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Musk electric think tank

Screenshot 5:05 PM, Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Gary Gevisser


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Title: Musk electric think tank

Professor Vladimir Golstein, you would agree the women need to talk about the future of their children, and it doesn’t take much; the pictures of women and their kids. There have been a few poignant women on YouTube. 

If you are not touched by that, give up.

Plausible deniability – it’s impossible that you can’t figure out who is the enemy. Are they all playing a game?

You Professor Vladimir Golstein are playing dementia, like you cannot follow logic.

Maybe President Biden when referring last evening to the Ukraines as Iranians, Biden is telling the world: 

“I’m crazy. I have memory loss, I’m not totally there. Can’t you see, I have dementia!”

Bear in mind Professor Golstein I was born in Apartheid South Africa back in 1957, 9 odd years into this brutal rule where us Jewish people were the first targets.

You didn’t like me mentioning yesterday the Zagiew, the Gestapo’s Jewish collaboration network.

Tomorrow I’m going to be talking more about threatening Jeffrey Essakow who, since you are such a good Googler you won’t have trouble seeing his meteoric rise from nothing, a total academic failure and intellectual midget; albeit The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow served with distinction in the Apartheid Regime’s militia, as did tens of thousands of Jewish South African males who were old enough to know better.

I was raised by two most enlightened Jewish people for the first 21 years of my life in the AR’s abominable disgrace which the rest of the world, profiting from the enslavement of 93% of the population and all the blacks, such as the Zulus having ancestors dating back as far as it goes, did nothing concrete to lessen the diamond studded, iron grip of the AR; quite the opposite in fact

Being a “Late talker”, not speaking before I was 3, meant that I observed well and listened that much more carefully.

I write in a manner that everyone who can maneuver through Facebook screens can understand, no matter how much they are deprived of conscience-logic which is fine tuned by acquiring knowledge ahead of thinking it smart to play stupid resulting in the space between the ears turning that much quicker to negative space, and which you can well attest to, the same with Essakow who has been following along ever since I publicly condemned the treason pardon of his younger brother’s financial benefactor, terrorist financier, Marc Rich on 20 January 2001, President Clinton’s last day as the 42nd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces.

Being yourself so scholarly, you would know Clinton is a graduate of the De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Class of ‘68, same year as the invasion by the Soviet Union of Czechoslovakia which President Putin later repudiated, 1 March 2006, to be very precise, 188 days prior to his meeting with Uranium King, Nicholas Oppenheimer [8 June 1945 – ] born on the same day my paternal grandmother Katie Sher Gevisser [c. 1895 – 8 June 1945] passed away.

If I knew Clinton committed treason, so did Clinton and his top advisors.

The fact that the media and all the politicians in the course of the past 21 odd years have remained deafeningly silent, doesn’t mean I got it wrong or that the Jerusalem Post were remiss in publishing my findings which should have immediately ended all conflicts other than the healthiest bodies-minds being attracted to each other which doesn’t result in the spillage of blood, but greater consciousness.

There was only one way to break the back of the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime, which was to promote investment in South Africa from abroad even though the SA Oppenheimers own lock, stock and barrel the entire world’s banking system along with the minerals.

In the end my mother Zena was the only genuine opposition remaining to the Oppenheimers’ AR as my extraordinary and inspirational mother, who has been held captive in Israel since 27 September 2016, advocated on all her many travels abroad that the good people of the world should invest their wealth and give the SA Oppenheimers who should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-1948], a run for their money.

How difficult is it for your mind to realize that the moment you give a tyrant what they want; namely, no competition for the minerals they can’t wait for more sanctions?

Obviously very difficult unless you are playing stupid.

Maybe Biden is playing mad?

It’s hard to tell, but it is ugly all over.

These poor kids in army boots getting their minds and limbs shredded. 

You are unconscious.

A tyrant knows no loyalty other than to their hacks wearing general bars commanding the discombobulated kids placed into army boots by either conscription or poverty.

Next hours are going to get interesting.

How much are they going to let Putin destroy?

Does it suit everyone to sacrifice this country.

What does fellow South African-American Elon Musk think?




Errol Graham Musk, Solly Krok, Carol Jones Lipworth, Keisha Whitaker, Jann Turner, Mark Gevisser, Roy Essakow, Brad Awerbuch, Andy Cohen, Dan Tollman, Gregory Cohen, Micha-el Frame, Saville Katz, Yaron Frame, Rod Margo, Justice Ofosu Adzaku, Debra Shirken Sartori, Brian Van Rheede, Arlene Nola Kagan



