Name someone stupid – Part 3
Name Someone Stupid – Part 2 – CLICK HERE
You added Lance Jacobson to the group.
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You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
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Thursday, August 19, 2021, 7:56 AM
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@Beth Isaacs, Tell me it’s not all about you, that you are vegan because you care about the planet, the people and the animals.
Blah blah blah.
Just talkers, taking up space.
Yes Beth Isaacs, your come-back to my mother Zena’s plight in systemically corrupt Israel is to write to me, “It’s not all about you Gary”.
Beth Isaacs it is easy for you to see how people such as yourself are so ugly and derive your greatest pleasure indulging in poison foods – it’s all about them – talking badly about the healthy and the good – the two go hand in hand – and then your illnesses give you something to talk about all the while your children and grandchildren catch up to you in the heavyweight department without you seeing your punishment in your ugly looks and your mind, all about the money, missing the importance of how the money is valued and distributed to the most unaccomplished who maintain the status quo established by the most anti Semitic and anti-Israel people who know from history that it is us questioning Jews who are the most to fear, with few exceptions such as Bonhoeffer and General Smuts.
So let’s talk about the South African Jewish community who were the most watched Jewish community following the elimination of the puppet Hitler who was no genius.
Beth Isaacs left the group.
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Thu 9:18 AM
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@Darren Blumberg, why don’t you explain why you place up misleading information about yourself on your fb wall, so we can then move on to the money?
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You added Michael Eucker to the group.
You added Emma Tee to the group.
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Continuing conversation with Beth Isaacs on Fb messaging 8:01 AM California time:
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At 8:20 Beth Isaacs responds:
Edit: … all the film footage I took of her (my mother Zena) in Israel …
Title: Not everyone complains you the first one
Conversations with previous member of NSS, Darren Blumberg:
ValRae Lenius
I am sorry, I do not know how I am involved. Not interested.
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You added Linda Santee to the group.
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Alec J Drobis left the group.
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Thu 1:52 PM
Fabienne Lacourpaille
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Lance Jacobson left the group.
Fri 12:50 PM
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@Torah Gemach and @Tommy Simpson, would either of you two talkative retards care to comment on this monstrosity obesity refusing to give his wife a divorce?
Tommy Simpson
I don’t believe in marriage.
You sent
@Tommy Simpson, did you get through the title of chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER without changing your tune “Boring shit”?
You added Rob Muchnick to the group.
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Added another talker @Rob Muchnick
Fri 2:19 PM
Tommy replied to you
[Original message:
@Tommy Simpson, did you get through the title of chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR…]
I’m on chapter 13 but packing for vacation
David Icke? He is a bit out there.
Fri 3:09 PM
You sent
@Tommy Simpson , did you get through the title of chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER without changing your tune “Boring shit”?
Sat 10:12 AM
Fabienne Lacourpaille
Attachment Unavailable
Sat 11:39 AM
Fabienne Lacourpaille
You removed Fabienne Lacourpaille from the group.
Sat 1:15 PM
Tommy Simpson replied to you
[Original message:
@Tommy Simpson , did you get through the title of chapter 9, DIAMONDS FO…]
Sat 3:48 PM
You sent
@Tommy Simpson, how can you call “Boring shit”the arming of Nazi Germany by the world’s richest and most powerful anti-Semites German-South African Oppenheimers?
Was this information you had previously known, and if so when was that?
Sat 6:44 PM
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@Tommy Simpson how much more time do you need?
Would it help you speak more than deafening silence to read my conversations now with both French English teacher Fabienne Lacourpaille who put up the distracting attachment because she believed Facebook were going to pay her 1000 Euros as well as member @Stephanie Marine ?
Alan Davidoff left the group.
Sun 5:33 AM
Tommy Simpson replied to you
[Original message:
@Tommy Simpson, how can you call “Boring shit”the arming of Nazi Germany…]
Who are these anti Semites you are referring to? Hitler was retarded.
The Oppenheimers could care less about race or religion. They are capitalists. The semites are all about capital.
Sun 8:48 AM
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@Tommy Simpson chapter 9, Diamonds For Hitler is centered around one family, the German-South African Oppenheimers who are the anti-Semites.
Why are you confused about that? Are you retarded and/or just trying to play stupid?
Playing stupid eventually spells total doom for the brain.
You are doubling down when saying the Jewish people are about money.
We can agree that capitalists are about the money exclusively, but why lump the Jews with the SA Oppenheimers who murdered half the Jewish people of Europe before going after the rest?
Is it because you know the SA Oppenheimers were ostracized by the Jewish people and that doesn’t fit your narrative that the Jews-Zionists are the problem?
You are trying to be as confusing as you possibly can because your weak mind feels trapped.
The more crap you write the more you reveal how stupid you feel.
You are trying to make out that the Oppenheimers are the same as everyone else but you know it was not the Jewish people murdered in the Holocaust who profited because it was the Oppenheimers who profited the most by grabbing more mineral resources with the profits they made from supplying Nazi Germany and they had to contend with 6 million less Jewish people they had exterminated in order to consolidate their power and wealth.
To state the obvious, the logic, then places you in an even bigger quandary; namely, how the money is valued and distributed and that brings you face to face with the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index introduced in 1934 which destroys the planet so that the beneficiaries of the GDP can continue to profit.
Do you place the Jewish people Hitler-Oppenheimers murdered in the death factories such as Auschwitz at the top of the profiteers?
Of course not.
You know it is the SA Oppenheimers who suffered nothing, not even when they refused a direct order from President Roosevelt to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil without any fear of giving the President and the US Congress as well as the rest of the Allied nations the middle finger.
Why don’t you say the world is better off with the extermination of the 6 million because you have a mindset that “The Jews The Jews The Jews The Zionists The Zionists The Zionists” are the cause of all the ills?
Are you comforted that you are in the company of a great many fools who have you to thank for speaking their crap minds?
