Name someone stupid (9)
Name someone stupid – Part 8 – CLICK HERE
Friday, September 3, 2021, – 5:33 PM
“He can think 3 moves ahead of them. Trust me. He’s a genius!”
I, along with a close buddy of mine, a former Flotilla 13 commando
September 4 at 10:08 AM
, a Sabra, and whose mother is English, like my mother Zena
ran into Oded, “He can think 3 moves ahead of them. Trust me. He’s a genius!” a few months after Epilady USA Inc. officially closed its doors and the fleecing continued, at a nearby Italian restaurant, a regular watering hole for the Epi executive staff; and yes “He can think 3 moves ahead of them. Trust me. He’s a genius!” Oded and member @Craig Shandler all playing business while lining their pockets which didn’t bother the Trustee in the least, under the Peter Principle, “Never hire anyone more competent than yourself”.
Cutting to the chase, Guy Friedman didn’t need me to coach him on how to “debrief” Oded.
Guy’s perfect English, no trace of an Israeli accent, is not what destroyed Oded, because after I made the introductions in English, which Oded perfectly understood, as it was only when he spoke that a normal person couldn’t understand a word, Guy asked him directly in Hebrew which unit he served in?
Guy didn’t need to provide Oded with his CV.
Hebrew is precise to begin with.
GemACH sic, are you watching the clock for the Sabbath to end in New York which is still a few hours away?
How are you thinking of breaking your silence?
May I suggest you check out a university economics text book to guide you on how real estate prices are determined.
September 4 at 2:23 PM
The gay guys are more into looking good than the women.
You get rid of the indigenous peoples and then reward real estate speculators-developers who chop away at the green without a thought other than it takes up precious real estate, and one property buys another, soon the remnants are speaking the language of their slave master, their culture lost, and all thinking the same money talk, “maximize profits”, fill up the Mar Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Malls-Spas and that simply requires tapping into scripture mantra “be fruitful and multiply”; and the green you no longer miss is non-existent replaced by increasingly empty malls, but the few shoppers see nothing wrong to stand in line at Louis Vuitton and then pay for the privilege of being a free Louis Vuitton walking billboard.
The Marines,
not quite with “sense of belonging” since the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan but seen as a great victory by all the warmongers
are coming.
But whose side are the drones on?
We keep coming back to the price of real estate.
Real estate is what this GemACH sic said Schneerson discussed with Begin, but Begin didn’t listen.
When you look at a group of people who all cluster together under the same roof and see that they are sicker than the rest of the population increasingly obese, you assume there has to be a spark of intelligence.
Why is it that no one can explain why they hate The D I book so much?
Let me explain more.
Economics is the most boring subject at university, second only to finance.
@Alan Cline , would you agree with that?
If you didn’t study finance and economics at university you are more likely to think George Soros, @Harry Rady and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow are geniuses.
Who first realized that both economics and finance are in violation of the double entry accounting system?
September 4 at 6:12 PM
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The 180+ membership of NSS is not such a small number when it is possible to draw statistically significant findings.
Let me explain.
I ask questions including, do you remember anything about GemACH SIC who is fat and he also has a fat wife?
When paying to go to a comedy store and you don’t find the comedian on stage funny, you are free to go unless you are being paid to help draw a crowd.
No one really has left because they are bored.
The richest of the membership stay put.
Telling someone that they are fat and their wife as well is bullying
You sent
Their time is the most valuable monetarily and it is only money that has you involved with social media otherwise you would be on your super yacht trying to attract the hottest woman to fuck the remainder of your life, and we can agree it wouldn’t be GemACH’s sic wife.
Welcome back GemACH SIC.
What kept you away so long other than you hated more people knowing what bothers you about The D I book?
You say that I’m a self hating Jew, is that correct?
GemACH sic, are you also aware that most non-Jewish people such as @Tommy Simpson and @Steven Bailey have never heard of The Schneerson?
For those of you interested; and who remember that GemACH SIC has never said a positive thing about me and my mother Zena and we also know he is most let’s assume he is also jealous of my gorgeous wife, I had no idea what Schneerson looked like.
But, I did know he couldn’t be trusted.
Those of you who haven’t heard of The Inquisition (1492 – ) should read The D I book.
Those of you who have, there’s a book out there, it is free, no cost but your time. It is called The D I book.
@Gary Gevisser I do not know your wife or have ever seen pictures of her so go back to your corner. You have a major fantasy issue and Take me out of it
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GemACH sic, were you aware that Israel was a nuclear superpower when Begin was brought to power?
