Muhammad Kabir Ali – FB conversation

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Hello dear Gary, Thanks for sending a friend request. To be honest, I do respect the Jewish culture, people and rights around the world. We do need peaceful environment as humans – we should show our humanity. Just, culture, religion, language and clan have differed us and highly encouraged us fighting on each other. We need to be united with Israel. Today, Israel has the right to live in Israel and the place where Israel lives belonged this area many centuries ago. Many thanks
Are u able to follow my posts on Simon Bull’s wall?

Yup, please
When have u posted it?
I’m not on my computer Type in his name and look for my posts

One of my friends has traveled Jerusalem and he is a great supporter of Israel rather than Palestine.
Ok I will .
Has Neal added you as he unfriended u a few weeks ago?

Just I found one Simon Bull Art not that one you have mentioned. I dunno whether it is that or sth else. If not do share to me with link of it
Neal hasn’t done anything worth reporting, unless you didn’t see what I wrote him last. Do I have your email address?
Here is the link to Bull

Here is my email

All your posts and comments to your friends were amazing if you’re really telling the truth, I am personally supporting you for not hiding the truth. I dunno why most of your friends threaten you by blocking. I don’t know much about those who oppose to your ideas. I respect everyone’s idea as we need to listen to everyone. I’m a Muslim, I need to embrace my Jewish fellows around the world. Likewise, I highly appreciate your skills more than any other friends. Thanks

Thanks a million for sharing your comments and posts. I read your pieces of information
Feel free to chat or discuss with me if you want to. Most welcome
I have Jewish friends in the USA and Britain. They are nice people.
To be honest, I oppose Iran, Saudi Arabia and Palestine for worsening war in the world. I support Israel against Iran.
That was uplifting There might be one person brave enough Btw everything I present is the truth It can all be verified which is what scares everyone So I’m not in the least bothered by The negatives They know why they are all quiet That means when you can’t argue against the truth and you don’t support the truth then you and everyone who acts like you is corrupt Are you bothered that there are so many corrupt ? Isn’t it stupid to argue against the truth? What do you think are God’s intentions

I checked your FB profile the day when I wanted to accept your FB request. What was impressed was your various kinds of foods. Amazing .
Where do you live now?
California You?

I just support the truth, trustworthy people like you. I am with you cuz of sharing truth.
Kabul – Afghanistan
I’m coming to California to participate the Hive conference for leadership in August if the US Embassy issues my visa as it has toughen it for Afghans.
My English students live in Orange County.
Have you ever heard about Afghanistan ?
Ok if you are busy, I don’t keep you messaging you. Take care 

I am a little right now You have read The Diamond Invention book by Epstein It is free Once you have finished send me a message with your questions.

Do you have the soft version of it? If yes, plz send me it to me through my email.
To be clear You have to read The D I book because it will tell you most of the things you have got wrong about this world

I’m interested to read those ones.
I don’t have a pocket book version It will take you a couple of hours to read
Once you start reading it on the internet, you won’t put it down Remember I worked for these people at their highest level
Remember as well, they back any leader willing to go to war That means they back the Israeli leadership as much as Iranian leadership as much as the African leadership as much as all leadership willing to purchase weapon systems and to build an army

I’m an Access English Micro-scholarship program EFL teacher at Afghanistan Relief Organization registered in the United States, and a undergraduate student of American University of Afghanistan in Kabul. I also worked as humanitarian aid worker around the dangerous areas of Afghanistan supporting disadvantaged backgrounds.

I will read it and then will share it with you. Thanks for that.
I’m note it down right away.
Did you ever meet the former Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan, Geoffrey van Leeuwen?

We invited him to our university to represent the Dutch politics in Afghanistan. I did not personally meet him.
Dutch diplomatic
Read The D I book which explains what the Dutch are really doing in Afghanistan, the same with all foreign diplomats who choose your leadership I will send you a photo which turned Geoffrey’s world upside down. Btw we spent a week at his chateau last June. We never met him but met his parents and elder brother Peter who we stayed with when visiting Liden Believe me when I tell you that I know the family very well

Here in my country, most people think Jews are the enemies of Muslims, but we are a group of youths that we had made a FB page friendship of Afghanistan with Israel to show that we should have peace and open a friendship bridge with Jewish people. However, most people threaten us to death. We persistently stand on our words.
Good for you guys.

