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Neal Hugh Hurwitz ~ great stuff!!!! very important— needs to be told!

FB messaging conversations with Neal Hugh Hurwitz

Hi did u see my composition DID YOU STUDY LATIN and Paul Mirbach’s reaction?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
where! I did Latin at Stuyvesant … 🙂
Good for you How old are you? What do you most remember about Plato? Did you not see my post DID YOU STUDY LATIN on David Gossler’s fb Wall?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
where are you??? with that gorgeous wife!!! 🙂
I am Stuyvsant ’62 74 now… 🙂
you Stuyvesant?
post there— there are many Gosslers!!!David Gs
mention my name
Just east of San Diego in a forest My great F-C (Française-Canadienne) wife Marie Dion and our world traveler dog Mango are very close by I’m from Durban SA and studied Latin at Carmel Were you born in 57 like me? I think I saw your birthday as being in January?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Jan 17 1945— you are a baby!!!
my best buddy is from SA, Joburg
david s gossler who wrote the article about his nephew
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what do you do??? live in a forest???
Wrong spelling
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
People See All David Gossler Add FriendMore Options David Gössler Add FriendMore Options Gossler David Add FriendMore Options David Gössler Hauptschule Winzer Jul 10, 2017 · · Started School at Hauptschule Winzer David Gössler Aug 2, 2013 · · David Gössler added a new photo. David Gössler’s photo. 44 David Gössler shared S o m e d a t e’s post Jan 23, 2018 · · Can‘t wait!
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
… Glosser is not Gossler eh? 🙂
I’m almost out of batteries Send me your email
Neal Hugh Hurwitz 212-666-6217 🙂
I write on the HEMP Did u see my 4 articles in the J Post?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
see the co we have millions shares TURV— Hemp!!! in CO
Have you found my DID YOU STUDY LATIN on Glosser’s wall?
Hemp History Economics Military Politics
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Israel os great on mj… NO— I will look but it is hard to find… mentionmy name there!!!
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Who is “we” and what shares? Have you heard of debeers or Oppenheimer? Do you know anything about the mining or banking industry?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
how do you know I took Latin at Stuyvesant…?
of course on D and O
a little… but I have advisors!!!!
I don’t know u took Latin. You told me you took Latin 😊
Incredibly my battery is still powering along
Did you find my post DID YOU STUDY LATIN on David S Glosser’s Wall?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes… I have no idea what is going on there….
love the family history stuff…..
I am Zionist since 1957 in Hashomer Hatzair
What is d and o, directors and officers liability insurance or the DOW which has less logic than Oranges? Although everything is powered by atoms and so one should pay attention to all nature around you? How good is your math-science-logic on a scale of 0 to 10? (Of course it is only what you think compared to the company you keep)
Were u born in 57?
Did you click on the hyperlink taking you to WARRING WITH ISRAEL, chapter 16 of professor Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book? It causes 99.999% of University graduates to shut down Did you read my equally clear 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post?
So you are intimately familiar with Żagiew and it’s migration after WW2?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
no— going to look up: Żagiew and it’s migration after WW2? !!! 🙂
how do make a living????? 🙂
I made a living in running and consulting to businesses for high net worth individuals including people like South African billionaires Solly Krok and Jonathan Beare who like every billionaire aside for Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nicholas were clueless about how the money is priced and since it is a 100% rigged it means all their wealth is worthless even though currently none of them have to work and all they need to do in order to hold on to their wealth is to keep talking about everything under the sun other than the knowledge contained in Epstein’s book. Is that a clear enough answer to answer all your important questions?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
sure 🙂
I run no-profits and fundraise, new business development… run softball and volleyball team in NY and formerly LA… Thai Mantak Chia masseur…
You really should have known about Żagiew as this group are well covered in all conversations surrounding Hashomer Hatzair
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK… good! will look at Zagiew!!!
How many people do you know who would be interested in our conversation?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have many friends who are aware… and I am in NY NY Medellin and Israel…
Who is your best buddy? im now on my laptop.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Barry Judelman
went to ISR from SA and then USA… rugby player
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
my gosh!!!— never heard of this— Żagiew (“The Torch”, Die Fackel), also known as Żydowska Gwardia Wolności (the “Jewish Freedom Guard”), was a Nazi-collaborationist Jewish agent provocateur group in Nazi German-occupied Poland, founded and sponsored by the Germans and led by Abraham Gancwajch. Many Żagiew members were related to the collaborationist Jewish organization Group 13, which was also led by Gancwajch. The organization operated primarily within the Warsaw Ghetto. Żagiew was established in late 1940 and existed until the time of the ghetto’s elimination during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. Żagiew had over a thousand Jewish secret agents and some were permitted by their Gestapo handlers to possess and bear firearms. Its primary goal was to infiltrate the Jewish resistance network and reveal its connections with the Polish underground aiding and hiding Jews in the General Government. The organization was able to inflict considerable damage on both fronts. Żagiew agents were also instrumental in organizing the Hotel Polski affair in Warsaw, a German scheme to lure thousands of wealthy Jews under false promises of evacuation to South America into a trap and extort their money and valuables before killing most of them.——————— incredible!!! Never heard of this!!!!! Terrible………………
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Horrific!!!!— NOTHING to do with Hashomer Hatzair……….. Abraham Gancwajch (1902–1943) was a prominent Nazi collaborator in the Warsaw Ghetto during the World War II occupation of Poland, and a Jewish kingpin of the ghetto underworld.[2] Opinions about his ghetto activities are controversial, though modern research concludes unanimously that he was an informer and collaborator motivated chiefly by personal interest.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
disgusting creature— happy he died in 43…
Do you smuggle cocaine from Medllin in your normal body cavities or are all your teeth false and the cocaine defies gravity because you have mastered the dark matter that propels the universe at an accerlated rate and feeds your brain in the event you are stopped at customs? I thought that interjection of humor was necessary. You may not be as up on Quantum Mechanics/Physics as I am and it is not a subject I studied at university but my mind is good enough to have it interest the rest of me and everything is connected within the body-brain and only a healthy person can really figure it all out without having to do the “math”, but you and everyone else would have experienced “coincidences” at some point in their life unless they died when still a child. I have been holding back in sharing the deep rot of our Jewish communities throughout mineral rich South Africa because in part the Jewish Kapos-sellouts who I refer a lot to in my writings are deadly dangerous. That concern is much more than the fear of spreading anti-Semitism when exposing Jewish corruption which is simply the false propoganda put out by the Jewish Kapos. Nor can one assume that mild-mannered people like Noam Chomsky are “in the clear”. The only way to tell for sure if someone is not a Jewish Kapo is first of all by their wealth. The anti-Semites who orchestrated our Jewish Holocaust are much stronger today than when they got rid of 6 million of us. They of course grew from strength by simply replicating globally what worked so well in the death factories such as Auschwitz. You would not expect Chomsky to admit to being a Jewish Kapo if in fact he is. All that is needed is to ask this very educated philosopher who likes to take on the scoundrel Alan Dershowtiz what he did when first learning about Żagiew and its leader Abraham Gancwajch. Do the same with every Jewish person you know and by the start of shabbas this evening on the west coast we could have not only worldwide peace but not a single poor person.
Im now going to invite you to a group chat that should interest you a lot.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK— I despise Jewish chickens and sell-outs… and the worse you mention… ugh and vomit…
you are right too— I was going to run for office in USA, but they would kill me… they did that to JFK…
bad people are bad and dangerous!!!!!
I might guess now we are heading to some real mess— maybe some shooting with China over there… China is fascist and taking over all over— I do stuff with Africa… SAmerica… mj from Colombia should be a winner!!! $$$
fuck cocaine…
I had 20 million$ co and gave it to wife and kids in divorce 2012… only need million now… 🙂 working on that…
what group chat??? 🙂
Why not make me and my wife your partner, if only for her good looks? 🙂
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Hashomer Hatzair was good in many ways but they were duped by Stalin……………………………….
I have already invited you to Review of Down Durban Memory Lane. Didn’t you get a notification?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have Neal H. Hurwitz and Associates and world-wide connections… so you are welcome 🙂
I will look for Durban notif
Neal, your “active” mind may be moving too fast.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I just got back from 5 months in Colombia with my wife and the women there……………… amazing!!!
Try stop writing and listen to me.
Ok, I see that you are still writing. So I will interrupt my thinking and go back to asking you when you were born?
I do move fast… except in bed………………………..I am lsitening… some of your stuff is beyond me— I am NOT math, but my advisors are!!! I am sorta science… YOU need to read what I wrote sir— see above: January 17, 1945!!!! NOT 1957… so… stfu… 🙂
Are you saying that you were born on January 17, 1945?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
My forte is new business development and social sciences so called… I am poli sci MPhil/ABD PhD Columbia U… YES!!!!! that’s what I wrote to you long ago on top!!! 🙂
Are you remarried after 2012?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I was married/divorced twice 1979-2012 and now with Soraya Zuluaga Correa from Medellin since 2014…
she was Ms Medellin… so I love beautiful women… you should see what they have in Colombia————— and they love sex!!!
Seriously… what do you want now in your life???? I am happy and just need a million… we travel a lot… I see your pictures are great— take a look at mine.
Neal, you are still moving too fast.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
East of SD in a forest is intriguing!!!… I will stop now.
Maybe this piece of information will slow you down to listen.
Abraham Gancwajch “first became a Nazi collaborator as a leader of the Hashomer Hatzair” ~ Wikipedia.
I see that you are still not stopping.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
he was a scumbag and so he was HH — HH as an org had nothing to do with this dirtbag… I know HH.
Do you recall reading that my great maternal grandmother Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] was a “kinsman” of Mossad head David Ben Gurion?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I wrote to you: HH was duped by Stalin!!!!!!! I was with HH in 1957-58 when u were born… QUIT! when I saw they were duped!!!
DBG— Mossad… OK… great man with MANYYYY flaws!!!!!
Do you recall reading that my father Bernie was a most accomplished Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot during WW2 and flew two dive-bombing missions on March 19, 1945 in support of the Jewish Brigade on their first offensive ground operation?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I love your family history stuff… where is Karlene??? 🙂 a beauty.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
cool re your dad!!! Mine was in US Army 1941-46…
great pic!!!!!
post that on your FB page!!!
Below is my dad in a Spitfire over the skies of Egypt before moving on to northern Italy where he only flew the very best frontline offensive weaponry, American built Kittyhawk on all his 71 miraculous dive bombing missions.
I am trying to slow you down, that is all.
I am not trying to impress you with photos of my two very impressive parents who had impressive parents and the most impressive of course was Nechie Bardash. Do you remember me mentioning Nechie’s connection to Ben Gurion?
It is a simple question. You either remember or you don’t remember.
Also did you receive a notification from Facebook that you have been added to Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, my one Group Chat?
Have you gone back to read very well written DID YOU STUDY LATIN on David S. Grossler’s wall ? Is there anything there that you still don’t follow?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
did not get invite… I will go back to Glosser later…
Karlene Gevisser?…
I realize that you are 74 years of age and unless you have my good genes and eat as incredibly healthy as I do, the same of course with my gorgeous F-C wife Marie and our dog Mango, it would not be possible to be in our great health.
Just so you know, at 24 I was still playing competitive rugby
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
some of your stuff on atoms is confusing… and what is important now about Latin?… been there, did that… college and on: Spanish, Hebrew, etc. My grandpa was editor of Der Tag-The Day in NYC…
Today, I exercise about 1/100th compared to when I was 24, but I am about 100 times healthier.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I played power volleyball in NY and Huntington Beach and Israel… now run softball team in NY NY since 1983… I have not been good lately— diverticultis!!!
Nor has my weight changed. I have always been slender, but being slender does not necessarily mean one is healthy. If however one is fat, then you are most certainly unhealthy.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am not fat… 🙂 hate that!!! but my wife has lupus……. been hard lately…
you guys look great!!!
A healthy person knows when to slow down. I am trying to get you to slow down and at the ame time answer my questions so that I can be assured that you are taking in the very good information I am sharing without me having to keep repeating.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
no problem… I get it 🙂
what do you want me to know????
what do you want now in your life???
as I said: I am happy and need a million$ now… working on that…
I am doing stocks… you?
Should you wish for me to make a comment on any particular health condition including Lupus, I will only tell you to study what 2 medical doctors have to say, DR. Neal Barnard MD and Dr. John McDougal MD. There are only 3 other medical doctors up there with them, Dr. Lim MD, Dr. Ornish MD and cardiologist Dr. Caldwell Esselystein MD. I do not want to discuss food or health with you right now or for that matter in the future. All the information is out there. You have to simply be motivated, the same with your partner. If you are not firing on all cylinders it is difficult to enjoy life.
Knowledge is Light.
I am giving you life’s important information.
Abraham Gancwajch is one of many in our Jewish communities today, just as they were during the Holocaust.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Thanks on the drs!!! I know a few of them… will rad up!!!
The first way to find out if an organization is “Kosher” is to see if Ben Gurion was a member and if he was then you would then need to find out if he was there to catch someone who is a Jewish Kapo.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
there are always bad people around, Jews included… it is sad and terrible…
You continue to write which means you are thinking of something else when you should be thinking about what I am saying.
So I now go back to an earlier question.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you are funny… 🙂
Have you been notified that you have been added to my group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
NO on Durban… nada
Neal Hugh Hurwitz

Julie Janelle added to her story.


Charlene Juliano Worker posted in 1969 World Champion New York Mets.


Sharon Branagan Green, Dan Stackhouse and Jack Weiss like a link you shared: “I am against the state death penalty,…”


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Direct Action Everywhere – DxE posted in Animal Liberation Conference 2019.


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ABC News was live: “THE BRIEFING ROOM: A brand news ABC News/Washington Post poll shows ju…”.


Jane Velez-Mitchell was live: “Today on #LunchBreakLIVE we are so fortunate to have the Grammy winnin…”.


Michael Arsham and Geri Kaplowitz Weinstein like your photo: “Paul Cronin and I working on his book…”


John Carlesi also replied to Joe Nardiello’s comment in Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball.


