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More light – With nature – Before Christmas Eve – Why so quiet

From: gg <>
Subject: More light – Re: With nature – Fwd: Before Christmas Eve – Re: Why so quiet
Date: December 26, 2017 at 5:03:05 PM PST
To: “Sam Cullman – Co-director & cinematographer, If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front ” <>
Cc: rest; Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Johann DeJager – South African Reserve Bank <>, “South African Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser. MGM co-producer with Megan Ellison of DETROIT.” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Laura Malter – ex CIA – has twice now deactivated and reactivated her facebook and still avoiding answering a most important question about The Diamond Invention book. No longer a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <>, Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>, “Dave Osh – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Principal Economist at De Beers-Barclays Bank controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer.” <>


Sam – did you see my posting 24 minutes ago on my FB Wall:
Subject: Short-sighted or by design? [Word count 204]
Something smarter than all of humanity must be guiding us as we have got it all wrong.
Shouldn’t the health of the economy of the world be based on the health-happiness of the people and/or nature?
How can something so cruel and illogical as the Gross Domestic Product index be considered a good gauge of the health of the economy?
It is all upside down as the GDP only promotes consumerism and greater overpopulation which combined does great for the GDP index, but it is destroying the planet.
It is obviously more than every economist in the world who is short-sighted.
Does that mean we should continue to listen to economists who didn’t think when they first started studying economics that the GDP index failed both the logic test as well as the “fairness doctrine”?
How can the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development] which was formed in the upside down year of 1961 and immediately began promoting the hell out of the GDP index and still does, be so out of sync with the heartbeat of the universe, just because they prefer a cushier lifestyle than the refugees they play an instrumental role in creating?
Short-sighted or by design?
Earlier I had a mostly one-sided conversation with Daniel McGowen. Would you like to see it?
The very moment the first person read what I had to say, the world has changed because the truth is that which does not change.
When you hold on to a lie as big as the GDP life gets only more complicated because you keep waiting for the next shoe to fall.
You can be all but guaranteed Zuckerberg picked up his crusade against the GDP from my public writings and which he incorporated into his last commencement address at Harvard.
Further proof is that Zuckerberg didn’t say much about its drawbacks other than it was clear he didn’t see it as a positive, and that all quickly faded.
What if in fact Zuckerberg suddenly dreamed up that it was “fair game” to attack the GDP but the logic escaped him to explain why he felt that there had to be a better mechanism for gauging the health of the world’s economy but not to expand on his thinking?
Isn’t that totally insane?
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone is game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
Do I need to explain to you how important it is that Zuckerberg would bring up the GDP given how he has never come across its dire strait negatives in an economics text book or any commentary on TV, radio or the newspaper, but doesn’t explain its drawbacks which the most average high school student would understand in a flash?
Do you agree that sometimes you have to spell out important material even if it pisses off the students?
The fact that the Harvard students and faculty members went ape shit certainly can’t have you feeling that they were listening to anything other than how they could be as rich as Zuckerberg who if he has already read my last posting do you think he wishes that he kept the GDP out of his speech?
You can see that I have 394 FB friends.
You could easily see not one of them commenting.
That does not mean they disagree with anything other than they would prefer not to hear about the calamity of the GDP.
Can you imagine if one other person were to write to the OECD or one of its officials like Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd and ask them to comment publicly on my 204 words; and then they get all their FB friends to do the same, wouldn’t that make your New Year Eve celebrations filled with more light?


How are you doing with The D I book?
[Word count 661]

Original messages:

