Name someone stupid (10)
Name someone stupid – Part 9 CLICK HERE
Screenshot Wednesday, September 8, 8:24 PM Callif. time.
Mon, September 6, 2021, 4:22 PM
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@Nelson Guedes and @Tommy Simpson, it’s possible I lost you and all the non-South Africans, just a little there because it’s been a while since you arrived on the Mayflower which embarked from Leiden, Holland and the igneous outnumbered you.
Edit: … indigenous native Americans outnumbered…
The whites never slaughtered enough because they were forced labor all throughout the Apartheid Regime who were on the side of the Nazis during World War 2.
It is important to note that the richest and most powerful family on the planet who profited the most from arming Nazi Germany who without an army there would be no one for the SA Oppenheimers to fight to hold on to what they stole and grab even more in the ensuing years, and right after the Nazis supposedly surrender the German-South African Oppenheimers are controlling the Apartheid Regime aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division and the Jewish High Priests throughout the globe aren’t saying a word.
@Nelson Guedes and @Tommy Simpson, remember neither of you are black or white or in between South Africans.
You only know your own limited American history that you are taught in school that makes you more frustrated than when you started because you were probably like most frustrated with their parents-grandparents when in the womb.
There were no blacks calling the shots in South Africa since 1652 when the Dutch invaders raided and settled.
The blacks still remain 75% of the total population and at least 2 of the educated in English black South Africans out of 44 million haven’t heard of the SA Oppenheimers.
It may turn out that all the rest 43,999,998 know as much about the Oppenheimers as all of you, but I wouldn’t count on it.
The cataclysmic reaction of the 2 to The Diamond Invention book says they were clueless.
No family in history can move governments who just want that Versailles dinner, like the SA Oppenheimers.
It gets worse.
100% of the whites and all non-whites including Indians from India of my generation, and 2 generations before knew both their name and the Oppenheimers’ economic power which came from winning battles on and off the battlefield without the battlefield contestants having the first clue.
The D I book starts out telling the reader that “the” [sic] run the show and they promote the most obedient.
Btw @Tommy Simpson , do you still like GemACH sic; is he cool?
Isn’t it “tile” [sic] to shine a bright light on what is going on?
How did Mandela manage to pull this off and fool all of you?
GemACH sic, you were saying something about the Arab brain set.
Could you elaborate?
If you were a ChaBAD sic editor how would you summarize your thoughts?
Was the “heart” you placed up earlier GemACH sic, to praise or to mock?
Do you feel God drifting more and more away from you?
GemACH sic, how do you figure to restart without mentioning that kid killed by a racing motorcade trying to keep up with the Messiah Schneerson?
Edit: Isn’t it time …
“The mindless Arab Brain set”, did you come up with that all by yourself?
Do your children and grandchildren all talk like that?
Did you learn that shit from your mother or father?
Did the Schneerson talk like that in private?
GemACH sic, why is everyone so slow to criticize you ?
September 6 at 8:09 PM
Mon 8:09 PM
Edit: The D I book starts out telling the reader that “the” (sic) run the show and they promote the most obedient.
September 6 at 9:00 PM
Mon 9:00 PM
Yesterday at 9:09 AM
Tue 9:09 AM
It is not only GemACH sic and all the religious who seek refuge in mysterious, mysticism because they cannot rationally explain what appears to be a continuum of chaos.
The anti paganism which is mostly found in the scientific community are no less confounded but refuse to get caught up in rituals.
The rituals like laying tifillin every day for Jewish boys who are barmitvah provide a rhythm to all the discord that goes on in their minds.
They see it, however, as discipline, like getting up every morning and going for an 8 kilometer fast run and breaking a sweat.
But how much exercise is it really binding leather straps to the arm and placing what looks like a jewel box on your head which plays right into the rhetoric of the idiot anti-Semites raised with the notion that Jews have horns growing out of their heads.
They will tell you until the cows come home that this strictness they adhere to which includes reading every food label to makes sure that all the ingredients are Glut Kosher, that the rabbi paid to make the blessings from the time the cow has its throat cut and it is packaged in Saran Wrap hasn’t molested anyone in their congregation or elsewhere.
GemACH sic, would you say that someone such as the so acclaimed rabbi above who for decades molested young immigrant children, escaping to Israel to escape the contrived refugee crises the first step in the building block for luxury penthouses catering to the obedient from all walks of life, but predominantly Hollywood and the politicians who are just into power and partying, is more likely to have a poor self image and therefore more brutal?
GemACH sic, when you look in the mirror do you feel that you have a positive self image?
Let’s assume that is not the case, because it is natural for every animal to want to look pretty.
And I couldn’t think of anyone uglier than you, at least while I think of you and then try immediately to direct my thoughts to items of great beauty, inside and out like my gorgeous wife.
All your rituals don’t seem to manifest themselves in disciplining what you eat.
Does that mean your rituals are bullshit or you are too stupid to recognize the bullshit or you are out to con people?
One has to focus on the religious in order to get to the bottom
of all the ills of the world.
