Name someone stupid – 2
Name someone stupid – Part 1 – CLICK HERE
Screenshot 9:43 PM August 18, 2021
Tue August 17, 2021; 11:32 AM
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Tue 3:44 PM
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Does just the thought of beauty and everyone getting along bother you far worse than presently when the next person is able to say to you “fuck off” for no other reason than it makes them feel good?
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
You added Tommy Simpson to the group.
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You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
You added Tommy Simpson to the group.
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@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you know like Israel Prime Minister Bennett and all the rest of actors, no one was caught flatfooted with the “sudden turn of events”.
Only the brainwashed masses have that excuse, but many of them are here.
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The first step before the chopping off of the mountain peaks is playing in bumper cars
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Tommy replied to you
Original message:
The first step before the chopping off of the mountain peaks is playing in bumper cars
What is meant by chopping off mountain tops?
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and using the gym at the Presidential palace
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@Tommy Simpson, you remember saying how you had finished reading the title of chapter 9 of The D I book, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET REPORT OF THE OSS/CIA and you found it boring; but of course you were lying.
You are not alone in feeling stupid.
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson, you remember saying how you had finished reading the tit…
I’m still on that chapter. I’m a busy man. Working for the capitalists and enjoying friends and music. Hitler will have to wait.
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I can safely say he is an utter idiot.
Quote Jung or someone will some sense.
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I rather quote you.
Can it get any more stupid than you writing last Wednesday at 5:46 PM Calif. time, “Why anyone would buy a diamond is beyond me besides industrial”?
“… besides industrial”?
When did you learn that it was industrial diamonds sent to Hitler that kicked into motion the World War II and the slaughter of 6 million Jews?
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A minute before you may remember writing, “Diamonds are stupid. I’m on chapter 9. Boring shit.”
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@Tommy Simpson could you with all your poetry and music have come up with a better title for chapter 9 than Professor Edward Jay Epstein?
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@Tommy Simpson, you are a constant talker of nonsense and you know it; but never expecting that someone such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer would nail you and most all humans perfectly.
I will retype what Bonhoeffer is credited with saying just ahead of his brutal execution.
In the meantime, you have the opportunity to speak with someone like litigator Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who is not only a member of the Democratic National Committee but controls the purse strings of the Biden family, something that you don’t get to do on a regular basis at one of your gigs; and btw I don’t think you have a good voice, but others may differ.
Go ahead and ask Mr. Krinsk anything that is on your mind.
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Bonhoeffer – Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and if need be, prevented by use of force.
Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease.
Against stupidity we are defenseless.
Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.
For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one.
Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
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@Tommy Simpson do you feel any sense of unease?
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Is it really comforting that you join the company of the overwhelming majority of humans?
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@Tommy Simpson, was it sufficient for your mind when first reading, “Diamonds for Hitler” before uttering your foolishness of the nth degree, that it simply need not be believed?
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@Tommy Simpson is this they way you were raised and/or part of the personality you were born with that you become critical and that much more stupid against which there is no defense?
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@Tommy Simpson, how inconsequential was World War I and its continuation World War II for you?
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@Tommy Simpson, why don’t you describe in your own words how utterly self-satisfied you feel?
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@Tommy Simpson, you are easily irritated, wouldn’t you agree?
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@Tommy Simpson, wouldnt you agree that with your FOOLS NAME, FOOLS FACE IN PUBLIC PLACES you are less likely to become dangerous by going on the attack?
Yesterday at 4:47 PM
Tue 4:47 PM
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@Tommy Simpson when you click on the link
which I earlier provided you will understand what Professor Edward Jay Epstein learned around the time he first met with Harry Oppenheimer on December 4, 1978; and that meeting you remember is mentioned at the top of chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON.
Common sense, if you had any, would have told you that all wars are a real estate play.
Only if you knew that would you be able to say that The D I book is “Boring shit”.
Not even Bob Dylan or anyone else at Woodstock came close to getting it right.
Dylan didn’t even figure out that the Vietnam War was a distraction from the ongoing invasion of mineral rich South Africa.
I also very much doubt that you have hit lyrics that talk to wars; namely land theft having absolutely nothing to do with patriotism-country, race or religion; simply put a genocide of the poor.
