Much value – : Banks to conform – : Diamonds are forever
BTW, that is not me holding up the book. It is a French gentleman who Marie, Mango and I met on the road on the French side of the Pyrenees a few years back.You will have noticed that all these nonsense opposition groups to the banks never talk about De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers.When you have the world’s only wildly successful mineral monopolist who unashamedly sponsored Nazi Germany which was prohibited from rearming following WW1, in bed with Europe’s richest and oldest bank, Barclays to wipe out all their opposition in mostly Jewish Israel, you have a rather remarkable event going on.You would expect every Israeli Knesset member, including each and every Israeli prime minister since inception of the fledgling Jewish Homeland back on May 14, 1948 to have heard of the Jewish Holocaust that wiped out 6 million Jewish people, half of European Jewry.You would agree that for us Jewish people that was a rather catastrophic event, and for us to be on the lookout for those wanting to finish the job of ridding the planet of all Jewish people.You would also expect Israel’s Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] to know as much about the Nazi bankers De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation as say the United States Department of Justice without MIMI having each one of their members who are required to demonstrate an IQ of at least 150, first read The D I book.Let’s come back to the article:Sir Philip Oppenheimer, Monty Charles, Michael Grantham, and other top executives from De Beers and its subsidiaries attempted to prevent the Israeli banks from dumping their hoard of diamonds. Despite their best efforts, however, the situation worsened. Last September, Israel’s major banks quietly informed the Israeli government that they faced losses of disastrous proportions from defaulted accounts almost entirely collateralized with diamonds. Three of Israel’s largest banks—the Union Bank of Israel, the Israel Discount Bank, and Barclays Discount Bank—had loans of some $660 million outstanding to diamond dealers, which constituted a significant portion of the bank debt in Israel. To be sure, not all of these loans were in jeopardy; but, according to bank estimates, defaults in diamond accounts rose to 20 percent of their loan portfolios. The crisis had to be resolved either by selling the diamonds that had been put up as collateral, which might precipitate a worldwide selling panic, or by some sort of outside assistance from the Israeli government or De Beers or both. The negotiations provided only stopgap assistance: De Beers would buy back a small proportion of the diamonds, and the Israeli government would not force the banks to conform to banking regulations that would result in the liquidation of the stockpile.When you first read, “the Israeli government would not force the banks to conform to banking regulations” did you think the Israeli government officials were putting the best interests of Israelis first, or their own personal interests?You must heard the very Jewish joke, “You put 10 Jewish people in a room, you get 11 arguments”.So when you have the entire Israeli government all complicit in their support of very anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-competition, anti-democracy De Beers-Barclays, do you think the rest of the world’s politicians are genuine in their opposition to one another?I very much doubt that you have members of your immediate family who have died in any of Israel’s many wars of survival beginning with their War of Independence [1947-1949] but that doesn’t mean you are incapable of empathizing with someone like my FB friend, Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel, Tomer Tene who was 9 years of age when his 30 year old Israeli paratrooper father was killed in the last hours of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.I also have not lost any immediate member of my family to one of those wars, but my British-English mother Zena is paying with her life over Israel for her support of me exposing the war criminals of war criminals and their host of supporters.Not to mention, my mother Zenawas sharper than any person I have known when I was with her from 21 September to 8 October 2016 without either of us knowing that my 3 elder siblings had conspired with Israeli lawyers and got on September 15, 2016, 6 days before my arrival in Israel, a non-family member, Israeli lawyer appointed as my mother’s guardian on the basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia” and no family member wanted to be bothered, thus depriving my mother of all her rights.Now I am not asking you to tell me how saddened and sorry you are about the plight of my mother because as you can see from the hyperlink above taking you to The Lady’s Speech how much the people care.Like my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena
I leave it up to HER [Higher Energy Reaction] to best take care of all those who have done my mother harm either directly or just kicking back and enjoying the spectacle.You obviously thought there was a chance that I hadn’t seen Epstein’s article which is why you went to the trouble of providing the hyperlink along with a bunch of words.Given how I am also well schooled in human observation which is helped by hearing the reaction of countless people to Epstein’s The D I book over the past decade and half, and without exception their responses have been at best, an attempt to distract, ordering a hard copy is most likely a delaying tactic on your part.We all live a relatively very short life but the moment one goes into denial about a subject so important which has one family deciding not only to destroy the planet in covering up their thievery, but the lifestyle of all humans including all those millions continuing to be murdered in mineral rich countries like the Belgian Congo and South Africa and the charity groups and UN all fully complicit, it has to be a very long life full of anxiety knowing that your silence is perpetuating a horrific lie and if there is an afterlife you wouldn’t expect HER to be kind and generous.Should you not believe such an energy force exists then you have to be content bullshitting your friends and business colleagues.Any questions?I will forward you from email, a communication I sent out earlier to the University of Cambridge’s CRASSH [CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN THE ARTS, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES] who had sponsored an evening with film documentarists Brian Lapping and Norma Percy back on March 8, 2012.I had previously written to celebrated Norma Percy who has been living since 1977 with no less celebrated geneticist Steve Jones who we crossed paths twice a week ago this past Friday when visiting Provence, France. Ms. Percy who married Jones who is born on the same day as me, March 24, back in 2004 has not responded to my writings and nor has Steve Jones.Moreover, putting aside the intelligence of HER which you can’t expect us mere mortals to understand given how we couldn’t even figure out the insanity of the highly illogical and morally indefensible Gross Domestic Product economic index that drives all commerce and of course all the wars, you would know that whatever I sent this official from CRASSH who had responded to my initial enquiry, it would not be something stupid and this official would be hard-pressed not to forward my writings to Lapping and Percy if for no other reason than to cover themselves.Should I not hear back from this CRASSH official then of course I will share my writings to Percy as well as Jones and for both of them to see what I have sent CRASSH.If you also get all the people to ignore the teachings of The D I book because it explains so well what a waste of time and energy are all government officials including the diplomats who have no less forked-tongues, and yet no one wanting to join Marie, me and my mother Zena in speaking out against this Mass aGreed Destruction [MAD] – CLICK HERE – and Marie now working on a t-shirt design, no matter how much a non-believer you may be, you have to be open to the possibility that the more shit one throws, the likelihood of you returning as something more energetic and more sensitive to smell than a dung pushing beetle would be unrealistic.BTW, do you think that dogs when greeting one another immediately check out their rear ends in order to motivate us humans to pay careful attention to what we eat?Could you imagine in your worst nightmare all the people being indifferent to the so very obvious, most cruel, premeditated murder of my mother Zena?Nor can you expect anyone corrupt to believe in anything other than themselves and therefore how very similar is everyone to Donald Trump who just happens to lie more easily.To the beauty of omnipotent nature who always more than compensates for the ugliness of mankind, the oxymoron of all time.Looking forward to your feedback.GaryPS – Today is the 74th anniversary of my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie
making the following entry in his logbook:24th FEB – IAN GOW HAD TO BALE OUT SOUTH OF REGGIOAFTER BEING HIT AND HIS A/C [aircraft] CATCHING ALIGHT. HE MAY BELUCKY AND MEET UP WITH SOME PARTISANS.[Word count 4027]On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 3:20 AM Erick Van Engeland wrote:Hey Gary,I started reading, but haven’t finished it yet, very interesting indeed!Of course you’ve seen those articles.However, I do prefer reading a paper copy, so I’ve ordered it online.Safe travels,Erick van Engeland+316 XXXXOn 23 Feb 2019, at 18:12, Marie Dion <> wrote:Erick – what are your thoughts after reading the book?All the best,GaryOn Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 6:12 AM <> wrote:LikewiseOriginally published in 1982I joined them officially in early spring 1979 after a year long initiation that was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1Sent from my iPhoneOn Feb 18, 2019, at 3:01 PM, Erick Van Engeland wrote:Hi Gary,Nice meeting you! I’d be interested getting the link to the DeBeers book.
Erick van Engeland
+316 XXXOn 18 Feb 2019, at 14:17, wrote:
Sent from my iPhone