Michael “Asasin” Awerbuch – You cannot forgive yourself

From: Gary S Gevisser <crowedavid2@gmail.com>
Subject: You cannot forgive yourself – Re: Anyone left out? – Re: Important dialogue – Re: Would you prefer not to have been
Date: February 4, 2013 1:46:32 PM GMT+01:00
To: michael@asasin.biz
Cc: Scott Busskohl – California Court of Appeal Deputy Clerk <Scott.Busskohl@jud.ca.gov>, Texas Judge Martin Lowy <mlowy@dallascourts.org>, Texas 5th Court of Appeals <lisa.matz@5thcoa.courts.state.tx.us>, “Alan Loewinsohn Esq. – Dallas, Texas based attorney for CIA Charles Knuff” <alanl@lfdlaw.com>, “Texas American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]” <acluinfo@aclutx.org>, “Stephen Cohen – Codiam Inc.” <stephendcn@aol.com>, Leon Cohen – Codiam Inc <Leon@codiam.com>, Derrick Beare <Derrick.Beare@Investec.co.uk>, David Woolf <david.woolf@cinqplast.com.au>, “De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc. who last communicated with Gary S. Gevisser in a taped phone call on March 24, 2008, G.S. Gevisser’s 51st birthday – see 2facetruth.com – RESOURCES – GARY GEVISSER & DE BEERS” <cbgsales@cutbygauge.com>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <bondst@debeers.com>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in \”management friendly\”; i. e. \”shareholder hostile\” takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <newell@nstarks.com>, “Texan Secretary of State, James A. Baker, III – Representing House of Saud, Saudi Arabia – Baker considered by Roger W. Robinson, \”THE MOST DANGEROUS PERSON IN THE WORLD\”.” <mhipp@rice.edu>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <rwrincorp@aol.com>, Chinese Embassy – USA <service@visarite.com>, “Gary Firer [1957- ] – Carmel College Durban South Africa. Now living in Switzerland-Germany” <garyfirer@gmail.com>, FBI – San Diego <san.diego@ic.fbi.gov>, Neil Gevisser <neil@rhymedisease.com>, Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>, “Ed Bertolas – Summer is the season for chicken.” <bertolas@ix.netcom.com>, Michael Feldman <michael@sdlawyernow.com>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <bjp1@cornell.edu>, ldruion@wol.co.za, Lynnebentel <Lynnebentel@verizon.net>, Colin Schneiderman <colbren@live.com>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <lfugard@att.net>, “James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012.” <james.mackay@argentaplc.com>, “Michael Big Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion – Principal 2facetruth.com” <mageph520@yahoo.com>, Guy Friedman <bentley55@hotmail.com>, Guy De Chazal – US Government owned Morgan Stanley <Susan.Runge@morganstanley.com>, “stephen@stephenrich.co.za” <stephen@stephenrich.co.za>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <cbenn@mweb.co.za>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <iamrecruit@investecmail.com>, “Colin Cowie – Colin Cowie Productions – former long time lover of Jonathan \”Trouble Bubble\” Beare.” <jgreenky@colincowie.com>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <jbeare@iafrica.com>, “Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of David Gevisser whose 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook friend of Mark Gevisser, who while publishing the biography of US black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred, in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson, a militant member of the ANC whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the Armed Struggle of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them, are so quiet about David Gevisser being the male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who was assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried not in a Jewish cemetery, because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey, the birth state of Hollywood. Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser, male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey” <mark@markgevisser.com>, “Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School” <amay@aclu-co.org>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <Kingdelmar@aol.com>, “Adam Lee Lee Tucker – Principal co-defendant in Knuff lawsuit who was severed from the lawsuit on the day the most fraudulent defamation $4 million DEATH SENTENCE was handed to GSGevissr on January 21st, 2011. Tucker met for the first and only time with Knuff on December 23, 2008.” <adamltucker@live.com>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild@earthlink.net>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <friling@bgu.ac.il>, Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University <amiram@vms.huji.ac.il>, Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter The Pig Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig <blazarus@mweb.co.za>, “Sidney Abelski – lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <sidneyabelski@yahoo.com>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.” <info@sturman.ch>, “Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011.” <cl.dreams@yahoo.com>, “US Air Force Fighter Pilot Terry Sam Samples.” <terrysamples1@att.net>, “Vice President Dan Quayle who made reference to singer Cyndi Lauper in his December 9, 2011 email to Cyndi Lauper’s former lover, US Air Force Major Sam Samples, titled, Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard.” <danqal8y@aol.com>, amanpour@cnn.com, “Bruce Willis c/o Melanie Gurvits Esq. – Attorney for Producer-Director Steven Spielberg” <melanie@stonehenge-ent.com>, Jeffrey Krinsk <jrk@classactionlaw.com>