From: gg <>
Subject: With nature – Fwd: Before Christmas Eve – Re: Why so quiet
Date: December 24, 2017 at 3:25:39 PM PST
To: “Sam Cullman – Co-director & cinematographer, If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front” <>
Cc: rest; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell Rothwell – Principal Economist at De Beers controlled, US Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris, France. Former 27 year senior Stanford University lecturer, Rothwell is considered the world authority on the pricing of enriched uranium, but failed to include the military component and its aftermath.” <>
In reading back to my wife Marie what I had written to you earlier, I came across a few grammar errors, superfluous words and one date which I have now corrected as well providing the name of Bob Dylan’s best friend.
We both also question why it took so long to bring out the movie since while it wouldn’t have changed your impartiality, to have got it out before Daniel McGowan was sentenced, it would surely have helped reduce his harsh sentencing and gathered many more supporters from around the globe? 
The prosecution-judge made a showcase of McGowan and this one girl; which was an extreme cruel and harsh punishment especially considering what these loggers were doing; completely devastating 95% of the environment which really is a 100%; and a heritage for the next generations. They will never know what a real forest looks like. What the loggers are planting is for their future harvests, and nor are they necessarily native trees.
It was a good documentary. It makes you want to spend more time with nature.
There is of course more, starting by looking at how a logger gets the rights to log and then pass down to the next generations either the profits or the business given how De Beers-Barclays have never, not once, tolerated competition in any sector of the economy which is “ripe for the picking”, making the distinction between the private and public sector a very bad joke.
At this moment you not only have to question your own sanity but just as important who you can trust.
The Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There! ad which was the brainchild of my mother Zena 


was placed only once in the South African Sunday Times which caught the attention of De Beers-Barclays’ South African Secret Police who sent two white Afrikaans officers to my plush offices at 100 Wilshire Blvd to instruct me to “cease and desist” which I did knowing their reach, but that still didn’t prevent all those who saw this clever ad, especially the educated non-white South African community who were the backbone of Moshal Gevisser’s vast trading network, from being happy to see the name.
Gevisser in German is “all knowing” and Gewissen is “conscience”.
Coincidences cannot be explained, even if us humans choose not to make more of them than in the moment.
That does not mean “coincidences” do not exist or that they are random events; and not anything to pay much attention to as they cannot help predict the future, unless they exist for us to pay that much more attention in order to be more sensitive to our surroundings, and that in turn means that coincidences play a role in each of our futures.
Logic also tells us that the past of course affects our future decision making.
In the moment that you are thinking about something, you are prevented from thinking or doing anything else even if it is for a split section as you humm that moment, milking the happiness for all that it is worth.
Only when one does the right thing does one truly enjoy the happiness it brings.
When one does not do the right thing there is a feeling deep inside that tells us it is wrong.
But if one can fix the most important wrongs then one should never be afraid.
Man has been going backwards while technology has us thinking that we are smarter until one realizes that the cornerstone of the health of the economy, GDP, is ugly in the extreme and yet you don’t come across this in any economics text books or written about by economic noble laureates or would be noble laureates.
I also happen to know quite a few of them personally; and you would expect a great many others to have come across my writings on this most important subject which are not a myriad of mysticism and superstition.
The wall of silence does not mean all the silent are better people or for that matter good.
Nor can they try and change the past by suggesting that they thought through the entire nonsense of the GDP


and how it interacts with De Beers-Barclays having “zero cost of capital” which is also an absolute fact because they cannot present past papers or speeches they have given to their economics and law students to support their lying minds.
A liar cannot be a humble person because they are arrogant.
An arrogant person you would not expect to be blessed with any sensitivity other than the feelings of jealousy and pain for not being first of all sensitive to what they feed their body that nourishes the mind or when poisoned has them lying that much more to themselves.
Good people don’t need friends, which I believe Plato first spelled out.
Most of the good thoughts have been said many times before and people just pick them up when it makes them feel good in the moment which is really all they care about.
For some reason each time a coincidence occurred it made me feel more humble and nor was I upset when I noticed the association of the 4 digits 1421 when multiplied or added equal 8 which is “lucky” to the Chinese.
So when I came across the non-fiction book, 1421 THE YEAR CHINA DISCOVERED AMERICA it did not occur to me that the history books got everything right.
We also know that the history books are written by the victors and even the dissenting opinion is most often as bought as the majority view.
Once the money is corrupted by a most violent monopolist why even pretend that there is a difference between the different political parties even when the leadership of the different parties look like they are at each other’s throats?
The fact that a great many politicians still remain in the dark about the unbridled power and influence of De Beers-Barclays is only because they are either stupid or playing stupid which is lying.
My mother Zena is currently dying because she is being held captive in Israel for her support of me
There have been 570 independent views of The Lady’s Speech since I placed it up on Youtube back on October 23, 2016, some 15 days after I last saw her. 
All these individuals who could be returning to see this 9 minute and 24 second video as well as read my commentaries and view the other supporting videos, and it won’t register another “eyeball”, can all read and write; but they choose to be deafeningly silent because they want to remain anonymous.
That does not make me or my wife Marie or the presence of a Higher Power visible like their minds speaking volumes.
When the mind sees only what it wants you cannot expect much good to come from such minds.
Still that leaves the Creator of all things, good and evil as well as the number system, to decide the final outcome.
I am certainly not going to back down to a corrupt society no matter the number size of all those numb.
It is a choice that we all have to make.
Most well raised children would be satisfied that the 4 digits 1421 combination alongside the very different history lesson provided by those pushing the Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 story, wakes up the world to question more.
When you couple that with Marie purchasing in 2002 this rock cabin which is designated #11 alongside a bunch others, and we found hanging on an inside wall leading into the kitchen area two steel nails with the number 42 stamped on top, that should knock everyone off their feet.




