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Military Economics ~ – Bullying your way through it

From: “” <>

Subject: Bullying your way through it -: Time to think! -: Insist they be good actors -: Too numb to care ~ Awareness …

Date: September 15, 2019 at 4:40:30 PM PDT

To: “Mary Valder – Personal assistant, David Rockefeller” <>, “Roger W Robinson – intimate of Gary S. Gevisser, protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission [2002-2005]. Currently the Chairman and co-founder of The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)” <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – former principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD.” <>

Cc: rest; Benjamin De Vries – CLICK HERE – No longer fb friend <>, “Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter The Pig Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig. Both The Pig and his brother Bernard were open supporters of the South African Apartheid Regime [1948-1994] as well as principal backers of today’s Museaum of Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial at the Durban Jewish Club, Durban, South Africa. Sidney now lives in the long time residence of Sandy Moshal-Gevisser Jacobson’s grandfather, Sol The Little King Moshal, also a staunch supporter of the Apartheid Regime as well as very close ally of virulent anti-Semite, South Africa Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser” <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <>, Jonathan Beare – Multi-billionaire founder Investec <>,, “Sidney Abelski – sellout lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <>,”David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne is no longer a FB friend of GG.” <>, Guy De Chazal – US Government owned Morgan Stanley <>, Susan Edelman – New York Post York Post <>, “Robert \”Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion\” Vicino Vicino” <>, Adison Hewson – entrepreneur and wife of U2 singer Bono <>, “” <>

Honesty integrity, reputation is no longer a big deal anymore.

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my very aware and most special British citizen mother Zena losing her individual rights as well as rights to her property to fraudster Israeli liar-lawyer, non-family member Ayala Weisel Esq. who was egged on to get the guardianship of my mother by my 3 elders siblings filled with jealousy and vindictiveness.

More to come tomorrow.

Screenshot of Benjamin De Vries’ facebook wall ~ 4:23 PM Calif. time, September 15, 2019


Benjamin De Vries

Yesterday at 6:39 AM ·

I’m probably going to turn off face book for the same reason I let the phone go in 2005.

I am tired of randoms asking for money.


Lillian Bebes and 31 others



Benjamin De Vries Oh look! A 415 area code number! They have money for SURE! Let’s call them 2 dozen times a day!


Oh look, it’s a whitish looking guy in the USA, he has money for SURE! Let’s send fake profiles and pity stories 2 dozen time a day!


I turned the phone off because no one had anything for ME. So here I am working two jobs and one startup that almost never pays to even get by, to barely make the rent, and the TIME it takes to say more than ‘Fuck you, click’ finally I just turned it off. · Edited


Cal Vanoni replied
1 Reply


Benjamin De Vries What’s wrong here I think is that we offer actual real tangible products, you actually GET something.



Benjamin De Vries There’s these concepts of EQUAL VALUE and RECIPROCATION that seem to be lost on many. It may be sufficient to cut people and contacts that fail this out, like a tumor.



Mark Kromer Good grief, that would drive me crazy!



Benjamin De Vries NO SHIT



Frank Teuton



John Freitas Before you turn off your phone Send me money



Benjamin De Vries You’re 11 years late.



Peter Waskiewicz How about strangers? Lol.




Benjamin De Vries I dunno, what’s the stranger going to send me?




Benjamin De Vries A few pixels of thanks?




Peter Waskiewicz i will preserve a watershed with it.




Benjamin De Vries You’re new so you haven’t followed my history. I will forgive you. On the last project I was on I was the only one with any hydrology experience and land form management… it was the difference between being able to look at an aquifer charge project or not.

On the other hand, I haven’t seen your resume either.

I’d be happy to look at it though.




Peter Waskiewicz Benjamin De Vries you can check my website for starters.




Benjamin De Vries Must be blessed to have such a piece of land to look after. Our model is based on expansion by acquisition. So really if taken to the logical conclusion, we intend to take over the planet.




Peter Waskiewicz Benjamin De Vries one watershed at a time.




Benjamin De Vries Peter Waskiewicz yep, allies are important. Can’t take over the whole thing, too much work. Plus independence creates different approaches in R&D, which can then be traded.




Peter Waskiewicz It took a lifetime of focused intention to be receive the opportunity to steward this place. I’m honored.




Benjamin De Vries Peter Waskiewicz One should start planting timber when one is 15, not in retirement. I intend to destroy the 40/40 model, at least for our group.




