Name Someone Stupid (NSS) ~ 20
Prior Name Someone Stupid (NSS 19) – CLICK HERE
Screenshot: 8:42 PM Tuesday 8 November 22
Oct 17, 2022, 2:30 PM
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It is now 2:29 PM, and all is quiet, and so you must all be thinking the same thing.
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Even if you can’t figure out due to handicap mental faculties what exactly this monster Ellen Ericksen did wrong, you don’t want to ask because you know it all leads back to the insane Cryptos which in turn have the South African German Oppenheimers’ fingerprints all over them.
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@Mannie Hirsch why don’t I ask you since you show you are the most level headed, had you heard of the SA Oppenheimers before I mentioned their name?
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@Mark Gevisser what about you?
@Alan Mark Zeligson what about you?
@Sharon Krok Feuer how much pressure did you and your siblings place on your 93 year old father Solly Krok to unfriend me?
Are you sticking around to learn more about the money or your fake friends who are either members here on NSS or fb fiends of mine or both?
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In other words you can’t consider yourself a genuine friend of anyone else unless you are applauding me for doing the right thing.
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Why would you hire someone unless they are on Facebook or easy to find on The Internet.
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The short answer is that you wouldn’t.
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@Errol Graham Musk would you agree with that assessment?
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@Harry Rady would you agree with that assessment?
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@Harry Rady do you think your father, multibillionaire industrialist Ernest Rady made a mistake by not sweetening his offer that I join his huge empire?
You know of course, the only way to cause me to change my plans which was to join a “Start Up” computer company in Sidney, Australia with direct ties to Unit 8200, the IDF’s most secretive Special Forces intelligence agency which is held in check by Mossad’s Kidon unit whose members know better than to explain why they got chosen from the ranks of the top performers in the rest of Special Forces including 8200, was to allow me to fire you if my suspicions turned out accurate that you are incompetent.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Martin Krok to the group.
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Back to you @Sharon Krok Feuer, Arlene Krok-@Michael Treger , @Martin Krok and the rest of Solly’s immediate family, you know that when Solly accepted my fb friend invitation he hadn’t forgotten that I had referred to you previously as “ugly”, and of course we joked about it.
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It meant as I have again remarked on prior occasions I must like you given how there are other less polite ways of calling you “white trash”.
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How could Jewish white South Africans, good for nothing but fucking things up and keeping the supply chain of cocaine all the way from Columbia through Mexico along with tunnels leading into San Diego full without worrying about air pockets developing to involve added cost plumbers because full cannot get any more than full, be so reckless in a very visible corporation, Epilady USA Inc. that would upset your father and place him and the rest of the good Jewish people throughout the world under the brightest
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A contact left the group.
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spotlight that it would attract the German-South African Oppenheimers’ first line of defense; namely, my second cousin @Mark Gevisser?
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Arlene Krok-Michael Treger appear to have left the group.
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Let me try again.
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Yes, it is definite unless there is glitch.
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@Alan Woolf do you still know how to reach Solly Krok or would you prefer not to?
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Those of you who get all your knowledge and emotional strings pulled by Hollywood movies and TV shows know that the first thing a competent investigator-detective does when bringing in a suspect, asks if they would be willing to cop a plea, plead guilty to a lesser offense by turning, and most of the time, it is not a fly buzzing around the interogation room because that wouldn’t fly.
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@Roy Essakow when you got caught stealing a bottle of orange off the sidewalk do you remember if Jewish Kapo Gunter The Pig Lazarus spoke with either your mother or father without you knowing about the consequences of not putting greater effort into informing on other Jewish people who were naive such as Apartheid Regime banned, member @David Schmahmann?
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@David Schmahmann do you recognize yourself at the very back in the photo above taken above on the last day of school before “school leave” began, 6 November 1970, 234 days or 7 months and 22 days, before Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa?
Just in case, you are turning your head to the right and wearing eyeglasses.
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Do you remember if they allowed you to see better who at our Jewish day school Carmel College, Durban was traitoring you?
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The fact that you were probably the brightest student in your class that included my sister Kathy-Louise @Kathy Danziger @Kathy Danziger, and you also knew that controlling our headmaster and all the staff was the Lazarus clan of Durban North who openly supported the Nazi National Party, regularly holding fund raises at their homes, doesn’t really speak all that well about the dumbest in your class as well.
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How do bright people who start out life become stupid and it is more contagious than the Covid-19 that is a cold?
It is not only very beautiful @Lexi Hyland who know that Covid-19 has been a cold from the very beginning other than more people die each year of the flu than Covid-19 because first the flu is more deadly and second, there really isn’t anything all that deadly about Covid-19 that has far greater than a 97% recovery rate, other than it speeds up death a little of those who were already on a fast track thanks to the neglect of their bodies-minds, and lack of willpower will do it.
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Covid 19 also makes sure that those put on ventalilators mostly encounter death horrifically and kept away from their loved ones.
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In other words, Covid-19 was a remarkably successful test of keeping humans in line.
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To understand how the bad science works, it is essential to understand France’s history.
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That doesn’t mean one should be first fluent in Zulu in order to correctly read the true history of modern day democracy but you do need to know to start with the French Revolution.
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Who here remembers ever hearing about the French Revolution?
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Should I assume that if no one raises their hand that you are all in agreement the French Revolution didn’t take place and it is something Mark Zuckerberg invented as part of Meta?
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@Alexis Hearst, are you still with us?
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We must remember who @David Schmahmann was back in 1970, the final year of his high school.
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He was exceptionally brave, and all he could think about was doing the right thing, never believing that he was surrounded by the worst of the Jewish Kapos and their trusted network of friends who were counted on to deliver the goods.
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So why didn’t I pull @David Schmahmann aside and spell it all out as I am doing now?
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First, he was a good 4 years older and there was no guarantee that @David Schmahmann and/or a member of his immediate family had already turned; and then I would now have to worry about @David Schmahmann.
Second, my mother Zena was better equipped possibly to explain to David, plus my mother Zena had more credibility than; but my mother Zena also knew that there was no guarantee that @David Schmahmann hadn’t already turned or could be turned in the future.
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The SA Oppenheimers were ruthless. They left no stone unturned.
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As everyone can see, nothing has changed in the past 5 decades.
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Each of you are only looking out for your own best financial interests.
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People who lie, do not believe in God.
You added Christina Moritsch-Krall and Christina Moritsch-Krall to the group.
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So much easier to talk to people when you put God aside, wouldn’t you agree @Christina Moritsch-Krall @Christina Moritsch-Krall?
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Christinia why do you have 2 fb accounts?
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Have you reconsidered your position that Hitler left the wealth of German-Austrian Noble families such as yours because “all first line nobility were neutral”?
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Christina do you feel that you haven’t fooled God because you told the disgusting truth?
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@Alan Woolf why do you think none of your books on the Holocaust or any of the Holocaust Memorial Museums such as Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel explain any of this?
Do you think the administrators are just not bright or corrupt?
Why do you think it might breed anti-Semiticism with Israel always having as the first and last line of defense for ferreting out traitors, the Kidon counter-intelligence assassination unit?
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@Alan Woolf are you considering trashing all your books or finding an economical way to turn them into toilet paper?
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What if it turns out that the boosters for Covid-19 were known to do more harm to children than adults who are harmed?
October 17 at 4:20 PM
Oct 17, 2022, 4:20 PM
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When you have 75% of the population heavily overweight-obese like the @Martha Gurwitz and @Clive Gurwitz; meaning they have made the conscious decision to die not only sooner than expected according to the actuarial life expectancy tables but do so in increasing pain, and sick people are automatically more prone to any sickness including not being able to lift their feet when traversing a step, fall and break their neck that takes time to repair unless it is instantly severed, and along comes a virus which is rather benign compared to the flu, obesity related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer all connected to the brain muscle placed strategically where not only heat rises and no where to escape but through the mouth unless the swollen ankles are below the exit canal leading from the colon, and the recovery rate is rather remarkably good, but because you have a discombobulated population, regressing and memory retention also increasingly nothing to speak of, since the start of the American Civil War which took careful planning by J P Morgan who was just 5 days short of his 24th birthday at the start, April 12, 1861, 48 years before the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who 5 days before, April 7, 1945 wrote his friendship letter to terrorist state leader, Ibn Saud, House of Saud
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you can label in the death certificate, Covid-19 cause of death.
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@Trevor Goldberg what happens to the numbers of Covid 19 deaths if you subtract out those who were already suffering from deadly illnesses and expected to die within either the greater of less than 6 months from other deadly diseases caused by lack of willpower and education because the money hungry medical doctors are not doing their job or when those deadly diseases take their natural course?
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@Trevor Goldberg lets say that you would agree the cause of death on the death certificates would probably be much less.
Then you combine that statistic with how unsuccessful Covid-19 is at killing people alone, i.e. those who are healthy and pay attention to what they eat and exercise regularly, and motivated by great sex, do you think the truth would make corrupt medical doctors and their big pharm suppliers happy?
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This is taking longer than to explain how Cryptos tie into the insurance game which I was most expert about long before I became the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Insurance Marketing Services Inc. who while technically bankrupt when I joined them in August 1984 were within a couple of years without any fear of competitors or excutives like the ugly Kroks to fuck things up.
That is because I have yet to explain it.
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@Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen, you scored a perfect all distinctions in your matric exams while I was combating the ill affects of attending 3 schools in my final year as well as my mother Zena’s instruction soon after, “Loose Lips Sink Ship”; namely, Confucious, “The Tallest Trees Attract The Most Wind”.
How are you holding out?
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@Trevor Goldberg, do you remember the reason no one in my first year university business-economics tutorials thought I was either too windy or took too long to get to the point that you would be wasting your time at university if you couldnt think smart to begin with as you would come out even dumber because of natural entropy?
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@Trevor Goldberg you are a genius compared to moron The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, but still you have a low IQ and your emotional intelligence I don’t think is all that much better, and only you would really know, and yet you took my advice and dropped out of university.
Does it make you feel better knowing how much dumber you would be today were you not to have taken my advice?
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BTW, @Trevor Goldberg let’s say you didn’t yet receive my earlier email broadcast to Frenchman, aerobatic champion Jean Figadére where I wrote in response to his email saying that he was going to be the first to buy my book:
You should promote it so that we do just one shipping, and you distribute.
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Would you possibly be interested in bidding against Jean if you knew how to either gather enough Bitcoins and Dogecoin, use them to launch your own Dogecoin 2 and Bitcoin 2, or simply approach Nicholas Oppenheimer?
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Let’s say that I haven’t put everyone to sleep.
Who is still awake?
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@David Schmahmann was not murdered after the Aparheid Regime’s Malan Death Squad executed Steve Biko and his partner Richard Turner, co-founders of the Durban Movement who were overmatched before they go started thanks to Mandela’s African National Congress having been fully infiltrated well prior to Mandela joining in 1944, same year the International Monetary Fund and their sister organization, the World Bank were established at the July 44 Brettonwoods Conference, because thank God, David Schmarman also has all his 4 limbs attached.
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The chances of me being at Epilady USA Inc.’s headquarters in New York City when my cousin Jewish Kapo @Mark Gevisser called threatening to use the New York Times newspaper to shut down their Broadway musical, Meet Me In St. Louis
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and there you see my mother Zena with her lifetime best friend, legendary CBS broadaster Walter Cronkite and the producers-financiers of Meet Me In St. Louis, well known South African entertainers, Joan Brickhill and Louis Burke, which was scheduled to open in a few days, were greater than just luck created that first atom of light, but still it was very low.
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Moreover, I was on my way out the door to meet with my dear and trusted friend, Matthew Margo Esq. who was the senior attorney for CBS-60 Minutes and he was waiting for me at Walters steakhouse which is the cheapest place to dine in New York City, at the same time it is more expensive than the cheapest MacDonalds.
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@Mark Gevisser it is definately fair to call you fat because you refer to yourself as fat in your 2014 autobiography, Lost and Found in Johannesburg without you mentioning that your close cousin and my classmate, Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997] was brutally assassinated by members of the Malan Death Squad in conjunction with the armed wing of the ANC, Umkhonto where Sandy was a most trusted member doing very dangerous assignments such as locating safe houses for the leadership of Umkhonto, until she was traitored.
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In fact you say nothing whatsoever about Sandy, not even that her half-naked, tortured body was found dumped in the trunk of her Toyota that was parked near her home in Johannesburg.
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@Mark Gevisser have you thought about writing a handbook for would be traitors, how to be a traitor?
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Given your literary skills do you think you could stretch it out to 24 pages?
BTW, can you recommend a literary agent for me?
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My mother Zena was never perfectly comfortable with my dad flying alone let alone with me, and so when I joined him which was quite often the checking of his aircraft was put into overdrive.
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Most of the ground crew were not only black South Africans but some of them were the same engineers who were with my father from the moment he arrived in Eqypt in early summer 1944 where he trained on Spitfires which were in preparation with the upcoming Israel War of Independence less than 3 years away.
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If you were black South African and knew your history would you be more fearful of General Smuts or J P Morgan-Deutsche Bank?
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When I first read the Glass-Steigal Act I thought to myself, “interesting” but that didn’t stop me from listening to officials of Citicorp-Citibank who were looking for a ramp on to the insurance maga lottery once the US Congress repealed the Glass-Steigal Act which prevented banks from cross-selling into the insurance which did nothing to fix the problem of price fixing-rigging in both insurance and banking.
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If you listen carefully enough it is more likely that opportunity will knock at your door than if you are constantly talking like chatterbox The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow.
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Imagine me being the person that found Citicorp that perfect acquistion and beating out the competition hands down.
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I realize that the pills each of you put aside for me you are wondering when you should take them and when not to overdose because committing suicide remains against the law.
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My mother Zena was also there on every occassion to see us off and knowing that when we landed my father would get the same welcome as when he took off.
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For good reason all our good friends and family members such as the very great Janie Moshal Gevisser worshipped the ground that my father walked on.
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Even when my father flew training missions on jet fighters he covered the same lands as in his single engine propeller driven Cessna, plus the SAAF paid him.
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No one living at the time South Africa knew the lay of the land better than my father.
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Remember land-water-bank always belong to the poor people who are still getting less and we don’t have to lose anything in being fair.
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What can be worse than someone who isn’t my mother or Penny Coelen
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going up to carivores who make a living from killing and butchering much more sensitive animals and telling them they are bad people.
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If you are a carnivore you are naturally more aggressive, and the brain is configured to go Econ 5 whatever that means and kill everything in sight – and Ye must give a genuine apology even if all this anti-Semiticism is to promote himself in order that he can see his kids and tell them that he loves them.
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If someone is properly loved they are not violent.
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That does not mean Im suggesting that Ellen Ericksen be the one to approach Ye and hug him so tight she can’t let go, at least not until she learns how to be polite, kind, and to have manners, and no less importance her intelligent department gets a complete overhaul.
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Why confront someone knowing for starters that they are more prone to violence?
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Why make them more upset that you don’t have the intelligence to figure out that they are going to be angry each time they see you because the entrails of dead animals armed with poison don’t have shelf life until they become benign unless nuclear waste.
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That is why you start out with the most beautiful models in the world, have them first try on Marine Serre’s latest collection, so incredibly sexy your mouth starts watering, grab Ye by the hand and then tell him that they love him even if he doesn’t give them half his empire because they are being paid nothing to do what makes them feel naturally good.
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Someone who is unhappy wears it on their body.
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We want to make both Ye and Elon happy because they both like beautiful women.
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See women, the men do have common points of agreement even if it is only one.
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A sheep farmer doesn’t get joy learning all the personallities of their sheep to then kill them for meat that everyone knows does great harm to the human body even those selling and profiting from junk meat-dairy.
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You want his aggressivenes to be continuously pushed back following the world’s most beautiful swimsuit models arriving telling him the good news.
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Not only do they never have to kill any live animal for human consumption but they can begin transitioning immediately even if it takes them a lifetime to get off Cryptos.
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In fact all the world’s meat-dairy farmers must be the first to get the Crypto bailout along with every branch of every junk food outlet.
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My mother Zena also wanted me to be conversant with the workings of my dad’s aircraft that in the event my father took suddenly ill, I would know how to land the plane even in bad weather.
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That’s how important was my dad to my mom.
My mom was willing to sacrifice me. Losing either of us was not an option because it left her with no choice but to kill herself.
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None of you today would know how easy it would have been to the Jewish community of South Africa to shut down Natie Kirsch were the leadership who you could tell from their financial wealth not already bought.
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Coming out of a dive the first time felt like barely anything at all because it was the first time.
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Nor did my father throw his airplane all over the place because he was not in a warzone, he was mostly observing the road building.
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My father only had a couple of years quantity surveying at Natal University before joining the family business but still he knew how to take off, fly and land an airplane.
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The blacks who all lost their jobs thanks to Natie Kirsch also knew that the deck was stacked and so did all their family members.
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Why take to violence when the deck is stacked and you have truth-logic at your side.
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You dont have to be religious to do what feels good.
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If a religious person is out of shape, you know that they don’t feel good about themself; and so why listen to them at all?
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When they say they feel great, they are lying.
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Knowing that they are going to be lying in the future why bother being around them?
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When the Jewish people all go quiet, you have a problem in who is there going to be around to protect the rest?
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I had quoted Ellen Ericksen some very great teachings of Christianity without making any reference to scripture; I had been very selective in that choice because I didn’t want it to sound religious; but they are genius common sense, and she threw a fit.
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Can you imagine if she ate meat-dairy (liquified meat).
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We must try and help her out but someone else should do it, I’ve done my best.
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When we come back tomorrow I will immediately pick up with the insurance component of Cryptos.
October 17 at 8:50 PM
Oct 17, 2022, 8:50 PM
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Edit: … Walters which is not the cheapest …
October 17 at 9:07 PM
Oct 17, 2022, 9:07 PM
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Edit: Why make them more upset that you don’t have the intelligence to figure out that they are going to be angry each time they see you because the entrails of dead animals armed with poison don’t have shelf life until they become benign which is as often as nuclear waste doing the body good.
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Edit: … for the Jewish community to shut …
October 18 at 8:16 AM
Oct 18, 2022, 8:16 AM
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Title: Cold humanity
No victory when you have to attack civilians to get your kingdom.
Yes, Russia used to be part of the world. (Who made that border to begin with?)
The war facilitates the introduction of Global Cryptos to control the masses.
Fear creates a dark future.
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You added Alexandra Musk-Steuart to the group.
You added Asha Rose Musk to the group.
October 18 at 12:40 PM
Oct 18, 2022, 12:40 PM
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Added a good hour ago Elon Musk’s half-sisters @Alexandra Musk-Steuart and @Asha Rose Musk who are also not strangers to their father @Errol Graham Musk or Errol’s two other eldest children @Tosca Musk and @Kimbal Musk who have yet to hear from Wits University educated @Mannie Hirsch if the name Harry Oppenheimer “rings a bell”.