But there is more, going back to my immediate paternal family’s shop in Vilnius, Lithuania which had the number 42 on either same of the family name which is spelled a little differently


When no one is moved and that 570 number is statistically relevant because the large group of people who know that I am exposing the greatest fraud perpetrated on the human is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, you must question both God and man who when he is dead quiet then it is fine to leave everything in the hands of God.
[Word count 1402]
Begin forwarded message:

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Subject: Before Christmas Eve – Re: Why so quiet
Date: December 24, 2017 at 12:15:57 PM PST
To: info <>
Cc: rest; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>

Sam good morning – my father’s first cousin, David Gevisser published a rather boring book in 2006, his autobiography in fact, and titled it THE UNLIKELY FORESTER. No doubt you wouldn’t have heard about it because it was totally an ego trip, at least to the unobservant eye. A lot was happening in the world when he published his memoirs having the year before received at age 78 from Oxford, a Masters of Studies In Historical Research which was his first attempt at rewriting history, and hence his masters thesis should have been titled, A Masters in Rewriting History.

Nothing really earth-shattering or interesting in what I wrote above, but still I doubt that I put you to sleep 🙂 but certainly not interesting enough for you and Marshall Curry to drop everything you are currently doing and fly out to California and enjoy Christmas-New Year with me and my beautiful F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion


with the most perfect pair of legs


and our world traveler and equally very healthy and energetic world traveler dog Mango and get to enjoy one of the very few remaining forests here in southern California where one of the largest Pine Trees we had to have cut down back on the 19th because bugs had infiltrated, thanks to the drought over the past decade and a half.
Now at this point, you are still not quite ready to give your biggest yawn.
Need I mention that Marie Dion, whose first language is of course French, has an analytical mind that I have no doubt would boggle the mind of Einstein who if he were to talk mathematics to her, and while she would no doubt understand him better than me whose mathematics is not the worst in the world, it would bore my wife to death, unless of course it was Einstein, but only Einstein.
Marie Dion is a very private and quiet person but that does not mean you can bullshit her. She explains it rather well, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”.
There is in fact more to that than meets the eye because most of us humans are born geniuses, and there is very little that distinguishes us at birth between the brightest and dumbest of us who can chew gum and speak at the same time. One we start lying however, then the irreversible short-circuits of the neurons turn the space between our ears into inevitably a perfect vacuum like Deep Space where no sound can be heard.
So that simply means we should try our best not to lie and to avoid the company of liars; easier said than done if everyone is lying.
Jump back to the early 1990s when I had no idea that my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser would be so foolish as to write a decade and a half later the most incriminating autobiography which extraordinarily few people, including his wife and four sons would have picked up on because what he had to say didn’t smack them right in the face, but by 2006 the “male heir” of the richest and most powerful person on the planet, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.
was a very different man for a couple of reasons that are closely intertwined. First, David Gevisser was not fighting natural entropy at all well because he hadn’t changed his meat diet; and second, his lying was taking a toll on his decision making which didn’t have him caring for his mind-body temple.
Not to mention, Engelhard Jr. is the central character of chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of the page-turner, non-fiction book The Diamond Invention written in 1978 by scholarly American author Edward J. Epstein.
I’m now in my mid-thirties but having more experience in the “real world” than the overwhelming majority Captains of Industry who were household names like Warren Buffett, but I also knew not to talk.
I was invited to a very private Succoth dinner being held at the home of Bob Dylan’s best friend going back to when they grew up in Minnesota. Louis Kemp, who I had not previously met, was married to the daughter of one of my clients, Maurice Arenson who was also a player in the forestry game in South Africa, and sufficiently successful that when he immigrated to the US back in the mid-1970s he never had to work again and could just dabble.
Compared to my “lucky uncle” Dave, Arenson was like the size of a temporary tick on the backside of the largest elephant to have roamed the plains of Africa following the extinction of the Mammoths because David Gevisser’s major benefactor was Engelhard Jr. whose Wikipedia profile is rather subdued; but if you type in Google, Engelhard Time Magazine, you will come across a most revealing article published in the January 17, 1961 edition, Corporations: South African Invader.
It was no coincidence, unless you believe that everything is a coincidence, and therefore all that exists is an inexplicable supernatural event, that 10 days before, Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected prime minister of mineral rich Belgian Congo
was assassinated with orders from the CIA which led directly to President Eisenhower who on the same day, January 17 gave his infamous, and most distracting Military-Industrial-Complex speech.
I knew that Bob Dylan was going to be the only other invited guest to this Jewish holiday celebration and none of us, including the host and his wife would be considered religious or anything close.
As I was not prone “to talk to talk” that didn’t prevent me from brushing my teeth before leaving my very austere 2 bedroom apartment on the “wrong side of the tracks” in Santa Monica as well as engaging in polite conversation once we were introduced. My girlfriend at the time, a Greek-American accompanied me and Dylan had a young girlfriend with him who I thought could be young enough to be his daughter, but I really wasn’t paying much attention to her until much later.
Nor was I making a judgment call on anyone. I did find it interesting, however, that I was being invited to such an intimate gathering which began with us all assembled in a “play room” with murals on the wall depicting their childhood in Minnesota; and of course by then Dylan was a huge name even though I never really listened to his music or for that matter knew much about his past.
In fact only last evening as my wife Marie and I, accompanied of course by Mango, drove into the parking lot of a small shopping center where we were grabbing a bite to eat and celebrate the day, did I listen more carefully to Dylan’s song, “Like a rolling stone” where he mentions, “diamond ring”.
Ahh princess on a steeple and all the pretty people
They’re all drinking, thinking that they’ve got it made
Exchanging all precious gifts
But you better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him he calls you, you can’t refuse
When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You’re invisible now, you’ve got no secrets to conceal

BTW, last evening right before going to bed I wrote to a 20 year female Ugandan who is a student of law at  Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono and apparently voted, Student of the Year, where I quoted Luke:

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.
Dylan who would have remembered those words, certainly better than me because as I say, I never picked up previously “Exchanging… precious gifts” and the entire section is pretty good, and I should go back and read the rest of it, probably also wondered why I was invited because Dylan was quite a private person and his best friend, a businessman would have made certain that he knew at least that I was South African and a friend of Anne, the eldest daughter of Arenson and very possibly that I was a close business associate/advisor of her father.
Kemp owned a small fleet of fishing boats anchored in Anchorage and my sense was that business was tough, but with someone like Maurice Arenson to call upon for assistance the day to day pressures of survival would not have been the same than if you were camped out last evening in the freezing canyons of San Diego and to be up at the crack of dawn picking lettuce heads.
I had in fact only met Anne Arenson just once before and that was back in the early 1980s when I worked for a startup technology company in San Diego which her father and several of his close friends had provided the seed capital, and expecting to make in a very short space of time a gigantic killing; but that was not to be because they were not able to overcome critical technology hurdles, and nor did it put any of the investors in the poor house because I negotiated with the defense/military contractor, Science Applications International Corporation who sold them the technology to refund their investment and SAIC as far as I know simply “mothballed” it.
We were all served alcohol drinks in this playroom-bar, and the conversation was light. Dylan looked happy and comfortable and so did his date. It is very possible that my girlfriend Ann George who was much more familiar with the name and prestige of Dylan than I was because she had lived all her life in the States, born and bred in New York City whereas I immigrated to the US from mineral rich South Africa on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st when I immediately began a year long entrance exam to join the “mafia of mafia” De Beer-Barclays who owned the world’s drilling industry from the turn of the last century following their success in the Anglo American Boer War of 1899-1902.
My year long orientation was overseen by the head Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1.
So 90 years later I was not thinking of proposing to Dylan that we form a consortium of trusted Jewish people to knock De Beers-Barclays
 off their pedestal. My goal was simply to have an enjoyable evening, leave on friendly terms just like it all began and if not, still it wouldn’t be the end of the world because now I had established my consulting business.

