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Name someone stupid (14)



Screenshot November 4, 9:33 PM 


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Seen by Ingrid GavshonSeen by Andy CohenSeen by Beth Isaacs

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Title: Human not so kind Is it that you and the rest feel powerless? Are you complacent? Are you indifferent? Are you angry? The top money makers are too busy making money and they don’t want to lose what they have, even on their death bed. We are all on our deathbed. It is guilt and ego. It all boils down to stupidity. As bright as they think they are, they stop learning. They are not going to change. They know the planet is being destroyed; multiple species are being extinct every day. The time on this planet is getting shorter and shorter for humankind not so kind.

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GemACH sic, spoke up on The Lady’s Speech observers on fb symposium just earlier: 9:56 AM California time @Torah Gemach: So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying? 11:57 AM Gary S Gevisser: Title: Get on the boat GemACH sic, I think, overpopulation is the biggest problem that has to be tackled. Then everybody has to be vegan. It is cleaning up the planet. Then the mineral resources have to be monitored so that there is no waste. Everyone is on the same boat. The GDP is no longer an issue. Competition will weed itself out. Without GDP you will have the best product/s that do the least harm to humans and other species we share the planet; and people are no longer running like rats after the money. It is more of an enlightenment towards the betterment and caring.

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How long can you swim?
Alan Mark Zeligson
200 meters

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For the ones out there who don’t want to look stupid, let’s spell it out. If you don’t get on the boat; meaning wake up to the destruction of this earth, you might as well be drowning.
Stan Milc
Stan Milc
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Stan Milc
Stan Milc
Do you want to know how to generate exponential returns from cryptocurrecy? Join next live webinar Register here:

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@Stan Milc, your time is up
Torah Gemach
Hi @Gary Gevisser here is the issue that you should be looking at according to what understand. One; in the Torah in section of Noah. GOD promised that their would never be a flood again on the world. Global warming is a cycle that we have gone through before. I am not discounting that people should curb their waste and recycling should become more prevalent. The people who believe that the world will need to have control over birth rate is untrue. This is your mind set with your feeling that Spinoza and Einstein are your heroes and both are ahpkoruses (non-believers). Does this mean that you have become a non-believer as well? Two; Regarding the people who are busy making money, that is their issue. They just do not have the capability or capacity to understand what to do at this stage. Now; Are you Gary writing this to warn people or to put down these people. Are you an angel 😇 who came here to warn people? What is the message here? Please respond and explain.

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GemACH sic, You are a perpetual loop. You obviously don’t need oxygen to survive.

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GemACH sic, Did you know that when we talk about the boat, it is not an actual boat? It is a metaphor.
Torah Gemach
I go with the flow. I know that I try every day to be the best that I can. Many days are not that way but I am focused on making them the best. I try to recycle everything. This includes the Torahs. I mainly refurbish old Torahs

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Let’s keep doing what we’re doing which is nothing because you worshippers of ink on paper, meatheads have baby factories. The fact that you couldn’t answer right away oh let me go to my book See what I can dig out that makes no sense. Like you can predict the future from the past snd what’s written in the book How long can you swim?

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You ignore all the facts. Did God say, stop thinking?
Torah Gemach
He did not

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Sure looks that way. You stopped learning. There’s a real world out there.
Torah Gemach
He did say in Genesis that you should be fruitful and multiply

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Ink on paper.
Torah Gemach
The Torah

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There is not an overpopulation problem. What planet are you on?
Torah Gemach
Are you referring to minerals and oil etc?

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Where did God say kill and eat more sensitive, intelligent animals?
Torah Gemach
He told us in the Bible what animals are kosher and that is what to eat. Nothing else.
I think you should look this up in the Chumish to see.


One interesting item, The Bible is not about theory but the people who you find in esteem are all about theory


Torah Gemach
Are you upset with what I write?

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GemACH sic, you are like every brainwashed religious person. You are too secluded, detached from reality, putting everything in God’s hands. Should I explain more why it appears to be a waste of time and energy responding to you as it does to any narcissist?

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GemACH sic, before we begin, why did you jump to Name Someone Stupid (NSS) from my fb symposium The Lady’s Speech Observers since it is not only on The Lady’s Speech Observer’s where you broke your long silence but it is where I articulately answered your question “So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?” which came 5 minutes after I placed up “Human not so kind”?
Fredde Odenmark
Fredde Odenmark
Hi Gary. Yes it’s very easy to see other peoples weaknesses and certain things that they might be blind to. The question is how to convey this message? How do you want to be spoken to? In which format and weight could be the best way to deliver a message in a way that makes the person really feel it and understand it on a deeper level?
Fredde Odenmark
Fredde Odenmark
We have levels of the awakening. It’s like an onion. It’s always more to learn to realize to be awakened to.
Christina Moritsch-Krall

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@Fredde Odenmark back on Aug 11, I wrote to you on fb messenger: You look like you are just a taker and a talker. Did my Examine his positive attributes – Little applause strike a raw nerve? What is it with unconscious humans?

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You didn’t respond. A talker is a taker. You could have said, “Than you for Little Applause. I appreciate all the information you provide which explains everything that is going on with the money, but I must tell you, I am like everyone else I like the money, it makes me happy. I also don’t like the feeling of stupid once realizing exactly who has been laughing at me along with rest of the SA Oppenheimers’ common herd. How do you think I can join them and still remain anonymous so that I can have access to unlimited amounts of money to invest in real estate and also please them by promoting their Cryptos in particular Bitcoin?”

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@Fredde Odenmark, given how patient you have been plotting why don’t you wait for me to finish before responding; this way you can take your time and show that you are capable of staying calm.

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@Fredde Odenmark, I didn’t notice you providing any critique of Get on the boat. Is that because you couldn’t find anything I presented as being impolite? Could it be that you sent simply hated the vegan solution along with the rest of the clear thoughts and thinking now that you could fumble your way with a whole bunch of meaningless words that would sit well with another lost soul such as Austrian-South African @Christina Moritsch-Krall who disgustingly writes that her 7th generation Austrian Trust Fund was allowed to stay intact by Nazi Austrian stooge Hitler because the Noblemen of World War II were, again in this despicable Moritsch-Krall’s words, “Neutral”?

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@Fredde Odenmark, there were two types of people who travelled to mineral rich South Africa post WW2 which on May 26, 1948 became the SA Oppenheimers’ Third Reich’s Southern Division.

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They were diametrically different and each were very aware of the presence of the other.

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The first, Ben Gurion’s Mossad; and the second, if you also had the least amount of common sense, were Nazi opportunists which of course included Jewish people.

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The fact that the non-Jewish world hears little to nothing of the Zagiew, the Gestapo’s Jewish collaboration network who were rampant throughout Nazi occupied Europe and were no less brutal towards their fellow Jews than the Nazi SS who had no problem smiling from ear to ear as they threw Jewish babies in the air and catching them on the descent while their parents and grandparents looked in horror, is because that is what you expect from the corrupt religious as well as secular Jewish leadership.

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Visit any Holocaust memorial museum including Yad Vashem in Israel and remember to ask those either taking your money and/or guiding you through the exhibits to show you the exhibit explaining the strength of Zagiew who were armed to the teeth unlike their Jewish Kapo counterparts in the death factories such as Auschwitz and Treblinka.

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Assuming you are anti-Semitic like most, all your anti-Semitic and anti-Israel conditioning should disappear.

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Of course, @Fredde Odenmark you don’t have to visit every single Holocaust-Tolerance Memorial Museum in the world. You can simply write to each of them, assuming you are inclined to tear yourself away from social media which perhaps you mostly use as a dating service, like most, and/or to simply spy on others while trying to make out like you are an intellectual.

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@Fredde Odenmark, if however, you are thinking now about visiting your first Holocaust Memorial Museum because you are finally waking up to how little you know about reality because you put aside whatever little common sense remained after your indoctrination by poorly conditioned parents and teachers who were also complacent, my strong suggestion is that you visit Durban South Africa’s Holocaust-Tolerance Museum whose principal funders and founders were the two German Jewish Kapo bothers Bernard Lazarus and his younger brother Gunter Lazarus who was simply referred to as “The Pig” by the rest of fearful Jewish community.
@Gary Gevisser what is the whole point of this discussion?


What are you giving lectures?


Torah Gemach
Why don’t you get up off your duff and prepare for Shabbos

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It is also easy to see today how strong their influence remains by simply looking at all the Jewish South African Facebook friends of The Pig’s only son, member Sidney Lazarus who along with all those coopted such as member @Ivan Oshry have never distanced themselves from The Pig and Bernard Lazarus; and yet the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime was replaced back in 1994.
Get your wife to light Shabbos candles


Go to Shul


Torah Gemach
Stop tell me and others about their supposed illnesses

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@Fredde Odenmark the history of Zagiew is very important in understanding how this deceptive, ugly in every respect GemACH sic and his Jewish ultra orthodox ChaBAD sic took root after WW2 when they were decimated.

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Let us now talk about why this GemACH sic, has been so quiet.
I answered you about this quiet issue already


Besides, how much abuse can one take from another?


I see you do not like when other people interrupt when you are pontificating


Torah Gemach
Why is this?

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First, we must remember that Ben Gurion nor his Mossad needed to read The Diamond Invention book written in 1978 and only published in 1982 by the SA Oppenheimers’ Simon & Schuster publishing house in 1982 because they had all the intelligence of the SA Oppenheimers both funding and supplying Nazi Germany out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo.
No we do not have to


Deal with the pontificating issue now


Torah Gemach
You try to inculcate people with this pontificating on nazi and Oppenheimer issue all the time. Why?

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@Fredde Odenmark, GemACH sic, knows we are inching towards, and it is making him especially nervous as you can see, it is not only the rampant ChaBAD sic child abuse but the coverup by their top rabbis.
Their you go changing the subject matter again


Torah Gemach
You are like a book and it may be a comic book.

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GemACH sic, Do you recognize below this Melbourne ChaBAD sic rabbi?
You sending me a picture 📸?


Someone made a web side called community watch which has pictures of Jewish people who have been convicted of sex issues. Look it up.


Torah Gemach
Your picture is not there and either is mine

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GemACH sic, While waiting for me to laid up the photo which should have long been viral, does the name @Manny Waks and his father @Zephaniah Waks ring a bell?
No but I heard of the name Waks in chabad


Torah Gemach
What about them?

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Code of Silence Religion and Sexual Abuse | Breaking the Silence
Torah Gemach
I will watch later getting busy for awhile now

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Is his face familiar?

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GemACH what do you think of this child abuse?

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GemACH sic, you have a big audience. It is not going way. It can only get bigger.

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Remember GemACH sic, Benzion going around the bend, I answered that very important question that had you breaking this very long silence on my fb symposiums, precisely; and then you came back with trash, which like the crap that comes out the rear end, is very revealing.

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You know what goes in, comes out.

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GemACH sic, you didn’t like any of it, in particular the need for the conscious human to be vegan.

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You went into the Bible, and pulled out what served your purpose which is ugly to begin with.

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GemACH sic, what do you think of the reaction of the rabbi in the photo above?

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GemACH sic, You know the body organs which include the brain are connected. If you put crap animal body parts into your mouth how do you expect your brain to react afterwards?

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You sound like your brain is separate and apart from the rest of the body. Where does it say that in the Bible?

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The evidence which you have not disputed is that the rest of the ultra orthodox who have the same rotten meat-fish carcasas diet, account for 50% of the hospitalizations in Israel during Covid-19 and yet you are only 10% of the population.

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GemACH sic, You said earlier that God commands you to do everything and that is why you take certain parts of the Bible-Torah literally, when it suits you.

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Has God chosen your diet for you and you are just stupid and couldn’t figure it out on your own, or has God cursed you with disease which is also stupidity?

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GemACH sic, Do you think you have to show a certain degree of intelligence to have billionaire clients such a Solly Krok who got terribly sucked into ChaBAD sic?

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GemACH sic, Could you see why following the SA Oppenheimers’ wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s, would see ChaBAD sic as most vulnerable to corruption?
Torah Gemach
His face looks familiar

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GemACH sic, Of course you remain online.

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Repeat, could you see why following the SA Oppenheimers’ wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s, would see ChaBAD sic as most vulnerable to corruption?

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GemACH sic, Do you think Harry Oppenheimer couldn’t see the hypocrisy of the ultra orthodox and your diet, religous ritual?
Please slow down and tell me what my diet has to do with Oppenheimer and nazis


Torah Gemach
Then tell me what you have against Solly

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GemACH sic, Most people, such as member @Stephanie Marine, back off, “You caught me”, but not GemACH sic or RATcoff sic aka @Dani Rakoff Let him talk and make a fool of himself and all the rabbis.
Torah Gemach
Then tell me it you ever learnt Chumish

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GemACH sic, Do you think all the meat you eat is good for your health and the health of the planet?
Torah Gemach
Answer the questions I ask now

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GemACH sic, Do you think it was because Schneerson was stupid for failing to support the Israeli diamond merchants, the last of us Jewish traders, who were being wiped out by Jewish convert to Chrisitianity, Harry Oppenheimer?

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GemACH sic, Wouldn’t you see a weak Jewish person like Harry Oppenheimer who converted to Christianity wanting to get back at us Jewish people by supporting the most abhorrent looking of us Jewish people who are disproportionately fat and sick?
Torah Gemach
This is a waste of time.

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GemACH sic, Again, what stopped Schneerson from speaking out publicly?

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GemACH sic, Time is all you have before meeting God this evening to welcome in the Jewish Sabbath.

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GemACH sic, Schneerson also knew that eating meat was not good for the planet, but it was good for the GDP. How come Schneerson didn’t know that the GDP was designed by the SA Oppenheimers and all their real estate developers to destroy the planet and overbreeding would only help?

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Most all of you ChaBAD sic considered Schneerson a Messiah and his popularity exploded amongst secular Jewish people because you got the money.

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Advertising is what sold the majority of Israelis who were very secular until you people got your power.