Bcc: “aujoulat@yahoo.fr” <aujoulat@yahoo.fr>, “Grego@martinezgrupajesymudanzas.com” <Grego@martinezgrupajesymudanzas.com>, “mikiday@yahoo.com Dayan” <mikiday@yahoo.com>, John & Sheila Mulcahy <sheila.mulcahy@msn.com>, Alvero Sabogal <sabogala@yahoo.com>, Diane Fukushima <dfbkkg@sbcglobal.net>, Dani Ducati <daniel.ricos@ducati.es>, Pierre-Eric Grossi <pegrossi@gmail.com>, Rosa Capella <capellarosa@hotmail.com>, Stacy Stacy <liujiestacy@yahoo.com.cn>, Pearl Center <dragonlake@163.com>, Tea Tea <fengqingyuan_01@hotmail.com>, Maggie – Beijing <mymail6668@sina.com>, Elisabeth CARON <lisaross@free.fr>, Teri Lawton <tlawton@pathtoreading.com>, alexis Dizon <alexismarie84@hotmail.com>, Dave of Gerhard <monkeyboy264@earthlink.net>, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD” <peter.chait@rogers.com>, Darren Krok <krokdg@aol.com>, Tefo Mohapi <g00g0lpl3x@gmail.com>, Brad Whann <bwh20sports@yahoo.com>, Brad <motoworld-15@hotmail.com>, R Oshry <oshryr@btinternet.com>, elainedaviesoshry@hotmail.com, John Malin <jmalin@btinternet.com>, Neil Gevisser <neil@rhymedisease.com>, Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>, forkamiar@hotmail.com, “caprice1974@libero.it” <caprice1974@libero.it>, “claudiam29@gmail.com” <claudiam29@gmail.com>, Claudia Seibel <c.seibel@iur-realis.de>, Dani Ducati <daniel.ricos@ducati.es>, “Grego@martinezgrupajesymudanzas.com” <Grego@martinezgrupajesymudanzas.com>, Merna Sturgis <mbsturgis@gmail.com>, Jeff Sturgis <jgsturgis@gmail.com>, Andre & Martine Dion <andre656@videotron.ca>, charles ivie <charles.ivie8@gmail.com>, “Liba liba@libafit.com” <liba@libafit.com>, Andre & Martine Dion <andre656@videotron.ca>
Mr. Michael “Coward” Awerbach,
You can’t forgive yourself for acting so cowardly following that first phone call you received on August 8, 2011, which you believed was neurologically impaired, sick ex CIA Charles Knuff, or one of his henchmen, after you had just put down the phone with San Diego lawyer Michael Feldman Esq. who you had called to discuss providing up to $200,000 to fund my counter lawsuit against Charles Knuff.
So you make the mistake of attacking me with reckless abandonment of the truth beginning with the fact that all the corrupt principal players Knuff, Lowy and Loewinsohn have never asked me to retract any statements that are untrue about Knuff because they, like you, know they are all true.
All you have is your camaraderie of evil binding you [which you] know could end in the very next instant.
What boggles your feeble minds is the fact that so far not one household name celebrity including all of Hollywood, who think nothing of throwing down 10,000 Euros per night in an Indian Maharaj palace and thinking they have fooled everyone with their charity giving to the poor, has decided to leave your room of fools and speak out in support of my common sense solutions to ending this contrived bank crisis which now has the corrupt media of western Europe declaring, “AMERICA IS COMING BACK” and without having to prompt on the TV audience because so far it has only been printed on falsified newspaper and magazine front-page headings, subliminally declaring, “AND THEREFORE THE WORLD IS COMING BACK”.
But I am still here, and so are my truthful writings which you wouldn’t have learned from any other source including when you served in the South African Apartheid Regime’s military?
What year was that?
Given how I don’t have your resume, I am helping you and all the rest of your 648 Facebook “friends” contribute, and of course that must include Andrea Kerzner whose father, Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner only very recently found out, just like much richer multi-billionaire Jonathan Beare who hasn’t forgotten our meeting in Beverly Hills on January 13, 2005, 63 days after I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004 with De Beers, that if only they had taken just a few seconds out of their busy schedules, closed their eyes, imagined all the glittering gold mine dumps dotted throughout Johannesburg, South Africa, and instead of going to their parents like the Gambling Czar did and have them mortgage their Minora Hotel in Durban – [see Zena Ash Gevisser’s September 25, 2001 memoirs titled, LIFE STORY OF ZENA – click here] to finance his first hotel at Umchlanga Rocks, The Beverly Hills, to have simply called up my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser
to ask him about introducing him to his bank manager in London, England and when sitting down for the first time to ask what it takes to become a De Beers site holder like Codiam Inc., which continues to be run by David Gevisser’s close cousins Stephen Cohen and his son Leon.
Do you remember those gold mine dumps each time you come in to land at formerly known Jan Smuts International Airport?
Do you think that because De Beers-Nick Oppenheimer only say officially that they are in the diamond business, although they now say they are not in the diamond business without saying what business they are in, it means they are prevented from being in the banking business?
Do you understand the ramifications of Nick Oppenheimer setting the price of the $13.5 billion diamonds that Putin had Lev Leviev sell in 2004 on 47th Street New York City where Codiam Inc. continue to be headquartered?