GemACH sic,
Are you aware of the negotiating power of a nuclear superpower?
Btw, should I have my wife model a pant outfit?
GemACH sic, do you know the smell of something rotting?
GemACH sic,
You agree it is a trade negotiation when a country is threatening war.
Israel doesn’t want to wipe out her enemies.
Her enemies have been trying to wipe her out from the start.
What don’t you understand?
Torah Gemach
Stop being elusive and stop putting people down and then talk about things that have nothing to do with hiw you bully
I am not interested in your wife. It is against Halocha
You sent
Was it better for the economy of Israel and the Jewish people in general that the SA Oppenheimers succeeded in wiping out the last pocket of resistance in Israel?
GemACH sic, is it possible that you don’t see you have broken God’s laws?
GemACH sic, could the Schneerson not see the plight of the last pocket of Jewish resistance?
Who else could they call upon for help, other than the Schneerson?
What help would he have given?
GemACH sic, when did you stop thinking, that, I was all over the board?
Have you thought of all the people they have abused?
It is global.
The person who serves you at REI.
They are numerous.
GemACH sic, is it that you feel no shame?
What don’t you like about my mother Zena?
What were the conversations with Begin that were kept secret from you?
Are you upset that I’m exposing the Schneerson?
He wasn’t bright about the poison foods you all eat.
September 4 at 7:42 PM
Sat 7:42 PM
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7:42 PM Calif time.
September 4 at 8:00 PM
Sat 8:00 PM
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Joining a religious group that is so persecuted is not tempting.
It depends how you look at it.
Their survival is a big failure or a great success.
Yesterday at 10:07 AM
Sun 10:07 AM
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Not that they want any Maries or Josephs converting.
They are just trying to get the Jews to join.
Jewish kids are not taught the history of The Inquisition into modern day times.
It comes as a shock to them that there is anything wrong with Jewish people being disproportionately rich in real estate acquisition-development which they are encouraged from a young age is an honorable profession which takes ingenuity, foresight, people skills and luck.
Joining a religious group that is so persecuted is not tempting.
It depends how you look at it.
Their survival is a big failure or a great success.
GemACH sic, note that I have taken a break from bashing imposter Schneerson and the ChaBAD sic cult, informers of good Jewish people or pointing out that like you represent the self-hating Jew which is obvious from your ugly, unhealthy looks that logically has you playing right into the Nazi caricatures of the “Dirty Jew” and spreading vile, anti-Semitism and your weak preachings “There are no innocent victims to a crime” and we mustn’t forget your rapists
of children, and while not the most vulnerable dark skinned, it is you who is the bully-bullies.
For you to know so much detail of the conversations between bought, stupid Menachem Begin and the Schneerson who could have told you that being vegan is kosher without having to pretend you are praying to a healthy, only good spiritual being who created such magnificent Order that man’s illogical thinking pits its survival against perfect nature which we know for certain man didn’t create, you must know who promoted Schneerson.
So what is it GemACH sic, in your eyes, a big failure or a great success?
Edit: … and why not the most vulnerable dark skinned …
Yesterday at 4:37 PM
Sun 4:37 PM
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GemACH sic, you are sitting on the edge of your seat wanting to speak.
Go ahead, give it a shot.
GemACH sic, have you heard of member salesman, @Foster Gamble who I take strong issue with all his distractions, not an ounce of goodness in anything he puts out, do you think he is paying less attention than you and Mr. Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq.?
GemACH sic, why do you think I pay so much attention to you?
Should I tell you why it is, that, I see the survival of us so very few Jewish people, a great success?
GemACH sic, when would you like me to share with you the involvement of the top echelon of ChaBAD sic in Crytocurrencies?
@Alan Woolf, you remember writing on this bulletin board-chat group-symposium, “Very interesting”.
That was this past Friday at 12:49 PM Calif. time. That is a long time ago for someone who writes “very interesting” and also sees my lucid response.
It is now 4:47 PM Calif. time, Sunday, September 5th, the 15th anniversary of President Putin meeting publicly with virulent anti-Semite, anti-Israel, non-Jewish Nicholas Oppenheimer.
@Alan Woolf, you say you are a published writer, writing on The Holocaust; and so you should be able to read really, really well.
You have ignored my questions on fb messaging, “what did you find on NSS very interesting and do you still find it very interesting?”
That two-part question was at 6:49 PM yesterday.