‎‎علي أحمد‎ and ‎أبن العصائب هيبه‎ posted in ‎سِـنِتر تٌـکْريِّت.‎‎.


Abdou Dampha, Rebecca Davis and 8 other people reacted to a memory you shared: “Well, here is my beautiful son!!!..”


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Irene Zabarkes, Jerome Kowalski and 3 others posted in 2GNYC: Children of Holocaust Survivors in the New York Metropolitan Area.


Steve Rudyk, Matthew Cushman and 2 other people reacted to a memory you shared: “TY Sam Roberts!!!”


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Thomas Davidson and Geri Kaplowitz Weinstein commented on the memory you shared.


David Lee and Jerry Lo posted in Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York Lodge.


Helene Kamioner posted in 2GNYC: Children of Holocaust Survivors in the New York Metropolitan Area on Thursday: “…”.


Jeff Warshal and Joanne Given reacted to your post in Zionism, Judaism and Israel – Historical and Contemporary Issues: “Zionism is about the Jewish people—…”


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Thomas Holmes likes a link you shared: “It is a good thing

Not Found – The New York Times
My wife thinks I am funny at times but she is the more clever of the two. That does not mean Ben Gurion was unimpressed with me and nor was he the only person who felt that despite my young age 15 that I was bright enough to one day head up Mossad.
What was your reason for throwing all that muck up?
I have nothing there on Durban
where is Karlene Gevisser?….. 🙂
… Mossad… but you are in a forest east of SD… 🙂
Long before meeting Ben Gurion for the first time on November 1, 1972, 13 months to the day before he passed away, he knew everything there was to know about me including how well I jumped over barrels on ice
Just because you may have ice-skated doesn’t mean you are capable of jumping over barrels and doing so before a packed audience.
When I completed my 4 month Gadna-Ulpan training and long before that I was familiar with Israeli Special Forces weaponry
Ben Gurion asked me what I had learned most during the 4 months and without hesitation I answered;
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
cool! got the Durba invite!
“Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret”.
Those 23 odd words tend to shut up most people.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes… very true!!! I know a lot about what we do not know!!! See Andrew Feinstein, The Shadow War
I found out about it when I was at Columbia and Wall St…
Shutting up does not mean they go on to say, “yes… very true!!! I know a lot about what we do not know!!! See Andrew Feinstein, The Shadow War”
Remember I wasn’t talking to some shmo on a New York subway.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
are you being rude to me???
No, I am trying to get you to listen because you believe that the organization you hold in such high regard hadn’t been infiltrated.
Ben Gurion was the General of Generals.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I did not say that HH was blameless…
He made it his business to surround himself not with talkers but the best of the best like my mother Zena and her grandmother Nechie Bardash who knew better than to talk to talk.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Stalin signed a pact with Hitler and commies supported that… but that guy and the people with him were NOT HH when they worked with Nazis…
Do you remember me mentioning that the money is rigged? Do you remember me mentioning that I worked for DeBeers-Barclays who rig the money?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
BG did some bad stuff too u know…
Do you think Ben Gurion and my mother Zena were unware that the people who continue to rig the money are the same people who escaped prosecution at Nuremberg?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes… DeBeers and Oppenheimer… etc. I know some about that stuff…
Yes— we let Nazis go and hired them and all that… I know… I published the Yellow Star, first book on the Holocaust…
by Gerhard Schenberner— not Jewish!!! He got the Germans to give him info and pics after WWII…
I suggest you go back and read word for word, “Did you study Latin”. There are other matters that I have to attend today and I see that it is very doubtful that you are going to help me bring world peace and equal prosperity for the poor before the start of shabbat today.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
🙂 Shabbat Shalom!!!!!!!
Zissen Pesach!!!
m Israel Chai!!! and L’Chaim!!! 🙂

Maybe it will help you to bring out the best in yourself by looking at my mother Zena, The Lady’s Speech

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
That should take you 9 minutes and 24 seconds and then read all my commentaries where you will learn about 3 elder Jewish Kapo siblings.
Then you should find a quiet spot where you are, and start reading Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which you know how to access for free. If you can focus enough it should have you getting rid of all the previous bullshit you have picked up over the past 74 years. Remember I referred to my 3 elder siblings who were raised like me in the best Jewish household possible and they turned out rotten.
I was not naive when I announced for the first time, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret”.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
your mom is lovely
De Beers-Barclays who you obviously only know about based on what you have read in unreliable sources or no less nonsense TV, were already moving fast into Israeli society back in 1972 which is why I began to consistently remove myself from Jewish ritual gatherings and the more I did so, so my spirituality-logic improved exponentially.
Do you now know how to figure out if someone is a Jewish Kapo? Will you be doing that with the next Jewish person you meet? Are you keen to see what I will be next posting up on REview of DDML? Why do you think very big talker David S. Glosser is so quiet, the same with the others?
Have you started to read Epstein’s The D I book?
BTW, the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot in my father’s SAAF Squadron 11, was Captain Syd Cohen
Syd Cohen went on to command the Israel Air Force to victory in the War of Independence [1947-49] while Ben Gurion kept my father Bernie in reserve back in South Africa.
You have probably heard of the Jewish Kapos, Steven Spielberg and his sister Nancy. Would you like to hear more about them?
Do you think Columbia is nice as well as safe spot for a good Jewish boy like myself and will they accept my very on top of things wife Marie Dion? Do you recall reading her words, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”
BTW, when I told my mother just weeks before I broke my 24 year silence with De Beers-Barclays on 11.11.2004 what I was about to do, my mother first warned me, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!” and before I could answer she followed up, “I will begin sitting shiva for you now!!” As you can tell I am still alive but surrounded by many vicious enemies; but they are murdering my mother and the people could care less. My father Bernie picked up very quickly once returning from war on April 23, 1945 that something was very wrong, but only when seeing the reaction to my 4 articles published in the JP immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich did he come to the full realization that the Nazi barstards had won WW2. He also said that were I to write his biography he would be happy with the title, “My Life as a World War 2 Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and the aftermath of the Nazi victory.”
Have you ever heard of IAF Colonel, South African-Israeli spy Boris Senior [1924-1984] who retired from the IAF as Deputy Chief of Staff?
Good shabbas.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Senior died in 2004 yes?
you are right 🙂
At any time you can contribute to my, my wife and Mango’s safety and happiness. Tell me a better cause.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
My wife and children— we have 6… 🙂
I’m sure you feel they are contributing as much
Then again your children could turn out like my siblings and the thinking is “keep them on a short money leash and this way they will behave and not kill us off prematurely”? Why do you think it is that people including those such as yourself so involved with Hashomer hatzair, are totally ignorant of the large size and effectiveness of the Jewish Gestapo? Doesn’t it make you shudder at how little else you know of importance such as the rigging of the money? Do you think a 12 year old child who didn’t have stupid parents would be fooled by the insanely illogical, morally indefensible GDP index? Could you see God playing a trick on all your minds? What besides for the God explanation can explain this universal ugliness, stupidity of the highest order? Would you still bring children into this world now knowing how little you knee before learning all this just a few hours ago? Look how quickly you have moved on to talking about how much more precious is your wife and 6 children compared to my and my wife’s life? You can see why all the callous, so cruel, have rather than write their true thoughts either are silent, or no less ugly in their distraction Surely your logic skills tell you that you can extrapolate this ugliness to your ex wives, wife and children? So what are your plans for tomorrow?

Karene Gevisser is on the left. Me in the middle and my rotten sister Kathy on the right. Arosa ~ New Year’s Eve 1970. 61 days later the Mossad assassinated South African Invader, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] having turned just 54 the month before. Nor was his death painfree. Mossad enlisted the help of Swiss medical doctors.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
fab… where is Karene??? 🙂
I was in HH at 13-14 years old!!!… hard to know the truth, such as the JFK murder!!!
did you write a book?

Neal, you show all the signs of denial. If you get angry with me it would be a mistake, but the world keeps repeating its mistakes because it learns from the wrong people. When you got quiet as you did earlier when hit with truths that you should have figured out no later than your mid-teens such as the Jewish Gestapo and how they had infiltrated every Jewish organization other than those like Mossad-Hagannah where Ben Gurion held a very firm grip and yes he ordered executions, many in fact, which the history books dont pick up because he had better things to do with his time and he also knew that they truth would be lost on most such as yourself who should have simply used common sense to ask the right questions. So at 74 I understand the resistance. Do you blame Ben Gurion for the massacre in Israel in the late 70s when he was already dead? How can you be asking me if i have written a book when I have first of all pointed you to my 4 articles in the jp that should have knocked your socks off and second, I keep repeating have you started to read Epstein’s The D I book which is more important than the JFK murder. Like everyone you go back to your comfort level. I can imagine how many people you have spoken with about the JFK murder and now finding out that had you known more about his father and the role his father played in fooling you all about the GDP and why his father wasn’t assassinated when he was advocating surrender from the English countryside when he moved on from inaugural chairman of the SEC to US Ambassador to Great Britain under the instruction of DAAC puppet Franklin D. Roosevelt, you wouldn’t be on about the JFK murder which doesn’t touch sides with the murder of 6 million Jewish people who you might consider would be far more worthy competitors had they lived and produced bunches more. Do you think their offspring would be better morally and logically than you and your children? I have spent the past couple of hours first deep in the forest on a mountain bike ride alongside most of the time my great F-C wife Marie and Mango who you may not know is now into his 10th year and there is not a dog half his age who has his strength and vitality and he has yet to peak, and that is becaue of his extraordinarily healthy food which is identical to ours and nor has he ever eaten flesh from an animal, and very very very occassionaly we have fed him organic vegan dog food and we stopped that because it is not healthy enough.
I have also been weeding with my hands alongside my wife who accomplishes about 5 times what I weed in the same amount of time and she is still at it and she has been weeding with her hands for at least 2 hours and also racking and picking kiddle for our next fire should it be needed.
So why am I talking to you? I sent out a broadcast just before we left on the bicycle ride and picking up the “feedback”. Do you want to see it? Send me your email if you havent already. There is another conversation I had earlier with another FB which you would find very interesting. This person I knew would shut down instantly because he lives in Israel and just got his head around my 4 articles. He is probably not even 40 and he has to feel close to 140 and having lived that long on a stupid meat-dairy diet. That is the trauma for finding out so late in life what it means to have got distracted by things like the JFK murder when you also happen to be Jewish. Time to light the candles for my mother and let God take HER venegeance on my mother’s transgressors including all those playing stupid which is the same as indifferent.
I plan to be up early tomorrow morning and to hammer out a couple of items but then again I leave it all in HER [Higher Energy Reaction] hands since nothing can explain how the human when given critical information all behave the same as though they were the lowest of beasts which of course the human is; you just have to use your common sense.
BTW, Karene is on FB. She may be on her third husband; and nor did her physical beauty protect her brain but she cant blame HER other than HER might have placed stupid men in her path which interfered with the connectivity of the neurons. You will have to ask her. Maybe you want to begin a dialogue with her as follows: Hey Karene, Ive been speaking with your first cousin Gary who has woken me to certain facts that I should have been provided in elementary school. I know you are obviously bright because you have a similar gene pool to Gary as well as your average California tick, and most certainly the atomic structure is identical. Since you were so close to Zena and one of her top models and Zena also took you along on at least one trip to Switzerland where I understand certain well placed medical doctors did in American Charles Engelhard Jr. who your father Julius-Lu used to work for but he lost his job at ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES because your father’s first cousin, your “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser “took a dive” but when he came up for air he was hugely well compensated, why do you think Zena didn’t propose that you and/or any of your brothers Mark and Nigel try out for a top job with De Beers-Engelhard Jr. once you all completed your university education?”
The first point being that you should examine carefully what occurred within your brain that you had your first going quiet after it took a long time to achieve.
Neal, by the time you wake up tomorrow morning you should feel like you did at 21 and eager to wake up the world, unless you had a bad night’s sleep, and then you have the chance to do it all over again.
Im just about to shut down my laptop and thought you might be interested in the tail end of my dialogue with a man who was hired for 4 years for his motivational speaking services by South African swimmer, Princess Charlene of Monarco some 20 years younger than the fatso: BTW, do you really think the Prince’s head chef is really all that Gungho working all those meals for that fat slob that everyone knows is talking gobbledigook to his politician guests all for the purpose of keeping the underlings under control, and when they go home including those doing all the guard duty and playing the trumpets for the arrival of flakes, they tell their family members that they have to keep up the pretense that the Prince and his young wife are not only wonderful people but doing very important work to preserve the peace of the world. Do you think the Prince’s work is primarily to help the poor of the world? Would you tell me if Charlene has ever made a pass at you? Do you have any idea how closely monitored is the Prince’s activities by the DAAC whose entire House of Cards crumbles if the Prince were to get sloppy and acknowledge what supports his lifestyle that he can afford the most expensive foods in the world; and no, it does not come from inheritance because the inheritance is also bullshit wealth given how his family havent have to fight for many centuries against competing monopolists-monarchs, and nor does it come from gambling or tax haven banking fees paid by the rich wanting to pay less taxes. Are you getting ready to write a book and will you send me an advance copy just to make sure that there is no plagarism?:)
I OPENed up my laptop before lighting the candles because I thought it important now that you know you are one of the few Jewish people who were not “active” during WW2 to know the extent of the Jewish Gestapo network which ran into the many thousands although the history books simply more than a thousand Jewish Gestapo spies who played an important role in the extermination of the 6 million. More important than you might first think until you examine the Jewish South African communities support for the Third Reich’s Southern Division. With all that in mind go back to my “Did you study Latin?” Why do you think you didn’t react to the paragraph missing from the American edition of Jan Smuts’ biography? Why do you think Christian’s are more awakened by such a calamity?


Neal, when you were my age back in 2007 and knew me, it would have meant that you would have read The D I book, and been a completely different person than you are today.

Not that you would have been less in denial and pulling out all stops to educated everyone starting with your children because that is highly unlikely based on everyone else’s reaction as well as your own, and you know that you started out in denial when responding publicly that you couldn’t figure out what “Did you study Latin is all about”.

