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More interesting than the game – Scoundrels – RESPECT THE KICKER – England’s number 11…


Subject: More interesting than the game – Scoundrels – RESPECT THE KICKER – England’s number 11 …
Date: February 11, 2019 at 4:05:33 PM GMT+1
To: “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB \”friend\” of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>
Cc: Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>, “Isaac Herzog – former officer in Unit 8200, current new head of Jewish Agency Israel, friend of Mark Blumberg.” <>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture, David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.”, Elon Musk <>

Ray – this communique has 3 objectives. 

First, note the further developments in the discourse with my FB friends David Milne and Leslie Paul; and the screenshot taken moments earlier at 15:18 France time. 

Second, to make you aware of the disaster Durban, South African Jewish community that you grew up in that shaped so poorly the lives of a great many, including my 3 elder siblings, starting with my two elder brothers who had no business joining the Apartheid Regime’s brutal and cowardly military when immigrating to Israel was not only easy for a Jewish person but the free airline travel took far less time than the colossal waste of time spent being part of a force shooting children, forget the camps they had to attend making sure they remained obedient and could shoot; and upon arrival in Israel everything was provided including housing, food, drink, clothing and a great kibbutz education; and such an option not available to the non-Jewish South African community unless they agreed to conversion and the obligatory, non pain-free circumcision.

So you perfectly understand that those who did serve like I assume your best friend, Billy Jacobs who has been very distracting – CLICK HERE – while yet to deny that he worked for the Jewish Kapo-sellout Durban North Lazarus clan who promoted the big lie, obnoxious to the Nth degree, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM”, it takes more than watching soccer on weekends to counter the passive aggressiveness directed towards me, and of course my British-English mother Zena who for good reason is so supportive of my positive nature, part and parcel of the courage in exposing the corruption. 

Third, I will be writing an “open letter” to Nicholas Oppenheimer, much like my first article-letter published in the Jerusalem Post back on February 1, 2001 – CLICK HERE – which the editor/s of the JP had little difficulty in figuring out its immediate and long term significance. No less important was the unusual step in addressing my insight of the Marc Rich pardon to American-Soviet-Israel spy Jonathan Pollard who was now into his 16th year of solitary confinement which is not worse than what my mother Zena has been experiencing for the past 124 or so sabbaths in Israel under the thumb of her criminal and cowardly Jewish captors.

Feel free to let me know if there is anything you can think of that you would like for me to share with Nick, the same with everyone carbon as well as blind copied.

Maybe what I have to say to Nick Oppenheimer will change everything in your life, especially if Nick Oppenheimer decides that having tea or coffee with me, which could lead to lunch like the one he enjoyed with my first cousin Adrian Ash back in 1998 when puppet Nelson Mandela called for instructions, is more interesting than the game he is currently playing.

Other than you all being such cowards, how come not one of you have thought about writing to Nick Oppenheimer and asking him for his comments on Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book?

So how do you wake up in the morning, looking at yourself and your spouse aging poorly and not calling yourself a coward?

There is only one Tordu Awerbuch and one Bozo The Clown medical doctor, Paul Tierstein MD and it would have been nice if Donald Trump before calling Bezos BOZO he had asked my permission, but when you have so much time on your hands including during half time watching soccer commercials on TV which cost the price fixer of price fixers not a single penny, you must be thinking this life which has technology making the human think it is intelligent and the thing you think you are most intelligent about is the money which The D I book makes perfectly clear that you are all clueless, must be more than you all in the same room feeling stupid and knowing that a coward is only trustworthy to turn on you.

Assume therefore that this life is intentionally temporal, and it requires you to be thinking at all times, including learning from your mistakes when you misplace a material item such as the keys to your front door or motor vehicle, do you really want to give up the joy of coincidences and the nicest part is that you dont have to talk about it?

Remember all matter is energy starting with the atomic structure that we share identically with everything that has been created from soon after the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago and that atomic structure is not going to change because again it is identical for everything including the air particles that we see through, but to play stupid is not a “random event” and if all of Creation is not random, because it is or it isn’t, then the only logical conclusion is that it is all ingeniously designed including each of our imaginations which drive our decision making.

That should lighten your workload for the remainder of the day.


