Name someone stupid (Part 4)
Name Someone Stupid – Part 3 CLICK HERE
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – 4:15 PM
Edit: … consider this an exceptional display of social anxiety dinner conversation that has you wanting to leave at the same time feeling glued?
Tue 5:02 PM
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Edit: So why sit here waiting for the next distraction to see if it can stick?
5:07 PM
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@Stephanie Marine @Tommy Simpson, what is the minimum amount of money it would take for the two of you to have a televised date?
5:11 PM
I’m in Mexico
It’s a paradise.
Michael Eucker left the group.
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Michael Eucker left the group.
5:14 PM
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@Tommy Simpson, such a paradise, why are you on facebook soliciting?
5:19 PM
Tommy, you say you work 3 jobs to afford a vacation. Money, therefore is still a primary motivation; moreover, if you are on facebook and your partner is taking a shower, wouldnt she or he like to see you financially better off?
Again, what is the minimum amount of money you would accept to have a date with Stephanie Marine?
Are you trying to entice Stephanie to join you now?
5:24 PM
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Tommy, do you pride yourself on your intelligence?
Tue 9:05 PM
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The world would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn’t put up with any of the bullshit! – MDG
Tue 9:32 PM
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Tue 10:32 PM
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The Afghans now know the game.
Today Wednesday, August. 25, at 9:26 AM
Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend
Some people say that the pushtun people which are now the Taliban are from the lost 10 tribes.
9:29 AM
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@Torah Gemach, do you remember my answer, “It is to expose people like you!”?
9:41 AM
Torah Gemach
Stop the nonsense already, you are acting like a week old cheese Danish
11:45 AM
Tommy Simpson
@Gary Gevisser The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.
12:03 PM
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@Tommy Simpson, stick to what you know; namely your belief that there is no evidence that the SA Oppenheimers are anti-Semitic.
The best test of whether someone is anti-Semitic is to get their read of The D I book.
You are anti-Semitic because you are a fool, no different to @Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend.
You cannot escape your own trap, unless you believe a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) is now fully in control of your mental faculties which drive your actions.
You are uninteresting. You give the same chit-chat.
There is a very big question you, Torah Gemach and the rest of the fools avoid.
Should I tell you what it is?
All you can do at this point is flood the airwaves with trash, albeit while on vacation without explaining why you feel the need to promote Mexico as a tourist destination to pick up chicks for middle age men aging poorly, a small musician performer with a bad voice OR were you just boasting?
Let’s say you are distracting and hope @Stephanie Marine doesn’t simply blurt out, “Tommy Simpson, I’m not interested in sitting across the table from you for all the money in the world!”
Tommy Simpson, have you ever had as big an audience as this?
12:04 PM
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@Torah Gemach are you standing by?
As a precaution can you place out of arm’s reach the prescription poison drugs you dispense, just in case?
12:32 PM
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Title: “Afgunistan” (sic)
@Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend, that is really low, calling me a week old cheese Danish.
Note you still fail to give me applause for my good work; namely explaining war is all about land grab and exposing people like you.
No thank you for showing you how easy it is to do the right but the masses instead choose stupid; at least the masses so far who have the information.
Try to avoid reading my response until you get to the very end when if you have no more than the most remote common sense remaining, your brain is going to die a horrible death.
Nor is it smart to expect everything ends at death.
You can’t forget the importance of the caterpillar transforming slow enough to observe, into a completely different species.
doesn’t do the body good.
Flying away in foolish prayer still has you returning constantly to your ugly face and body which you have arrogantly neglected; and yet you had a barmitvah which is the supposed turning point into man.
There are of course no transformations that go the other way; at least none that I can think of.
You can however notice without any difficulty that you are increasingly slow in your mind and pace.
Caterpillars only eat leaves and make webs.
Snails leave behind slime.
Caterpillar, snail or ant; what would be your first choice if they were the only options made available as the ants decompose you?
You must have contemplated a conversation with God at the end, even if it is only in your imagination. Could you see God asking you to come with choices that would also keep the universe in perfect balance?
If you think like an ant, you are an ant ~ MDG.
Does your wife ever talk anything profound or do you just call her “Baby factory feed this beast belly” and that shuts her up allowing you to leave the house full, and dance slowly with other males carrying objects containing words you and all the rabbis are incapable of defending?
I haven’t ruled out that you will be returning as a mouse and caught in one of those tortuous stickies versus a mousetrap that doesn’t always kill instantly.
The ant colony seems destined for most.
Nor should you forget how you and all the fake ultra orthodox Jewish missed the great moral calamity of the GDP that has so destroyed the planet and you make out like you care about your children and grandchildren.
It is in fact well beyond a mind boggling event even if it lasted a minute after being introduced 87 odd years by the SA Oppenheimers already seeing the need to cull human overpopulation as nature’s worldwide dust bowl, caused by overworking the land to feed the overpopulation, wrecked havoc.
Chaos is the business of tyrant rulers and it makes sense that they would first infiltrate the idiot Jewish people who worship ink on paper while failing to question why the tyrants and their supporters don’t work.