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Schneerson, remember didn’t bring peace or anything close. So that is not what sold Israelis.

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Israelis got taken for a ride because they believed the heavy duty advertising without looking at who was selling and continues to sell Schneerson.

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Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer knew that it was impossible for Schneerson or anyone else to bring peace to this world because they see peace as war on their profits.

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GemACH sic, when you start praying this evening, do you believe that you are going to continue fooling God?

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GemACH sic, When did you start playacting? In other words, how long has it been that you have known that the anti-Semitic , anti-Israel SA Oppenheimers owned the Schneerson and the rest of the world’s rabbis?

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GemACH sic, Should I tell you when I found out? It was when the most rascist, orthodox Jewish Lazarus clan of Durban North led the charge in preventing our highly educated orthodox rabbi, Professor @Abner Weiss from giving a single sermon condemning the SA Oppenheimers.

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@Abner Weiss, care to comment?

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@Shifra Glickman, former wife of Abner, care to comment?

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@Manny Waks, are you learning anything?

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@Zephaniah Waks, are you learning anything? Do you still keep that huge, oversized photo of Schneerson in your living room in Israel? Is your wife still as indocrinated into ChaBAD sic?
Seen by Shani Weltsman Moran at October 22, 2021 at 2:04 PM

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GemACH sic, Shabbat begins tonight in New York City at 5:47 PM. It is now only 5:08 PM.

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GemACH sic, You know that I do more than believe in God. I know God is watching over all of us. You have a losing hand. You may not remember when you decided to be treacherous, but you know God would know.

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GemACH sic, You don’t need faith to know how to scroll back to figure out the history. But you probably do need to be spoon fed as to how you are viewed by the SA Oppenheimers.

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GemACH sic, when did you last hear one of you Jewish ultra orthodox condemning the SA Oppenheimers in their spreading of anti-Semitism as they choose the worst of us as our leaders?

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GemACH sic, It is now 5:35 PM eastern time.

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GemACH sic, You don’t really believe it intelligence comes from eating the parts of animals who once had a heartbeat.

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You believe God shines a light on you for your religiousness, your piety, your ritual after ritual showing great devotion and in return, intelligence.

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I don’t have a stupid God.

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You can only call your God stupid or merciless.

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GemACH sic, Is there an overpopulation problem? The time is 2:42PM Calif time.

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Let me now provide a few edits and if you continue reading after Shabbat begins remember, the smart, rational God who got rid of mysticism and superstition that you crutch on, will know what you ate as well as thinking. If you couldn’t figure out the GDP and its deletion of the planet’s green, how smart are you?

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If you are bribed then you knew what you are doing is wrong and so why do you make out like you are pious-religious.

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Edit: You could have said, “Thank you for Little Applause … Bitcoin?”.

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Edit: Could it be that you simply hated the vegan solution …

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Edit: … catching them on the descent with the rifle bayonet while their parents and grandparents looked in horror …

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Edit: … GemACH sic, knows what we are inching towards, and it is making him especially nervous as you can see. It is not only the rampant ChaBAD sic child abuse but the coverup by their top rabbis.

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Edit: While waiting for me to “laid” (sic) up the photo …

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GemACH sic, What had you heard of the Waks?

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GemACH sic, Melbourne is a long way from 770 Brooklyn. Is it only Melbourne where child sex abuse is tolerated by ChaBAD sic?

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Do you feel that ChaBAD sic have a better reputation in dealing with child sex abuse as the Pope?

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GemACH sic, Are you aware of the families of top married Roman Catholic priests and bishops covering up and intimidating, shunning the families of the sexually abused children victims?

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GemACH sic, Do you think rabbis would behave worse if they weren’t allowed to get married and have children?

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GemACH sic, Let’s agree that the Roman Catholic Church has to their honor, no cases of married priests sexually molesting innocent, young children like member @Manny Waks and at least one other of his brothers who has now come forward, do you think the Jewish rabbis would behave worse if they were not allowed to get married?

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GemACH sic, When you wrote earlier, “Then tell me what you have against Solly” it was designed to be manipulative, wasn’t it? There is very little good you would expect of the SA Oppenheimers, who were ostracized by the good South African Jewish people, and all of them paid a very heavy price, but as you know, my mother Zena being held against her wishes in Israel and me survive. I was very clear in the lead in that @Solly Krok got sucked in; meaning he was a victim. Let me repeat because I don’t want you going off balance when scrolling up: “Do you think you have to show a certain degree of intelligence to have billionaire clients such a Solly Krok who got terribly sucked into ChaBAD sic?”.

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GemACH sic, Are you noticing that you are not rocking back and forth as much as before?

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It is not good to be narcissistic, even if you think you can fool God.

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You don’t fool me, so how can you fool God?

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GemACH sic, you are like every brainwashed religious person. You are too secluded, detached from reality, putting everything in God’s hands. Should I explain more why it appears to be a waste of time and energy responding to you as it does to any narcissist?

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Edit: … its depletion of the planet’s green …

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GemACH sic, When @Manny Waks and his younger brother visited 770 after they went very public with their documentaries and there was a film crew with them, was the very quiet applause, sincere or was it all for the cameras? I don’t think so. Remember, I also know who butters all your bread, the very naive, and who get sucked in and have given not only lots of money but their private business dealings and the SA Oppenheimers who cannot change their spots. What about the one colleague of yours from 770 who came chasing after @Manny Waks and his brother outside 770 and condemning the two of them publicly for not wearing yarmulkes?

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Obviously that unconscious human hadn’t been made aware of the extraordinary coverup and intimidation of the Waks family or was he simply incapable of restraining himself?

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How could all of 770 and remember that includes you GemACH sic, not made certain that the entire congregation was told to be on their best behavior?

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GemACH sic, What comes first caring for the planet or eating animals that you like and are addicted to?

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Will it be easier if I simply ask you if it takes intelligence to eat dead, cancer and other disease carrying animal parts or to follow blindly ink on scrap paper that has “be fruitful and multiply” and turn a blind eye to overpopulation?

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@Stephanie Marine, you have been unusually talkative today, what are you serving for dinner tonight and if it is takeout and meat-fish-dairy liquified meat, will you be saying a prayer for the animal or your insides?

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Let’s assume me it is only for your insides, do you think your prayers now as well as previous prayers have helped and would you think the same with all the ultra orthodox hypocrites?

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@Stephanie Marine, you saw there an extra “me” above. That was rational thought that the two of us could figure it out. Stephanie, do you think with the Jewish Kapo Lazarus clan who openly supported the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime who were no less brutal than their Nazi SS-Gestapo, directing your thoughts, it made you unconscious towards both poor Jewish South Africans who hadn’t figured how best to suck up to the SA Oppenheimers and their shills or who had a conscience but still they had to walk on eggshells as well as the non-white South Africans who made up 93% of the population but who were not given the money to buy the best real estate because only whites could buy as well as live in the best neighborhoods?

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@Manny Waks and @Zephaniah Waks, you have decide like everyone else, are you just for yourselves. Nor would you need to know Hillel, “… if not now, when?”.

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But his profound are helpful and stand the test of time. Our dialogue @Manny Waks on Facebook is very telling as well. You don’t see this GemACH sic, talking about how today, more so than at any time in history, does toxic society reflect the so seemingly far-fetched story of Gomorrah & Sodom (GAS), but he must not be the only one now thinking it.

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Title: Perspective Empathy with the victims and their family and friends is not only needed but should not be understated or ridiculed. At the same time we mustn’t forget why there are billions of poor, breeding like rabbits, living in abject poverty around the world, dying like flies and their existence in squalor is only because of the grand scale coverup of the ongoing theft of the minerals; and the cover is that these are ancient tribal rivalries that civilized man cannot resolve but to do its best to bring these savages on the road to democracy, see the virtues of joining clubs like Lloyd’s of London and AirBnB and profit themselves from worldwide expansion of tourism and peace that civilization synonymous with democracy ultimately brings. It is the Propaganda Ministry relying mostly on man’s stupidity and their hypocrite religious and irreligious media wishing to appear more objective and more rational in their arguments, caution patience, “Rome took a week to build” which is preposterous, but provides comical relief for the so serious Professor of philosopher to raise a laugh in the lecture hall. A philosopher today is anyone who can show they know how to post up on social media, and little thought to how military might allowed for slaves to be used more freely, and therefore no one should be bothered that prisoners of war are allowed under the Geneva Convention to be put to work in exchange for housing, food and clothing provided by their captors. We hear often and accept as gospel it takes time to educate and we need money for schools and teachers, while keeping our guard up militarily in case someone like Hitler surfaces. It is all show because they always come back to the scarcity of money spoken in hush voices as though it is a holy shrine without saying clearly the money is the issue and how it is issued. This assessment of the human condition takes less time to read than it takes to drink a double expresso whose price is determined by the amount paid for all crops and labour using the pointed barrel of a gun. You all want to know the real world, this is it. See if your 12 year old can grab it quicker than you and if they don’t, blame yourself for their brainwashing. So when they next start comparing the Covid 19 deaths to our Jewish Holocaust we must remember the majority of the starved 6 million being led into the gas chambers were not overweight and self-indulgent. Good to keep things in perspective.
Gary Gevisser

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Torah Gemach
I will name someone stupid “Gary”

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@Torah Gemach, you haven’t shared with everyone here what you have learned about yourself earlier today on my fb symposium To be honest (TBH). A narcissist is not honorable. You have seen on TBH that member @Stephanie Marine is sticking for the time being after removing herself twice previously. Others beside for @Stephanie Marine also know how you are unwilling to talk about the top rabbi of ChaBAD sic Melbourne, Australia whose photo you say is familiar, thinking that would enough to keep me off your stench scent. Were you to be shunned by ChaBAD sic, as have been members of the Waks family who have stood tall, where would you go? What would be your first choice?
Gail Katz
Shellie Evans

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In due course I will be sharing events on To be Honest (TBH) where we are still waiting to hear from GemACH sic his opinion of ChaBAD’s sic top rabbi in Melbourne protecting ChaBAD sic employed rapists of their communities children including victim @Manny Waks who I just added back.

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GemACH sic, do you have any words of sympathy for @Manny Waks and his father @Zephaniah Waks ?

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@Tali Dubinsky, I haven’t heard from you in a while, what do you have to say publicly about my mother Zena?

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I will shortly upload my fb conversations with my distant relative member @Tali Dubinsky who once hearing what I had to say blocked me on fb messaging.

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GemACH sic, would you like to see those conversations ahead of everyone else other than Mark Zuckerberg or any of his officials who may be listening?

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GemACH sic, By calling me “stupid”, you must still think that God is too busy with other matters such as corruption of the money by the SA Oppenheimers’ banking network which never gets top billing because the people like everything the way it is. The exception being my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon of Marc Rich and the no less nerve racking The Diamond Invention book. The excuses that people come up with for not doing the right thing while at the same time trying to make out like they are good, is mind boggling, especially since it is across the board and none of you really like each other besides for what money favors you can get. @Fabienne Lacourpaille , a French-English teacher in Corsica looking to replace her recently deceased Corsican husband writes to me “… Was busy taking planes. Going to the Christian holy city. 😝” as the reason why she has yet to follow through on what she wrote me 3 days ago, “I will have a look 😘”. All I asked a minute before, 8:32 AM California time, again on 23 October was the following: “Are you caught up on NSS? Did you see ‘How far can you swim?’?” Fabienne went on to say, “The holy city is my duty to go to unfortunately having a living mother there”. Why is it that everyone feels the need to tell small fibs, white lies that keep growing? Why not simply say, “I can’t deal with the truth that I have been so horribly fooled; and it doesn’t comfort me that the religious leadership all the way up to the Pope and the top rabbis are all part of the deception which we expect from politicians but not our men in cloth. I need infinite time to resolve my bad choice of mental suicide which makes me look as stupid as @Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend.” To repeat, first of all they don’t like the feeling of stupid and second, it is not a priority in their lives the imminent death of the planet needed to sustain human life caused by overpopulation which you don’t see as a problem because your strict reading of Torah-Jewish Bible which you believe has no flaws, it is God writing everything says “Be fruitful and multiply” and therefore it is inconceivable in your mind for overpopulation to have anything to do with the ills of the world or caring more for the animals whose taste you are addicted to.

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GemACH sic, Following your removal from my symposium, Reason for being here, I posted first à message to Joy Rutenberg whose name you may remember because while you were still a member she applauded at 1:01 AM this past Sunday, my earlier post on 23 October

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Joy’s comment was simple enough, “Love this!”.

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At 8:57 AM California time, 23 odd minutes after announcing to everyone on Reason for being here, your removal, I wrote the following: @Joy Rutenberg back on September 17, 2019, 2 years and 1 month ago, you blocked me on fb messaging after I shared with you, “Look at the makeup. You are hiding something. It is like plastic”, and then I followed up with a list of our mutual fb friends:

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After listing our mutual fb friends, I added @Zephaniah Waks and his one son @Shneur Reti-Waks to Reason for being here.
Gail Katz
Please don’t contact me again

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@Gail Katz on your way out, and you recall your vague thumbs up earlier showing you are relevant as are each and every ant who combined and have the same weight as all us humans, are not close to as destructive of the planet and do ants have anything to do with the warped thinking of the GDP economic index whose moral depravity and insanely illogical escaped most all economists, financiers, financial planners, insurance agents, lawyers, medical doctors, politicians and the such and the exceptions are all those bought whose job is to distract, please save me the effort and unfriend me on Facebook.

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Edit: … and nor do ants …

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@Gail Katz, you have sufficient intellect to know how easy it would be for you to set an example by asking publicly someone such as household name Alan Dershowitz very much a prominent figure in the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile ring, if he has read The D I book as well as my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post.

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Your fear, the same with everyone else counting on keeping the world’s best kept secret; namely the deplorable GDP or as Europeans say, Gross National Product, a secret as long as possible given how everything stops, starting with the ongoing destruction of the planet, once sufficient numbers of human achieve either critical mass or my information goes viral.