When you used the F word when describing cocaine, I thought it was going a bit overboard unless you had done cocaine and knew how it had fucked up your brain.

There is not a single person I know who did cocaine on somewhat of a regular basis whose brain isn’t permanently fucked up.

The criminalized cocaine because they wanted the people to think “I have to do it just to stick it in their face” when being told “no to drugs”.

If you look at the hippie movement all it did was make the people lethargic and the people orchestrating the wars applauded it as much as the blanket bombing of Vietnam-Cambodia.

At this moment, I know that you have gone through everything with a fine tooth comb including the comments of The Lady’s Speech and knowing when writing your comment “lovely” that you were in fact contributing to the extraordinary ugliness by making it sound like there was nothing more to the story than seeing a woman you wished you had as mother representing the best of humanity.

My mother is being murdered, and you know that. Her death sentence was already in effect 7 days before that filming.

The now 1141 odd independent views tell a story which can only be compared to our Jewish Holocaust other than it is much more horrific.

The Holocaust did not come close to what each of those 1141 viewers represent in terms of ugliness.

Honor thy mother and father is the most important commandment.

Do you think your 6 children care about anything other than inheriting a lot of money from you?

You show that you are putting them on the path of being ugly and perhaps fearing that they are already there just like the viewers feel about themselves, their children and grandchildren.
Oppenheimer sounds like you,

The most liberal, the richest man in the world, Harry Oppenheimer “did not think that apartheid was morally wrong, and believed that separation of the races was necessary to maintain white civilisation”.

Tell me what else you found interesting in this article paying tribute to Oppenheimer at the time of his death.

Obituary: Harry Oppenheimer, diamond baron
Industrial baron whose diamond and coal mines stoked the economic engine driving apartheid
Do you want to see what I sent just earlier to Laurie Black, the daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, the billionaire US Ambassador to Switzerland who died while in office?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Do you think your 6 children care about anything other than inheriting a lot of money from you?— are you crazy????
I know cocaine… sucks.
Why do you think you didn’t react to the paragraph missing from the American edition of Jan Smuts’ biography?— what paragraph???
why are you not in ISR???— Netanya is nice!!!
With all that in mind go back to my “Did you study Latin?”— what do you want me to know from all there???

Send me your email-traveling much of today
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I just forwarded you DReam Given how much people are in denial would you want to come back?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
come back where???
To this world
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
we are in great dangers now…… it is very sad and annoying!!!
You didn’t answer my question, would you want to come back to this world given the denial? You give them the information and they don’t care
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I like life, period…

So your answer is yes you would like to come back to this world knowing the people are in full denial. I’m working towards, as I’ve said previously, writing an open letter Nicholas Oppenheimer in much the same vein as I wrote to Jonathan Pollard on Feb 1, 2001 via the Jerusalem Post, and one of the differences besides for the passage of time is more than the intelligence services who read what I wrote Pollard have been watching everything I have written since. They would of course include my most friend, Roger W Robinson who I have known intimately, partied together many times in both Washington DC and Los Angeles, and that would include his wife Joan, since “Our Man Roger” joined the National Security Council in March 1982, the same year future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published Epstein’s The D I book. Before that Roger W Robinson was the right hand man of David Rockefeller. Do you recognize the man next to him?
In a few minutes I will be connected to my laptop and will upload the photo
Jump in at any time.
Do you remember what I was doing when Epstein met for the first time with Harry Oppenheimer on December 4, 1978?
Another person who has followed everything I have written since that first article got published in the Jerusalem Post 12 days after De Beers-Barclays President Bill Clinton committed treason when granting Jewish Belgium-American terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon was top graduate University of Virginia Law School, the “Gentleman’s Law School” before they caught them cheating, Mr. King Golden Jr. Esquire who besides for being my one and only American attorney for umpteen years, is “Our Man Roger’s” bosom buddy going back even longer than I have known very important, very influential Mr. Roger W. Robinson who shares the same initials as our “Being There” President Ronald W. Reagan and both happen to be born on the same day February 6, just 40 years apart and you would expect that at President RWR’s 80th birthday celebrations at his resident in the Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, “Our Man Roger” was one of the most honored guests given how he pretty much ran the foreign policy and therefore the domestic policy of the Unite States during his stay at the NSC, and no surprise that “Our Man Roger’s” expertise was in “Soviet Economics” one of the great oxymorons but not quite up there with “mankind” which wins that race “hands down”. I first met King Golden Esq. one of the sharpest and nicest people in the world back in late 1981, and you remember what took place in March 1982.
At the time I was brought in by a group of very wealthy international investors including a South African timber man by the name of Maurice Arenson to run a start up hi-tech diagnostic company, Diagnostic Sciences Inc. [DSI] which these very sophisticated investors had purchased from America’s most secretive weapons developer Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC] where Mr. Golden Esq. was the in-house General Counsel. I think you would agree that you don’t get the General Counsel job by dropping out of law school in say a jurisdiction like Timbuktu. DSI’s investors included my future full-time employer Alan Austin who owned the most successful high end women’s retail fashion operation in Beverly Hills, and nor was Alan Austin a dummy when it came to real estate investing; so no wonder his girlfriend of many years was Kate Jackson of Charlie’s Angel fame and Kate’s best friend who worked for Alan Austin would a year or so after I joined Austin, become my girlfriend. Debra Cirilov is standing next to me in the blue shimmering jump suit.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
March 1982— what?
Scroll back up to where you first read March 1982.
Did you find it? Should I continue?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
check out VHC, spin off from SAIC— we have investors in that, trading for 10 years!!! BIG deal against Apple— we are waiting on Washington, DC…
Do you see this VHC as relevent to my goal of preparing an “open letter” to Nicholas Oppenheimer?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
David Rockefeller… what is 3/82 about?
I thought I would remind you of who is seated next to Oppenheimer.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
VHC— been making $$$…
with the right editing, you have a great book…
Oppenheimer doesn’t need to make money. He has an unlimited supply of unregulated diamond currency.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I need to make $ 🙂… and VHC is all about SAIC!!! and security, etc. VirnetX. It is linked with Leidos…
BTW, thank you for letting me know that you think I need an editor; here are a bunch of editors and writers who worked for me at IMS Inc.
Shall I go on about Debra Cirilov and very important DSI that connects to SAIC and the NSC who remember “Our Man Roger” joined in March 1982, the same year FUTURE CLIENTS OF MINE, Simon & Schuster published professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which anyone who has a brain inside their heads knows is the most important non-fiction book ever written. Does it help for you to know that on the day my non-compete ended with IMS Inc. I began an assignment for Prentice Hall division of Simon & Schuster? Have you heard of either Prentice Hall or Simon & Schuster?

Does it help for you know that besides for knowing personally some of the best if not the very best writers and editors in the world, for a period of almost a year, starting in 1993, I was the most trusted advisor to Randolf Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] who at the time was chairman of Hearst Corporation which still owns things like TV stations, magazines and newspapers.

Below is an uncashed $100 American Express Travelers Check which Hearst used to reimburse my expenses.

Would you be interested in making an offer on the traverler’s check?
Would you like to see the White Paper I prepared for Hearst and his wife Veronica ahead of a meeting Veronica Hearst and I took to Boston to meet with the Ziff family who owned magazines like PC Magazine which were the bible of the computer industry at the time? Have you heard how far the Internet has progressed since 1993?
Don’t forget to let me know if you want to see that White Paper which led to another assignment for Hearst to investigate the new hire who was now heading up Hearst New Media, and if you haven’t heard of Al Sikes then maybe you have heard of the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] where Sikes was previously the chairman?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes on all above! 🙂 and everyone needs an editor!!!
Did you think any of my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post needed an editor?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have not seen them— pls send link
Let me first check and see if I have previously sent you a hyperlink. In the meantime can you check to see if it is included in DID YOU STUDY LATIN?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
just send the link
I just forwarded you a backup of DID YOU STUDY LATIN which I sent previously to a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population. In the blind copy section are around 10,000 individuals/groups and I have no control over who in the cc and bcc section forward them to. Note the hyperlink on page 2 of DID YOU STUDY LATIN? right below the words, “I strongly suggest that you study all 4 articles.”
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am lost— just send me a link to the JP articles please!
Shall I go on about Debra Cirilov — yes!!! love your women!!! 🙂
where are they now??? all lovely!!! wow
Im assuming you are not lost in the jungles of Peru? It is good that you have a complete backup of DID YOU STUDY LATIN? and the hyperlink is as easy to find as it is here. Not to mention that very successful investigation had me first calling upon my Washington DC connections which included in addition to “Our Man Roger”, Valerie Schulte Esquire, the senior attorney for the NAB [National Association of Broadcasters] whose “enemy” was CNN and that didn’t prevent Valerie who I stayed with many time in her Georgetown house which I once covered her mortgage payment without feeling the need to be reimbursed, from spreading her legs for CNN’s owner Ted Turner for a period of 15 years.
So, I see you want me to go on about very business savvy Debra Cirlov.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
how was she in bed???
send me link for the JP artcles!!!
when did you write for JP— I can look it up… when???
Well, we were together for 2 years, and I don’t recall her ever complaining. You can ask her if she ever recalls me complaining.
You should have the hyperlink in your inbox. The broadcast is titled , “Pain free – Did you study Latin”? 4 articles, first on Feb 1. 2001 and last on May 1, 2001.

BTW, not one of the many writers and editors who worked for me or for that matter the Glen Shapiro, President of the Prentice Hall Division who hired me immediately after, in fact the very next day, that my non-compete with IMS Inc. ended, would have been surprised that following my report to Mr Hearst which had Shapiro contributing an important piece – and I notice that you are not making a bid on that uncashed $100 American Express Traveler’s Check which I still have – this most important American Captain of Industry who only had to be concerned with De Beers-Barclays “muscling in” offered me not only the job of chief executive officer of Hearst Corporation but independent of that, he offered to publish my book that I am currently writing in real time and your contribution is appreciated, and to match as an advance the $6 million “bonus” which my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser received for his services as executor of Engelhard Jr.’s estate which remains the world’s most valuable estate.

Moreover, very sharp Hearst took less than 30 minutes to get his head fully around the significance of my knowledge which did not include my knowlege of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which I only found about in late 2003.

Furthermore, during that 30 minutes which came right after he asked me, “What plans do you have for the future?” he spoke as much as me.

So I also understand perfectly my over the top literate beyond belief beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion’s notable words, “When the dialogue becomes two monologues it is the beginning of the end”.

Were you aware that you haven’t said whether you recognize the man seated to David Rockefeller’s right?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
No. Try again.
I’ll give you a clue. Does the Suez Canal ring a bell?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
De Gaulle
Yes, both are tall, but de Gaulle died November 9, 1970 and that photo was taken after.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
hahhah— so who???
Did your parents or school teachers not tell you the huge negative side effects of spoon feeding the curiosity out of kids? Were you aware that it is not so much as curiosity killed the cat but what you don’t know could get you killed?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
so tell me 🙂… yawn…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Find a source like encyclopedia Britannica to read up on the financiers of the Suez Canal.
Jacob Rothschild.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
big guy!!!
No he is a little shit in every respect of the word; and if you were any good at rugby you would know that they bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Do you know what every Jewish person in the world should shudder when seeing that photo; in other words why they shouldn’t be talking New York City real estate and how high a building should or shouldn’t be, at least not until they have read Epstein’s The D I book and my 4 articles helping a lot, and then they would know to shut up?
While you think about that I will continue on about Debra Cirilov as you said I should.
Debra, not long after I left Austin to run America’s largest for-profit insurance publishing company IMS Inc.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
branched out on her own and started her directly competing business with Alan Austin where she was the main buyer as well as overall manager responsible for “hand holding” our richest clients like Marvin Davis’ wife Barbara and Barbara Sinatra to name but two of hundreds of rich celebrity clients, less than 50 meters away from Alan Austin’s flagship operation on Brighton Way where Austin owned the entire half-block, and the other half block bordered Rodeo Drive which would a few later be occupied by De Beers’ west coast flagship retail operation which makes the job of the United States Justice Department responsible for enforcing our sacrosanct anti-Trust laws total and complete nonsense which is why De Beers did it. Not to mention, I happened to be Debra’s only investor, and it remains from an IRR standpoint the best investment I have ever made. Deborah today is married to one of the wealthiest residents of Pebble Beach and she still has an operation in Carmel which doesn’t stop her from producing movies. BTW, Deborah Cirilov and my mother Zena got on great, and yet it was my mother who convinced me to give up my extraordinarily cushy job with Alan Austin where I never had an office of my own and was only required to be at work by the time Alan Austin arrived from his luxurious residence in Malibu on the water and also owning other most valuable lands nearby, and that was usually right before lunch other than when he was away playing in places like Park City, Utah or on his many trips to Europe to buy fabric and oversee the CMT operations in France and Italy producing the highest quality garments; and he also kept a spare top of the line Ferrari which he imported together and those Ferraris which he probably sold at a great profit were probably his worst investment. My middle brother Melvin at the time was the Chief Financial Officer of IMS Inc. and while very skilled in accounting and having come from one of the top insurance Alphabet Companies operating in South Africa, he was totally over his head and nor did it help his brain that his South African fiance had stood him up just as he arrived in the United States thinking IMS Inc. was “as good as Gold” since its founder American George Nordhaus was the biggest American “name” in Lloyds and through Lloyd’s of London Nordhaus found my brother. Nordhaus, however, and a new President who Nordhaus found on Wall Street and who Nordhaus thought was the best thing next to sliced bread had oversold my brother who was very schooled in the IBM tradition, “No one lost their job buying an IBM computer”. IMS Inc. was in fact on its last legs when I took it over in August 1984. You remember not only did my friend and my father’s friend and my mother’s friend, Boris Senior die in 2004, not 1984 as you correctly pointed out, but do you remember what happened in March 1982 which was a couple of years after the DAAC-Oppenheimers-Rothschild-Rockefellers-Barclays Bank annhilated all resistance in Israel? Have you got to chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL? So lets go back to my joining DSI in 1981, a year after I left the DAAC-Barclays Bank employment when I hadn’t forgotten that my parting words to Ben Gurion in December ’72, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret” he had quickly shared with his most trusted South African-Israeli spy Boris Senior who thought to the end of his days that Ben Gurion was unware that right after WW2, Senior became a secret member of the Irgun, which like all Jewish organizations which Ben Gurion wasn’t in command of such as Hashomer Hatzair had been fully infiltrated.
Investors in DSI included high powered medical doctors who felt at the time that they were all going to get Noble Prizes given how the advanced military technology which had been used by SAIC to track Soviet submarines was now about to hit the commercial market bigtime thanks SAIC photometers now being able to determine levels of bacteria far more rapidly than the current technology which left radioactive material waste. One of these investors happened to be a man whose sister-in-law, also very beautiful was once married to Alan Austin and this Canadian surgean decided to immigrate to the US where he branched out into real estate development where Alan Austin was one of his successful investors. The richest of the investors was of course Maurice Arenson who given our ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which controlled the South African timber market, the furniture industry, residential and commercial development and Moshal Gevisser
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Ms. Mendelson, why would you follow me on Twitter when you know that the ACLU and Anti-Defamation League have been……

also owned a brick manufacturing company Boumat

of course knew all my family as well as American “South African Invader” Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971 just in case you forgot Engelhard’s birth year and his death on March 2, 1971, 166 days before President Nixon gave his incomprehensible speech on August 15, 1971 which only Nixon and the two people who wrote the speech, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser [1926-2009] and Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] could understand.