We have just done that.
Spinoza also must have seen the hypocrisy of the bought rabbis of The Roman Catholic Inquisition which continues long after The Jewish Holocaust.
How can you have so many blessings to God 24/7 and be disproportionately excessively fat that you consume 50% of the hospitalizations for Covid in Israel while representing only 10% of the population but controlling Israeli politics-economics?
This rational thinking analysis is clearly understood by the more truth seeking scientific community who have no problem in identifying the personality disorders of the fake religious.
It is that transparent and why these cults make themselves so exclusive because no one in their right mind wants to be part of an ugly looking cult who act so stupid unless they too are fat and ugly and don’t have the money to pay for a friendly psychologist, plus there is obviously no shortage of poison foods such as GemACH’s sic favorite, Turkey soup.
To be continued.
You added Newell Starks to the group.
You added Newell Starks to the group.
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
All these writings, while mostly directed at the Riff Raff, the group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless, the lowest classes; rabble: the riffraff of the city; trash; rubbish such as GemACH sic, @Steven Bailey, @Ayala Weisel Esq., @cardiologist @Barry Molk MD, @Mel Gevisser , @Jonathan Gevisser , @Jonathan Marine , @Newell Starks , @Newell Starks, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow , @Craig Shandler , @Stephen Ross , Justin Mendelson, @David Friedman , @David Levy , @Emma Gevisser , social worker @Kathy Danziger (Gevisser), @Mark Gevisser , @Nigel Gevisser , @Karene Fisher (Gevisser), etc etc, it is to the echelon right below the SA Oppenheimers who I most speak to.
This group have the biggest egos because they believe they have the greatest wisdom based on two criteria:
First, the amount of wealth they have accumulated including inherited wealth which is totally absurd if your thinking is that capitalism is the closest there is to the merit system which rewards the most those who contribute more than taking up space.
Second, the pious, religious leadership such as the Schneerson and the Pope dash around in their motorcades to make time for these manufactured billionaires.
To get anointed by such grand masters of logic and spirituality and they must of course include the Dali Lama, also reaffirms that they are not all bad.
Upon starting to read The D I book or just as meaningful, having me point you in the direction of certain segments as I did for Jonathan Beare on January 13, 2005, one year to the day that I introduced myself to The D I’s author Professor Edward Jay Epstein, which in turn was 12 days before “Our Man Roger” aka Roger W. Robinson Jr (6 February 1951 – ) appeared on 60 MINUTES and twirled CBS correspondent Leslie Stahl around his index finger, the feeling of stupid sets in the way instant concrete setting or crazy glue conjures up the image which beat suits you.
Yesterday at 1:43 PM
Tue 1:43 PM
Link above takes you to my email of Monday, January 25, 2004, to my close friend, senior CBS-60 MINUTES attorney, Matthew Margo Esq. whose father, Cecil Margo Esq. was another Jewish Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge who receives honorable mention in my New Beginnings Party invitation I first addressed to Wall Street Venture Capitalist, Randall Kaplan on December 1, 2000 which was exactly 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11; and there would be no way for me to know that Kaplan’s partner, Israeli Special Forces, Sayeret Matkal officer, Daniel Lewin and who was the brains behind Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, would end up being the first victim of 9/11.
This was the day following Roger W Robinson Jr.’s, the most senior, most respected member of the top secret, National Security Council (NSC) during the Reagan Administration, appearing on 60 Minutes without Leslie Stahl providing the audience with his background.
Not to mention, at 12:02 PM Calif. time which is a little over an hour and a half ago, I wrote to “Our Man Roger’s” bosom buddy King Golden Jr. Esq. who is one of the brightest, if not the brightest to have ever graduated from the University of Virgin Law School which back then was known as the “Gentleman’s Law School” and the students all abided by the doctrine, “We don’t lie, steal or cheat”.
King’s immediate response over phone text messaging included, “My unfathomable affection for you”.
It has been 40 years since this, non-Jewish, former General Counsel of SAIC, America’s foremost intelligence gathering and weapons developer, and I first met, and our bonding was immediate.
He gave up one of the cushiest and most interesting jobs to “hang with me” constantly.
No less important, all our clients benefited greatly from our alliance.
Nor is that to suggest King Golden Jr. Esq. and I didn’t have a lot of fun, even when dealing with complete morons like this Oded, “… He is a genius. You just don’t understand him.”
Had King Golden Jr. Esq. been at the table when Flotilla 13 commando Guy Friedman who was now well into his dozen or so years as the personal bodyguard of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore and their children, began undressing this nonsense talker Oded, King would have needed to contain himself to avoid falling on the floor.
Oded was a tank driver in the IDF.
A tank driver is not the same as an Israeli tank commander.
If you can ride a bicycle, you can drive a tank.
A tank commander doesn’t want to think about worrying if his tank driver is going to do anything other than what he is told.
Philips-SA Oppenheimers couldn’t believe their luck, imbedded at the highest level of the Epilady USA Inc. team was this imbecile.
