Movement on Putin ~ End all the distraction – fb messaging with Russian lawyer Vadim Xomenko
You and Vadim aren’t connected on Facebook
Former Director at Structured Solutions / Special Situations at Банк ОТКРЫТИЕ
11/30/18, 12:45 PM
Say hi to your new Facebook friend, Vadim.
Did you notice the strike demonstration going on outside Marriot Hotel across from Macy’s?
They are mostly Chinese slave wage earners
They were here from building the railroads. There has been no change but they will be the majority
They would be interested in this knowledge and more interested if their trade union leaders are bought just like Goldman Sachs, Warren Buffet and George Soros is bought
Remember The Oppenheimers are not Jewish
Us Jewish people also know that they are no friends of us Jewish people
So why aren’t our Jewish leadership the first to expose them?
It is now easy to figure out which of us rich Jewish people are bought.
Nor does the fact that the rich and quiet Jewish people being bought make The Oppenheimers and their anti-Semitic Non Jewish supporters good
So this is not about nationalism or religion or ethic background.
Is this enough to interest Putin?
Vadim, use Elena’s good energy to think BIG
How many of your fb friends would be interested to join our conversation and help organize the biggest rally in the history of the world and we will invite Dershowitz and Alexander Soros and the rest of the clowns to join us?
We can start organizing this on your way to LA and us on our way further north
Yes these strikes are massive.. I gather the strikers are of all races, but I thought they were hotels employees.. If your goal is to somehow affect / bring to break-even / etc The Os reputation then perhaps a relevant PR agency might be helpful? Most of my FB network is not that much open minded or ‘in the know’ so to say
Lecturing / releasing articles/interviews/and ultimately [THe Book] to the public might be an economically sound project too.. am not too much familiar with the US publishing biz though
Vadim what do you remember me telling you about the GDP?
You are not yet thinking of your highest and best use and to be able to afford a great residence on the other side of the bridge
On the brightest side of it )
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But am v glad we met on mori
Bright is good
Good always overcomes darkness which is caused by overpopulation
What time is your first meeting this evening I want to prepare you as best I can
7 pm
11/30/18, 6:59 PM
Running a little behind
Still driving
Besides for learning from my great parents and 3 elder siblings who turned rotten when put to the test which was their reaction to my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which addressed the most important item since the rearming of Germany after world war 1 by the western bankers, I also didn’t forget everything I learned during my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays who set the price on money
The important lesson is that the people when given the information first try their best to use it to their advantage
They think they can fool me by either distracting talk or not saying anything
There is no reason to believe that you would be any different
So now you should focus on your upcoming meeting
You don’t know if these people you are about to meet with have heard of me who does not talk to talk and/or The Diamond Invention book unless they tell you
They are also unlikely to tell you because people are selfish and selfish people have big egos
you are first a lawyer and second a finance guy
I have not found one lawyer who is honest, and so you may be the first
You are going to have to show me that you are honest
The important thing to know about the law is that the people with the biggest guns make the law and change the laws and that means that the people have no say whatsoever in the laws
In other words the law only protects the crooks with few exceptions
The people you’re meeting with in LA Are not coming to you for you to tell them about the law
they are coming to you to tell them about financing
All that a finance guy knows is how to get the lowest cost of capital
now you know where to go for the cheapest money and that is DeBeers-Barclays-Putin
If you say anything else to these people you will be misleading them
When you see different banks they are De Beers-Barclays who again price the money
When you see different priced real estate it is also priced by D-B
Everyone is guided by their money unless it is barter and D-B have great influence on all barter
So really there is nothing interesting to talk to anyone other than about me and The D I book
Not even fiction movies are interesting because the producers and directors are either working for D-B directly or indirectly, the same with university professors and school teachers
so I come back to back to my question which you did not answer how big do you think is the market?
A finance person quickly turns into a marketing person once knowing there is nothing more to talk about financing
Once you lie about the truth you cannot turn back and you have to keep trying to cover your tracks and you will always be watching your back and that anxiety will have you getting old quick
So how big is the market and how quickly can you penetrate the market otherwise you have no purpose in talking to anybody about business
The only reason to have poor people striking is to distract the people from what is really going on in the financing financial services industry which is total bullshit
so we come back to my question what do you remember me telling you about GDP
I have now covered everything that one could possibly ask for in a PhD study of business finance Law and economics
That took 10 minutes of typing with 1 thumb
You would expect Musk to know about me
He could own today the entire auto, energy and banking business if only he had my courage
The GDP -OECD was firmly established in the upside down year of 1961
The consequence is the complete “mid allocation” [sic] of wealth
Now you should be ready to sell these people on attending my next educational light journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop
What should we charge them?