What you don’t see in the President of France giving speeches right now calling for the French “solidarity” and for all the French to tighten their wastbelts and pay their taxes to lower the French Government deficit, is the French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Swiss or for that matter the President of the United States of America seated across from Nick Oppenheimer explaining that $13.5 billion [tax free] transaction, that took less than a few seconds to consummate because it was a self-dealing transaction, all designed to have Putin prime the pump in Moscow so that rich Russians would also have more to spend abroad, but even more importantly, to further handcuff the United States Government who could not “cry foul” because the United States Congress have never once balked from their support of the world’s mafia of mafia De Beers who count on their Government regulators to never go too hard on local mafia in places like Corsica as local mafia are relied upon to soak up the excess monies from small shop owners and make them and their families that much more dependent on big government who shut them up with each government handout such as when bailing out AIG or giving a defense/offense contract to an approved military contractor.
Now if you, a mental retard, can understand this, how long do you think it would take for me to explain it all to “Amy” [sic] Ayalon and/or his top Flotilla 13 commandos who most believe executed flawlessly Operation Sparkling in the summer of 2009, and which ended with the commandos leaving on board the huge Russian Cargo vessel [Arctic Sea] that disappeared from all American radar for nearly 2 weeks as a third of the containers carrying military weapons were offloaded, 4 Ray ban sunglass bags full of diamonds?
It is easy for you, to talk total and complete nonsense, because you have no resume to talk about. All I know about you is that you keep a stash of cash from savings of a lucrative business in China where the slaves are paid $2 a day and many increasingly out of work in the cities having been moved off their ancestral lands because of farmland and the produce produced has been fixed by one diamond mineral monopolist, De Beers, who thought they had fooled everyone when getting their United States of America Government following the American led 8 Allied Nations invasion of China in 1900, in the middle of the Second South African Boer War [1899-1902] to ship tens of thousands of Chinese “Coolie” slaves to work De Beers’ mines in mineral rich South Africa.
When you steal once and get away with it, you do so because you have most likely bribed the right government lawmakers like new United States Secretary of State John Kerry.
When you lie the first time, you keep forgetting, and why it is not a good thing to even think of lying the first time.
You are at the bottom of the barrel of those who have profited handsomely from De Beers owning everything and everyone who can be corrupted, but that does not mean you or they are capable of creating anything other than shit.
You reinforce the fact that the Central Intelligence Agency which is the military wing of the US State Department that is mostly run by liar-lawyers, has yet to distance themselves from a former member who has fraudulently used the justice system to extort monies out of me. It is also designed to harm my reputation. The evidence of judicial abuse is not just overwhelming, it is totally bullet proof.
Furthermore, you co-opted Ed Bertolas who is one up from the bottom of the barrel of lost souls who relied on his increasingly close friendship with you to help defray the fallout of the remainder of his mind that began when he received an email from a person he refers to as his “anti-Semitic” [sic] friend pointing him in the direction of a very important documentary, Gatekeepers which has Israel’s most tough, no-nonsense heads of Shin Bet, [questioning Israel’s foreign-domestic policy towards the Palestinians]. Israel’s internal security system is closely allied with the Mossad who mostly rely on good people within all the other foreign intelligence services like CIA to feed them critical intelligence which is very easily verifiable the moment Israel launches a covert-false flag operation such as Operation Sparkling which showed how vulnerable was America’s most advanced orbiting platforms as well as satellites and also very possibly this last week’s strike by the brutally strong Israel Air Force into Syria as the first thing that happened on the Syrian side was President Assad asking himself and his closest aids why the IAF hadn’t buzzed his house as they regularly do.
The fact that you are like most including all of my 3 elder siblings, a fish out of water [in the HEMP (History, Economics, Military & Politics)], does not mean that I am not going to now give you the biggest fucking dunking of your life, at the same time let the CIA and Mr. Charles Knuff as well as his Dallas liar-lawyer Alan Loewinsohn and corrupt Texas Judge Martin Lowy see more of my resume, which was impressive enough when I was still age 15 to command the attention of Israel’s most respected and trusted Air Force spy, my friend Boris Senior [1924-2004]
who I last visited with in Israel back in 1995 right before journeying on to South Africa where the “highlight” besides for being joined by my future F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser,
was an all day meeting in Johannesburg with my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2004] whose 2006 memoir-autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER does not mention that following our meeting he thought it important for fear of what I might reveal to the world, to invite my highly secretive British-English mother Zena Badash Ash [May 30, 1929 – ] to an intimate family dinner where I was not invited and to let her know, “Your son Gary is naive” but first he had to consume several glasses of wine to muster up the courage.
Do you remember letting me know that given your terrified state of mind following the phone call which made clear reference to the fabricated defamation lawsuit by sicko Charles Knuff who of course like all of you corrupt are only just beginning to suffer horribly, you needed to take a shot of whiskey, and I warned you not to overdo it?
Just earlier I continued my one sided conversation with my eldest brother Neil Graham Gevisser [Sept. 8, 1951 – ]
and you remember, that while you, Ed Bertolas and most of my adversaries sleep alone even when you pay for your prostitutes which you once told me the best are in “Bang-cock” [sic] – please check Google for the origination of the name – Neil still fucks a 28 year old English girl who is not interested in his money because she most likely is much richer financially than Neil, which of course bothers you that much more, because it tells you that she is mostly if not exclusively only interested in his body, and you know once you have lost it and you don’t have the horsepower to keep up with me, you might as well die, but committing suicide takes bravery especially as you become more aware that there is a most vengeful God waiting for you to take your next breath and why the selfish first return as shellfish before moving up the food chain to acquire quills:
Gary Gevisser
Michael Awerbuch who has made out before that he knows you wrote me earlier the following:
Dear Gary
I think I speak for everybody….please take me off your mailing list, because every time I mark u as spam, you change your email!!