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Ms. Mendelson, why would you follow me on Twitter when you know that the ACLU and Anti-Defamation League have been……
Of course, I understood perfectly the nonsense President Richard Nixon spoke some 47 years, 8 months and 12 days ago, well before I completed my year long orientation into De Beers-Barclays when you will recall that I looked like this in early spring 1979.
It also made sense for me to share with Mr. Hearst my knowledge of that important speech which had bothered him as it would any intelligent person.
Nor did I share such important knowledge with anyone else other than my mother Zena who you recall continues to have her brain-body murdered over in Israel whose rich as well as lawyers, judges and politicians still hoping to make it filthy rich would far prefer these truths remain hidden forever, or at least until they have sufficient wealth while increasingly surrounded by people who cannot be trusted.
Of course I left it to my highly secretive British-English mother to tell my father who also had a mind of his own to figure out the best way to protect me and at the same time help get the information out.
That did not mean that people like Maurice Arenson didn’t trust me implicitly, the same with “Our Man Roger” and King Golden Jr. because I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt both my competency and integrity which didn’t require that I spill the beans about De Beers and immediately place my life in danger and at the same lesson the chances of getting all this information out as I am now doing with you.
DSI could easily be today the biggest medical, pharmaceutical company in the world without the help of De Beers-Barclays but I was unimpressed with the rest of the management team which included as CEO a former in-house General Counsel of SAIC who King Golden Jr. had replaced. I also figured that it was going to take longer than they the management team first thought to perfect the transportation of the reagents which then got mixed with the bacteria and the light emission read by these highly senstive photometers, and so I advised the investors to pull the plug and that I would negotiate for them to get back their money from SAIC without any of them soiling their reputations as either investors or scientists. While it might seem right now very easy to you, at the time it took real chutzpah to make the case that SAIC saw ahead of transfering the technology to DSI that if DSI turned out successful than SAIC would simply snuff them out. It is only the most incompetent who rise to the top. This is obvious, again if you have a decent command of mathematic and even easier if you are like my great F-C wife Marie Dion to be sufficiently blessed in math-logic to jump two classes of high school. Always look on the extreme ends of the distribution curve where all the important information resides. The Bell Shaped [BS] educational system describes it perfectly with the most average rising to the top. Not for a moment could you imagine Harry Oppenheimer allowing a smart person to replace Marc Rich or Bill Clinton or Donald Trump and the dumbest of them all, given the incredible trail he left, is of course President Obama who only fooled the foolish.
So in not disappointing the likes of “Our Man Roger” and King Golden Jr. who shortly after agreeing to take back DSI’s technology and return the investors monies which of course they all put to great use, but certainly not the sort of returns produced by the DAAC-Barclays who have zero cost of capital, quit his job as in-house General Counsel of SAIC, held on to his shares of course, went into private practice where I was his biggest client. Nor did people like Maurice Arenson think any less of me because I was now working very closely with Mr. Golden Esq. who I quickly brought in to replace the in-house General Counsel of Epilady USA Inc.
which was owned by the billionaire Krok twins of South Africa.
Abe and Solly Krok.
Here is a photo of me alongside Solly Krok in Amserstam back in late fall 1989
just 24 hours after I had caught Philips BV’s General Manager in charge of all operations in Anthoven where they own the entire city while the DAAC own the rest of the Netherlands, lying through his teeth, and he had armed security guards remove me and Solly Krok ‘s Dutch accountant from his offices and escort us to our automobile. Not surprisingly when you look at the capital structure of Philips BV you see in there the Dutch Royal Family whose personal attorney I hired to be our attorney in order to make sure that there were no cross-lines of communications which is standard operating procedure with all lawyers and judges. You should know that whenver the existing Royal Family’s of the world or high officials like a President or Vice President such as Biden are involved wyith any enterprise, it immediately leads back to De Beers-Barclays. The Dutch accountant is standing on the far left and Solly Krok next to him and it is me on the far right and the other fellow unimportant, while the person taking the photo is the most important person I was dealing with at the time. Does this face look familiar?
Do you not find it strange that he hands out dirty $1 bills?
So from 1981 until long after I completed my assignments with Hearst before then traveling the following year 1995 to South Africa to South Africa where the day after I completed a transaction which required that I get approval from the South African puppet Minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor Manual who under the Peter Principle doctrine; i.e. most average rising to the top went on to become South Africa’s Minister of Finance for umpteen years, I spent an entire day with the richest and most powerful person on the planet, my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser who after a most pleasant day and the two of us being only interrupted 3 times, mid-morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea which was served in his study, offered me the job of managing his investment portfolio and at the same time telling me that I could “name my price” in terms of commission. After I turned him down, I of course explained why. What do you think was my reasoning?
I left out after, “So”: I remaind very close to King Golden Jr., “Our Man Roger” and Maurice Arenson, until long …”
In fact Maurice Arenson was so impressed with me as was his wife Pearl, that he had his son in law Louis Kemp who grew up with Bob Dylan to invite me and my Greek-American girlfriend at the time, to an intimate dinner with Dylan and his girlfriend and the only other couple were Louis and Anne Arenson seated in the Kemps’ Sukkah out on their lawn also in the Pacific Palisades but directly overlooking the Pacific versus Reagan’s residence which was further inland. It so happens that Dylan spent most of the dinner under the table hugging for dear life a bottle of Vodka which was full when he started. His dispair is the same felt by all those who when given the information show that they don’t care.

You seem to think that all your 6 children would rise above the rest.

One way for you test that is not tell them that I am somehow a “shadow” which is a word you placed next to my name on earlier post of yours up on David S. Glosser’s wall, I believe it is, and to be so vague, so mysterious, sounding to most because I have checked it out, very conspiratorial which surely wasn’t your intention, instead, have them read The Diamond Invention book, make questions and then let give it a shot in answering their questions.

So that you know, my wife Marie Dion has two kids from a previous marriage and both above average in intelligence even though their biological father is a medical doctor, but Marie makes up for his mental deficiencies.

In 2004, when Jonathan was 12 and Dannielle 15, I slowly introduced them to The D I book and knowing that their biological IT had probably already read the book.

Remember these were bright kids who I had helped raize since Jonathan was 18 months.

I also had them tell their best friends about the book and of course the two of them and all their best friends came to me with their questions.

Realizing how us Americans had been made wealthy and not wanting to fight a system that was systemically corrupt, it was easy for their biological, Sperm Donor father to just dangle the inheritance monies at the end of their noses; and so they figured, “Why not?”

They also looked around when making their decision and saw that the people only talked morals but morality was non-existent.

The fact that they had the most perfect role model as a mother and me not exactly a bad teacher, they simply saw too many like their biological father.

Why work when the biggest crooks don’t work and the people don’t care other than talking to talk?

Have you seen this CNN interview with David S. Glosser

david S Glosser yourtube – Bing
Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you.
How do you think David reacted to The D I book?

When you first heard about Lloyd’s of London’s treatment of us American citizens and American residents, did that bigger picture fail to register?

I recall reading when I got up this morning a conversation you were having with someone about New York real estate and there was a moral point being made about the “origin” of monies invested in New York real estate.

How do you think Nick Oppenheimer and Marie’s two kids, and their friends and all tens of thousands if not millions I have already educated think about what David S. Glosser had to say to all those who continue to watch his broadcast?

Jonathan is a Phd in Marine biology and Dannielle a professional student now studying law which is what De Beers promote at the botttom of Chapter 18 of The D I .

You should know already about the close ties between Kaplan University’s owner Don Graham who sold his franchise for $1 to Purdue University, and Mark Zuckerberg.

That does not mean Mark Zuckerberg is incapable of making up his mind not to be a sheep.

The future trend can only be in the favor of those searching for truth.

Everyone can understand that the casinos and all the free advertising that De Beers-Barclays get for their enterprises only adds to the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible GDP economic index all at the expense of the planet and humanity.

I have yet to hear you comment on the GDP? Did I miss something?

Yes, no doubt my wife Marie Dion matches up perfectly with my mother Zena as a mother and nor is my wife bad looking and what perfect straight long legs and the rest of her torso no less perfect than the day I first met her as I battled to keep up with her rollerblading and I thought I was very fast because no one had ever beaten me in a race on ice or rollerblading, and so I was most definately humbled.


Do you want to hear more about Laurie Black and her feedback on what I sent my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie on his 77th birthday, Oct 18, 2000?

Not to mention 6 weeks and 2 days later I sent out my New Beginning Party invitation, December 1, 2000 which was 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11.

62 days later came my first article in the JP.

December 1, 2000 was also the 27th anniversary of the passing of Ben Gurion which I addressed in the first sentence of the New Beginngs Party invitation, “Today is the 27th anniversary of Ben Gurion’s death”

The invitation was first addressed to venture capitalist Randall Kaplan whose partner and brains behind Akamai was Daniel Lewin, a Sayeret Matkal officer who was flying on American Airlines 11 the first to hit the Twin Towers and seated behind him was Al Quaida terrorist, Satam al-Suqami.

Akamai’s share price last traded on 9/11 at exactly $27, not a penny more or a penny less.

Another victim of 9/11 was Barbara Olson who was on American Airlines flight 77. She is the wife of Ted Olson, one of Jonathan Pollard’s lawyers who is mentioned in Appendix 6 of my Party Invitation titled, WASHINGTON BUNCH where you find names that should now be familiar to you.

Perspective One – October 18, 2000
Perspective One An insider-outsider’s perspective of a President all “set-up-set” to win the Middle East chess game – Gary Steven Gevisser, October 18, 2000 [1] The uncertainty facing President Clinton of not knowing whether he has been already served lamb or duck or simply about to be serve…
Silence! O surprise. In due course I will send you a very slightly edited edition because there are so few edits required. An important day today and coincidentally, my gift from God one of a kind F-C wife bought us a bottle of champagne. I will toast her and my mother Zena and only wish for the best out of you.

Neal Hugh Hurwitz

I just shared over the past 30 minutes all the knowledge you got from me starting with DID YOU STUDY LATIN? which took you a while to digest with a 29 year old in good shape mountain biker who I ran into for the first time at the local Nobel Canyon trail head and he works for Ellsworth which he thinks was fairly recently bought by a South African group, and Ellsworth I learned from him is one of the top of the line mountain bikes and no surprise he thinks Ellsworth is the best . His response, “it all pieces together”. He was waiting for 8 of friends to arrive and then they travel by car to the top of sunrise highway and then head down on one the most awesome rides back to the trailhead that takes about 3 hours and it ends with the notorious rock garden segment which not that long ago had many more injured being airlifted by helicopter but for care and safety and less lawsuits all the way round the US Forest Service has been smoothing things out a little which has not helped the thinking department Still this is one hellaluva thrilling adventure against Mother Nature that you don’t find watching Tv in your living room and the sound of the advertisers staying with you a lifetime as it serves to fill up the vacuum of space between your ears. He studied geography at university and I told him what my relation 1982 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Aaron Klug (1926-2018) had to say about geography. Do you remember what that was? In our 30 minute discourse I also told him about the challenge I provided some 15 years ago to a group of kids ages 12 to 15 which was first to read The D I book and for them to then ask me their questions and then realizing that they knew more than their parents and grandparents Do you think this 29 year old is going to do the same thing with his 8 friends once he reads the book? He hasn’t forgotten that today those 12 and 15 year olds are his age and have been laughing at the older generation for now 15 years Have you spoken yet to any of your children?

While not forgetting the Lloyd’s ban which by now you should know I figured out well ahead of time, ahead even of Greenspan being appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve on August 11, 1987, note the nice card given to me in Marbella on September 11, 1987

here is a learning exercise about the mineral business

and my immediate family’s involvement, and of course you see Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir” my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser featured prominently.