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@Mannie Hirsch can you answer that question and if you have, then please tell us all that you know.
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It is now 12:41 PM California time.
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Those digits are good numbers.
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Coincidences should not be taken lightly.
They speak to us.
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We have no evidence that other life forms who are clearly more conscious than the human, such as a dog fortunate to have the right, good owner and the owner no less fortunate, are conscious of coincidences, despite their again far greater awareness.
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Us humans are constantly reminded that we are very different to all other species unless barbecuing meat and then we notice we mostly talk crap when not talking about money which is crap, other than unless it is mixed with feces it doesn’t smell like crap.
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20 years ago today, 18 October 2000 was my father Bernie Gevisser’s 77th birthday.
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He knew I was smart without being boastful because he knew I was a “chip off the old block”, plus I had my mother Zena guiding me from birth about the problems of the world and the solutions to many of them.
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In my birthday “gift” to my one of a kind dad
who came out of World War II sensitive which not all veterans are which didn’t mean my father became stupid, rather that much wiser and aware of the logistics of war including where huge fortunes were to be made, I did not beat around the bush when cutting to the chase at the very start:
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Perspective One
An insider-outsider’s perspective of a President all “set-up-set” to win the Middle East chess game – Gary Steven Gevisser, October 18, 2000 [1]
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The Middle East includes Saudi Arabia whose new tyrant Mr. Bone Saw was part of the team that set up Elon Musk in the $420 a share buyout that resulted in the no less culpable SEC coming down hard on Elon, and where was his inner-circle when not also complicit.
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In Perspective One there was no mention of either the “bully” vegan Ellen Ericksen or terrorist financier Marc Rich, another full of himself Jewish stooge who has lot in common with Natie Kirsch.
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In the case of Ms. Ugly Ericksen who can’t make up her mind whether to block me on Facebook messaging or keep that channel open, and right now she has unblocked me, I hadn’t encountered her on Facebook.
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In the case of Marc Rich, heavily compromised President Clinton hadn’t granted Rich the treason pardon on Clinton’s way out, 20 January, 2001, 234 days or 7 months and 22 days prior to huge terrorist attack orchestrated out of Saudi Arabia.
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Those of you who remember also seeing yesterday 234 and 7 followed by 22, and you have been diagnosed by a corrupt medical doctor doing the bidding of your grotesque children as suffering from “advanced dementia” then it probably won’t help your situation telling the medical doctor and your children to get their eyes tested.
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When you know the deck is stacked it is best to go quiet.
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Surely Elon Musk takes calls from some members of his immediate family even if he doesn’t fully trust them as speaking with them helps him keep better tabs on all of them as well as the others providing him with information.
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Nor am I suggesting for a moment that Elon would make a great army general even if he had been in army boots which he hasn’t.
He could read every book written on war going back to the year dot and that still wouldn’t mean he competent to discuss war strategies and tactics with anyone other than if he is playing a violent video game and only talking to himself.
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If Elon is only half conscious he would know that my wife and I are his best supporters going back to the House of Saud set up which should have resulted in Elon firing his entire inner circle unless he was mistakenly following the teaching of General Sun Tzi, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!”.
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Nor would he have needed to do so immediately, but by this time they would all be gone.
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There are no books written on war that are worth the paper they are written on even if the paper is purchased with worthless Cryptos.
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Even the dumbest human; namely, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow knows that the victors write the history books and supply all manufacturers with their parts and spies.
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It is now 1:36 PM Calif. time and we have no one even departing for lunch.
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@Alan Mark Zeligson aren’t you dying to ask shareholder class action litigator (scal) @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. if I would have done better taking a few more university computer programming courses before I figured out mathematically we stood a good chance of nailing multibillionaire Wall Street legend Ronald O. Perelman to the cross?
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Let’s look back at the start of Perspective One:
The uncertainty facing President Clinton of not knowing whether he has been already served lamb or duck or simply about to be served up himself is causing him much anxiety. The unraveling of the peace process means more than his Middle East policy going up in smoke; it is the unraveling of his whole sense of being. Neither his shortfalls on his domestic policy agenda nor the degradation of the impeachment proceedings is having as much of a negative effect on his emotional state.
This President, the eternal optimistic, has always had an abundance of self-confidence in his ability to “make his case” – relying on his ability to charm, most importantly, his certainty in his intellectual capacity to reason even if it meant having to negotiate with the Devil himself. As he reflects back on what went wrong he may begin to ask the question of whether he was “set up” by those within Government who are more tenured than any President.
He would not be the first intellectual who ends up playing second fiddle to those who really call the shots.
Clinton bought into the belief that the process of Israel giving up land in exchange for an overall peace settlement, once promulgated by many Jewish figures around the world was the only way to guarantee the long-term survival of Israel. This President is no anti-Semite. His historical perspective of the importance of the State of Israel, not only to Jewish people but also as beacon of “not forgetting” past wrongs appears genuine.
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@Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti is your French still good enough to see how positive are my writings while no less substantive?
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Surely there is at least one of my detractors willing to speak up even if it is only to admit that they are loading up on Bayer aspirin.
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Once realizing that trusted members of the Gevisser-Moshal clan had turned traitor, my eyes turned to what else took place following the SA Oppenheimers escaping prosecution at Nuremberg.
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@Mannie Hirsch, I’m assuming you are still with us.
What do you find most interesting about Nazi German chemist Fritz ter Meer, other than he died rich?
October 18 at 2:57 PM
Oct 18, 2022, 2:57 PM
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@Alan Woolf, Facebook show that you just showed your face.
Prior to your keen interest in me you were a prolific Jewish Holocaust writer which I’ve previously mentioned but you may have forgotten.
Have you written about Fritz ter Meer, and if not why not?
Also let me know if you would be interested in dating actress @Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti ?
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@Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti it is a couple of minutes before midnight in Paris.
If you were Elon Musk would you be interested in all this?
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You may recall me mentioning earlier this master Swiss mason who makes a joke with everyone that he is a Freemason and works for free, having a “brush with death” this past Saturday morning on his way over to meet with my wife and I and of course our Mango, high energy spirit to the point of invisibility.
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On Monday we went back to look at where Walter went off the road.
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A picture, not even 4, tell a thousand words; in fact if one had the time you would write to infinity and still not come close to capturing what took place.
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It is so unbelievable that the local sheriff’s department didn’t want to hear about, not that they were insensitive about the whole incident but because they were, they wanted to wipe their hands of and couldn’t wait to offload Walter on to me.
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Walter’s heavy duty truck with Walter at the wheel but fast asleep threaded
a course through the 2 trees on the furthest right of the first photo I just loaded, that resulted on both sides of the truck being equally squeezed, jolting Walter awake and then hitting the gas full on before finally coming to a stop a 100 meters away, the windshield blasted right in front of Walter not from his head but by a branch belonging to the left tree.
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Imagine all that.
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It is a miracle, just to imagine using your brain and mind of something that just happened or 14 billion years ago.
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I’m not saying imagination is unimportant.
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It is probably the strongest evidence of our consciousness.
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I’m sure because I’m certain every other animal, reptile and insect also imagines what they will be doing next.
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But no evidence they are conscious of their consciousness in the way that we are aware.
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Why would we be so uniquely privileged and so fucking destructive of our environment, no time for anyone who cannot get us more money?
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Remember we have yet to prove that God doesn’t exist.
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God may not exist but then God help us.
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If we can’t exhibit a sense of humor and something is responsible for that which we don’t find in the fossil record or anywhere else including a university economics text book, we become immediately depressed.
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When talking logic it has to apply like truth to everyone.
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If God exists then Walter’s brush with death takes on monumental importance.
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So does a chicken crossing the road with its head chopped off.
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While the honorable New York Times has dropped Ukraine way below the headline, there are torture chambers being used now by the Russians to torture Ukraine civilians and soldiers and I don’t think all Ukrainians are kind to all captured Russians, and this war could have ended before it started had Elon Musk the right people in his inner circle.
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Back to brush with death.
I don’t think the world’s best fighter Bomber Pilot or less skilled, best Formula 1 racing car driver could have pulled this off.
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The terrain was all over the place on approach.
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Now again I’m only talking chances of success.
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How can you have such unimaginable success over a period of 14 billion years and one specie collectively has fucked it all up in a 100 years?
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That is a success story in statistics.
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@Alan Dershowitz how were you in stats at law school?
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Who thinks if Jeffrey Epstein is now seated next to God, Epstein is proud of himself?
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Remember we are only focusing on the power of human imagination and the consequences of this colossal combination of super hardware and super software fucking everything up because imbedded is this out of control ego.
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So we are moving away from that first hydrogen atom which for all I know was mass produced but then who produced the tooling?
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@Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti it has been years since we last communicated and you may already have a daughter into her late 20s, early 30s who might be perfect for Elon.
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What can you tell us about her that might get Elon excited and wanting to join us now rather than be on Oprah?
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You have to imagine something good behind all of this to have put so much effort into seeing us screw everything up because man is at war with its ego.
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Therefore that ego had to be created in an imagination before getting imbedded in each human brain and where did the thinking behind God’s imagination originate?
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So we can’t prove God to everyone’s satisfaction but we do know that we have an ego problem that can be fixed if we can control our ego.
That’s the point I’m making.
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We are aware that we have surmountable problem but we don’t want to solve it because we don’t like to think everyone is stupid.
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@Ayala Weisel Esq., do you think that you will be saying less in the future, “They are so stupid”?
Weisel, if God doesn’t exist then you and my 3 elder siblings are highly likely to get away with the murder of my mother Zena, and you figure that by the reaction of everyone here who is ugly, but wanting to make out they are so sweet.
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On the other hand, you are all royally screwed.
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I prefer to think, because I am logical, that God exists and you are all royally screwed.
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Remember two things:
First, you know you have done wrong.
Second, you can’t be sure God does not exist.
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Given that you know you are not all that bright to begin with, having missed the colossal depravity of the Gross Domestic Product economic index that has led to the very bad Cryptos with strong ties to Lloyds of London insurance and back the SA Oppenheimers’ global military industrial complex, with loyalty only to their top generals who have to keep the rest in line, including robot soldiers now coming online, you have to be in great doubt that you have figured right about God.
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To be clear, you have to have absolute belief that God doesn’t exist in order for you to be continuously plotting to save each of your necks.
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Bear in mind @Ayala Weisel , @Mel Gevisser , @Kathy Danziger @@Kathy Danziger , @David Danziger , @Ava Gevisser , @Emma Elliott Gevisser, each of you are only allies who can count on each other only so long as it suits each of you.
You removed Kathy Danziger from the group.
You removed a participant from the group.
You added Bobby Snodgrass and Yana Watson to the group.
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For those just arriving @Bobby Snodgrass, best childhood friend of @Errol Graham Musk as well as his ex wife Maye Musk, mother of Elon, @Kimbal Musk and @Tosca Musk and @Yana Watson, wife of Captain @Paul Watson who I have concerns, and no less the board of directors of Sea Shepherd that Paul courageously created and overmatched from day, just like Elon Musk when investing in SpaceX and TESLA, it is wrong to assume that all family members get along all the time and trusted friends all remain best friends all their lives, just like not all ex husbands get along with ex wives.
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It is fair to say that my parents got along for the 30+ years of their marriage than any other couple I know, other than my wife and me.
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Edit: … better than any …
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In the 30 years my mother was married to her second husband Alan Zulman
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standing behind Mossad head David Ben Gurion, close intimate of my mother Zena, her parents and her paternal grandmother Nechie Bardash (1874-1943) who was orphaned at age 14 when her entire immediate family were massacred in pogrom committed by the Czar’s Cossacks in their tiny village Plonsk, Poland where Ben Gurion was born and the 2 families knew each other very well, my mother and father grew closer.
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@Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti, I have not discounted that you could be single and still highly attractive to Elon, but you would agree he should be allowed to make up his own mind about everything.
You too must also have a say in what man or woman would make you the most happy the rest of your life.
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Nor am I suggesting you fixate on Tom Cruise unless you have examined his previous marriages and still one should not be fixated because letting your emotions run high will most certainly interfere with your objectivity.
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At some point more people are going to get more comfortable in talking about and still we should be objective about how we got into this mess of 69% of the wildlife eradicated over the past 100 years during which time 75% of the green space such as rainforests and sea life has disappeared thanks to the overpopulation producing no less fools.
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So Elon could have a point that we must just try harder to find that needle in a haystack intelligent child because there will be nothing left once we only react when there is less than 1% remaining of everything.
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Never once have I said that Elon Musk is stupid.
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Each of us is designed for a purpose as is that first hydrogen atom and is individual components.
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Let’s turn the subject to an only artists colony such as a utopia in a place like New Mexico.
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The artists may all be total bullshit abstract artists like Andy Warhol and the drunk Jackson Pollock, but they believe in themselves and that the work they do is beautiful and brings joy to them and the others who can afford their pieces of crap.
Now I’m not talking about crafts such as jewelry design, only abstract-bullshit paintings done in mediums such as watercolors and oil.
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I assume the best in them and that they simply don’t know any better because they haven’t got educated which could also be because they know they are not talented to do any better; but again I assume the best in this imaginary artist colony.
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To be Utopia, it has to be all organic vegan even if only a few of them have caught on that your foods must be minus the SOS (Salt Oil Sugar).
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I would be going faster, if I was on my laptop rather than iPhone, so please forgive me.
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It is most impolite to being well informed on important subjects and not to say thank you.
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Imagine the entire community after dinner sitting around, relaxed, felt good about the meal, and the rest of the day having gone just as perfect.
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A member calls out, politely of course, no aggression, they are all on the same page, everyone sharing everything other than than wife and girlfriend, “Has anyone been into downtown San Diego or any major city on the planet?”.
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The moment the caller added “or any major …” their audience is alerted to a joke coming up, in all probability, and therefore we should remove that part in our imagination.
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So we got rid of it just like that; no hacksaw or frontal lobotomy without anesthesia.
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“Yes” replies one, “I was there 2 months ago, why?”.
“Did you notice any fat people?”
“Notice, does it look like I am blind? It is totally disgusting and shameful!”
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“That’s exactly what I thought but I haven’t been outside our commune since it was established in 1970. Why didn’t you alert us to this catastrophe?”
“As I said, I was only there 2 months ago and the toxicity had an affect immediately but like any poison infusion it took a while. I’m sorry”.
“Don’t be sorry because I perfectly understand, you are making common sense, good for you. Can I in any way help you detox sooner or do you think you got a fatal dose of real estate addiction, and I’m better off talking with your children, but I won’t do anything without first getting your permission.”
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“Let me think about it. I’ve thought about it. It is likely a pandemic worse than Covid 19 and so in the best interests of my children, I would like you to speak with them directly, the sooner the better, because you most likely will suffer a similar fate.”
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“No worries, given the obvious escalation, I stuck around just a few minutes during which time I held my breath continuously before summoning via Uber a SpaceX shuttle which took me this asteroid belt which launched Scientology, got new lungs, eyes, ears and nose and now good to go”
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“I only wish I was as clear thinking as you. It must have been my fate to have gone to San Diego ahead of you and not reacting quickly enough, but as you pointed out there is exponential escalation. So why are we continuing to talk, time is running out for the children”.
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“I was going to interrupt you but I didn’t want to be rude!”
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“What is bloody wrong with you. We are talking about the children who are our future!”
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By this time everyone is calm again but there was a point when it was getting testy.
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“We can all agree that this fat disease is killing our thinking. Who thinks the food, specifically the junk food is to blame?”
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“I haven’t visited San Diego in 30 years and then it was a very short visit but I noticed there were a lot of places like Macdonald’s Burger King Arbys and Jeff’s Burgers in La Jolla, and there weren’t as many when I visited a couple of decades before; so yes I think there could be correlation if that is what you are getting at?”
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“I’m very glad that everyone here is most polite and positive; it must be the food and air we breath collectively. From a self preservation perspective we must do everything to stop the urban sprawl before trying to help others. I’m not suggesting that we change the name of the State to Auschwitz but certainly we should consider changing the name of our colony, better yet hire Elon Musk at minimum wage no more to get us off Google Maps and I don’t think calling it Area 52 will stop people; so my vote is Auschwitz, do I have a second?”
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It is unanimous, the entire membership voted Iceland, no strike that Auschwitz.
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With time running out the first “caller” says, “None of us are economists, lawyers, judges, medical doctors and the such, if we ban junk meat-dairy food, and we continue to stay relatively healthy because there is still the toxicity of the air from the toxic cities, we might be able to convince the next colony and eventually, even San Diego”.
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There is no economic measurement in Cryptos other than Cryptos that are not tied to goods and services making the gross GDP a complete farce.
October 18 at 5:48 PM
Oct 18, 2022, 5:48 PM
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@Alan Woolf that last post, really fucked you up, didn’t it?
Try to give me another heart as you did the previous post.
It is only your ego you have to let go of eventually.
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Edit: We are aware that we have a surmountable problem …
Edit: … strong ties to Lloyds of London insurance and back to SA Oppenheimers’ global …
Edit: … overmatched from day one …
Edit: At some point people are going to get more comfortable in talking about God and …
October 19 at 5:54 AM
Oct 19, 2022, 5:54 AM
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5:54 AM Wednesday 19 Oct
World waking up
Google –
Afraid that their enemies might pursue them, they sent word back to Norway that their island was actually an ice-land, but that another island — more distant, larger and indeed covered by ice — was inhabitable green-land. And so the green island became Iceland, and the icy island became Greenland.
October 19 at 10:11 AM
Oct 19, 2022, 10:11 AM
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A contact left the group.
Karen Krok left the group.
October 20 at 4:58 PM
Oct 20, 2022, 4:58 PM
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Karen Krok, @Martin Krok ‘s ex wife says she mistakingly removed herself, and has asked to be added back.
You added Karen Krok to the group.
October 22 at 4:46 AM
Oct 22, 2022, 4:46 AM
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It is now 4:45 AM California time, Saturday 22 October.
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Elon Musk and the board of Twitter have yet to announce the completion of the $44 billion purchase which doesn’t touch sides with the gun-money power of the South African-German Oppenheimers who are fully Machiavellian or if you prefer narcissists, and fully aware of the toxic society they have created globally at the same destroyed the nature.
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Edit: … same time …
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To do their dirty work, and never forgetting how they managed to escape prosecution for their war crimes against us Jewish people primarily, and the 40 million Chinese and Russians also massacred, simply collateral damage, the same with the allied forces, American, British, French, Australian, South African etc etc, the German-South African Oppenheimers, seek out individuals with low self esteem; namely, ugly looks, most often times the result of excessive inbreeding that is not hindered by concentration in ghettos; second, low intellect and third, a little less obvious, an over-controlling parent who thinks the world revolves around them.
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We could easily go through each one of the current membership to establish which member left right before @Karen Krok mistakenly removed herself as well as identify those who might be suitable candidates for the SA Oppenheimers who are in constant search of peacock real estate developers who unconsciously facilitate the destruction of the green.