Just to let you know of the 40 odd ‘reply to all’ in my previous response explaining what a mooching idiot you are, roughly 30 came back as ‘un-deliverable’..
To add:
DeBeers is such a wonderful smart company ( if you did ever work there), that at the lowest level of management immediately recognised what an idiot you were, and got rid of you asap.
Anxiety is a real problem if you do not take care of it!! It ends up causing huge issues regarding paranoia and recognising reality! I’m not trying to freak you out but you need to address this.
Recognise that repeating the same story in every email you write, to people who don’t even receive these emails is surly something you must admit to yourself.
Is it 20 odd years you been telling the same story!!!
Your brother agrees with me, and its time for an intervention. Your wife’s family have some money for you, even though I’m sure they resent you stealing their daughter’s share, but they have plenty..
Get help, get me off your list.
Go and get a job, and pay your debt to the 100% justified, correct and appropriate Texas decision!!!!
Again plead insanity its your best defence and its true!!! Any test you do will prove this!!!
Gary Gevisser
Michael Awerbuch also carbon copied the following:
Ed Bertolas <bertolas@ix.netcom.com>, James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27, 2012. <james.mackay@argentaplc.com>, Michael Big Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion – Principal 2facetruth.com <mageph520@yahoo.com>, Guy Friedman <bentley55@hotmail.com>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <mgkramer@cbs2ny.com>, Laura Malter – ex CIA <lauramalter@yahoo.com>, Editor-shanghai daily <editor@shanghaidaily.com>, South China Morning Post <scmplet@scmp.com>, Rose Tchang – Granddaughter of Sun Yat-sen <nancy@techbilt.com>, liang.sean@gmail.com, Rock – Steven <sdime@pacbell.net>, US Air Force Fighter Pilot Terry Sam Samples. <terrysamples1@att.net>, Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011. <cl.dreams@yahoo.com>, Vice President Dan Quayle who made reference to singer Cyndi Lauper in his December 9, 2011 email to Cyndi Lauper’s former lover, US Air Force Major Sam Samples, titled, Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard. <danqal8y@aol.com>, President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy, Washington DC Israeli Embassy <att-sec2@israelemb.org>, Jerusalem Post <letters@jpost.com>, Jason Ritchie – Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <jmr_1618@yahoo.com>, US Marine – Corporal Kevin Gipe <kevingipe@yahoo.com>, Brazil Embassy – USA <consular@consbrasdc.org>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <matthewmargo@aol.com>, 60 Minutes <60m@cbsnews.com>, Sundays <sundays@cbsnews.com>, Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK <friling@bgu.ac.il>, Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University <amiram@vms.huji.ac.il>, Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY Columbia University <sachs@axsamer.org>, Hlumelo Biko – son of murdered [September 11, 1977] Steve Biko ℅ Ali Ayala <Ali.ayala@endeavor.org>, Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko of Durban Movement. <jann@jannturner.com>, Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of David Gevisser whose 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook friend of Mark Gevisser, who while publishing the biography of US black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred, in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson, a militant member of the ANC whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the Armed Struggle of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them, are so quiet about David Gevisser being the male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who was assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried not in a Jewish cemetery, because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey, the birth state of Hollywood. Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser, male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey <mark@markgevisser.com>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <lfugard@att.net>, Nobel Prize Committee <comments@nobelprize.org>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <amy@suite102.us>, Radhakrishna Lutchmana Roy Padayachie – South Africa Minister of Department Communications Department Communications <director-general@doc.gov.za>
Gary Gevisser
Michael Awerbuch is not the only person who has said that he has been in contact with members of my immediate family.
When you are silent you speak.
When you tell the world, “If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem” and you don’t speak out against cowards like Michael Awerbuch who get a great deal of their courage from the cowardice of the silent who are principally focused on making as much money as quickly as possible and holding on to their ill-gotten gains, you also tell yourselves that you are hypocrites and given how we all know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained and nor is lost, then you find that those who have the knowledge and do nothing more than continue to feather their nest as best they know how, get all sorts of irreversible debilitating illnesses.
I have not forgotten that you, Melvin and Kathy have all profited from our mother Zena and Alan Zulman stealing much more than my Seapoint, Cape Town property and which our ingenious father
had to be ever so careful in expressing so quickly in the second paragraph of his eloquent and precision bombing FINAL WILL of November 7, 2007 which he not only had witnessed by 2 other signatories but equally important he confirmed in his January 22, 2009 addendum where he made no changes, and by not referring back to that most important second paragraph, he reinforced their great importance.
Once again, paragraph 2 reads;
“Unfortunately at this stage of my life, my assets have somewhat dwindled, partly due to me having to draw out of my assets, originating from the time I left Moshal Gevisser,my divorce from your mother, and more recently, when the income I received from Gary, (which I used to pay for my Medical Aid and medications, both in S.A. and during the last four years in Melbourne) being the nett rental from his flat in Cape Town, was suddenly terminated in September of 2005. In addition to this the Rate of Exchange between the Rand and AUD, hasn’t helped.”