Benjamin De Vries Imagine the demographic in Japan, for example… when someone dies, you’ll be able to get an entry level position, maybe, when you’re 60.




Benjamin De Vries I mean, how much tragedy can a person stand before they’re like ‘fuck this, fuck you, fuck me, we’re all fucked, I’m not going to do fuck all for anyone but my fucking self’ but then maybe that’s the intended response they are trying to condition.




Frank Teuton Benjamin De Vries so our only hope is enlightened self interest? 😀



Benjamin De Vries Frank Teuton I wonder if this ‘Obi Wan Kenobi’ is related to old Ben?




Frank Teuton Benjamin De Vries imma consult my midichloridians. 👶😇🛸




Benjamin De Vries Frank Teuton You do that while I check my mitochondria.



Frank Teuton Oxygeneration X




Paul Newon😎



Cal Vanoni Lucky I’m 707 the poor side of 415!

1d · Edited



Active Now


Stefan Bumbaru Sad tohear you’ll be gone

Just send me 20 bucks before you close it





Benjamin De Vries




Dan Carroll Just take a % from them for branding…

Basically have to pay someone to turn off FB 100%…




Benjamin De Vries It costs nothing to log off and ignore it




Dan Carroll Benjamin De Vries Yes, but they do not ignore you… As some have found out…




Benjamin De Vries Since I put up this post, 2 more fake profile requests.




Dan Carroll Benjamin De Vries You find out where to sign up for the paid FB profile gigs…start your own Forest of Clicker Trolls…

The Rusians did it well.

Easier way to make hay!

1d · Edited



Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries maybe you should read Epstein’s The Diamond Invention if either you need attention or to genuinely deal with people asking for money

Then you would also need a strong ego to deal with how little you know which is why people need attention




Benjamin De Vries Marketing manual? Actually our products are superior apples to apples to what’s on the market.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries are you asking if that epic 1978 non fiction book detailing one mostly South African groups control of the world’s mineral resources is a marketing manual?

Are you South African?




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries, I notice that you are quiet, yet you not only will have read my follow up but you continue on with writing whatever comes into your head and thinking it will distract others who might also prefer not to know the extent to which they too have been horribly fooled.

Naturally, the first question someone who has been SO EASILY horribly fooled is to ask themselves, “Is it because I talk too much and don’t listen as well as I should; and consequently I just want to hear myself talk?”

You would also expect someone with my knowledge of the money system as well as human nature which is not perfect like Mother Nature, quite the opposite in fact, which is uplifting, to share my knowledge in both categories as best I know how.

Helping you deal with you ego issue is Einstein’s great alpha-numeric equation which doesn’t have the eloquence of E=mc2, but it explains well how best to overcome a weak ego that quickly reveals the true character flaws of the talkative human




Benjamin De Vries Gary Gevisser You haven’t been following along. You have talked down to me for the last time.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries

Why so defensive?

If you are South African which it sounds like then you should be very familiar with the German South African Oppenheimer family who have controlled the entire South African economy since they defeated General Smuts in the May 26, 1948 South African General Election which ushered in their Apartheid Regime and their ANC mo less puppets

Therefore when people ask you for money which is the entire crux of this discussion that you started, you should be asking Nick Oppenheimer to step up to the plate

It helps to have worked for these folks at their highest level




Benjamin De Vries Gary Gevisser no I am not SA. I am Shawnee. Do you know the 6 most important food plants in my forest? No? I guess it’s a local issue you COULD have not knowledge of. We don’t have diamonds.




Benjamin De Vries Here, I’ve read about 2/3 of the english part of this. Tell me to ‘get educated’ again, I can tell you the same.




Benjamin De Vries ^I was invited by the creator of this to work on his project. Alas, he is dead.




Benjamin De Vries I’m defensive because of being continuously attacked by people on line for years. Telling me I have a big ego (ie not voluntarily submit to abuse) telling me I need to ‘get educated’ (how would anyone know what I do not know) telling me I am racist (I live an a black neighborhood) telling me I am a nazi (my main business partners are jewish) telling me I am IGNORANT (look in the fucking mirror when you say that). That cover it? I refer SA questions to Paul and Brent. So now the rule is: Condescend to me, I block you. I don’t need it.




Benjamin De Vries You assume because my name is Dutch I am either SA or Nederlander? I think you are the one in need of a lens cleaning.




Benjamin De Vries I do not know the first thing about the diamond trade, nor would I need to, not having any diamonds to trade. I know about mine reclamation though, having large quantities of coal extraction occurring in my region.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries I had simply asked you if you were South African? You chose not to answer.