What is your FB page?
How many members?

I saw this pic in your comments
We are ten people and one of us working with CIA office in Virginia.
I will share it with you now – just hold on
what does that mean, “working with CIA office…”?

One of my friends working with CIA as an Agent
Why are you working with CIA headquarters?
Is he paid by the CIA?

I don’t work for the CIA but I worked later I gave up
I m just an ordinary person
We are independent people.
You wrote, “One of my friends working with CIA as an Agent”. Why is your friend working the CIA? Is he paid by the CIA?
Just read The D I book. That is all that is important.

Yeah, he is pairs by it and in 2014 he moved to Massachusetts State to pursue his higher education at Amherst University
If your friend is honest, then you will be able to guide.

He is not a member our group on FB page
I will read it and no worry.
Muhammad, put everything out of your head when you read it. That will allow you to read it with an open mind. It will allow you very quickly to judge accurately everyone around you. You need to just build up a group of honest, non-violent, truth seekers.
Talk to you later 

دوستى افغانستان و اسرائيل This is the name of our page enhancing friendship, diplomatic relation and peace with our Jews and Israel. To be honest, I hate killing, blood, collusion, politics and we are open-minded youths – just following peace, friendship and everyone is born to be equal in this world.

I really appreciate your skills, knowledge and your helpful tact on seeking the truth without being biased with other nation. We are working as a team to support only truth.
Ok take care.
I believe we are on the same page How old are you? Don’t stop reading the book Where are you?

I’m 28 years old and Kabul – home.

I’m honest guy, so are my friends. That’s why, I have stopped working with CIA in 2010. I worked with that only for a month and I said to them, “I don’t need to work since I don’t like to make a lot of money, kill people, plot against our internal corrupt leaders, have a lavish home in DC with with beautiful women and so on. I all repudiated these promised things made by this headquarters in Kabul. Even they threatened me if I act against their benefits in Afghanistan. My answer was to keep my humanity as I am a true human to not hurt people even a bee. You people misguide others to collude with your ominous purposes around the world to create war between countries, nations and carry economic war with China, weaponry war with Russian.
Muhammed, how far have you got in the book?

Despite I am not feeling safe, I still struggle to raise the truth with my fellows who are with me. You know there are 29 terrorist groups in my country like ISIS, al Qaeda, Taliban and others. They kill people by name of Jihad which is not acceptable for me.
I always have access to internet and gonna read it very soon by today.
Follow our page
دوستى افغانستان و اسرائيل
It is 4:25am your time, have you been to sleep?

That means friendship of Afghanistan with Israel
I just slept for an hour
No worry and I m off from my office and studies as it is Saturday.
You are right
Are you vegetarian?

Of course I m
Do you eat cheese?
Or eggs?

That’s why, I’m neither fat nor very thin
I m good shape and I do exercise
I’m single
You seem to be doing great but it would be even better for your health if you didnt eat any dairy or eggs.

You know it is Ramadhan and I already had my breakfast at 2:00 am.
I do eat eggs boiled eggs
Get some more sleep so that you can read the book with a clear head; if you have interruptions it is because you are not focused enough.

I had my Cambodian coffee so that I can’t sleep now and probably I sleep later not now
Have you followed the page ?
We do post in our in Pashto and Persian language to let our people become aware of that we don’t need to seek war with Israel.
Gonna get slept a few hours later.
I could not find the book and if you have link do share to me.

