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Mask off ~ Ring a bell

Screenshot 11:19 PM October 20, 2020

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Title: Mask off
This is the most important character flaw of Joe Biden; he is a bad father, therefore a bad role model for our children (regardless of the possible monetary fraud, bribery, treason, putting the country and the world at risk; he physically looks a gentle soul, you would trust him with your child.
Would you now?
What if the extraordinary censorship that is coming down shows him more the dictator type than the paternal, an arms dealer who is going to rule forever – social control and it is happening so fast.
Time to take the masks off.
If I was Trump that is the message I would get across to draw some blood.
People are heartless.)
Robin Grosberg, Russ Ebersole and 3 others
I must say how impressed I am that those bots knew way back in 2014 to send those emails incriminating Biden and his son on Burisma $cam$.
Then put them on a laptop owned by Hunter and signed for by Hunter with pictures of Hunter.
Man they really are good.


What was that about politicians and their kids?
Image may contain: 22 people, text that says 'her.' When asked what him and Ivanka havesin common: n'trelate that to Speaking to the then- Miss Universe while Watching 6-year-old vanka host the 997 Miss Teen USA pageant, hea asked her: Don't you think daughter's She' hot, right? Iweren't happily married and, yanwhefahe kiss Ivanka with every chance get. "I've weren't mydaughterperhapsTbe dating terrible?" gettyimages "I've known efffor1 years. Terrific He's "She's actually always been very voluptuous, lot offun be with even said that vo-lup likes beautiful much as Ido and woman) curvaceous and sexually attractive .relating characterized luxury sensual pleasure many them aren-theyounger side.'


He’s not a bad father, wow


So, you’re saying we should elect a kindergarten teacher?


Some messy thinking there
Twitter temporarily censored an inflammatory story that had been strategically timed to be released now on grounds of questionable veracity, therefore Biden would be a dictator? You’ll have to spell that reasoning out for me, because the only conclusion I draw from that is that social media may require regulation against that kind of thing…


Focus on the horrible father, not a good guiding hand, attached to his pocket book
What I found on Hunter's hard drive | Rudy Giuliani


Gary Gevisser

talk about bad fathers- here’s Rudi gulianis daughter (not the one from marrying his cousins but before that the mom he cheated on with his cousin)…/rudy-giulianis-daughter-on…/amp

Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


Stephen J Reynolds, let’s wait for Thursday which will be more comedy hour, before deciding how important is the hard drive of Biden Hunter, and it could all fizzle because the much bigger item is the Gross Domestic Product index problem, and if you are not familiar with that, may I suggest you first write to my Facebook friend, economist Dr. Rodney SmithPhd and if in his response you have any questions then you know how to reach me.
BTW, Rudy Giuliani is not running for President or are you saying that we should look into whether Giuliani’s daughter is a crack cocaine addict and is the bagman for funneling tens of millions if not billions into Rudy Giuliani’s pocket?
Again, focus on learning about the duplicitous GDP and again I couldn’t recommend anyone more highly than Dr

Rodney Smith Phd, and whatever happens this Thursday, enjoy the show.


Gary Gevisser

you’re delusional dude


Stephen J Reynolds, what are your credentials?


You wanna talk about chynnna how about this: trump paid more taxes to China than Uncle Sam. Didn’t register these bank accounts in his official disclosures. Why is bank of china US HQ In truMP tower? Why does invanka have 49 Chinese patents? These are real facts based in reality with verifiable data- not russian propaganda that real patriots should be discussing not Rudy and fox Russian garbage for morons to
Drool over. Grow up. Think critically. Learn to read. Don’t beleive every crackpot conspiracy theory. Follow the money
New York Times: Tax records show Trump maintains Chinese bank account


