My mother was alive while I was there – Light reading – In Auschwitz they didn’t need to pay the Jewish Kapos
From: “gary” <gary>
Subject: My mother was alive while I was there – Light reading – In Auschwitz they didn’t need to pay the Jewish Kapos
Date: April 18, 2018 at 2:08:56 AM GMT+2
To: “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <albi>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz>
Cc: rest; david danziger <davidd>, “ eborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <sturman>, “Shmuel Rabi -American-Israeli lawyer practising Jewish Law in Israel. Nephew of Deborah Sturman Esq.” <devora0527678711>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <neil>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD – Cardiologist + First cousin of Gary Gevisser” <blmolk1>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <jeremysharon>, “Ayalah Kaplan – South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <ayalahk>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni>
My mother was alive while I was there. CLICK HERE.
Who wants to talk to the maid? – CLICK HERE
Trapdoor spider provides light reading.
Begin forwarded message:
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: In Auschwitz they didn’t need to pay the Jewish Kapos
Date: April 17, 2018 at 1:32:44 PM PDT
To: “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <albi>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz>
Cc: david danziger <davidd>
You show that you did not want to take care of my mother.
The reasons why are not important.
Im leaving for Europe tomorrow. The whole world has yet to hear of this disgrace.
This is your last opportunity to fix the wrongs you have done.
The fact that you didn’t think you were leaving the clearest trail of deceit does not change the facts.
The fact that you, Neil and Melvin were totally shocked by my mother’s reaction to me going back to our short meeting on January 13, 2016, tells you how little you knew my mother.
That did not mean you were smart, it meant you simply thought you were smarter than in fact you were.
Nor have you got smarter because the company you keep is no better than the company you kept when misreading my mother.
It is not only Samuel Mark Tollman who is shocked out of his mind, it is everyone, both good and bad; and the bad feel even worse because it tells them that they are not so smart; i.e. they could have easily miscalculated the trust of those in their inner circle.
It takes a smart person to truly believe in God.
If you are not so smart you can be taught through trial and error to recognize God 24/7.
This is the time for you to ask me for forgiveness while it may be impossible for me to forget the horror of being woken up by the Israeli police you authorized to enter my mother’s home at 1:30am, September 27, 2016 and you knowing perfectly well that my mother would also be woken up from a dead sleep.
The whole world knows that if you want to kill someone without using a gun, knife, poison or simply beating them to death, delivering stress is a most effective alternative.
The stress is of course worse than plunging a knife into someone’s stomach because you will find yourself face-to-face with your victim, and that moment’s satisfaction does not last as long as seeing a very healthy and beautiful woman’s mind being slowly murdered and when saying, “It is so sad” inside you were rejoicing.
Blood does not make you family.
Family is a concept.
You will find people coming in and out of your life who won’t show any jealousy.
That is what is at the heart of this discord.
Nor did you have reason to be jealous of me, other than you knew you were doing wrong when first attempting to curry favor with Alan Zulman who the three of you despised.
You are not a wasp that tames a cockroach so that it’s young can eat it alive.
You have been acting like an Alien, void of all caring and empathy, the emotions that make us human.
The arthropods have no choice. They are there for us to observe and to sense that as beautiful and intricate are their unbelievable designs they are just about surviving, and yet they have fear, pain but they cannot escape their fate.
Look at all the good I have been doing in exposing the horrific nuclear problem which now allows people to make money picking up feint trails of radiation emanating from all the nuclear powered submarines.
The fact that I am alone, other than my one of a kind beautiful and smart F-C wife Marie also not wanting to live a life of denial, does not make us wrong.
What it says is that your quietness along with brutality is reaching the ears of what must be our Creator, and if I can figure it out and you can’t, that does not mean you are close to winning the game of life.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
The human learns mostly from its own kind and you surely didn’t think you had fooled the maid or Weisel into believing that you really care for my mother.
They both know that it was your decision to keep it a secret from both me and my mother that 6 days before my arrival in Israel you had Weisel appointed guardian.
They also know exactly why it is that you, Neil and Melvin didn’t want to be around my mother because you wanted to avoid her like the plague because the three of you knew exactly what my mother thought of each of you.
Your actions speak clearly.
You can never escape your past.
All you can do is try to make things right.
I am also very easy to please because I am smart enough to recognize that only God has the right to exact punishment.
Nothing works to weaken an elderly person’s mind than stress, apart from a combination of stress and unhealthy food. When you have a maid caring for an elderly person and they dont even know that cow milk contributes to coughing and the person under their care is coughing and my mother did not have a cold, what you have on your hands is gross negligence.
The criminal negligence is also as clear as day.
Still it is God who decides everything.
You chose to so consciously impart stress on my mother and which both your rude maid and guardian Weisel followed your lead and which, Thank God, I caught on camera.
You knew that my mother was most happy and vibrant in my company nothing like what you had the maid state in her sworn declaration – CLICK HERE:
But the respondent shuts down the TV, as the ward watches it, sits in front of her with a laptop and floods her with different questions, while she undoubtedly seems displeased.
Nothing could possibly be further from the truth.
Only a liar could conclude, “… while she undoubtedly seems displeased”.