I have started the reading the first chapter starting with lack of Japanese tradition to make become a part of tradition with diamonds.
Do you have anything else to share with me cuz I wanna now sleep.
I want you to sleep the best sleep Once you have finished the book and tried answering all your questions that you have written down, then share with me what you have learned and ask me your questions Sleep well

I’m 26 years old but I made a mistake that I’m 28

روز اورشلیم (یوم یروشالاییم)، این جشن ملی و از اعیاد مذهبی یهودیان را به نمایندگی از نسل جوان افغانستان و از صمیم قلب به تمامی دوستان یهودی خود در سرتاسر اسرائیل تبریک میگوییم.
دوستی افغانستان و اسرائیل
Why are you sending me this photo? I thought we had agreed the next thing was to finish reading and then ask me questions if you had any? I am a very serious person and you stopped working for the CIA when you were 17 you would know the moment someone such as myself suggests to read any book especially when I know more than the esteemed author Epstein, the only reason not to follow what I say exactly is to distract By now you must have finished the book as I also told you that it was a quick easy and very interesting read How long did you work for the CIA? Is your website on fb available in English?
I just forwarded to you what I sent earlier to my rotten siblings

I’m a very serious guy and once I decide on sth, I will never be able to change my mind. What you advised me I’m gonna be doing, reading the book, then will let you know my understandings and finds with you very soon. You asked me about how long I worked with CIA? Just, worked for a month there and later, I refused to work as I did not intended to do wrong things. Rite! Thanks

They offered me a lot bundles. However, I said nope. Why?
That is good Did you read my email Why would you be wasting time on social media when every serious person knows to read The D I book without delay?

Why I should kill people or do wrong things. We are humans and we need to raise the real truth around. I m risking my life in my country as it is not enough secure country. People threaten me for such truth especially from my corrupt government. Why I sent the page because we manage that page to have a good diplomatic relation with Israel or Jews. It is in Persian as most our don’t know or speak English, but we also do share in English as well in the future.

I’m always online cuz I’m a member of World Learning in DC.
I’m gonna be sharing my understandings and findings very soon cuz I’m busy with other stuff at my office and studies. That book is very long; quite a few chapter that I can do within a hour as you advised me in a relaxed way without being obsessed with other things.
Like stuff at my job, etc., I need a peaceful environment so that I can concentrate pretty well.
I haven’t received your email yet. My
If I come to California in August, will you be able to meet me there?
The book is not very long except a few chapters
Have you read the book? Why are you commenting that it is not very long? It explains why all your education about the money that drives everything is wrong It explains why there is no shortage of money for weapons and for the CIA and for roads and houses and for bribes Do you think a book needs lot of chapters to explain it all? So far everyone who reads the book chooses to become corrupt if they are not already corrupt There are only few exceptions My 3 elder siblings read the book and they chose to become corrupt Once they start reading the book they start making all sorts of distracting talk I hope you are not one of them You would agree that your best protection is for the world to know about you and what you are trying to do I have already started that with my email broadcast to my siblings I’m now getting off the internet Check your spam for the email

Yes, I have started the reading
Why you are not responding the questions I’m asking?
Because I consider your question about meeting you as being irrelevant until you have finished reading the book and shown me what you have learned

anyway, I have not received your email yet? I checked my spam it is empty
You are already quite old at 26 not having learned what I knew at 21 when I didn’t have the internet but I was smart enough to seek a job with the world’s most powerful people
Tomorrow I will resend you the email Good night

how old are you now
My fb shows 62 It is accurate I’m also in better shape than I was at 24 playing competitive rugby and I’m the same weight, less than a 140 pounds, lean and strong