Where does curiosity take you ?
If you’re defensive you go nowhere other than you turn your insides inside out
You were not thinking of your highest and best use
But now you might be
All the monies for land trusts to protect the environment and charitable foundations are to distract from the biggest thieves receiving the money to accumulate assets and buy off their heirs
So there is some good they do in protecting small pieces of land but they keep destroying the land
They are still the biggest thieves and they have failed to pay the soldiers a fair wage
Again, Why not fix every pot hole or get rid of all the poor people is because they don’t want the people getting in their face
They don’t want to questioned why they are so merciless and filthy rich
Having things not perfect is part of their insurance policy
Remember there has been no competition anywhere in the world since DeBeers took control of the drilling industry at the turn of the last century
You can see that my book is ready to print
11/30/18, 8:43 PM
Not mid-allocation
It is misallocation
Of course you don’t start out talking about Gary Gevisser or The D I book
It requires you thinking of the best way to introduce me and The D I book
That is all you have to think about
May I suggest you start with what you believed before running into me
The internet is a very good thing because it makes it very difficult and frustrating for the biggest crooks to hide
12/1/18, 10:16 AM
Have you rethought your “Yes these strikes…though”?
What can you tell me about your biz meetings?
12/2/18, 7:31 AM
Vadim – we have yet to get to our final destination on this particular journey but if it is our last then I will have a clear conscience that I have played the cards dealt to me to the best of my ability
I very much doubt you could say the same
I never asked if you think there is a higher authority because your words and actions only showed that money is your God and therefore for you think that you are any better than Putin who you obviously detest is in my opinion seriously misguided
Still you could come to you senses
I have been talking about you to a number of people I know, not to gossip, but rather to help me figure out what makes them tick
How far did you get in Epstein’s The D I book before you decided to shut down?
Have you thought about the possibility that before Elena gets old fat and ugly which could be before she has any children she could learn the truth about all the bullshit you learned in school and when practising law and decides to go for someone just based on looks and sexual attraction
What can be worse than fucking stupid?
The possibility exists that Elena when given the information could turn out no different than the rest and decide to be even more merciless than you and just keep her cards close to her chest until someone richer and more powerful comes along
You don’t show that you have done any good with the knowledge I have provided you
On the contrary you show that you think like every lawyer and keep trying to get information out of me which you can then use in the future to make better money connections
Putin looks and sounds a lot like you but he does not come across as stupid
His meeting with Oppenheimer in September 5, 2006 was very strategic
Do you think Putin would learn something from our conversations?
I think he would be most interested
Were I to send a copy through the Russian embassies do you think they would immediately forward them to him or do you think given how I am the only other person on the planet promoting that meeting he would already be tapped into all my writings
Instead of complimenting me repeatedly on my accent you would have been better off sharing with me what you learned from my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post
Btw I met yesterday at breakfast an Israeli-American who is 72 and appears to be pretty high up in the casino world on the board of directors of the biggest casino conglomerate for example and he knows both Trump and Sol Kerzner well and of course he had little difficulty convincing me that he has worked closely with both
He also carries around a trophy wife who is a good 20 years younger and she is not quite in the shape she was when a top chorus dancer in Las Vegas
Today’s breakfast is going to be even more interesting as he has already shown signs that he is disturbed by the truth and therefore thinking about all his other relationships including his wife and how they will react to the DIG knowledge assuming they don’t already know
Hi Gary – I should be able to respond today or tomorrow. It’s a bit hectic here. Cheers
Vadim – I’m 61
At 21 I got to see how effective were the DAAC in shutting up the entire Israeli government and I hadn’t yet read The D I book because it only got published 4 years later in 1982
Even if you had only met Elena last night and all you did was have wild sex, before you ate you would not want to miss a moment in letting me know what of my knowledge did you apply in your biz meetings
Given how there is really nothing more you can do to get the new passport and it is Sunday and your ship of riches hasn’t come in yet, you must be thinking that delay works to your advantage
Remember I have already told you that most everyone including my very well raised 3 elder siblings did not turn out good
Try stopping the bullshit
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12/3/18, 12:31 PM
U may have read about this wise woman who said “people with little Intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”.