Let’s both be polite. Where are you from?

You can get my full bio on my website 2facetruth dot com

When you say “nor would I need to” you make it sound like the De Beers group which is what scholarly Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s book is all about.

You couldn’t be further from the truth.

Once they locked up the world’s drilling industry at the turn of the last century with their victory in the Anglo “American” Boer War where the principal financier was JP Morgan who was instrumental in orchestrating the voyage of the Great White Fleet (1907-1909) whose success eliminated altogether the importation of slaves from military weaker, mineral rich Third World countries, De Beers which is only a Dutch sounding name coming from the one South African farmer of Dutch heritage where a bunch of diamonds were found, although it may have only been one large size diamond and that bit of information not in the least bit important, this very military sophisticated group who had a very good sense of human gullibility, diversified fully into every sector of the economy, and none more important than electioneering where they always backed both their preferred candidate and the opposition.

This you would quickly learn from reading The D I book which was designed to make the reader feel both timid and totally stupid.

Nor did I need Epstein to brief me on the DIG (Diamond Invention Game) because I heard it initially firsthand from the head of De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] Harry Oppenheimer at the very start of my year long orientation before joining them officially in early spring 1979 at their most important site holder on US soil, Codiam Inc who remain headquartered on 47th Street Manhattan and where I observed with my own eyes their unmatched political clout.

So I am in fact writing in real time here on social media facebook my book which picks up where Epstein’s 1978 non fiction, page turner book The D I book leaves off while filling in the few but important gaps which only the ultimate insider would know.

Should you allow this public conversation to continue I will attempt to bring in the world’s top economists and politicians and you will see quickly that they cannot refute my findings.

Of course you should bring into the discussion all your experts.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries, I’m on a cellphone and difficult to see all previous posts and just saw that you are Shawnee.




Benjamin De Vries Gary Gevisser I’m from Chicago. The most exposure I have to diamonds is primarily in industrial machine bits. Second as ostentatious displays of wealth. I won’t say I am one of the ‘world’s top economists’ but I have been asked to present at economic conferences, and recently to organize one on agriculture methods. Not a lot of use for diamonds in my field (pun intended).




Gary Gevisser Title: Military Economics

Benjamin De Vries, if you see death enough times, both other animals in the road being eaten away by wasps, crows, other vultures and the such and human carnage you become that much more numb from nature speaking to you.

It is a great shock to the system to learn pretty late in life that one named group of a small number of men completely dominate the economic system both our capitalist and non-capitalist systems.

That is why you simply ignore the history of the DAAC-Barclays Bank…/harry-oppenheimer-s-empire…

as you digress to diamonds being “ostentatious” and as such uninteresting to you.

You would also expect many people such as yourself who are clueless about the DAAC’s stranglehold on population control which is really what is going on, to be asked to give economic presentations about your field of expertise, all the while you will be constantly chatting about money as in how things are priced and what this and that costs as you and the audience assume all the world’s expert money traders have the pricing of the money all figured out and no one in a position to dominate.

So now I will introduce you to a top world economist.

Dr. Rodney Smith Phd is not only extraordinarily university well-schooled in the study of economics but he is at the very top of his field in the pricing and distribution of water.

Don’t assume that if Dr. Smith Phd doesn’t talk on this forum that he doesn’t know who I am or that he disagrees with my findings.

We all understand the thinking behind, “Dont bite the hand that feeds you”.

But at some point critical mass is achieved and the people will refuse to go along with the egregious manner in which we view progress which has nature being destroyed and the banking system liking nothing more than to loan monies backed by real estate.

Moreover, you have probably not figured that there is little reason to have banks positioned on prime real estate; meaning how quickly will people realize that the only reason to have banks occupying brick and mortar facilities is to advertise their brand which doesn’t mean much given how the entire banking system pay homage to the De Beers-Barclays Bank cartel who have long established that they are the biggest enemies of small business.

How we fix that problem is to simply expose the fraud and look for credible entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and lesser known small business owners to start issuing their own script, should that in fact be necessary.

The alternative is total disaster because it would be one thing if it was only you, me and Dr. Rod Smith Phd who know the extent of the fraud but obviously it isn’t.

He and I both know one another very well although he has spent more time conversing with the likes of 2002 Nobel Economics prize winner Vernon Smith Phd, head of Chapman University’s Experimental Economics Department than me as I have only spent the better part of one day with Vernon Smith in the presence of Rod Smith Phd.