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Why is it that rich real estate developers are so revered even though they leave such a destructive wake?
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Until such time as artificial intelligence takes over completely and the human has no physical activity other than eating and the occasional sex and both can be remedied with a pill and/or an electrical pulse administered into the brain from a central command center such as Twitter-Pentagon, content will remain king.
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The fact that none of you want to hear this content is no less important.
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Your thinking is that so long as you don’t have to pay for the truth then your mind is in the clear and you can continue with your life just as before.
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Your strong belief is that so long as no one wants to hear the content, they will all be satisfied in ignoring it.
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You may all be right but I wouldn’t bet on it.
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The statistics we are seeing here with our membership are nothing short of utterly fantastic and you have yet hear the strong arguments as to why Elon Musk should back out of the Twitter deal even though he has figured out how to essentially overnight increase the advertising revenues to surpass all other media platforms combined, and that would include Facebook, Google, and all of Hollywood.
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Edit: … yet to hear …
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Over the course of the past 3 days since posting up “World waking up” followed by Google’s explanation of the people being easily fooled by a misleading name of a country-space which took place at 5:54 AM on Wednesday, and it is now 5:54 AM still Saturday, there hasn’t been really all that much we have learned more about the universe but we have learned a great deal about ourselves and who we can trust.
We know we can’t trust those who lie and deceive us because their goal is to grab as much money-land in the short amount of time they have remaining to leave their legacy.
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It turns out that most everyone literate believes they not only understand what a narcissist is but they know of at least one narcissist in their family.
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Of course they can name bunches else but we are talking family where the tightest bond is money.
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Once given one definition of a narcissist, they all go quiet.
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Let’s look at that definition:
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A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
“narcissists who think the world revolves around them”
October 22 at 7:54 AM
Oct 22, 2022, 7:54 AM
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October 22 at 11:03 AM
Oct 22, 2022, 11:03 AM
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Title: Medical success
Tiny little feet supporting big piggy,
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goes to the market
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buys pork grinds
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cooked in small batches in sunflower oil
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and a variety of flavors yummm
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It shouldn’t be allowed.
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@Mannie Hirsch what are saying?
If you are fat, you could be saying, “What am I missing, where’s that stuff?”.
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Edit: @Mannie Hirsch what are you saying?
I like your message
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How can they even put that on shelves.
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Be big indeed!
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The funniest is the sunflower oil that it’s cooked in which makes it sound healthy, doesn’t it?
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Keto heaven.
You added a participant to the group.
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You added @Clare Lusher
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Tell us that the government is caring.
A contact left the group.
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Clare Lusher left the group.
October 22 at 2:29 PM
Oct 22, 2022, 2:29 PM
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October 30 at 11:01 AM
Oct 30, 2022, 11:01 AM
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11:01 AM Sunday 30 October 22
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And the eyes of the world are
Watching now
Watching now
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Member @Errol Graham Musk ‘s eldest child, Chief Twit, Elon Musk was 6 years, 2 months and 14 days old when peaceful Steve Biko’s 2 day torture execution began on 9/11.
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If you are white South African born during the 46 year uninterrupted rule of the brutal Apartheid Regime who monitored round the clock all those they owned, just needed to look at the sizes of their houses, you should go that much quieter, feel your heart pump, maybe even a shiver up your spine, reminding you that you are still alive, even if heartless, most likely.
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September ’77
Port Elizabeth weather fine
It was business as usual
In police room 619
Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko
Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko
Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja
The man is dead
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Elon Musk likes the number 69; he was born 69 days after 4.20
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42 is good number
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Elon Musk has not said he can better the answer “coincidences” to his question, “What is not predictable?”
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Edit: 9/11/1977
You added a participant to the group.
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Added @Lizzie Cal
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It is now 8:49 AM Calif time 31 Oct 22, 88 years since the introduction of the heinous, morally reprehensible, insanely illogical, grotesque in the extreme Gross Domestic Product economic index that tells you it is not possible to call any economist, lawyer, judge, politician, captain of industry or for that matter philosopher such as Noam Chomsky bright.
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Certainly one can call them stupid, narcissistic or a psychopath or a combination whatever you prefer.
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Remember in 1934 all those alive back then who could read and write which didn’t include that Jewish kid frightened to death with his hands signaling surrender, were literate.
Alexandra Musk-Steuart left the group.
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It is now 9:06 AM
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@Errol Graham Musk ‘s daughter Alexandra Musk-Stewart, half sister of Elon, @Kimbal Musk and @Tosca Musk left
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The number of literate university graduates has exploded during the past 88 years and the destruction of the planet has not been kept a secret.
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So it must be ego or a chemical imbalance.
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Elon Musk is super bright and so if he puts his mind to it, he can figure each of you out.
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In other words he might have a few choice words for his half sister Alexandra who is married to a Wall Street real estate investor, or he might decide silence is the best message.
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Shortly we will be returning to the “thought experiment” Auschwitz artist community made up predominantly of bullshit-abstract artists who are now insulating themselves from the stupid virus of epic proportions and they still have to deal with solving problems such as indoor plumbing installed by a lazy, incompetent plumber.
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Who sees a correlation between diet, laziness and incompetency?
Intelligence is genetic.
October 31 at 9:58 AM
Oct 31, 2022, 9:58 AM
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Obviously something interferes like food, tv, pollution, radio waves, your habits, nuclear waste, education, etc as they grow up; there is not enough difference in IQ to use that as an excuse.
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@Lizzie Cal at 8:59 AM, 25 minutes prior to writing on this very public bulletin board, a global town hall in the bud, “intelligence is genetic” and you are suggesting that it is common knowledge that “intelligence is genetic”, you wrote to me “I’ll check it out, Gary! I’m getting ready for the Treaters. When, I’m calm, I’ll give it a careful read”.
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When something is explained well it doesn’t require any special intelligence.
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@Lizzie Cal, can I suggest you put aside the “ticker tweeting” (sic) and read what I previously shared with you which I will share here, as well as thought “Auschwitz thought experiment” without forgetting what can explain the 88 year dissonance that is completely off the charts.
October 31 at 4:01 PM
Oct 31, 2022, 4:01 PM
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It is now 3:58 PM and everyone, including @Lizzie Cal understands “When something is explained well it doesn’t require any special intelligence”, and I believe Ms Cal also knows that she didn’t need to wait for a nonsensical distraction celebration, same as “be fruitful and multiply” which registers best with out of shape men, to end to follow my previous writings to her following her first acknowledgment what I posted up on the fb wall of journalist publisher Deborah Emin made perfect sense which sent Ms Emin who remains a fb friend into a tail spin when it becomes impossible to know what is up or down but you know you are doomed.
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Just in case not everyone is sure, I have yet to post up here my entire dialogue with Lizzie Cal but you would expect that if my writings captivate all your attention you wouldn’t expect any less from Mark Zuckerberg given it’s stickiness that is unprecedented in human history which is all we really know, and assume a lot of things about previous and long extinct species such as the dinosaurs starting with their intelligence because too much emphasis is placed on the size of a brain once you consider the deep depravity of the human race with extraordinarily few exceptions such as Einstein and Elon Musk who I don’t consider a genius, but exceptionally smart to read and then make decisions, a lot on his own, because I don’t see how either parent found the time to read ahead of what interested their bright son and that requires paying very careful attention from the start; nor it it that easy when you are first learning to raise a child and there are no handbooks you spin a lot wheels.
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There is an anything but Mark Anthony speech I have already started about Elon Musk, which I’m now putting to the side, to say Ali it’ll about member @Paul Watson and very shortly I’ll be cycling back to me pushing a lot of heavy luggage around Zurich, Switzerland, international airport in December 1967.
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Captain Watson, perfectly understands my strong disagreements with him, but that doesn’t count him out amongst the greatest humans who have ever walked the face of the planet.
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The fact that he is white skinned doesn’t mean he didn’t come from the best of the black skinned people who gave their best to the next generation without regard to the color of their skin which was all black for a very long time.
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It is normal for weak body-mind people to get caught up in racism.
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Black for a very very very long time was not a racist because that would have been stupid since everyone is the same color, and they had better reasons to fight amongst each other, such as survival.
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Who remembers that there is a war of attrition going on in Ukraine and you all know it is tied to the rigging of the minerals market which affects the price of Ukraine wheat and the cost of transportation.
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Who here has ever been interviewed for a top job that takes a year to complete during which time you get to see history in the making.
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So far it is only stupid people who call me stupid.
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Why do we talk real estate when we know the minerals market is corrupt?
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Captain Watson’s disagreement with Greenpeace which started in 1971, the year Elon Musk was born for those who don’t remember which is good sign of brain malfunction, was well founded, but Captain Watson persevered without knowing the extent to which he was overmatched by the same people continuing to wage war with Elon Musk who has few genuine supporters.
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The fact that Captain Watson has also made a lot of enemies is not as important as both men have survived, a bit battle weary but still with us.
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Taking on the arrogant Japanese establishment is like taking on De Beers.
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The Diamond Invention book begins, “In Japan…”.
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How do you talk stocks when the minerals market is totally rigged and has been this way ever since diamonds were the best drilling bit head?
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What if there is a punishment for the wicked such as those who have facilitated the murder of my mother Zena equivalent to a thin needle piercing the brain continuously and most unsure that death brings any reprieve?
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There is no market for whale meat in Japan.
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The Japanese who behaved badly to both the Chinese and Koreans, nor did they treat captured soldiers all that great with 4 square meals a day and for everyone to take turns in having a suite at the Pierre Hotel in New York City but only for the best behaved who didn’t have to contend with those beheaded for insubordination and otherwise defenseless against the sadistic guards, only want to show the world that no one is going to tell them what to do.
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The fact that personal relationships with Japanese people going back to my first trip in 1989 has been wonderful, completely trustworthy, incredibly hospital, not a bad word to say about any of them, but they are an incredibly arrogant people and you can see it in their quest to create a market for whale meat amongst the Japanese.
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These are the type of issues one needs to raise with Harry Oppenheimer (1905-2008) in order to move to the next level of question-answers and at their core is private real estate ownership in South Africa by either blacks and whites who had the first pick of land and first choice because of their money wealth to afford the best lifetime black slaves.
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Who here had pretty much the same black slaves growing up in South Africa?
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Does Captain Watson deserve his 1000 foot luxurious $2 billion yacht and to celebrate every day and night his victories against the most ruthless people in the world who count on the arrogant Japanese officials to never back down?
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Could he do more with his remaining time?
He could also lose weight and feel better.
You always expect better from the best.
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I will give Captain Watson a hard time until the day either one of us dies.
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He is that good.
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So is the Australian interviewer of Captain Watson and the arrogant, conscienceless Japanese official who was laughing in her face.
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Captain Watson is talking to this obvious carnivore 60 Minutes interviewer about whale lives matter.
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She is looking at him like he is bonkers.
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Captain Watson has his black African ancestors to thank for his abundance of common sense-humanity.
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It is now time for evening hike; looking forward to meeting up with a couple of owls who swooped down directly in front of us; imagine it all being choreographed from above.
October 31 at 6:09 PM
Oct 31, 2022, 6:09 PM
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Just passing the midway mark
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and turned on my iPhone to take a shot of the sky and its colors equally in sync with the heartbeat of the universe as are all the rest of the animals including those we eat, and the thought occurred to me that some of you might be going to sleep with bad thoughts, and how I might make a difference by explaining more of the lunacy of Halloween.
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What do you do if you have school kids who are propped up, their chance to get candy.
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Could you see dentists and candy companies being behind it?
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They go hand in hand.
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Again my writings make sense because I think sensibly and the people who react badly know why, no less so when they distract with complete wacko “intelligence is genetic”, before telling me to behave or they will punish me.
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Most of you here are not as unintelligent as The coupon clipper…
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But you know you are the animal you eat and the company you keep.
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Who here likes the other company they keep as much as the me and the rest who are here?
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If I spell it out for @Jeffrey Essakow realtor tycoon so that he understands, “the kids have their hand out for candy at school, the dentists use their hands to extract candy caused rotten teeth and to place fillings “ then all the rest as thick as J Essakow The Coupon … will understand.
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Who here doesn’t understand “… go hand in hand”?
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Tomorrow morning, most likely, let’s look into what Elon Musk came away with after spending 6 months studying economics at the University of Pretoria which in my opinion was a far better university than Wharton business school, Yale, Cambridge and Oxford in terms of how the real world works.
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As I mentioned earlier to Craig Lane
You added Craig Lane to the group.
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“This is mountain Lion time and survival is all about staying in the moment”.
It is getting close to pitch black, half the moon traversing the clouds, rain expected on Wednesday
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It helps greatly to fully enjoy the moment knowing the puma-mountain lions are aware of your every move.
Remember no animal other than the human has shown itself to be stupid beyond a shadow of a doubt. and those are amazing statistics; to be enjoyed if you are not stupid and we have established Elon Musk is not stupid.
November 1 at 11:09 AM
Tue 11:09 AM
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Edit: … to say a little about member @Paul Watson …
Edit: … history in the making?
Edit: The fact that my personal relationships with Japanese people going back to my first trip in 1989 has been wonderful, completely trustworthy, incredibly hospitable …
Edit …raise with Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) …
Edit: … to take a shot of the sky on fire …
Edit: Who here likes the other company they keep as much as they like me and the rest who are here?
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It is now 11:09 AM Tuesday 1 November 2022, 50 years to the day when I first met Mossad head David Ben Gurion (1886-1973) who didn’t need to read The Diamond Invention book to know that the Nazis had won World War II but had failed to achieve their Final Solution.
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@Lizzie Cal you can see that I have been meticulous with my edits which took place at 11:09 AM and without missing a beat I went on to make little mention of today being the 50th anniversary of my first meeting with incredibly strong mind-body, 4 feet 11 inch tall, General of Generals Ben Gurion who didn’t automatically trust all Jewish people who walked out of the death factories alive, but nor did he blame them for the Holocaust or for that matter lose his focus on the specific individuals who orchestrated and most profited, because that would have meant Ben Gurion was stupid.
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@Lizzie Cal given your extraordinary declaration, “Intelligence is generic” which has nothing to do with importance of the subject matter which is well explained in the title, Name Someone Stupid (NSS), please explain your reasoning for so interrupting the flow and in the process help focus that much more on the rigged money system which has everyone so disturbed?
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At the same time I would like you @Lizzie Cal as well as @Mannie Hirsch who just a few seconds ago gave a “thumbs up” following “… meant Ben Gurion was stupid” without @Mannie Hirsch explaining what he learned most from his studies at Witwatersrand University, to keep a “window open” to all that Elon Musk is Tweeting while still talking about “bots” being a problem which he says will be eliminated by charging patrons of Twitter a nominal sum which started out I believe at $40 a year, down to $5 and why not 1 cent every decade or so, just so long as there is increasing tighter control of the population which is the purpose of the Cryptos.
A contact left the group.
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@Lizzie Cal don’t be put off in the event you feel inadequate for not having a university degree from an academically sound university such as Wits and University of Pretoria where most all subjects including economics were taught in Afrikaans which meant Elon Musk’s Afrikaans had to be pretty good, but of course not quite as good as his father’s full on fluent in South Africa’s second official language and if you thought it was Zulu you would be wrong.
In fact you should feel better about yourself because university educated @Mannie Hirsch is rather inarticulate given how a “thumbs up” and “Wow” is equivalent in my humble but seasoned opinion to the crowds in the Roman Colosseum giving their “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” to what they thought was the correct fate of the defeated gladiator.
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Lizzie Cal just left, and just as quick to remove her name which occurred the moment she blocked me on fb messaging.
Again, her and my dialogue will be available for everyone to see, in due course.
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We should all be patient.
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@Mannie Hirsch do you understand why it is that we should all be patient?
There is so much crap going on that you will blow your mind if you are not relaxed and very patient
November 1 at 12:18 PM
Tue 12:18 PM
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@Mannie Hirsch, I see you answer above which makes no mention of both you and Ms. Cal surely not the only members who are glued 24/7 to NSS.
Did you graduate Wits?
What did you study?
Is there any other source of information that you pay as much attention?
Can you name all the others that pop into your head?
Did you get “kids propped up”? If so can you explain it in your own words?
When did it occur to you that there was something wrong with real estate investors in South Africa being morally indefensible?
What was your personal reaction to the bold, grotesque, 2 day torture execution of Steve Biko beginning on 9/11/77 and then 119 odd days later, 8 January 1979, the sniper assassination of Biko’s partner in The Durban Movement, Richard Turner?
What has been your career since leaving university?
Are you aware of all the pieces which needed to be in place in order for the human mind to recognize the importance of the number system, to not only help keep track of things such as shipments of Ukrainian wheat and the number of Starlink satellites needed to cover every inch of the earth’s surface, but no less important why a social media platform such as Facebook has long reached saturation point and needs to branch out into the Metaverse, spending tens of billions in Research & Development (R&D) as well as Sales & Marketing (SAM) which will only increase the eyeballs of the sickly, lethargic, sedentary humans getting poisoned with junk meat-dairy (liquified meat) and their life expectancy will begin dropping precipitously?
Do you think the preservation of human life and the planet’s green is of concern for the people who price the wheat, the SAM missiles, paycheck of plumbers, carpenters, advertisers, professional sports players, generals, Presidents, prime ministers, taxidermists, funeral directors, politicians, regulators, scientists, medal doctors, lawyers and the such?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you find it obscene that poison is still called food, and yet common sense tells you it is garbage full of SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) where the increased fat diseased cellulite talkative cells are the perfect incubation for the deadly cancer cells to proliferate?
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Edit: .. 8 January 1978 …
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It is now 12:28 PM.
@Mannie Hirsch everyone including Mark Zuckerberg knows you are still here and thinking it is best to ignore?
What do you think of the statistics surrounding the reaction of the heartless humans to Zena The Lady’s Speech
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Do you see that there have been 1578 independent views?
Why do you think my 3 elder siblings members @Kathy Danziger and @Mel Gevisser along with gold digger @Emma Elliott recently married to our eldest brother Neil
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have failed either to comment or provide their own film footage of my mother Zena following her explicit support of me and the 3 of them all about the money, the same as all the unconscious?
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@Mannie Hirsch what were your first thoughts when reading Lizzie Cal’s “Intelligence is generic”?
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@Mannie Hirsch did you serve in the military-police forces of the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime without realizing you were signing up for something far more barbaric than the Hitler Youth Movement?
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Mannie, don’t you find it extraordinary that both Elon Musk and his younger brother @Kimbal Musk, despite being raised in a heavily dysfunctional household, chose to leave Apartheid South Africa and first make their way to Canada where there was no Trust Fund awaiting, rather hard tough, very blue collar work, the same with their younger sister @Tosca Musk versus how incredibly easy it was for Jewish South Africans such as you and me as well as my 2 elder bothers, to travel to Israel and upon arrival have all the basic needs met including free education?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you recall in your South African high school history text books as well as what the teachers taught, much mention of Mossad head Ben Gurion’s partner, spy catcher of spy catcher, General Jan Christiaan Smuts (24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950)?