The History of South African Forest Investments
The History of South African Forest Investments The origin of SA Forest Investments is intimately linked to the fortunes of the gold mining industry in the Sabie and Pilgrims Rest areas. In the late 1800’s the Transvaal Gold Mining Estates operated mines under the control of The Corner House. Unde…
Have you noticed how difficult it is to see the “insider trading” activity of Global Environmental Fund? How do you think the board members of VHC-SAIC, assuming you are not a board member would react to how De Beers, working with the Israeli Knesset and Barclays Bank managed to destroy all their resistance in Israel and place an even tighter stranglehold on the Department of Justice back in 1977-80? Notice how little information is available about the off balance sheet transactions of Yorkcor, Global Environment Fund, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation, and maybe you want to now name others? Have you spoken with David S. Glosser lately?
Do you feel you drink enough clean, fresh water that has never been bottled and not piped very far on a daily basis? D Do you feel that ya
Not “ya”, but “you” – back on my cellphone for 10 minutes because satellite connection weak and having done extensive garden work for an hour – starting again, do you feel that over your lifetime as well as now you have spent enough time in nature? Let’s assume you have not changed your mind about coming back to this world as a human because you like life as much as you did when writing those words, do you think all of your 6 children feel the same way as you? Have you suggested they read The D I book? Did you figure out when you read it what Harry-Nick Oppenheimer where in The D I book they would have pointed Warren Buffett to had he balked at the exact terms he agreed to when purchasing Ben ridge Jewelers in May 2000? You never did say if you recognized Rebbe Schneerson in the photo with me
Do you remember what if importance took place in mid July 1939?
Have mentioned yet to anyone including your wife and children that there might be more to coincidences than just a past event that impacts your entire future?
Have you thought about saying anything more in the comment section of THE LADYS SPEECH?
Last one, you are obviously not the same person as you were yesterday after you stopped talking, are you thinking more about Zagiew and their leader who was also the leader of Hashomer Hatzim and their 1000 Jewish agents who helped the Nazis mop up after eliminating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. If you we’re responsible for organizing Zagiew after WW2 would you dress them up in Wall Street monkey suits or in Brown Shirt uniforms? Your must remember Bob Dylan happy to spend Succott dinner under the table caressing his bottle of Vodka? Are you feeling tired? Are you drinking enough water and eating only healthy whole plant based diet and just biting at the bit to do more rigorous exercise? Could you see Zagiew taking firm root in the Third Reich’s Southern Division? Any interesting plans for the rest of the weekend? Has the thought completely gone out of your in trying to help my mother Zena and at the same time help build a trend away from the inhumanity of the human which couldn’t possibly get more stupid or wretched?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Hi! Put the long ones in email please! 🙂
My kids are in VT Hanoi Charlotte NM and Colombia and NY NY
and more… 🙂
Do they have telephones or email for you to forward them a hyperlink to The D I book and my 4 articles? Have you ever said a kind word about Obama? I’m assuming you haven’t forgotten that my year long orientation into DeBeers-Barclays only confirmed that world’s top Jewish leadership has been bought? Have you run by your South African friend any of my writings including if he has heard of me or my mother or my father?
Have you come across yet on my website why the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency came to me with the fraud of his bosses Obama – hillary-Kerry rather than his bosses? What are u doing now? How is Glosser doing?

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Thanks for the info on the Jew Nazis… I am using that now in my thinking and posts… see my Facebook pages… better now to use email— this is too hard to read and follow and deal with… Thanks!!!

Did you follow this?

You must be very curious about my rich sister; and you surely remember March 1982

Gary Gevisser
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
3/82 ??? what
Scroll back for March 1982. We have covered this many times. Dates are very important even if you didn’t learn about South Africa Invader Engelhard Jr.
in junior high school, although it would have been better if you learned these important things about the money in elementary school.
By now you should have received the email I sent the Jewish Gestapo in Israel back on August 30, 2106 titled,”Everything about your life is positive-Morals should weigh heavily-I only want to know if you love me – Zena Gevisser Zulman” You remember my sister Kathy’s email to me on September 21, 2016 telling me to bring food money to Israel or get the money from Deborah Sturman Esq. who is the woman you read about who collected the billions from the German and Swiss Banks but fell short when deciding that to go after the Oppenheimers would end Wall Street. Check your inbox for the “dementia” hyperlink. Let me know when you either tell the first of your childre about me and The D I book and/or you mention in your posts The D I book and what you learned once you woke up to the real world. Do you think if you had read The D I book which explains the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] you still would have had children?

Do you see how my real time book which has a title but I have not shared the title with you, connects you and my writings here along with the less than a handful of emails I have forwarded you with what I wrote earlier on the Cadre sponsored FB wall, “Probably not, but that doesn’t mean previous heads of Goldman Sachs are oblivious to its dire straits revelations and require that you keep up the facade otherwise their foundation crumbles far quicker than it took the Twin Towers to collapse.”

You can see that it has been up since 10:45 AM Calif. Time, and I have yet to give it a title.

Do you have any suggestions?

Notice that it contains 952 words. I didn’t only write it very quickly but I never reread it. Do you have any suggested edits or do you know of a trusted and competent editor who i might not know who could possibly improve upon the message? When you read what I sent Laurie Black who was the first person I knew well to comment on my Perspective One which of course you read and you recall its date, October 18, 2000, my father’s 77th birthday, did you notice that the word count I had in the subject line 901 words was off by 2. Count it again and you will the actual number was 899. Does the year 1899 mean anything to you? Are you not curious to know what Laurie Black who is as close to Bill Clinton
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am an editor— send me what you want to have edited by email! 🙂
I know that you could read well enough to have a bunch of children. Let me repeat though, “Do you have any suggested edits or do you know of a trusted and competent editor who i might not know who could possibly improve upon the message?” In other words you got the message. Not the right photo. Here is the correct one with Laurie Black who you might enjoy breaking bread with.
What do you think was the first thing Clinton learned about the DAAC when he became a De Beers-Rhodes Scholar in ’68?
You are online, so I can wait a few moments for that answer.
Why do you think they waited for Obama to first come to South Africa in August 2006 before finally making a decision about him?
I’ll wait a little longer for the next question about Obama.
What do you think your children would think about the cold shoulder reception Senator Ted Kennedy, like so many Jewish people who say they care about the plight of the disadvantaged, received upon arriving in Apartheid South Africa back in January 1985? Do you recall seeing this photo before?
Do you remember your age in January 1985? At 40 did you think you would be sharper at age 74? Had you been better schooled in elementary school about Hashomer Hatzair- Abraham Gancwajch-Żagiew do you think your life would have been different, and if so, in what way?
What did you think of the videos of my mother Zena talking about my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion?
Have you taken stock of the “subscribers” to Review of DDML?
Do you think Nick Oppenheimer knows that I plan to write him shortly an “open letter”? How would you begin it?
Have you heard of Uranium One corporation?
I am now sharper than ever!
what is Uranium One???
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what is DAAC???
Do you remember reading in the DAAC’s [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] New York Times the article, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians pressed for control of Uranium Company?
How would you rate your memory since you turned 40?
Do you recall me mentioning Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who wrote to me twice back on June 25, 2013 to let me know that his bosses Obama-Clinton-Kerry had, along with OECD who house the Nuclear Energy Agency where he was the principal economist starting in January 2013, wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development?
Do you think that eliminating all opposition to nuclear weapons development is a good or bad thing?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
What do you think of the Clintons???
bad thing…
Should this be my last day, and of course I won’t be sad, unless I end up with the rest who instantly becaome stink bugs, and I think that is very doubtful given the good work I have done in exposing the systemic rot, how would you describe me?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
mixed… 🙂
as I said, I edit…
I note that you are on a heavy duty crash program to grab as much information from me that you can use to make more money connections at the same time prevent as best you can your children getting the information, and so before I answer you about Clinton who of course you might also bend over if he asked, what do you think he was told soon after he arrived in England in ’68?
Do you want to hear more about Obama?
Specifically, what did Obama have to do in order to even be considered a possible contender for next President of the United States before taking his first trip to mineral rich South Africa in August 2006 just ahead of President Putin?
Do you recognize this man?
I’m getting, thanks to your contribution, and your silences and distractions of course your greatest contribution, really close to publish the manuscript which will include all your comments about “editing-editors” because this will be one of the addendums.
Did you see Addendum 6, Washington Bunch which was one of 14 attached to my New Beginning Party
Do you remember what took place 9 months and 11 days after I sent out my New Beginnings Party invitation on 12.1.2000?d
not “d”, rather ?
Good night.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
your women are amazing!!!! 🙂
God is no less amazing!
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I note that you are on a heavy duty crash program to grab as much information from me that you can use to make more money connections — ????????????? BUT that would be nice!!! TOO!!!
Did you previously read Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Do you remember which President committed treason when granting DAAC terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon on January 20, 2001?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Where you able to calculate on your own that 171 months and 3 days after Clinton, a DAAC stooge since ’68, granted Jewish Żagiew-Nazi collaborator Marc Rich the teasonous pardon, Jo Becker of the DAAC’s New York Times penned, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal?
When you look at the address of the headquarters of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970], what numbers do you see in the road address?
Are you not curious to know what murderous act Senator Barack Obama needed to execute in order for him to be in contention to become the next DAAC President?
When you wrote “bad thing” above, what are you referring to?
What do you think of coincidences?
In 2002 my wife Marie Dion purchased our rock cabin #11 in the forest. On the one inside wall leading into the kitchen were 2 steel nails with the number 42 stamped on top.

Check out THINK for the rest

How come you didn’t remember Uranium One corporation when you first read, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal?
Would it surprise you that back in 1989 well ahead of this man becoming a director of Uranium One I flushed him out?
2006 was the year he became a director of Uranium One.
What do you recall took place on September 5, 2006?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
stop asking me questions— just tell me!!! 🙂
Do you recognize the man on the left?
Do you recognize the man on the right?
Can you guess who Jo Becker was talking with on April 23, 2015?
Do you recall what took place on April 23, 2015?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I said stop asking questions, tell me!!!!!!
Tell you what? Do you want me to tell you the name of the man on the left?
Do you think if God exists, God isn’t going to punish severely all those who have failed to do everything within their power to release my mother into my hands before they completely murder her mind? BTW, in my opinion, and based on my conversations with you, I would say that my mother Zena from the time I was with her in Israel back on the evening of September 21, 2016 until they sent in the Jewish Gestapo pigs at 1:30 am, Tuesday, September 27th, was not only sharper than you but everyone I have ever met, period. When I next saw her again on October 8, 2016, she had not forgotten the events of of September 27. In other words she was still sharp enough to remember the barbarism. She also let the dog walker who brought my mother to meet with me, my wife and our dog Mango at a restaurant nearby her apartment, “Don’t you know when to be quiet!!”
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what did Obama do bad???
PS— stop insulting me— that is stupidon your part… duh…!!!
So if the Oppenheimers and his Jewish Gestapo hadn’t murdered the 6 million, would you see the Jewish people today better or worse?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
some Jews are no good… period.
Wrong. Any Jewish person who doesn’t focus on the knowledge presented by The D I book which spells out the winners of our Jewish Holocaust is as rotten as all the Nazis combined.
So far, with the exception of my mother and father, not one Jewish person has even been willing to admit that they have read The D I book.
“Some Jews are no good”. Do you want to try again? Which members of the Israeli Knesset were good when approving the DAAC’s elimination of all their opposition in Israel?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what did Obama do bad???
I see you have decided to change the subject. I don’t like that.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what is the title of Epstein’s book? I will get it.
You say that you are sharper than ever.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
You are obviously brilliant. 🙂
How many times do I need to repead Epstein’s book’s title, THE DIAMOND INVENTION?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
You have A LOT here— I am digesting!!! 🙂
cool, TY
send me 500 words to edit… ! 🙂
I do not take your words of my “brilliant” mind as a compliment. We are world’s apart in terms of our morality.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you are an asshole to say that
How many times do I need to tell you that when you click on the many hyperlinks I have provided you to The D I book, it is free?
No human, unless they have done many drugs, has the excuse of having a bad memory.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you sent me a lot of stuff!!!!!!!
A bad memory comes from telling one lie too many.
Didn’t your mother tell you that you should never tell your first lie?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
some of your posts to me are nuts… watch out 🙂
Don’t tell me “watch out” even if you put up a smile.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
how do I get to Karlene on Facebook?
At the very start of DID YOU STUDY LATIN? you saw the hyperlinks to The D I book including chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
watch out you do not post nutty stuff!!!!!
DID YOU STUDY LATIN? you saw the hyperlinks to The D I book including chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER.— will check again
I will be posting up all over The Internet our entire dialogue. Remember I have already told you that I am writing my book in real time.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
DO NOT use my name all over— I did NOT give you permission to do that!!!… and it is not necessary… capice?
no one cares about me!!!… it is useless…
…it also violates my privacy… I am NOT public!!!
your mom was gorgeous on her wedding day!!!
I just sent you a backup of our FB messaging. Nothing on Facebook is private. Speak to Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd if you don’t have the common sense to figure it out on your own.
Yes, you are right that it is useless to talk to brainwashed people who are all about the money.
That is not my objective.
My objective is to educate the next generation of children, even if their future is doomed thanks to the selfish indifference of people like you.
BTW, you are right about my gorgeous mother, not only on her wedding day.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
stop posting insults!!!! are you nuts????
Speak to Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd — about what???
thanks to the selfish indifference of people like you.— as I said: stop this crap
Sorry about having to cut you short, but since I dont know what tomorrow brings, I want to spend every moment I can with my wife; and I don’t see you contributing anything more positive, unless you let me know that you have brought your children up to speed on The D I book and that they have already emailed me their questions.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK… enjoy your lovely!!!!
my children are not interested… I am!!! 🙂
That means you have asked your children.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Karlene on Facebook—? name?
I am not surprised in the least about your children.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
they are into other stuff
To be into other stuff, they first need a roof over their head, wouldn’t you agree?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
it is what it is…
they have $
Are any of your children FB friends of yours?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
there are 6… 🙂 but they keep private…
and there is my Ibo son… but he is not on FB…
Do you have a problem in giving me their names so that I can ask them directly? BTW, the first thing a person needs to know about in getting a roof over their head is about how the money is valued.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I may work for Eric Holder, the former AG… so what about Obama?????
I dont know was Ibo son means. Just give me their names.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Ibo from Nigeria mom
No— kids are private. sorry…
What do you mean that you “may work for the DAAC stooge Eric Holder” who supported the Rich pardon?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
ric went to Stuyvesant HS… and Columbia… so did I…
Is he hiring you to wipe his arse? Should I send you clean toilet paper in the mail? What is your mailing address?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
🙂 you funny
So you are saying that none of your 6 kids are your FB friends?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I said they are private!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
If they are on FB they are not private. You are just stalling. You are deathly afraid of your children learning about The Diamond Invention book.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
oy……………………. stop
What if it turns out that you have lied, and have not not suggested to each of your 6 children that they read The D I book? Would you see your mind such as your memory suffering?
remove the second “not”.
Try to sleep on this.
The universe is positively constructed.
If you are unsure of this then you should publish a book, The Atom for Dummies.
The complete, total, unimaginable indifference towards my mother Zena who has only done good throughout her entire life, shows how unique is my mother and how common is everyone else.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
why are you not in ISR with mom, protecting her???
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
my children run their own lives— that is what I wanted.
Stop writing and and answer the question.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what is Warring w ISR???
I am no longer interested in what you have to say abou your children.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
when is your birthday? 🙂
good re my kids… TY
They will undoubtedly learn about the DIG as well as their father.
You have a disaster of a memory because you have selective memory.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
stop being an ass please— .
Go back and read DID YOU STUDY LATIN.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have a lot to do to catch up here!!! 🙂
I realize that 74 is very old, especially if you still eat meat-dairy-fish.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you are prolific!!
stop being an ass
I am macrobiotic more than not… Ohsawa
You couldn’t even bring yourself to write more than “lovely” in the comment section of THE LADY’S SPEECH.
You are no less disgusting than the rest of the silent, wouldn’t you agree?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I will look at that again…
you do asinine stuff here with me when you write shit to me— why do stupid stuff???
Israel today is no different to when the Israeli Knesset approved the DAAC wiping out all their resistance.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
so why is mom there??? bring her to you
where are your siblings???
The chances of me being able to protect my mother better than what I am doing now and what I have been doing ever since I left her side on October 8, 2016, are zero.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
why are not able to help her????
The entire Israeli Knesset know that my siblings and their Israeli lawyers committed fraud when putting in place a non-family member, an Israeli lawyer as her guardian.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
why is she there and not with you as she asked???
Why dont you be quiet and listen.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
got it
they fucked you
Who is they?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
your siblings
Nice try listening.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
The entire Israeli Knesset know that my siblings and their Israeli lawyers committed fraud when putting in place a non-family member, an Israeli lawyer as her guardian.
If it is too late for you I will explain tomorrow.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
tell me now 🙂
Mr., I also don’t need you to put on a smile for me.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I like to be nice
where is your wife????
I will ignore your last comment, and continue the explanation which you will have read in the background I provided on The Lady’s Speech.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
My wife Marie Dion has absolutely no interest in you. She perfectly understands the human condition, remember her words, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!”
On September 15, 2016, with my siblings and their Israeli lawyers knowing that I would be soon arriving in Israel went before Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand and petition for the one Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian and they all knew that my mother Zena wanted me as her guardian.
Don’t write anything. Just read what I am saying.
They all had the taped phone conversations which I sent them on August 30, 2016 which I forwarded to you earlier.
Continue to read, don’t type and don’t try thinking how you can outsmart me.
I take my mother’s life and her legacy very seriously.
I knew that your stupid Hashomer Hatzim was fully infiltrated by the DAAC just as the Irgun.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Marie Dion!!! She is awesome!!!
… just as the United States Democratic and Republican Party.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
send me 500 words to edit— something you can publish!!!
Yes, compared to anything you have touched or laid eyes my wife is awesome, and she would not take your words as a compliment because she knows that you are very common, just like the rest who are indifferent and thing themselves so smart.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
why do you insult me?????????????????????????????????
why are you hostile????????????????????
In Israel like in any country you don’t give guardianship to a non-family member when there is a family member who is not only able and willing to take care of their mother but their mother has made it clear to everyone that she wants me as her guardian.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
so I said they fucked you and you said wrong… huh???
mom have $$$?
Im am ignoring everything you have to say until I have finished explaining to you why I am not in Israel. So please be polite enough to SHUT THE FUCK UP until I have fully answered your question.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I asked about your getting fucked by the siblings…
why is mom not in US with you?????
You are exactly like my 3 siblings and their Israeli lawyer and the entire Israeli Knesset who sold out the entire Jewish population around the world when they helped Barclays Bank and De Beers wipe out all their opposition in Israel.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
mom have $$$— siblings want the $????
are you paranoid??????? 🙂
Of course my mother has money and property that they have been selling, but Mr. Dummy you are not listening.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
they have been selling!?——– oy
they beat you… sad
I can get you a great lawyer in ISR
fuck them
Yes, you are the paranoid one, again you are just like my siblings who began to fear once they began reading The D I book. They also read my 4 articles just like you read them and they began to see their entire world collapsing before them.
Go ahead and bring on your great Israeli lawyer.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
did Marie read the book?
send me an email and I will get you the lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
… maybe a lawyer IN Netanya…
sad that mom wants to be with you! and can not… eh?
I just sent you an email, “Bring on your great Israeli lawyer.” Write to me when you get it.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I also don’t need you or anyone else to tell me how sad it is. It is far too late for that.
Im going to bed now. Have your lawyer write to me giving me his credentials.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I will check on all!!!
a woman OK?
I am sorry you have suffered with this!