Do you see it as work to pick up the phone to Nicholas Oppenheimer to fund your real estate project in “Afgunistan” (sic)?
Why do you think real estate developers are held in high esteem by the corrupt church-state?
Didn’t it ever dawn on you that the original settlers hunted, set traps and killed the indigenous peoples?
Spinoza had 1600 years of Jewish slave history to reflect on when calling you out as the lackeys for The Inquisition.
You couldn’t mount a logical argument against Spinoza’s call for rational thinking by simply seeing all the order in the universe, the discovery of mathematics that only enhanced his logical point of view while you acted and dressed like foolish pagans.
Spinoza had to watch his words more carefully than me because he didn’t have the long reach of the Internet.
I’m not saying he was afraid, because a logical person who is a smart person cannot be afraid of anything.
To be corrupt is stupid.
Usually if you are doing something stupid it is because you are stupid.
You want to always try and avoid stupid people.
You cannot think you are smart or moral, the two going hand in hand, when you failed to recognize the nonsense of the GDP.
So you know you are stupid because you are all about the money when raising monies to reproduce the “ink on paper” to then fool others.
What you don’t know unless you ask is whether higher up officials in your ChaBAD sic cult are as stupid as you or corrupt?
Obviously because you lacked common sense you failed to ask the Schneerson.
But your imagination, no matter how limited would tell you that at best the politician Schneerson who loved meeting with idiot-corrupt Prime Minister Menachem Begin
who oversaw the elimination of the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel to tyrannical rule, would give you a blank look or just as bad comment, “I just didn’t think about” and then your follow up, “Don’t you think this is a good time to expose the anti-Semitic Oppenheimers and their shills” which in the next instant would have the Schneerson on the floor, flat on his face, never again showing his face in public.
No less important the Schneerson nor any of your higher ups who have replaced this charlatan can admit to being corrupt.
You must still have the cheese-dairy (liquified meat) attacking the neurons which are more abundant in the stomach than the brain according to top researchers and the cheese especially attaches itself ingeniously to the brain neurons much like heroin addiction.
Are you going through withdrawal?
Do you feel you have any symptoms of neurological disease such as your bloated stomach, an eyesore to the young and healthy or the slowness in your pace without God having to speak with you any more directly?
As bad as your memory is, you know why you feel you can ridicule Ben Gurion given how he is not as well known as Einstein, but you avoid mention of Einstein like you would the plague because of Einstein’s condemnation of you heretics, money grabbers, informers of us Jewish people’s greatest enemies; namely the SA Oppenheimers who you provide a cushion.
Remember the blue cushion
the Schneerson rests his left arm on while under his breath laughing at all the fools helping him promote the money of the oppressors of the poor , first deprived of their right to the truth-logic.
You next comeback following the lack of logical argument and once yelling all their limited repertoire of obscenities which usually consists in a big FUCK YOU”, is to announce, “You are crazy”.
Your craziness has not resulted in my audience dwindling but of course that is not comforting to you.
Nor is assuring for your peace of mind that you are not alone, could care less about the poor, and only about the money.
You see how much in common you have with irreligious people such as @Stephanie Marine and @Tommy Simpson who cannot back away unless he seeks absolution from a Catholic priest which of course has to be totally worthless in the eyes of the Creator.
So what it comes down to constant stomach ach Gemach is deciding, is their order or no order to this universe.
1:41 PM
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Gray, why are you in such an uproar, two people can not voice their opinions on your blog?
3:41 PM
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Title: Leprosy
Torah GemACH sic, you are lying again. It is not only you who knows you are lying but so does everyone else including the wretched like yourself.
You have been allowed not only to voice your opinion but you reveal that you are a slimeball.
Would you like to see what I just sent a German-American who was born in Germany after the war, and where I talk about you, @Tommy Simpson , @Stephanie Marine and @Anne Arenson Winter, plus other things that will interest you or do you have to get back to worshipping ink on paper unless you now dread all that worse than contracting leprosy?
4:16 PM
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@Torah Gemach, while you contemplate whether you should respond positively, eager to receive now, rather than later, my communique to this German-American woman who is a couple of years younger than my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion Gevisser and used to cut my wife’s hair for well over a decade before moving from Del Mar to Hawaii and who upon receiving photos of my wife both before and after her spectacular haircut by @Robert Cromeans commented after the haircut, “Very cute Love it” and this woman would know because she too is exceptionally talented and uses like Robert only the best scissors, and the before photos that included 2
with me in the photo, “So attractive”, and I have known this most accomplished woman going on 3 decades, is the reason you don’t comment on my wife’s great pixie haircut is that your interpretation of the 4th Commandment condoning slavery, prohibits you from discouraging your wife who is probably like you a fat pig?
GemAch sic, do you feel that your layers of fat hide your dark soul from God?
Can you explain why it is that you ultra orthodox are disproportionately obese and unhealthy which you must feel God-HER is blind to your overindulgence, lack of willpower, lack of intellect; in a nutshell, frauds deluxe?
4:20 PM
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@Stephanie Marine, do you feel I have flogged this dead horse enough?