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So you are choosing the wrong people as allies. That is why there are less of you applauding GemACH sic and @Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic. In the process of your mental suicide you write increasing nonsense because how else will a narcissist get negative attention?

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Let me give you a perfect, live sample.

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@Fabienne Lacourpaille, a French-English school teacher over in Corse, France who speaks and writes a perfect English, wrote me minutes ago; “Remember am an English teacher and i ignore the content. Yet i document many words and phrases. Thanks for that”. That response was to my earlier writings starting at 11:59 AM which was 1 hour and 19 odd minutes ago: “Anything more you want to say before I block you permanently? Are you following along as closely, Name someone stupid? Are you ready to be completely ignored other than when you receive emails from me and you have to figure how it all ties together and that doesn’t have you feeling joyful that you are immortal which I take you at your word, and able to sustain all the curses God throws at you, forget when you first got the feeling of being incontinent?”

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My response to @Fabienne Lacourpaille’s “Remember… that” took place at 12:42 PM, again Calif. time: “Why don’t you stop lying and admit you are watching my postings and everyone’s reaction on NSS? When you have said everything you want to say, and what crap comes out of your mouth, and that Fred must be so happy to be resting peacefully without having to hear another word from you, let me know by writing, “I have the last word@“ (sic). @Gail Katz, I place Latin adverb SIC because I mistakingly hit the “@“ on my cellphone keyboard rather than a single English Inverted Comma, “.

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A minute later, at 12:43 Pm, exactly 42 minutes ago, Fabienne responded: “I have the last word”.

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I will now block her on fb messaging permanently.

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I have now blocked @Fabienne Lacourpaille who remains an active member of NSS.
Shellie Evans

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@Gail Katz remember you too are free to leave and only needing to figure out how to find and activate the remove button. Have you thought of asking one or more of my and my mother Zena’s enemies such as my demented sister @Kathy Danziger who you recall doesn’t come off all that well in The Lady’s Speech, or my ex sister in law @Terry Orman Gevisser who everyone knew she who admits to being “damaged” decided to marry my middle brother Melvin who also doesn’t come off very positive in The Lady’s Speech or prior recorded phone conversations with my highly literate, most worldly mother Zena, or GemACH sic or RATcoff sic, to give you a hand?

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@Gail Katz, let’s say you don’t want anything to do with any of them unless they can guarantee you an immediate monetary profit, is it fair to say that even then you will have trouble clearing your head to talk about the implications for the entire supply chain being corrupted the moment the GDP was introduced in 1934 and there was no outcry by the people?

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@Gail Katz , do you agree with GemACH sic that I am stupid?

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If so why aren’t you doing your best to be his Facebook friend, the same with all my and my mother Zena’s enemies?

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@Gail Katz, you might recall GemACH sic asserting the other day in his effort to show how he a ChaBAD sic member from birth, that i sic believe we humans came from monkeys. I don’t believe that for a moment because no rational person can believe such nonsense given how there has been insufficient time to have got everything in place. Moreover, random mutations end up negative; which is not in my opinion the reason for people like GemACH sic to be such a negative person who works hard at making out that he is happy with his stupid life, which like everything has a purpose.

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Good people also have a purpose.

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Let me give you a good example.

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Below is my dialogue just earlier with a Harvard formally schooled United States Navy Captain who in addition to captaining highly destructive US Navy frigates and destroyers was tasked right before his very recent retirement with spearheading the construction and transportation of this huge Dry dock that was manufactured for the huge British Armaments supplier BAE SYSTEMS

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Andy, a couple of days ago I took a rather big tumble, at slow speed however, and the only damage was the down shift on the left handlebar controlling the 3 front sprockets.

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Someone very powerful was looking over my shoulder and telling me to stay in the moment as it was so easily preventable. But everything happens for a reason including my decision to wear a helmet, starting just days before. Not to mention not enough is said by the religious leadership of how unimaginably logical is the Creator and if only we had the intelligence we could figure it all out 🙂 Something to smile about. Could you order the part? Thanks Gary

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Andy’s reply almost immediately began:

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Gary, sorry to hear about the tumble. I know how quickly things can go to sh!t. Glad to hear that you are OK. A new Shimano front shifter runs in the $20+ range. I just happen to have in the shop the shifter I took off my Fuji Traverse when I electrified it. Very gently used and virtually identical to yours. Photo attached. If you are ok with this part, can do the work anytime convenient for you. Barring any major complications, looking at about $25 out the door.

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My reply: You are one of a kind. Can I come over now? His reply: Sure

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So I’m now out the door as I have the chain on the second front gear and if I need to go to 3rd gear I can do so since I can still shift up. Moreover, knowing my way pretty much without having to look, I see myself once out of the forest completely which is less than 2 miles I will shift up without feeling the need to share with you my thoughts on the weather forecast for the region.

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What I can tell you is that this most honorable gentleman and an officer of the U S Navy doesn’t think the information I have shared with him including that pertaining to former US Navy very junior officer Jonathan Pollard makes me stupid.

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GemACH sic, I still have to share with you and others not members of Reason for being here all that you have missed since I removed you. In the meantime, let me share more expert advice on Narcissists from Quora Digest:
Torah Gemach
Please with pleasure!
Seen by Anne Pollard at October 27, 2021 at 1:25 PM

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Do narcissists withhold affection, kissing, hand holding, etc.? Karen Burke, I am a Narcissist · Author has 370 answers and 7.2M answer views I wouldn’t say that we withhold affection and so on. I would instead say that intimacy is not something that we are comfortable with. When a narcissist is a young child, if the mother and other caregivers don’t give them the love, affection, approval, validation, and love the child unconditionally, the narcissist won’t know who they are. Without an identity of who they are, they are unable to love themselves for who they are. This is what causes intimacy issues in NPD. So, it’s not that we withhold it. It’s that we fear it because we don’t know how to show it. There are times that I purposely withhold it if my SO has done me wrong, especially if the wrong was sexually, but that is something entirely different. With me, I wouldn’t say I like holding hands, kissing, or showing affection. I used to think it was because of my sexual abuse as a child, but I understand it differently after further research. I believe sexual abuse had something to do with it, but I don’t like intimacy is because it’s extremely uncomfortable for me. It even makes me angry most of the time. So, to answer your question, I would say yes but not on purpose; it’s withheld because it’s something that we cannot do, or most pwNPD cannot show affection, etc.

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GemACH sic, Since you are online. Can you explain why the sick ChaBAD sic Rabbis of Melbourne, Australia as well as those ChaBAD sic officials at ChaBAD sic headquarters at 770 Brooklyn which has been your home since birth, and who supported the disgraceful rabbis, led by the one whose photo you say is familiar, haven’t all been excommunicated from ChaBAD sic?
Torah Gemach
If you watch the video when they are in Crown Heights. The head of the Crown Heights Jewish community council is very friendly to them. You saw one guy asked why they don’t put on a yarmakah and he is an odd fellow.
Torah Gemach
I believe that the people in Australia were naive on this issue and could not believe themselves that this went on. So the first action is denial as a human action. At the end they all did the best for the community and left their Jobs because they probably realized they were wrong. As far as the guilty predators are concerned. They are everywhere and look like ordinary people but look for victims and people who they can get over on. This is what we should be focused on.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing


Torah Gemach
It happens in all types of communities

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GemACH sic, why hasn’t the Chief ChaBAD sic rabbi

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and the rest involved in the coverup and no less so the intimation of the Waks family been excommunicated?

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@Zephaniah Waks are you paying as much attention to the insincerity of ChaBAD’s apologies to you and your sons who were raped?

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Notice how GemACH sic, leaves out the email from the other top Australian rabbi who walks on crutches and which you introduced before the Australian commission formed to investigate malfeasance by ChaBAD sic, as evidence of the grand coverup and shunning of your family.

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GemACH sic, What were your first thoughts on that email?

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@Shneur Reti-Waks, I will assume that you are keeping ChaBAD sic rape victim, Manny Waks who was raped repeatedly as well as taunted by the son of the ChaBAD sic rabbi in Melbourne as well as your other brother who was raped. Have any other brothers or members of ChaBAD sic come forward since the broadcast of both documentaries?

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Does anyone else here agree with GemACH sic, that the actions of the most senior rabbis of ChaBAD sic Australia should not be excommunicated?

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Edit: … should not result in their excommunication?
Torah Gemach
This is not for me or for you to answer. I am not prevy to what goes on or for that matter have their email addresses
You are barking up the wrong way Dr. Gary


Torah Gemach
Back off me

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GemACH sic, you want me to go quiet, is that it?
Torah Gemach
No not at all. It’s just that I cannot help you and you are under the impression that I am in charge

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Have you noticed that Anne Arenson Winter, the ex-wife of President of ChaBAD sic Pacific Palisades, Louis Kemp has left?

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Anne Arenson Winter’s rich father Maurice Arenson is not the dumbest person in the world and would know GemACH sic it is wrong for you, no matter how much of a narcissist you are, to call me stupid.

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GemACH sic, you have good reason to fear that God has forsaken you and all of ChaBAD sic.

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It is a very easy call to make the much deserved excommunication of all the ChaBAD sic rabbis who dared to support this trash

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who in his public sermon at ChaBAD sic Melbourne called for @Zephaniah Waks and his family to be shunned for Manny Waks coming forward. As you know GemACH sic, @Zephaniah Waks immediately left the ChaBAD sic “sinogogue” sic and he was followed by a bunch of women who were equally outraged. But not one male member of ChaBAD sic chose to close ranks with courageous @Zephaniah Waks. GemACH sic, do you remember that in the documentary? Can you tell us the name of this rabbi that you seek to protect?

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Edit: … and the rest involved in the coverup and no less intimidation of the Waks family …

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Edit: @Shneur Reti-Waks, I will assume that you are keeping up to speed ChaBAD sic rape victim, your brother Manny Waks …

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GemACH sic, Do you have trouble giving that rabbi’s name? You must feel that he and rest responsible for the most disgusting behavior should be left alone.

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Is that because you agree with Schneerson that there are no innocent victims to a crime, not even rape of children?

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GemACH sic, Can you now pull up that photo of another ultra orthodox Jewish rabbi with one of the black skinned children he raped? Did you see that he botched his suicide attempt?

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GemACH sic, I have been having quite a long conversation with new member, and my fb friend, South African-Israel filmmaker, @Grant de Graf who like me was schooled at our Jewish Day School, Carmel College, Durban South Africa, run by the Zagiew-Jewish Kapo Lazarus clan of Durban North who I learned everything there was to know about them while on Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head, Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker during the last third of 1972.

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@Grant de Graf, is there anything you would like to ask GemACH sic or @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq; or for that matter any of the membership, which I believe is now maxed out, and that is something I’m working on raising so we can all cut to the chase and have everyone in the same room; otherwise it is just going to get boring?

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Elon Musk’s family members present, @Tosca Musk, @Justine Musk and perhaps not @Kimbal Musk, know everything hinges for Elon on Cryptos.

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It’s a huge weight lifted off his shoulders once he addresses it head-on and much better to have at his side.

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GemACH sic, Did that distract you sufficiently that you will stop thinking about what it meant to Harry Oppenheimer handing out those $1 bills?

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GemACH sic, Tell me again the name of the very white, unhealthy looking man on the right and the Black Hatter in the background, centered between Schneerson and me?

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GemACH sic, Did your parents make the mistake of speaking to you when very little like a child?

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GemACH sic, If you don’t know you shouldn’t talk.

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You know a lot of shit which you want to hurl at me.

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Have you discussed what you have learned here about narcissism within you and the money machine controlled by the enemies of us Jewish people; and figuring out who has been bought is easy enough?

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GemACH sic, Would you say the people hear not voicing their agreement with you, that I am stupid, means they are stupid?

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GemACH sic, Cryptos must be talked about a lot in between prayers. What are your experts saying?

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Harry Oppenheimer saw that there was nothing smarter about orthodox Jewish people than the rest of the population, including Christians.

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So, GemACH sic, Give us one big example you can think of.

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GemACH sic, Do you really believe Elon Musk is really into war on the poor when he has the means to lead them all out of poverty?

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GemACH sic, You want to end your nightmare having surely a supply lined up to take my place.

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Elon Musk had a gun pointed at his head, end-disrupt supply chain or promote Cryptos and then you win and can play with your rockets as much as you want.

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Very bright Elon Musk looked around and saw that in both his dispute with the SEC and his defamation lawsuit, he had only 2 very vocal supporters, myself and my wife.

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It didn’t take rocket science to figure out that the people were too jealous to support his opposition to a gun pointed at his head.

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Btw GemACH sic, You need know that I not only believe that Elon Musk is certain of a Creator, but it is much stronger than your belief in God given how you know God wouldn’t applaud 👏 people who show no intelligence with intelligence.

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GemACH sic, What do you think you have done to have God curse you and the rest spineless?

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Again GemACH sic, What is the basis of you calling me stupid.

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Next up an ultra hi-tech Facebook Engineering Manager who would do well bringing Mark Zuckerberg onboard, at least officially.

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Btw GemACH sic, does it bother you more that there is no one else who can debunk Cryptos as well as or what caused God to make you stupid?

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Edit: … and much better to have me at his side.

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Edit: … who can debunk Cryptos as well as me …
Torah Gemach
Doctor Gary , I read the posts. Your views are all over the chart. Please explain what Criptos has to do with Narcissists? Also explain what Elon Musk has to do with all of this. Is he a friend or Mark Zuckerberg? Are they Friends with Rabbi Lipsker? What about your friend Sollly Krok? Is Elon Musk Jewish? Is Mark Zuckerberg Jewish? Does the toilet in South Africa when flush go clockwise or counter clockwise?
Torah Gemach
If you, Doctor @Gary Gevisser are a big fan of Spinoza then you believe in evaluation so which side of your family comes from monkeys? Does the Sun rise where you live or is their only the moon?

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GemACH sic, Do you still maintain that I am stupid when compared to you? Can you think of anyone more stupid than me? Does it make you feel good to think you are smarter than me? Would it make you feel uncomfortable knowing that you are lying when calling me stupid?