[Word count 860]



Gary Gevisser+Derrick Beare ~ World Cup final 1986, Mexico City


Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary2 <>

Subject: Scoundrels -Re: England’s number 11 just scored a hat-trick [23-3] 31 minutes into the game.

Date: February 11, 2019 at 11:19:37 AM GMT+1

To: Steve Kent <>

Cc: rest; Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban, South Africa. South Africa – Clifford Benn who fought in the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s bloody Angolan War where the DAAC backed both sides, was later caught in a DAAC sting Illicit Diamond Buying [IDB] operation when working at South African Clothing Industries whose co-founder was Alan Zulman, my mother’s second husband.” <>, “Glen Sol – Administrator of Beare Investment Holding Co. – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, Barry Solomon – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Billy Jacobs – FB friend <>, “Bobby \”Buba\” Jacobs” <>, Norman Lazarus <>, “Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter \”The Pig\” Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig. Both The Pig and his brother Bernard were open supporters of the South African Apartheid Regime [1948-1994] as well as principal backers of today’s Museaum of Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial at the Durban Jewish Club, Durban, South Africa. Sidney now lives in the long time residence of Sandy Moshal-Gevisser Jacobson’s grandfather, Sol \”The Little King\” Moshal, also a staunch supporter of the Apartheid Regime as well as very close ally of virulent anti-Semite, South Africa Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, “Sam Schaffer – J. Essakow’s best friend + Adele Breytenbach, but still FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Gerry Mohr <>, “Mark O. Hackner” <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>

How did you survive after you contacted me, a complete stranger?

You remember how totally desperate you were after you first approache[d] your most trusted and respected brothers Lazarus-Beare who told you to get lost.

So I did the wise and honorable thing by bringing public attention to their disgrace given how it was a just a few thousand dollars between being able to afford wheels to get you back on your feet and out on the street begging with a cap in hand.

Obviously someone came through for you.

Why don’t you publicly applaud them unless either they are telling you not to say anything because they don’t want to be any more embarrassed or you “we’re” [sic] trying to make out like I was the same heartless person as them?

Now you say that I’m flooding your email.

That would be a lie since you haven’t heard from me in ages.

Could Durban’s water be so purposefully polluted that there is such a concentration of scoundrels?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2019, at 10:37 AM, Steve Kent <> wrote:

Dear Gary, 

please delete me off your data as of immediate as you are flooding my e mail space.

Thank you ,

Stephen Kentridge

Steve Kent

Mobile: +27 (0) 72 850 1945

Landline: +27 (0) 399751040

PO box 862, Pennington, 4184

On ‎Sunday‎, ‎February‎ ‎10‎, ‎2019‎ ‎05‎:‎39‎:‎45‎ ‎PM‎ ‎SAST, <> wrote:

Ray please make space on your server for this backup – Screenshot February 11, 2018, 15:18 France time


Gary Gevisser shared a profile to David Milne‘s timeline.

21 hrs · 

David Milne, as you know you keep me as one of your 368 FB friends while blocking me on FB messaging.

Our latest mutual friend Lesley Paul is just getting up to speed on why he has been kept in the dark despite his admiration for you.

As you may know it is raining where England and France have just started battling it out on the rugby field, and if you are playing golf on Trump’s link bordering your homestead, it shouldn’t put you off your game.

A large sign, RESPECT THE KICKER has just appeared on the TV screen as England’s kicker was about to kick the ball after England was awarded a penalty kick.

The score currently is 11-3 in favor of England. If you don’t mind, I am now going to kick back and enjoy the rest of the game that is now 14 minutes and 9 seconds old.

When you have the time feel free to comment on my FB messaging with Lesley Paul who has been silent ever since I wrote, “Did you see that great first try by England”?

1:42 PM [France time]


Are you watching the conversation on Bradley Goodson’s wall?

Lesley Paul



Are you able to see it?

Lesley Paul

No, I don’t think so. Will have a look.


Lesley Paul

Can now see it. Will have a read later. Driving now.


what do you do?

Lesley Paul

Hi, I am a retired librarian. Before that career I was an ecologist. You?


I write on the HEMP history economics military & politics.

It upsets people like David Milne our mutual friend as it does his staunch opponent President Trump except that President Trump is laughing much more because he is richer and knows that people like Milne don’t have the courage to admit to having been so horribly fooled.