She elaborates for those hiding , “Once they get the information they close up, why expose themselves?”
I have not only worked with the smartest lawyers in the world, I know how you all think
If you ignore what is being said and stick to only what you have written then you have not only plausible deniability but you think yourself that much smarter that you have fooled the person you have ignored
You don’t take long after your first lie to lose all vestiges of spirituality
Now I’m working on how to reach Putin by my experiences with you
If you were in charge of the Russian consulate offices around the world would you see this as interesting enough to pass on to Putin?
12/4/18, 8:08 AM
Do you want to learn more about spirituality now that you know how difficult it is to predict once going into lie-denial stage:
How To Detect Lies: Body Language
Go to the profile of Nick Babich
Nick Babich
Feb 1, 2016
Are you bad at spotting a lie?
Well, most of us are not perfect in this. Our instincts for judging liars are actually pretty strong, but our conscious minds sometimes fail us.
Luckily, there are signs we can look for when trying to detect a lie. To detect lying, watch for signs of stress in body language and facial expressions. The following are the most common body language signs of lying. All of them could also mean disagreeing with what you are saying, or simply being insincere with you.
The Mouth Cover
This is an instinctive gesture that first appears in early childhood. A lier covers his mouth with his hand, as if he or she is trying to prevent the deceitful words from being said. It could be just a few fingers covering the lips, or the whole palm — the meaning doesn’t change.
Some people try to disguise the mouth cover gesture by giving a fake cough.
If the person who is using this gesture of covering the mouth is the one who is speaking, it means she might be lying. However, if she is a listener, it might mean that she feels that you are not being totally honest and sincere with her.
The Mouth Cover may appear as the ‘Shhh’ gesture where one finger is placed vertically over the lips. This gesture would likely have been used by the person’s mother or father when she was a child. As an adult, the person uses it in an attempt to tell themselves not to say something they’re feeling…,
JAN 5, 2019, 1:52 PM
we’re heading back to Italy in a week or so. Where is the coolest off the tourist trap town to go where the vegetarian food is the best in the world, the same with the espresso?
Any movement on Putin?
JAN 7, 2019, 8:51 AM
Are you familiar with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
I’m going to be introducing you shortly to gunrunner Devin Standard. The two of you should get on great as both of you think you are smarter than everyone else as you keep writing you version of the truth which of course is a total lie while ignoring the truth but what the two of you haven’t figured out is the trail you leave behind in your totally stupid writings
Any movement on Putin?
JAN 7, 2019, 9:53 AM
I just sent the following to my fb friend economist Rod Smith and you should do the same to everyone you know until you receive a copy from every literate person in the world including your spouse/partner:
I just sent the following to my fb friend Bissan Mohammed and it is all self explanatory:
A very pretty fb friend of mine was interested to hear more about the chain letter I suggested you and others start sending out yesterday and you have all been quiet and so I’m now trying to break the deadlock of silence to help get to the bottom of who each of us is and if it turns out that everyone is as corrupt as the most corrupt of the politicians then at least we might find there is less noise caused by all the nonsense chattering as well as bullets being fired and exploding ordinance.
To better understand this lady, she had told me after letting me know that she has yet to see the chain letter is that all she knows about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is what she hears on the news.
Below is my reply:
What you have just revealed about yourself is highly unusual.
Most people believe they are experts on that conflict and that includes those top Israelis as well as top Palestinian leadership who get paid large wealth to talk like they are experts
You show far greater intelligence than all of them by admitting you only know from what you hear in the news and the people responsible for deciding what the news shows are only interested in prolonging the conflict because that is what they are paid to do
In other words none of them show your level of honesty
Then there are those who are not paid anything but they believe they are experts because they spend a lot of time watching the tv and hearing all sides and what they come away with is different for everyone.