Yes, it is far worse than terrible. Imagine if you haven’t forgotten how your grandmother Nechie Bardash [1874-1943]
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
whose photo my mother Zena is holding, witnessed in 1888 when Nechie was just 14 her entire immediate family having their throats slits by Cossacks on a night out on the town having fun killing defenseless Jewish people, and then at 1:30AM Tuesday, September 27, 2016, Israeli Gestapo police who don’t question but on orders from Jewish Gestapo kingpins, invade your Netanya apartment to remove your favorite child, the only member of your family that you love and trust implicity just because they want to murder your great mind, your great spirit and intimidate the crap out of your youngest son Gary who does not scare easily; and this unimaginable vulgarity which the worst of the Nazi SS never came close to perpetrating, was only to cover all their dirty tracks.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
What you don’t yet know unless you have dedicated yourself as have all my mother’s adversaries to reading about our extraordinary close ties to the founding mothers and fathers of the State of Israel is that my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser owned priceless Haifa beach properties which he put in his sister Pessiah’s name

My paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser owned priceless Haifa beach properties and most of the hill behind it. My mother talks a little about it in her very carefully craft memoirs which she began sending out on September 25, 2001, soon after 9/11

Issy had placed those properties in his sister’s name

Zena R Gevisser
Born: May 30, 1929 Location: Blackpool, England Father: Albert Bardash – Al Ash [December 5, 1899 – 1965] Mother: Rachelle Pevy [c 1903 – April 23, 1972] Religion: Jewish Education: Yiddish Kop: Grandmother Neche Badash – Member of Haganah Immigration 1947: Durban, South Africa from England “The Imp…
[Note a little of the rewrite]

and when Pessiah and the rest of the family were murderred in the Holocaust, Issy left it in the hands of an Israeli lawyer to transfer the properties back to him.

The lawyer stole the properties and Ben Gurion simply saw to it that he went to jail.

The hyperlink above takes you to a letter my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie

wrote to his first cousin’s [David Gevisser] son, Mark Gevisser on May 6, 1994, 29 years and 3 days after Issy got the letter of May 3, 1965 which began to describe how his family left in Vilnius were murdered.
In the letter to Mark Gevisser, second page, second paragraph, my father mentions the stolen properties in Israel. You don’t just steal properties that belong to the most trusted members of the Mossad-Haganah.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
this material you have is priceless!!!
Remember, I am still answering your question why I am not back in Israel fighting for my mother Zena’s life.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
some story!!!
OK— tell me why… please
My mother Zena’s maiden name is Ash. Place the 9 minute 24 second video THE LADY’S SPEECH firmly in the forefront of your mind, and remember that on Sept. 15, 2016, 7 days before I filmed it the moring of Sept. 22, having arrived in Israel the day before, my siblings and their corrupt Israeli lawyers had got the one Israeli liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel Esq. appointed as my mother’s guardian on the basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia” and that no family member could take care of her. Of course my siblings and their Israeli liar-lawyers did not tell me and my mother that they were going behind our backs. Of course all of them should by now be locked in prison and the keys to the cell doors thrown away. Make sure you watch all the videos and look at the date they were filmed. Now back to the Ashes-Gevissers. My immediate family’s close relationship with Ben Gurion
The lady’s speech – My mother Zena Gevisser – Netanya, Israel – September 22, 2016, 11:33 am
Who has dementia, is questionable? My mother or my siblings forgetting who my mother is, and their lack of respect for everything that she accomplished? It i…

goes back to when he was born, 1886, in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as my great maternal grandmother Nechie Bardash [1874-1943].

In 1888 when Ben Gurion was 2, and my Nechie 8, her entire immediate family were massacred by Cossacks, and Nechie was sent to distant relatives in England.

In 1925 she settled in Tel-Aviv and became Ben Gurion’s most trusted “runner” eventually returning to England in 1929 when my mother was born.

During the WW2 Nechie set up “safe houses” for Ben Gurion and others to meet with Allied officials such as South African Jan Smuts who has a kibbutz Ramat Yohanan and several streets in Israel named after him.

In 1943 she was crossing the street and got run over by a hit and run driver. When she was recuperating in a boarding house she fell down a flight of stairs and died. Ben Gurion did not think it was an accident.

Back to ŻagiewŻagiew

and its leader Abraham Gancwajch

and the huge number of Jewish spies working for the Nazis, so you begin to learn not only more about Ben Gurion who had many enemies who put out lots of false information about him, but you have to question what became of those thousands of Jewish Nazi spies who Ben Gurion and his Mossad-Haganah were not able to neutralize?

Żagiew – Wikipedia
Żagiew (“The Torch”, Die Fackel), also known as Żydowska Gwardia Wolności (the “Jewish Freedom Guard”), was a Nazi-collaborationist Jewish agent provocateur group in Nazi German-occupied Poland, founded and sponsored by the Germans and led by Abraham Gancwajch.[1] Many Żagiew members were relate…
Remember you don’t just steal priceless properties that belong to the most trusted members of Mossad-Hagannah who perfectly understood that the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47] were a sham.
The moment the Jewish American prosecutors at Nuremberg failed to name Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his Harry, so you know that the Nazis won WW2 and that you have to remain focused on following the mineral resource trail rather than the distracting money.
When you are in control of Mossad and you place a corrupt Israeli lawyer in prison, they don’t just whither away. They have visitors. They write. They come out of jail and continue corresponding and traveling to all 4 corners of the globe.
People like Ben Gurion and Nechie know how precious is life and more importantly how quickly it can end.
The goal is not to die the richest person in the grave because if that is your goal then you simply have to go to the Oppenheimers and tell them, “Pay up”.
thanks— great stuff!!!! very important— needs to be told!
The Oppenheimers were always one step ahead of Mossad because they had all their officials such as Franlin D. Roosevelt and Joe Kennedy Snr all bought.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Wall Street is the biggest scam since the government got into the business of printing money. Do you remember which President of the United States was the biggest crook and why the common herd were told and kept repeating “Honest Abe”?
The easy path once you read The D I book is to do everything within your power to ingratiate yourself with the DAAC-Oppenheimers which is why we cannot get anyone to even comment on the book.
When my siblings didn’t react to my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post and the same non-reaction to The D I book, it said that they had crossed over to the other side where they found themselves in the company of huge numbers of humans.
It is not possible outside of a miracle of God to leapfrog the DAAC and their institutions such as the 3 branches of the US Government, the British Parliament, the Canadian Parliament, the Spanish Government, the German Government, the French Government etc etc.
By not pursuing those people who had taken fraudulent title to my grandfather’s priceless properties in Haifa, it left a very clear message about not only my good family but how rotten society all over the world was becoming and no less so in Israel.
Remember Ben Gurion had no illusion that he was going to live forever.
That Israeli lawyer was not the only crook he was having to deal with. Read up on the Lavon affair which brought Ben Gurion back as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
gotta go out— back later! 🙂
Jump forward to the 1973 Yom Kippur War which Israel nearly lost because the head of Israeli Military Intelligence blew it.
What is the status of this great Israeli lawyer?
Who is Sam Hurwitz (Ash)?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
working on the lawyer
Maybe because you are close to my mother’s generation you can relate more, and you have seen the degeneration of the health system and how people are focused more on money than family and relationship.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
forget about James Hurwitz— not interested
Who is james hurwitz?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
guy you asked to be Friend… he asked me about you
I don’t even see him as your fb friend What did you tell him that has him uninterested?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
how did you find him then?
not important
It is important
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
not to him
Maybe after speaking to you he blocked me so I can’t see that he is fb friends with you
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
he is a nice guy
Anyone interested in a roof over their head is interested in money
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
see you later 🙂
If he is a nice guy why would he block me?
You must have said something that turned this “nice” guy off
Yes let’s see how long it takes you to find your great friend Israeli lawyer You should only have known how nice my 3 siblings were until they began to find out about the money
They also put up lots of smile faces which are smoke when people are in denial
Remember you were 27 years of age when I was 15 and shared with Ben Gurion the important words “Those who know don’t talk…”
In other words despite your advanced age you still hadn’t figured it out
Ben Gurion knew that the biggest enemies us Jewish people faced after the Holocaust were Jewish Gestapo informers
Besides for my parents and grandparents and a handful other Jewish South Africans there was no opposition to the Third Reich’s Southern Division and in the United States were you we’re raised obviously not to question, the ratio of good Jewish people to bad Jewish Americans was even lower
So no wonder you are paranoid about which Jewish people amongst your nice Jewish family and friends is a Jewish Kapo
You don’t get to sit for the year long entrance exam to join de beers because you are either paranoid or stupid
Stupid people are paranoid
They are also very quick to place that label on the few good who remember are the first to be trashed
You continue to write a lot of distracting stuff on your wall and yet you haven’t told me what you told this James Hurwitz “nice” guy that turned him off from me and you continue to call him a nice guy You come across as a typical salesperson, telling people what you think they want to hear and then when things are not going your way, then the growl comes out Get your editor to explain to you the stages of denial You of course still want to hear what very bad stuff Obama did Go do your research and just send me the lawyer’s email and I will take it from there unless you have finally decided that you have met your match
Again when the 3 best raised Jewish children can turn out so rotten why would I expect you to be a better person than say them or bob Dylan ?