Remember, you didn’t even have the intelligence to figure out what was wrong with the GDP which puts you in the same corner as most all billionaires such as Buffett, Bezos and George Soros, all of Wall Street in fact with few exceptions such as those who were bought including Ivan Glasenberg who took over Marc Rich’s Glencore.
Not only are people like [you] not quite enjoying the lifestyles of the billionaires, you all got it wrong.
Yet you are all in the same room trying to fake the next person.
Naturally beauty attracts beauty. Uglies understand that.
Don’t forget even retards need money-capital to build an army to exterminate their opposition.
Had you previously learned that the anti-Jewish German-South African Oppenheimers backed Hitler, and if so when was that?
Yes, the SA Oppenheimers and their stooges who have continued to grow in number could care less about race or religion other than to promote racism and ethnic differences to distract from their theft and destruction of the planet.
You have been pulling out all stops to minimize the great importance of chapter 9 which you don’t find anywhere else and it is all irrefutable.
Moreover by the time you finish chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL your head is a complete mess.
It is important that even an uneducated person such as yourself can understand it all perfectly and it does nothing to help your self esteem since instead of buying into false propaganda of the church-State “The Jews The Jews The Jews” you should have used common sense to follow the minerals.
Therefore you can understand perfectly not only who exactly are “the powers that be” but they will be studying your next move.
Sun 9:56 AM
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Edit: Not only are people like you not quite enjoying …
Sun 11:03 AM
Life is to be enjoyed.
Semites are deep in The diamond cartel. I’ve seen no anti semitism from the Oppenheimers so far. Just money and power hunger.
Sun 12:14 PM
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@Tommy Simpson, you speak your sick mind with increasing clarity.
No longer should you revert back to your old ways of trying to hide your ignorance which you have failed to accept because it is terrifying that you are void of common sense like even the richest who didn’t figure out the money, but they are much richer than you; and you continue sitting in the same room, wondering if they think any different to you.
When you can’t escape your minds worst thoughts you can’t think of anything worse, other than there is a higher force that is not giving you any escape mechanism other than letting go of your ego and you would rather die.
This is social anxiety dinner conversation at its ultimate.
“Iv’e seen no anti Semitism from the Oppenheimers so far” is legendary.
It was the pursuit of profits from stolen lands that had the Oppenheimers eliminating all obstacles in their way.
I can agree with that.
But why are you still anti-Jewish or have you changed that tune?
Ultra Jewish Orthodox @Rob Muchnick, you remain very quiet here as you are on member @Foster Gamble’s wall.
You notice as well that you were as arrogANT sic as this @Tommy Simpson and that is really the only thing you have in common with everyone else.
You are all only thinking of your individual survival when you are in such universal denial while thinking it is only the next person who is stupid.
Tommy Simpson
What about me makes you think I’m anti Semitic?
You sent
When you use the word “Zionist” are you saying you use it in a positive way?
@Tommy Simpson do you have the excuse that right now you have your mind on other things which you have difficulty concentrating on?
@Tommy Simpson did I not copy enough of your earlier writings “Semites are deep in The diamond cartel. I’ve seen no anti semitism from the Oppenheimers so far. Just money and power hunger”?
@Tommy Simpson were you saying that you are overjoyed that “Semites are deep in The Diamond cartel”?
@Tommy Simpson when did it no longer matter to you who is in charge of running the show which has you picking up scraps compared say to Neil Young and Bob Dylan?
How would you compare your success to Bob Dylan given how he too doesn’t have close to a good voice?
Tommy Simpson do you think it is a Jewish conspiracy that Jewish Bob Dylan got to be so rich and a Nobel Prize to boot or do you prefer not to think that your idols and those you don’t like for whatever reason have been fooled just like you?
Tommy Simpson are you feeling low right now?
Why don’t you leave and try to enjoy your vacation?
Remember at all times that you don’t consider the extermination of 6 million innocent Jewish people as anti-Semitic.
“I’ve seen no anti semitism from the Oppenheimers so far”.
@Tommy Simpson, have you finished reading the title of chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
Sun 2:21 PM
You sent
Btw, @Tommy Simpson, everyone seems to have picked up on your original “boring shit”, but as time marches on and everyone knows you were lying from the very beginning when making out like you are too busy to read The D I book, so [you] are weighed down, having entered a Black Hole and sucking in everyone else who knows they should be ridiculing you but fear if they speak their conscience the musical chair game ends.
To think that a retard such as yourself is capable in the next instant of causing a colossal chain reaction and from this goodness, no possible evil will ever be able to take root, is really amazing when you think about it.
You added Todd Haselton to the group.
You live in a forest surrounded by more trees and bushes than you find in the inner cities where the concrete and tarred pathways for humans and vehicles are increasingly heating up the atmosphere which we breath and yet you demonstrate no noticeable increased sensitivity than an ant which doesn’t keep repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different outcome and the only madness we see in other life forms including the trees is when man lays out poison to kill nature in order to feed an ever growing ill human overpopulation spurred on by reckless abandonment of logic in favor of the colossal mind fuck GDP which you avoid as much as you do President Nixon’s speech of August 15, 1971 and which bothers most the philosophers and economists who have the choice of ignoring it altogether like you or writing manuscripts of completely irrelevant material.
It is more than 3 hours since CNBC journalist @Todd Haselton began receiving on Twitter, SAD (Supply & Demand) THEORY which immediately rocked his entire world upside down.
Remember I have both my common sense and firsthand experience observing as a young teenager growing up in Apartheid South Africa the playbook of the anti-democracy, pro war on the poor German-South African Oppenheimers.
It is natural that the older one is, the more one has spoken.
But you would have expected at least one academic or an ambitious journalist to have questioned Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nicholas about Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s findings, other than Epstein’s findings are totally traumatic to everyone with a big ego.
It is obvious that not questioning the money is the big ego collapse which no one wants to endure either individually or collectively.
So why sit here waiting for the next distraction to see if it can s[ti]ck?