At 7:30 PM, 41 odd minutes later you responded on fb messaging:
Send me an email to with subject like Gary – wanting link to Holocaust book
A minute later, 7:31 PM, you followed up:
Then I can send it as an attachment. I can’t do it from my phone.
@Alan Woolf, our communications have been very short on fb messaging, so let’s look at it all, without forgetting that important people like my mother Zena, Ben Gurion and Einstein didn’t need to talk to see what was going on around the world immediately following WW2 or for that matter which group of people were so obnoxious in their support of Hitler.
It began this past Thursday, September 2, 2021 – 8:49 AM Calif. time.
I introduced myself as I most often do:
I write on the military economy Have you seen my writings? What do you do?
Sat 5:09 PM
Alan Woolf
No, give me more information. I write novels and non-fiction related to my studies.
5:10 PM
Alan Woolf
Look me up on Google at Alan Woolf author or Alan Woolf Holocaust.
Sat, September 4, 6:49 PM
I responded:
Send me a link like I sent you on NSS to The D I book. Btw, what did you find on NSS very interesting and do you still find it very interesting?
Sat 7:30 PM
Alan Woolf
Send me an email to with subject like Gary – wanting link to Holocaust book
7:31 PM
Alan Woolf
Then I can send it as an attachment. I can’t do it from my phone.
@Alan Woolf, if you mistakenly missed, “what did you find on NSS very interesting and do you still find it very interesting?”, why havent you said so?
BTW, I sent you just earlier an email to the address you gave and placed in the subject line: Gary – wanting link to Holocaust book.
Im about to run out of battery power on my laptop, and Im not sure when I will be back, just in case anyone is interested.
I’ve connected up to power.
You added Allman Ndlovu to the group.
This is what I can tell you about member @Allman Ndlovu.
He is 30 years of age and says he is from the country of Mpumalanga which to the best of my knowledge is South Africa, but it could have changed.
All his schooling that includes passing Matric [high school] and his advanced studies in electrical engineering, N2 and N3 have been in English.
In fact, Allman is clearer than most all of you whose first language is English.
He had never, however, heard of either Harry Oppenheimer or his son Nicholas.
Im not saying Allman is stupid, only that he appears very honest.
If we turn back the clock 30 years we arrive at 1991 when “Our Man Roger” aka Roger W. Robinson Jr. was celebrating his 40th birthday along with President Ronald W. Reagan was celebrating his 80th at Reagan’s estate in the Pacific Palisades where a couple of years before I had dinner at member @Anne Arenson Winter and her former husband’s home, and it would have been hard to tell if you saw the warm greeting I got from Bob Dylan who was the guest of honor.
Of course both “Our Man Roger” and his “bosom buddy” King Golden Jr. Esq. knew of this most interesting dinner with Dylan as well as how very close we had come to ending anti-Semitism worldwide and more importantly the genocide of the poor, plus Solly Krok would have come out as the hero.
That doesn’t mean anyone should forget the importance to independent thinkers like General Smuts, Ben Gurion and my mother Zena, the genocide of the Herero and Nama between 1904 and 1907 which cannot be blamed on Schneerson because when it started Schneerson was only 2.
But it is important that in 1902, there was a changing in the guard in South Africa which had new immigrant Sir Ernest Oppenheimer taking over from monopolist, anti-Semite, Cecil Rhodes who died at age 49 just prior to the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902].
GemACH sic, given how read and schooled was the Schneerson, how would you rate his knowledge of important world history?
How would you rate his common sense?
GemACH sic, are you okay with the question, who promoted Schneerson?
@Alan Woolf, is there anything in your books of our Jewish Holocaust that you are now thinking of editing, and if so, which sections?
Can you also provide your academic and work experience?
@Allman Ndlovu, are you with us?
I have always hired the best and brightest available without ever having to pay as much as the competition who like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper member @Jeffrey Essakow are focused on price.
When hiring the best and brightest who can see the difference in the way I talk compared to a moron like The Coupon Clipper who eventually got tired of Gunter The Pig Lazarus bossing him and his parents around, all you have to do is stay out of the way.
GemACH sic, it wouldn’t surprise me if you have never hired or terminated someone in your entire career as a pharmacist?
So in the event you also havent ever met a payroll, how come you talk so much?
GemACH sic, do you feel that a lot of shit happened during WW2 which was unnecessary?
Have you thought why it is that you have never complimented me or my mother Zena?
GemACH sic, do you compliment Einstein for anything?