Yesterday at 2:59 PM
Tue 2:59 PM
Thumbs Up Sign
Today at 8:19 AM
8:19 AM
Never in history have banks conspired with the lead mineral monopolist – who has the first right of exercising “eminent domain”, the right by government to grab land for “public benefit” such as roads, bridges, on ramps, off ramps etc etc much akin to “homesteading” – to wipe out small ancient traders fighting their oppression in a last stand in the Land of Israel.
You have the religious, well represented by despicable talker @Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend, scoffing at the fallout of the virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance to tyrannical monopolist rule.
When you have such evidence of complicity by the religious who talk incessantly about courage, honor, righteous deeds etc etc, it is an awakening like none other.
The bad food these false religious consume which has them bulging and their sicknesses have come home to roost in the Covid-19 pandemic are simply symptomatic of their larceny.
It has been obvious to the rest of you for a very long time why this GemACH sic has been hiding, and you choose to say nothing other than applaud this ugly in every respect GemACH sic, if you possibly can.
Each of you know exactly what you are doing when silent which is to plead down the road “plausible deniability”.
Not only does it fail to stick in your minds this despicable fast and loose play but you know you aren’t fooling anyone else.
Then there is Karma.
Each of you can feel deep inside as it eats you alive the wrong you are doing.
You justify it based on your financial survival that extends to those family members who are obedient towards you.
Their loyalty can be counted on no more than your loyalty to them which is also grounded in quicksand.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed like nothing in history the corruption of the individual human.
The data has been there from the start, at least all those who knew that certain people like Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Health (NIH) were funding laboratory research in China to weaponize deadly virus’.
Nor should it surprise any of you if Fauci has no conscience.
When The Fish Rots From The Head Down, one cannot expect beauty to suddenly appear.
You would in fact expect all the scientific research that has followed to be no less stricken with falsehoods.
There just happens to be one medical doctor, Senator Rand Paul who has doggedly pursued Fauci, but it is unlikely that Rand Paul has made the connection with the SA Oppenheimers’ fraudulent dynasty.
More to follow.
You added Wilhelm Snyman to the group.
Before getting into how deeply penetrated in academia are the German-South African Oppenheimers who remember could never have fooled Haganah-Mossad head Ben Gurion or for that matter Einstein or General Smuts and how someone like Fauci becomes so powerful and still the world is blaming China for the COVID-19 pandemic, but that soon is going to change because people like Mark Zuckerberg grew up not having the first clue about the unrivaled power of the Oppenheimers thanks again to their diamond studded iron first control of academia, let me introduce you all, including @Tony Leon and @Mark Gevisser to white South African academic @Wilhelm Snyman with close family ties to Harry Oppenheimer and his wife Bridgette.
Let me also share more about the “world of karma” which is GoDNature talking to each of us humans constantly including the most insensitive who couldn’t figure out the ugliness of the GDP economic index and no less important doing everything in their power to distract.
Just minutes ago when Snyman was revealing more of his true colors, our doggy Mango started barking his head off, and it was a different bark and totally unexpected.
It turns out that two large rattle snakes were making love, twirling around each other, about 2 feet off the ground, giving you, including city slickers, a good sense of their striking range.
@Wilhelm Snyman, let’s assume with it after 4am your time in South Africa and you haven’t slept, that you remain fully awake.
Bearing in mind, the best trained Special Forces commandos can go for several days without any sleep and that has a lot to do with not having foolish academics plant shit in their heads.
@Wilhelm Snyman, is there anything you wish to say about the German-SA Oppenheimers who your uncle always spent Easter with, and I’m sure, they weren’t celebrating Passover, that you haven’t already mentioned to me?
You added Andrew Donaldson to the group.
You added John Dickerson to the group.
As the membership of NSS can all see, both @Andrew Donaldson and @John Dickerson are fb friends with both me and member @Wilhelm Snyman.
One of the important things to remember is that it is clear, neither Donaldson nor Dickerson have mentioned either me or Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention to heavy duty University of Cape Town academic, @Wilhelm Snyman.
In other words, should Wilhelm or Donaldson or Dickerson decide to pick up the phone to Nicholas Oppenheimer
Nicholas nor his son Jonathan
would be as comfortable if their 3 names weren’t known to all of you.
Wilhelm and I did not cover in our dialogue on fb messaging which began this past Monday, September 6, again the 16th anniversary of the most sympoblic meeting in modern day history, was to the extent to which the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime which ruled mineral rich South Africa for 46 uninterrupted years had infiltrated academia, starting of course in their backyard, South Africa but immediately expanding globally as you would expect from a money-mineral institution with their own exclusive untraceable diamond “currnecy” [sic], able cross any border including Wall Street investments, while having their bought politicians talking up a storm about, politics, economics, taxes, duties, weapons, plight of the poor blah blah.
So you would expect Wlhelm like anyone profiting from the SA Oppenheimer rule to be very defensive when not grossly misleading.