You sent
@Tommy Simpson, you have yet to say that you would like to hear more of my conversations with member @Stephanie Marine and former member French-English teacher Fabienne Lacourpaille who says she was expecting Facebook to pay her 1000 Euros to place that attachment throughout the Internet but Fabienne chose to do it here on NSS, and my conclusion is that in all probability Fabienne did so in order to distract, the same with everyone else.
Fabienne has stopped communicating with me for the time being, and probably thinking I have forgotten my 3 questions:
1) Why did you have no problem disrupting my very serious discussion on NSS?
2) Don’t you see that as disrespectful of me and the truth?
3) What if you were lying about Facebook offering you 1000 Euros to place an attachment on my group chat Name Someone Stupid (NSS) because it is preposterous that Fb would make such an offer?
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@Stephanie Marine, on the other hand is having great difficulty coming up with the name of one person she likes other than for their money.
Moreover, @Stephanie Marine has already conceded that she recognizes that I like my mother Zena, my wife Marie and our doggy Mango.
Bear in mind that @Stephanie Marine would swear up and down on a stack of bibles that she likes the dog which has nuerological disorders that belongs to her all about the money realtor-runner son, former member Justin Mendelson, which Stephanie takes care of because her son and daughter-in-law are too busy with their busy schedule following Dale Carnegie’s, How to Win Friends and Influence People.
But the problem with that is once mentioning the dog @Stephanie Marine cannot name anyone else without looking totally stupid.
@Tommy Simpson imagine yourself right now on a date with @Stephanie Marine.
How would you break the ice?
@Stephanie Marine imagine the same thing. How would you break the ice?
Let the rest of us assume that date will never take place in a zillion years unless both of them can be convinced with a money bribe to do so; and then we all know they will be competing for more because they don’t want to get any less than the other.
So a smart publicist-promoter like Don King or member @Larry Winokur or even a rabbi like @Larry Shain looking for a money way out of their Jewish congratulation who they have been talking shit to all their lives decides to offer @Tommy Simpson and @Stephanie Marine the exact same amount of money.
@Stephanie Marine you have been willing to invest your time on Facebook looking for a decent lover, and so you must have a number; the same of course with you @Tommy Simpson.
@Stephanie Marine and @Tommy Simpson and everyone else, don’t think small.
Think outside the box. How much money
in your pocket would it take for you to have the most social anxieties conversation with another bullshit, manipulator talker such as @Stephanie Marine and @Tommy Simpson ?
One of the items I am going to be talking about is how my mother Zena
Gevisser ingeniously launched Oil of Olay produced by Graham Wulff (1916–2008), a former Unilever chemist from Durban, South Africa back in 1952, 300 years after the Dutch Ancestors of Dutch Ambassador Geoffrey van Leeuwen who were not Jewish or anything close invaded South Africa.
Yes, that is the original colored photo in my possession which my mother handed me along with a bunch other precious, meaningful photos upon my departure from Durban to the United States in mid March 1978, an important month and year in the Diamond Invention Game (DIG).
August 22 at 3:52 PM
Sun 3:52 PM
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Pretty cool photo even without considering that today Oil of Olay ranks first in many categories including how member @Foster Gamble’s family Proctor and Gamble who fund his Trust Fund became the “white knight” when Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever made a hostile takeover bid.
Of course all the theatrics of Wall Street is to give the audience the illusion of competition which everyone thinks requires inherent weaknesses like duplication in production, engineering, administration and marketing-sales in order to manifest the creative juices, blah blah.
Again, this well covered in The D I book and enough to give the budding entrepreneur an instant heart attack.
No one ever crosses Unilever or any of the SA Oppenheimers’ shills without permission.
Who would think such a huge success as Oil of Olay and still going strong at age 69 all began in Durban, South Africa and the marketing brain is my mother Zena who you could all care less about.
It is of course my mother’s handwriting on the back describing every last detail; the attention to detail a hallmark of my mother which you won’t find in any of her first 3 children and most likely, most all of you present.
When all the players on the losing team applaud you, it doesn’t mean they are insincere.
When everyone goes out of their way to disrespect my mother and me, it would be foolish for us to take offense.
It would be no less wrong to think killing them with kindness by using the honey approach would change their behavior.
It is only in well run companies that the people work as a team but you can’t have well run companies when the officials are fools.
How much bigger a fool can you be if you consider yourself a good business person if you are ill-informed of the SA Oppenheimers’ Modus Operandi?
Your gauge for the success of your enterprise is how much money profit you make from selling services, raw materials and finished goods.
The “boring shit” The D I book explains that the SA Oppenheimers price everything and should anyone object they simply get their government officials to threaten with nationalization and/or a military invasion.
Member @Ayi Kwei Armah has his 82nd birthday coming up in October.
Should he not be suffering from a neurological disease such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s which invariably brings on dementia in the later stages if not early stages of the terrible shaking disease that is no less embarrassing than being spastic when it remains undetected and the food we know is everything, and so do the officials who poison us because they too have the profit motive guiding their behavior, @Ayi Kwei Armah would not have forgotten virulent anti-Semite Charles W. Engelhard Jr.’s first right hand person, former Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale who penned in 1962, THE SUNLIT YEARS, the same year President Kennedy had the CIA hand over Nelson Mandela to Engelhard’s and Harry Oppenheimer’s Apartheid Regime.
Just because you get your information from your most desirable news source which is generally the TV and it’s owners and talk show hosts you like the most has you digging into everything you like about their personal lives which makes you feel like you are part of the family you never had because your parents and grandparents are like most shitheads but you don’t want to admit it, it only means that you are that much more brainwashed than say a member of an illiterate, yet to be discovered tribe hanging out in the Amazon and using their wits to survive.
Now imagine you are one [of] these tribe members and you have inserted into your brain Musk’s Neuralink chip that has instant access to Google without having to lug around a handheld which not only weighs much more than an ant but you are tired of looking stupid staring into your handheld as you walk the streets and enjoy talking to it more than the person you are dining with or having a coffee given how in all likelihood the person you are with is fat and ugly.