He always walked around the 3 of you like he was walking on egg shells once he realized that your loyalties resided with our mother who lied about a great many things following the death of her father which our father felt was the moment when she began losing her brilliant mind because she always wanted to please our granddad Al Ash who like our grandpa Issy Gevisser picked up very quickly that none of the 3 of you had any interest in knowing their history because none of you, while all much older than me and when age differences meant a great deal than when an adult, ever asked them questions.
So you can surely understand that the rest of the world who didn’t have grandparents with as interesting a past as ours would be even less curious and therefore hugely disappointed in the fact that they were even less prompted than the 4 of us to find out what made granddad Al Ash
and grandpa Issy Gevisser tick.
For there to be such a pandemic of insensitivity that is almost impossible to describe b[y] this ongoing genocide in the Belgian Congo it is impossible to avoid given how I keep going back to it and we know how important it is to the Diamond Invention which is why Edward Jay Epstein devotes an entire chapter to the source of our Jewish Holocaust funding, there has to be something telling you deep inside that there is more to this world than the human regressing before all your eyes.
Where all your loyalties?
Gary Gevisser
Even when you read dad’s will you never had the sensitivity to realize that dad was talking much more than “survival monies” being suddenly terminated.
Those monies helped dad maintain his pride.
Moreover, dad never once asked for those monies or anything else from me or any of you, or for that matter our mother Zena.
Bernie Gevisser once he returned from war in Europe should never have had to work a day more in his life.
His father Issy Gevisser understood this perfectly.
His father Issy was no schlomiel when he left his immediate family behind in Vilnius, Lithuania where they were being slowly starved to death because the Tzar of Russia’s war with Japan was not going very well.
Issy’s letter to his mother on June 3, 1904
is so extraordinary that his nephew, our most evil “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] places it as the first addendum in his 2006 memoir-autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.
Do you think it was up to dad to inform us that war with Japan began on 8 February 1904, and with each Japanese victory the weakest militarily of the Tzar’s empire were the first to suffer horribly?
How come you can remember from the movies and TV where you have got most of your brainwashing and totally erroneous information, that the Titanic sunk in mid-April 1912?
How come you don’t know that 832 days after Japan’s victory, which was mostly sea battles fighting over warm weather ports, the United States of America launched their Great White Fleet made up of 16 battleships all painted stark white, which circumnavigated the globe and began in earnest America’s Gunboat Diplomacy that is now being headed by the new US Secretary of State, John Kerry?
Do you recall with all your Michaelhouse, Highbury and Natal-Kwazulu University schooling what took [place] 101 years after the end of the Russo-Japanese War on September 5, 1905?
[Nicholas Oppenheimer of De Beers meets with Putin in Johannesburg, South Africa, September 5, 2006.]
When did you first come across on The Internet my response to your old Jewish friend David Woolf on January 22, 2004?
When you click on the above hyperlink and scroll down you will be reminded of the following:
September 9th of last year [2003], at precisely 12:17PM PST I got off the phone with Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk after a 5 minute and 26 second phone call. Mr. Krinsk this past week meeting with Senator John Kerry on at least two occasions, one on Friday evening for a ‘leadership retreat’ and then the next day Saturday, which is the Jewish Sabbath at 11:30AM PST for a “clam bake” at the Kennedy family compound where Mr. Krinsk had the opportunity to “brief” [sic] Senator Ted Kennedy.
A sampling of those included in the Jan. 22, 2004 “briefing” are the following:
Aaron “BrownNose” Brown [eRaider.com]; G Money Talks Hurst; William H. Jackson; Jrk@class-action-law.com.
As you further scroll down ever so slightly that most important January 22, 2004 email-book broadcast, you see the email I received the day before from the FBI and I introduce it with the following:
Interesting wouldn’t u agree that it took the FBI until last night tu send me such a gracious email, c below,
From: FBI – San Diego [sandiego@fbi.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:36 PM
To: gsg@sellnext.com
Subject: Re: Next Symposium ( “FAMILIES BREED CONTEMPT” [SIC OR NON-SIC]? (
Please clarify to whom this email is addressed to.
Thank you – San Diego FBI
Do you remember who is skilled and experienced shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq?
Let me introduce him.
Cutting and pasting Wikipedia – Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk:
Krinsk serves as Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty LLC, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital, LLC which maintains a controlling interest in BGK Group, a fully integrated commercial property and asset management firm. http://www.rosemontrealty.com/[4]
Krinsk is active in Democratic politics and, with his wife Marcy, has made their San Diego home [5] a well known venue for political functions and civic events. He served as a National Finance Chair for John Kerry for President 2004 and co-chair of the Patriot Project in 2005.[6] Krinsk is also a member of the Democratic National Committee, the Speaker’s Cabinet of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). He was a founding member of the 2009 Inaugural Committee.[7] Mr. Krinsk also serves on certain California governmental committees at the requet of Governor Jerry Brown’s administration.