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So @Tommy Simpson, why not study carefully what Bonhoeffer had to say and if the hat fits, wear it.
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@Tommy Simpson, the literate human who is unaccomplished has to let off steam by laughing off its stupidity.
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But granted you are having great difficulty with that; and the other option of choosing to be humble is simply not in your vocabularly as it is also missing from all present who are a representative sampling of the world’s literate population and that would of course include Presidents Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton, to name but 5 odd Presidents who would have been handed the SA Oppenheimer-De Beers-IG Farben playbook no later than their very first CIA briefing which takes place within hours of becoming President-elect.
In the case of President Bill Clinton he would have found it upon his arrival at Oxford University when he joined the Class of ’68 Rhodes-De Beers Scholars.
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This again is all common sense but for those lacking common sense The D I book is nothing short of terrifying.
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“People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” ~ MDG
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@Tommy Simpson, you were tagged a bunch of times since I began posting up on our mutual fb friend, @Nelson Guedes‘ wall starting this past Friday, August 13 at 10:46 AM California time, in the event Guedes who you say you “love” didnt give you a heads up.
How much clearer could I have possibly been than what I wrote on Sunday at 5:58 PM:
Let me know if you would like me to move on to how all this, including what you find in my conversations with Simpson where I talk about how easy it was for the recently departed head of Mossad, Yossi Cohen to accept a $20,000 bribe from an Australian billionaire on the occasion of the marriage of Cohen’s daughter, and it is like water over a duck’s back to most all, if not all Israelis, ties in with the retaking of Kabul by the manufactured terrorist Taliban who could have already changed their tune, giving up beheading innocent and defenseless victims in exchange for agreeing to chop off the mountain tops surrounding Kabul to make way for residential developers to build castles for diplomats who don’t already have their castles such as the former Dutch Ambassador to Kabul, Geoffrey van Leeuwen who has his 15th-17th century Chateux de la Barre offered on AirBnb at $1247 a night.
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@Tommy Simpson, do you have the first clue what I am talking about?
You added Linda Sante to the group.
Beth Isaacs left the group.
Harold Joffe left the group.
You added Jay Are to the group.
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Conversations with @Jay Are which should strike a raw nerve as it did with him and his family member Hilton Ellis who decided to hit the censor button; it is always a lack of argument:
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Continuing with @Jay Are on Facebook messaging:
You added Alec J Drobis to the group.
Today at 5:29 PM
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Everything, including member @Tommy Simpson pulling out all stops to avoid commenting on President Richard Nixon’s treason speech of August 15, 1971 and which also escaped all acadamia this past half century, at least until I began making everyone aware of Nixon’s gross nonsense and which common sense would have told you made absolutely no sense, all comes back to the money; and very specifically how the money is valued.
It is most unnerving to the very rich who are also the most powerful and that would include the more recent James Bond 007 actor, Daniel Craig who can command with just one performance which may only involve a few hours work on the set, well in excess of $100 million.
The same of course for their managers and PR people like member @Larry Winokur who hover around these readers of scripts like their lives depend on it, because in fact their lifestyles are directly linked to the big wage earners.
It is no less unnerving when a newcomer such as member @Jay Are just goes off half-cocked because others such as our membership as well as others either family members or friends failed to clue him in and his upbringing in South Africa was clearly of no help.
No later than 12:51 PM Calif. time, Mr. Are got to read ahead of anyone else, other than those monitoring our discussions, and to repeat, the following:
“That’s what gets them to shut up, the lack of logical argument… after they have yelled all their limited repertoire of obscenities… which usually consists in a big FUCK YOU.”
At approximately 12:46 PM he was added to NSS and while he has now blocked me on fb messaging and unfriended me, it appears that he remains a member of NSS.
Nor has he spoken since his two “thumbs up” which were preceded by his writings to me at 12:03 PM which again read:
“Who is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to get vaccinated? Nobody, so once again sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up and leave me and my family alone
Now please for the last time, kindly go fuck yourself and have a great day”.
When I cut and pasted from fb messaging onto this symposium I left out that it was he, @Jay Are, who wrote, “Who is hold… kindly go fuck yourself and have a great day.”
One cannot stress enough how very similar are the Poverty of Thought [POT] throughout the world; and it has nothing to do with country, religion, race, gender, sexual preferance, only the personality you were born with and your conditioning which is the environment.
