Bear in mind this is just my assessment and the proof is only that the human population when simply looking at the size of us human has got increasingly, if not exponentially more unhealthy.
BTW, do you think Monsanto who is owned by BASF-IG Farben, part of the SA Oppenheimer-Brenthurst Foundation group where 4 Star US General, Richard Myers, the former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is on the Advisory Board, has done a good job with helping small farmers stay in business producing healthy organic produce?
Don’t let me put you off having you run out right now on a fox hunt, but like Elon Musk I was born and raised in mineral rich South Africa, and that meant you had to be blind not to smell that one South African family, the German-South African Oppenheimers ran the whole show; the private sector as well as the government.
In the private sector they directly controlled 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the remaining 15% bent over when they came calling.
Can you imagine why if you were studying economics, political science, law, finance, accounting, history and philosophy even if you were alone at the North Pole just checking that the weather instruments were working properly and you had plenty of time to study, no one had you focus on what it would mean if one man controlled 85% of the capitalization of the only stock exchange located in the world’s mineral richest country?
Surely you have run into one South African in your lifetime who you know how to reach. Ask them how much thought they ever gave to why there is little to no mention of this extraordinary economic power?
Are you aware that the mining sector of the South African economy is the largest?
Could you understand why South Africa’s smartest general, General Smuts decided back in 1910 when he negotiated back control of South Africa from the British that he was going to be Minister of 3 portfolios, Minister of War, Minister of Finance and Minister of Mines?
Could you see the discomfort amongst people who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning realizing that General Smuts was not a stupid man?
There is a wonderful feature story in the New York Times of March 19, 1989 titled, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD.
I’m sure you would enjoy it. Also feel free to ask me any question should you have any.
Naturally, upon completing my university economic schooling, I was highly motivated to join Harry Oppenheimer who I had little difficulty impressing right at the very start of my year long orientation that began soon after I immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
In early spring 1979, I officially joined Oppenheimer’s most important “site holder” on US soil, Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street, New York City.
I don’t want to hit you with too much all at once given how in your delusional state you might forget to check in not only with your personal pediatrician to access what possibly in your childhood caused your distemper but to reach out to Dr. Rodney Smith Phd who you can see I have now tagged twice, meaning he is being notified that he should expect you to be more controlled when next speaking out given how you surely don’t want to be embarrassed to more than all our mutual fb friends as there is the whole world still out who Im sure you would like to hear your point of view, unless you decide to calm down.
Therefore I will not add you immediately to my fb group chat TITWII [Tell It The Way It Is] where beside for the interesting content you will see that one of the many members is America’s cash and land richest and most politically connected litigators, Mr. Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who also happens to be a member of the Democratic National Committee.