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GemACH sic, Do you bring up Spinoza now because you still feel that he deserved to be excommunicated by the corrupt Jewish rabbis of Amsterdam who were kowtowing to the Spanish -Portuguese Inquisition and you don’t think the ChaBAD sic rabbis of Melbourne deserve the same treatment?

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GemACH sic, Can you remember we could have joining us tomorrow a Facebook engineering manager who operates at the highest levels of Artificial Intelligence. We wil also be focusing on money and all the waste resulting from the illusion of competition. Can you hang?

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Edit: Would you say the people “hear” (sic) not voicing their agreement with you, that I am stupid, means they are stupid?

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GemACH sic, Was it a Freudian slip and/or Act of God that had you writing in error “evaluation “ when you were thinking “evolution”, while getting Spinoza all wrong? Do you also see Spinoza as stupid? What would be the grounds for excommunicating the corrupt ChaBAD sic rabbis of Melbourne? Does the Torah give you guidance; if so, how?

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GemACH sic, Can you think of a reason for God abandoning you? How do you see God judging you?

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GemACH sic, You were just earlier removed from To be honest (TBH). It is after midnight in New York. This shouldn’t put you to sleep:

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Do narcissists watch you after you leave them? Do they hope for contact? If so, why? Katherine Brewer Answered 8 months ago Yes, and no… if they discard you, there is a brief time during their courtship of a new supply where they will probably leave you alone completely if possible (not if you share custody of children). If you discard them, it really depends on whether or not they already have a supply lined up to take your place. However, a narcissist is not a bridge burner, they will try to re-enter your life in some way. If you close that door, and they are determined to get in, there is no telling to what lengths they’ll go to. It all just depends on how determined they are, the longevity of that determination, and YOUR vigilance on keeping that door locked in every possible way.
You Gary are not stupid. You are ignorant and uneducated in regards to Jewish religious beliefs and practices.


Your understanding is only based upon Jerry Seinfeld type of Jewish reminders that make fun of religious Jews.


Torah Gemach
You do not understand what it means to follow thru on subject matter when it looks like you will be called out so you immediately change the subject to side step.

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GemACH sic, Why aren’t you asleep? Is eating dairy meat part of your religious teaching and would you say it is what makes you healthy to achieve 50% of the Covid 19 hospitalizations, and yet you only represent 10% of the Israel population? Do you think you are capable of fooling God with your poor health performance?
Just as I have said. Change the subject matter


Torah Gemach
I am waiting to see if you will champion critical race theory as well.

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GemACH sic, You know your spiritual future is nothing to get excited about. Should I explain more its negative impact on your physical and mental health what it means to lie to yourself?

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GemACH sic, Do you know how important it is to be excited about the unknown?

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Carmel College Durban South Africa filmmaker Grant de Graf moments ago removed himself from NSS, blocked me on fb messaging and unfriended me after I last wrote to him yesterday at 3:47 PM calif time, “Now tell me more about yourself”. I will be uploading our dialogue.

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GemACH sic, You have missed the dialogue I am having with 2 members on my symposium, Wow, very powerful. The one is my lifetime friend @Clive Gurwitz who immediately following earning his paratrooper wings in the IDF back in 1969 was under fire 🔥 in the Suez Canal. Clive was also a very good rugby player, schooled at Durban Boys High, the same with my father Bernie who went on to fighter pilot training where he was like a duck to water.

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The other individual is the distemper husband of my Facebook friend @Gail Katz. GemACH sic, How are you doing with getting your supply lined up once I cut ties with you altogether? Btw, we have been discussing human overpopulation and health-nutrition which you would expect to be covered fully in Torah-Jewish Bible if you are going to believe, as you say you do, it to be gospel.

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But in fact your only response to the overpopulation problem is to write saying that Torah is emphatic, “Be fruitful & multiply”. In other words you are suggesting quite determinedly that God is commanding you to be irrational if rational thinking conflicts with Torah.

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GemACH sic, Have you ever considered yourself stupid and feel the need to project your own inadequacies such as lack of willpower to refrain from killing and eating far more sensitive animals like cows who leave behind cow disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease; you know all the obesity related diseases?
Gail Katz
Seen by Gail Katz
Torah Gemach
Good morning Gary I am at the international conference for Chabad Schluchem
Torah Gemach
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Torah Gemach
If I see your Friend Rabbi Lipsker, should I send regards?

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GemACH sic, Are the two with you part of your narc supply already lined up? Do they know about the Waks family of Melbourne? Do they agree with you that nothing the ChaBAD sic rabbis have done deserve their excommunication?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Torah when is the conference done
Torah Gemach
The conference is finished Monday morning The two in the picture I know but they are not Schluchem. I was at a wedding last night

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@Alan Mark Zeligson, have you lengthened beyond 200 meters? Tell us more about Jewish sex pervert Dr Aubrey Levine MD who was in charge of your stay at Ward 22, South African torture military camp, Greefswald ?

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GemACH sic, Have Lipskar who you know is no friend of mine, join us here. Do you have his email?

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GemACH sic, Do you fear the thought of in the next instant Elon Musk eliminating all the waste?

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How does World Company (WC), the best of what you need, sound to you?
Seen by Wendy Ann Bouman at October 28, 2021 at 9:15 AM

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GemACH sic, Before coming back to your very on point comment, “So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?” back on October 21, 9:56 AM Calif time which was 4 minutes before noon your time when let’s look at the positive and you were digesting a healthy salad in the false hope you can pass through your internal organs like the liver easier the once live bird Turkey caged horribly all its life that you are going to cut to pieces this coming Thanksgiving, let’s look more at another point of view concerning a Narc-Narcissist:

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I think the most important is when you receive word salad. It is very hard to grasp but when you and others overall consider you an intelligent person, and you get on and understand each other with other people, usually in “common sense”, but there is a person in your life (or more if it is family member) who just frustrates the hell out of you and you don’t know why, it is time to read about narcissistic word salad. Narcissistic Word Salad is an abuse technique disguised as a conversation. Now, PLEASE understand that this is not a WHINING from people who are mad at a narcissist, but a very real, distinct phenomena. I will link you a detailed article, but in short, word salad is when someone DOES NOT CARE about the subject you debate about, but cares about the DEBATE. 7 signs the narc is serving you a ‘word salad’ – Narcissist Abuse Support It is VERY easy to not catch it FOR YEARS. I really considered it as a serious explanation after I literally self-doubted the sht out of myself, because word salad is such an out-of-this-world thing that my mind just automatically looked for a rational (usually self-blaming) explanation. Narcissists really don’t CARE, really don’t KNOW, and really don’t care that they don’t know nothing about the subject they debate you about. There is ONE RULE ONLY: to ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS say something back. And when I say always I mean ALWAYS. If you say winter is cold, they tell you it is not, or not THAT cold. If you say 5+5 equals 10 they come with a twisted stuff that it may not or there is a quantum theory published yesterday that it may not. If saying the complete opposite would expose them totally, they either DIRECT THE SUBJECT AWAY in a sneaky way, but YOU ARE ALWAYS WRONG, OR at least NOT RIGHT. IF YOU ARE RIGHT, they come up with ANOTHER subject you may be wrong about, or wrong in the moment, or too confused because of the last debate you may can’t catch up in a second. But THEY HAVE TO WIN the debate always. They do this against EVERYONE and ANYONE.
Seen by Shellie Evans at October 28, 2021 at 3:08 PM

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Previously GemACH sic, You have never stated that my stupidity was confined to my knowledge of the Jewish religion and the rituals that great intellects such as Jewish Spinoza, Jewish Albert Einstein and Jewish David Ben-Gurion despised.

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What took you so long?

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Not to mention, @Alan Mark Zeligson you weren’t really thinking of leaving the plumbing job you are working on in Johannesburg to join this nutcase GemACH sic; instead you we’re just eager to make conversation with anyone and at the same time do your best to disrupt. Alan, how can you be excited about the unknown?

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GemACH sic, Where in The Torah does it point out the importance of being excited about the unknown?

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GemACH sic, A person who lies must think they have figured out the Mind of God. Do you feel that you are bright enough to figure that out?

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GemACH sic, Let’s say that I am right, that you don’t have the marbles to know exactly what hell God is creating for you when you lie and twist things around which has you acting and sounding increasingly stupid and desperate.

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GemACH sic, You have been desperate to discredit me right from the very beginning, which you know is not polite, righteous and impossible to impress God, and yet you have persisted. Would you say that is a common trait also amongst those money-power hungry, disgusting ChaBAD sic Australian rabbis who should have long been excommunicated.

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GemACH sic, You recall misspelling “evolution” when writing yesterday at 7:32 PM Calif. time, “If you, Doctor @Gary Gevisser are a big fan of Spinoza then you believe in evaluation so which side of your family comes from monkeys?”. You would agree that what was furtherest from your mind is the rational, orderly, cause and effect thinking of Spinoza which was the basis of his excommunication because it was an affront to the The Inquisition and their shills such as the rabbis of Amsterdam, Holland who issued the harshest excommunication ever bestowed on a Jewish person and which great intellect Spinoza worse as a badge of honor. The word “evaluation” which your mind-reader handheld or other computing device picked up, is synonymous with scientific study and which can be judged quantitatively as one would the results of the interactive question-and-answer system to ask the 100 CFOs, present at the Business Week annual conference of Chief Financial Officers held in Phoenix, Arizona, back in the spring of 1999 when member litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. and I were getting to know one another really well. GemACH sic, to refresh your memory. The 100 CFOs representing America’s largest corporations were asked to respond anonymously to the question: “Has your CEO ever asked you to falsify the financial results?” Astonishingly, 67% said yes – and 12% admitted they had done it. Watching over those proceedings was Krinsk’s very close friend and colleague, billionaire class action litigator Bill Lerach who initiated this mind boggling event which should have shut down the entire world’s financial markets in the next instant as Lerach challenged the quality of current corporate financial reports.

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GemACH sic, I understand that you have got off your pedestal until you next get back on, no longer calling me stupid in anything other than you believe I am an ignoramus, “and uneducated in regards to Jewish religious beliefs and practices.” I think this insincere backing off is only because for the moment you feel you have been caught playing stupid. Let’s both agree that your leopard spots will not change, but God-Creator is still in existence and has an ingenious plan that will be revealed sometime in the future. Does that make you comfortable GemACH sic, that God is looking out for you?

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GemACH sic, Out of interest, if you were the Chairmen of the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) or an investor in stocks or bonds or real estate or Certificates of Insurance, anything that had a money connection, would you have hit the roof or frozen? You remember, because I remind you that antiSemitic President Franklin D Roosevelt who buckled to Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry, appointed anti Semitic Joseph Kennedy Snr the inaugural Chairman of the SEC which Kennedy assumed on 30 June 1934 which was a Saturday, and we know it had to be one day of the week and why not a Saturday.

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GemACH sic, We know there is no evidence to suggest that the moral principles of ChaBAD sic rabbis or Wall Street have improved over the past more than 22 years. Bear in mind you have yet to come up with what bad actions ChaBAD sic rabbis have to engage in for them to receive the same severe excommunication as Spinoza who was only demonstrating his rational support of a Creator of all things which is the last thing puppets of corrupt rulers want to hear. It also made sense to Spinoza that a smart Creator who also created logic that is throughout the universe including the instinctive behavior of all other animals who are not close to as destructive, treacherous, manipulative, outright evil as the selfish human with few exceptions, would not need middlemen, either Holy Men to interpret the Bible to suit their agenda, such as the Laws of Kosher that give jobs to killing rabbis of innocent animals whose eaten remains cause deadly illnesses to the glutton or middlemen war merchants of death like Marc Rich.

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Btw, GemACH sic, Is it because I was the first and remain the last person to expose Marc Rich that you have yet to applaud me for having the knowledge and courage to publish 4 articles under my own name in the Jerusalem Post?

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GemACH sic, It must kill a piece of you every time I bring up the name Marc Rich.

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GemACH sic, As you know there was a moderator at the Business Week Annual Conference of CFOs back in 1999 who conducted this mind boggling experiment, and why Lerach made the point in his subsequent articles which were read by every Wall Street ceo and cfo, “I later heard the SEC had sought – and obtained – the attendance list for this Conference.” GemACH sic, of course in retrospect you would say “Of course nothing came of the SEC investigation”.

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But you would be wrong.

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Put on your money grabbing hat, where would you begin?

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As Chairman of the SEC you would ask all the same 100 CFOs if they believe the 33 who said they had never been asked by their CEO to falsify the financial statements, wouldn’t you given how all your religious practices must have resulted in some positive thinking on your part.

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No CFO lasts a moment if they refuse the wishes of their boss, and all they can look forward to is a book deal and you don’t see that many billionaire authors who were previously a CFO.

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The introduction of Cryptos takes the job of a CFO into sci-fi.

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GemACH sic, We are almost done for the day and another day delay in getting this one top notch Facebook Engineering Manager who is on top of the virtual reality realm which is core to Facebook’s future, to join us. Not to forget GemACH sic, if this cousin of mine who has done his service in the IDF doesn’t stay very long, you can go to the bank that he will watch perched above Facebook’s 2.8 billion subscribers.

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GemACH sic, It is my lifelong experience that smart people are attracted to each other. To be clear, I consider you not smart in the least, a future lizard 🦎 constantly watching out for snakes 🐍 just waiting to pounce.

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You goal, along with your mate @Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic, has been to cause for me severe emotional distress with your lies and snide remarks which seems out of place for people protesting their righteousness.

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The more rational you realize is the Creator the more nervous you can only feel about the future which doesn’t prevent you from being in awe.

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GemACH sic, your association of Spinoza with Darwin’s Evolution Theory is wrong.

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Charles Darwin was born on 12 February 1809, just shy of 132 years after Spinoza died, 21 February 1677.

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GemACH sic, Can you point me to any of Spinoza’s writings which say the human came from monkeys?