Did Schneerson ever compliment Einstein for giving Schneerson the middle finger?
Don’t understand
Index finger ?
You sent
Supporting Spinoza calling you “Worshippers of ink on paper”.
Why do you say index finger when Fuck You is known worldwide as giving the middle finger?
So what is it GemACH sic, in your eyes, a big failure or a great success?
GemACH sic, are you comfortable with my explanation that you are the self hating Jew and bully?
If you look at your cowardice now, how would you see yourself during The Holocaust?
Do you see the Holocaust as just a continuation of The Inquisition?
Is your wife as learned as you about how the market value of real estate as well as weapon systems, food and prostitution is determined?
GemACH sic, don’t you find it amazing how this young oak tree is being both nourished and shaded by the manzanita who must feel that the oak has imbedded itself into its root system and both knowing the manzanita is dying, but not for a long, long tim?
GemACH sic, do you ever feel that God abandoned you and Schneerson?
Why do I feel that?
Could it be that I’m just too stupid and the rest of you are all bright?
Edit:.. just prior to the Anglo “American “ Boer War (1899-1902) ending.
Edit:… given how well read and schooled was the Schneerson…
Edit: … but not for a long, long time?
Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sun 7:14 PM
You is talking trash!
Yesterday at 7:46 PM
Sun 7:46 PM
You sent
GemACH sic, you don’t answer the important question about God and yet you present an image that you are a man of God, other than you all look unhealthy.
Why is that?
Do you think the rest who are quiet think I am a bad person as you hope to convince them, or do you think even the bad like The Coupon Clipper know you are rotten to the core?
You did, however respond to a very important statement put out by Einstein and which was perfectly understood by people such as Ben Gurion and his most trusted British-English advisor, my mother Zena.
You thought to distract with the “index finger” because you are a manipulator.
Dude, when did this very negative trait take root?
Did you have to work hard on your poor grammar, “You is talking trash!”?
Let’s logically assume God is watching all this, including each and every cricket that is part of this amazing background orchestra that we are now hearing.
God would therefore know whether in fact you know that the correct English grammar is, “You are talking trash!”.
GemACH SIC, I know you are feeling anxious.
You also know that Schneerson would be feeling even more anxious knowing that you have helped greatly in exposing him and the rest of ChaBAD sic.
Why don’t you simply admit that Einstein by embracing Spinoza in a way that no other human has, Einstein was calling you all Jewish traitors of the worst kind?
GemACH sic, in sales, the first to speak loses.
Schneerson was non stop talking
, quoting Wikipedia:
During his four decades as Rebbe, Schneerson would deliver regular addresses, centered on the weekly Torah portion and on various tractates of the Talmud. These talks, delivered without text or notes, would last for several hours,[84][85] and sometimes went for eight or nine hours without a break. During the talks, Schneerson demonstrated a unique approach in explaining seemingly different concepts by analysis of the fundamental principle common to the entire tractate,[86][87] and referenced both classic and esoteric sources from all periods, citing entire sections by heart.[84]
as well as standing 6 hours on his feet every Sunday, this worshipper of ink on paper, handing out $1 bills.
Again, Wikipedia:
In 1986, Schneerson began a custom where each Sunday he would stand outside his office, greet people briefly, give them a dollar bill and encourage them to donate to the charity of their choice.[105] Explaining his reason for encouraging charitable giving among all people, Schneerson quoted his father-in-law who said that “when two people meet, it should bring benefit to a third.”[106] People on line would often take this opportunity to ask Schneerson for advice or request a blessing. Thousands of people attended this event each week, which lasted up to six hours, and is often referred to as “Sunday Dollars.”[107]
GemACH sic, do you recall any significant events that took place in 1991?
GemACH sic, do you believe that God talks to each of us, including the Israel Air Force through coincidences, as well as rational thinking?
In 1991, a car accompanying Schneerson’s motorcade accidentally struck two Guyanese-American children while attempting to catch up to Schneerson’s vehicle. One of the children was killed. The incident triggered the Crown Heights riot.[73]
GemACH sic, was God with or against Schneerson with the child that was killed and the ensuing riot?
How much time, GemACH sic do you devote to thinking what you are likely to return as?
Do you know why it is that you all have such great difficulty in changing your poor diets that are killing you with pain?
Do you feel that you fool God because you say a lot of prayers over food and wine?
How late do you plan to stay up tonight?
Btw, GemACH sic, what were you thinking in 1991 following the death of that child?