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It is now 12:50 PM.
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@Mannie Hirsch are there any South Africans you trust more than Tosca, Kimbal and Elon Musk?
Please include in your analysis your parents and grandparents.
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@Mannie Hirsch what happened to your level of happiness between “Wow” and now?
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Do you think Elon Musk has read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1979 non fiction book The Diamond Invention but doesn’t talk about it because it was written so long ago and people such as you constant social butterflies are no less deafeningly silent?
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@Mannie Hirsch are you aware of Jewish South Africans such as realtor The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow’s best friend Sidney Green who committed suicide because of financial stress?
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This past Saturday my gorgeous F-C wife and I spent the better part of 2 hours meeting with the new, speculative real estate owner of our previous main residence in Del Mar.
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Very attractive, professional classic ballroom dancing teacher, UCLA graduate Merna Sturgis who you see above with her no less very handsome father, passed away suddenly in mid 2018 after a run of the mill knee surgery which went horribly wrong with her aftercare; dead in a matter of days.
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I, our doggy Mango, and wife Marie Dion who you see talking with Merna in the previous photo taken in the back of the main residence where she lived alone other than when friends of hers would visit from out of town or where we would stay in the guest room when we had friends visiting, were out of country at the time, over in Europe
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and expecting Merna to join us once she had recovered from surgery which she had been putting off for years since she distrusted medical doctors and besides she was still walking every day, 7 days a week, 6 miles.
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The one of a kind double lot property had been in the family going back to her father in law who was a Colonel in the Marines and paid very little.
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So you are all thinking, “How rich did Merna’s heirs make out”?
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The property taxes of this new 78 year old owner who made his killing in Silicon Valley real estate, getting in when the area was still only fruit orchards, is already upwards of $200k a year and he is only just getting started with the massive redevelopment.
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He also plans to purchase the property next door with almost the same amount of beach frontage.
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Merna, who spoke her mind and tolerated fools badly, took the 2 photos of me resting comfortably on her one of many lounge chairs on her front deck with an unobstructed view of the Pacific Ocean.
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Our address 101 11th Street is also a favorite surfing spot
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along with a drop off point for drug dealers shipping contraband into the United States from Mexico which is a long walk if you are an ant.
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The new owner was more than happy to show us the complete overhaul of our residence that is about two-thirds complete
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The view will remain the same
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but that is about it.
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Note how long it has taken for @Mannie Hirsch to come up with his 2 best distractions.
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It is now 1:43 PM, and he doesn’t demonstrate to me anything close to being calm.
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He obviously has nothing better to do with time, constantly thinking how to distract and therefore more in common with very common Lizzie Cal and the rest all about the money.
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The finishing touches to the overhaul of what we fondly refer to as The Cliff House I would most unlikely be what IKEA toss out for their slowest moving merchandise.
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Fleet Street which is what the British tabloid press are referred to, do have statisticians on staff.
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Had my wife and I wanted to spend the rest of our Saturday with the new owner and only discussing what Merna Sturgis learned when reading The D I book for the first time, and then reading it again before letting me know that she thought I had on my hands, or to be clear, what she read on my laptop computer screen, the best selling book of all time, he would have only been too happy.
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I’m quite sure that when he had completed all his planned acquisitions of beach frontage properties, the most expensive on the North American continent, he hoped to at least quadruple his money.
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If you are looking right now at Elon Musk’s Tweets he isn’t talking much about the deep pockets of his Saudi and Qatar investors who provided a chunk of change for him to take Twitter private or how he could not simply prop up Twitter’s advertising revenues but blow those revenues sky high, larger than the revenues of, Washington Post, Walmart, Deutsche Bank, INVESTEC, Monsanto, Microsoft, Apple, De Beers, Exxon, and Ukrainian wheat sales combined simply having advertisers on YouTube from pet rocks to Crypto exchanges pay in energy consuming, worthless Cryptos.
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It would have stuck a raw nerve when even the most unconscious read, “When something is explained well it doesn’t require any special intelligence”.
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@Mannie Hirsch on a scale of between 0 and 10, and 10 being smart, but less than genius which is what Einstein had and no one else close, how would you rank your intelligence, and would you also go through each of the membership of NSS and assign them a value?
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I assume you still haven’t decided if you have anything better to do with your time, apart from figuring out if this stupid virus
pandemic that began to pick up great speed around the time Elon Musk was born has the stamp of Creation all over it?
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Edit: The finishing touches to the overhaul of what we fondly refer to as The Cliff House would most unlikely be what IKEA toss out for their slowest moving merchandise.
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It is now 2:20 PM, still 1.11.22
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@Mannie Hirsch have read my 4 articles published in the 90 year old Jerusalem Post, beginning 12 days after the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich, by outgoing 42nd Commander In Chief Bill Clinton from the Rhodes-De Beers Class of ‘68?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you understand why the Essakow family of Durban North, best friends with @Sidney Lazarus clan, also of Durban North who were the chief Jewish Kapos-Zagiew of the Apartheid Regime who relied heavily on their Jewish collaboration network, as did the Gestapo’s Zagiew, do not like me or my amazing mother Zena who thinks so highly of me?
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@Mannie Hirsch let me know when you are ready for me to explain the watershed year of 1969, which is no less important than 1066 Battle of Hastings?
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Once you let me know, also let me know why you think the present British Royal Family don’t pinpoint their favorite ancestor who promotes free speech, democracy, competition and most of all competency in logic?
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@Mannie Hirsch you most likely had a barmitzvah in South Africa because your gender appears to be male and your last name doesn’t sound Christian such as the Pope.
Let’s assume you didn’t understand a single word of what you sang or read to qualify and receive a designation such as this
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did the thought occur to you, now that you were 13 years of age, that the slave master Babylonians who had swords
hanging over the heads of the Jewish scribes who were writing our Torah that included the 10 Commandments that condone the slaving of humans as well as animals, were eager to introduce the concept of “Be fruitful and multiply” in order to continue a strong supply of future slaves until technology improved to the point that robots would not only service themselves but create from scratch increasingly smart robots leaving humans only to fuck for pleasure?
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Edit: … as well as other much more sensitive, intelligent animals …
November 1 at 7:33 PM
Tue 7:33 PM
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While no one can explain how Cryptos work since there is no backing by goods and services, only self dealing, the squeezing of the last resistors continues.
@ZelenskyyUa is not alone in understanding your lie requires everyone to keep up their end of the bargain with the Devil.
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No Devil Lived On~No Devil Lived On
November 2 at 7:29 AM
Wed 7:29 AM
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It is now 7:29 Calif time the morning of Wednesday, October 2022, and still no one amongst this great sampling have yet to comment, other than their deafening silence, what screw loose exactly caused Ms Lizzie Lizard Cal to go off the deep end with her worthless “Intelligence is generic”.
November 2 at 7:45 AM
Wed 7:45 AM
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Not even @Mannie Hirsch who at 84 and in the twilight of his life, clueless about how easy it was for the virulent antisemitic German-South African Oppenheimers to infiltrate our South African Jewish communities, turning the worst such as the Durban North Lazarus clan and their close friends, starting with the Essakows into informers for the grotesque Apartheid Regime, who is unwilling to speak clearly his mind for fear of retribution, all the while the planet burns and the leadership, secular and religious simply focused on building their nest egg and alliances that can only be trusted as far as they can be thrown.
The Apartheid Regime was far more brutal than any dictatorship including Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini who were never able to stamp out opposition entirely, a great example the Lutheran Bonhoeffer family and it wasn’t only Dietrich, a priest and his brother Klaus, a lawyer, who risked their lives in support of us Jewish people who had only one true friend, General Smuts who was also overmatched.
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What happened to courage?
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What happened to honor?
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What is so great about family values and unity when it is nonexistent?
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It doesn’t seem like much to look forward to if you are just being conceived or born, but then you are just toys for the barbaric who have no soul.
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Jewish South African architect @Micha-el Frame just showed his face, so did a bunch others, none of which is lost on Mark Zuckerberg who like Musk knows that the entire concept of advertising which is the cornerstone of competition is retarded when the minerals market is rigged.
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To think that even well to do South Africans complain about electricity interruptions and the exorbitant price they pay to have their robots work and not having to worry as much about their black slaves turning and stabbing them in the back, as the mostly black politician puppets line their pockets, tells you there is a correlation between stupid and corrupt.
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@Micha-el Frame you like to play with yourself, but why do you remain here when you have better things to do like pencil drawings and panting by numbers just to keep your mind active in preparation for full on senility?
In other words what is everyone looking forward to in the future and knowing for certain it is just a matter of time before the ants go to work on your carcass?
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There is no spirituality here, it is only preparing the soulless body for death.
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With a show of hands, who loves advertising?
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Who can point to spot of resistance amongst Jewish South Africans who began losing their way at the very start of the Apartheid Regime and their souls replaced with stolen real estate, and bad, dirty mouths?
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For those of you who hate Elon Musk and see him as mercurial, dishonest in the extreme, a narcissist as bad as his biological father, @Errol Graham Musk if not a whole lot worse given that for all intent and purposes Elon Musk advocated that Jewish Zelenskyy who defied conventional wisdom did not take the ride offered by Biden, surrender as Ukraine began beating the socks off the Russians who Putin is happy to get rid of because they are poor and fearful that educating them only causes problems, your only other option is Robert Reich, also from the De Beers-Rhodes Class of ‘68.
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At least you all know that Elon Musk understands perfectly the game you are all playing here.
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I don’t see many hands rising offering an alternative to the liar Robert Reich.
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That must be because you can’t see yourselves as any better than Robert Reich and I would be the first to agree with you.
November 2 at 9:03 AM
Wed 9:03 AM
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How easy to fix all the problems of the world but the ego and chemical imbalance, both ingenious creation won’t have you budge.
That is not reason to lose hope; on the contrary it is solid ground for great optimism.
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Will be back shortly.
November 2 at 11:22 AM
Wed 11:22 AM
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It is now 11:12 AM, and it is also doubtful that this will put any of you to sleep.
The best test of raw intelligence of non-Jewish people, versus Jewish people, is identifying if they are anti-Semitic, which most Gentiles are, for the simple reason they are stupid.
Given how widespread the antisemitism virus is, one cannot rule out that it is genetic.
What else can explain such stupidity given how us Jewish people haven’t had an army worth talking about for 2000 years.
The Romans crushed us, so there was no military underground network; and yet common sense says that if you don’t have “Might is Right” alongside you 24/7 there is no way, outside of an Act of God, to defend against false propaganda.
@Steven Bailey, you are anti-Semitic, and therefore would you agree that your stupidity must logically extend elsewhere such as calling me stupid?
How are you doing otherwise?
If one looks at all the great many writings, books, magazine articles, headline news, Tweets, speeches, TV interviews and podcasts pertaining to the South African Musks, who are by far the richest people on paper in the entire world, there is not an iota of anti-Semitism, quite the opposite in fact.
So what genetic defect do you see @Steven Bailey with the Musks or do you think they are immensely blessed?
You would agree, it is one or the other?
@Mannie Hirsch do you agree with that?
With regard to us Jewish people, the best test of raw intelligence is to gauge their reaction to both the SA Oppenheimers and the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime which ruled ruthlessly for 46 uninterrupted years, first decimating our Jewish communities with Jewish informers who were easy to identify by simply viewing their personal and business relationships with the chief, disgusting Jewish Kapos in each community, such as the Lazarus clan of Durban North before looking, although it can be done simultaneously, at Jewish South Africans who made it big in real estate development such as the lawyers, architects, engineers, construction, and insurance companies involved in building Jewish person Raymond Ackerman’s real estate empire which he purchased in 1967, 4 Pick N Pay stores, from Jewish person, no less idiot business man-realtor Jack Goldin, the first employer of my foolish brother in law @David Danziger.
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@David Danziger, can you give us an assessment of my mother Zena as well as your own physical-mental health?
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Who remembers 1967?
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Let’s roll the clock back 4 months.
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Focus on my Highbury school tie.
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By December 1967 I had already left the very Gentile boarding high school Highbury whose grounds I was very familiar with from when I was a toddler,
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and returned to my Jewish day school Carmel College where again the Jewish Kapo Durban North Lazarus clan reigned supreme just as they did at our Jewish orthodox temple on the corner of Silverton and Musgrave Road where the most grotesque occurance took place every Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement.
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Highbury, the prep school for South Africa’s most prestigious high school, Michaelhouse which my eldest brother Neil
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attended after Highbury which he began at 7 years of age, a big difference to when I went at 10 years of age, and mine was voluntary versus my eldest brother who was not given a choice because when you are rude to any member of the family, especially one that has the best parents and grandparents in the world, you simply can’t be trusted; and it worked in the case of my eldest brother who was most respectful of our mother and father while mostly disrespectful of the rest of the world who deserved it, but still one should never paint with the a broad brush when finding good people is like finding a needle in a haystack.
But in the end, my brother’s poor choice of a wife, the same with my middle brother Melvin, shows that a leopard never changes it spots.
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My first brush with anti-Semitism didn’t take place at Highbury. Quite the contrary, I felt at first that I had died and gone to heaven.
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It wasn’t enough that my new classmates greeted me by telling the teacher who was just introducing me because I arrived in the middle of the term, “His father is a fighter pilot” which was to tell the teacher who simply began, “I want to introduce you to Gary Gevisser” that I was being judged favorably because of my father; but, along with the only other Jewish kid in the school, a Gavin Scharchic, and Im pretty sure I have his last name spelled wrong, we were treated like royalty.
Never being served meat from a pig and not having to attend chapel services in the morning, alowed Gavin who was a few years older, to bond.
He looked out for me, but he didn’t need to.
Again, not a hint of anti-Semitism because most of the students came from well off families who were better educated, all thanks to how well they respected General Jan Christiaan Smuts whose fighter pilots were the heroes of the Battle of Britain, the commencement of the air war, as well as how it ended with his elite Fighter Bomber Squadron 11 achieving its primary goal of taking pressure off the Russian Red Army which was going to be counted on to give the Gerries hell.
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My first encounter with anti-Semitism, apart from my jealous cousins, aunts and uncles, was the display of pure arrogance, greed, two-faced behavior of the Nth degree during of all times, Yom Kippur, and right after member, Professor rabbi @Abner Weiss gave the customary sermon that ended with his plea for funding his salary as well as the costs for light fixture replacements, light bulbs, wear and tear of the chandeliers, carpeting, dusting and polishing, as well as rent without going in to the detail of the previous landlord and the one before that.
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Placed in front of each member of the congregation who had their own seat which was not the homeless Jewish people, and resting on the rectangular cuboard that was on hinges and raised vertically, and just enough space to hold the prayer book, shawl or tallit if you prefer, was this in-between thick piece of rectangular carboard with punch holes on the 4 edges.
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Next to each hole was a money amount.
In neutral position was a hole with a loosely attached string making it easy work for the member to untie it and thread it in the hole that showed how much they were going to donate to keep the synagogue going for the next year.
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Between the time rabbi Weiss ended his sermon and when each person would pass the piece of cardboard to the end of the row, which ever was closer, there was a lot of shuffling.
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All eyes were focused on seeing how much the person or persons around you were giving.
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In other words their entire imaginations were placed on hold to participate in this disgusting circus.
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If you had tons of cash like the Lazarus clan it didn’t matter how much or how little is your contribution; but if you are struggling as most Jewish South Africans yet to profit from the real estate inflationary wars, it was pure hell.
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As your card is passed along, everyone seated alongside gets to see.
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That is grotesque in the extreme.
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As far as I know when the Christians, Muslims, Hindus and the such give it is not done so on the Holiest day of their year and to make their poor feel horribly that much more embarrassed.
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When looking across as I did seated either in between my father and his father Issy Gevisser or my dad sat right next to his father and me next to my dad, at the Lazarus clan almost directly opposite, it was hard not to notice member @Sidney Lazarus‘s father, Gunter The Pig Lazarus and his no less disgusting rascist, Jewish Kapo brother Bernard Lazarus standing up and smiling from ear to ear.
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It is common practice amongst this herd mentality human beast to beat up on someone once you have beaten them to the ground and to rub it in that much more if you are the cause of them being poor.
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Hence further proof of who were the Apartheid Regime’s chief Jewish Kapo and their impact of desecrating the Holiest day of the year and everyone still silent.
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You don’t need money other than to beat down on the next person when the minerals market is rigged.
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1967 was also the year that virulent anti-Semite, German-American Charles W. Engehard Jr. [1917-1971] completed the purchase of Phillip Bros and their very underwhelming employee, Marc Rich.
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Is anyone here willing to admit that they have read my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the teason pardon of Rich, and they wish they hadn’t?
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Doesn’t common sense say that if you want to destroy someone you infiltrate their places of worship and schooling?
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Why would you assume that the educational system as well as places of worship are holy?
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If one came up with a different name to the Holy See when referring to the Pope, would your mind possibly see it as less than Holier than Thou?
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Professor of Ethics, member @Tony Haverstick when do you think the human stopped thinking?
If you can’t be very specific, what would be your best guess?
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How much of a cricket applause do you think Harry Oppenheimer gave when Raymond Ackerman opened his first Pick N Pay Hypermarket that was designed by members @Trevor Abramson and @Lynne Karen Bentel‘s fathers?
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Let’s say you are completing your Phd in real estate investing at member @Harry Rady‘s father’s Rady’s School of Business management housed in the most modern, spectacular complex of very cash and land rich University of San Diego housed atop Torrey Pines, La Jolla and where you come away at best with managing your lies, don’t you want to know why Harry Oppenheimer doesn’t have his name on every piece of real estate located on all 6 continents along with every realtor waking up each morning, kneeling beside their bed, honoring Harry Oppenheimer?
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It is now 12:41 PM Calif. time.
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Who remembers not only the ingenious software and hardware necessary for the creation of life and ultimately the biggest disappointment human, but also Elon Musk would not have been the dumbest student studying economics at the University of Pretoria, prior to immigrating to Canada?
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@Teri Lawton how are you doing?
How do I encourage you to have your two lawyer children who I have known since before they were teenagers join us here?
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@Tamara Zulman, Im assuming you are still married to @Andy Cohen who remains a fb friend, and is still with us because Andy feels that he has nothing better to do with his time.
Of course we must discuss your Beacon Sweets and how its competition were kept in check.
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@Rip Esselstyn, I will assume that you are keeping your father, heroic cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn MD up to speed on why junk food meat-dairy is priced irresistibly low.
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First cousin, carnivore cardilogist Dr. @Barry Molk MD, I don’t see how inserting a stent into your heart will lessen your pain, an ingenious outcome of the brain’s interaction with other internal organs under stress.
