd came to me on June 25, 2013 to reveal startling information which he didn’t bother going with to Zeitgeist, Snowdon or Assange?

Are u able to follow my posts on Simon Bull’s wall?
