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Mr Zuckerberg, would you be monitoring this Wall?

So, the question, if you were Mr Zuckerberg, would you be monitoring this Wall?

It is irrefutable information that you don’t get anywhere else.

Tommy Simpson I would monitor but not censor.



Gary Gevisser Tommy Simpson , Zuckerberg has not censored me.

That hasn’t stopped others.


Tommy Simpson, place yourself in Zuckerberg’s shoes as he picks up easily what has everyone so quiet when not distracting, would you start making changes in your business model to ward off would-be competitors seeking tighter alliances with bankers who have unlimited amounts of capital to underprice Zuckerberg out of the market.

If you are not on my email list, maybe you want to consider that as an option.

Tommy Simpson, btw one of my fb friends is a motivational speaker for Vistage International who have systemic and irreversible flaws in their business model, which their officials choose not to engage me in debate.

Jamie Leno Zimron is of course following along perfectly because I spell it all out in simple English.

Maybe Jamie feels the time is now right to help get the truth out rather than the silence speaking so loudly?