Gary Gevisser Page 2 Military Economics

Were we to be able to get Vernon Smith Phd on to this “show” or anyone of his calibre, it wouldn’t take long for the study of economics to end pretty close to instantaneous, with it will end all the play acting by the media and the no less corrupt politicians.

I would be capable of shutting up each and every economist, media person and politician on the planet even without the existence of Epstein’s The D I book, but of course the history he provides along with his reseach of Department of Justice files under the Freedom of Information Act, makes it that much easier.

Along the way and well prior to our first meetings back in the latter part of 2001, Dr. Rod Smith Phd, like me, had consulted to the world’s richest billionaires; and in his case his assisted the oil Bass brothers of Texas accumulate some 42,000 contiguous acreage of highly valuable water rights real estate in the very important electoral Imperial Irrigation District here in southern California which is how he and I first became intimately acquainted; and our respect for one another has only grown over the years.

My richest and most powerful “clients” began with Harry Oppenheimer who learned a great deal from me starting with how poorly the study of economics is taught at both school and university which he was most happy about, although that was tempered by the fact that I was not fooled by the complete garbage that is taught at the very best economics universities in the world, including the London School of Economics which I did not attend but I made it my business to familiarize myself with their curriculum which dovetailed perfectly what I learned and didn’t learn at my alma mater, University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa before immigrating to the US in March 1978 where my first stop was your hometown of Chicago.

Nor was it but a few months before I was quickly introduced to how the DAAC-Barclays completely dominate the Chicago Board of Trade-Commodities market as I was tasked for a period of some 6 months with tracking the commodity trades of America’s largest commodities trader, Joseph Seigal of Seigal Trading who worked alongside the Hunt Brothers in their attempt to corner the silver market.

Anytime any one person or a group of individuals get too big for their boots, they quickly come a cropper and wise not talk too much about their defeat.

Yesterday I suggested to a 26 year old American gal who is traveling around the States in her jeep pulling her sleeping and living trailer that looks like a horse trailer because it is a converted horse trailer, that to better learn more about herself that she read Kipling’s IF.

Some 17 odd years after I became fully acquainted with the “Octopus” De Beers-Oppenheimer-Barclays unbridled influence on the world’s political and economic landscape I spent an entire day with my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father’s first cousin David Gevisser who is the “male heir” of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who TIME MAGAZINE in their January 27, 1961 edition dubbed, South African Invader.…/

Go ahead right now and read chapter 18 of Epstein’s The D I book

and you will see the bizarre wording, “Engelhard arranged for Oppenheimer to buy a controlling interest in his far-flung empire, since he had no male heirs to take over.”

Engelhard Jr. provided the “political-military muscle” to Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer which prevented the two of them being prosecuted for their World War II war crimes that included the genocide of 6 million Jewish people.

Again if you are going to be talking money and/or economics you first have to know like the back of your hand the minerals-mining business and that quickly leads to the need to master “military economics” which is not taught in the study of economics and nor does that mean you first need to don an army uniform and know where the trigger of a gun is located and to make sure that you don’t point the barrel in the wrong direction when first squeezing the trigger.

To feel like you are human the human needs to constantly remind itself that it has a sense of humor.

The more shocked it is by how little it knows about the DIG the greater the depth and long lasting are the stages of grief and therefore the need to that much more laugh things off; but that stage has to eventually move on.

Should you decide to keep going around in circles, whatever comes out of your mind will make increasingly less logic.

My decision to stay silent for 24 years after leaving the DAAC-Barclays employment was because I perfectly understood what would be the reaction of people such as yourself and this one 26 year old woman who is now much quieter and she is only going to get that much quieter when she received a follow up from me that will include a link to your and my communications which I will be posting up elsewhere on the internet including the BLOG of my website 2facetruth dot com.

The second link I provided above takes you to the New York Times feature story of March 19, 1989, titled Harry Oppenheimer’s Empire: Going for the Gold where you quickly figure Oppenheimer’s enormous wealth once you understand the DAAC’s accounting system which allows them to wipe out any debt they incur either when acquiring a target company and/or when expanding their again unmatched sphere of influence.

Notice that the Oppenheimer’s one visible charitable foundation the Brenthurst Foundation boasts as a member of their Advisory Board, former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers.

Helping bring you and the rest that much quicker up to the speed with the “heartbeat of the universe” is my earlier email broadcast titled, “Time to think!”…/





Gary Gevisser Page 3 Military Economics

While there were in the first email broadcast close to 400 individuals and groups in the carbon copy section; the numbers blind copied are significantly more.