Tomorrow, I am gonna share my knowledge about that book you have mentioned/taken very seriously.
it has 22 chapters am I right ?
Are you going to share? What are your insights that you are going to share because I haven’t heard them. You would be the first person I know who has no questions I have shared it with multi billionaire clients of mine and they were shocked by the knowledge that despite their wealth and having travelled the world many more times than you and one of them a close friend of Jacob Rothschild, they had no clue how the financial markets operated. Those men were also big into real estate and still they had no clue In other words how could you not be shocked out of your mind As I said every person such as yourself immediately shut down after just starting to read the book, and your only question is whether the 22 chapters is the entire book That is bizarre Did you check your email for Rotten Row You also never explained your thoughts on the Putin photo. What are your thoughts on that photo?
Btw I am very familiar with how the CIA and other intelligence gathering services work because I also use my common sense which is why I don’t waste any time in getting your name out there for your protection Would you like to now speak with Geoffrey van Leeuwen to hear his thoughts on the photo and the book? I can patch you in with his elder brother and they don’t get along because they hate each others guts which the system is designed to do unless you are wired differently to most which is to seek solutions whereas most humans do not have a positive outlook and get their greatest enjoyment in putting good people down
First question, is not clear WHAT are you going to share. If you haven’t figured how to retrieve Rotten Roe not Row, bring everyone you know into this chat as well as the one Review of Down Durban Memory Lane that I’m about to add you to

Hey, I have security challenges in my country and I am about to finish the book
It is very interesting to read the book

If I get assissinated, that is the end of my mission in this world as some bad people are after me. I dunno my life is restricted in my country.
What is interesting about the book?

Getting to know a lot about De Beers diamonds in South African continents and it’s influences in political issues around the world.
Do you know billionaires in US or have contacts with them ?
I m running an NGO… YOUTH – Youth Organization United Through Hopes for education for women and girls
We are on the right track
Thanks for convincing to read the book and highly appreciate your great effort Gary
What did you learn about De beers influence on the price of money and what influence that has on charities?
What do you think scares the living daylights out of diplomats such as van Leeuwen?

It was widely influenced on charity to keep price normal
I have great challenges in my country
Your last comment “it was widely…” makes no sense Much of your writings make no sense
Did you study economics at university?

Yes I did
Still studying

I wonder if you could tell me your main purpose on me?
Otherwise, I m gonna follow what I am thinking
Were you talking with other people when reading the book? The reason I ask is because most people when they first start reading it say to themselves, “Everything I learned in. School university and from my parents and friends and what I picked up from magazines and newspapers about economics is total bullshit”. How come you didn’t say that? It also means that if you didn’t know that DeBeers controls the price of money and the flow of mineral resources including drugs out of Afghanistan and you have been talking about politics-economics-military to others including the CIA you have been talking nonsense That means since you say you didn’t know about DeBeers pivotal role in manipulating the price mechanism and also backing all sides to war, then you need to fix the wrong you have spoken
What are the names of the people in your group? How do you know they don’t already have this knowledge and are just testing you? Let’s put them all together with your friend who works for the CIA. This way there is less chance as we make it all very public including who knew what and when of anyone being stabbed in the back

Why are you always asking about CIA ? I’m no longer with them. The one who is currently working with it, is no need to tell you the name.
What do you think about CIA ? Do you thing working with CIA is good or not ? Why good/bad – justify it
If I tell you, that will cause a security problem to me.
Did you not understand the wrong you have spoken? You seem fixated on getting money
You brought up the CIA

I’m not getting money from anyone for my benefits just help these disadvantaged backgrounds especially in women and girls in my country
Yeah, i did but shared my previous nasty experience
You don’t reply most of my questions – ignoring all time
Why did your friend who works for the cia trust you to tell you that he works for the CIA? Is his loyalty to you or the cia? I don’t care about the CIA , I care if you are just playing stupid

I already knew when I was there and he still counts on me
Your questions show me that you have a problem Your reaction to the book is bizarre

To be honest, he is a good friend of me. If I don’t hurt him, he is both loyal to me and his headquarter
What problems you have in your mind?
I m not responding your question anymore
Unless you tell me your main purposes.
You cannot be trusted I’m sure the cia and your friend who works for them know this But you May come around as more people learn how effective de beers have been in either brainwashing you all or putting you to work What nonsense you write that your friend can be loyal to you and his employer when you say you don’t trust the CIA You sound totally stupid or did I simply flush you out? I will post our dialogue on my BLog
I’m busy the rest of the day, so do not bug me Go back and read the book and maybe you will get out of your shock

I directly said to CIA I don’t do wrong things and do what ever you want to do
I like just to be normal person
So would your friend do wrong things? Why isn’t he a member of your group? Is there is conflict for him?