a name from here you can trust over there_1024.jpeg

While the hosts and our two dates made their way to the outside Sukkah, a temporary eating establishment that goes back to biblical times supposedly, Bob and I lagged a little behind.
He asked, “What was it like growing up in South Africa?” I replied, “Being white had its advantages”; he chuckled because it is a little funny without being racist. I asked him if he ever thought that the Vietnam War was just a smokescreen for rich Americans to invade South Africa which along with the neighboring countries offered far more mineral resources than Vietnam?” He looked at me, and never said another word to me for the rest of the evening where he spent most of the dinner under the table holding a large bottle of vodka that he emptied without sharing with anyone.


When you read the page above which is part of a 24 page booklet published in 1960 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of my immediate family’s The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970]



which Engelhard Jr. orchestrated its eventual demise in 1969 by having a stooge, Natie Kirsh “asset strip” this hugely valuable multinational trading conglomerate which explains why Kirsh is not today the poorest member of the Forbes list of billionaires, you will notice that Engelhard had his Engelhard Industries of Southern Africa Ltd, leave to Moshal Gevisser, “administrative and technical control” of ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which controlled the entire forestry, construction and furniture industry in South Africa as well as all the rest of Africa where Engelhard found fertile ground; and of course he didn’t stop at the Nile.
Dylan did eventually get off the floor which was just grassland as his friend helped him up since his petite girlfriend didn’t have it within her to take charge of this very embarrassing situation.
You had to have asked yourself how come all the ancient trees of the entire world, not just America, are not protected species?
We know that those who backed people like Columbus and the Dutch East Africa Company that “discovered” South Africa for the Dutch back in 1652 and their sister company Dutch West India Company discovered New Amsterdam just 28 years before, chopped down all the ancient forests to build their ships and conservation was not their goal.
But when you have the logging industry focused on profits which they say drives both the local and national economy there is always justification because people need jobs and housing to stay alive; and you are never going to get prosecutors and judges to go against what is ultimately “good for business”.
So the debate has to change.
First, it must center around how we go about determining the health of the economy; and we immediately run headfirst into the GDP index which Eisenhower never mentioned in his military-industrial-complex speech.
Second, we know that merciless business people have no loyalty to country, race or religion because their focus is on making as much profit wherever opportunity avails itself.
Once you get your head around the GDP index, you begin to understand perfectly the treason by the highest officials of the land.
GDP is both illogical and merciless as it punishes twice mineral rich countries like the Congo and South Africa, at least the poor; first when merciless armies invade and grab the harvested raw materials; and second when after the bloodbath placing puppet governments in charge who don’t object to the low price paid by those grabbing the mineral resources as they are harvested in the most efficient way. This results in the GDP of the invaded country far lower than the country importing and marking up both the raw materials as well as finished goods.
Nor does this macabre military operation stop there. The invading corporations – remember Engelhard Industries –  also take advantage of their puppet governments to build low cost factories where the slave wage earners are put to work.
Not exactly fair trade or democratic principles at play.
As you examine the Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand-American War and see what is happening right this very moment around the globe so you see clearly that the north Vietnamese did not win that war because it was a total disaster for not only Vietnam and the bordering countries but the entire planet.
When those kids were protesting the US Forest Service doing the bidding of the logging companies, they had to have believed that they would get support from top government officials such as our current governor Jerry Brown. Im sure that if one such individual rallied to their support you would have mentioned that individual in your documentary.