Why did the Schneerson need a motorcade; isn’t God with him at all times, and no fear of assassination or is his time so valuable he has to race from one meeting to the next?
If I recall correctly, he seemed quite calm handing me and the thousands a $1 bill.
Did you ever get more than $1?
Did you give it to the family of the child that was killed?
Were there any deaths or injuries in the riot that followed?
GemACH sic,
Do you think Mark Zuckerberg is fooled by you and the Schneerson?
How important do you think it was to Harry Oppenheimer and his central banks to wipe out the pocket of Jewish resistance to rigged real estate pricing?
GemACH sic, can you send me any articles that Schneerson ever wrote on economics?
When you go, to the toilet, and look down at that stomach, do you ever feel God is punishing you?
Do you have a prayer you recite that apologizes to God?
It is 11:22 PM your time. It is getting late.
Isn’t your wife waiting for you in bed?
Yesterday at 8:58 PM
Sun 8:58 PM
You sent
I guess the motorcade is because he is being set up as the Messiah. It is marketing.
He didn’t quite perform a miracle if a child is killed.
You added South African @Bohlale Faith Semenya who speaks English, IsiZulu, Sepedi and French and like @Allman Ndlovu had never heard of the SA Oppenheimers.
That should sting
all of you into reality.
Today at 7:16 AM
7:16 AM
You sent
GemACH sic, if I know you are online, so do Facebook officials.
What you don’t figure, and that is because you haven’t thought about it given you cult life experience is how the chain of command runs in a social media company like Facebook where no one wants to end up looking stupid like you and The Coupon Clipper who despite me coaching him at university through the very interesting subject Deceased and Insolvent Estates didn’t realize when getting into the real estate market that there is no competition at the top when it comes to the money capital.
One has to be very cautious when teaching someone who doesn’t think about who is the first to lose when a real estate speculator makes a profit on stolen real estate.
We are only talking about the first occasion it happened.
Pick a number when that occurred.
I pick 1066 Battle of Hastings but you might pick an earlier period when David slew Goliath.
GemACH sic, are you keeping track of time?
You know it is your day off because today is Labor Day in the US and most businesses are closed.
You are online unless you have had your handheld taken away from you.
Can you give us approximately what time we can expect to hear from you?
So let’s go with your number and now God has to deal with each refugee crisis that followed David cutting off Goliath’s head.
And that was gruesome.
Did it dawn on you as a kid what such an ugly visual did to your mind?
Did it occur to you to ask the Schneerson why so bloody and how he thought it might affect a child in later years?
Does it help you to eat a slaughtered animal because of the David-Goliath story?
Where were the rabbis?
GemACH sic, have you ever had a pet dog?
What about Schneerson or Shemtov who took over the helm at the death of Schneerson?
Member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. and I are very familiar with Shemtov’s close friend and large ChaBAD sic donor, Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman of Revlon Corporation who used the corruption of Israel to hide his financial shenanigans.
When the leading rabbis are quiet, you know they are not independent thinkers.
The blacks of South Africa could see that there was not a single honest rabbi throughout the Apartheid Regime rule.
How could the rabbis not speak out against the theft of the lands of the majority blacks following our Jewish Holocaust?
Let me explain Mr. Trash talker.
When Queen Beatrice-SA Oppenheimers-Rhodes-Philips, who remember backed the Jewish drunk Karl Marx, imposed the diabolical late penalty tax on the few Dutch Jews who survived Auschwitz-Treblinka, some 5000, they were not overly concerned by the lack of monies coming from the 75% of Dutch Jews murdered over a period of less than 3 years, beginning in the summer of 1942.
Moreover, by the time the last transport left in September 1944 a total of 107,000 Jews had been deported to the extermination camps.
What did the rabbis of Amsterdam whose forefathers excommunicated 24 year old Spinoza in 1656 say about the Dutch selling the properties of those murdered to help Israel survive its War of Independence less than 3 years after the official end of World War II?
GemACH sic, all you say is that I talk trash without providing a logical counter-argument?
Are you saying that Schneerson was too preoccupied playing the role of a Jewish Messiah and promoting the SA Oppenheimers’ monies to bother with Spinoza and Einstein?
GemACH sic, when do you think the rich Dutch began celebrating the lack of outrage by the Amsterdam rabbis who didn’t even speak out against the insanely evil late penalty fine?
GemACH sic, can you give me any instance since the excommunication of Spinoza where the rabbis have opposed the genocide of the poor?