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GemACH sic, I stayed on point and provided you with a rock solid plan as you asked, but you didn’t like either the overpopulation promoted by the absurd “Be fruitful and multiply” and disregard the earth not able sustain all life forms in health or the need to be Vegan.

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You have been distracting ever since.

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Do those 2 gentlemen know what you have been up?

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Are either candidates to replenish your supply? Can you name others you have already lined up or those you are working on?

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Did you ask Lipskar if he remembers me?

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@Solly Krok when you shake Lipskar’s hand do you count your fingers immediately after, or do you wait until you are more private?

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GemACH sic, How do you know that @Solly Krok is a prince of a man compared to most other industrialists?

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@Mark Gevisser, can you help GemACH sic answer that question?

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Does class have any more questions, if not, then let’s call it a day, shall we.

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Edit: … Spinoza wore as a badge of honor.
Seen by Tesla N Us at October 28, 2021 at 7:41 PM

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Super unusual plant

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@Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend. Quite the description; they are all around us: Do narcissists ever communicate sincerely? The narcissist is a python.

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A young and foolish primate, you have wandered further and further from the group. After some time of curiously exploring the jungle, you realise you are alone. Looking around anxiously to get your bearings, you are distracted by a rustling up ahead. A long and graceful creature emerges from the undergrowth, the likes of which you have never seen before. Mesmerizing is its beauty. A lost juvenile, you want to be seen, And with their big almond eyes the narcissist sees you! Yeeessssssssss! Were an older, more experienced member of your troop around, they would read its markings, scream a warning and grasp you by your little arm. Being much faster, you would both scamper rapidly to safety. But you are alone, and as your stare into those eyes, transfixed, the narcissist slowly slithers closer. You marvel at their beautiful colours, much like the berries of which you are so fond. A tiny one, you wish to be held, and as the narcissist slowly embraces you, you are held! Yeeessssssssss! You are ever so snug in their cool coils. Tighter and tighter they wrap around you, firm and secure their grip. Strange is the way their tongue flickers, they’re not like the others. If you struggled, maybe you could still break free but there is something rather comforting in the pressure. A tender wee thing, you crave intimacy and oneness, and this the narcissist offers you! Yeeessssssssss! As you breathe out, the coils tighten, and as you breathe in they maintain their grasp! Never have you been closer to another. So close it starts to hurt! You would whimper if you could, but you cannot. The narcissist presses so strongly against you now that you are unable to move, or make a sound. And even if you could, the silverbacks, the females and the young have moved on, there is no one to hear you cry out. The narcissist’s jaws dislocate, their mouth opens wide. Down over your head it comes like a hood. You are about to become one! Yeeesssssssssssssssss! The narcissist is always sincere in their intention. They intend to engulf you. If only you’d learned to say no. Silly little monkey! Robert
Torah Gemach
I’ve never had a problem with true Republicans (those who don’t screw 16 year old girls and cover up molesting 18 year old boys)
Seen by Ray Lipner at Monday 11:23pm

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@Torah Gemach, you recall, and your distraction confirms, you asking me for forgiveness and when I turned you down because I doubted your sincerity, you said it was a mistake on your part for asking, and such trickery is clearly not confined to you. So how long are you going to continue? In reading up more on Narcs, I found this. “Some narcs will apologize, and restart this vicious cycle of re love-bombing, hoovering, and telling one whatever they want to hear while they will reestablish their claws back into you.”

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GemACH sic, You also haven’t however haven’t managed to get out of your sick head the sex crimes of ChaBAD sic members against minors within your cult which are at odds with the genius teachings of Judaism. So in fact you have hijacked the Jewish religion and your ugly display only serves to invigorate the anti-Semites starting with the greatest enemies us Jewish people have had in modern day times; namely the most powerful German-South African Oppenheimers who committed both treason and mass murder of 6 million innocent Jews during the Holocaust and should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crime Tribunals.

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Let’s now get back to the sex that you now talk of.

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You recall avoiding giving your thoughts on what it would take to get excommunicated the most senior ChaBAD sic rabbis leading the sexual abuse coverup of at least 2 minor members of the Waks family, and we have @Zephaniah Waks present with us. No doubt both you and he recall in the sequel, Breaking the Code of Silence, Mr. Waks who has now cut his beard calling your rabbis “animals” which is clearly not strong enough considering how ChaBAD sic went on the attack and told the congregation to shun @Zephaniah Waks and his family, leaving him with no choice but to leave the ChaBAD sic synagogue right after this rabbi

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spoke his evil tongue.

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GemACH sic, are you waiting for me to say the sick rabbi’s name.

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Again, can you give me an example of what evil act would it to take to have your most senior ChaBAD sic rabbis excommunicated?

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GemACH sic, Nor should you feel rushed in anything you do, this way you will feel God’s presence that much more.

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Don’t knock something without first trying, which is not to suggest you attempt doing anything which would curtail your punishment here in the hell you have created for yourself such as stringing a rope around your neck.
Torah Gemach
Forget about the apology business already it’s old news. I did see the Rabbi you send me a picture of

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I applaud that committing suicide is against the law even if the intention of bad people was to keep the population consuming the earth’s precious resources.

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GemACH sic, A Narc is primarily focused on making itself happy. I will not oblige in making you happy but you should focus on why you would like to forget the whole apology incident because it showed right there you have a weak mind that all your worshipping of ink on paper hasn’t strengthened.

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How come you don’t remember saying your recognized the sick fuck rabbi’s face when I first showed it to you? Don’t you talk about him amongst your friends at ChaBAD sic headquarters in Brooklyn? Can’t you go back and watch both documentaries in order to share with us his name?
I really do not care if you or me are happy about this.


Torah Gemach
I do not go to headquarters

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This “old news” is very important. Should I explain why?
I do not speak about sick people


Please explain why


Torah Gemach
And also how many times you have to review

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You should shame sick people such as yourself and that rabbi who do harm to good people. That is the Jewish way.
Torah Gemach
You do not know any Jewish ways

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Why have you stopped going to 770 headquarters, is this recent? Have you had a fallout? Did you meet up with Mendel Lipskar?

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GemACH sic, You jumped previously jumped in talking about Republicans which you know is irrelevant along with sexual abuse of minors but in very general terms while mentioning nothing about @Zephaniah Waks’ second eldest Manny Waks who was continuously sexually abused and then tainted by the son of a senior ChaBAD sic rabbi since he was 11.

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Added another of @Zephaniah Waks’ sons, @Levi Waks.

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@Shneur Reti-Waks, a third son is still with us here, and remains a fb friend.

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GemACH sic, There is a much more beautiful world

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still out there, but it won’t last another 25 years.

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GemACH sic, Your life however will remain dealing with the tolerance of ChaBAD sic senior rabbis of sexual deviants of ChaBAD sic held in trusted positions over defenseless children like Manny Waks and the failure of ChaBAD sic worldwide to speak out against the SA Oppenheimers.

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Again, no need to be rushed because GemACH sic you really don’t want to mess up filling those prescriptions for sick people who will need more pills to deal with the side effects and all killing the sick person who doesn’t get out much in the remaining wild.

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GemACH sic, When was the last time you broke a sweat from exercising in the green lush?

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It’s possible you have never once experienced such a miraculous event of GoDNature and even more unlikely you will experience it in the future before you take your last breath, wouldn’t you agree?

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GemACH sic, What is the nicest thing you can share with us about yourself?

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GemACH sic, Aren’t you itching to voluntarily leave NSS ahead of joining us here, a cousin of mine who is spearheading Mark Zuckerberg’s quest to transform Facebook into Meta?

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Shall we quickly move on to metaphors?

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GemACH sic, Did you notice I didn’t give the complete name of Mark Haddon’s first children’s book?

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GemACH sic, While lining up others for the arrival of this cousin who isn’t as communicative as he was initially but his last words on the 29th at 11:22 AM California time are no less meaningful, “It’s been an extremely busy time for me with work and a new born. Please don’t interpret my lack of responsiveness to a lack of interest. 🙂”.

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GemACH sic, You have never run anything other than a small shop drug dispenser catering to sick people closer to death than healthy people, aside from running good people down and applauding scoundrels such as yourself. It must be a terrible feeling if you have made out all your life that you are religious which is synonymous with pious and then realize you haven’t fooled God who presence you feel more than ever and you only wish you could tell God to fuck off.

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Nor does it help that catastrophic feeling of hopelessness if you are already dying from your addiction to dairy meat that your fake prayers didn’t steer you in the smart direction much earlier, certainly before reaching the age of 50 assuming you were in great health to begin with otherwise many years if not decades before, knowing that the world not just ChaBAD sic know your name and full on ugliness.
Torah forwarded an image
Torah Gemach
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Torah Gemach
Gary this is the Rabbi I saw on Sunday he is in America now. He was in that film you gave me the link to.

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How in the world can you write, “You do not know any Jewish ways”? Is the Jewish way to look like those photos of those ugly beasts you sent me? Are sitting up straight? Do you feel that when you return it will include shaving a spine? I don’t think so. Are you aware that not all dogs are treated as well as Mango? When last did God answer your prayers? Was it your mind or God that told you to stop going to ChaBAD sic headquarters where you were born? Are there any other members of the cult who has about the same credibility as Scientology which has no credibility, joining you? Have you cut your beard? You never really feared God, did you? How could you fear God at the same time desecrate your body temple with animal body parts, the worst cow milk, that poison leaving your body disfigured and unattractive to healthy people. Do all the rituals help distract you from all your contradictions? How come you are still wearing a yarmulke?

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GemACH sic, why aren’t you telling me know to put on a yarmulke and lay tefilin?

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GemACH sic, Where does it say in Torah -Jewish Bible that the Land of Israel given to the Chosen People, the Jews, could have Jews now living there and elsewhere, allowed to profit from the sale of these lands given to all the Jews, without the Jews selling or purchasing the lands having to fight on the frontlines to retain those lands?

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GemACH sic, Do you know how to cause a mass exodus of all the ultra Orthodox Jews from the Western-Wailing Wall?
Torah Gemach
Stop the Bubba maises

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GemACH sic, is it a bubbamaises-false story that you have abandoned ChaBAD sic headquarters?
Torah Gemach
When the Jewish people entered the land of Israel, according to their tribe were allocated land. Each according to family size. After the next generation this was not valid.

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Does it say in Torah, “…After the next generation this was not valid?”

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Quote me chapter and verse, not some idiot’s interpretation.
Torah Gemach
Price me a minute please

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Are you asking me to price you a minute of your time? It should be on the tip of your tongue.

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GemACH sic, You know you are not going to find it. You are playing for time.

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GemACH sic, Have you tried almond milk with the skin of the organic almonds removed to help resuscitate your brain?

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@David Levy, you profess to be religious and wear a yarmulke at all times. Can you help GemACH sic find exactly what he says “After the next generation this was not valid”?

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Rabbi @David Masinter you are a senior ChaBAD sic member, you must know?

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How about you rabbi @Larry Shain and rabbi @Abner Weiss ?

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@Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic, have you been taking your meds and that accounts for why you have been so quiet?
Torah Gemach
Was filling an Rx

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Chapter and verse with the exact Hebrew and English translation.
I cannot tell you now in the pharmacy. But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi


Torah Gemach
Ask your local Rabbi

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Edit: How come you don’t remember saying you recognized the sick fuck rabbi’s …

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Edit: … continuously sexually abused and taunted by the son of a senior ChaBAD sic rabbi since he was 11.

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Edit: …realize you haven’t fooled God whose presence you feel more than ever …

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Edit … “sHaving” (sic) a spine?

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GemACH sic, Were you aware you were lying when telling us that most important, but totally ridiculous verse, was in Torah?

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Can you point to where God, not The Inquisition, supported what Rashi had to say?

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@David Levy don’t you feel stupid wearing a yarmulke all these years, fulfilling all the pagan rituals that Spinoza, Einstein and Ben Gurion mocked and now having this GemACH sic not only your spokesperson but exposing all the land profiteers in Israel since its creation in 1948? Are you still the President of the orthodox Jewish “sinogugue” (sic) in La Jolla California that was funded by the terrorist financier, Marc Rich’s aid, member @Roy Essakow who you talk badly behind his back?

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@David Levy, do you know why the Jewish Kapo Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus chose you as Head Boy of our Jewish Day School in Durban, South Africa, Carmel College?

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GemACH sic, Did you excel at any sports in your youth?

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@Solly Krok I will assume given all our communications over the years that you have already asked your long time beneficiary of your monies and time, Mendel Lipskar if there is any crime rabbis such as him high up in the ChaBAD sic organization can commit which would result in their excommunication. It would also be wrong not to bring up with Lipskar the Waks situation as well as how this GemACH sic explains the profiting by Jewish people of land in Israel.

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Fb shows most courageous, honorable @Zephaniah Waks has only 3 fb friends.

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I have now added all 3: @HS Waks

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It is now 11:57 AM California time. It has been only 54 minutes since the world began to learn of the total bullshit of us Jewish people being allowed to profit selling real estate in Israel.

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54 minutes is not very long.

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There is most certainly no prohibition from Jewish people or non-Jewish people who are currently fighting to keep the land in Israel or who have fought in all of Israel’s wars of survival from keeping the best lands for themselves, because that makes common sense.

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You will all notice that in my first article published in the Jerusalem Post, 12 days after the treason pardon of no friend of us Jewish people, terrorist financier Marc Rich, I continued to give real estate “hoarder”, Prime Minister Ehud Barak who allowed himself to get as fat as a pig, the benefit of the doubt that Mossad had a good reason for bringing terrorist financier Marc Rich to the attention of the people.

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The fact that I couldn’t think of any didn’t mean a good reason didn’t exist.

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Don’t you just love this sick fuck GemACH sic suggesting I should ask my local rabbi if Rashi was so stupid?