You of course knew what you were doing from the start and so you had your lawyer friend Weisel paper the file to death, thinking that the more outrageous your claims the more people would believe it.
You started out with the most mischievous, ugly in the extreme declaration that my mother suffered from “advanced dementia” and the more you said it, the more you wanted to believe that you could find a way to make that happen.
That is cruel.
That is obscene.
That is barbaric.
When a liar starts out they believe they can get away with their lies and never thinking that they will actually believe the lies.
How my mother has managed to hold on this long is not because you have shown that you are a caring daughter.
My mother showed in every video as well as taped phone conversations that you chose to ignore that if anyone has dementia it is you, Neil and Melvin.
If I had a problem with what my mother was eating I most certainly wouldn’t have allowed her to order gefilter fish – CLICK HERE – when we lunched at the King David Hotel on September 24, 2016, your and your husband’s birthday.
Yes you have been seething for a long time and if your health has improved then you can only make claim that you are the Devil, and still that is not an attribute.
Your words and inactions have also contributed to the weapons you have lunged at me and my mother; and again, the common man gets it.
Because you, Neil and Melvin do not have the best memories, it would not have occurred to you that it was more than jealousy which resulted in our immediate family, specifically our mother and father being ostracized by the Durban Jewish community the same people who you have as your FB friends and who delight at what is happening, just like their parents and grandparents when our Moshal Gevisser was “asset stripped” without the 3 of you ever digging into that very important piece of history whose origins date back to how effectively the Nazi SS kept order in the death factories.
In Auschwitz and the such, they didn’t need to pay the Jewish Kapos. But once we were no longer kept behind barbwires our enemies simply used money to wipe out all their opponents.
If you didn’t realize that we were the last of the opposition in the Third Reich’s Southern Division then it still might not have dawned on you that their next move was to wipe out all opposition in Israel which went as smoothly as a hot sharp knife through butter.
I am not yet celebrating because that will only come about when I take my final breath, and that could be even before we leave tomorrow or well after you.
You have much more difficulty predicting your happy future because not all the money in the world can prevent you from getting cancer which is more likely to take permanent root in someone who has done wrong; and an excellent example is Alan Zulman.
It is very important the fact that my mother couldn’t get over how healthy the 3 of us, my wife Marie, Mango and me, looked because our looks were supported by our ease of movement as well as nimble minds, and when my mother repeated such happiness it did not sound repetitive because it wasn’t for it was different each time.
For you to allege that I would somehow deprive my mother of food is beyond sick.
Yes, during the horrific scenes that went on as Alan Zulman inched closer towards death, you had convinced yourselves that my mother was totally oblivious to the outrage. She also observed Deborah Sturman Esq. as closely as the 3 of you.
What is important for you to now realize is that the 29 videos I have on Youtube of my mother representing herself and knowing exactly what her best interests are, which was to have me with her all the time and that meant having her mind stimulated while making certain she received the best nutrition possible as she also showed how eager she was to learn about what made the 3 of us so healthy, demonstrate that you have all lied terribly.
I also know that you think you have got away with it which is why you reactivated your Facebook, and to show your new found confidence you added a second FB account and allowing me to observe your closeup saying, “I am smiling from ear to ear and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it.”
Note that I have no one in the cc section but imagine if the whole literate world was getting a copy at the same time as you.
You are relying on a corrupt court system which has been corrupt from the start and the people are so numb that they don’t question the democracy of a President being allowed to grant a pardon, much like an unelected King.
But what they all understand, and the same with you, is that there cannot be justice or democracy or fairness or humanity for that matter when one monopolist has its own currency and can force its bought politicians to accept such unruliness without question.
So the governments talk increasingly about the need for “rule of law” and how important is that truth and most of all that the puppet leader be “morally fit” to guide the people.
Nor am I appealing to you on the grounds that you can still get caught even if you think it is possible for you to buy off everyone in the limited time you have remaining, but rather to grasp the absolute reality that God exists and punishes accordingly.
The rewards of life are for the taking; and all that requires is that you do your best to do good while of course first taking care of yourself; and that simply means eating smart.
A smart mind pays attention to every detail.
I have always been generous and that means I simply learned the virtues of being generous the first time I chose to share.
It was also very easy for me given how I had two spectacular parents.
So I can easily forgive all those less fortunate.
My parents were your parents and if you could go so wrong, then you wouldn’t expect the rest of the human population to react any better; in fact far worse.
But it can’t get any worse.
Hence why it is that I am not in the least bit disappointed by the silence of all those who have now seen The Lady’s Speech.
In future communications I will make the history not only interesting reading but I will cover everything.
I also know that my mother’s brain has suffered horribly as a result of my absence, but still I want to be with her.
You can make it happen and that would mean you would have to fire your maid and the Israeli lawyer guardian.
Remember, your only trusting relationship is with God, and from me you get the truth; the rest of them can only be trusted to turn on you.
Once my mother is dead, your happiness will not increase because you no longer have that card to play. Instead, as word gets out, you will find yourself increasingly isolated but never fully insulated from those whose silence you have bought.
You are not President Trump. You can cannot promise them a pardon if they remain silent.
Do right!