I am not saying that Musk hasn’t thought through how the elimination of the iPhone or Android will reduce the number of Neuralink implants because he has to be running out of distractions which prevent him from talking about his negotiations with South African bean counter Ivan Glasenberg which would only make sense if Musk is following protocol in setting up a face to face meeting with Nicholas Oppenheimer.
You would come away eager to avoid any further contact with the dumbest species ever created and so you would after removing the Neuralink chip, grab hold of your family and go deeper into the forest and hope with the removal of the chip your nightmare will never reoccur.
It is now 4:39 PM Calif time.
Tommy Simpson has been quiet since writing at 12:22 PM, “What about me makes you think I’m anti Semitic?”.
@Tommy Simpson, if it helps, @Stephanie Marine has been quiet since 6:29 PM yesterday when she wrote to me, “Do you like anyone aside from your wife, mango and your mom?”.
@Tommy Simpson is it still “boring shit” that the SA Oppenheimers and their shills including shell corporations have never paid so much as a penny for their advertising, marketing and bribes?
I will now leave you all with my immediate response to Stephanie Marine which began at 6:31 PM, 2 minutes after she attempted to put me on the defensive:
You are caught in a trap you set for yourself and so you just continue to write crap or try to distract with “Do you like anyone aside from your wife, mango and your mom?”.
Can you name someone good, Ms Manipulator?
How much time do you need before your mind crashes completely?
Did you think I missed the fact that you chose not to comment publicly on The Lady’s Speech after you wrote to me saying that my mother was brutally honest in describing why she so loves-trusts me versus my siblings who are busy like you being all about the money?
You are a traitor friend.
You cannot see the genius of nature not only surrounding the good with good but when you eat healthy, your insides vibrate healthy and you can’t wait to get out in nature and exercise those wonderfully vibrating atoms and best of all stay that much more in the moment experiencing the presence of one masterful Creator of everything including the bad for without we would have no sense of good.
You are bad dude!
How much time do you need before naming someone you like whose money you are not after?
How long did it take you to get out of your head that you were going to do nothing to expose my mothers’ murderers?
Manipulator Stephanie Marine, should you get or already have a brain disease like MS or Parkinson’s you will of course be asking yourself a lot of questions.
What bothers you more, being all about the money or not knowing anything about the money or both?
What positives do you look forward to in the future aside from connecting up more with people just like you?
How much uglier can the human get “Do you like anyone aside from your wife, mango and your mom?”?
Please tell me your criticism of those 3.
August 22 at 5:37 PM
Sun 5:37 PM
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The neuralink chip of course Musk has fully realized it’s downfall and will have it implanted at birth.
It will just be a routine implant at birth much like circumcision, although the chip implant is reversible.
August 22 at 7:08 PM
Tommy Simpson
Oh opmo o
Thumbs Up Sign
Thumbs Up Sign
no 990d
Mon 11:42 AM
You sent
Title: Go out strong
From: Gary2 <>
Date: August 23, 2021 at 11:21:44 AM PDT
To: Devin Standard –
Cc: rest; Academy Ideas <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>,, Solly Krok <>,,, Tommy Simpson – FB friend since May 2019 <>, “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. Krinsk” <>, Laurie Black <>, Black Hatter Benzion aka Torah Gemach <>,, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Office DC <>, shaun attwood <>,, Mossad <>, Tzipora Livni <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Kimbal Musk <>,”Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD chait” <>, Sternshow <>, “Nbci. Snl” <>, Apprentice <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.” <>, “Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, Mark Nelson <>, “Dr. Rodney Smith Phd” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, “Michael \”Tordu\” Awerbuch” <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” <>, “Joe \”Could I stop you?\” Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.” <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>
Subject: Go out strong – Re: You sound cuckoo
Devin, at 9:07 AM Calif. time, a little over 2 hours ago, I sent the following to my Facebook friend, South African multibillionaire Solly Krok:
You have seen this Tommy Simpson go off the deep end on NSS (Name Someone Stupid).
So has everyone else (on that Facebook group chat-Symposium).
The sheep human does not know enough to judge a single sheep because it is too busy trying to catch out the next person unless they see a money opportunity in which case they will be nice to the world, all the while the deep resentment of being false inevitable surfaces with their snide comments.
I will shortly send you an email that talks to this upside down world.
A good intro is what you received minutes ago titled “You sound cuckoo” (addressed to Devin Standard).
Bear in mind you have one less meal to enjoy than you had prior to eating your last meal.
You want to go out strong.
(End of communication to Solly Krok)
Devin, you will recall that Solly Krok is one of many former very rich clients of mine who had good reason to trust my common sense advice, although I wouldn’t have been able to predict even if given the age of the entire universe which appears infinite that there would emerge this totally ridiculous Crypto Currencies which have nothing backing it and whose originators openly state they are fictional characters because their intent is to hide the people behind it, and the people are numb-dumb.
Where does all this nonsense lead to next?
If any of you have the common sense to figure out this a scam to cover up the previous biggest nonsense to have descended upon the earth in its 5 billion year existence; namely, the Gross Domestic Product economic index which arrived without creating the slightest ripple, all the while exploding human overpopulation “whole” (sic) sacrificing the planet’s nature, then it is safe to assume, Elon Musk is on board.
That doesn’t mean Elon Musk is foolish not to seek accommodation with his mineral suppliers
who can’t get enough of this distracting interplanetary species talk.
Musk also has eyes and can see this is a treacherous human species that doesn’t appear to start out this way.
Not that every baby is beautiful because few babies are beautiful but they have no defense against ugly human faces who just want to kiss it to death.
In all likelihood Musk’s depression of human bad nature that wouldn’t have been helped by being bullied had him wanting to escape to a desolate, freezing cold Mars just for the peace and quiet.
But now he is a grown up.
Remember, Musk says now that he suffers from Asperger syndrome (AS) and so he can change his mind. More importantly, he hasn’t ruled out the existence of a Creator which might come as a great shock to many.
His ability to read and focus logically gives him a distinct advantage over the rest of the sheep humans.