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Let’s look again at what a most senior Facebook engineering manager last had to say to me while we wait for GemACH sic to provide us with Rashi’s thoughts, which we know cannot make any sense if they come close to what GemACH sic gives as the reasoning for Israelis to profit from the sale of land in Israel; moreover, anything close would make God sound totally stupid and yet most Israelis today quote the Torah as the basis for Israel’s right to the land for real estate speculators to profit from, while Israel’s poor live in tents, and the more destitute sleep on concrete sidewalks in places like Tel-Aviv and the passersby not even raising an eyebrow other than wishing they were long dead.

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“Please don’t interpret my lack of responsiveness to a lack of interest. 🙂”.

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Nor would I have needed my cousin’s encouragement to know that the information I previously provided and followed up with is more interesting and more so relevant to what he is spearheading for Mark Zuckerberg.

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GemACH sic, I’m in two minds about removing you. The most sensible thing is to wait for you to remove yourself.

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But for you to do so it shows you can’t even find Rashi to support your nonsense.

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The only thing you can talk about with expertise is Torah and clearly you know shit because you talk horse-hit.

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Should you still decide to remove yourself, your disgrace doesn’t go away. Nor will you be here on the frontlines to observe this cousin’s reaction.

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GemACH sic, Go ahead and give us the name of this rabbi

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who couldn’t possibly be more disgusting.

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GemACH sic, you were saying that you like all true Republicans so long as they “don’t screw 16 year old girls and cover up molesting 18 year old boys”. Do you think all the rocking back and forth has punched a hole in your brain or shattered all the neurons leaving your stomach neurons to die having no longer stimulus from the brain neurons?

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@David Julian Danziger, my brother in law

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@Roz Norris, only sibling of my mother Zena’s deceased second husband, Alan Zulman

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@Shelley Brivik, classmate from Carmel College Durban

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@Gary Salmo, another CC Durban alumni.

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@Beth Isaacs also a CC Durban alumni

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Some of you who are thinking straight might well be asking what is GemACH sic or anyone from ChaBAD sic doing meeting with that pig rabbi?

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@Beth Isaacs, wasn’t that on the tip of your ugly tongue?
If you read the last couple of sections that were read in Shul these past weeks you will find your answers


Torah Gemach
I am referring to who has ownership of the land in Israel

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@Zephaniah Waks, I don’t know if you can see as well as me who is officially watching this discussion, but you know today not only were you wrong in calling that rabbi and rest “animals” but your wife was wrong in reprimanding you.
Torah Gemach
Gary, I want to ask a question. Why are all the people you mention on your posts almost never answering your questions?

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It is an insult to other animals to call these disgusting, despicable charlatans of the Nth Degree “animals”.

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GemACH sic, Most people are like you, cowardly and dangerous but still you are no match against GoDNature. You know you are the worst kind of Narc which doesn’t mean you are nice or bright. You thought you could pull the wool over my eyes with saying first it is in Torah and then you weakly come back and suggest I ask a local rabbi before then suggesting the Torah covered this land issue in Israel in recent readings. A Narcissist doesn’t care about anything other than making itself happy. The only happy thought you can have is your refusal to leave NSS. The Torah obviously doesn’t mean anything to you because if it did you wouldn’t say there are things in the Torah which you know are not there. That leaves you to seek comfort with others who are weak. Do you feel stronger now?

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GemACH sic, You met with this sick charlatan rabbi who publicly remonstrated against member @Zephaniah Waks and his family, did it feel good to shake his hand? What name did you call him?
I did not have a conversation with him. I just saw him


No I do not feel good


Torah Gemach
Or stronger

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GemACH sic, when you said earlier you no longer go to ChaBAD sic headquarters is that because you have moved and the commute to do your daily pagan rituals was too long or were you once again lying?
That is not what I said


Torah Gemach
I said that I do not live in that neighborhood

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How can you not feel good? You are responsible for your bad actions or do you think God continues to punish you?
How would you know about pagan rituals anyway


Torah Gemach
You just want the dollars that the Rebbe gave to you

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I don’t recall you saying “ I do not live in that neighborhood”, is that what you said?

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Are you saying that you are still a proud member of ChaBAD sic?
Read between the lines and stop hanging on each mistake or meaning of what does this mean and that mean


Torah Gemach
What are Pagan rituals?

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Do you still not know that rabbi’s name? What were your feelings when seeing him?
Torah Gemach
Is that a classic sect

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Do you still not know that rabbi’s name? What were your feelings when seeing him?
Torah Gemach
I almost threw up

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What did he do wrong?
Torah Gemach
Do you think that he wants to be the next Rebbe and hand out dollars?

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@Zephaniah Waks are you paying attention?

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GemACH sic, You just said “I almost threw up”. Do you think he deserves to be excommunicated?
I think that you don’t even know Mr Waks


Torah Gemach
Do you know any of the children?

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GemACH sic, are there any other rabbis who you meet with who make you want to throw up those animal remnants in your gut?
What does excommunicated mean in your understanding?


Torah Gemach
Yes their were others on the wall of shame

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What is your understanding since you are the religious person?
Torah Gemach
I am not a Rabbi who interpret law

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Are you saying that ChaBAD sic have on public display a wall of shame?
I told you to go and see Jewish community watch but you must have missed it when I wrote it to you


Look at the names and pictures. Maybe you will recognize someone


Torah Gemach
It will probably give you alot of stuff to write about and keep you busy for awhile

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How are you doing on finding that Rashi quote? What if you have lied a second time, will mean that when you next tighten the straps around your arm when practicing pagan ritual tefilin, you will try to stop the blood circulation? You haven’t said why you don’t feel good.

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GemACH sic, worshipper of ink on paper and liar, here is what Wikipedia says: Herem (Hebrew: חֵרֶם‎, also Romanized chērem, ḥērem) is the highest ecclesiastical censure in the Jewish community. It is the total exclusion of a person from the Jewish community. It is a form of shunning and is similar to vitandus “excommunication” in the Catholic Church. Cognate terms in other Semitic languages include the Arabic terms ḥarām “forbidden, taboo, off-limits, or immoral” and haram “set apart, sanctuary”, and the Ge’ez word ʿirm “accursed”.

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This rabbi, you say, caused you to want to throw up. Exactly what did he do to make you feel that way?

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GemACH sic, have you thought that the reason you don’t feel good is because you eat poorly and know you are doing other important things wrong?

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GemACH sic, is it too early to revisit why you asked me for forgiveness and I told you to go fuck yourself, but much more politely?
Torah Gemach
It’s very simple. When sexuel predators find a way into religion and say that they are religious and then do things that hurt people sometimes for life, it makes me throw up. Then the good people who missed what has been happening cannot understand how to deal with it and make wrong decisions.
Torah Gemach
You know this and you wanted to revisit this with me.

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Should I tell you the rabbi’s name?
Torah Gemach
As far as what it says in the weekly Parsha in Torah, I will not visit this with you. You must do this yourself. Reason is very simple, you will try to twist and turn everything you read

You sent

Should the rabbis who retaliated against @Zephaniah Waks and his family be excommunicated?
Torah Gemach
I cannot say
Now he responded that he made an error. By your books, one infrastruction is all it takes


Torah Gemach
No repentance

You sent

GemACH sic, you are lying again. You just have to quote Rashi, unless you are making things up that Rashi said so that you can write “As far as what it says in the weekly Parsha in Torah, I will not visit this with you. You must do this yourself. Reason is very simple, you will try to twist and turn everything you read”?
I am so happy that you are not GOD


Torah Gemach
Do I made an error, what are you going to do about it?

You sent

GemACH sic, why did you first lie and say it is in Torah?




Torah Gemach
Seen by Gary twist

You sent

GemACH sic, do you have no shame? I twisted nothing. You said it is in Torah and then you twisted that lie saying Rashi said it but you can’t find it in what Rashi said. Would you call yourself a double liar or a compulsive liar who is getting mentally and physically weaker and can find no comfort in your prayers other than they offer repetition with no meaning?

You sent

GemACH sic, Would you have preferred to be born into a normal household?

You sent

How can a man of God who desecrates his body temple with dead animal carcass and lies about what is in Torah feel weak?

You sent

GemACH sic, do you or don’t you feel weak?
Torah Gemach
Cut all this garbage or I will stop sparing with you and then no one will talk to you

You sent

I understand you are happy that I am not God. I’m also happy that I’m not God but I most certainly respect God and feel God’s presence continuously and always feeling most blessed. In what way are you happy about God’s presence. Is it you or God who makes you feel weak and not good?
Torah Gemach
I will not have a decision about this

You sent

GemACH sic, how upset would your stomach have to feel before you thought that rabbi and rest of the top ChaBAD sic leadership should be excommunicated along with you?

You sent

@Stephanie Marine, do you want to give this sick GemACH sic a hand?

You sent

Levi Waks has left NSS as well as unfriended me on fb. GemACH sic, since you and me are enemies, surely you want to embrace Levi Waks? Levi first wrote to me on 30 October that he doesn’t remember if he was in the sequel, Breaking the Code of Silence, which means first of all if he is telling the truth that he has a poor memory. He is on fb today asking to borrow a trumpet because he says his trumpet has taken too much abuse. GemACH sic, can you help him out?

You sent

GemACH sic, can you think of anything worse than the top ChaBAD sic rabbis who espouse the highest of moral virtues not only covering up the crimes of their sexual predators who prey on defenseless and innocent children like 11 year old Manny Waks but then go about in the most shameful way intimidating Manny and his father @Zephaniah Waks who has more spine than his wife?

You sent

GemACH sic, It is a very ugly world you live in 24/7. How can you stand it for a moment? Is it the money and/or camaraderie of this so ugly sect that is so promoted by the virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers? GemACH sic, do you still need help digesting chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL or would you prefer to talk about land sales/profiteering in Israel?

You sent

@Solly Krok,you remember even your not very bright children and grandchildren tried to warn you to stay away from the Lipskar brothers but to no avail. Now you also know for sure they were intellectuals midgets in keeping with The Fish Rots From The Head Down.

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Open photo

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Fear not @Solly Krok because they are only pawns of the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben who don’t have truth-logic-God at their side.

You sent

@Antony Gordon, you did a zoom session the other day with @Solly Krok, can you give the numbers of attendees and their names? Can you at least say there were as many attending this symposium?

You sent

Edit: … say if there were …
Torah Gemach
Open photo

You sent

@Antony Gordon how would you introduce yourself to our membership such as architect @Antony Unruh and @Tony Leon? Bear in mind, back in 1995, when Leon was head of the political opposition party in South Africa, Democratic Alliance, and funded mostly by Harry Oppenheimer stated categorically, and might I add, the truth, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa? Gordon, did you feel the same way about Harry Oppenheimer and his shills?

You sent

@Antony Gordon, do you have an opinion on why people such as yourself with a high public profile as a public speaker have not spoken in favor of all these sick disgusting ChaBAD sic rabbis being excommunicated and for no one other than the SA Oppenheimers and their shills providing future funding or would you prefer I now talk about the ugliness of the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-Barclays Bank-IG Farben Cryptos?

You sent

GemACH sic, Have you figured out who is my smart cousin working on the cutting edge of augmented reality and virtual reality at Facebook-Meta? Did putting up that photo of a Torah which you lied about just earlier, now make you feel even weaker?

You sent

It is now 2:37 PM California time. It’s less than 4 hours ago that the world woke up from being asleep some 3000 years, completely missing that private land ownership in Israel made no sense unless you were a victorious warrior and still you couldn’t take the land with you when you died. Your heirs would have to show they were worthy, and not based on bloodline. GemACH’s sic words “But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi”. He of course after being caught in his big lie couldn’t be sure his second big lie wouldn’t unravel just as quickly. Us Jewish people have to be logical in dealing with our enemies otherwise their vast numbers will defeat us. If you are going to be given land that others previously occupied even if you were there first, it has to go to all the Jewish people not just those who have rich resources to develop it. It is logical to look at who controls the money by simply looking at who controls the stolen mineral resources first used to develop weapons to grab the lands and mineral beneath.

You sent

Edit:… and minerals beneath.

You sent

GemACH sic, Do you want to put up another photo of one of your fat friends? Go ahead.

You sent

GemACH sic, Another genius thing not covered in Torah is that the imagination cannot predict a positive outcome in the end if someone has behaved as badly as you. Nor does it make any difference if the entire world is as rotten to the core as you. If you don’t believe in the afterlife you cannot possibly believe in God who obviously doesn’t interfere with our choices in this life otherwise wives such as yours wouldn’t want you out of the house as much as possible. You pray “Give me money and a better looking wife who is not fat and ugly so that I don’t have to dance around in a circle with other fat dirty old men eyeing out all the young girls and boys, and I know my wife only gets fat because the pain that accompanies the pain in the joints, ankles, knees etc is the perfect excuse not to have me on to and looking at my godawful face while lower portion pummels away”, not one of those prayers come true.

You sent

So your thinking is that the more prayers and requests to end your suffering, eventually one might work.

You sent

GemACH sic, can you tell me what has worked?

You sent

GemACH sic, You must be talking to God. What is God trying to tell you? Don’t ask me because I am not God. You must know God, surely?

You sent

If you are not fully certain of God then being religious is just an easy crutch for your personality disorder or you are trying to fool people.

You sent

Have you considered changing your religion ?

You sent

Could you see another religion helping you recover from non-Israeli soldiers living in the most sought after properties?

You sent

Edit: … have me on top …

You sent

GemACH sic, Do you still feel Spinoza, Einstein and Ben Gurion were not as bright as you and the Schneerson?

You sent

Open photo

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GemACH sic, Is that rabbi Feigelstock in the photo above, directly behind Prime Minister Begin smiling at Schneerson? Can you find out what they were talking about?

You sent

Edit: Are you sitting up straight?

You sent

Edit:… more interesting than anything he has encountered and more so relevant to what he is spearheading for Mark Zuckerberg.
No, the Rebbe, Rabbi Hadakov, Rabbi Klein, PM Begun


Torah Gemach
I never felt that way about those three. They were smart but their mode of thought regarding belief in GOD is distorted according to many

You sent

Edit: If you have lied a second time, will mean that when you next tighten the straps around your arm when practicing pagan ritual tefilin, you will try to stop the blood circulation?