Brw my sister got $55+ million in late June 2016 for ingratiating herself with the DAAC forces.

Imagine how much you could get if you managed to distract me?

Why not write to nick Oppenheimer right now asking him his opinion of Epstein’s book!

Hahahahahahahahahaha 😉🙂🙂

How much cash and untraceable diamond currency do you think my father my mother and I could have got out of david gevisser after he published his 2006 memoirs if we were willing to sell our souls?
Know that if you don’t hear from me again I see you the same as
Abraham G
Btw there is a great story of how my mother Zena began to flush out her best friend david Gevisser

Why do u think they made The D IBOOK free?

What do you think of the Star of David in the ancient Virgin square in Valencia, Spain
Have any of your wives or girlfriends had French as their first language? Would you like to hear the conversation going on right now between my beautiful F-C wife Marie and her mother?
You know how you have spoken often about my awesome wife, but now we are combing all that with the language of love.
Yes, a lot going on today. We were also blessed with more unexpected rain.

Neal Hugh Hurwitz

Neal Hugh Hurwitz

Neal Hugh Hurwitz


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
working on it
You are much too busy posting increasingly distracting stuff on fb to be working on a lawyer who like all fundraisers such as yourself are singularly focused on grabbing the money and proud of it until they run into me and Epstein’s The D I book and then they feel totally ashamed of their stupidity Then they get very angry and think it smart to attack the messenger but remember it didn’t mean you were bright when you get to 74 years of age and you are all about the money and yet you knew shit about the money Go ahead and laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha and then tons of your famous smile faces The DAAC were always a good 3 steps ahead of Ben Gurion and his trusted runners and those executing the Jewish Kapos and nor was Ben Gurion in any hurry because again smart people don’t turn against their own and their punishment is that they make mistakes and expose other Jewish Kapos all the whole the DAAC officials have to be that much more concerned that their Jewish Kapos will turn on them So you just figured out that you can’t really approach nick Oppenheimer or anyone close to him who it would be difficult for you to figure out who they are because you are all playing the same game which will only make you that much more paranoid Has anyone yet asked you why you thought it was important to put up the photo I sent you when your comment is not interesting but you did go on to mention my name and for people who know me like nick Oppenheimer they know you are hiding something I only talk to strangers like you about The D I book and its good explanation of The DIG so for all those I’ve educated they see right through your distraction because the only thing you and I have in common is the DIG So you have been racking your brain trying to figure out the answer to my question, why is The D I book free? and for the life of you you cannot figure it out You are just good at raising money from the lowest tiers of the DAAC pyramid unless DAAC officials have without your knowledge put you to work just like they did Marc Rich Now you have your legacy coming through to you much clearer and helped by you saying nice things about a friend of yours who you trashed me Remember I wasn’t the stupid one who upon finishing my university economic studies decided to join the DAAC and saw how much Harry Oppenheimer laughed at Jewish fund raisers Of course Ben Gurion felt the same way about you all. A smart person can get killed A smart person can also be accused unjustly and found guilty in an unjust system A stupid person has only their regrets Big day today Check out The Blog on and my follow up on Waters’ wall.
ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location: New Jersey, U.S. Father: Charles Engelhard, Sr. Mother: unknown Wife: Jane Mannheimer Children: 4 biological daughters, 1 adopted daughter of Jane’s previous marriage EDUCATION Primary: Johannesburg, South…
Ps – try and memorize my 4th article published in the JP 18 years ago today It was talking about people like you who don’t know the important people like Boris Senior but you do know to quickly use Google
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
How do I get the Epstein book free? Just curious! 🙂
Some people break down under torture and sqeal on others… horrible— I know several of those stories but not Jean Moulin!!!
You have me all wrong— totally— but that’s OK 🙂
I liked the Valencia pic and thanked you. Nada mas.
can you send me link to JP articles email— easier for me there!!! on all
Ha ha ha Mr sophisticated fundraiser. Where did you go to find out when Boris senior died? My wife’s 2 children when they see our dialogue, the same with all their friends will be laughing their heads off, ha ha ha How would you go about checking if your dementia is getting worse?
Do you associate with anyone who has a bad memory?
Do you know why you should avoid like the plague anyone who has a bad memory?
Have you previously been diagnosed with cancer or selective memory problems?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you are funny!!! 🙂
Do your best Mr shmoozer fundraiser to answer the question why your mother and father didn’t caution you not to associate with people such as yourself who have terrible memories caused by having selective memory If I don’t respond to you in a timely manner don’t assume I’m ignoring you
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Btw when you look to see what I’m posting on my BLOG that has a reference to you and you keep coming across how to access The D I book for free on The Internet which of course you already accessed from the hyperlinks I have provided because you are not that stupid, think about which of your friends who have never thought that you were really bright but just talked a “good game” that only impressed other idiots, when learning the real Neal Hugh Hurwitz will say to themselves “I always thought this guy was full of hot air but now I see clearly how disgustingly deceitful he is”. Unless you are working for an organization like Mossad it is very naughty to be deceptive Nor are you intelligent enough to work for a smart intelligence institute. Your thinking as you keep ducking the questions of importance including my telling you that I know better than you how to talk to this great lawyer friend of yours and why you should just give me his email, is to keep me engaged as long as possible talking to you You think that you had me fooled into thinking that you wouldn’t trash me with this lawyer as you have done with all the Hurwitz people who are your fb friends. How could you be so stupid as to think you had fooled me? It takes one minute to hook me up with the busiest lawyer in the world I have dealt with over a dozen Israeli lawyers about my mother’s situation including a high profile former member of Shin Bit and like everyone this guy thought he would be better off cutting a deal with my and mother’s enemies I am not friends with two-faced people. Could you see yourself being returned as a snake? Were you aware that snakes have forked tongues? Don’t you just love scal litigator Jeffrey R Krinsk’s “I detest those who derive great satisfaction from exceeding the limits of their small authority: i.e evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork!” Just because a human can mouth off truthful words, it does not mean they have good character. You don’t even provide intelligent thought.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
all the above is ugly GG!!!


Title: You did something terribly awful [Word count 3063]

It was ugly what you did with that James Hurwitz.

Nor was that the first time you were ugly.

You are all about the money because the money is the embodiment of who you are.

That is how you raised your children and your fear is that they, and everyone else you know, were going to find out sooner than you would have liked how little to nothing you know about the money, and yet you are this “hot shot” fund raiser that could afford a bunch of wives and children.

Nowhere in your writings to others do you talk about Epstein’s The D I book which I have repeatedly told you how you can access.

Your are a nogschleper who reacts no different to the richest people in the world who all have turned very ugly once pointing them in the direction of The D I, including the two people I have mentioned previously, Solly Krok and Jonathan Beare, two multi-billionaires who could have only said very good things about me given how effective I had been over the years in helping them.

Again they are only two such people.

So why is it you think that what you all have in common is this great difficulty in accessing The D I book

and when I point you in the direction as I just did above, taking you to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, you all, without exception, fall apart?

Of course a 13 year old reading this would understand that all of you saying that you don’t know how to access The D I book free on the Internet prevents you from having to answer any follow up questions, such as, “What did you think?”

You want to have “plausible deniability”.

Remember I have 3 elder siblings who turned rotten very quickly once they read the book. Nor did they think anything about murdering my one of a kind mother Zena by denying her wishes and knowing that the rest of you would be lame, callous, cruel, a bunch of monsters.

My eldest brother Neil then went out of his way to promote diamonds and ingratiate himself with the DAAC-Barclays when placing a diamond as the centerpiece of the cover of his book where he plastered the big diamond square in the middle of the very red lips, and then he went so far as to say in the text that De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s [DAAC] involvement in our Jewish Holocaust is an “unproven assertion”.

However, corrupt people are not bright.

They leave a crystal clear trail of their wrongdoings.

The nicer the people they harm the more the bad human wants to hurt them badly.

My 3 elder siblings and their Israeli lawyers couldn’t have left a clearer trail of their “rotteness” [sic] and it speaks clearly to all that is rotten with humanity by how you all react the same.

It is an incredulous story, this story of Sodom & Gomorrah and how Lot kept arguing with God to lower the number of humans that God said he wanted and who were good in order to save Sodom & Gomorrah from total destruction.

When in history have us Jewish people ever known such ugliness?

The Torah doesn’t really get into much detail about exactly how it came about that the entire population of, again, not one but two cities were totally corrupt.

The Torah also doesn’t explain how God wouldn’t have known what Lot was thinking since God must know everything including everything that that we are thinking as well as our actions.

We all also know that the Torah like the Christian’s New Testament was written by men in power in order to keep the masses in line.

But who could possibly imagine such total rotteness?

It was in fact that story which turned me totally off religion because it was so totally absurd and all the rabbis I asked to explain it could provide a logical answer; and I knew the smartest of the Jewish South African rabbis, Abner Weiss.

Even when knowing how effective De Beers-Oppenheimer-Barclays were in corrupting the entire Israeli Knesset and put to end all Jewish resistance throughout the globe, I thought that there would be at least 10 people in the world who have a conscience.

Granted I have yet to canvass all 8 billion of us, but it doesn’t look good.

The upside is that the Story of Sodom & Gomorrah might not have been entirely written by the hand of man.

Since the last thing you want to do is get into a debate with me about spirituality because you know that is a subject I will never allow myself to ever debate with you, not even if I am threatened with having my tongue cut out, let’s stick to the money which is all that invigorates you as the money decides when or if you are going to get laid next.

The difference between you and say Krok and Beare is that you are not close to as financially rich AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, because you have been connected to the wrong people, you are only now finding out about the DIG [Diamond Invention Game].

In other words as you became this HUGE SPONGE trying to suck out of me as much information as you could without trying to sound overly interested – you are too funny in your weak minded deception – you have been playing “catch up” in your mind.

You know that the Oppenheimers all have this knowledge and so do their top officials going back to the turn of the last century.

Also note that Dr Rodney Smith Phd asked 14 hours ago on his FB wall “Who knows that is the Monroe Doctrine?”

You don’t become an official of the Pentagon’s RAND Corp. “Think Tank” without knowing everything there is to know about the Monroe Doctrine or the Great White Fleet or “Honest Abe” which is the nickname I am going to giving to you going forward.

So you figure out what Dr. Rodney Smith Phd is doing, perhaps just trying to make conversation with someone like you?

The best spies get paid the most; and that you surely didn’t figure out just now?

Remember you are very late to the game.

Remember my very beautiful all around gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion’s words, “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!” [and I see you as one of many future snakes, so don’t be so quick to step on one or be nasty towards your future close cousins].

BTW, do you think if you start naming trees that you come into contact with, and nice names of course, like “Sentry” or “3 brothers”, you will get that much closer to nature?

You will have already run the numbers in your head of all those who are no different to Krok and Beare and nor does it mean that any of you can trust each other other than to stab you in the back.

It doesn’t take 10 people to save the world.

It only takes one of you to put the ball in motion and the rest go instantly silent.

So you are not alone in seeing that peace and harmony while good for the planet, it is war to those who have profited the most from war and again who see peace as war on their profits.

You dare to call me ugly.

I am exposing the ugliness of the money system that none of you even gave a thought to.

How could billions of you never have thought of looking for what group of people and what economic index they could have promoted which created such devastation of the planet?

Could all the religious people be just as stupid?

We are part of nature. You kill nature, you kill us humans.

Let’s now look at more numbers, and I think you would agree with all my former clients, employers and employees that I have a far better command of numbers-logic than you.

Not one of your wives, or 6 children or family members or friends or former business colleagues or current business colleagues told you about either me and/or Epstein’s The D I book.

That means they were all either as poorly educated as you and/or lacked common sense and/or they didn’t trust you to share this very important information that I am sharing in real time including our dialogue here on FB messaging.

So it is not a good sign about either the goodness or logic of humanity.

Never before have I approached so many strangers to be my FB friend and all these people with the last name “Hurwitz” are you FB friends and not one of them decided to accept my FB friend invitation.

We also know the names of these 10 people:

1)Stanley Hurwitz

2)Larry Hurwitz

3)William Hurwitz

4)Rene Hurwitz

5)Arleen Hurwitz Zuckerman

6) Lee Hurwitz

7) James Hurwitz

Lisa Hurwitz

9) William Hurwitz

10) Steven Hurwitz

So lets study them.

I don’t know them, and if they know about me and they are honest then they would want to learn about how the money is rigged because the money is the most important thing to them as it is to all humans in the money system which we all operate.

In other words they would not be able to get better knowledge about the money and its military connection than talking with me.

I also know that from before I finished my university studies that there were significant gaps in what is taught at university in the study of law, economics, finance, history and accounting.

That is why I made it my business to get a top job with the people who control the money who are the same people who wiped out all their opposition in Israel which is all that remained following the Oppenheimer’s escaping prosecution at Nuremberg.

Are you now like me sharing our dialogue here on FB messaging with that many more people?

So we must assume that these 10 Hurwitz are “good” people and have been prevented from getting the information about the money because they associate with people like you who can’t do enough to drag your feet in helping get this information out to those who are the most deserving; namely the poor of the world who are not stupid like you, they are simply poorly informed.

It is only right to give every human the benefit of the doubt that they are ignorant of these important facts of life.

The fact that I have the research over the past 14 years since beginning to share the teachings of Epstein’s The D I book does not mean I expected Neal Hugh Hurwitz to be different, hence why I kept giving you the benefit of the doubt; and the funniest of course you telling me that you were going to get me this great Israeli lawyer, which Im sure you would have put me in contact with once you heard that my mother was dead.