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If ever there was strong evidence of Elon Musk completely out of touch with the real world, it is his advocacy on a Christian podcast Babylon Bee, back on 21 December last year, for the greatest Jewish person who has ever lived; namely Portuguese Baruch Spinoza, born on November 24, 1632 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, excommunicated on 27 July 1656, not yet 24 years of age, and died February 21, 1677 in The Hague, Netherlands.
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Let’s recap.
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Most of the world is not Jewish, or anywhere close.
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Elon Musk is aware of this.
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He doesn’t simply stop with his praise of the Great Spinoza who does not refrain from mocking the hell out of religious Jewish people who are doing him and the Jewish people the greatest amount of harm, as Spinoza refers to them as “Worshippers of Ink on Paper”, and aware because he is conscious, that the corrupt Jewish rabbis of Amsterdam and all those who followed were bowing to the treacherous King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who ran the entire Portugueses-Spanish Inquistion throughout Europe from its start, right before Columbas sailed the ocean blue, and therefore before the eradication of the indigenous peoples of the north American and south American continent, including Equador that was used to test out Bitcoin on its impoverished peoples, without an official end because The Inquisition hasn’t ended.
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Is it really Elon Musk’s fault that no one has stepped forward to explain how Cryptos work since since there is no backing by goods and services, only self dealing?
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Let’s look what else this crazy supporter of us Jewish people has to do on a daily basis in order to stay sane.
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He does need to lift himself out of bed each morning he wakes up and Im not suggesting for a moment he hasn’t thought of a robot assistant who is as silent as it is functional.
Brushing his teeth also takes time, and best to be methodical as well as when dental flossing right after each meal, better yet carry around a handheld portable water pick, especially so if you have a bunch of crooked teeth and/or bad breath because you are unconscious of your stomach telling you to fuck off with the stinky cheese-dairy and meat.
By the time he is dressed he remembers how happy he was not to have to speak or text anyone during brushing, dental flossing and using the water pick, which you may want to use right before brushing as well as after, to clear out any possible remnants.
All the peaceful and serene times Elon Musk has allows him to think that much more about how stupid the rest of you are.
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Why in the world would this incredibly bright human who has defied all the odds, want to leave a legacy that he is as stupid as the rest of you?
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How many kids leave a school that they really don’t want to leave and continue to wear the exact same tie on every possible occassion including the one on my third trip to England-Europe-Israel?
Probably just me, which Im not suggesting is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.
Not many people rich want peace. Peace is the last thing on their mind because during peace and you are not worried about being traitored, you can reason with your neighbor who doesn’t have their mind on hyperinflation, making it difficult to quote jobs, and you then find yourself talking incessantly about your problems and that means meeting less people to make your pitch.
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Again, all this Elon Musk would have picked up no later than the first couple of economics lectures at the University of Pretoria.
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@Steven Bailey, do you think choosing our Jewish Kapos such as the Lazarus clan of Durban North is a Jewish conspiracy which should be addressed by the corrupt Jewish people or do you think, it is better for the planet if we got your favorite grass roots organization, The Venus Project to come clean?
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How’s @Paul Watson doing today?
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What about you Bozo The Clown, cardilogist Dr. @Paul Teirstein MD?
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@Neal H. Hurwitz, are you still making money with your pal, former US Attorney General Eric Holder who was a critical cog in the treason pardon of Marc Rich?
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Who feels that it is not enough that Elon Musk fails to be anti-Semitic?
In other words does @Steven Bailey or anyone else anti-Semitic feel if Elon Musk was anti-Semitic, it would make them feel better about themselves?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you feel that you are anti-Semitic, or do you have your mind on other things such as how come it took you so long to figure out who was behind the success of Raymond Ackerman and my brother in law @David Danziger?
November 2 at 1:56 PM
Wed 1:56 PM
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@Nick Sternberg, you are an Ivy League graduate.
Does it help you remember how your father Martin Sternberg and grandfather Colin Sternberg, a board member of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] got filthy rich?
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@Nick Sternberg, do you note that neither your grandfather Colin Sternberg who gets honorable mention in Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale’s 1962 autobiography, The Sunlit Years
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which details the hand the City of London-Bank of England play in central America, impoverished regions, to supplement one refugee crisis after the next, and have the common herd arguing over which political party is best to protect the borders, as well as traitor David Gevisser were present for the photo?
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November 2 at 2:32 PM
Wed 2:32 PM
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When you consider the role that hydrogen plays in getting us here as well as sustaining us until we die and morph into something else, and talking only for myself, I just wish to be reunited with our Mango and my parents, it makes sense to me to pay more attention to hydrogen atoms than the money in your bank account unless you are broke and starving, which is not the case with Elon Musk.
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Elon Musk has yet to state clearly his position on anything other than he dislikes intensely stupid people, which is a good thing.
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There is a correlation between comptency and integrity which again I figure Elon recognized long before he finished high school, would you agree with that @Steven Bailey?
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@Steven Bailey, earlier you had mentioned that you would like to see Elon Musk and his father, member Errol Musk “settle their differences” but really you have no interest in anyone else but yourself.
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Those of you who have heard what William Shatner of Startrek had to say recently about his trip to space on Jeff Bezos-Walmart’s Blue Origin space capsule which shattered his view of the death space, nerve racking if not acclerating his fear of death that is fast approaching given how it is much the same as being in a dark room and you can see nothing but death, most disconcerting when you hear all the hype of how great it is to be an astronaught suffering both physical and mental torture, which may be the next windfall for future lawyers representing frequent hotel guests in outer space, catering only to the rich, in class action lawsuits, must have been thinking what most mindful Elon Musk has to say about “Occupying Mars”.
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If we use the example of poorly trained, poorly equipped, poor Russian forces occupying Ukraine, if you are normal, which we know very few are, then the use of the word “occupy” is much the same as “invade” and neither very positive because it is highly negative.
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@Steven Bailey, can you point to where Mother Earth is on a world map?
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I’ve never once heard Elon Musk talking about how great it will be for him and his family to spend the rest of their lives on Mars and figuring out in the calm of night the best way to find a more hospitable planet as their next stop.
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Let’s assume that there are times when Elon Musk gets great joy playing pranks which one usually do with people you want to prove a point.
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Were he to have said he wants to “explore” Mars for things like life then he would be easily certified insane unless he could bribe his medical doctor to say otherwise.
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So, we are agreed, all this space exploration is not about occupying space that makes no sense, but rather how to get the most amount of money in the shortest space of time, at least before he dies, to pull off the biggest possible pranks, just so that he does not go down in history as stupid as everyone else.
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When Elon Musk said that he was going to sell his Teslas without advertising, what do you think the people who make money from advertising their products and services as well as those who sell the advertising space thought of his idea to put each and every one of them into the poor house?
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Let’s assume they also had the benefit of a crystal ball, do you think they greeted Musk’s success with happy faces?
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Who here isn’t involved in selling and relying on advertising?
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Let’s assume you are a high class prostitute wanting to please your highest paying politician clients without having to spread your legs.
Your proposition is to get the goods on Elon Musk in the most compromising situations.
When you heard that he was putting the word out for stewardesses who werent ugly, would you apply or wait for the vacancy to fill?
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Could you see that without pranks Elon Musk could easily become paranoid about all those around him he knew were stupid but finding replacements from a pool of inbred humans would be his only choice until his robots with AI replaced human thinking “al-to-get-her” [sic]?
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In 1967 I was not in a position to see what events would unfold in 1969 when Colin Sternberg, his son Martin, an executive at ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES, David Gevisser who also worked at ACME, and the managing director of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970], no less traitor, South African Chartered Accountant Sol “The little King” Moshal conspired with newcomer, wet behind the ears, undercapitalized, untrained in anything other than bribing the King of Swaziland, to “asset strip” Moshal Gevisser which was in the works beginning in 1951 when South African Invader Charles W. Engelhard Jr. took a minority interest in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which set the price of all residential and commercial real estate development in South Africa and surrounding territories.
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At 10, I was at nothing less than on top of the world.
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2 years later, again 1969, I got out of bed each and every day including the day that I first heard Natie Kirsch’s name which meant nothing to me because I had never heard it before, and therefore I knew that he was a “nobody”, checked to see that my long white haired chiwawa Chichi
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was still breathing, as she suffered a little from asthma, and not life-threatening, even if she ran 10 kilometers a day which never happened, maybe a total of 500 meters going back and forth between my room and my parents room which led into the pool area
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trotted to the heated pool and by the time I had finished playing the tile alongside was warm enough, unless it was a cold day, to catch sun-rays.
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If I was late getting up, then there was an even better chance of running into one of my mother’s beautiful swimsuit models who swam as well as sunbathed totally naked.
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For those of you who have never experienced such bliss, Im not even sure I can say that I commiserate with you because such depression I can only see offset going to space on a joyride if only for a moment.
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Why in the world would you want to be depressed looking into dark space nothing but death?
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Who thinks Elon Musk demonstrates that he suffers from a form of autism such as Asperger’s Disease when choosing so far not to journey into space to get even more depressed?
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When Elon Musk wishes the idiot Jeff Bezos well on his space journeys, do you think Musk is being totally genuine?
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Where does it show in Elon Musk’s character that he is impressed with fools?
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So he likes sex.
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He even goes so far as to say that he is perplexed that love making is so unquantifiably enjoying.
@Steven Bailey do you feel that Elon Musk is more spiritual than you or anyone else who thinks the same as you?
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Recapping the odds that Elon Musk faces.
Forget the House of Saud who along with the corrupt Royals of Qatar who also feature in the ingenious Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad [IMIM] report of the summer of 2007
some 3 odd years after I broke my 24 year silence with the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Monsanto-Bayer-IG Farben-Auschwitz and which began, “Remember me?”, are now investors of recently purchased Twitter along with Elon Musk who has the most at stake and neither his shares in TESLA that he has pledged, along with the cash he puts up that came from the sale of TESLA shares or Cryptos he throws into the pot, cost him a penny and which any student of economics, let alone a very smart kid like Elon Musk would pick up instantly when the university lecturer begins explaining how the world’s politicians and regulators justify the existence of mineral monopolist SA Oppenheimer-De Beers, “Bring order to an industry that would otherwise be chaotic”.
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Instead just look at the grade member @Bobby Snodgrass, best friend since childhood of member @Errol Graham Musk gives to both Errol Musk and Maye Musk who for those you who don’t know is Elon, Kimbal and Tosca Musk’s mother.
Errol Musk gets a 1.
Maye Musk gets a 5.
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The grading system goes from 1 to 10.
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How would @Bobby Snodgrass know Maye Musk so well to be commenting on her social agenda? According to Bobby he visited with Maye and her 3 kids in La Lucia, Durban soon after the divorce.
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Let’s assume that Bobby Snodgrass’ parental grading is correct.
That means with a 1 and 5 and lets take an average of approximately 3 of out 10, and remember they are non-Jewish unless we go back a bunch of generations, how is it possible that not one of these children turn out the least anti-Semitic and they can see that Jewish South Africans are disproportionately profiting from the heinous Apartheid Regime and these few, but very rich bought Jewish people care little for the poor Jewish South Africans who are put through hell every Yom Kippur?
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Someone or something very powerful and most of all bright is looking out for these Musk children and I know for sure it is not you @Steven Bailey.
@Christina Moritsch-Krall @Christina Moritsch-Krall, it is not like you with your big ugly dirty mouth to be so quiet. Do you have anything positive to say about Elon Musk?
Do you think he hasn’t thought through that within his inner circle there are takers?
Wouldn’t you if you were smart want to know what your enemies are thinking by the performance of their puppets?
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So come 1969, my world was anything but turned upside down even though my father was about to lose his father from a broken a heart, my father would lose his job, be blackballed the rest of his career and lose all his wealth in Moshal Gevisser once Natie Kirsch executed the greatest “asset strip” in history.
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That is because there was still oil to fire up the very expensive pool heater and before it ran out there was still money to pay for the resupply. In fact, I don’t recall once waking up in the morning or going to bed at night after a swim when the pool heater was not turned on.
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In fact my mother kept it on most of the summer.
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Imagine yourself one of the most beautiful woman in the world having the good fortune of being trained by Charm School Queen Zena Gevisser, learning how best to make your future husband, while immature, feel important, and then to just kick back in a heated swimming after taking a sauna in the sauna room of course, where else would you expect a sauna.
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Once it set in that my father was now out of work and likely to be unemployed the rest of his life and my mother would be the only bread winner, I was sad for my dad but not distraught since I was certain we would soon be leaving for Israel and to finally tell the sick Durban Jewish community to fuck off.
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This was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for.
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Edit: … back in a heated swimming pool …
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January 1968
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Lexi Hyland left the group.
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Lexi Hyland left.
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Who recognizes the furry animal aware of its surroundings?
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November 2 at 8:02 PM
Wed 8:02 PM
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November 3 at 8:16 AM
Thu 8:16 AM
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Title: Over the top
What about Lloyd’s of London’s ban, now 3 decades old, preventing American citizens and residents from investing in Lloyds?
This terrorist designation hasn’t stopped Lloyd’s from selling their insurance products to American corporations and Americans at the same time Lloyd’s accept House of Saud-Qatar-Kuwait as “blue chip”.
To top off the insult, Lloyd’s accept as a financial instrument from these “accredited investors” price fixed diamond currency.
Remember this goes back to the early 90s.
They knew the damage it would cause and the people wouldn’t care.
That doesn’t make it right even if you and everyone else follows the trend.
Cryptos are just the next step.
Easier to understand if like me and @elonmusk who studied economics at university in South Africa.
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@Ayi Kwei Armah, you haven’t forgotten Gordon Richdale and his bribes that you refused even though it would have set you up for life, never having to prostitute yourself to get university research grants or curry favor with politicians.
Obviously as you look around and see the mess, you must have second thoughts?
What else can explain your silence?
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Your presence here speaks volumes.
I also notice that you have been withdrawing from Facebook, your homepage About section provides no information on your colorful past.
Why even bother?
Could it be that it is most important to your peace of mind to trust only me with the truth?
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It is now 8: 40 AM Thursday 3 November, 1 day before the 11th anniversary of SA Nicholas Oppenheimer-De Beers completing the sale of De Beers to SA Oppenheimer-Anglo American Corporation-Glencore who supply all industry including war machine manufacturers with their raw war materials, and the people don’t care about anything other than money and being entertained.
Back on the 1st, just 2 days ago, Elon Musk Tweeted
Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us
Could he have meant sadistic?
There is a big difference with being a masochist.
Google offers:
a person who derives sexual gratification from their own pain or humiliation.
(in general use) a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.
“what kind of masochist would take part in such an experiment?”
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@Mannie Hirsch are you still here?
Where could Elon have got that idea, from his own experience?
Yes, Elon is a bit weird but when you consider his father a 1 and his mother a 5 and he along with Kimbal spent most of their time before leaving South Africa with their father, his accomplishments are that much greater.
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You want to know what’s really weird?
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You have humans such as member, Trust Fund kid, but getting old quickly, @Harry Rady sitting in front of a bank of computer screens displaying graphs and financial analysis in real time of stocks which both his AI computers as well as his own brain chooses, and this helps Harry calibrate 24/7 his own mind to make sure he is on top of his game.
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@Mannie Hirsch I note that you are still alive and your “terrific” you know is terrifying to the rest; but like Elon Musk you don’t want to risk either your future just in case there is karma-destiny-reincarnation or your legacy that you are as stupid as everyone else.
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It now hailing hard, there is a carpet, and just a slight drop in temperature and it will be snowing
the first of the season.
The tarp has blown off the wood pile, must cover it.
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@Mannie Hirsch what percentage of the membership of NSS do you think have, like you, all the time in the world to be watching their ugliness?
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@Mannie Hirsch what is so terrific about my mother Zena being held against her will?
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When you were talking earlier about things all messed up were you trying to confuse me or yourself?
Do you see everyone else that much different to you?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you have any idea how many day traders there are like @Harry Rady?
Take a guess.
No Idea
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Are you saying you have no idea about my mother as well?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you have lover?
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You still haven’t told us what you studied at Wits University.
Have you heard of Elon Musk?
More than one. Did BA. Of course.
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@Mannie Hirsch do you have any idea what it means to the value of stocks traded on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange when the minerals market is rigged by the price fixer of price fixers SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Monsanto-Anglo American Corporation-Deutsche Bank-Bitcoin?
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Why can’t you be clear.
What is more than one?
What subject/s did you major in and did you graduate?
What was year career and if you started out washing bottles give us how you progressed even if you didn’t progress to chief bottle washer?
Don’t forget to mention my mother Zena.
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For the rest, let’s assume that it is going to take some time before we hear again from @Mannie Hirsch.
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The very moment the name Harry Oppenheimer or his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer or De Beers or Anglo American Corporation or African Explosives and Chemical Industries (AECI) is mentioned by the university economics lecturer which is usually towards the end of the first lecture of Economics I, at least that was the case with my first lecture back in early 1975 when like Elon Musk I was still 17 years of age, and the lecturer just brushes off their unbridled political and economic power the way one would swat at a regular house fly also trying to teach you to stay in the moment, and again their grotesque explanation, “Bring order to what would otherwise be a chaotic marketplace, you know immediately that each and every stock exchange is no less rigged, and therefore the most honest profession is prostitution where if you are both healthy, vibrant there is no need to exchange money.
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@Mannie Hirsch would you prefer at this point in your life to pay with money because it is easier than getting in shape?
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@Mannie Hirsch have you seen the “Risk Assessment” email that I sent Fox News honcho Bill O’Reilly back on 23 July 2002 and which was vetted by member, cash and land richest, skilled and experienced shareholder class action litigator (scal), confidante of President Biden and his all about money and drugs son, Hunter, @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq.?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you feel you need to see a photo to better visualize the sun blasted through the thick cloud cover that blocks entirely the surrounding mountains, but it lasted no more than 20 seconds?
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@Mannie Hirsch you might now that in our Jewish Bible, also known as The Old Testament or Torah there is mention of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years in an effort to rid themselves of their slave mentality.
Do you recall that or would you prefer that we stick to Elon Musk pulling out all stops to make people aware of the mental midget thinking behind Bitcoin-Dogecoin?
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I will assume that your preference is to take your mind back to when our forefathers were slaves in Egypt but at any time you can interrupt me and we can talk about Cryptos and the extraordinary effort Elon Musk has put into waking up the unconscious.
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It is now 10:16 AM Calif time.
@Mannie Hirsch can you check the time where you are?
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40 years is a long time if you haven’t made love to a totally beautiful body.
It us 19:18. I have beautiful ladies all the time. Amazing at my age … 84
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In fact, waiting as long as a week might seem a lifetime; so important are the genetics of the human being all geared to keeping the body-mind at absolute peak performance, otherwise it is just a matter of time before you turn into a Jeffrey Dahmer.
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@Mannie Hirsch what sort of work did you do before going to Wits, assuming that is not too difficult a question?