You sent

GemACH sic, how can a fool, dishonorable person such as you judge the smartness of others?

You sent

What would be the right conditions for those rabbis you say make you want to throw up being excommunicated?
Torah Gemach
Yada Yada yeah yeah and the farmer took another load away

You sent

You obviously don’t like Spinoza so you must be in favor of his excommunication. You see you can make choices even when you have a weak mind. Are you getting your strength back? Do you see yourself and your wife enjoying your thanksgiving Turkey dinner more than ever? Are you starting to see your prayers and pagan rituals increasingly as the harshest burden?
Seen by Fabienne Lacourpaille at Tuesday 4:25pm

You sent

GemACH sic, let us go through it again. It was 11:03AM California time when the world started waking up. It is now 4:22 PM, just over 5 hours ago; in other words not even 24 hours have passed since the world began to wake up from being asleep some 3000 years, completely missing that private land ownership in Israel made no sense, unless you were a victorious warrior, and still you couldn’t take the land with you when you died. Your heirs would have to show they were worthy, and not based on bloodline. GemACH’s sic words “But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi”. He of course,after being caught in his big lie, couldn’t be sure his second big lie wouldn’t unravel just as quickly. Us Jewish people have to be logical in dealing with our enemies otherwise their vast numbers will defeat us. If you are going to be given land that others previously occupied even if you were there first, it has to go to all the Jewish people not just those who have rich resources to develop it. It is logical to look at who controls the money by simply looking at who controls the stolen mineral resources first used to develop weapons to grab the lands and minerals beneath.

You sent

Open photo

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Open photo
Seen by Alan Woolf at Tuesday 11:20pmSeen by Christina Moritsch-Krall at Wednesday 10:07amSeen by Fay Pierides at Wednesday 5:19am
Tommy Simpson
What’s the deal with Elon Musk and Cryptocurrency?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson that is uncharacteristically not distracting. I am stating a fact supported by the facts.

You sent

That was at 6:25 PM California time last evening, Wednesday, 3 November 2021, the day before the 10th anniversary of the South African Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays-Deutsche Bank-Mercedes Benz-BASF-IG Farben selling their ownership of De Beers to themselves.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, you also have been waiting patiently for someone to comment on this GemACH sic a few days ago withdrawing to “maybe”. Tommy do you remember that without having to scroll?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , you also haven’t explained why I would feel spoon-feeding you will bring out the best in you and everyone else the same.
Torah Gemach
@Gary Gevisser please focus on putting me and Chabad and The Rebbe and Rabbi Lipsker and all those Rabbis in Australia and the Sex abuses in focus.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson look at all the names of this membership who you have to choose from to ask. Is there anyone in particular you can think of who would be the most capable of explaining the connection of Musk to Cryptos? What about GemACH sic given how he might know something given how you know he not only missed the second most important test of Judaism, the first he also got wrong.
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson , you also haven’t explained why I would feel spoon-feedi…
Tommy Simpson
I haven’t been able to find a credible link between musk father and diamond cartel. Nor Elon connection.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson do you want me to repeat what I last wrote?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson take all the time in the world. Let me also repeat that I’m keeping my very computer savvy Israeli cousin leading an augmented reality and virtual reality engineering team at Meta-Facebook up to speed on more than what is happening here. The delay in bringing him officially on to NSS doesn’t change the inevitable outcome but it should help you at least be clear in your writings and timeliness without distracting or ignoring what else I write.

You sent

Again @Tommy Simpson or anyone else here on NSS, you have been waiting patiently for someone to comment on this GemACH sic a few days ago withdrawing to “maybe”. Tommy do you, or anyone else remember that, without having to scroll?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson are you keen to meet this cousin?
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson take all the time in the world. …
Tommy Simpson
I’m driving

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, when you pull to the side of the road, will you think of questions to ask my cousin and then write them down?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson let me also know if you noticed that Sofiaan Fravel left NSS right after you asked, “What’s the deal with Elon Musk and Cryptocurrency?”

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, again take all the time you want in the world to respond. In other words don’t be anxious. Everything has its place in this totally orderly universe; you just have to focus on what is important to you. Tommy, out of the blue you ask, “What’s the deal with Elon Musk and Cryptocurrency?”. That must have been hugely important to you, unless you are very lonely as a lizard and wanted to make conversation and could care less about either the question or answer?

You sent

If that is the case why @Tommy Simpson are you still here and not working on your music or finding a more permanent chick, assuming you don’t have someone permanent?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , if I point you in the direction of Sofiaan Fravel with whom I share 182 fb friends, and they are holding steady as is Sofiaan who could have long by now unfriended me and moved on with his very rich lifestyle, does it mean nothing to you? That it would be the same or less than if GemACH sic pointed you?

You sent

@Solly Krok, I will be covering more of what I think makes you tick these days? Be patient.

You sent

@Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic, would you consider yourself calm and collected at this time?

You sent

Who remembers how long it has been since you found out that ultra religious Jewish orthodox have got it all wrong the past 3000 years and GemACH sic has withdrawn to “maybe”?

You sent

Who feels they missed in all their political talk and arguments about economic theories, the following 2 points? First, if you are the first to believe in a single God, and your reward is being given land that others previously occupied, it has to go to all the Jewish people not just those who have rich resources to develop it. Second, the logic to look at who controls the money by simply looking at who controls the stolen mineral resources first used to develop weapons to grab the lands and minerals beneath.
Seen by Solly Krok at 1:01 PM

You sent

@Tommy Simpson when you take pee breaks do you carry your handheld computing device with you? Tommy if you could just stay at home all day, be paid to not go out but your environment can be changed instantly from having dinner with Bob Dylan at different time of his life, you just dial in the time, day and year most interests you about him and the database being updated in real time with others sharing their factual stories which get a rating by an algorithm, to being at the opera seated in the Queen’s box at the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington London and also first chatting with the Queen and Prince Philip who are gracious and compliment you on your dress and decorum, and you tire with Swan Lake and want to be in the middle of a scrum between the All Blacks and the Springboks, and once the ball is out, to the next item appearing in your mind most often, being at the Miss World Competition and choosing which entrant you will be making love to tonight, the next night until you die or the oxygen in the plant runs out, would you give up your trucking job?

You sent

Either this edit: … the oxygen in the “plant” (sic) runs out… OR this edit: … the oxygen in the planet runs out … Whatever is your preference.
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson when you take pee breaks do you carry your handheld compu…
Tommy Simpson
Lol. I already work from home and live in a paradise. I have no desire any of those things you mentioned. I’m not ambitious.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson did you pull over to consider how to get out of persevering with your question, “What’s the deal with Elon Musk and Cryptocurrency?”?
Tommy Simpson
No I stopped to get my tire serviced. Did you figure out the link?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , do you want us to believe that if you didn’t need to work because everything is provided you would still keep your trucking job?
Also. Notice how most major cryptos increase and decrease in value together.


I’ve never been a trucker


Tommy Simpson
I work in IT

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, sorry about that. You are always driving so I assumed you were a trucker.

You sent

Are you saying you would keep your IT job?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson who do you think is best qualified here on NSS to answer your question?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , do you have any idea what the value of Meta-Facebook will be if Zuckerberg pulls it off?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, do you have any idea what the value of Meta-Facebook will be if Zuckerberg-my cousin don’t pull it off?
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson who do you think is best qualified here on NSS to answer your question?
Tommy Simpson
You’re the only person here I know

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, that is not true. We don’t like each other.

You sent

How do you find out about someone like Sofiaan Fravel?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson it’s been a long time for you think about how can avoid saying that I am the only person you know who can answer that question, but you would rather die than attest to my credibility? Why don’t you fuck off?

You sent

Edit: … you to think about how you can avoid…

You sent

@Solly Krok, are you ready for us to revisit this Mendel Lipskar’s brother Chaim Lipskar, both high up in the ChaBAD sic information gathering ChaBAD sic cult, arriving in Amsterdam, Holland from New York City, formerly New Amsterdam, to greet you as you got off the plane from Johannesburg?

You sent

Anyone here understand the business of data collection?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, you work in IT, do you know the answer to that question?

You sent

Anyone here believe in miracles? What about you Nazi “neutral”, @Christina Moritsch-Krall ? Btw, @Christina Moritsch-Krall why would you so unconsciously wrap yourself up in the flag of Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

You sent

Who would like to hear of the multitude of miracles my wife and I have experienced with our equally one of a kind strong heart doggy the past going on a couple of weeks?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, are you increasingly anxious about asking Sofiaan Fravel your question? I think you are. I also think you are not alone in your anxiety given how everyone else here understands the game you are playing. Nor can they like you for getting caught because it makes them that much more uncomfortable. Do you think @Tommy Simpson and GemACH sic, and the rest quiet when not distracting that Zuckerberg has sufficiently bright analysts who would get in an instant the magnitude of this data collection here on NSS and my other symposiums?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson are you also saying that you hadn’t thought about directing your question to Elon Musk’s family are present?

You sent

Is your trepidation that you think both accounts for @Justine Musk @Justine Musk, @Tosca Musk and @Kimbal Musk are all fake? Are you as tricky on other forums?
Tommy Simpson
Family is the last to know the truth. Or accept it. Just say you don’t know what the connection is.

You sent

But you know I know, otherwise you wouldn’t still be here. Do you stick around on other forums where you have been flushed out and told to fuck off?

You sent

Actually, you are wrong @Tommy Simpson, the family are usually the first to know. Did you notice how you jumped around?

You sent

Again, @Tommy Simpson how important is it for you to know the answer to your question? Had you previously not noticed any Musk family member present? Do you think there may be a connection between Sofiaan Fravel and Elon Musk because I told you to check out Sofiaan?
No one is speaking up.


Tommy Simpson
The diamond cartel connection doesn’t check out.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, you are an easy read, the same with GemACH sic who now says he is ready to focus on the sex crimes and coverups of those sex crimes against minor boys by the top ChaBAD sic rabbis?
Tommy Simpson
Any religion that preaches abstinence and monogamy will be rife with sexual deviants.

You sent

You know there is a connection between Elon Musk and Cryptos because has told the world he is heavily invested in Cryptos. So what is your question since you know the link between Musk and Cryptos?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson do you think your question could have bothered Fravel?
Tommy Simpson
Crypto is a fraud. So who besides Elon is in on it and what’s the end game?

You sent

Who do you think is behind it?
Tommy Simpson
I’m here to both you not fravel. Stop deflecting.

You sent

What is “both”?
Probably global banking cartel or WEF.




Tommy Simpson
What are your thoughts on the great reset?

You sent

Why don’t you ask Fravel or others much closer to Musk than me? You show your true colors when you say you are here to bother me. It bothers you that you feel stupid. Should I tell you what you feel stupid about? Don’t you have better things to do than look stupid?
Tommy Simpson
I don’t know them. You’re my friend so I ask you.

You sent

It’s not true. We are enemies.

You sent

You just said you want to bother me.

You sent

Are you fucking stupid or what?
Tommy Simpson
Enemies help each other. Often more than friends.

You sent

I did help you. I told you to learn about Sofiaan Fravel. How much more can I spoon feed an imbecile?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson do you think Elon Musk would have difficulty figuring out you are stupid?
Ok. I looked up sofiaan. I’ll start there


I know exactly what my IQ is.


Tommy Simpson
I’ve been tested twice by the state.

You sent

You obviously don’t think I’m stupid because you keep asking me when you can direct your questions to other members. Do you look at the names of the membership like treacherous GemACH sic?
Never looked. Don’t care.


I’m here for you.


Tommy Simpson
You helped me become Vegan. Always gonna appreciate that

You sent

I understand you feel stupid because you also never figured out the problems with GDP which tells you are stupid unless you figure your high I Q told you not to pay attention to the GDP? Have you changed your opinion on The D I book? Is it still boring? What makes you think I have the answers to your questions?

You sent

Yes you are appreciative of me helping you become vegan but you want to bother me.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson when is your next lol coming through hahahaha?
Tommy Simpson
It’s good to laugh Gary. After all, life is nothing serious.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, I just blocked you on fb messaging and unfriended you.

You sent

Yes you are appreciative of me helping you become vegan but you want to bother me.

You sent

That explains why you would prefer your IT job which is not working at Meta-Fb but you are constantly traveling even if you didn’t have to work.

You sent

“I’m here to bother you … I’m here for you… You’re my friend so I ask you… Enemies help each other often more than friends … You helped me become Vegan. Always gonna appreciate that … I’m here to bother you …life is nothing serious.

You sent

You sent

Btw, @Tommy Simpson who else besides for myself do you think is qualified to answer your question? Btw, who do you think heads up global banking? Didn’t your high IQ tell you to look for that answer in The D I book or did you already know the answer and just want to bother me because enemies help each other more often than friends?

You sent

Why do you think Harry Oppenheimer didn’t approach you to join SA Oppenheimers—De Beers-Barclays Bank at their highest level following your business-economic studies?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , could you see my cousin either hiring you or suggesting to Zuckerberg that you head up all IT for meta-Facebook?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson why have you been so quiet all this time? Is your question a pressing issue with you or was your intention to bother me so you could get lol?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson is there anyone else you can think of besides for Elon Musk who can give you the right answer that was withheld from your high IQ?

You sent

Do you think there could be a problem with the IQ test given how all you geniuses missed the GDP and whole bunch other stuff?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson is there any other question that has been burning you up that you would like to ask me?
Seen by Linda Sante at 3:38 PM

You sent

@Tommy Simpson is there a reason other than getting lols and making a fool of yourself that has you wanting to bother me?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson what drives you the most crazy, trying to bother me or trying to get information out of me but without thanking me for turning you on to The D I book as well as being able to fill in all the critical gaps which keeps the attendance of both my fb symposiums and fb friend count continuing to rise as I don’t hesitate when need be to unfriend imbeciles like you and GemACH sic who remain members of my symposiums which expose all the stupid and their stupidity?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson don’t you agree at some point people like you and GemACH sic are going to stop looking in the mirror altogether?