It is now 5:45 PM and we shouldn’t forget either Black Hatter @Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend who hasn’t spoken up since I answered his repeated question, “Do you have a day job?” with “It is to expose people like you”
which takes us back here on NSS to August 9.
It is expected of the religious that they have greater enlightenment, not because they most often forsake their body temple which is a dead giveaway that they are hypocrites deluxe, but because they want the rest of humanity to believe that they are closer connected to God-Creator of all things including mathematics-logic and language which is clearly not a survival need.
Again look at the limited repertoire of obscenities which usually consists in a big FUCK YOU.
The inherent contradictions of the religious are very easily overlooked by corrupt politicians and business people who are eager to goggle up whatever crap comes out of the mouths of the religious, just so long as they are nice with the breadwinner.
The problem occurs the moment one starts reading Professor E J Epstein’s The D I book and the chilling reality sets in that religious leadership of the world, just like the politicians only need to pick up the phone to the South African Oppenheimer family to win their daily bread.
Let’s now go back to how quickly is Mr. @Jay Are earlier today at 11:41 AM PST to write to me, “I don’t see what any of my family’s history has to do with you being an idiot” and the lead in to that vomit was my perfectly legitimate question, “Were you or your parents-grandparents raised in Apartheid South Africa?”.
You cannot expect people such as @Tommy Simpson and his buddy @Nelson Guedes to understand the wealth distribution of the Apartheid Regime of South Africa who ruled uninterrupted from 1948, beginning on May 26, 1948 when the fledgling State of Israel was now into her 11th day of bloody fighting which the world’s superpowers expected to be over long before sunset on day one; namely May 15, until 1994 when the puppet Nelson Mandela came to power and never made a single important decision without first getting Harry Oppenheimer’s approval, because the likes of Simpson and Guedes don’t have the first clue about how the economy of the United States works and that is because they are both horrific reads of history.
Their history books are mostly the TV news programs and magazines they read which they like because it is what they want to hear.
What they in fact want to hear is not their orginal thinking because that all ended soon after they were born.
Their parents-care givers, teachers and professors at university were no less brainwashed; and it has been this way long before the start of the American Civil War back in 1861.
When they come across that the richest banker in the world JP Morgan committed treason on top of unjustly enriching himself and his partners during the Civil War by modifying guns Morgan first received from the US armory and which ended up doing more harm to Union soldiers than the enemy Southerners, they simply blow it off, “ancient history blah blah” but as we all understand it is their defensive mechanism for being so horribly fooled.
@Tommy Simpson still hasn’t changed his tune about corrupt “Zionists” running the world because what bothers him perhaps more than his voice which he obviously likes to hear a lot otherwise why be a muscian when you are very mediocre at best, is having to admit that he was not bored shit after reading chapter 9 of The D I book, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.
That chapter places a full on monkey wrench in the spokes of the wheels of all anti-Semites who are also anti-Israel even when they say there is a difference.
So why is it that us Jewish people have yet to put people like @Tommy Simpson and let’s name another idiot anti-Semite, member @Steven Bailey out of their misery?
Let’s see if we can enourage others including Guedes, Simpson and Bailey to share their thoughts on this important subject.
@Stephanie Marine and @Stephen Ross, surely you have an opinion beyond wanting to sit here grabbing as much as you can so that when you are out and about and you run into someone you know which could simply be the next time you speak with one another, you are not going to be blind-sided.
Remember, it is all about how the money is valued and how each of you have never questioned in your entire lives the efficacy of the Gross Domestic Product economic index.
The GDP is no less a calamity for the religious because it is the base for keeping the poor of the world downtrodden.
What sort of God would fool his hero-worshippers, is not the logical question.
What sort of fool are the religious who worship ink on paper?
God has nothing to do with the bad choices each of us make when provided the important information.
No one touches the GDP because it is earthshattering.
To a religious person who has allowed their body temple to go to hell, the GDP is nothing less than the nail in their coffins.
Now it is time to discuss in great detail the South African Jewish community following the defeat of the great Jan Christiaan Smuts in the May 26, 1948 General Election.
Is everyone seated?
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added back South African-Israeli health-education official, Beth Isaacs to the group.
Beth Isaacs left the group.