Violence does not only beget more violence, but violence is an essential element of destroying the innocence and spirit of the youth who quickly get old once they start having kids and prefer to stay at work than go home and be swamped by their children jumping all over them.
It would be interesting to me to see what happened to Daniel McGowan, beginning with if he remained vegetarian, trim and fit after coming out of prison. Would you know?
Sam, you would expect that besides for me and Harry Oppenheimer there are a great many other rich people throughout the globe whose silence has been bought; but there remain a great many rich people who all think that they have worked hard to earn their wealth and most importantly the “right to inherit” which does not go back to biblical times or anytime close.
Nor were the inheritance laws established in a democratic setting because from the very beginning they were based on who had the biggest gun and was also willing to use it.
Moreover, those who were willing to execute the principle of “might is right” always, like Napoleon paid their bravest soldiers who survived the military campaigns, the lion’s share of the spoils of war and there were no exceptions, as much as Hollywood-Madison Avenue would like to suggest otherwise.
In fact it was only after WW2 when the soldiers stopped getting paid a “fair wage”; and if you argue that began at the start of WW1 then you would just have to study more WW1 and WW2 and know that WW2 was just a continuation of WW1 which ended with Germany not only broke, but strictly prohibited from building an invading army which didn’t stop the number one mining-banking house, De Beers-Morgan Trust-Barclays from violating this most important tenet, and in its path came not only the destruction of the planet but all vestiges of humanity.
There was nothing nice about Harry Oppenheimer who inherited all of Engelhard’s most valuable assets beginning even before Engelhard’s death on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before. 
His death most concerned President Nixon and the rest of world’s bought top politicians; and it resulted in dramatic changes in the management of the financial markets; and all in favor of DE Beers-Barclays who looked like they were going to escape free of even “finger pointing” given how there was no public outcry to Nixon’s totally incomprehensible speech of August 15, 1971 when he announced the official end of the Gold Standard while introducing measures which made as much sense as his repeated attacks on “international money speculators who are waging an all out war on the US Dollar” without naming them; all the while it was no secret that Ho Chi Minh was an enemy general whose forces we were pummeling to smithereens, devastating the landscape with blanket bombing of cluster bombs, to mention little of Agent Orange, making the lands impossible to farm and forcing the poorest of the poor farmers into the factories.
Yet we don’t make any comparisons with Nazi Germany.
So it is not only Dylan who is very quiet.
It is just a question of time before someone picks up this amazing story; and why not the two of you?
It would win friends throughout the planet, starting with all the children yet to be born and nor would anyone be able to refute it; and more important than us humans who show that we are not the greatest thinkers, is the environment that we remain a part of until it is decided that an entirely new species will replace the conscienceless human.
Moreover, I am still very much alive.
BTW, I include in the cc section, my friend Dr. Rod Smith Phd who was with me at a very important board meeting back on February 8, 2002 where I left just a half hour after it began with the “smoking gun proof” of voter fraud in the upcoming November 2002 California Gubernatorial election, where my client, Wetherly Capital were backing both the incumbent Democrat Governor Gray Davis, and his Republican contender, Bill Simon Jr. the son of the former billionaire US Treasury Secretary.
It is good for as many people as possible to know the true story of how one South African based monopoly continues to control the mineral resources which has helped them escape prosecution for war crimes going back to WW2. 
It is not good to fool anyone even if one has managed for a century to fool the entire world.
Looking forward to hearing from you; better if before Christmas Eve.


On Dec 24, 2017, at 8:17 AM, info <> wrote:

Hey Gary 
Yep that was me – also was co-director on the film. 
Ok what’s yr story?
You got me curious…

Sam Cullman

On Dec 23, 2017, at 10:47 PM, Gary Gevisser via YCF Contact Form <> wrote:

Are you the cinematographer and co-producer of, If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front 

If so I have a story about forestry work that will blow you away. It blew Bob Dylan away, which is why he is so quiet.

Gary Gevisser

This message was sent to via the contact form on the Yellow Cake Films website.