You sent

When that happens you still won’t be able to get the ugly image of yourself out of your imagination. Just try it.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson do you know of anyone else amongst your fb friends, girlfriends, buddies and colleagues who you have tried to get them to answer your question?

You sent

As a high IQ person don’t you have to get your objectives lined up at the start? What were your objectives, to find a different answer to what you get from The D I book or to bother me?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson was that last and second to last question too concise or too logical for you to answer?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson what are your ambitions on Meta-Facebook?
Tommy Simpson
You didn’t answer my question about Claus Schwab and the WEF. D I didn’t mention them.

You sent

Why then did you come back with a different question once I ignore your stupidity? Again, aa high IQ person don’t you have to get your objectives lined up at the start? What were your objectives, to find a different answer to what you get from The D I book or to bother me?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson would you like to hear a suggestion from me?

You sent

Edit: Again, “aa” sic high IQ …

You sent

@Tommy Simpson can you give a count of how many beers and hard liquor you have consumed throughout your life?
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson can you give a count of how many beers and hard liquor yo…
Tommy Simpson

You sent

Why then did you come back with a different question once I ignore your stupidity? Again, as a high IQ person don’t you have to get your objectives lined up at the start? What were your objectives, to find a different answer to what you get from The D I book or to bother me?
Tommy Simpson
And every psychedelic you can name

You sent

Why then did you come back with a different question once I ignore your stupidity? Again, as a high IQ person don’t you have to get your objectives lined up at the start? What were your objectives, to find a different answer to what you get from The D I book or to bother me?
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
Why then did you come back with a different question once I ignore your …
Tommy Simpson
Yes I have objectives. Not for a different answer per se but YOUR answer. Your perspective.

You sent

Why would you want my perspective when I consider you stupid and treacherous unless you agree with my findings about you?
Tommy Simpson
Klaus Schwab. The great reset. Not in D 1

You sent

But you know my answer because you gave read The D I book which explains everything that you don’t want to hear. So you have a conflicted mind and all you want to do is bother me and hope you will trick me into giving you a different answer.

You sent

You know what Einstein had to say about insanity.

You sent

Edit: … you have read The D I book …
Tommy Simpson
Yes. Time doesn’t stand still. New developments are always happening.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson how many months has it been since you decided to make your reappearance? Do you see that you have the full support of those quiet when they are not distracting?
Tommy Simpson
The WEF is important

You sent

Is it important because you say so?

You sent

Again, why then did you come back with a different question once I ignore your stupidity? Again, as a high IQ person don’t you have to get your objectives lined up at the start? What were your objectives, to find a different answer to what you get from The D I book or to bother me?

You sent

Who else, @Tommy Simpson , do you consider smart like yourself? Do you consider me smart?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , how good would you say you are at chess? I consider myself average.
Seen by Steven Bailey at 4:16 PM
Tommy Simpson
I’ve played a lot of chess. I’m above average but not expert.
Torah Gemach
Koppel Bocher has your number

You sent

Do you consider me smart? If so in what area?

You sent

GemACH sic, you know I don’t know this Koppel Bocher. Do you mention his name to distract and/ or to threaten me because you too are falling apart.

You sent

GemACH sic, did you previously read today’s hot story about more sick ultra orthodox Jewish rabbis?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson don’t be distracted by your friend GemACH sic. Who else, @Tommy Simpson , do you consider smart like yourself? Do you consider me smart?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson do you know that you are in checkmate position. Can you find me an expert you know in chess who would disagree with me?

You sent

GemACH sic, I’ve typed the name Koppel Bocher into Google and nothing shows up. I also don’t recall those names in the 2 documentaries exposing the egregious malfeasance of ChaBAD sic.

You sent

So @Solly Krok, as @Tommy Simpson and GemACH sic contemplate their navel looking to see if their future is an egg, although rattlesnakes I learned the other day from a neighbor who is a retired professor from a community college, give birth to live offspring, let’s revisit what the Dutch attorney Chaim Lipskar pointed you to who after the schmoozing in his lavish study pulled me aside to let me know “Solly has young daughters. You see that man strung out on heroin to the side of the bridge, it costs just $25 to kill someone here in Amsterdam.”

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@Solly Krok , you might want to ask Mendel Lipskar if the price has gone up?

You sent

@Solly Krok, I have also been communicating more with King Golden Jr. Esq. who back in the fall of 1989 I was keeping abreast of Chaim Lipskar “running interference”, although King is just listening and knowing that I’m also sharing his and my communications with this cousin who it won’t be long now before I add him to the membership of NSS assuming that is possible.

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@Solly Krok, King Golden Jr. Esq. was no fool which is why he and I stuck together very closely from the very early 80s and well after I brought him in to assist me first with the problems you were having with Philips BV who King and I now had by the short-hairs. It was just a question of time before they showed more of their hand.

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GemACH sic, tell us again who is Koppel Bocher and what do you mean he has my number?

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GemACH sic, When did you forget that presenting yourself as religious that it meant you were righteous which is the opposite of a trickster even if he asks for forgiveness but then calls it mistake because the request was insincere?

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@Tommy Simpson you know how some chess players at the end jump around even though they know they are checkmated. @Tommy Simpson don’t be distracted by your friend GemACH sic. Who else, @Tommy Simpson , do you consider smart like yourself? Do you consider me smart?
Yes Gary. You’re smart. GemACH not so much but his heart is more pure and that is significant.


Tommy Simpson
Heart > Mind

You sent

Yeah, really his heart is more pure. Birds of a feather.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , you are still in checkmate. What area am I smart?

You sent

GemACH sic, do you want to try and help out again your friend @Tommy Simpson ?
@Gary Gevisser what do the stars look like tonight? Are you focused and aware of that which really matters?


Tommy Simpson
Yes gem and I are surely brothers.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , I’m looking at both Jupiter andVenus without tilting my head; can you do the same?

You sent

Can you see Mercury with the naked eye?

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@Tommy Simpson you know there is no rejoicing in either your or equally sick fuck GemACH’s sic hearts.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson , you know you are checkmated and why you will jump of a cliff before telling me my area of expertise.

You sent

But still you can say what is your evidence that your friend GemACH sic has a pure heart?

You sent

What is the first thing you look at if someone wears their religiousness high up on their lapels?
Seen by Jenny Arenstein - Friedman at 6:55 PM

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@Tommy Simpson why do you think the worst of you Gentiles support ChaBAD sic along with the worst of us Jewish people other than Jewish people who are ignorant?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson you must be getting dinged by fb notifications up the kazoo.

You sent

Why bother me if you think I am smart?

You sent

You only wanted to prove that you can’t be so stupid. You are the same as GemACH sic.

You sent

Why bother looking up to the stars when you can’t predict a positive outcome at the end which is likely to be less than 25 years for all of us, absent a miracle which requires the Hand of God which a corrupt person such as yourself and GemACH sic cannot possibly believe and all the religious rituals are to keep up a routine to assist them from going mad.

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@Tommy Simpson have you seen the 2 documentaries about the Waks family of Melbourne Australia and GemACH’s sic sick reaction?

You sent

Simpson, let’s cut it short

You sent

You remember that Hitler and Mussolini were great friends.

You sent

Hitler even arranged for crack SS troops to free Mussolini when he was first captured.

You sent

Given your high IQ and knowledge of the world that comes easier if you are smart, you would know the second time Mussolini got caught by the partisans whose ranks had been thinned out considerably, the partisans wasted not time in executing Mussolini despite his pleas for mercy.

You sent

The important point is that Hitler couldn’t help Mussolini a second time.

You sent

Your friendship @Tommy Simpson with GemACH sic is one of convenience.

You sent

Both of you know there is nothing smart or honorable about either of you but you also both have enough intelligence to figure out that if a Creator of this universe exists, the two of you are fucked going forward. That is logical.

You sent

So @Tommy Simpson let’s get back to what area do you think I am smart other than I have checkmated you and you find comfort with GemACH sic who for good reason has admitted he is unhappy?

You sent

Exciting day tomorrow.
Seen by Tommy Simpson at 7:20 PM

You sent

@Tommy Simpson you give a heart, you big coward, to my writings at 7:13 PM Calif time, “Exciting day tomorrow.”

You sent

Fb senior analysts would know you are glued to your fb like a fly to shit.

You sent

GemACH sic, doesn’t show that the two of you are fb friends. Why is that?

You sent

What sort of devious fellow would call me smart and also want to bother me just because I expose them as rotten to the core and intellectually dishonest?

You sent

People like you survive because you enjoy more than anything instilling fear which makes the job of puppets such as Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin easy.

You sent

Yet you have these thoughts in your head that you are all about love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️.

You sent

The fact that there are so many of you vile hypocrites, completely unconscious does not mean the Creator isn’t watching every move.

You sent

The smartest people in the world have never questioned the Divinity but they also know that the ruling elite would first corrupt the senior clergy of all the religions.

You sent

That is common sense, wouldn’t you agree @Tommy Simpson who has very negative views on religion.

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@Tommy Simpson could you see yourself hanging out with GemACH sic if he accepts your fb invitation?

You sent

GemACH sic, will you hang out with @Tommy Simpson if you send him a fb invitation and he accepts?

You sent

@Tommy Simpson, you acknowledge that GemACH sic is dumber than me, but you can’t really trust someone you know is untrustworthy so why would you say positive things about GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend?

You sent

So I conclude that the two of you are lying and you would make horrific witnesses under cross-examination.

You sent

Again, tomorrow is something to look forward to if you know you don’t have to watch your back.

You sent

@Tommy Simpson what’s for dinner this evening? Do you have a beautiful date or are you focused on the virtual reality just around the corner when you can pick your own Miss World and get to sleep with her until you bore.

You sent


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@Tommy Simpson can you see yourself participating in a Facebook-Meta focus group?

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@Tommy Simpson and GemACH sic, how do the two of you feel right now?

You sent

GemACH sic, what evidence do you have that God loves you other than @Tommy Simpson ‘s support of you?
Torah Gemach
Good question. Here is the answer. GOD loves all his creations even me. This is because I was created to serve GOD in some way that others can not. Just as you are.

You sent


You sent

GemACH sic, Do you see God as ever punishing you? Are you going to get an early night’s sleep?
GOD does not punish. We may think this concept.


Torah Gemach
I think punish is an old Baba tail

You sent

GemACH sic, why are you unhappy?
Torah Gemach
I am not unhappy

You sent

GemACH sic, why are you unhappy?
Torah Gemach
Are you?

You sent

Didn’t you say earlier that you were unhappy or that you didn’t feel good?

You sent

I’m very happy.

You sent

Who is this Koppel that you just threw in?
I am very happy that you have a great ouyloom


He lives in South Africa


Torah Gemach

You sent

Why should I know that he has my number?
Torah Gemach
What city did you come from in South Africa?

You sent

Treacherous GemACH sic, Why should I know that he has my number?
Torah Gemach
Because he does not tolerate BS

You sent

GemACH sic, you know that the concept that God does not punish is not Jewish.
Torah Gemach
I dont

You sent

GemACH sic, how are you doing in finding out if Rashi wrote that crap?

You sent

GemACH sic, doesn’t Yom Kippur have to do with punishment, who shall live and who shall die and who shall get ill in the year ahead?
Torah Gemach
I am not looking

You sent

GemACH sic, you are not looking because you have been caught in two bold face lies.
Yous taking the nesania tokef out of context


Torah Gemach
I am not lying

You sent

There is nothing in Torah or in the commentaries that says Jewish people can profit more than other Jewish people from the land of Israel given to all the Jewish people. You are a liar.

You sent

GemACH sic, do you now feel stronger now that you have won this important debate with me?
Torah Gemach
Please give me some more adjectives

You sent

Liar fits. You feel weaker because you know you have lost the most important debate of your life.
Torah Gemach
I do not feel weaker
Torah Gemach
Open photo

You sent

Why not, are you a sociopath? Remember you first said the Torah says individual Jewish people who are richer than others, have access to more money, can profit from the sale of land in Israel that was given to all the Jewish people and then you said you got it wrong and “maybe” Rashi said this nonsense.

You sent

If you don’t like liar, what word would you use to describe your lies, trickery and deceit of the highest order? That you are just stupid and confused by your lies?

You sent

GemACH sic, You see people like anti-Semitic @Tommy Simpson have no clue about your sect cult and if they ever come across you in the street, they just think you are weird, but never the devil in disguise.

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GemACH sic, It will be even clearer tomorrow. Sleep in it assuming God doesn’t let you have a restful night sleep.

You sent

Btw GemACH sic, if God doesn’t punish what is to stop you from being a hypocrite?
Torah Gemach
I have to go to sleep
Seen by Torah Gemach at 8:30 PM

You sent

GemACH sic, what gave the corrupt rabbis of Amsterdam the right to punish Spinoza with excommunication and yet you say God doesn’t punish? Does God leave punishment up to the corrupt church; namely, The Inquisition to turn our rabbis?

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GemACH sic, Why tonight of all nights have you grown weary, slow and defeated and decided you are not going to burn the candle at both ends? When did you last eat an animal that had a heartbeat?

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GemACH sic, it is 11:37 PM your time. When last did you go to sleep so early?

You sent

@Solly Krok does GemACH’s sic question, “What city did you come from in South Africa?” remind you of the Lipskar brothers answering you, “We don’t talk about it!” in response to your logical question “Where was God during The Holocaust?”?

You sent

@Solly Krok do you see where GemACH sic gets his “God does not punish” and his false Messiah Schneerson who never stood up for the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s, preaching that there are no innocent victims to a crime, not even the rape of 11 year old Jewish boys by trusted ChaBAD sic officials?

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@Solly Krok how can you debate people who only debate those who agree with them?

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@Solly Krok , let me know what you find out about this Koppel Bocher. Check with Mendel Lipskar and member ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter

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@Solly Krok note as well for tomorrow, GemACH sic writing his defamatory “You do not know any Jewish ways” back on Tuesday, 2 November 2021 at 9:20 AM.