Everyone is being lied to by the people who profit from the conflict
Those are not good people but they don’t care because they are profiting
My goal is to get everyone to see for themselves who are the liars
This chain letter could bring peace and prosperity to the entire world in the next instant were it to go viral as you will instantly see that the Palestinian from Gaza who asked me for help to feed his starving family is a fake given how he has not followed up on my suggestion by writing to Israel prime minister Netanyahu the letter I composed which this Palestinian asked me to do
What I’m revealing is that you cannot believe a word coming out of any Israeli or Palestinian or South African or American or Spanish or French or Canadian or Dutch or German or Italian or anyone on the planet unless they join in putting pressure on Netanyahu and Trump and Putin etc to respond to the letter
If it turns out that no one is interested to hear the truth then for starters you know exactly where you stand with everyone including your favorite friend, favorite family member, favorite politician, favorite news person, spouse, favorite business colleague, favorite neighbor, your children, your parents etc etc
That then leads you to question more what each of us humans are doing here other than taking up space and waiting to die since we show so far that we are not honest with each other, apart from those spreading the chain letter and willing to be tested on their actions, and again just sharing the letter says a lot about the individual than all their previous speeches and writings.
What follows is that chain letter I began sending out yesterday:
Just earlier I began a chain letter that started with my Fb fiend Billy Jacobs followed by Richard Pedro and so please play your part:
I have a fb friend who lives in Gaza.
Bissan Mohammed asked for my assistance in feeding his starving family who is being thrown out of their home in Gaza because Bissan has a greedy Gaza landlord, at least according to Bissan who I’m only now learning about.
I suggested to Bissan that he write to Netanyahu and the Arab leadership given how well I understand the military-economics of the Middle East which is the same throughout the globe.
Bissan asked me to write the letter and that is what follows, not to mention since then Bissan has been quiet as has all the rest who have received a copy and all of them are as big talkers on Facebook and elsewhere on the subject of politics, economics, terrorism etc as those talking heads on the tv news just reading a script:
Dear Mr Netanyahu and the Arab leadership;
I have a landlord here in Gaza who is also profiting from the war on the poor that you know as well as everyone has nothing to do with race, religion, color of skin, sexual preference, gender and the such.
Our leadership also know this but they are caught up in also wanting to get rich and afford all the luxuries without having to work.
I’m sure you believe that those who think they are fooling God must also be getting punished without realizing the damage they do to their brain when lying
I’m trying to organize for everyone in the world to listen to the facts and end all the distraction.
This Gary GEVISSER seems to know a lot.
Are you ready to debate him in public?
Bissan Mohammed
JAN 7, 2019, 3:04 PM
Vadim, anything interesting in the produce section that caught your eye?
You must be feeling that you are losing your mind because you haven’t managed to convince me that you are less dishonest than President Putin who may turn out to be the most honest Russian alive today?
Just thought I would check in with you.
Have you visited italy before? Are there any quaint towns that you liked more than others?
If this God did exist, could you see God punishing all those full of themselves who don’t care to get the poor the information, slowing down the cancer spreading cells just enough that the dishonest person lives long enough to suffer?
Do you see anything ingenious in the delivering of pain such as when a limb of a tree falls down on top of a human and instantly chops off both their legs and it takes them a while to bleed to death or when say eating a bean that has not been cooked long enough and it keeps you awak most of the night?
What about the programming of knowing when to go the toilet and then use different muscle groups to help with the elimination until such time as the cancer spreads throughout the bowls and colon and it does its own thing and you feel totally helpless but not yet dead?
What if you end up spending the last days of your life amongst bad people; don’t you feel better about yourself knowing they are bad and you are good?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being evil, how would you rate yourself at the present time?
Would you say you are a good judge of your own character?
I would say yes.
In fact you know exactly who you are, and therefore I will trust your judgment.
Would you expect God to have you think you are good when you know you are bad?
JAN 7, 2019, 7:39 PM
Have you started asking the people you know what they think of the Putin photo, and if not why not?
JAN 11, 2019, 4:06 PM
On a scale of between 0 and 10 how would you rate your health?
Has it improved or got worse since you chose denial?
MAY 1, 2019, 7:33 AM
What’s interesting other than it looks like distraction and your thinking is that if the people in your video including the poor farmers you don’t see toiling the soil if they were to get the knowledge I imparted to you on the DIG they would be no less corrupt?
Today, June 15, 2019 2:14 PM
What is your current work?
I see that you have left Review of Down Durban Memory Lane as well as unfriended me.
What took you so long?
Do you currently have any regrets?