In other words he has a very small ego compared to all the rest who are unaccomplished and who are like Tommy Simpson running out of things to say:
Against a backdrop of such dark ugliness, there is always greater light and man’s best efforts to destroy amount to nothing in the big picture.
Just one of you to fall, is lights out for the rest.
How stupid to back a losing horse whose rider is an ASS (Anxiety Society Sickness).
Note Academy of ideas, two brother philosophers in the cc section who have gone quiet after realizing that they are victims of the Mass Psychosis they thought it was important to warn us. In other words, they didn’t start out trying to be manipulative.
Increasingly difficult to predict their future behavior as well as their audiences who age is increasingly younger, like the rest of human population whose average lifespan is beginning to fall thanks to all the obesity related diseases.
Remember, if you are watching a movie with fictional characters and special effects making the impossible appear real, that is not the real world.
The real world still requires logical argument until brute force is applied.
The police and army reservists are much more wired to what is going on than at any time in history.
Even if you are born with a bad, negative disposition, you can decide at any time to distance yourself from the people you know are trying to fool you.
Then there is the distinct possibility of a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) which you are not smart enough to register, but you can figure it makes sense to do the right thing because people doing wrong lack the logical arguments, and you know their motivation is to misguide you, so to choose right-smart just in case. How can you go wrong?
The alternative, mental suicide, is guaranteed to have you go mad and who wants to be around a mad human who just blurts anything that comes to mind?
Why frustrate yourself when you have the alternative of being alone unless you are the caregiver of someone who has lost their mind?
None of us have very long to begin with even if we live as long as a hundred years and just to breath takes effort.
Moreover some people who have reached 50 have a hard time breathing when only talking.
It is also hard to see all the good the human has done in its limited lifespan which is minuscule compared to the age of universe which is all connected because the destruction of the planet is really no accomplishment even if the number of multibillionaires continues to rise exponentially.
The falling apart yesterday of Tommy Simpson who in the space of 1 minute, 7:08 PM managed to get all this down
is groundbreaking, along with the silence of the remaining members of NSS.
It is what they have in common; namely, never having given a thought to the illogical in the extreme GDP economic index which pits man’s consumerism against the health of nature which man depends on for his own survival, is too disturbing for them to make comment.
The knockout punch is of course Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 nonfiction book, The Diamond Invention which leaves little to the imagination other than questioning how long can it be ignored.
Tommy Simpson is trying his best to laugh off his gross stupidity but it is not catching on, and nor will it.
What binds everyone is their love of the money and all they can think of once they no longer have a beautiful love interest and their prospects are slim to none.
Do yourself a favor, try not to forget, the upside is that the majority of humans are exponentially younger and the younger are naturally more curious.
That growing curiosity is infectious.
Devin, don’t you want to go out strong?
Sent from my iPhone
Earlier message:
From: Gary2 <>
Date: August 23, 2021 at 8:59:58 AM PDT
To: Devin Standard –
Cc: rest; Academy Ideas <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>,, Solly Krok <>,,, Tommy Simpson – FB friend since May 2019 <>, “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. Krinsk” <>, Laurie Black <>, Black Hatter Benzion aka Torah Gemach <>,, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Office DC <>, shaun attwood <>,, Mossad <>, Tzipora Livni <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, Kimbal Musk <>
Subject: You sound cuckoo
Linda Santee left the group.
Mon 3:07 PM
Do you still ice skate?
Mon 4:13 PM
You sent
@Anne Arenson Winter , you and I haven’t met or spoken since that intimate dinner at your home with Bob Dylan where you sat next to me and your ex husband Louis Kemp at the head of the table with Bob directly across from you and me.
That was 32 years ago but it was a night neither of us have forgotten, it was that memorable even though Bob may not remember a single thing.
But it wouldn’t take him long to realize why he quickly withdrew to the bottle of vodka once it is all explained to him.
So very few people get to meet very private Bob Dylan.
None of the people present here on NSS could even dream of such an honor.
To Jewish people in particular, Bob Dylan is the closest thing to God, if not God himself.
You added Robert Cromeans to the group.
I didn’t get to visit with @Robert Cromeans this Friday when he performed his wizardry on my gorgeous Française-Canadienne (F-C) wife Marie Dion at his beautiful salon in downtown San Diego in part because both of us were busy, but I snook in at the end because my very sexy French accent wife wanted me to see his latest hat whose long feather caused a stir when he went through airport security.
He was with another client and didn’t want to disturb him.
He only works at this salon once a month, but that may have changed.
If you are interested you can call the salon and find out for yourself.
He does have an exhaustive travel schedule which doesn’t mean he has forgotten either how to party hard or to have fun.
My very not talkative wife who like my mother Zena
never gets familiar, which is a trait of a very secure woman which goes hand in hand with being very accomplished in the beautiful things in life and taking pride in one’s looks is the cornerstone in figuring out what makes you tick unless you are a soldier going into enemy lines and you have other things on your mind when putting on camouflage makeup or a dress code that would make you indistinguishable from enemy operatives, had Robert Cromeans mentioning that he is leaving on vacation in a couple of weeks to visit some of the Greek islands, and only mentioning en passant that he and his beautiful wife who is the colorist are going on a yacht.
You added Paul Watson to the group.
Again it wouldn’t cross my wife’s mind to ask Robert, “Who’s yacht?” even though my very alert wife, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” knows Robert is best friends with billionaire John Paul DeJoria who didn’t start out with a trust fund and might not even own a yacht even though DeJoria is a major backer, if not the major backer of @Paul Watson’s Sea Shepherd.
So we can assume that DeJoria knows what the sea looks like as well as a boat versus say an airplane.
99.9999% of the literate general population hooked on TV which is increasingly only about the lifestyles of the rich and famous would have been all over Robert to find out who else is amongst the invited guests.
Wouldn’t you agree with that talkative, manipulator, vile, social climber member @Stephanie Marine and all the people you know, with me the exception?
Notice @Stephanie Marine that I’m ignoring your attempts to distract and at the same time feel more relevant than your future ancestor ants who you say you like.
I, on the other hand, have a great deal of information which I know John Paul Dijoria would be most interested to hear.