Krinsk continues his philanthropic involvement in a number of causes from the African Wildlife Foundation to education at the University of San Diego School of Law. The Jeffrey and Marcy Krinsk Research Advancement Initiative (KRAI) serves Scripps Institution of Oceanography and supports the research of young scientistshttp://supportscripps.ucsd.edu/where/research. Jeffrey and Marcy were awarded 2012 Scientists’ Recognition Award for their work with Scripps and co-sponsored Scripp’s 2011 Extreme Climate Conference http://sio.ucsd.edu/extreme_climate/. Mr. Krinsk also serves on the Univerisy of California San Diego Foundation Board of Trustesshttp://ucsdfoundation.ucsd.edu/board_of_trustees.asp . He is a Distinguished Alumni of Boston University Law School and a member of several boards including the Medicare Rights Center and the American Security Project Advisory Board. Mr. Krinsk serves on the Board of Trustees of the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environmenthttp://www.heinzcenter.org/Trustees.html The H. John Heinz III Center For Science, Economics And The Environment
Gary Gevisser
Do you remember who John Heinz III was married to?
Do you think Theresa Heinz Kerry rich off her inheritance from the death of her husband Senator John Heinz knows more about the manufacturing of Heinz Tomato Soup or [Lorenzo Marques]
Mozambique where she was born [in 1938]?
Have you seen anyone in the carbon copy section of my email-book broadcasts for the past year who is mentioned below when cutting and pasting from John Heinz III’s Wikipedia profile?:
On April 4, 1991, Heinz and six other people were killed when a Bell 412 helicopter and a Piper Aerostar with Heinz aboard collided in mid-air above Merion Elementary School in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania. All aboard both aircraft, as well as two children at the school, were killed.[3] The helicopter had been dispatched to investigate a problem with the landing gear of Heinz’s plane. While moving in for a closer look, the helicopter collided with the plane, causing both aircraft to lose control and crash.[4]
Following a funeral at Heinz Chapel[5] that was attended by President George H. W. Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle,[6] Senator Heinz was interred in the Heinz family mausoleum in Homewood Cemetery, located in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[1] His widow, Teresa Heinz, later married Senator John Kerry.[7]
Gary Gevisser
Do you think Mr. JRK Esq. remembers our first business meeting in early spring 1999 at Rainwaters in downtown San Diego that followed shortly after our first social gathering at the Matre D restaurant in La Jolla where his law partner, former United States Attorney Howard Finkelstein Esq. was banned because of derogatory comments he once made about the food to the owners who weren’t afraid to tell him to fuck off?
Do you think Mr. JRK has forgotten our last meeting on June 3, 2011 at the Grant Hotel just up the street from his law offices on Broadway in downtown San Diego that last[ed] 3 hours and during which time I downloaded to him critical information about the banning of American citizens by De Beers’ Lloyd’s of London?
Do you think Mr. JRK Esq. has discussed me with Secretary of State John Kerry?
Gary Gevisser
Do you think Dad was being sincere when he dictated to our sister Kathy on his deathbed back on August 23, 4 days before taking his last breath the following:
My Dearest Gary,
It was great you being here celebrating Debra’s bat mitzvah in 2003, 9 years ago. Unfortunately, you do not find it possible to be at her 21st which is today. I only pray that you and Marie are healthy as well as Marie’s children. Unfortunately, it is also not possible for me to be present at her 21st as I have not enjoyed the best of health in recent times and my health has deteriorated to such a degree that I’m confined to bed due to increasing ill health and I cannot attend her 21st birthday celebration tonight with most of the family.
I hope that I have time left to meet up with you in the near future in order to celebrate old times but it may not be possible due to my deteriorating ill health. I wish you health and happiness with Marie. Do take care, my darling. I have loved you so passionately, I don’t know if that is the right word, in the past few years.
Love you,
Gary Gevisser
Do you think Kathy was telling the truth when she wrote me just before:
Dearest Gary:
Dad passed away on Monday 27th August @ 8:15am. After a brief illness resulting from a fall, he passed away. He knew he was dying and dictated this email below to you on Thursday 23rd August, Debra’s 21st birthday. As you can see he was somewhat confused as he thought you were at Debra’s Batmitzvah, when in fact it was Melvin. He loved you so much and spoke about you constantly. He had a wonderful life here and lived it to the full. I wish you a long life……..
Gary Gevisser
You know that soon after Dad wrote the addendum on January 22, 2009 that again changed nothing of importance in the final will of November 7, 2007, he wrote Adam Lee Tucker the following:
From: Bernie Gevisser <bernieg@tpg.com.au>
Date: Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:28 PM
To: Adam L. Tucker
Suggest that you ask my youngst son Gary.
which was in reply to Adam’s email 4 days earlier:
From: Adam L. Tucker
Date: Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 10:01 AM
To: Bernie Gevisser <bernieg@tpg.com.au>
HI Bernie,
I apologize for not replying sooner. We have never met, but I came across some information on the internet about Zena which included her memoirs that mentioned that her father-in-law owning land in Haifa Harbor and that her maternal grandmother, who helped raise her was one of the early residents of Tel-Aviv… I couldn’t help but wonder with all the strong connections to Israel, why you and Zena never immigrated to Israel especially considering the Apartheid government.
My parents actually met on a Kibutz in 1972 and my father served on the Israeli Defense Force during the Yom Kippur War on the Egqyptian front in artilery defending oil lines.
