Michael Gardiner – Security is everyone's concern
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: March 29, 2012 10:21:09 AM PDT
To: “Michael Gardiner”
Cc: rest; Marie Dion Gevisser
Subject: “Security is everyone’s concern” – Re: Motion to set aside
Then let’s meet at 2:30. The exhibits that you want to see show absolutely nothing, no different to the transcripts of the hearing/trial that speak loud and clearly to my total innocence; and so what makes you think that you will find something incriminating against me when Loewinsohn and Knuff failed and so did the judge? How much time do you expect that to take?
Before commenting on what you have written, I will need to discuss it with Marie. She is still sleeping.
The following is only for your “bedtime reading” to better educate you and others on my very important trip to the UK and its fallout.
See 2facetruth.com BLOG to continue reading.