GemACH sic, there has to come a time when you are going to believe that God exists because only God can be responsible for such stupidity.
Can you at least admit that you are stupid?
How can you possibly think Schneerson was bright when with all his science-mathematics background he didn’t implore you all to take better care of your bodies so that you might think more rationally?
How does someone like Schneerson get promoted to advise Menachem Begin who nearly cost Israel her War of Independence?
Let’s now talk about @Bohlale Faith Semenya and @Richard Friedman who just moments ago removed himself from 3 other of my symposiums, Wow, very powerful, To be honest and Review of Down Durban Memory Lane.
@Richard Friedman, why are you still here?
Richard’s father, @David Friedman Apartheid Supreme Court Judge and right hand of Jewish South African real estate financier Jonathan Beare, also remains with us and yet to speak of South African rabbis and judges in total cahoots with the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime.
@Bohlale Faith Semenya, had told me yesterday that although she had never heard of the Oppenheimers she had no interest in learning more.
I will shortly place up her and my dialogue.
No less important @Bohlale Faith Semenya has yet to remove herself from NSS or block me on fb messaging or unfriend me.
Let’s now look at the numbers while putting aside what an ingenious creator was doing creating such an ugly, stupid species but whose good exceptions make it all worthwhile, plus we can still do something to fix the errors of the past.
59 million are the latest numbers I’ve seen on the population of mineral rich South Africa whose rich have been buying up the world since 1948 when the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime were brought to power, and most all of them, like Jonathan Beare, only bring money capital and their piss poor attitude to the table, wouldn’t you agree member @Tony Leon ?
Only 13% are white and that number has risen because of the culling of the black population who still account for 75%.
GemACH sic, are you following?
What do you think member @Richard Friedman was attempting to do when highlighting his presence here while removing himself so conspicuously from the 3 other symposiums?
I just added @Richard Friedman back to all 3 just in case he has already symptoms of Parkinson’s which cannot be ruled out.
But we can all agree he is stupid.
@Allman Ndlovu is also still with us.
Not presently part of NSS or any of my dozen or so other symposiums are the 44 million black South Africans who still haven’t got their rights which begin with getting their land back.
With money capital in their back pocket they can hire people like @Richard Friedman, @David Friedman, @David Levy , @David Danziger to work the land and if not because they are still making money on money whose value is pulled out of the sky, to employ the best machinery and robots to work the land in the most ecological manner.
There is a reason why no one is capable of arguing with me the profit incentive.
Earlier, before waking you all up this morning, I wrote to member @Anne Arenson Winter beginning at 6:20 AM California time:
Anne, you will be following NSS no less closely than Mark Zuckerberg and the rest who perfectly understand why people like both your parents had only the most positive things to say about me until I did the right thing, as I always did, and called your father to read The D I book.
They didn’t know I was a “late talker” which if you weren’t one of the fortunate ones and even more fortunate to have two attentive parents whose parents also were no fools then you wouldn’t know.
This trash talker Torah Gemach whose real name is Benzion has exposed all religious cults in a way Einstein may not have dreamed possible.
Ben Gurion on the other hand, knowing both my parents very well, although he may not have met my father, wouldn’t be all that surprised.
I performed well on ulpan at his kibbutz Sde Boker.
We are heading north on a car trip and will be passing through La Jolla in the next couple of days, and why not meet up with us?
Your parents and you could possibly learn something new given how obvious it is that I’m right about everything I have to say.
The shock that everyone experiences once reading The D I book and they all come away “Can’t beat them, might as well join them!” will never go away, the same with the incredible rudeness and lack of rational thought exhibited by this GemACH sic, and no one says anything.
They are only fooling themselves, to mention little of who would expect a religious person to be such a disgrace and no one reeling him in?
It is because the focus is the money and how it is valued which has nothing to do with fairness.
Now I have moved away from money to the extraordinary mind control that is going on.
Everyone knows they can’t change the past and they also know you are supposed to learn from one’s past mistakes but that is not happening.
Therefore given how rational I am you have to do more than think the possibility exists that I am correct in being a 100% certain God exists without any of us thinking ourselves more than humble servants of God, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.“
That is the merit system and it also makes sense that communism with its bad dictators gets a bad name.
Elon Musk has also now jumped on the bandwagon and is producing documentaries like Proctor & Gamble.
They all get the visual and how the people are mesmerized but Musk is not looking that great these days and so they simply tell him, “we like your voice”.
His big word is “incent” but it does not resonate with the truth.