Shortly you will all judge for yourself how very interested is @Wilhelm Snyman in what I have to say, along with with independent sources of information, such as New York Times’ time prescient article
detailing back on March 19, 1989, at the height of their Apartheid Regime, the extraordinary arrogance and ruthlessness of the “liberal” SA Oppenheimers towards to their black South African slaves which didn’t phase anyone, anywhere on the planet.
That one of a kind meeting on September 5-6, 2006, all taking place in Cape Town South Africa where just a couple of weeks before, Senator Barack Obama left “empty handed”, as did Oppenheimer terrorist financier, Marc Rich when he first journeyed to South Africa in 1958 and immediately became the laughing stock of both Harry Oppenheimer and his partner German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who Snyman had never heard of; and you can all see Snyman is no spring chicken.
We should now quickly talk “social media marketing.”
Andrew Donaldson and I have a bunch of mutual fb friends:
Adri Hills
27 mutual friends
Adrie Nortje
8 mutual friends
Ahmed Iqbal Cajee
17 mutual friends
Alan Committie
21 mutual friends
Angus Van Zyl Taylor
21 mutual friends
Arthur Goldstuck
86 mutual friends
Ashley En Riana Carr
25 mutual friends
Basil Brady
47 mutual friends
Bernadette Maguire Rothman
17 mutual friends
Bernie Millar
17 mutual friends
Beverley Ann Mitchell
36 mutual friends
Brandon Abdinor
47 mutual friends
Caroline Erasmus
7 mutual friends
Chad Thomas
48 mutual friends
Cinga Samson
7 mutual friends
Conrad Noel-barham
31 mutual friends
Damon Durant
71 mutual friends
Danielle Franco
107 mutual friends
Fred Scott
17 mutual friends
Gail Saul
36 mutual friends
Gerda Louw
54 mutual friends
Gillian Mulock-Bentley
59 mutual friends
Graham Clarke
75 mutual friends
Hans Post
69 mutual friends
Ingrid Gavshon
7 mutual friends
Irven Hope
36 mutual friends
Jay Gainz
42 mutual friends
John Dickerson
9 mutual friends
Juliett Allan
5 mutual friends
Kerry Jane Gutridge
19 mutual friends
Laurie Greyvenstein
46 mutual friends
Martine Margoles
48 mutual friends
Matthew Kretzschmar
22 mutual friends
Melody Emmett
56 mutual friends
Michael Crockett
27 mutual friends
Nix Bantwana
8 mutual friends
Patrick McCabe
104 mutual friends
Penelope Stein
130 mutual friends
Ray Lipner
157 mutual friends
Richard Poplak
64 mutual friends
Robert Appelbaum
100 mutual friends
Sebastian Van’t Hoff
51 mutual friends
Sylvia Ireland
58 mutual friends
Wilhelm Snyman
2 mutual friends
Wilma Robins
8 mutual friends
Yolanda van Tonder
44 mutual friends
Yvette Mason
41 mutual friends
That doesnt mean his other 3633 odd fb friends are potted plants.
In other words, they too might be keeping this important information to themselves and those they trust most, at least for the time being.
Member @John Dickerson and I have 9 odd fb friends in common:
Andrew Donaldson
48 mutual friends
Dannie Kagan
1 mutual friend
Dave Welensky
2 mutual friends
Nicole Swing
1 mutual friend
Paul Blackbeard
8 mutual friends
Richard Poplak
64 mutual friends
Saul Shoot
166 mutual friends
Tom Fraenkel
22 mutual friends
Wilhelm Snyman
2 mutual friends
His remaining 1017 odd fb friends are also not “potted plants” including those who have fake accounts.
Fake accounts unless they are specifically operated by Mark Zuckerberg himself and his trusted officials, represent someone who is very much alive and trying to hide their identity.
When you are on social media you really shouldn’t act all high and mighty.
Wouldn’t you agree with that cousin @Gary Levinsohn, @Steven Kofsky, @Steven David Sobol, @Steven Bailey, @Todd Haselton, @Martin Krok, @Avron Krok, @Ava Gevisser, @Tommy Simpson, @Nelson Guedes, @Jeff Johnson, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper member @Jeffrey Essakow, Marc Rich lieutenant, member @Roy Essakow.
Member @Wilhelm Snyman decided to throw me in the end a rather weak punch, accusing me of “circular logic” which of course he is incapable of explaining even if he were to recall all the Phds he has handed out to either idiots or stooges.
Of course Wilhelm is most reluctant to tell me that he has found the time while conversing with me to the wee hours of the morning today to read my very short but logical and most time prescient 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post condeming the treason pardon of Marc Rich.
The fact that I don’t believe him when he says he hasn’t read them, doesnt mean I could be wrong.
He could easily have decided that he doesn’t want to leave a digital recording of this information which of course would have made its way instantly to the ears of Nicholas Oppenheimer given who I am.
The reason the deplorable humans are so very quiet about those 4 articles is because in order for me to know as much as I do about terrorist financier Marc Rich it must be either due to luck, that someone it all came into my imagination or I know more about the business of the SA Oppenheimers’ raiding of mineral rich countries than anyone else in the world, apart from the Oppenheimers and their top officials who of course are not talking.