At the same time Dijoria is a product of the DIG (Diamond Invention Game) and sees the South African Oppenheimers’ monies which include all the crypto currencies and Diamond Currencies as well as the government fiat monies, as the best gauge of success because with the money you can buy books like How to Win Friends and Influence People as well as elections without having to leave your backyard of mineral rich South Africa, and once hearing it all directly from me, loses the “plausible deniability” option.
The assumption I make is that Dijoria is already aware of both me and Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978, epic non fiction book, The Diamond Invention which shuts everyone up.
Nor would I be so insensitive to ask @Robert Cromeans if he has spoken to Dijoria about me or the book.
I haven’t even asked @Robert Cromeans if he has read the book because I see nothing positive in putting a very talented, super hardworking entrepreneur on the defensive.
Remember, while most all of you may have forgotten it is only social climbers who get familiar and immediately ask, “Is it Dejoria’s yacht?” and before they can catch themselves they are on to the next question, “Who else is coming?” plotting how to get themself invited.
@Stephanie Marine wouldn’t you agree with that assessment?
@Stephanie Marine who else amongst your friends such as Elana Orlin who remains a fb friend of mine but blocks me now from adding her to my fb symposiums, would consider this an exceptional display of social anxiety dinner conversation that has you wanting to leave at the same time feeling glued?
Of course Bob Dylan had no clue that I would be asking him a question that turned his entire world upside down.
Remember, Dylan is God to a great many humans whereas John Paul Dijoria is barely known outside of the hair industry and charity grabbers who make out like they are discrete when not revealing their sources of money but that is all fake.
The money charity grabber understands perfectly they are a middleman, and all they bring to the table is their gift of the gab and that is confined to name dropping when it could mean more money in their pocket.
Who would like to discuss Bernard Arnault?
@Stephanie Marine, how about you since you brought his name to my attention?
@Stephanie Marine do you remember previously asking me if I still skate?
@Stephanie Marine do you remember admitting that you asked me previously if I was gay like my cousins member @Mark Gevisser and @Nigel Gevisser because your intent was to distract?
@Stephanie Marine can you tell us all what bothers you the most about yourself and The D I book?
Could it possibly be more bothersome than you all seeing member @Tommy Simpson going off the deep end and sucking in everyone else.
You all now have a different and possibly more appreciative idea of what it means to fall into a Back Hole where it all ends with a singularity just as it all began.
If you allow your minds to ponder what life would be like had man not discovered electricity that drives blenders, washing machines, TESLA’s, triggers for nuclear weapons, in fact the entire ongoing Industrial Revolution Age you might be ready to look at what extraordinary events resulted in the first tree landing on earth.
Remember our entire focus here is that everything is by chance and there is absolutely no other guiding hand.
Nor is it important if Mars and all the other planets were one time lush with rainforests.
To get the sequencing right for the birth of that first tree even if it originated in a parallel universe or another universe that has since collapsed into a singularity, is a computation which would require all the world’s super computers available today as well as in the future to figure out but there is simply not enough time for that.
Andromeda Galaxy would have long crashed into our Milky Way and we would all be toast even if all mankind escaped safely to Mars without killing ourselves along the way.
I’m sure Musk has thought through how to push the offender through a hatch in the space rocket if they get too fat eating their stash of smarties which they smuggled on board.
Just think of the immense, infinite possibilities of these atoms which only came into existence 300,000 years after the start of this mind boggling expansion of the universe out of nothing, and the cause of that is a no less problematic question for the religious as well as the atheists, coagulating to produce the sexual organs needed to reproduce.
Remember we are not discussing the taboo subject of sex.
We are mostly still discussing money.
It is a foregone conclusion by the corrupt that there is no order to this universe and each of us should make the most amount of money to afford rich friends who stick by their rich friends.
@Tommy Simpson how spelling out “U2” just so that we know you haven’t been kidnapped by an Alien spacecraft?
@Anne Arenson Winter, you of course know better than anyone else why you were so relaxed when your mom and dad suggested you and Louis invite me to this Jewish festival Succoth dinner in your backyard overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Both your parents had heard of Bob Dylan whose estate must be by now approaching a billion which granted seems rather minuscule these days.
Of course how could Bob Dylan leave his lifelong best friend, road manager, Louis Kemp and your 4 children and now 2 grandchildren? out of his will.
If Bob only leaves Louis $100 million it doesn’t mean you are going to starve given how your mom and dad are not exactly dirt poor.
@Anne Arenson Winter you haven’t said why you remain a member of NSS while yet to accept my fb friend invitation.
It is my common sense that both your parents appreciated and they logically assumed so would Bob Dylan.
Maybe I just caught him on a bad night?
He had a young girlfriend with him and perhaps in the afternoon he had difficulty getting it up?
I’m not suggesting that every beautiful, sexy woman before undressing have the male first produce an erection.
But you never know with this unpredictable human how they think other than sheep.
@Stephanie Marine do you think if you had insisted your 11 lovers first produce an erection without an insert or the purpose pill you would have had more or less lovers.
Bob Dylan had the choice of making history in the most positive manner.
I couldn’t think of a more accomplished musician and the fact that he is Jewish and no indication whatsoever that he is anti-Semitic as a great many Jewish people are, once one prods a little and sees how they manipulate the teachings of Judaism for a money objective as well as to get a bride to turn into a baby factory, I had every reason to believe that Bob Dylan had the best chance of grabbing on to the life-vest I had thrown.
More importantly Bob Dylan can still change his mind.
Who here feels now fully uplifted or totally dejected and defeated at birth?
All it takes is common sense that is part and parcel of having a conscience.
Today at 10:04 AM
10:04 AM
Why ask such ridiculous questions?
Today at 12:40 PM
Title: What is your choice, random mutations versus HER?
@Stephanie Marine are you talking about you asking the ridiculous manipulation to distract, if I still skate, or whether you are better equipped on the next time around to make better choices in your lovers, so that at age 65 even if you are now a camel
you won’t find yourself alone, miserable and dreading the approaching years; or are you just avoiding failing to comment publicly about The Lady’s Speech on YouTube when you would logically begin by condemning all the silent?