Moreover, all that those carbon copied obviously don’t see who is in the blind copied section and that brings on very interesting results in the thinking of both those in the cc as well as blind copied sections.

When you are dealing with the important issues of money there is reason why everyone listens most carefully to what I have to say and when they are all quiet it does not mean they disagree with my findings; on the contrary, to a normal person it has them paying that much more attention to what I have to say.

It is no less important that the money has never been addressed by the media, academia or by politicians at least not how the money is priced let alone the total insanity and moral reprehensibility of the basic economic index GDP which is where all talk of money begins.

The Gross Domestic Product index is touted about as often as as a prostitute spreads her legs, without anyone in the course of the past 85 odd years since its introduction exposing, again both the moral depravity as well as the GDP’s insane illogic other than it points so obviously to the military component of the pricing of the money as in “Might is Right” which in turn removes all elements of the fairness doctrine which goes hand in hand with democratic principals leaving in fact not even a scintilla of humanity, only immorality of the highest order.

Remember you don’t tout yourself as a great economist and if you did, then I would immediately request that you invite your clients to this forum to get that many more people who are all about the money that much involved and where they also have their skin in the game.

The March 19, 1989 New Times story places Oppenheimer’s net worth at the $500 billion once one includes his diamond studded iron fist control of the assets “held in trust” by his Apartheid Regime.

That number does not include the fact that Oppenheimer exerts total control over the economies of his worldwide politicians who perfectly understand that there are no barriers to entry in Oppenheimer’s world.

That $500 billion “stated net worth” is therefore only the tip of the iceberg of his true wealth and influence but still it is h is significantly more than the combined net worth of people like Warren Buffett who got fully looped into the DIG back in May 2000 when he acquired Ben Ridge Jewelers, Bill Gates Jr., Larry Ellison and the such; and again, nor do any of those named in such a nonsense list which fails to include President Putin





Benjamin De Vries Gary Gevisser I was raised in the IWW. I didn’t learn that late in life. Do you have something for me other than copious reading I don’t have time for in our sales season?




Benjamin De Vries It is late PM here.




Benjamin De Vries Did you want to book me for something? I can look at my calendar. Otherwise I need to sleep.




Gary Gevisser





Gary Gevisser Page 4 Military Economics,

come close to having Harry Oppenheimer’s political clout and the same with his son Nicholas who is happy to have a nothing to speak of net worth on the Forbes List of Billionaires showing him as being irrelevant at best, but nor would it possible to show that he is a very poor man because that would also look totally ridiculous.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries I have read all 3 of your comments between Pages 3 and 4 of Military Economics.

It tells me that you are mostly having trouble sleeping.

No, I would not be interested in booking you to speak other than to continue contributing here.

You say that you were raised in World War I. How old are you?

Do you have a degree in economics from an accredited university?

Edit or delete this



Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries do you have an email address I can use to send you a backup?




Benjamin De Vries No, IWW not WWI. Goodnight.




Gary Gevisser Mark KromerStefan Bumbaru,  Tomer Tene, Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel; Rod Margo Esquire, aeronautical engineer-attorney, whose father South African judge Cecil Margo wrote the blueprint for what is today the brutally strong IAF; economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd, former Pentagon THINK TANK, RAND Corp. official, Michelle B Dagan daughter of heroic Meir Max Bineth who was turned by fellow Israeli Military Intelligence officer Avri Elad (Avraham Seidenwerg) even before Operation Susannah (spring of 1954) began, and Bineth deciding to commit suicide in his Egyptian cell on December 21, 1954, once realizing that there was no way out for him and he did not want to give the Egyptians the pleasure of hanging him in public, which was the fate awaiting him after conviction.


Tommy Simpson Brian Levin Dee Velez Harold SchenkLewis Jeremy Corbyn Baker Jeremy Perling Melisa Perling Robinson Michael Rodd Michael Ditz Micha-el Frame Yaron Frame Jacobo Martínez Alec Boswijk Alexander DrakalskiMartine Alter Janice Lipman Ray Oshry


Stanley WassermanVeronica Theart Veronica WatsonJonathan Goodman Levitt  Meir Hurwitz Jeff HoddeMarianna Vera Yarovskaya  Lawrence Kushner Lawrence W. Nelson– US Navy SEAL Commander,  Jenny TuckerJennifer Bruyns NeethlingJenny Arenstein – FriedmanAnthony NuttPierre Waldemar Brouard


Dan Tollman Wayne Lusvardi – present at the meeting in June 2015 at Chapman University’s Experimental Economic’s Department,  Ekerette Ekpo Charles RossCharles Buchan Charles Segal Christa Clark JonesChristine Traub Henry William McCarter Keisha Whitaker


Shiila Serrano – friend from Portugal who subscribes to healthy food, Tony JacobsTony Freeman – from Zeitgeist whose membership still have a lot to learn.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries, I see your last posting, “No, IWW not WWI. Goodnight.”