There is zero competition for capital at the very top.
You and your parents already get all this, but now it is me speaking to you.
Let me know.
Today at 9:16 AM
9:16 AM
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Granted @Richard Friedman and most all of this membership have never worked with me, but they do know that prior to beginning speaking out publicly, which was on October 18, 2000, my father Bernie’s 77th birthday, they had never heard anyone saying a bad word about me.
That is because everyone only had good things to say about me, other than those who didn’t behave well in treating others; and most of the time I was able to employ logical arguments to have them rethink their wrong, stupid thoughts.
Allman Ndlovu left the group
Today at 9:42 AM
9:42 AM
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One of @Richard Friedman’s best friends is Derrick Beare, who would be the first to say I was unquestionably his best friend for more than 2 decades, from the early 80s, until my breakfast meeting with his uncle, multibillionaire real estate schlemiel, Jonathan Beare ended on January 13, 2005, 63 odd after I broke my 24 year silence with the SA Oppenheimers.
What in the world, other than the wrong company and poison food could have got into Derrick’s head that he recently buys a house in London
for more than the $242 million (US Dollars)
he is now asking, but decides not to live in it and just shut up; no matter what bad talk comes from the neighbors, who had to think Derrick was high on drugs when telling the Financial Times of London, “… is not for me to make a return, it’s pretty much to get my money back and move on.”
Allman Ndlovu has not only left NSS but he has blacked me on fb messaging after I asked him at 9:23 AM, “Why did you leave NSS?”.
GemARC sic that badly lit photo of you before a speaker’s podium has just registered in the right hand column of my handheld.
What about this one?
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Let’s just assume that the prayers you have previously said when washing your hands before indulging in poison foods, are not said with the same conviction as in the past, are you still that much in love with your pagan God?
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@Solly Krok, Facebook also show that you and/or your marketing help are online.
This GemACH sic, hasn’t forgotten that I knew immediately when Chaim Lipskar didn’t greet me at Schipol Airport, Amsterdam after first smothering you with all his bullshit Yiddish expressions of warmth and happiness, here is a rat.
GemACH sic, do you feel you get any help from God with your distractions?
.כתיבה וחתימה טובה
לשנה טובה ומתוקה!!
This has Hebrew
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GemACH sic, should we go back to what steps Schneerson took to help Harry Oppenheimer wipe out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in the late 70s?
GemACH sic, @Solly Krok is no fool.
He had no reason to distrust the Lipskars and Schneerson other than they never explained how much they knew about the SA Oppenheimers.
Solly Krok was simply fooled.
Nor did Solly Krok’s schooling in South Africa prepare him for the road ahead.
He had no choice in his parents or siblings, but yes he could have had less children and therefore less of a footprint on very fragile Mother Earth.
@Solly Krok, note how this diabolical GemACH sic, laughs off the death of that kid killed by Schneerson’s fast driving motorcade.
GemACH sic, go ahead and jump in any time.
GemACH sic, do you have a photo of yourself laying Tefilin this morning?
Do you have any regrets loading up on The Internet embarrassing photos you take from behind of your obese fellow worshippers of ink on paper?
@Solly Krok we know GemACH sic is not going to answer the important questions.
They are questions for you to put to Mendel Lipskar and the rest of the SA Oppenheimers’ ChaBAD sic informer network.
Let’s add to the list.
Mendel, you and your brother Chaim would answer “We don’t talk about it!” when I, @Solly Krok, ask, “Where was God during the Holocaust?”, and today I understand better why you would respond with such nonsense; but please be so kind as to tell me how with the SA Oppenheimers-Nazi SS so successful in wiping out most of you ultra orthodox in Europe, your ChaBAD sic was able to make such a strong comeback while never pointing a finger at the SA Oppenheimers?
Mendel, do you dispute any aspects of chapters 9 and 16 of The D I book?
Everything is a joke to you, isn’t it GemACH sic?
You, GemACH sic wake up every morning to trash, spend the day around trash eating sick people like yourself and go to be with trash thoughts.
A good teacher of human history which the Schneerson prided himself on would not send young children to dairy farms to observe the production of disease building liquified meat; instead, especially if they were inspired by a good God rather than the Devil human, would take them to a spot like the San Diego dump, just up the road from the eyesore Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall where The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper member @Jeffrey Essakow hands out free Starbucks coffee to the bored stiff wives he has nothing better to do than chat up.
City dumps tell you everything that is wrong with the GDP.
