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“Me confused” Kate Sidley – Former Editor Media24 Magazine + South African Sunday Times Columnist

Kate Sidley Former Magazine Editor at Media24 + South African Sunday Times Columnist

20 mutual friends: Adam Gordon 437 friends; Beverley Ann Mitchell 4,295 friends; Bridgette Jett Moulang 2,784 friends

Conrad Noel-barham 976 friends; Des Lindberg 1,957 friends; Dorianne Weil1,530 friends; Gail Saul 800 friends; Gillian Mulock-Bentley 988 friends; Ingrid Gavshon 1,327 friends; Irven Hope 4,992 friends; Matthew Kretzschmar 844 friends; Melody Emmett 4,137 friends; Michael Burts 2,724 friends; Penelope Stein 4,994 friends; Rahla Xenopoulos 4,991 friends; Richard Poplak 4,798 friends; Robert Appelbaum 1,849 friends; Stan Katz 5,000 friends

Studied at Witwatersrand

Lives in Johannesburg, Gauteng

SUN 11:54 AM



Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Kate.

Sunday, September 22, 2019; 12:18 PM Calif. time




Have you heard of my mother Zena Gevisser?

She came up with this clever and most successful ad that I only ran once in the South African Sunday Times that I see you used to work for.


What do you do now?

Did you ever read my mother’s best friend David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER?




Hi. Don’t know your mother, but I knew David a little, and his family.




I’ve been juicing with my wife – we do our best to stay healthy:)

Did you read David’s book?

What do you do now?

Do you travel much?

Does David Berlinski or Richard Feynman mean anything to you?

Did you cover the Oppenheimer family much in your journalism career?

Have you heard of Professor Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book?

Did you know that David worked for Charles Engelhard Jr?


1:08 PM

It’s a very beautiful day here in southern California and so I’m going back outside to be with my wife and our little doggy Mango 

I’m also writing a book which picks up where Epstein’s The D I leaves off


1:38 PM


I’m sitting outside on my cellphone because I’m curious about you

You have to also be a curious person and I would think about my age 62 possibly older 

David Gevisser was not your average business person

Everyone knew that he was wealthy even if they didn’t know how wealthy

You obviously conversed with him and asked about his life experience and the same with Hedda and their boys especially Mark since he is also a journalist 

If Charles Engelhard’s name didn’t come up and you knew nothing about Engelhard then you must be wondering a number of things especially if you have now done some research on Engelhard?

I assume nothing about anyone and always look to see the positive in every situation and that has a lot to do with my quantitative skills which keep me very humble like my father Bernie who was David’s first cousin and my father was also a very accomplished Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot as well as my very varied life experience where I have mostly dealt with “movers” and I’m not talking about people who move household furniture who I haven’t found to have any more integrity than the biggest crooks

Interestingly at least to me is that with few exceptions the minute someone starts making money above their peers they become increasingly corrupt and eventually they will stop at nothing

That may have you not only thinking of this pedophile Jeffrey Epstein but more importantly how he managed to surround himself with the world’s most powerful men and women who got also got a great kick out of demeaning highly vulnerable women of all ages


2:11 PM





2:20 PM


You must have heard of my mother’s model Penny Coleen


SUN 9:36 PM



You might have me confused with Patricia Sidley. She was also a journalist at ST – more your era.


6:48 AM


Doesn’t your about on facebook show you as working for the ST and editor at MEDIA24?





7:06 AM


I’ve never heard of this other Sidley 

It is you who I find interesting given your journalist background and your connection to the “male heir” of South African Invader American Charles Engelhard Jr (1917-1971); namely my “lucky uncle” Dave and you being a Facebook friend of Hedda and knowing the family.

Yet you don’t answer anything about knowing that David even worked for Engelhard let alone that he was Engelhard’s chief executive officer beginning right before Engelhard’s death but their relationship going back to the early 50s?

You seem very reticent for a journalist, almost like you don’t want to know more?

You being of a different era to me seems a distraction, is it not, almost like you wish you[r] knowledge of David and his family were this Norman Rockwell piece?

How can you not have had many conversations with either Mark or Hedda about Engelhard who was so big in their lives and [an] entire chapter devoted to Engelhard in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER?

You can see that Hedda has only 58 fb friends and you are one of them and perhaps no one else who has such a heavy duty media background

Have you read yet zzz THE UNLIKELY FORESTER or seen the TIME MAGAZINE issue of Jan 27, 1971 titled Corporations: South African Invader?


7:38 AM


I have no connection to Engelhard.

7:50 AM


We only know what we know, not what we don’t know

David Gevisser and his family are both our connection to Engelhard 

You get enough support you can do anything you want.

Had you heard of Engelhard before I brought up his name?


7:53 AM

Approximately how old are you?

8:34 AM


I ask because if you are Hedda’s age and you do look younger, you could be easily forgetful of your conversations with her, David and Mark; and of course I know them all very well.

Social media such as facebook bring us all together in a way that the smartest people could not have envisioned 30 years [ago] including the smartest of the smart Richard Feynman who as smart as he was and a very good questioner and teacher and [not] suppressed by religious dogma was totally in awe of nature at its fundamental level, namely mathematics that allows one to calculate the almost impossible to figure out, yet Feynman achieved that, and his final assessment “I don’t know why nature works that way” tells you of both his humility and the genius of nature which keeps it secrets while imploring us humans to keep questioning what makes us tick.

We are conditioned by mostly bad parents to be very average and to do whatever it takes to survive financially because the money 1f4b0.png is never questioned by the rabbis, priests and academics of all the disciplines and that is in my opinion far more incredible than believing in a diety .

I happen to know exactly how the money system works and that is because I made it my business to question my one of a kind genius mother Zena about David Gevisser who was in fact not only very average but because of his horrible stutter it was hard to have a conversation with him

So of course I’m interested in what attracted you to him?

Was it his money or his money connections?

You look like you are doing everything possible to avoid having a conversation with me that reveals how you got to be so powerful in the South African media and to count the most powerful and richest Jewish South African family as your friend

You would also know that Engelhard Jr who you wish to be so vague about along with his partner Harry Oppenheimer who you also don’t want to talk about operated the most elaborate network of informers.

Of course I would know because Harry Oppenheimer directly supervised my year long orientation into his mafia of mafia De Beers-Barclays

No one is more aware than me and my mother Zena of the nastiness of the human spirit but that does not change one iota my positive spirit.

That takes no doubt humility, logic and fear of nothing including death

Once you know how the money system works and you share the knowledge so you see everyone’s true colors and it is not pretty 

Most parents are unconscious and bring children into this rather hateful world where they know the child is going to encounter sadness and disappointment constantly, rejection and so on, and for certain sickness-pain and ultimately death

8:47 AM


So you are learning not only about these Gevissers who you obviously didn’t know but also about yourself

Moreover you are all now in the same room [group chat, Wow, very powerful] with me as moderator


8:49 AM


I do not want to be in any group or have any further discussions.


[Kate Sidley then blocked, unfriended me and removed herself from Wow, very powerful!”.