So you see how you are all in the same leaky boat with people who are snakes, and nothing close to as beautiful as those 2 large rattle snakes making love.
How close all 3 of us were to death, does not require much imagination.
In this heat, one bite from either of these most deadly snakes we would be toast within 30 minutes.
The fact that I had little trouble impressing Harry Oppenheimer back in 1978-79 when he was at the height of his mental-cognitive skills, of course doesn’t sit well with my enemies.
It is of course most all of you who are currently paranoid and we can all also understand how your weaknesses manifest themselves.
Again, a coward does not know honor.
An honorable person is never afraid of anything other than being dishonorable to the Creator of this magnificent game which to understand, let alone master, you first have to be born with common sense.
A common sense person who isn’t interested in money because they find it like the study at university of finance and economics totally boring, doesn’t have to give a thought to the insanely illogical, morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index, also doesn’t mean they are stupid and/or lack common sense, the two going hand in hand.
They may simply have a different calling, such as creating works of art such as jewelry, clothing, carpentry, masonry work, electrical engineering, etc etc and the highest intellect of course, impressionist, NOT abstract bullshit art, oil paintings.
It is fair for the good human being directed towards items of quantifiable beauty where everything can be explained including the mistakes in a fine art oil painting which very few humans can identify because to know you have to be able to produce yourself and that first of all requires that you can draw otherwise you are nothing more than bullshit, talkative art critique which the universities pump out with History of Art degrees as they do all the abundant economists, financiers and MBA bullshit artists such as member @Harry Rady whose father, billionaire Ernest Rady only woke up on the morning of September 7, 2017 to the fact that he was totally clueless about finance and real estate investing even though he is the most celebrated real estate investor in San Diego County and the most philanthropic.
So you all learn from The D I book there is no creativity in financing, period.
You also learn that real estate investing is the biggest scam since the tyrannical rulers began imbedding into the human consciousness the notion of democracy.
It is therefore logical for the truly creative people that the rest of you must know something about money.
All you talk about is fucking chicks and making money hand over fist.
Given how there are not that many of me who know the game that is going on, it stands to reason that only a small fraction of the 8 billion humans currently on this planet know exactly what is going on.
Remember you are all perpetuating a most macabre, bizarre, ugly, lie of lies.
It first cost us Jewish people 6 million in the Holocaust.
Then you took out the last pocket of Jewish resistance 33 odd years later.
Nor were you that happy that fledgling State of Israel managed to survive its first war of survival beginning 3 years after The Russian Red Army liberated Auschwitz.
Important not to forget what side each of us is on.
I know that I am on the right side.
Each of you know I am on the right side which you confirm with either your silence or ugliness “You is talking trash!” [sic].
The SA Oppenheimers knew going into World War II what they wanted depending upon which side won.
How can I possibly side with you all and lose all my logic-truth?
You are killing are terrible truth.
At least attempting to kill a terrible truth.
Your numbers show you are not arguing with the numbers.
The numbers never lie.
There is nothing more important in your minds that you want to try and forget.
Why are you all still here?
You are not sharing equally with each other, but you want to somehow try and get someone to switch to your side.
But you can’t give arguments that won’t also compromise you.
We have been through this analysis before but now it might sink in real deep and never leave you.
It is a most terrible crime that has been done to my mother Zena and each of you know as much as you understand you missed the GDP.
If you are about the money you have to know the GDP inside and out.
The good people must be the creative artists.
God is an artist.
Today at 12:19 PM
12:19 PM
Edit: You are killing truth.
You see I meant to say “most wonderful truth” but it came out “terrible truth”, which I have since found out may not be what I want to say.
So I have to reinforce its importance.
You are killing truth!
You are killing truth!
You are killing truth!
Today at 1:32 PM
1:32 PM
Edit: … the 15th anniversary of the most symbolic…
Predicting the future when you have bad cards in your hands causes anxiety.
This is of a magnitude to infinity.
You can’t argue the facts.
One of the important facts is that you choose to stick together and you are not really of the same pack; not even close.
Your competition is rife because they are more likely to cower and turn than me who has truth constantly at my side.
Again, I’ve said it before but differently when you miss the GDP it is not a blessing.
Ernest Rady knew the very moment I began explaining The D I book that in a fair society his real estate empire and all that has got him and his family all their other wealth and privileges would evaporate in an instant.
That also means all the false acclaims, including pats on the back he has received in the past for his generosity helping people like sick children and getting idiots like his son @Harry Rady an MBA to help it look somewhat legitimate he is entitled to his inheritance, can’t be that easily taken back.
The GDP is that catastrophic and it is only mentioned once in The D I book, and by its other name, which the Europeans and their colonies, are more familiar with.
@Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend, why don’t you talk about what you know about the GDP and what most bothers you about it, other than I keep reminding you that you ignore truth?
For Christ’s sake you can’t talk money unless you are as conversant as me about the GDP.
Who’s ready to give Nicholas Oppenheimer a call?