Gary Gevisser
It is not lost on me that while you applauded me in your last communique where [you] spoke highly of my intelligence and integrity, you have still not once spoken out against De Beers, Anglo American Corporation, Charles W. Engelhard Jr., David Gevisser, Mark Gevisser or Harry and Nick Oppenheimer.
Gary Gevisser
Again, if you can live with yourself being in such denial can’t you be empathetic towards people like Michael “Coward” Awerbach and Ed “I love Chicken” Bartolas wishing me dead?
How about checking with Mr. JRK to see how his Monday morning in the office is going?
In the meantime I must move forward with the rest of my work.
To be continued also on 2facetruth.com and D-Money Lie book, soon available in paperback.
[Word count 5505]
On Feb 4, 2013, at 1:41 PM, “Michael Asasin” <michael@asasin.biz> wrote:
Of the ‘Reply to all’ emails I send in response to your bullshit, 50% don’t get through, and of the remaining ones that do manage to get through…
The response to my emails has been unbelievable, I can’t believe how many people unanimously agree, and thank me for the honest and well put writing.
Unlike you, I’m not dishonest, lie or pray on the weak, and dishonor others trust and publish personal communication..
Again no more spam/emails please!!!!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom – let your email find you!
—–Original Message—–
From: “Michael Asasin” <michael@asasin.biz>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 10:01:25
To: Gary S Gevisser<garyniod@gmail.com>; Gary Firer [1957- ] – Carmel College Durban South Africa. Now living in Switzerland-Germany<garyfirer@gmail.com>
Reply-To: michael@asasin.biz
Cc: FBI – San Diego<san.diego@ic.fbi.gov>; Neil Gevisser<neil@rhymedisease.com>; Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger<dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>; Ed Bertolas – Summer is the season for chicken.<bertolas@ix.netcom.com>; T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study<bjp1@cornell.edu>; ldruion@wol.co.za<ldruion@wol.co.za>; Lynnebentel<Lynnebentel@verizon.net>; Colin Schneiderman<colbren@live.com>; Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi<lfugard@att.net>; Michael \”Big\” Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion – Principal 2facetruth.com<mageph520@yahoo.com>; Guy Friedman<bentley55@hotmail.com>; Guy De Chazal – US Government owned Morgan Stanley<Susan.Runge@morganstanley.com>; Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of David Gevisser whose 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook \”friend\” of Mark Gevisser, who while publishing the biography of US black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred, in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson, a militant member of the ANC whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the \”Armed Struggle\” of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them, are so quiet about David Gevisser being the \”male heir\” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who was assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried not in a Jewish cemetery, because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey, the birth state of Hollywood. Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser, \”male heir\” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey<mark@markgevisser.com>; Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School<amay@aclu-co.org>; King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and \”bosom buddy\” of Roger W. Robinson aka \”Our Man Roger\” who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.<Kingdelmar@aol.com>; Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission<rwrincorp@aol.com>; Adam Lee Tucker – Principal co-defendant in Knuff lawsuit who was severed from the lawsuit on the day the most fraudulent defamation $4 million DEATH SENTENCE was handed to GSGevissr on January 21st, 2011. Tucker met for the first and only time with Knuff on December 23, 2008.<adamltucker@live.com>; Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones<adamhochschild@earthlink.net>; Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK<friling@bgu.ac.il>; Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University<amiram@vms.huji.ac.il>; Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter \”The Pig\” Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig<blazarus@mweb.co.za>; Sidney Abelski – lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.<sidneyabelski@yahoo.com>; Deborah Sturman Esq. – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.<info@sturman.ch>; Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011.<cl.dreams@yahoo.com>; US Air Force Fighter Pilot Terry Sam Samples.<terrysamples1@att.net>; Vice President Dan Quayle who made reference to singer Cyndi Lauper in his December 9, 2011 email to Cyndi Lauper’s former lover, US Air Force Major Sam Samples, titled, \”Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard\”.<danqal8y@aol.com>; amanpour@cnn.com<amanpour@cnn.com>
Subject: Re: Anyone left out? – Re: Important dialogue – Re: Would you prefer not to have been
Gary ‘Delusional Paranoid’ Gevisser..
Why do you keep me on your mailing list when I ask you to please take me off!!!!
You can hustle money from your wife, you can slander your brother, you can think you know more about the law than a respected Texas Jude, you can believe your own bullshit, but Gary Delusional Gevisser, DeBeers don’t even know who you are!!! I’m not sure you ever worked there!!! Do us all a favor, Stop stealing your wife’s money, and pay your taxes!!!!
Let me ask you this?
Is there a lawyer that has come to your rescue?? You are so delusional about your self importance that you are expecting a US lawyer to give you free service…it doesn’t get more delusional than that.
I’m prepared to bet you, if your wonderful wife, went on her own for a vacation of 2 weeks, and she spent time with any sane friend, she would never ever come near you again!!! Gary Givisser You are a user!!!
You are a liar!!!
and a thief!!!!
Get help!!
This email is confidential and only intended for the recipients. Publishing of this material is prohibited….
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom – let your email find you!