How are you doing with the analysis I provided on how such apparent disorder at the start of the Big Bang scientific theory which doesn’t contradict the initial writings of the Jewish Bible-Torah, resulted in the production of sexual organs needed for reproduction of all species known to mankind?
When you top it off with the immeasurably satisfying enjoyment of love-making between two very healthy humans versus the grotesque sex between ugly humans out of shape – and less sex, inevitably less babies , nature always has an answer – are you not that much more in awe and wanting to enjoy the night sky with all its trillions upon trillions of trillions of trillions ad Infinitum stars before it all goes dark?
Why reproduce?
There has to be a cause for everything when you have such a tumultuous beginning that continues to explode-expand in all directions at increasing velocity, and in this one calm spot of planet Mother Earth there is this one most destructive, disagreeable species who can’t stop producing the most sophisticated weapons of destruction that eats up the planet, and it is one mineral monopolist in charge and everyone is afraid to shout out a single boo?
On top of that how do you explain that no one wants to talk about the overpopulation problem which is the cause of all the water problems and diseases which make the human unfriendly and bad-tempered, in other words disagreeable?
Does the order of things change your opinion of whether God; i.e. a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) exists to maybe yes, or maybe no, or you don’t know, or you don’t care to know, or an emphatic yes because something marvelous has to be the cause of you and so many others so stupid that none of you caught on to the total absurdity of the GDP economic index that has you trusting the money in your hand and/or bank account and/or tied up in real estate and/or stocks and bonds more than anything else?
@Stephanie Marine does it bother you at all that not a single human is jumping on the bandwagon to expose the ultimate fraud?
Can you come up with a reason why the GDP bothers everyone so much that they cannot speak, and only care to distract?
@Stephanie Marine have you considered all the number of Congressional investigations and Parliament investigations including possible Russian interference in elections here in the United States, going back long before the discovery of electricity which come close to the calamity of the GDP?
Does it occur to you that the GDP takes the cake when it comes to fraud, and why everyone is so quiet?
Do you see a connection between contrived democracy, justice and the insanity of the GDP which no one wants to address?
Bear in mind even a retard like @Tommy Simpson can now see today that President Nixon had no choice but to give his treason speech on August 15, 1971, the same with President Eisenhower on January 17, 1961 with his duplicitous Military Industrial speech which missed mentioning who were the single biggest players in the Military Industrial Complex, instead moron @Tommy Simpson goes to gibberish.
@Stephanie Marine have you figured out that you can’t really have wars or terrorism between peoples, let alone nations, when there is one terrorist breeding organization in charge of everything including the propaganda?
@Stephanie Marine what if it is all you who are ridiculous?
Not only are all of you ridiculous, each of you know you are ridiculous.
It needs to be said that each of you in denial are not only supporting the most violent, anti-Semitic institution, an outgrowth of the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition which dates back in earnest to ancient Egypt when the Pharaoh first heard the words “… God is One” and the announcer was not calling Pharaoh God or anything close, but you cannot help but feel that it is not you in control of your bad ego even though it makes you look so foolish?
@Stephanie Marine, let’s say your son, realtor-runner, Justin Mendelson was broke because Nicholas Oppenheimer or one of his shills such as newcomer, Jonathan Beare decided either to back a competitor of social climber Justin or cause a run on the real estate market where Justin and his partners are invested, would you still love and trust Justin as much as you currently do?
Can you imagine how much less it would be the sexual desire if we didn’t also come with eyes?
@Stephanie Marine are your eyes currently closed, and if so you might find it difficult to read?
Stephanie, have you considered the incredible sophistication of the eye which came out of that Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago?
Stephanie, I have been answering your question since 12:40 PM and it is 1:12 now.
Aren’t you getting hungry for some pork chops or have you lost your appetite?
Given how you cannot know such a HER exists otherwise you wouldn’t be such a manipulative prick, what do you make of the order of the universe which the smartest computer scientists such as Professor David Hillel Gelernter – – cannot figure out from random events, mutations after mutations, for the simple reason there has been insufficient amount of time to have figured out all the mathematical permutations needed to have everything, including the positioning of all the right body parts, brain
, eyes, nose, mouth, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, colon and anus without forgetting the reproductive genitals from which we derive such pleasure and anxieties when intimacy is missing, along with the food source ahead of time to sustain life as we know it?
@Stephanie Marine , if you put aside all your home economics teachings from our Jewish day school in Durban, South Africa why with all the beauty of perfect nature would man choose an economic index that pits man against life sustaining nature which doesn’t have limbs such as arms, hands and fingers to fashion weapons in order to defend itself?
@Stephanie Marine, what aside from your brain would you consider your greatest attribute that you would like to take with you assuming your first stop is a red ant?
Today at 2:20 PM
2:20 PM
You sent
@Stephanie Marine, you remain quiet and it is now 2:14.
Are you also taking baby formula or did you decide to stick with the logic that the body produces a baby and is perfectly capable of producing mother’s milk, assuming you have the time?
Stephanie do you know personally member @Shani Weltsman Moran? Could you check if Shani is one of your fb friends or knows of someone who knows you or anyone else you think is important?
Stephanie are you energized that the majority of the youth who don’t have billionaire parents can still be educated why we have such ugliness in the thinking of those who have, and that they will not succumb to violence?
Stephanie, you would agree that if the existence of this immense universe is all random, meaning there is no God-HER, and you can’t have both, why would randomness only result in the stupid human?
@Stephanie Marine, remember we are only teaching logic, not morals.
All your criticisms of me and my mother Zena do not include morals.
You are simply angry with yourselves for your lack of logic.
Logically you have to ask yourselves why would randomness only result in the stupid human?
@Stephanie Marine do you recall not providing me with one person you like, and not for their money?
Stephanie you show an aversion to being truthful and nice.
Can you explain that?
@Shani Weltsman Moran, what about you?