Title: Ring a bell
Stephen J Reynolds, I see that your “shooting from the hip” didn’t have you go quiet, but did you notice how incoherent you are all the way until “… follow the money” which has me focusing on your poor schooling, as it is more precisely, “follow the mineral resources trail”, which is a world apart from the money, and why the schooling system, including TV has you pointed in the wrong direction.
Remember you brought up Giuliani’s daughter and I responded appropriately to your ruse which you didn’t like, and your knee jerk caused you to utter like a poorly raised child caught acting out.
The credential that I see on your Facebook besides for us having a bunch of mutual friends is “Former Energy Advisor at Tesla Motors.”
I would assume therefore that you have dealt directly with Elon Musk given how “hands on” and approachable he is?
If not, then you would still know that the field of “energy”, even if a major source of the energy comes from the sun, which we can all agree is as free as it gets, the components that go into the mechanical and non-mechanical devices such as solar panels and batteries has a high degree of minerals as well as labor even if the labor component is all robotic, as robots too need to take a break for repair and maintenance, but not the customary two 10 minute breaks required by so-called civilized societies.
Just in case you hadn’t factored into your thinking, were all of TESLA employees to suddenly find a gold mine under each of their homes and only they were so fortunate, and if it turned out that all these employees were so great that Elon Musk couldn’t replace them, not even with robots, then to be competitive with what these employees would make mining their own mines and wanting to stay on the cash register just in case, TESLA’s labor costs would skyrocket.
Point being that there are two things you should know like the back of your hand before talking “money” or “efficiencies”; the war business and the mineral resource business which go hand in hand, otherwise you are going to find yourself writing really delusional, crazy stuff like “You wanna y’all about chynnna how about this … Why does invariably have 49 Chinese patents?”
Did you hear me saying anything all that great about Trump other than he is by far the most entertaining President the world has ever had by far, and even better he says what he has to say quickly and you expect him either to lie in mid-sentence or contradict himself at least once in every sentence.
But for some reason there is far less of the old Trump today.
Again, don’t be so impatient.
Thursday is less than 2 days away and this whole Hunter Biden kickback to the BIG GUY might all disappear in a big mushroom cloud.
BTW, my math isn’t altogether bad and back in the late 80s I compiled for myself with input from an actuary we had hired, a “risk assessment” of the likelihood that the world would blow up given both the large arsenal of nuclear weapons which were getting more powerful with faster delivery times, the chance of mistakes, the crazy people running the countries with nuclear stockpiles as well as Wall Street types seeing an end to their gravy train were the truth about the GDP to reach the masses, and working in concert with bad guys launch a nuclear strike simply to distract, and we know how badly that could easily end up.
My assessment was that it should have already happened.
Every moment since, I have seen the risk factor increase exponentially.
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Bear in mind this is just my assessment and the proof is only that the human population when simply looking at the size of us human has got increasingly, if not exponentially more unhealthy.
BTW, do you think Monsanto who is owned by BASF-IG Farben, part of the SA Oppenheimer-Brenthurst Foundation group where 4 Star US General, Richard Myers, the former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is on the Advisory Board, has done a good job with helping small farmers stay in business producing healthy organic produce?
Don’t let me put you off having you run out right now on a fox hunt, but like Elon Musk I was born and raised in mineral rich South Africa, and that meant you had to be blind not to smell that one South African family, the German-South African Oppenheimers ran the whole show; the private sector as well as the government.
In the private sector they directly controlled 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the remaining 15% bent over when they came calling.
Can you imagine why if you were studying economics, political science, law, finance, accounting, history and philosophy even if you were alone at the North Pole just checking that the weather instruments were working properly and you had plenty of time to study, no one had you focus on what it would mean if one man controlled 85% of the capitalization of the only stock exchange located in the world’s mineral richest country?
Surely you have run into one South African in your lifetime who you know how to reach. Ask them how much thought they ever gave to why there is little to no mention of this extraordinary economic power?
Are you aware that the mining sector of the South African economy is the largest?
Could you understand why South Africa’s smartest general, General Smuts decided back in 1910 when he negotiated back control of South Africa from the British that he was going to be Minister of 3 portfolios, Minister of War, Minister of Finance and Minister of Mines?
Could you see the discomfort amongst people who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning realizing that General Smuts was not a stupid man?
There is a wonderful feature story in the New York Times of March 19, 1989 titled, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD.
I’m sure you would enjoy it. Also feel free to ask me any question should you have any.
Naturally, upon completing my university economic schooling, I was highly motivated to join Harry Oppenheimer who I had little difficulty impressing right at the very start of my year long orientation that began soon after I immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
In early spring 1979, I officially joined Oppenheimer’s most important “site holder” on US soil, Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street, New York City.