I studied archeology and I collect antiquities. My oldest piece is a 4,200 year old Pharaoh’s necklace
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@Mannie Hirsch how long will you be with us before one of these beautiful ladies tucks you in bed after you have made wonderful and vigorous love to them?
About 30 minutes. One upcoming to visit me just now.
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How did you afford your first antique?
What did your parents do?
Is there any amount of Bitcoins you would accept for that stolen 4200 year old Pharaoh’s necklace?
I lived in Israel for many years and consulted to the government there and I’m Egypt and the other African countries. The Arab royal families are still good friends of mine and I have oil licenses in two of their countries.
My father was an attorney and when he retired he became a public prosecutor
I have 2000 year old Roman coins, Greek vases, an embroidery from Kubla Khan, ancient texts, ancient Japanese paintings, 15th century books and many more
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How did you afford your first antique?
Is there any amount of Bitcoins you would accept for that stolen 4200 year old Pharaoh’s necklace and other stolen ancient artifacts?
Was your father a public prosecutor for the Apartheid Regime?
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“The Arab royal families are still friends of mine” – Ugh
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No wonder you are so slow and no less bedeviled.
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Are you Jewish @Mannie Hirsch ?
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Do you applaud the House of Saud-Kuwait-Qatar handing Jewish traitor Jared Kushner $2 billion to buy up land and politicians in Israel which they couldn’t achieve on the battlefield?
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Do you hide behind your beard because you hate the idea of looking in the mirror and seeing a soulless person or can’t you afford a razor?
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You still have a few minutes before you have to perform, what were your thoughts when you first read the New York Times feature story of 19 March 1989, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD?
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@Mannie Hirsch below are our 44 mutual fb friends:
Adele Gillis
82 mutual friends
Alan Levy
90 mutual friends
Andrea Lee
85 mutual friends
Anthony Mclintock
194 mutual friends
Arnold Orkin
161 mutual friends
Aryeh Baruch Levitz
11 mutual friends
Asne Goodman
88 mutual friends
Bliks Impi
6 mutual friends
Calinda Sharm
59 mutual friends
Dorry Sackstein-Friedlander
208 mutual friends
Eli Knight
160 mutual friends
Errol Areington
80 mutual friends
Gabrielle Holstenson
90 mutual friends
Gail Saul
33 mutual friends
Gary Broomberg
145 mutual friends
Gary Fisher
221 mutual friends
Henry William McCarter
17 mutual friends
Jacalyn Krossynsky
179 mutual friends
James Morrison
120 mutual friends
Jason Sham
141 mutual friends
Jenny Fletcher
33 mutual friends
Johnny Feinstein
54 mutual friends
Joseph Nogid Gluck
142 mutual friends
Kepha Moseti
2 mutual friends
Kerry Jane Gutridge
20 mutual friends
Lynne Assin
47 mutual friends
Malcolm Steele Steele
24 mutual friends
Marialuisa Marino
118 mutual friends
Marika Lewis
54 mutual friends
Mike Michael
99 mutual friends
Nechama Zunenshine
46 mutual friends
Nicholas Friedman
68 mutual friends
Robin Grosberg
17 mutual friends
Rochelle Brenner Rubin
104 mutual friends
Rod Margo
220 mutual friends
Rowan Hirsch
67 mutual friends
Shelley Sirkin
24 mutual friends
Shelton Golide Tshuma
26 mutual friends
Solly Ganor
89 mutual friends
Suzette Brune-Dibden
23 mutual friends
Trevor Richter
133 mutual friends
Wayne Osrin
77 mutual friends
Yudi Cohen
115 mutual friends
Yvonne Hirsch
33 mutual friends
All governments are the same and do many questionable things and all politicians have many questions to answer. Including those in Israel.
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Why would you think deflecting would work with me?
Bernard Gien left the group.
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Bernard Gien left.
Just answering some of your comments
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What is your relationship to Yvonne Hirsch?
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Have you read Professor Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention?
Do you applaud the House of Saud-Kuwait-Qatar handing Jewish traitor Jared Kushner $2 billion to buy up land and politicians in Israel which they couldn’t achieve on the battlefield?
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You sent
@Mannie Hirsch would it help for you to concentrate on my question regarding Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner by me asking you what is your relationship with the fat and poor dresser woman on the right?
I assume it is you with the bloated stomach on the left?
I found the photo on your fb wall.
You added Rowan Hirsch to the group.
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You added Rowan Hirsch to the group.
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@Rowan Hirsch what is your relationship to member @Mannie Hirsch?
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@Mannie Hirsch, can you find out from Yvonne Hirsch why I am not able to add her to NSS?
You added Jacalyn Krossynsky to the group.
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@Jacalyn Krossynsky how well do you know @Mannie Hirsch?
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You added Jacalyn Krossynsky to the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch can you give me some idea how much longer you will be with us?
Jacalyn Krossynsky left the group.
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Jacalyn Krossynsky left the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch do you have a sense of the people on social media more than they protest?
What do you know about Ms. Krossynsky?
Absolutely nothing
Helli you all
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@Rowan Hirsch what is your relationship to @Mannie Hirsch?
BTW, how are you doing?
You sent
Rowan, the last I heard from you was back on 17 June 2019 at 10:30 PM Calif. time:
“Rowan Hirsch
I have a paving business. You?”
I then proceeded to tell you what I do, and then I heard nothing.
Do you have an opinion about @Mannie Hirsch dealing in price fixed, stolen ancient artifacts?
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Rowan, your About section shows that you were born on 13 March 1953, and therefore it is unlikely that Mannie is your father because it would make him 15 odd years of age when you were born.
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@Rowan have you examined the names of the membership?
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Are you familiar with the Bible story of us Jewish people wandering in the desert for 40 years?
You sent
@Rowan Hirsch, Im now looking at our 67 odd fb mutual friends:
Al Rosen
68 mutual friends
Alan Gold
125 mutual friends
Alan Woolf
10 mutual friends
Alex Carlebach
180 mutual friends
Anthony Mclintock
194 mutual friends
Anthony Steven Cohen
118 mutual friends
Arnold Orkin
161 mutual friends
Avi Messinger
48 mutual friends
Barry Beder
152 mutual friends
Basil Cohen
151 mutual friends
Bernard Reisner
35 mutual friends
Clive William Lewis
174 mutual friends
Desmond Aloysius Oxford
62 mutual friends
Don Maxwell Searll
23 mutual friends
Evan Sheldon
45 mutual friends
Garry Kobane
11 mutual friends
Garth Wise
16 mutual friends
Gary Fisher
221 mutual friends
Gavin Brandon Meltz
103 mutual friends
Gregory Cohen
64 mutual friends
Gregory Lex Blank
91 mutual friends
Hazel Rosen
23 mutual friends
Hilary Touyz Rabouh
32 mutual friends
James Morrison
120 mutual friends
Jason Sham
141 mutual friends
Joseph Nogid Gluck
142 mutual friends
Lance Levin
211 mutual friends
Lauren Subel Frame
102 mutual friends
Leemor Davis
138 mutual friends
Lynda Egnos
30 mutual friends
Lynne Malkoff
20 mutual friends
Mannie Hirsch
44 mutual friends
Marcus Lategan
18 mutual friends
Martin Peltz
107 mutual friends
Michael Hancock
79 mutual friends
Mike Michael
99 mutual friends
Olinda De Pinho Forleo
18 mutual friends
Paul Bushnell
17 mutual friends
Paulo Rafael Pestana
56 mutual friends
Rod Margo
220 mutual friends
Roy Aronson
47 mutual friends
Saul Shoot
153 mutual friends
Sharon Messias Gluck
69 mutual friends
Stacey McNabb
22 mutual friends
Tanya Sachs
60 mutual friends
Taryn Le Roux
34 mutual friends
Veronica Pelser
10 mutual friends
You added Hilary Touyz Rabouh to the group.
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@Rowan Hirsch would you agree that new member @Hilary Touyz Rabouh is the prettiest when just looking at her face?
You added Taryn Le Roux to the group.
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You added Taryn Le Roux to the group.
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@Harry Rady can you explain how it is possible for you to continue focusing on your computer bank displays?
Do you think your father Ernest thinks more or less of you than what he thought when he invited you into his office to meet me back in 1980?
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@Steven Bailey what does it feel like to be in the same room, so intimate with not only a bunch of multi-billionaires but many of them are household names who think you would behave no less treacherous if given the chance?
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It is now 11:24 AM.
4 minutes have elapsed since “… the chance”.
While a corrupt person cannot possibly predict a positive future even if they are certain in their own mind that with death everything ends, they also know that predicting only good will continue to happen in this lifetime as this knowledge is shared that much more, and no one knowing for certain who else is getting the information and when, is unrealistic.
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Without the discovery of mathematics we would never be in a position to gauge as well as we do.
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Who would have believed with all of @Mannie Hirsch‘s “wow… terrific” that he counts as his trusted friends the brutal Arab dictatorships who are more than happy to dirty the hands of one of their apologists who writes, “All governments are the same and do many questionable things and all politicians have many questions to answer. Including those in Israel”.
Taryn Le Roux left the group.
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Taryn Le Roux left the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch do you think Taryn Le Roux is a bot?
Are you aware that the “Bot” issue that Elon Musk still keeps bringing up is a red herring?
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@Mannie Hirsch when did you realize that with the mineral market; namely, oil, diamonds, chrome, magnesium, platinum, gold, silver, coal, lumber, etc etc all rigged, advertising is total bullshit?
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@Mannie Hirsch when you first heard Elon Musk’s partner, son of De Beers engineer, @Peter Thiel passing comment, “Competiton is for losers” did you feel that Thiel was laughing at you or people poorer than you?
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@Hilary Touyz Rabouh, how are you doing?
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@Hilary Hackner did you recognize your home in the background?
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@Mannie Hirsch are you ready for me to get back to “This was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for”?
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Are you at liberty to tell us who is visiting with you now because you are a stud, and no thought to how much you would pay them now and/or what you are going to leave them in your will?
You added Sharon Messias Gluck to the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch, do you recall my question whether your father was a public prosecutor for the heinous Apartheid Regime?
You removed Christina Moritsch-Krall from the group.
You added Alon Hirsch to the group.
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You removed the one account of Christina Moritsch-Krall and added Alon Hirsch to the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch, do you think Elon Musk was referring to people like you when asserting, “Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us”?
You sent
Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us
@GaryGevisser Replying to
Where did you pick this up? Surely it is not to get attention, knowing that sex and violence sells?
Digging deeper I could see this emerging during economics lectures at the University of Pretoria, at the height of the Apartheid Regime, universities no less infiltrated.
11:55 AM · Nov 3, 2022
You removed Anastasia George from the group.
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You removed Anastasia George from the group.
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It is now 12:01 PM
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@Mannie Hirsch is it a fair assessment that when you wrote at 10:50 AM, “Just answering some of your comments” you were being highly deceptive?
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Do you think you picked this up from either of your parents or do you think they contributed to your underdeveloped, poor personality?
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It is now 12:06 PM
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Without forgetting that the General of Generals Ben Gurion and his most trusted advisors starting with my highly secretive British-English mother Zena didn’t need to read Professor Epstein’s The D I book to know that the German-South African Oppenheimers had got away with the mass murder of 6 million Jewish people, plus some 40 million Russians and Chinese, lets quickly turn our attention to Anglo Vaal and its original owners dating back to 1933, the Jewish South African Hersov and Menell families.
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Let us now cut away to chapter 1, not of 1978,The D I book, but rather chapter 1 Origins of my traitor “lucky uncle” David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER
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@Mannie Hirsch are you still awake?
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@Mannie Hirsch are you able to read it?
Will it help if I type it out?
You sent
@Mannie Hirsch while you think about that simple request but without thinking more about you having no shame currying up to the obscene House of Saud-Qatar-Kuwait, are you aware that Elon Musk could have simply left it with giving his highest accolade ever to Spinoza who had very little faith in humanity but never giving up on God because Spinoza was not stupid like all the hypocrite religious, and I have yet to find one religious person who isn’t a hypocrite and Im sure Elon Musk feels the exact same, Musk took the knife, twisted it around and around until it emerged through the spines of Babylon Bee when throwing in his hero, Jewish person Albert Einstein?
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How is it possible that all the Jewish South Africans turned out horribly stupid, with very few exceptions that included medical doctor Barney Moshal who is mentioned in that paragraph and his son, medical doctor, my close friend, Dr. Michael Moshal MD?
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@Mannie Hirsch is your sex life good enough for your eyes to read clearly the date, 24 February 1981, of the typed letter from one of the world’s greatest gastrointerologists Dr. Michael Moshal MD who would be dead 8 months later, age 45?
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@Mannie Hirsch is it your life experience that rotten to the core people not only have a very negative outlook which they try to cover with fake smiles, black clothing to mask their embarrasing fat that demonstrates weak willpower or none whatsover, and beards but delight in pointing to others such as my grotesque 3 elder siblings?
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@Mannie Hirsch, have you noticed that Elon Musk has never once said a bad word about his mother, his sister @Tosca Musk and his only full brother, @Kimbal Musk?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you know the reason why Elon hates his father member @Errol Graham Musk so much that he can’t talk about it publicly but has not minced words in saying that Errol is a terrible human being?
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@Mannie Hirsch do you think Elon Musk’s does everything in order to sell TESLAs without having to pay for advertising?
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@Mannie Hirsch would you agree that from a standpoint of intellectual reasoning you are a total moron, on a par with the Essakow brothers when compared to Elon Musk?
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In other words @Mannie Hirsch why in the world would you trust your own judgment on anything?
Which of your children, other family and friends do you trust the most?
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Im now looking to add more members and that means I seek volunteers who will remove themselves.
Do I have any volunteers?
What about you @Emma Elliott Gevisser, @Kathy Danziger, @David Julian Danziger, 2nd fb account for foolish, decrepit, @David Danziger?
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@Rowan Hirsch and @Alon Hirsch, how are the two of you doing?
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Im now going to be doing a backup of NSS.
The previous took place on 17 October, 7 months to the day after Nicholas Oppenheimer removed President Putin from his previous long time Wikipedia profile photo,
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and Oppenheimer’s staff lied when explaining the history of that photo of photos taken in Cape Town, South Africa, back on 5 September 2006, the same day the South African Secret Police published a white wash report, covering up the brutal assassination of my cousin and classmate from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997].
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@Mannie Hirsch, this is just for you.
When you scroll down “Cops solve ANC activists murder case” you will notice that there have been 11,966 views.
You have to divide the number by 3 because the counter is wrong.
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You can test that by refreshing the screen, and each time you do so the number of views increases by 3.
Do you understand what I mean?
BTW, do you recall exactly in your career when you began to think so highly of the House of Saud-Qatar-Kuwait?
Did money and other riches influence you or was it just their politeness towards knowing that you are a bloody fool?
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Above is the previous backup of NSS.
The next link will take you to the current backup.
Does anyone have any questions?
Alon Hirsch left the group.
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Alon Hirsch left.
Hilary Touyz Rabouh left the group.
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@Mannie Hirsch how can you fault Elon Musk saying “Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us” other than he didn’t need to restrict his observation to Tweeter?
Your consistent ignoring my mother’s plight shows that you too enjoy our pain.
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Hilary Touz Rabough left.
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You see Mannie Hirsch how they all follow along very closely, and knowing that they are seeing history in the making.
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You don’t get this degree of dissonance in your disagreements with family and friends.
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Given how it is fair to say that you are of low intelligence, @Mannie Hirsch, and yet you are able to demonstrate that you follow everything and can’t pull yourself away, you know that Elon Musk can see it that much clearer.
You added Jacqui Taylor Basker to the group.
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Added @Jacqui Taylor Basker who just accepted my fb friend invitation.
Her bio on fb, in addition to “FREE PALESTINE” reads:
Professor Art & Architectural History & Aesthetics at New York Institute of Technology
German Jordanian University
Former Chairman, Dept. of Fine Arts & Computer Graphics at New York Institute of Technology
Studied at University of Oregon
Studied at Graduate Theological Foundation/Oxford Univ. UK
Goes to Holy Angels’ Academy
Studied History of Art and Theology and Religious Studies at University of Oxford
Studied Histoire at Notre Dame of Maryland University
Lives in New York, New York
From New York, New York
Followed by 833 people
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker, you and I have yet to communicate.
Both of us can agree that not only can one learn something, not a whole lot though from mutual fb friends
Asif Hanif
2 mutual friends
Cassie Ito
111 mutual friends
Deborah Emin
31 mutual friends
John C. Calhoun
2 mutual friends
but there has to be a quicker way other than Twitter and facebook in its current configuration to get everyone on to the same page.
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By focusing on your headline projection “Free Palestine” the logical conclusion is that you feel very strongly that Arab Palestinians are grossly mistreated?
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Do you feel less strongly that fat people are starving their internal body organs to death, and yet that is neither illegal despite suicide still illegal in many parts of the world including the United States nor does it seem to be a priority with most people and 75% of the population are either overweight or morbidly obese?
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Have you noticed that people held in refugee camps come out either more violent and/or fat and yet the healthcare providers are more concerned that they get vaccinated and boostered up the Kazoo than taught nutrition?
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Would you expect those who back all sides to war to really care about saving lives?
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Would you expect them to that preoccupied with saving whales and the green space or stemming overpopulation or would you expect them to infiltrate all their opposition groups with mindless, but highly formally educated people who talk like @Mannie Hirsch out of both sides of their mouth?
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Could you see someone like Harry Oppenheimer targeting someone like my cousin member @Mark Gevisser
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no, let’s try another
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no, let’s try another
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no, let’s try another
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no, let’s try another
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Yes, that is more like my fat, disgusting, hypocrite cousin Mark Gevisser, to lead the Jewish flock astray?
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Of course you would.
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You would expect the same of his no less ugly inside and out father David Gevisser
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my Allief Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser’s
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first cousin.
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Ms. Jacqui Taylor Basker are you able to see that no less disgusting Israeli civil rights lawyer @Avigdor Feldman just showed his fat, ugly face?
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Remember you are supposedly singularly focused on Arab Palestinians being murdered when not horribly mistreated by Israeli occupying forces; and also fully aware that being politically correct is tantamount to someone calling themselves a “patriot” that you would know without graduating Oxford University just being somewhat literate, “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”.
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Once you know how the minerals market works and therefore aware that the entire financial services sector as well as all educational institutions are no less corrupt so you better understand that the plight of all refugees is a bonanza for those who play according to Harry Oppenheimer and his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer’s rules which @Peter Thiel expresses well, “Competition is for losers”.
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Imagine yourself now in the graduating class of an MBA program at an accredited university like USC or University of California San Diego and you heard that speech and stopped listening once hearing the title because you think it is totally brilliant, would you think that either you are being manipulated or this thinking doesn’t seem to fly with all that is taught in university finance and economics text books?
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BTW, Ms. Basker, do you have any formal university economics training?