Go ahead and try get a good night’s sleep, and then try answering my questions.

Also if you don’t have an economics degree from an accredited university, could you find someone who does and have them present their credentials?

Nelson GuedesKerry NelsonNeil De GouveiaNëîl LëwîsNatalia CarranzaGregory CohenDionne West Yagla – another Zeitgeist member who should be now fully awake, David AzziniDavid Monk – a Goldman Sachs alumni who is most quiet, Gabor KissGary FisherGary WiskinGary GoldbergGary Steven SachsLionel H. PhillipsBeth IsaacsStan MilcAl RosenOlga BarbagiannisDennis MulliganRichard GeringPaul PuntPaul BlackbeardPaul BlumbergPaul CartwrightPaul BushnellPeter AbramsPeter LernerPeter YankowskiLouise Peter MinnieDan Pienaar DriveDan Goor




Gary Gevisser Debra Shirken SartoriJoy RutenbergJenifferry Jeni BirkinshawKim BramanTeresa RobinetteRasha Foda




Benjamin De Vries I am delighted you wish to introduce me to so many people. However, I did warn you about condescending to me. My credentials are not in question, and if they are, it is not your place to question them. If any of your illustrious colleagues here wish to see some of my work (since this IS my page, not yours) here is a presentation I gave in London about carbon negative biomass energy systems. Since you are here, it is YOU seeking ME out, not the other way around.




Benjamin De Vries You question, I riposte.




James Kirkcaldy Hey Mr Crazy man, I appreciate all the time and effort you have gone to to disentangle reality for yourself but the plain fact is humanity has a shelf life and it is fast approaching it if it does not alter its course. Powerful people are still humans and have all the fears and vulnerabilities that we all do. I pity them to be honest, all that fear they have but at the end of the day the real story, the human story, is far more compelling and now more than ever trumps conspiracies and men whom like to think they have wealth and power. Namaste!




Benjamin De Vries James Kirkcaldy Hubris the gods first punish with madness.




Active Now


Mark Kromer Benjamin De Vries Intracoastal Water Water????




Benjamin De Vries

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Kevin Stevenson Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future … only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.




Benjamin De Vries Kevin Stevenson in other words, no change




Kevin Stevenson praise kek

the fight’s to preserve what we have, and allow progress to arrive naturally apparently, not to fight for progress and let stagnation sink in




Kevin Stevenson or as MGS4’s ending says (paraphrasing) the fight to keep the world “as it is” (presuming a good world scenario, when stability is available)




Benjamin De Vries ‘Waiter, I did not order an extra large word salad with attempted intimidation dressing. But it’s OK, wouldn’t be the first one I’ve eaten for breakfast’. If you grasp the meaning in Chicago vernacular.




Benjamin De Vries Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.




Gary Gevisser Title: Bullying your way through it

Benjamin De Vries your facebook Melissa Dawn Burns who was also until about 30 minutes ago my facebook friend

She had earlier posted up on my timeline but then decided to remove everything which included her pronouncement “No. I see no connection between mind and body”, making clear that she sees no relationship between what she eats and her belly. [She is obviously not alone.]

The link below “Bullying your way through it” takes the reader to all our conversations.




Benjamin De Vries Gary Gevisser You the one playin’ the fool. You made it clear you don’t care for my input, I reciprocate. Doxing is so ’08, you’re 10 years late.




Benjamin De Vries And it’s no surprise you get reactions like Dawn’s. But that’s NPD, you can’t own your part, it’s always someone elses fault, isn’t it.




Benjamin De Vries So yeah, you’re more than a security risk. You show all evidence of being a psychopath. Or maybe it’s just meth.




Gary Gevisser Benjamin De Vries what is Doxing?

Btw did you know that if you cut a lot of peppers your hands get very hot?




Benjamin De Vries Bye now.





Lillian Bebes tell them they got give to get




Lillian Bebes replied
4 Replies



Dee Velez I delete and block the losers and don’t accept friend request from people you don’t know who don’t share any of your friends.
