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Mental midget of the highest order – Chandali InthMatrix

Screenshot: 11:27 PM Calif. time, Monday 24 October 2022


Alchemyst Mystique

October 21 at 9:47 AM

Please check out my new page and give it a like 


 thank you!

Journeys in Soul Retrieval

I became an intuitive guide because I had someone who helped me when I needed it the most. I found someone who finally understood what I was struggling with and knew how to get me through it. I felt such a profound sense of salvation and grace

[Sara OfTruth gave a thumbs up]



Gary Gevisser
Did you see my dialogue with our mutual friend Belinda Clements before it was removed?


7:55 AM Monday 24 October 2022

[Alchemyst Mystique gave a thumbs up]



Gary Gevisser
Do you think it was right to censor the dialogue that explained the history between the House of Saud and Wall Street seeking to crush Elon Musk, the eldest of my fb friend, Errol Graham Musk?

Galen Fultz
Peter V. Stevens
Angela Meyers Cotellessa
Dennis Swenson
Foster Gamble
Chandali IntheMatrix
Andy Gerhardt

 4:15 PM 24 Oct. 2022

    • Chandali IntheMatrix
      Gary Gevisser, you bought your very personal agenda to the personal page of someone else. In this case Belinda Clements‘ page.I suggest you focus on posting your own material on your own page. That way you can control your message.Freedom of speech means we can state our opinions AND that others do not have to abide by them….
      …or even listen to them or read them.4:22 PM 24 Oct. 22

[Belinda Clements and Galen Fultz gave a thumbs up]


Dennis Swenson
I’m not sure what to make of all of that Gary.
~ My focus has been elsewhere… but I do generally feel concern about the censoring of intelligent conversation.

4:24 PM 24 Oct. 22

Chandali IntheMatrix
Dennis Swenson, we rally for the right for each others freedom to speak, even though we may disagree with them.

Truth, personal sovereignty and freedom also includes the right to choose our own aesthetics, in our homes, on our own body and our own fb page.

So yes, we can delete content and even block offensive trolling. Although in actuality, de — face book is the giant offender in the censorship conversation!

4:48 PM 24 Oct. 22 Edited

    • Gary Gevisser
      Title: Mental midget of the highest orderChandali IntheMatrix you are not intellectually honest, and you know it.Let’s begin; did you read the dialogue that Belinda Clements censored; and second, do you recall everything I wrote and her opposition, including deafening silence once she realized that for the past century she has been fooled?Can you imagine how many others believed her story about this enlightened Saudi Princess Nora?Do you have an opinion on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
      aka Mr. Bone Saw?

      You call yourself a poet and you know that there is no qualification required for that designation.

      Just so that you think, I’m restricting others from joining in, I will be reposting this entire conversation on my fb wall as well as on my website

      Others are also free to repost-Twitter.

      To compare the suffering caused to the poor of the world by the House of Saud whose human rights abuse is legendary and the Saudi women who praise this ruthless dictatorship are no less complicit, no matter how many colleges they fund to mask their ugliness, to the decor in your home, is not simply disgusting, disingenuous, it is indicative of a mental midget of the highest order.


    • 7:21 PM 24 Oct.
    • Gary Gevisser
      Link to menntal midget of the highest order PM 24 Oct. 22


Gary Gevisser

Chandali IntheMatrix, it is now 7:39 PM Calif. time 24 Oct. 22, should you make any edits to your writings, could you let us know, and in particular, “… the right to choose our own aesthetics …”.

BTW, was this the smartest way you could think of to become a “fact checker” for the House of Saud?

7:42 PM 24 Oct. 22


Gary Gevisser

Chandali IntheMatrix, I have been conducting a little survey with people from the around the world who are following this discourse, and the consensus of you comparing your house decor to bloody colorful Mr. Bone Saw-House of Saud is “It is original”.

Can you share more of your poetry?

8:21 PM 24 Oct 22

    • Chandali IntheMatrix
      Gary Gevisser, so you friended my account today to practice your Cancel Culture skills. Bravo.
      Are you a paid operative!
      Personal insults are the tactics of weak men.
      So is posting your agenda on a woman’s fb account or even another man’s account. In this case Alchemyst Mystique.
      Interesting tactics.

      9:14 PM 24 Oct 22 Edited