Check my FB I shared sth about the most infamous terrorist organization ISIS that created CIA and Mossad intelligence
You are illogical

My friends got upset why you share it
Yes he does but I have not contacted him since 2010
Just knew that he pursued his degree Amherst university in Massachusetts state
You don’t know what you are talking about but I will continue to publicize you and your website that you ask me to do

I swear to Allah I haven’t contacted or talked with him since I left
I don’t scare what you say or do
Do right away
Do it and share with me
Why do you write “My friends got upset why you share it” Share what?

They said they might track you an kill you because they are concerned about my life.
Don’t you want to talk with Geoffrey van Leeuwen since he is not my friend and I don’t consider you trustworthy?

I don’t fear
I m very a honest guy and I don’t care you trust me or not
Interesting that you are threatening me with my life I will now contact the CIA but first I will put you in touch directly with Geoffrey van Leeuwen

I don’t like my friend who is collaborating with CIA
Actually you are threatening and have you watched Hicksaw Ridge ? Doss he saved a lot his fellows and he didn’t kill an ant I learned from it
You don’t like your friend who is collaborating with the CIA but you trust him There are lots of contradictions that van Leeuwen might be able to help you sort out but I cannot Thank you for educating me more

I m not threatening why I should
I don’t truest him at all
Nor I say he is a good person
Why I don’t talk or chat with him
Now I want you to contact CIA
Tell them about me
You are threatening me I m contacting to cia
Btw why would you think of killing a bee? Most people talk about killing flies but even flies serve a purpose, the same with you I’m now enjoying a great cup of tea on this beautiful sunshine morning Stick around for the formal introduction to van Leeuwen
Now you want me to contact the CIA? Do you have an email you would like me to use? Do you think the CIA don’t know there are people like you who will do anything to get attention It is childish Did you have a good mother and father?

That’s why I m having a good mother and father I am not doing wrong things
I thought you are a good friend we can do sth together. You are threatening me with contacting CIA
That is bullshit
Then maybe it is a problem you have with your mind that has you sleep deprived and maybe it is the dairy you eat If your friends react the same as you to the book then you know you cannot trust them Cheers

I read the book that had greatly impacted the world
I’m not brainwashed for bad things I’m always thinking that I should help and respect everyone
You are no longer my FB friend after you are threatening me I m sorry
The book flushed out people like you and Geoffrey van Leeuwen He may invite you to his castle I might also reach critical mass before that

As I m very serious
I don’t have problems with my mind
If you are a good women, I m probably stay with you for good things not bad things CIA and other bad people do
You are seriously stupid And I don’t think you are a spy for Mossad or the CIA or aliens hiding out on Mars and they are invisible

I don’t intimidate anyone
I really hate spying – I am a normal guy
And yes you do have problems with your mind because you could not admit that everything you studied in economics is total bullshit

I agree with you
This point
i hate politics
I can understand being 26 years of age and having done as much talking as you and then finding out when reading the book that you know nothing

I wanted to major in medical studies to save people life
Unfortunately time was not with me
What makes you think if billionaire clients of mine did not know the first thing about how the financial markets work that somehow you would be smarter?
I told you that most people react very badly to the book Why do you think they offer it free over the internet

I have not completed the book suddenly I got busy
This day is too beautiful to waste it on you

I don’t ruin your day
I don’t dunno but I d
Don’t chat with you anymore as you threatened me
Block you now
Neal and Simon they said you have problems upsetting your friends
I’m writing to now publicly

You are not trustworthy women
I counted a lot you
Do it and I don’t stop you
I’m not a woman Have you been trying to pick me up all this time as well as get money out of me? Did you read my post I just placed up ?

Neal and Simon are FB friends and they said that I should not chat with you, but I said I’m supporting her for raising the truth and now you are proving they are right
You are not a women
Your FB pic profile
I’m taking your money
Bring your friends to Alexander Drakalski’s wall and take a break from social media You are burning out Keep checking my Blog