Stop playing with yourself GemACH sic, assuming you are playing with yourself in the hope that God isn’t watching you.
The GDP tells you everything that is wrong with Anxiety Society Sickness (ASS).
How can one explain what’s wrong with the unconscious religious?
They can’t blame God for their poor diet and ugly, deformed looks, because that would immediately expose their transparent hypocrisy.
They have always served the masters of The Inquisition who were never friends of us Jewish people or other hard working peoples like the Gypsies.
GemACH sic are you more inclined to have the snot coming out of your nose drip down on to those scrolls, ink on paper, than before?
Do you take any responsibility for the death of the planet and the majority of the 44 million South African blacks yet to get their Plettenberg Bay and Clifton beach cottages?
GemACH sic, do you think @Bohlale Faith Semenya’s command of French prevents her from following and projecting how the remaining 44 million will react to this new information that has been purposefully left out of their schooling?
Of course, @Bohlale Faith Semenya prefers to see the truth right now as a scam, and so she has left the group and blocked me on fb messaging.
It would be wrong GemACH sic to see that as a victory.
It is in fact a defeat for you.
Semenya knows she and the other 44 million black South Africans have been defeated by their black puppet leadership.
It was the same with Zagiew and Jewish Kapos of World War II.
When your own brothers and sisters turn, it cannot possibly get worse.
The fact that you were waiting for Schneerson to tell you what to think doesn’t hurt as much as not having the common sense to figure out the importance of taking city kids first to the city dump before eating a Macdonald’s.
@Richard Friedman, why haven’t you removed yourself permanently from Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, To be Honest and Wow, very powerful?
@Alan Woolf, did you reply to the email you asked me to send you?
GemACH sic, why didn’t you tell us that there is conflict within ChaBAD sic?
GemACH sic, please speak up. You have all the time in the world.
In the meantime, GemACH sic, just imagine if there is one Jewish person in Israel who, along with their family, has not profited from the BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] movement?
Following the Schneerson-Begin led elimination of all Jewish opposition groups to tyrannical, monoplistic business practices which by definition destroy any and all incentive programs no matter how beautiful the Proctor & Gamble marketing and sales pitch, the educational system in Israel followed that of the Apartheid Regime of the SA Oppenheimers.
The SA Oppenheimers have always been in the faces of the masses once the ultra orthodox Jews helped them coverup how Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his only son Harry escaped prosecution at Nuremberg for their war crimes of murdering 6 million innocent Jewish people.
Nor are the SA Oppenheimers averse to showing the link between the BDS and the Apartheid Regime but they never mention, however, that the Apartheid Regime just like the corrupt ANC who followed, never made a move without the explicit approval of the Oppenheimers.
Let’s now take a look at how Wikipedia describe the BDS:
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is a Palestinian-led[6] movement promoting boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel. Its objective is to pressure Israel to meet what the BDS movement describes as Israel’s obligations under international law,[7] defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories, removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and “respecting, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties”.[8] The movement is organized and coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee.[9]
BDS is modeled after the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa.[10] .
The Palestinians are in the same boat as Allman Ndlovu and Bohlale Faith Semenya, except that both Ndlovu and Semenya stuck around long enough to know I speak the truth.
The two of them have to contend with the 44 million black South Africans who once receiving the identical and good information can only be expected to react more positively.
Just because you are guided from birth to grab the money doesn’t mean you are incapable of seeing that they money you have in your pocket and the bank cannot buy you luxury penthouses.
All you remember that Noxious Thabiso Kobe had 2954 other fb friends who in turn can in the next instant reach some 3 million other fb friends.
It is important this exponential growth.
Again, nothing wrong in being a “late talker”.
Nor did I need to impress upon Derrick Beare who was head and shoulders more intelligent than all his other friends that I was amongst a very small group of individuals so fortunate.
Moreover, in all likelihood, neither Einstein nor Feynman would have had as worldly parents and grandparents as I was so fortunate to have.
I still remember sitting for many hours with both my grandfathers observing them either counting money or figuring out which customers of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] needed help.
When you hear people say how powerful are the banks, you know that you are talking to a fool.
The banks provide the most credit to those with stolen real estate, and that is universal.
How long does it take to figure out who is behind the banks once you finish reading, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.
I would rather die, be tortured to death, than have anything to do with any of you pulling out all stops to protect the murderous SA Oppenheimers.
11:25 AM



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Can Israel get it back?
What do you think @Solly Krok?