Lesley Paul

Ah well, I’m with David. Money shouldn’t trump social benefit.


I focus on your words, “I’m with David” because unless you understand as well as me, and I have educated David, how the financial markets actually work, you quickly realize that extraordinarily few people actually care about the poor who have less than them.

In other words, Trump who is much worse than what he shows with his actions that include cutting off the water supply of a 90 year old lady over in Scotland all in an effort to intimidate her farmer son, also a neighbor of Milne, considers himself far more of a humanitarian as well as caring for the environment were his money-power wealth to be given to someone like Milne.

The problem with the human is ego.

A child properly raised does not have that problem because if properly raised the child only wants to search for knowledge and share their toys as well as their food.

A poorly raised kid quickly turns out to be an adult dik.

Again, it is obvious that David Milne has not share[d] his knowledge of the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] with you which is well described in scholarly Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which is available free on the Internet.

I am an expert in the DIG in part because at the time Epstein began writing the book that shuts everyone up, I was just completing a year long orientation into the mafia of mafia banking-mining monopoly De Beers-Barclays Bank who are sure not to offer their top jobs to fools.

Given my immediate family’s intimate business dealings with the very top officials of the DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] it made sense [that] DAAC head Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1 of The D I book, aptly titled, A RELUCTANT TYCOON

directly supervise[d] my year long introduction and the knowledge I gained was vastly different to what was covered in my university economic-finance studies.

Given how I knew how people like Milne would react once they became aware of how easily and horribly fooled they and several generations before had been when all it would have taken was the most basic common sense and time away from the tv, I chose to keep silent for 24 years.

On 11.11.2004 when I broke that silence I knew exactly how the common person would react which is why I first went directly to the top officials of the DAAC to let them know that I was now going to expose them and nor was I surprised that the DAAC went silent and so I just started working my way down the pyramid, and one after the next shut down.

Then I began working from the bottom up and as you can verify with Milne they have behaved no differently than the filthy rich in depriving others of this knowledge.

I have now finished my book that picks up where The D I book leaves off and what I suggested you read when I first introduced myself to you should have you figuring out whether you are going to be like everyone else or wanting to avoid being in the same room as the rest of the fools who are untrustworthy.

Feel free to bring Milne into the conversation and you will quickly see that your distaste for him matches up with how you feel about Trump.

Now going to sit back and watch the rugby match between England and France; not to mention I was a better than average rugby player [photo of my high school rugby half-colours].


Did you see that great first try by England?

Lesley Paul I have replied Gary, but I have also made the decision not to maintain contact. You should not make public private messages, even though these are innocuous. David Milne, a friend of yours?



David Milne Lesley Paul someone who is a Facebook friend and yes I have blocked him on messenger. I have also read the DIG book he talks of and it interesting and accurate but not exactly a revelation. Most of us knew the outline a long time ago, maybe little more than a hunch to be honest. As for keeping silent about it, I saw no value in sharing what is essentially common knowledge and common sense. Gary is basically annoying due to some his personal opinions about himself that he seems to believe everyone wants to know but otherwise he is harmless.

His book might be worth reading if it’s something new. If you want to read the DIG book let me know and I’ll send you my copy.


John Robertson David Milne I take it Gary has met Mr Trump? Sorry I couldn’t be arsed researching him.

18h · Edited


David Milne John Robertson I actually don’t but I doubt he would have searched him out. No point


Gary Gevisser Lesley Paul, you are another one who writes just to make yourself feel relevant. You don’t explain what bothers you about me making our conversations public since you say they are “innocuous”, and besides you know that others can learn from our discourse, which you would prefer not, but don’t quite know how to say it without looking stupid.

In fact you haven’t replied to what I sent you other than to say that you “will look at what you say. No, watched Scotland/Ireland and Wales/Italy.”

You will have read Milne’s response which does not include him acknowledging when he first learned of the economic power of banking-mining house, monopolist De Beers-Barclays given how Milne didn’t study economics at university where it is not taught.

In all likelihood Milne who last told me that he works a graveyard shift job never got a university education.

So when he writes, “not exactly a revelation. Most of us knew the outline a long time ago, maybe little more than a hunch to be honest” you know that he is full of bullshit.

Let’s go back to Milne’s beef with Trump.