@Tommy Simpson still believes that there is no evidence in The D I book that the Oppenheimers meant us Jewish people harm or that they are anti-Semitic.
Tommy, do I have that right?
@Tommy Simpson, can you hear me?
How do you concentrate on what you are doing when you are holding on to such a big lie?
Only one mention in The D I book, and the rest is military action to support the GDP.
You learned here that the GDP is 100% linked with first raiding mineral rich countries, grabbing the harvested bounty before placing puppets, not all as good actors as the next, in charge to rubber stamp the SA Oppenheimers-AIG-Barclays-Chase-London Exchequer-US Federal Reserve price fixing the export price of each mineral taken out of the ground, including uranium and water.
It is fine for each of you to imagine every Phd in Economics assembled with us today, and they remain silent the rest of their lives, the same with real estate players.
Remember what Spinoza had to say about playing to a crowd of fools.
You know I am not the fool and why you listened to me from the start and you all still listen to me.
Look how our regular back and forth listeners such as @Jonathan Gevisser, @Nigel Gevisser and @Karene Fisher have stuck.
You 3 know that you are dying to leave, but you know this is right at the very end, and so you are torn apart just like when entering your own black hole which you are doing.
You are very angry about the GDP.
I understand that you are very angry about the GDP which has made so many people filthy rich, plus they have a piss poor attitude, wouldn’t you agree @Adele Strous Clingman?
Is there anyone here who is fb friends with Adele The Butcher’s daughter and “husband” [sic] of oil trader Clingman who used to compete with Marc Rich-Roy Essakow, and to share these writings?
There is no way to reverse the GDP catastrophe that is all over the Covid-19 pandemic.
Who remembers how the French at the Wuhan laboratory, created to master deadly pandemic virus’, got kicked out by the Chinese, but the Chinese didn’t kick out Fauci and his buddies.
The French were also there first in Vietnam.
Btw, @Wilhelm Snyman I also don’t care for Macron who I know was also handpicked for his acting skills.
Snyman, everything always makes sense once you analyze it, other than the human who reacts badly to the worst logic created by man; namely, the GDP.
You can see how all the ills of the world would have long ended without the GDP which gained worldwide acceptance when the French allowed, in the upside down year of 1961 the most anti-Democratic, pro military invasion forces, the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) to set up their headquarters on French soil, and no less Paris, familiar to people like Voltaire and Hitler.
GemACH sic, do you still think my name was picked out of the white pages which resulted in economist Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the principal economist for the OECD contacting me on June 25, 2013, twice within 8 minutes to let me know that the OECD which houses the Nuclear Energy Agency, sister to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and both reporting to the President of the United States, had successfully wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development?
GemACH sic, do you, or ChaBAD sic have a political, economic, spiritual, or military position on the threatened use of nuclear weapons in trade negotiations?
@Bernard P. Wolfsdorf Esq, you are an immigration lawyer and perhaps now branched out to nuclear physics, who knows?
How do you rate your negotiating skills with President Putin?
In your immigration law business you must talk money with your clients at some point.
Do you ever feel that if the SA Oppenheimers and their shills weren’t orchestrating refugees crises you might not even be able to afford your next meal or the first meal after you start charging?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. remembers that on 25 June 2013, the President of the United States was Barack Obama who left “empty handed” after visiting South Africa for the first time and there are no photos of Senator Barack Obama with Uranium King Nicholas Oppenheimer.
Does anyone else remember who was President of the United States on June 25, 2013?
@Wilhelm Snyman, you must be awake by now because you know that the Night Owl human is quite temperamental because they are unhealthy in their thinking to begin with.
@Wilhelm Snyman you know that President Putin didn’t leave empty handed because he had that photo which he waited 759 days before having the Kremlin release it; October 3, 2008, one month before Obama became President elect when he would have received his first CIA briefing.
@Wilhelm Snyman when you grade Phd students on their common sense, do you discuss how the SA Oppenheimers have corrupted the entire supply chain?
@Wilhelm Snyman, let’s say you too would like to live the grand lifestyle as a foreign diplomat such as @Tony Leon who you say you are familiar with.
Wouldn’t you if visiting South Africa for the first time – and just before you come out of nowhere to be the front runner in the upcoming US Presidential election – not insist on a face to face meeting with the principal benefactors of the Apartheid Regime brutal rule, especially since you have a dark skin?
@Wilhelm Snyman do you think it would have been racist on the part of Obama to choose to meet with Oppenheimer only because Oppenheimer is white?
Yes, @Wilhelm Snyman, it would be racist and stupid to choose to meet with Oppenheimer on that basis.
How can any politician, especially someone wanting to be the first African American President of the United States to then afford luxury residences and Hollywood elite singing his praises, not hear from the horse’s mouth Oppenheimer how he and his family have managed to pull it all off.
I’m still waiting for your definition of “circular logic” and how it applies to me?
@Wilhelm Snyman the life of a university professor is full of free time.
You are paid to sit back and pontificate, without any restrictions on where you go to the bathroom.