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When you look at Chairman
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Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority since January 15, 2005, a good year and half before Nicholas Oppenheimer met with President Putin in Cape Town, South Africa, do you think IMIM [Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad] automatically assume that he has more willpower than Mark Gevisser or anyone else who has a poor diet and is murdering their internal components which you would expect to be highly combustable, leading to short-temper, poor decision making and otherwise a total trainwreck?
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Do you feel that your Oxford Degree has granted you a richer in terms of luxury lifestyle than a homeless person?
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In what way do you feel that you have contributed greatly to the cause of the Palestinian Arab refugees?
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If say, you had used your common sense when it was at its peak, and just from the history channel knowing that history is all about warfare and who wins; in other words, might is right, why wouldn’t you expect the Palestinian Arabs either killed or removed from the lands they lived on before being defeated to be treated any better than had they defeated the Israel Defense Force?
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Let’s assume until you tell us otherwise that if you lived your life again, would you be much more careful in both your food and drink intake as well as the company you keep?
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BTW, would you be in favor of starting a grass roots organization for all Oxford graduates to not only get all their tuition repaid with interest but as part of the punitive damages to have the entire world’s population agree graduates such as yourself be awarded your opportunity cost; in other words, your next best alternative that would include with having a beautifully attractive body finding a great lover, and this punitive damages award nothing less than $1 billion at today’s purchasing power, that will only stay good for 2 weeks given the skyrocketing inflation.
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Ms. Basker, when did you figure out that all money awards, fines, lottery wins, auctions, costs of a movie ticket etc etc are designed primarily to promote the money?
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Have you noticed that every refugee crisis has a price label attached to it?
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So with all your background and experience what value do you place on a human life?
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Would you say it is more than the life of a single whale that the Japanese whale fleet grab, harpoon, murder in the name of research even though this human from your own experiment shows neither intelligence or humanity?
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Did you ever feel that Captain Watson is grossly underappreciated even though he would undoubtedly make better decisions if he trimmed down, especially since he is already vegan and that means he just has to follow the guidelines of medical doctor Dr. Neal Barnard MD and cut out completley the SOS [Salt Oil Sugar]?
You added Cassie Ito to the group.
You added Asif Hanif to the group.
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You added Cassie Ito to the group.
You added Asif Hanif to the group.
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@Asif Hanif do you blame IMIM or Mahmoud Abbas for failing to teach you the “Art of War”?
Couldn’t you see how much sooner we could have brought peace to this planet if only you and intellectually dishonest people like @Avigdor Feldman were blessed with more common sense, or at least the bare minimum?
You removed a participant from the group.
You added Walt Zink to the group.
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Let’s all welcome my newest fb friend, @Walt Zink, an automechanic who I don’t believe graduated Oxford University.
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@Walt Zink, is it fair to say that when you put your mind to it, you can be literate in English assuming that is your mother tongue.
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May I suggest, assuming it is not asking too much of you, to read back to no further than when I introduced Oxford graduate @Jacqui Taylor Basker.
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You will see that I hold most university graduates in total disdain not because they stink, but because they demonstrate they are totally stupid and yet they have this air of superiority without a thought to how they have been manipulated to fuck up this world.
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@Mannie Hirsch are you still up?
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You haven’t yet told us how much you are willing to part with that 4200 year old stolen artifact?
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BTW, @Mannie Hirsch when did you become aware that the entire price mechanism has been corrupted since the turn of the last century following the Anglo American JP Morgan Boer War [1899-1902]?
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@Mannie Hirsch can I find any of your Arab Royal family friends amongst your fb friends; and if not, how would I reach them?
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Note, earlier I removed the second fb account of my brother in law @David Julian Danziger, right before, “Let’s all welcome …”
November 3 at 3:55 PM
Thu 3:55 PM
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November 4 at 10:38 AM
Fri 10:38 AM
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1 November 22
Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us
3 November 22
Where did you pick this up? Surely it is not to get attention, knowing that sex and violence sells?
Digging deeper I could see this emerging during economics lectures at the University of Pretoria, at the height of the Apartheid Regime, universities no less infiltrated.
November 4 at 11:43 AM
Fri 11:43 AM
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It is 11:42 AM Calif Friday 4 November 22
1 November 22 – 10:36 AM
Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.
Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.
4 November 22 – 11:36 AM
Title: Delusion
It is power for the rich.
$8/mth is a lot to the poor living paycheck to paycheck that doesn’t keep pace with inflation accelerated by Cryptomania.
You could get YouTubers to promote themselves offering as little as empty space and pay with fools gold Cryptos.
November 4 at 2:22 PM
Fri 2:22 PM
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2:18 PM 4.11.22
It is easy to criticize, but until someone comes up with a better plan.
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2:30 PM 11.4.22
Title: I want to sign up
This way people get to face truth.
If you have nothing to say why pay, get-got intelligence.
November 4 at 2:55 PM
Fri 2:55 PM
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PM Calif. 11.4.22
What do you say about $17 billion spent on puppet elections that you contributed to?
Rowan Hirsch left the group.
November 4 at 9:53 PM
Fri 9:53 PM
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Rowan Hirsch left
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They control more than South Africa
11 minutes 42 seconds
November 4 at 10:13 PM
Fri 10:13 PM
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It is 11:01 PM Calif. time
Does anything other than their hydrogen atoms move anyone?
What about you @Mannie Hirsch?
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@Steven Kofsky, @Steven Bailey, @Steven David Sobol, Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge @David Friedman, @Michael Sewitz, @Miki Dayan, @David Levy, @David Julian Danziger, rabbi @David Masinter did that move you?
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Who remembers seeing this photo
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in the 11 minute and 42 second documentary?
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Several conversations including the one with the woman with her back to the camera in Santorini, Greece will follow.
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BTW, a friend of hers wrote, “Your a bit cheeky” and she replied, “t’s because I ate heaps of cheese and pasta! I’ve never been so cheeky in my life!
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So what do you do when you are someone who no longer has an attractive body to attract a great healthy attractive body to make love to every square inch of your body, and you also demonstrate that you lack basic intelligence, and let’s just call it common sense?
Not all that much to look forward to.
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If you then factor in that you have done wrong to a very good person such as my mother Zena then it is not possible to think you will be rewarded in the afterlife that brings you back with both beauty and brains, but you can worry about until that final breath if the rest of the uglies will all stick together with you.
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Food for thought. Good night.
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November 5 at 6:19 AM
Sat 6:19 AM
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It is now 6:18 AM Calif. time.
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O, it turned to 6:19 just as I hit the send.
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Title: Air of propriety
Imagine yourself one of the Israelites walking in the desert for 40 years wondering if you will ever rid yourself of your slave mentality and you see in the distance the most beautiful woman wearing a G-string to match perfectly her cheeks.
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Will you stop thinking of building a golden calf to distract you from the money?
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I will get back to that great conversation I’ve been having with that beautiful body-face young woman who knows of course that Im not coming on to her because even though she is half the age of my great gorgeious F-C wife, Marie Dion, my lover still, miraculously, has the identical body to when I first laid eyes on her going on 3 decades ago, other than neither my wife nor I eat cheese-dairy-liquified meat that does not do the body good.
Still you won’t find one woman over at the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall run by poor student The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow that looks close to as great as my fb friend or for that matter my wife in a G-string, better yet totally naked, no matter how many free cups of Starbucks coffee Essakow tries to charm you.
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You unsent a message
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How can you have normal society with people like that?
Musk seems normal and we know he isn’t
Generation after generation that is all they know, the fist.
Lets give you a high position where you make a lot of money. Money gives this air of propiety.
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If you weren’t following my “train of thought”
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then you would be encountering some difficulty.
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If you can train a dog that is more intelligent than a human then it is possible to train the human imagination no matter how neglected.
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One has to start somewhere.
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@Newell Starks, are you up for this?
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For those who don’t know, Newell Starks and his second wife Nancy stole $45K from me which takes nothing away from either his poor breeding or Wall Street schooling.
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His Wall Street schooling which began after he made the mistake of turning down the offer to join as the third partner, the two founders of Compaq computer who went on to make billions when billions could still afford you most all of the ocean front property Del Mar properties such as Merna Sturgis’, and so he went to business school to earn an MBA [Master Bullshitter Associate] and then joined Citigroup’s Citigroup Venture Capital Equity Partners, a US based private equity firm renamed Court Square Capital Partners and spun out of Citigroup in 2006, which specializes in “management friendly”, in other words, “shareholder hostile takeovers”.
For those unfamiliar with Wall Street urban lingo, “management friendly” is nothing less than bribes and extortion, not all to disimilar to the way President Putin conducts business and the rest of the powerhouse Captains of Industry who can’t get enough of sending kids to war, that they see as better than educating them when they can become trouble.
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Yesterday I had this 30 minute conversation with a woman of 66 who drives a huge dirt moving trunk upwards of 50 hours a week and hitting overtime at 40.
She had called to see if I was still interested in wood for the upcoming winter to be used in our fireplace.
The call came when I was preocuppied with getting logged back in to my Twitter account and it seemed more than a problem with not remembering my password.
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It took me a few moments to engage in the conversation and so, being as polite as I am, I apologized and explained my problem with Twitter which she had never heard of, and nor was she in the least interested to learn more, not even asking if I remembered what I ate for breakfast yesterday morning which was mostly fresh fruits, almond milk mixed with steel oats with a dash of cinnamon, as well as a small cup of perfectly brewed high quality organic coffee beans; and having the right spout on the kettle does make a difference as it gathers the necessary oxgen flow from the air, pushing through the gravity pull.
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@Neal H. Hurwitz how are you and your friend, US Attorney General Eric Holder Esq. doing?
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The Twitter question triggered her telling me essentially her life story; and what made her think I could help other than listen, beats me.
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On top of having to deal with other drivers on the road, most on their cellphones, their heads popping up and down, which perched high above, she gets to see everything, and thank God for her blow horn that she uses often to scare the living daylights out of the unconscious; and nor is it uncommon to be at a light that has turned green, and there are 5 cars in front, and all their drivers are on their handhelds; the language that must stay in her head that doesn’t escape is probably not all that much, if any, otherwise how would she be able to communicate with me.
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Those of you who think Elon Musk has his head up in the clouds wanting everyone in the backseat of the car making babies, you are not only wrong but he doesnt get the credit he deserves for thinking ahead of all the lives that his fully automated driving is going to save.
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Since her granddaughter who is now 17, was toddler she has had custody because the mother, the divorced wife of her 46 year son, wants nothing to do with the daughter; and that doesn’t mean the fist fights ended with her daughter in law because it didn’t.
As we speak the 17 year old is back with the mother who allows the daughter she wanted nothing to do with to drink and do drugs.
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You can understand that if I wasn’t multitasking, figuring out how to get back on to Twitter, the conversation which had me mostly saying “yes” would have ended sooner, how much sooner, I cannot tell you precisely.
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She also mentioned that following the divorce her son has become both physically and mentally handicapped and cannot make a living.
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Has anyone here encountered what seems a normal household affair aggravated by people such as left wing in sheep’s clothing Tucker Carlson keeping the soundbite short, “Illegal aliens are crossing our southern borders in droves, making our hero veterans homeless, taking jobs away from our children who are turning to drugs and crime and messing up all social welfare services and our taxes keep going up, and the paper work for insurance and disability checks keeps piling up”?
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@Alexis Hearst how are you doing?
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How can you have normal society with people like that?
Musk seems normal and we know he isn’t
Generation after generation that is all they know, the fist.
Lets give you a high position where you make a lot of money. Money gives this air of propiety.
You sent
Before sharing the dialogue with that beautiful bodied woman in your desert dream to get you through the 40 years and obviously not enough as the slave mentality continues, I would like everyone to focus their research on Fritz ter Meer who following his slap on the wrist at Nuremberg went on to head Bayer-Monsanto.
@Neal H. Hurwitz do you remember the big party gathering of Nazi war criminals on 6 February 1959, a year before the orchestration began of the brutal murder of Patrice Lumumba?
November 5 at 7:57 AM
Sat 7:57 AM
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It’s now 7:57 AM
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I have bathed, shaved, brushed my teeth and used the water pick.
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Everything is much easier when you are in shape, and the corresponding enjoyment also makes sense.
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We all here know the solutions but we are bedeviled by the ego and chemical imbalance, which we have covered previously.
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It is just about training the imagination to get everyone in the same room including the grandmother, grandchild and ex daughter in law.
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I didn’t mention that after each fist fight they make up because the economics command that short of killing the loser they have to get along until they die from starving their bodies-minds of nutrition.
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Im now back on my laptop, but only for a minute and then we are out the door for produce shopping, a few other small errands and of course espresso at our favorite coffee shop.
Who is this?
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Who are you? Aren’t you the theologian Oxford University graduate?
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Are you familiar with either facebook or Mark Zuckerberg?
Do you recall that you and I are fb friends?
last name?
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My last name or yours?
yours – can’t talk creating Zoom Palestine Facebook event.
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Wonderful. Can you invite me in? I will be ready in a couple of hours.
Did you pick up that Oxford University is mentioned in that 11 minute and 42 second documentary on the SA Appenheimers?
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Are you familiar with the term “chemical imbalance” in reference to human dissonance?
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker, I have no more than a couple of minutes; can you possibly focus for that length of time?
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Where have you been all this time before joining NSS?
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If you go back into the past, some 300,000 years after the start of the expansion 13.75 billion years ago, that first hydrogen atom followed the most precision software-hardware combination.
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Jacqui lets say you agree with that.
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Therefore what followed must logically maintain no less perfect order – cause and effect if you will.
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There really cannot be any imbalance that cannot be corrected by simply applying logic.
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While you may not think it is feasible to get everyone into the same internet chat room because Mark Zuckerberg hasnt allowed that feature, your imagination tells you it is possible and even for those intimately involved in a fist fight they will eventually take a break if for no other reason that they don’t want to look stupid.
You sent
Must go now, but please everyone, have a crack at it.
If anyone knows how to bring Joe Rogan on to the show, you don’t need my permission.
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Btw, does everyone remember my out of this world F-C wife Marie Dion and I running into South African-American Dr Kevin Rapeport MD and his wife, Angie, also a physician-anesthesiologist at the coffee shop.
I must at least get Kevin’s voice explaining that not all humans are created with perfect functioning software and hardware.
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November 5 at 11:05 AM
Sat 11:05 AM
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“If you try hard enough…”
MDG “No. There’s socio economics which is a big deal, bad parents.”
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There are people with bad parents who make it.
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Across the board, with few exceptions, Human chemical imbalance is unique except for those crazy dogs, reflecting their owners who chase their tails, mimicking the unconscious human who long lost its tail.
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Who feels their dog or cat understands them perfectly, and less welcome as the truth sets in?
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Do you really want to now ignore your pet or the stranger’s pet communicating so well?
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@Neal H. Hurwitz, tell us again how the money and the other help you say your parents provided to Patrice Lumumba saved him from his torture death?
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker has your Zoom session ended?
Did you use any of the material I previously provided about Chairman Abbas to explain how misguided is the PLO?
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During your time at Oxford University studying religion and thinking you were a better person than those without your higher education that you pride yourself, while oblivious obviously to G DNature trying to get you to take the utmost care of your body temple by eating the most healthy in order to exercise the body-mind for the single purpose of getting the greatest joy out of sex in order to maintain a constant state of happiness, positive disposition, did you wonder how an evil monopolist such as Sir Ernest Oppenheimer would seek out people such as yourself and economists like Labor Secretary Robert Reich to act as their cushion?
You sent
@Jacqui Taylor Basker do you need me to explain that the war in Ukraine is a cover for the SA Oppenheimers-Brenthurst Foundation’s Cryptos?
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What upsets you more, the wasted time at Oxford or the money you spent?
November 5 at 12:02 PM
Sat 12:02 PM
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker at 11:19 AM, member @Walt Zink wrote to me:
I am enjoying your links and writing here in this group. Much of this i did not know. It is all very interesting and Intriguing. I am educated but quite differently then you all.
Thank you for allowing me in
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker, I will assume you have never prior to walking on to the grounds of Oxford University asked all those seated in the lecture hall, “Who is this … last name?”.
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You must know that all those in the Palestinian Authority who you know personally are totally misguided in the “Art of warfare” so perfectly executed by the duplicitous, narcissistic, mercurial, merciless, mass murderers SA Oppenheimers-Hitler-Fritz ter Meer-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Bayer-Monsanto, the exception Mossad head, David Ben Gurion and his Jewish Brigade-Haganah, or they are bought without sharing with you their treachery for that would give them away.
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Now you know the right question to ask them.
Do I need to explain?
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Can you imagine all 248 other members watching along with Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk?
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If you are genuinely religious, just lacking common sense, do you see God needing to do more as we each do the logical next step and cue in everyone?
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In the event it is just a cover, religion a crutch for your insecurities and/or no less weak, a means to intimidate others, don’t you see you have no option, assuming you want to hold on to your sanity, to pull out all stops to fill this Internet room to overflowing?
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Let me when you have got to the point that your only question remaining, “This was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for”.
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Edit: Let me know when …
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People talking with speaking …
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Jacqui Taylor Basker left the group.
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Edit: … without speaking
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Jacqui Taylor Basker left, but remains a fb friend.
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Btw, does anyone know of any good that has come to a landlord who has mistreated their tenant such as putting the squeeze?
What about you The Coupon Clipper is realtor @Jeffrey Essakow – @Roy Essakow ?
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Let me know when the class is ready for me to return to “This was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for”.
November 5 at 1:46 PM
Sat 1:46 PM
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It was in the cards before Musk bought Twitter
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Can you imagine if he was Jewish!
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November 5 at 2:26 PM
Sat 2:26 PM
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November 5 at 6:53 PM
Sat 6:53 PM
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You sent
Let’s make it even worse by feeding violence.
How stupid.
It goes nowhere to point out that it is only puppet elections.
People don’t ask questions, at the same time they assume a lot of things.
Where and when can I pay to get the blue check?
You sent
It is 6:59 PM.
I was asking a group out of the blue what is Elon Musk thinking?
“Do I really want him as my first paying customer? It is doomed, it is doomed! There comes the exodus!”.
November 5 at 7:15 PM
Sat 7:15 PM
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You unsent a message
November 6 at 3:05 AM
Sun 3:05 AM
You added Paula McIntyre Whyte to the group.
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Added @Paula McIntyre Whyte
November 6 at 6:53 AM
Sun 6:53 AM
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Title: Love meat bullshit
This cattle business is obscene.
How can you consciously eat a piece of meat and say I’m all about saving the planet, I love my children, bs.
November 6 at 7:47 AM
Sun 7:47 AM
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This is what transpires over thousands of years, war, fear, scaring the people, depressing.
You added a participant to the group.
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Added @Mandy Davis
your email had no content
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It was all in the subject line
November 6 at 9:32 AM
Sun 9:32 AM
You sent
@Mandy Davis do you realize that you are in a symposium joined by others including Elon Musk’s father, 2 full siblings and his ex-wife @Justine Musk?