The argument given by the Scottish politicians to allow Trump to build his monstrosity and devastate the ancient dunes was because Trump was putting his own money into the project which he promised would bring a great number of jobs.

Epstein’s book is not called the DIG. The DIG is the acronym I give for the Diamond Invention Game. The name of Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book is The Diamond Invention book which you don’t need Milne to send you because it is still available free on The Internet.

As both you and Milne know, because you show that you can both read and write even if you have a very short attention span which is not an attribute because it is indicative of short-circuits in the space between the ears caused mostly I assume from lying one time too many, is that I provided you with a hyperlink, right after the word, TYCOON.

Milne feels very stupid and remains a FB friend because he hopes that by not irritating me too much he won’t end up on the $HIT list of and become that much more of an eyesore than the fat belly which he protrudes which is also not a strong sign of someone with willpower.

Most would agree that what makes the human sick is the poison food.

It is possible that Milne has an even bigger protrusion than Trump which might explain why Milne is in so much denial.

If Milne knew more than “hunch” of how the economic system worked then instead of battling with the Scottish government officials who were of course laughing all the way to the bank given how extraordinarily weak was Milne’s arguments, he would have said to them:

“We need jobs. 

Trump is not our problem. 

Trump is just an opportunist who also has to stand in line to get the lowest cost money. 

I am not an economist or anything close but I have two hands that can be used to turn pages of a book which is made even easier since The D I book is available free on The Internet and one can use just a single finger to move from one page to the next. 

Given however my unique insight of how the economic system works I didn’t need to read Epstein’s book, but nor can I tell you how it was that I became so knowledgeable because it is only very late in life when I have developed this huge belly that I don’t know how to get rid of that I came across this Gary Gevisser who put me on to The D I book. 

I have also admitted publicly ‘As for keeping silent about it, I saw no value in sharing what is essentially common knowledge and common sense’ but that is only for public consumption. 

At the same time I have conceded because I don’t want to look like a total bloody fool that the book is accurate, and again I have now made my feelings publicly known. 

Let’s leave Donald Trump alone and approach the mining-banking group who have their fingers in the entire global economic pie and they also happen to have the lowest cost of capital given how as The D I book explains so well, the De Beers-Barclays enterprise set the price on their exclusive diamond currency and in the process they have violated all the most sacrosanct anti-Monopolies/anti-Trust laws. 

I also have no reason to believe that Epstein’s account of how De Beers went about committing treason when supplying Hitler with his industrial diamonds out of the Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross is inaccurate. 

Again, I have stated clearly that I have no beef with Epstein’s book. 

If you think however that I am inconsistent with my thinking, that may have everything to do with eating one more cow too many. 

Nor am I saying that I am a cannibal although I can follow the thought processing that us humans are the animal that we eat, and today my body shape is clearly not reflective of a healthy human and so in keeping with the non-human animal I have become when eating another animal like a cow, chicken, sheep or duck, I am eating my fellow brother and sister and therefore it would be in keeping with the thought that I am in fact a cannibal without necessarily feeling any shame. 

As you can see I feel rather mixed up, and perhaps there are some young healthy Scottish government officials who can make the call to Nick Oppenheimer and instead of giving us his worthless money which each time we use it we confirm its value, but rather to give us the resources so that our local community can become self-sustaining and everyone contributing to the betterment of society as best they can.”

2h · Edited

Gary Gevisser David Milne you will have read my reply to Leslie Paul. I will send you and my entire email list a backup of this entire conversation.

Moreover, you have yet to give me your professional opinion of the meeting between President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer in Cape Town, South Africa back on September 5, 2006

Gary Gevisser Furthermore, David Milne, Leslie Paul and all those tuned in, I will be writing to Nick Oppenheimer in due course, and should you have something you would like for me to say, now would be a good time. You can also reach me via email:

2h · Edited


David Milne Gary Gevisser I think your reply has just proven my comments to Lesley Paul correct. Thank you.

Gary Gevisser David Milne, it is good that you begin, “I think…” because it goes on to show you are weak.

Standby as I include you in huge initial email broadcast to my British solicitor FB friend, Ray Oshry Esq. who I grew up with in mineral rich South Africa, and he too has been acting very cowardly since getting his head around Epstein’s The D I book and my insightful commentaries.