A slave in their own country following the defeat of Nazi Germany doesn’t have such luxury.
Their time is spent trying to stay alive and out of trouble.
The first thing a politician-academic does is share their views on how someone as important to the SA Oppenheimers becomes the 44th President of the United States just like the ones before.
Look how easy I make it.
On the morning of Tuesday, November 4, 2008, it is late in the afternoon in South Africa.
You are sipping your Chardonnay with a colleague and discussing what if Obama wins.
Remember you have time.
The poor dying because they don’t have your knowledge are out of time.
The first thing you rehash as you have done the day before, just like the day before that and the day before that going back to when you first started discussing Obama had a chance is to see who he might be pleasing.
Another way of putting it, is to ask around the campus of UCT who would be promoting Obama?
The Russian interference in the elections of other countries is a ruse from the start.
How could you think the Oppenheimers would allow competition outside of the mineral resource business?
Because they believe in Democratic principles outside of the minerals business?
How can you have such a worldwide monopoly and not own all the important politicians?
@Wilhelm Snyman what do you see wrong with the photo above?
@Mark Gevisser, @Wilhelm Snyman writes to me at 7:55 AM Calif time:
“I could never understand how anyone could be inspired to write a biography about Mbeki… it’s a mystery to me”.
@Mark Gevisser, @Wilhelm Snyman is talking about you writing the stooge Mbeki’s biography.
@Mark Gevisser, you already had your doubters.
@Wilhelm Snyman, do you now perfectly understand what inspired my cousin @Mark Gevisser?
Why don’t the two of you first shake hands.
@Wilhelm Snyman, how well do you know your colleagues better than @Mark Gevisser at this very moment?
The time is 3:36 PM Calif. time.
@Wilhelm Snyman, do you feel that you need more sleep but feel even more strongly that you need to stay awake?
Remember @Mark Gevisser and most all of the people here and a great many others I have educated know the reason why Obama became the front runner out of nowhere.
Amazing how when someone is inspired they put off sleep, eating as well as talking shit.
You sign on in December 2005 as the primary sponsor of the heinbous Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act all geared to kick-start the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children under the age of 12, and then 9 months later arrive in the country which has the largest division between the rich and the poor and it is all on racial lines, and you say nothing to the Oppenheimers?
Remember it is afternoon, November 4, 2008 in South Africa and the polls are now opening up across the United States.
You had to have fully covered the full history of Barack Obama, unless you had more important things on your plate.
No public meeting with Nick Oppenheimer; no speech about how when you are the first African-American President of the United States, you are going to dig into the drilling empire of the Oppenheimers whose crimes have been known to the CIA/OSS going back to World War II.
@Wilhelm Snyman, do you think when the US Congress passed the despicable Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act, the Oppenheimers stopped celebrating?
Wouldn’t you @Wilhelm Snyman wanting to follow in the same footsteps of member @Tony Leon, to avoid any public condemnation of the SA Oppenheimer family?
@Wilhelm Snyman, are you afraid to ask @Tony Leon why when he was head of the Democratic Alliance Party in South Africa back in 1995, and his primary financial sponsor was Harry Oppenheimer he would tell me, Gary Gevisser in the clearest voice, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa!”?
@Wilhelm Snyman, what are you waiting for before asking Tony shall a logical question?
Waiting for me to die, is not going to solve your dilemma going forward.
@Wilhelm Snyman, when trying to steal my time along with fucking with my head, you were only out to protect the SA Oppenheimers.
Everyone else you know and who thinks like you would probably do the same thing; but you don’t know for sure.
All that you know for certain is that the SA Oppenheimers are very bad and you were very wrong in your rudeness towards me.
“how anyone could be inspired to write a biography about Mbeki… it’s a mystery to me”
You remember @Wilhelm Snyman you were interested in this topic going back to 2007 when @Mark Gevisser wrote that garbage, and you remember it well to this day.
Im not saying that you have done nothing since with your time only that you have not done anything that great, at least in my opinion because the right thing to do when you are such an esteemed Professor with top ranking amongst the SA Oppenheimers is to have learned everything there was to know about them when first hearing their name mentioned.
The genocide of the minds of the majority black South Africans is that so few have the first clue about the SA Oppenheimer because academics such as yourself havent been doing your job.
White South Africans and black stooge South Africans have been buying up the world for a great many decades now.
Ask friends of the Essakow family about all the noise they create at their parties.
How can you possibly make money in Apartheid South Africa and then invest elsewhere in order to diversify your investment portfolio?
@Wilhelm Snyman would you like my opinion on Warren Buffett
and why it is that I know as much as I do about Buffett, Bill Gates Jr. who is now focused on buying up small farms in the US that big corporations haven’t already bought up, reselling them back to Wall Street and then Bill Gates Jr. when wiping his hands clean of the whole affair will explain that in a capitalist system, the requirement is to turn a profit or be philanthropic depending upon the way the wind blows?
@Wilhelm Snyman could you see Bill Gates Jr. in a debate with me?
Would like to play him?
We could try right now.
But on your acting hat.