I don’t want to hit you with too much all at once given how in your delusional state you might forget to check in not only with your personal pediatrician to access what possibly in your childhood caused your distemper but to reach out to Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who you can see I have now tagged twice, meaning he is being notified that he should expect you to be more controlled when next speaking out given how you surely don’t want to be embarrassed to more than all our mutual fb friends as there is the whole world still out who Im sure you would like to hear your point of view, unless you decide to calm down.
Therefore I will not add you immediately to my fb group chat TITWII [Tell It The Way It Is] where beside for the interesting content you will see that one of the many members is America’s cash and land richest and most politically connected litigators, Mr. Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who also happens to be a member of the Democratic National Committee.
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Im assuming you are familiar with the Democratic Party here in the United States?
Also to his credit, Mr. Krinsk Esq. served as a national finance chair for John Kerry for President 2004 and co-chair of the Patriot Project in 2005.
Furthermore, Wikipedia have it correct, Krinsk is also a member of the Speaker’s Cabinet of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). He was a founding member of the 2009 Inaugural Committee. Krinsk also serves on certain California governmental committees at the request of Governor Jerry Brown’s administration.
I worked with Mr. Krinsk Esq. intimately from early spring 1999 to the end of 2003 when he played a significant hand in my coming across, free on The Internet, Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention which future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published in 1982, the same year that another intimate of mine, Roger W. Robinson joined the National Security Council, given not only his immediate prior closeness to David Rockefeller of Chase Bank-JP Morgan, but “Our Man Roger” – who shared the same initials of the “Being There” President Ronald W. Reagan, and both born on the same day, February 6, just 40 years apart – was while at Chase and reporting directly to David Rockefeller, the expert on “Soviet Economics” which is quite the oxymoron, until you simply replace the word “Soviet” with “Military” and then everything should make a whole lot more sense to you.
Another interesting piece of titbit about Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. is that he sits on the board of Rosemont Realty-Equity
with two other individuals whose names might be familiar to you; does Hunter Biden and Devon Archer ring a bell?
Does the name Secretary of State John F. Kerry ring a bell?
Did you know that convinced felon Devon Archer was a roommate of Secretary John F. Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz?
Would it be too much to ask you to place a photo of a can of Heinz tomato source on your Facebook profile photo to replace the cow, just to show that you are not an animation?
BTW, I would meet Mr. Krinsk Esq. every Wednesday for lunch at Rainwaters, San Diego’s biggest meeting place of “rainmakers”, and those most enjoyable meetings did not prevent Mr. Krinsk Esq. from marrying Marcy “Campbell Soup” Campbell back in 2001 which my beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and I addended, and I also gave a little speech which did not include any mention of the GDP or for that matter my knowledge about the banking and mining industry which hasn’t changed since the turn of the last century, as it remains the German-South African Oppenheimer family in total control and which you can easily ascertain by the photo that follows.
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and suit
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Just in case you are interested, my last meeting on June 3, 2011 with Mr. Krinsk Esq. which was also a lunch, and perhaps our longest, as it lasted 3 hours and the main purpose was for me to hand over my file detailing the ban, which remains in place, prohibiting American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s of London, who not only accept price fixed diamond currency as a “money instrument” from “accredited investors” such as the Royal Families of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Great Britain who simply have to show that they are not Americans, but the US Government has continued to allow Lloyd’s – whose invitation to join to the world’s oldest and most exclusive Old Boy’s Club I turned down back in 1987 – to sell their insurance products to Americans and American corporations.
Nor do I want you to think either Mr. Krinsk Esq. or myself began fasting the moment we arrived at the brasserie located in the Grant Hotel, also located in downtown San Diego.
To be also perfectly clear, I never got any sense that Ulysses Grant was himself eavesdropping because not only did Grant take his last breath on 4 March 1877 but there is nothing I can see that is exemplary in his conduct, apart from abusing alcohol, that would have had him seated next to God.
Nor was June 3, 2011 the last time we communicated directly which was in late August, early September 2012 when he responded most positively to the obituary I placed in the South African newspapers following the passing of my beloved father Bernie Gevisser on 27 August, 2012
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'GEVISSER BERNARD NATHAN Bernard Nathan Gevisser [October 1 Allied Fighter Pilot (71 mis- sions). Director of The Moshal Gevisser Group Companies [1910- 19701, father n the vorld passed 1W on Augus 27th at 8:15an He ent out in just as he flew missed. and loving son. Gary teven evisser'
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Just in case you are interested June 3, 2011 was a Friday, not a Wednesday.
What I think should help you sleep much better this evening and still I think it is okay to send Dr. Rodney Smith Phd a fb message seeking his input on the GDP, is my Tweet to Elon Musk back on January 29th of this year:
On September 5, 2006 Oppenheimer, when meeting with President Putin, shows his power.
Why bother with terrorist financier Marc Rich’s successor, Ivan Glasenberg-Glencore when you can negotiate, cutting out the middlemen.
Keep … your enemies even closer.
BEat healthy.
Gary Gevisser on Twitter