His one half sister Alexandria left without commenting more than her silence, and the other @Asha Rose Musk remains.
Were you aware that Elon Musk not only studied economics at Pretoria University, South Africa before leaving this humanity deprived mineral rich region but when you combine his spectacular Tesla that the original founders were at best playing, with his decision to cut out the advertising and the traditional retail distribution system which props up the trading in stolen lands whose green is replaced with cement and tar, Elon Musk positioned himself at full on war with the war-nuclear industry?
So they have forced him to support the heinous Cryptos-NFTs and no less deprived advertising that is necessary to give the illusion of competition.
If you were in Elon Musk’s shoes and saw how fickle, duplicitous, treacherous, uncaring, cruel is the soulless human who is all about the money and the stolen real estate it can grab as a hedge against the contrived inflation, what would you do?
Doesn’t Elon look more sane than any cleric or philosopher emerging from our Ivy League universities?
Did you notice that his partner at PayPal who fired him, member @Peter Thiel and has a blue check that I seek, told the world, “Competition is for losers” and only got applause from the MBA crowd and the rest who feel inadequate for their lack of formal education feel even more stupid, do you think Elon Musk should be the first to call out Thiel and his buddy, South African born David O Sachs?
Does it help you to remember Sachs’ name by thinking of the store?
Are you ready to learn why “This was the move Ben Gurion had been waiting for”?
Yesterday at 12:03 AM
Mon 12:03 AM
Yesterday at 6:34 AM
Mon 6:34 AM
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It is 6:33 AM Calif time.
Moments ago I wrote to this @Sharon Messias Gluck:
It’s going on 2 years since I politely introduced myself to you, and you couldn’t bother.
Then at 12:03 AM Calif time you cackled with an emoji of a parakeet laughing its head off.
What do you find so funny?
Yesterday at 7:06 AM
Mon 7:06 AM
Accidentally sent that… have no idea what it signifies. Sorry! Please take me off this mailing list. Thankyou
You sent
@Mandy Davis what does it say about your Harvard education if you are unaware of the consequences of the minerals market directly impacting Wall Street valuations, such as our Jewish Holocaust and the torture execution of Patrice Lumumba and Steve Biko?
What have you been thinking all this time while playing voyeur?
Should we cue in all our current mutual fb friends now?
You sent
@Mandy Davis I’m having difficulty accessing your fb profile, it could be a weak internet connection, but I doubt it.
A contact left the group.
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@Mandy Davis, I see that you have blocked me on fb messaging.
I will shortly post up all those writings here.
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Mandy Davis has left
Yesterday at 9:23 AM
Mon 9:23 AM
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It is now 9:22 AM
We are still talking about the money … impurities that feed the brain.
Most all of you haven’t forgotten Torah GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around the Bend.
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Yesterday at 10:18 AM
Mon 10:18 AM
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Yesterday at 11:13 AM
Mon 11:13 AM
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It is now 10:59 AM and all is quiet on the western front.
@Mannie Hirsch do you see how much in common you have with Torah “GemACH” (sic), Mandy Davis, Jacqui Taylor Basker, @David Zulman, @Barry Molk MD, @Christina Moritsch-Krall , @Dani Rakoff, @Daniel Ammann – author of the fatally flawed King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich and the others who you don’t really get along with at all?
What made you decide to be so public about first all governments are corrupt, followed by your close, personal friendship with violent dictators who have never meant us Jewish people well, the same with those Jewish people including our rabbis they corrupted, ever since we escaped from the violent, mean spirited, anti-Freedom of Speech, anti-competition Pharaohs, and how you got your hands on the 4200 year necklace of a Pharaoh.
How much did you pay?
Did it also not occur to all those you told and who hoped you would bequeath it to them that maybe something didn’t seem right?
Why should an archeologist with money connections get so lucky?
Did you ever discuss with your Apartheid Regime public prosecutor father if his work that put food on the table and a roof over your head pricked his conscience?
Don’t you want to bare your soul before you die, just in case?
Allow me before sharing why Mossad head, David Ben Gurion didn’t wait long following the “asset stripping” of our very important, last holdout of fair trading on the planet, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) by idiot, full of himself, peacock, unconscious Natie Kirsch before moving against American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) and exposing all our traitor family and friends who thought they had “got away with murder” why it is that none of you, and that includes those present mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, cousins, aunts, uncles and really fake friends, get along.
Your presence here on NSS with your silence and distractions is totally epic, full on sic, for shows it is all pretend; and yet each of you count on all of you to maintain your current lifestyles that you know for certain will end when you die, and can only hope that is the end of everything; and only random events, such as the appearance of the first hydrogen atom, will take place in the future.
No less comfort for your minds-bodies is the fact that such weak thinking is par for the course of all those who when first hearing the words Gross Domestic Product/Gross National Product economic index never thought to question its connection with the rigging of the minerals market that is supported by all the puppet politicians, Democrats, Republicans, Tories, Independents, Captains of Industry and most importantly the advertisers who can now drum up business by having their Cryptos, sucked out of thin air, not linked to goods and services, 100% self-dealing and hyper inflationary causing every economist to implode, all the while consuming huge amounts of energy that cost the riggers of all the markets nothing because it is all price fixed; only the planet and the poor suffer.
Where is there morals in that?
Surely, you have to be convincing in order to sway the people that you are the politician or lobbyist to trust; that you offer fairness, otherwise it is only brute military strength and violence is your only weapon, along with false propaganda.
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@Sharon Messias Gluck, is there anything else you wish to add?
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Please take me off this mailing list
Small things amuse small minds lol
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@Joseph Nogid Gluck are you married to member @Sharon Messias Gluck ?
You added Benita Levin Nathan to the group.
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Added @Benita Levin Nathan fb of @Sharon Messias Gluck
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Paula McIntyre Whyte left the group.
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Paula McIntire Whyte left.
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@Sharon Messias Gluck do you feel that young people who haven’t developed disfiguring fat deceased talkative cells find their parents and grandparents who have, totally disgusting?
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What does it do to think what goes through the healthy mind of a well-adjusted kid, who gets to read all this, at least the possibility exists they will get to read it?
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We just have to each imagine all the world’s decision makers in this public town hall meeting which Elon Musk is encouraging.
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It has just passed 11:42; a beautiful day for a hike in the forest before it begins to rain cats and dogs
Horrific if you are trapped in doors because you have neglected your internal organs that have you wobbling, a sight the healthy kids find totally offensive.
Who likes the fact that while computer weather forecasts are not a 100% accurate, it is a great modern day convenience to assist on matters such as when to cover the firewood; more so it demonstrates the power of the evolution of logical thinking that has progressed from when our ancestors weren’t all that long ago cave dwellers to now we computer chips imbedded in robots fighting each other on the battlefields of the Ukraine, a full-on genocide, in order for all the politicians-Captains of Industry in bed with the advertisers increasingly promoting drugs with massive side effects for the sick to hide the rigging of the raw war materials-minerals market.
You sent
@Sharon Messias Gluck, you were talking earlier of “small minds”; how are you feeling right now?
Could you “lol” been not very accurate about how you feel about yourself?
Do you think unhealthy people who don’t get out much in nature compensate with nervous energy?
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@Alan Mark Zeligson how is your plumbing?
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@Foster Gamble what are you working on now?
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Let’s hope Elon Musk is not working 120 hours a week, killing himself; rather simply preparing for his trial on the 19th.
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@Errol Graham Musk, you must be thinking given your age and recent stay in hospital that you could die any moment, or worse suffer a deliberating stroke like Joseph Kennedy Snr. who watched from his wheelchair without able to speak or move the assassination of his sons, Attorney General, Senator Robert Kennedy Esq. and his elder brother, President John F Kennedy who didn’t make a move without conferring with his puppeteers, Charles W Engelhard Jr and Harry Oppenheimer.
Your intelligence tells you that it is only the human species, so destructive that is out of balance; in other words, this widespread ego-chemical imbalance is not random, not even close.
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How does a species produce so many who mostly contribute ugliness also speak so much crap?
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Why would there be so very few thanking the very few of us doing good?
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@Sharon Messias Gluck do you still need help removing yourself or is this the best way you can think of to get attention?
You sent
Edit: … debilitating stroke …
You added Jacqui Taylor Basker to the group.
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Added back Oxford Theological graduate @Jacqui Taylor Basker who was earlier very confused, or was it her best attempt to distract?
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker I’m about to share our dialogue on fb messaging; if there anything you wish to add?
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When did you realize it is all about war, and that they conned you at Oxford?
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How can a theology student be so oblivious?
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@Jacqui Taylor Basker do you understand why it is that people such as you who are so out of shape end up quickly with the warped thinking, “Mind over body” when logic says it is “Mind and body”?
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Have you noticed that our mutual fb friends has increased to 15 odd, including Deborah Emin?
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Deborah Emin, shouldn’t be confused with @Deborah Sturman Esq.
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There is no escaping the precise logic of this universe, made that much more evident by the exceptions.
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In other words even if all the scoundrels were to believe there are no consequences because they are convinced there is no afterlife which entails consequences; i e. reward and punishment, their lack of reasoning still does not change the truth.
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It is simply the blind who are resentful leading the blind-resentful.
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This leads back to whether very bright Elon Musk wants to leave a legacy that he is stupid like everyone else.
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There is a need to add more members.
Who is volunteering to leave?
Sharon Messias Gluck left the group.
Yesterday at 2:57 PM
Mon 2:57 PM
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Yesterday at 3:30 PM
Mon 3:30 PM
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You sent
It is now 3:27 PM Calif. time.
I just asked GemACH sic Benzion Going Around The Bend if he would like to return to NSS, a question I earlier put also to former member Sharon Messias Gluck.
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Yesterday at 3:58 PM
Mon 3:58 PM
You sent
It is now 3:56 PM and tomorrow is Election Day of puppet politicians in the US, the same with the rest of the world.
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Who can explain why this goes on for so long, and the spending here in the US is almost half of what Elon Musk paid for Twitter that he has to think more about than if he was a regular subscriber who could be banned at any moment?
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Doesn’t it look like it is a brilliant move by Musk who is now outing all the advertisers such as that former Bank of America executive responsible for Global Advertising who said that Musk should be more sensitive to people like him and B of A for wanting to protect the sanctity of their brand, to best serve and protect their customers.
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Musk then hit the delete button.
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Good for Elon Musk.
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When will he be done removing all the advertisers?
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Remember, it is all play-money to Elon Musk.
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If dumb shits like @Jonathan Marine , @Jonathan Gevisser , @David Friedman , @David Julian Danziger , @Alan Cline , @Alan Woolf , @Aline Shneier , @Andrea Kerzner , @Lee-Anne Dalley , @Clifford Benn , @Martha Gurwitz , @Martin Perling , @Jeremy Perling , @Cindy Perling , @Anthony Maister , @Celia Levy , @David Levy , rabbi @David Masinter , @Des Lindberg, @Craig Shandler , @Dani Rakoff , @Daniel Ammann , The Coupon Clipper is realtor Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow , @Roy Essakow , @Robert Rothman , @Robert Lobel , rabbi @Robin Grosberg , @Joseph Nogid Gluck , @Mannie Hirsch , @Trevor Goldberg , and @Stephen Ross can figure it all out, why wouldn’t Elon Musk?
You sent
@Mannie Hirsch are you ready for some words of wisdom that I shared earlier with Sharon Messias Gluck or would you prefer we focus on how a Jewish South African archeologist wins favor with Arab tyrants and ends up with a 4200 year old Pharaoh’s necklace, and feels the need to tell the world?
Can you send a photo and see if Drudgerport will have it join those priests who have molested kids.
You removed John K. Pollard Jr. from the group.
You sent
Removed my friend Dr John K Pollard Jr. PhD. He is dead.
You added Torah Gemach to the group.
You sent
Added back @Torah Gemach.
Benzion Going Around The Bend, about an hour ago, you asked on Esther Lerch’s wall:
Gary Gevisser what does weight have to do with stupid? It only could mean that you equate these two things together. Please explain.
My answer didn’t seem to satisfy you:
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend, I will explain to your weak mind, which you have previously acknowledged is weak like your body that you have neglected thinking that praying, “worshipping ink on paper” will offset the cancer-meat your weak mind is attracted to once you acknowledge that your mind must see it as very weird, white chicken, white shirt, power over a chicken about to be slaughtered.
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I waited and waited, without feeling that any of the sensitive animals you have bloodied and killed to eat provided any enlightenment to you, your wife or the House of ChaBAD sic, I went on to explain:
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It must have occurred to you that fat, overweight people like yourself, your wife and the others you mostly hang with and who you photograph
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are slower than those healthier?
Could you see that your brains
are slower even though you may not like being referred to as retarded?
You sent
GemACH sic, then I followed up:
Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend, it is now 3:27 PM, and you remain quiet, which is not like you.
Don’t you see it as a waste of time, ungodly, trashing kids on the battlefields of Ukraine just to provide you with entertainment and less to worry about with the dead no longer in a position to ask the right questions?
When do you think you lost your moral compass?
Shall we now return to the impact of Israel having lost its first war, so well described in chapter 16 of The Diamond Invention book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
Do you recall telling me that the Schneerson and Prime Minister Begin
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only spoke about land issues, and not about money?
Why wouldn’t Schneerson bring up what it would cost the Arabs who wanted to keep the lands they were dwelling on?
It seems to me that both Begin and Schneerson were putting on a show for the camera, that they were deep in thought, pious and should never be questioned.
You are the same.
Would you like to return to NSS?
You sent
You sent
11 minutes later, some 46 minutes ago, you GemACH sic wrote:
Gary Gevisser are you finished yet?
Then 4 minutes later you wrote:
I feel bad Gary gevisser that I pushed all your pinpoint buttons. Why don’t you ask Rabbi Mendel Lipsker to help you write a letter to the Rebbe? You love to publish that Picture of you with the Rebbe!
You sent
2 minutes later you posted this photo:
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You sent
GemACH sic, do you want to go back to your question about fat and how it slows the human down or how stupid was Schneerson not to figure out that the Arabs had access to all the money they needed to buy up Israel but then it would shine a bright spotlight on to the rigging of the money and the minerals, instead to win a bigger prize by corrupting our Jewish religious and secular institutions?
You sent
GemACH sic, when you previously wrote to me that you had a weak mind, why didn’t you simply admit that you had been conned like everyone stupid to think Schneerson was brilliant?
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GemACH sic, it is 4:48 PM.
Notice how slow you are with your regular stupid, “… keep the change”.
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If you think, GemACH sic you are going to beat the logic of this ingenious universe where there is no place for the fake religious, by blasting a whole bunch of distracting posts, which again is your ginormous modus Operandi, don’t try.
You sent
Keep checking your inbox for “Family and friends” which begins asking the question, “Why do people lie?”
Yesterday at 6:00 PM
Mon 6:00 PM
Keep on going @Gary Gevisser You are shining your illness
Yesterday at 6:40 PM
Mon 6:40 PM
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You sent
Elon Musk found a solution to his boredom. It is now 6:40 PM
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Approximately 2 hours ago, Esther Lerach
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You are so busy, are you trying to catch up till ….
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wrote on her fb wall:
I have no idea what this argument is about and I don’t want it on my page.
I assumed, and I could be wrong, she is referring to my disagreement with ugly in every respect GemACH sic.
Approximately 5 odd minutes ago I responded, without knowing GemACH sic continued his hell pursuit:
Esther Lerch, allow me to explain the argument with duplicitous Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend.
All that you see on this fb page of yours which began with an applause of the rebbe Schneerson is explained succinctly in what I posted up on my fb group chat-symposium, Name Someone Stupid (NSS) at 4:43 PM Calif before heading out on an evening hike in the forest where the oxygen levels are far higher than the toxic cities which have been denatured, hence the obliteration of humanity:
GemACH sic, do you want to go back to your question about fat and how it slows the human down or how stupid was Schneerson not to figure out that the Arabs had access to all the money they needed to buy up Israel but then it would shine a bright spotlight on to the rigging of the money and the minerals, instead to win a bigger prize by corrupting our Jewish religious and secular institutions?
Those 76 words will do more if read by Netanyahu and the Israeli Knesset, then cause their hearts to skip a beat.
The entire Arab-Israeli conflict is concocted by the banks; and led by the South African Reserve Bank which virulent anti-Semitic, mineral monopolist, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer established in 1921.
You and I have spoken previously directly, and you know like everyone else, there is a reason why the Jerusalem Post decided to publish all 4 of my articles
condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich by outgoing President Clinton on his last day, 20 January 2001, as the 42nd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces, and the editor/s knowing, given again how precise, articulate and time prescient they were, all 4 articles would be the most controversial in the now 90 year history of the JP which is the first newspaper all savvy military intelligence officers read upon awakening, for it helps calibrate the formal intelligence briefings that follow.
My common sense writings require no more than an elementary school education, but for people who feel inferior because they didn’t go to university, instead learned a trade like plumbing and carpenter, which are brilliant life skills as they also keep the body-mind strong but failed to take care of correctly with the right vegan diet WITHOUT SOS (Salt Oil Sugar) or those who went to university who came out even bigger idiots than when they started because the professors pumped them up “You are brilliant, and with my recommendation you will start out earning tons more money than your parents ever dreamed of, especially if they are blue collar”, getting my knowledge is the equivalent of a fully loaded Mac 36 wheeler Truck, screaming down a 12 degree decline for no less than a 100 kilometers, driving in excess of the sound barrier, coming to a dead stop when hitting you flat in the stomach without your ears, hearing the screeching of the brakes because this is only imagery.
Note that this GemACH sic is not only quiet here but also on NSS which I had him join earlier.
Worse than he knows that he isn’t very bright which he has known now for many years, is to realize it is a waste of his time and energy praying to a God who doesn’t hear his false prayers.
Shall we move on to Lou Paskalis, the senior marketing executive and former head of global media for Bank of America who Elon Musk deleted from Twitter?
You know there is nothing prestigious about any bank who promotes price fixed currencies, the worst of course Cryptos.
Again if you can follow all this including what Elon Musk’s brilliant engineer father Errol Graham Musk wrote to me, you would have to think Elon Musk would get it in an instant, unless he has moved to the quietest spot on Mars, no point in WiFi because there is no satellite link to the internet because he finds the stupidity of the human no so much depressing, because it is all so very logical, but totally boring, and before he left he spent years interviewing robots to act as his double.
That ploy, almost unimaginable joy, is enough to sustain him until God brought him under his wings.
Again, Errol musk:
Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!
followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
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@Torah Gemach aka B G A T B, I’m going to give you a timeout so you can best console yourself, without biting off the head of every chicken to save the butcher rabbi blunting his knife.
You removed Torah Gemach from the group.
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Removed GemACH sic
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Does anyone have a favorite they would like to see join us?
How about you @Gordon Torr ?