Why are you still here and feeling joyful that it is only me who is stupid which would make you feel that much more comfortable that this universe is one big random event and we should embrace being a multi planetary species in order to spread our goodness?
Could it be that this “Fear of God” is very real because our logic when applied correctly keeps pointing to the existence of God-HER?
@Stephanie Marine are you feeling less comfortable being around religious people such as @Torah Gemach and @Rob Muchnick because you question their logic?
Don’t you expect religious people to be logical and to question the money sources because they are always looking for money?
@Rob Muchnick, when did you begin to question your logic, and was it at the same time you began questioning your conscience?
How is it possible for a religious person not to question the SA Oppenheimer family after reading The D I book?
@Tommy Simpson, wouldn’t you agree that the best way to determine if someone is anti-Semitic is to see if they pull out all stops to avoid a serious discussion about The Diamond Invention book?
What we are establishing is that those who ignore the truth-logic do so because it doesn’t serve their pocketbook or their brainwashing by other humans who also are guided exclusively by the money profit motivation.
But you have the money all wrong.
Nor is it enough to say the money is all broken
without in the same breath addressing the deplorable GDP.
Logic says we all have to agree that everything is either random or we can find a cause for everything if we are simply smart enough to know where to look?
Could you see even a corrupt human human concluding ,just in the off chance HER exists, to always do the right thing such as eating healthy to avoid pain and suffering?
How about caring more for the poor who are at a distinct disadvantage, unless skilled like Messi, Renaldo and Neymar as a result of the insanely illogical and most morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index instituted by the SA Oppenheimers the year following bringing their stooges Hitler and Roosevelt to power?
@Stephanie Marine, lets come back to you.
Could you see artistic children being shut down by their parents because from the age of 3 they are told, “How are you going to make a living to afford the car, the wife, the house, the toys, the boat” and they end up doctors, lawyers and the such?
The unhappiest are the doctors.
Stephanie Marine, were you aware that most of the world is poor or in between rich and poor and barely making it?
Your mind still says, “Sad” because you are really not looking for a positive solution; you only want to talk.
Today at 3:35 PM
Most of the world today can barely pay their rent and a universal income will only separate that much more the “haves” from the “have nots”.
It is of course insane what a lawyer earns, versus a scientist trying to figure out what is wrong with the scientific community not addressing the overpopulation problem and who profits the most from the discord.
The fact that the Chinese and Japanese are also suffering from the west’s contrived obesity related diseases is a relatively new occurrence not just in relation to the age of the universe which we must try not to forget in order to keep in perspective that all the explosiveness of the universe which we see around us has absolutely nothing to do with our wanton destructiveness and to kill the messengers of truth who are only wanting what is best for the planet which does better without us humans so serious in our deliberations as well as anger towards one another, but in terms of the ancient histories.
The western man’s diet and experience is no more than a thousand years old but lets include all the Greek philosophers and push further to the House of King David and so we are at 1100 years back, which is still a pinprick since time-space began and we see more disorder amongst us humans than anywhere else in the universe even when giant galaxies like Andromeda with its trillion suns like our eventually crashes into us.
The Chinese go back 8,000 years.
Their ancient culture of family values took a downward turn when we first conquered modern day Japan in 1967.
Who remembers The D I book beginning “In Japan … ” and the first date we come across shortly after is 1967?
BTW, @Tommy Simpson how is your boring shit life?
How many beautiful women have dumped you because of either your poor singing, bad breath and/or simply bored to death with you?
Diet solves a lot of problems but those responsible for the disorder want you hooked as children on formula and anti-biotics in preparing for the purple pill which yesterday my handheld picked up as “purpose”.
Pills are cheaper than poison foods to make you sick plus pills help sponsor the human’s increased laziness that city life is purposely intended.
Who wants to educate themselves when you have this arm extention connections 24/7 to Google and your other favorites to pass the time before getting deathly sick and dying and not even able to take a dime with you.
Rabbi @David Masinter, do you still say your morning prayers and prayers before and after eating with the same fervor as you did when first being indoctrinated into the Chabad cult?
Rabbi Masenter when did you first begin introducing a healthy diet void of meat-dairy into your sermons and other money purpose drives?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the Jewish rabbis united to ask Nicholas Oppenheimer if he thinks I had anything to do with Hollywood-Matt Damon-John Krazinski pulling the plug on the Marc Rich movie?
People who are corrupt in this Anxiety Society Sickness [ASS] human dominated world have a great deal of difficulty predicting what is going to come next.
So you stay tuned to this media platform which is dependent upon each of your involvement.
Certainly none of you wish to see me succeed but then you don’t know whether you are coming or going because you are increasingly unsure of yourselves for very good reason.
Raising a kid right with healthy food of course takes a little bit of effort, the same with steaming vegetables and rather than giving the kid sugar injected fruit juices, give them the dam fricken whole fruit.
Notice how the other kids hooked on the sugars, fat, meat-dairy [liquified meat] struggle to concentrate.
Look at their parents and see what a mess they are; and they are breeding the next generation of automatons.
@Stephanie Marine, when did occur to you that Carmel College was under the command and control of the virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers using their shills, the Jewish Orthodox Durban North Lazarus clan, headed by Gunter The Pig Lazarus?
You say The Pig, who died horribly of throat cancer, rewarded you for your lack of curiosity when visiting his home by handing you candy, and perhaps why you only have fond memories of this Jewish traitor who decided which Durban Jewish families would be rich and who would be poor and in a constant state of fear of losing their earthly possessions?
Does it help to go back and look at what ingenious programming went into just the thought of reproduction?
Btw, I had a dream last night of my middle brother Melvin who had turned into a miniature land-based seahorse who was sucking on one of those green dog bones used for helping keep dog’s teeth clean. My mother Zena was also in the dream. The only words that came out of my brother’s mouth was him asking me for forgiveness. Do you want to hear more?
Stephanie are you thinking more of reincarnation?
Edit: … consider this an exceptional display of social anxiety dinner conversation that has you wanting to leave at the same time feeling glued?