Mr. Gates Jr. , you are doing great pushing vaccines that don’t work because they politicians wanted them out too quickly and besides when it comes to making a profit the war industry takes priority and if we don’t let industry make a decent profit we will be like any other badly run communist state and that simply doesnt sit well with the Constitution of all democratic countries.
You also pushing plant based meat and we keep the word meat because we don’t want to offend the meat industry and consumers who love their meat animal to death, and God forbid we offend them, especially all those who are religious.
So that is a good thing you are doing to try get people to be more healthy so that they can think and also give the animals a break.
But you haven’t said anything about how the fair market price of the farmland you have been buying from small farmers who have long been a dying breed is determined when the entire mineral supply chain that includes chips for Microsoft machines is corrupted by the most murderous group of tyrants in the history of mankind?
@Wilhelm Snyman, as a professional talker do you find the word “mankind” the oxymoron of all time or have you got to the point when you feel better no thinking at all?
Who would now like to leave NSS?
@Pim Broere, do you have friends in Portugual who speak a perfect English, and might wish to join this conversation?
@Mark Gevisser, I quickly responded to @Wilhelm Snyman‘s “… it’s a mystery to me” with the following:
7:56 AM California
Mark Gevisser is not who he says he is.
7:56 AM
Wilheim Snyman
who is
he then?
7:59 AM
Gary Gevisser
He is the eldest son of the “male heir” of Engelhard who was my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser’s …
You sent
@Mark Gevisser do you need to take a wee-wee break?
Today at 4:34 PM
4:34 PM
You sent
@Wilhelm Snyman, can you think of anything more important than getting member @Tony Leon to go on record why he thought Harry Oppenheimer was the most evil person to have walked the planet?
@Wilhelm Snyman, you like cycling back as much as you hate to admit it.
Let’s jump back to when @Mark Gevisser‘s father, David Gevisser is $6 million richer, all the monies offshore and taxfree, and knowing exactly where the price of precious metals is headed and in particular platinum because he and Harry Oppenheimer have a devised a plan to handcuff President Nixon, the US Congress and all of the SA Oppenheimers’ trading partners.
The year and month is March 1978 and I have just begun my year long orientation.
What I knew about President Nixon’s speech of August 15, 1971 has not been forgotten by me, President Nixon, Henry Kissinger who is still with us, and all those very few who perfectly understood Nixon’s 15 minute speech explaining his reasoning for officially going off the Gold Standard.
@Wilhelm Snyman try and make sense of Nixon’s speech.
You will realize, soon enough, that you would need eternity to figure it out; unless you knew what David Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer were thinking which I knew once I was first told to listen to the speech while on a 4 month ulpan at Ben Gurion’s Sde Boker.
That response did not come out of the blue because I had been asking Mossad head, David Ben Gurion and his most trusted South African-Israeli Israel Air Force Colonel, Boris Senior, a lifelong friend of my father Bernie and even closer was Boris to my highly secretive British-English mother Zena, the very simple question:
How could Engelhard get away with destroying my father and his father’s multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970]?
@Wilhelm Snyman, you go ahead and listen yourself to that speech.
I assume English is your first language and even if it is only your second, your command of English as good as it is, doesn’t give you the right to play stupid.
That speech could have only been written by the duo because they were the only two people on the planet to profit the most.
You added Paul Blackbeard to the group.
@Paul Blackbeard, you are still an athlete and so you still use your eyes to read.
Not everything I have to say you have liked, because in fact you dislike all of it because it makes you feel the way the SA Oppenheimers want you to feel; and yet you feel better taking it out on me.
@Paul Blackbeard, notice how everyone has been sticking.
That means you too should read most carefully everything before deciding to ignore killing truth.
Yours is not a team, nothing close.
You can’t defend your actions. That is huge.
You consider yourselves a rational being and yet neither individually nor collectively can you defend your actions.
It is not like you are all at your favorite country club and deciding to be entertained here.
Can it get any worse what is being done to the planet because you have this hangup with the GDP that you want to hang on me as if I created it?
No it can’t.
No one is willing to take responsibility for the GDP.
Someone created it because you know it didn’t come from God.
So soon there are going to be Cryptocurrency promoters belittling the GDP and that we now have automated cryptocurrency central banks that requires no humans and therefore no bribery, influence peddling and the such.
Who can finish off that story?
@Stephanie Marine are you still in touch with you[r] In Knee Deep Hollywood daughter in law?
Is she ready for another baby?
Those promoters will be portrayed by non-descript Hollywood actors who will look real because they are.
That is all the truth about the Cryptocurrency market.
It is a bigger scam than The Diamond Invention because it is just a continuation.
And you have all fallen for it because you dont want to talk about Professor E J Epstein’s The D I book and its consquences.
How do you sleep with yourself with such ugliness?
There is a reason for everything and that is only positive.
The positive also requires that if you have done wrong, you have limited time to apologize.
You can’t possibly look forward to a positive future when you have done such a wrong as supporting the German-SA Oppenheimers who also can’t argue against truth.