—–Original Message—–
From: Gary S Gevisser <garyniod@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 09:18:27
To: Gary Firer [1957- ] – Carmel College Durban South Africa. Now living in Switzerland-Germany<garyfirer@gmail.com>
Cc: rest; Michael Awerbuch – Entry to Room of Fools currently denied.<michael@asasin.biz>; FBI – San Diego<san.diego@ic.fbi.gov>; Neil Gevisser<neil@rhymedisease.com>; Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger<dkdanz@bigpond.net.au>; Ed Bertolas – Summer is the season for chicken.<bertolas@ix.netcom.com>; T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study<bjp1@cornell.edu>; ldruion@wol.co.za<ldruion@wol.co.za>; Lynnebentel<Lynnebentel@verizon.net>; Colin Schneiderman<colbren@live.com>; Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi<lfugard@att.net>; Michael \”Big\” Grant – WBF Heavyweight Champion – Principal 2facetruth.com<mageph520@yahoo.com>; Guy Friedman<bentley55@hotmail.com>; Guy De Chazal – US Government owned Morgan Stanley<Susan.Runge@morganstanley.com>; Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of David Gevisser whose 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook \”friend\” of Mark Gevisser, who while publishing the biography of US black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred, in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson, a militant member of the ANC whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the \”Armed Struggle\” of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them, are so quiet about David Gevisser being the \”male heir\” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who was assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried not in a Jewish cemetery, because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey, the birth state of Hollywood. Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser, \”male heir\” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morristown, New Jersey<mark@markgevisser.com>; Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School<amay@aclu-co.org>; King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and \”bosom buddy\” of Roger W. Robinson aka \”Our Man Roger\” who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.<Kingdelmar@aol.com>; Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission<rwrincorp@aol.com>; Adam Lee Tucker – Principal co-defendant in Knuff lawsuit who was severed from the lawsuit on the day the most fraudulent defamation $4 million DEATH SENTENCE was handed to GSGevissr on January 21st, 2011. Tucker met for the first and only time with Knuff on December 23, 2008.<adamltucker@live.com>; Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones<adamhochschild@earthlink.net>; Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK<friling@bgu.ac.il>; Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University<amiram@vms.huji.ac.il>; Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter \”The Pig\” Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig<blazarus@mweb.co.za>; Sidney Abelski – lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.<sidneyabelski@yahoo.com>; Deborah Sturman Esq. – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.<info@sturman.ch>; Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011.<cl.dreams@yahoo.com>; US Air Force Fighter Pilot Terry Sam Samples.<terrysamples1@att.net>; Vice President Dan Quayle who made reference to singer Cyndi Lauper in his December 9, 2011 email to Cyndi Lauper’s former lover, US Air Force Major Sam Samples, titled, \”Ball tripping ego maniacal bastard\”.<danqal8y@aol.com>; amanpour@cnn.com<amanpour@cnn.com>
Subject: Anyone left out? – Re: Important dialogue – Re: Would you prefer not to have been
I believe this was your reply to my previous 142 word communique -CLICK HERE.
How did Facebook suddenly come up in our dialogue?
I couldn’t find your name on FB.
Have you tried looking for me on Facebook by typing my name, Gary Gevisser?
Can you remember what you didn’t answer in the 142 word communique?
Do you want to receive a carbon or blind copy of my reply to Michael “Coward” Awerbuch?
Do you think my eldest brother Neil was justified in ridiculing Ghandi in his 1972 poetry/blank verse book, picking up the pieces of yourself? Do you think Ghandi thought very carefully before refusing to speak out against our Jewish Holocaust? Why do you think it is only now that Ghandi’s homosexual past is surfacing? What do you think Ghandi, J. Edgar Hoover, Mark Gevisser [son of David Gevisser, the “male heir” of virulent anti-Semite American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr.] and Hitler have in common?
Have I left anyone else important out?
Can you name in order the largest financial profiteers of World War II and its follow on genocides including the not yet ended genocide of the US protectorate Belgian Congo?
What do you remember reading about the Belgian Congo in Ch. 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER of Edward Jay Epstein’s, THE DIAMOND INVENTION book? Do you think Nick Oppenheimer of De Beers is familiar with the subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS?
Does it distract you that the name changed after WW II to CIA?
Do you think Nick Oppenheimer and Putin show with this photograph of the 2 of them below
taken in Johannesburg on September 5, 2006, less than 3 months before Putin went on a very public killing spree including the torturous murder in Piccadilly Circus, London of a former KGB colleague
using nuclear poisoning, that Nick and Putin have the 3 Branches of the US Government by the short hairs?
Do you think Putin and Nick have forgotten that Barak Obama when he was a United States Senator was the primary sponsor of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act back in December 2006?
Do you think there is a reason why President Barak Obama has not given a speech about what those relief efforts did to increase or decrease the speed of the 6 million genocide that followed?
Which part of this world do you find the most crazy?
Do you think when Ed Bertolas writes about me, “He is fortunate to still be here” he is happy or sad that I haven’t been assassinated?
Reporting live from exotic Corsica on another glorious sunshine day,
Gary Steven Gevisser
[Word count 442]
On Feb 3, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Gary Firer <garyfirer@gmail.com> wrote:
Do not knowyour Facebook “Wall” as I am not that much active on FB, do
not know your FB name. I am happy that I was born and I try to live an
enjoyable, healthy life in this crazy world.