The research shows that the selfish future shellfish humans do not share the good information because the knowledge is all that they have over the next person because they are not all excellent fine art impressionist oil painters like my wife, nor are they all the best carpenters in the world, and their “gift of the gab” is really all they have, which is worth shit when you realize that all your talk is about the money even before you had your barmitzvah, most probably; certainly since when you had your first erection.

You should have been exuberant to say to all them plus the rest of your FB friends, “This Gary Gevisser doesn’t just have a photo of ancient building right next to the most important church in all of Valencia, Spain that has a Star of David as it centerpiece, but he knows why this world is so upside down because he knows how the money system works.”

Of course your only poor excuse is that it is traumatic to find out after you have spermed 6 children that you know nothing about the money and that is all you coached them, because what else of life’s survival lessons could you have possibly taught them?

Learning about where to go for the most amount of money at the lowest cost required only common sense which said “go check out the people who sell the drilling equipment to the mine owners and then it is easy to figure out their percentage of sales provision in the contracts” and then instead of being so late in the game, 74 years of age trying to make money connections to get that $1 million you are looking without first going to the wife you said you gave $20 million to, pick up the phone to Harry Oppenheimer and announce:

“Hello Mr. Oppenheimer, I know everything there is to now about how your Jewish Kapos infiltrated my organization Hashomer Hatzair, and I am certain that I can find you, given how discrete and knowledgeable I am about how the real world works, find you front people to help raise money from secondary sources such as Goldman Sachs, George Soros and Warren Buffett, all the while making certain that they don’t know how you have already tied up all the world’s central banks ever since getting the Israeli Knesset to cave.”

But Neal you didn’t do that because your mind was only focused on grabbing as much money as you could to afford clean pussy.

That wife who you say you were so generous with must love you that much more since with those monies she can afford an 18 year old stud from Columbia and why wouldn’t she give you a $1 million commission for putting her on to such a nice fellow who also won’t be talking nonsense money numbers?

You obviously don’t make love to women because you think they are so smart.

Maybe you thought before running into me that the women wanted to make love to you because they thought you were money smart, but with the knowledge of the DIG they of course would know different and therefore only wanting to sleep with you because you have more money than them, or the other option is that when women hear about how great you are in bed they line up outside your bedroom, in which case what are you doing spending so much time on FB?

Why would a woman have any time for someone who is deceitful and also doesnt have the greatest body in the world?

It is normal for the man who is all about the money to quickly let their body go to rot because it takes great effort to stay in shape and gold digging women are mostly turned on by the money unless they have young healthy bodies in which case they wouldn’t look at an old fool whose body is not all that great.

Can you name me one not so hot, old stupid man, that a beautiful woman who is not all about money would want to have anything to do with?

Take that $20 million rich ex-wife, and lets assume that she is incredibly hot, would she want you or a hot 18 year old man who is not so stupid as to have bought in hook, line and sinker into the idiot money system which has increasingly stupid and merciless people like Trump and Obama being chosen as our leaders?

So back to the 10.

You have refused to tell me what you told James Hurwitz that turned him off, so that means you were not complimentary about me and yet you have remained my FB friend and wanting to continue getting information out of me.

I am not saying that James Hurwitz is bright because a bright person after hearing you not encouraging them to be my FB friend would ask, “So Neal are you just staying FB friends with Gary Gevisser in order to get more information out of him about exactly what he is doing next and then you will share that with me but at the same time by not all of us being his FB friend it restricts the flow of the information getting out?”

You did something terribly awful.

You should be best friends with my 3 elder rotten siblings.

Let’s now look at our 2 remaining mutual FB friends:

Dean Hillel Weiss

Lawrence Kushner

How do you think they will react to all this knowledge?

You will have noticed that Mr David S. Glosser has silently slipped away and unfriended me.

He has however kept my posting, “Did you study Latin?” on his FB wall.

In due course I will be providing an in-depth study of his speech on CNN; and please let him know that I will also be sending it to all my contacts at CNN as well as the rest of the media; and unimportant that they are corrupt.

You must know from all your Torah studies that Abraham was not chosen because he was the most honorable person.

In summary:

You are ugly, and you knew that when you first started to be distracting.

You will let me know if you have positive or negative or no feelings at all about God/HER.

You will now take the following to your grave – [and I would think it would be a long time in coming otherwise the punishment wouldn’t be right and I think God is far brighter than to have you experience a short life.]

You spoke with at least this James Hurwitz.

What you told him about me was not positive, otherwise he would have accepted my friend invitation. The chances are also great that you spoke with more than James Hurwitz about me.

That is very logical.

To be somebody’s FB friend is not a big deal unless the person you are speaking with does their best to turn you off.

You turned him off. You also didn’t tell me what you told him.

Can you tell me now which part of The D I book you found the most disturbing?

Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel
n the winter of 1978, diamond dealers in New York City were becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a serious rupture, or even collapse, of the pipeline through which De Beers’ diamonds flowed from the cutting centers in Europe to the main retail markets in America and Japan. This p…

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I did not do anything bad about you, ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! incl James… you are wrong.
and stop insulting me please… you are wrong there too!!! 🙂
I wanna read the Epstein book— geting to that… I told you I was not well!!!!!!

Scroll back and show me where you told me that you are not well? How could James Hurwitz have responded negatively if you gave him a very favorable impression about me? How could you not give him and everyone else a most favorable impression about me given how I have educated you about the things you should be most expert at before raising money/asking people for money? Remember what I said. So far everyone who has money as well as those who dont have money but they are all about the money when hearing about my knowledge which is also contained in Epstein’s book, has either great difficulty in admitting they have read the book given how easy it is to find on the internet or they start bad mouthing me. It doesn’t get more ugly than that. One would expect for them to get very quickly sick in the head and then the rest of their body must also suffer. I also doubt it helps going to church to soothe their bad conscience.

I don’t see you having made any mention that you are unwell. How come once I have caught you being deceptive, you lash out, “I told you I was not well!!!!!!”? Notice how you didn’t make your customary smile face. Yes, you are just like the rest. How can you all be so vulgar and yet you all put on this face that you are nice, decent people? If it was just a bunch of you rotten, it would be one thing, but all of you, doesn’t that sound beyond all reason? When something is beyond “all reason” one is entering the supernatural realm. What do you have to say for yourself? As you look back carefully through the chronology and how you duck certain questions but then you remember to get angry with me telling me that I am insulting you because I am questioning your integrity; and then in the final analysis after you have been caught red-handed so obviously trashing me when you should have been applauding me for having the courage to speak out and educate the world when I could have easily taken the easy path and joined all your puppeteers and joined them laughing their heads off at you all playing your money games so seriously and at the same time so emotionally wrapped up in your children who you obviously dont want to protect otherwise you would share this knowledge and have me teaching them rather than you who obviously has head problems, and now you don’t just admit that you have head problems but you twist it all around and try to place the monkey inside your head on to my shoulders. How utterly disgraceful! Again, it would be one thing if it was just one of you but it is all of you and you are all at each other’s throats when trying to make a buck off the next person or simply steal from them and the rest of the time trying to make out on Facebook that you are nice. Now that is really ugly. Man isn’t smart enough to have such perfect ugly wiring in all humans apart from so extraordinary few. God must be celebrating because it seems too perfect to be true and so where is God in caring for my mother Zena at this hour as you pigs enjoy her suffering?
Send me your great friend lawyer’s email address because you are obviously too sick in the head to represent my mother’s best interest.
Now if God can shut you all up as you have shown how uncaring you all are towards my mother who you hate to death because for good reason she is so supportive of me, then as the knowledge of your callousness is spread and everyone continues to follow in your sick paths then surely you must think that there may be something to this thing about “original sin”.
If you don’t see yourself returning as a snake, then how about a crusty shellfish?
You have delayed me in my efforts to free my mother and did my mother sacrifice a lot to have one of her children see the virtue of having a conscience and keeping it. I have nothing to laugh about with you or anyone of your kind. You have sapped my energy but you have not succeeded in destroying my spirit; that you, nor Hitler, nor my 3 elder siblings succeed in doing that. Do not send me another smile face or any words of encouragement. I know better than to enter into any further discourse with someone who is sick in the head all thanks to being deceptive which is the last thing you should have doing because a moral person would have only been doing everything within their power to assist, starting with inviting all their friends and family members to hear what I have to say and then each of you would be the judge of one another. So when you wrote that your children have essentially turned out just the way you wanted them, without saying anything about their moral code, you were ducking. When you wrote that “some Jews are no good” you also didn’t say which Jewish people you know are good? You were just talking to talk without also saying that you were ducking. Yes “Honest Abe The Duck”. Thank God I have a much more than very great wife who cares a lot about the food we eat and that takes a great deal of time and thinking, but I think you can see that it pays off in the end. Nor do I want to hear any more insincere and frivolous comments about my wife whose great photo I put up yesterday as she was speaking with her mom, in French of course, will now be taken down off my FB wall; and don’t bother asking me why. We will see if it is meant to be that Roger Waters can learn from all this.


Waters ~

Hey you, dont help them to bury the light
Don’t give in without a fight.

Roger Waters & Paul Carrack-Hey You.
Berlin, una ciudad cosmopolita y de gran monopolio comercial, tambien era la capital del Tercer Reich Adolf Hitler. Berlin en Mayo de 1945 fue tomada por los…
Hey you, out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone ….

Can you help me?

Hey you, don’t tell me there’s no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.

My mother Zena Gevisser comments on her question “Never” – Sept 24, 2016; 10:07am
What words, “When will we see you here?” and my mother Zena breaks conventional wisdom and immediately answers, “Never” as she looks towards me and smiles. N…

Comfortably numb

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.

Roger Waters- Comfortably Numb feat. Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam)
Eddie V. & Roger W.@ #12-12-12″ ( Concert for Sandy Relief) Song lyrics: Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone home? …
You removed a message
Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying.
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I’ve got that feeling once again
I can’t explain you would not understand
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.
Mother (Waters) 5:32

Mother do you think they’ll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they’ll like this song?
Mother do you think they’ll try to break my balls?
Mother should I build the wall?
Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?
Mother am I really dying?

Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry.

Roger Waters & Sinead O’Connor Mother

Mother do you think she’s good enough — to me?

Mother, did it need to be so high?

What was she like at 22? – Zena Gevisser, Sept 22, 2016
Who has dementia, is questionable? My mother or my siblings forgetting who my mother is, and their lack of respect for everything that she accomplished? It i…

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
so obviously trashing me—————- Never, ever… !!! Know that.


What I know and what the record shows conclusively is that you are not a trustworthy person, but that can all change very quickly in the next instant because, again, nature is totally unpredictable but when you have done wrong you can’t expect Mother Nature to be kind towards you.

You have finally stated that you have mental health problems and even if you stub your toe it immediately impacts negatively your mental faculties.

You trashed yourself from the start of your lying, and what a finish, “I told you I was not well!!!!!!”

Lying causing the mind to split, but it is not quite like taking a butcher’s cleaver and splitting it, and thinking you can continue on like nothing happened, for the neurons have to be all connected to make the most sense.

“I told you I was not well!!!!!!” is going to rise up the masses and it will bring more than a smile to my mother Zena because ESP does exist.

Nor will the likes of you be able to take my wife’s beauty away and don’t forget it is everyone who notices her unmatched physical beauty and intelligence. Do you remember mentioning that Marie Dion is very intelligent?

You must have heard about people raised in negative attention households which come from having unaccomplished parents which I certainly did not suffer from, they can’t get enough satifisfaction putting down those of us positively inclined from the very start.

Imagine, and it is all that mind can do, Roger Waters “Goodbye cruel world Im leaving you today”

wakes up to the beauty that we can see all those who have left this world violently would have ended up making a positive difference given how increasingly life has become easier for the middle classes who push paper handed down by the ruling elite who don’t have goodness or truth supporting their laws who fundamental economic principal GDP

Roger Waters “Goodbye Cruel World” Take Me Out To The Wall Game USA 2012 HD
is fatally flawed, and my God, you the legal Columbia University scholar running around raising monies were clueless, and so much for your best teaches; and it could just be his mind working all on its own and/or a combination of others such as Dr. Rod Smith Phd who I will be sending a copy of all this next, decides that he is going to invite me and my great, gorgeous, beautiful, beyond belief intelligent and nice F-C wife Marie to another symposium at Chapman University’s, Experimental Economics Dept headed by 2002 Nobel prize winner Vernon Smith who like everyone in attendance back in May 2015 hasn’t forgotten my wife’s great contribution which cautioned from forgetting the poor; and then all the show going on in Washington investigating AG Barr’s performance will end abruptly.

If someone such as you who admits that you are not well but only after you have been stripped naked of your flaws can understand my teachings in concert with the irrefutable truths displayed in Epstein’s The D I book, then so will the dumbest pigs in Washington DC making the big bucks because to make sure they get it are provided dossiers that include that very important meeting between my former boss Harry Oppenheimer and President elect Kennedy at the Carlyle Hotel.

Any fools knows a dog needs a home, a shelter from pigs on the wing


BTW, as I line things up which I will share with you shortly, I have not forgotten you mentioning that you have a tight connection with Eric Holder and nor have you answered by the DAAC would make The D I book free, and yet to follow everything and choosing selectively what you answer and what you don’t and then at the end you think it smart to tell me that you informed me much earlier on, but without saying when, that you were a sick puppy.

We are now up 11 persons including your best South African friend who hasn’t accepted my FB friend invitation. Your batting average in saying positive things about me is a flat zero.

Here is part of the lineup with many more than my 873 odd FB friends:

Hello, so you like to walk on water 🙂

Imagine if it turns out that people wake up TODAY to the fact that people don’t care for others and even more so those who are beautiful inside and out because the jealousy emotion is totally destructive and therefore the entire premise of FB, which is to share, is the exact opposite of people raised in an economic system designed to bring out the worst in humanity given how the GDP economic index, which I am most expert about, is geared exclusively to the destruction of the environment which each of us is much more than a part of.

Do you want to see the dialogue Im having with one of us 8 billion humans, Neal Hugh Hurwitz who has underscored the weakness of Facebook which is going to take a miracle for Mark Zuckerberg to fix?

Remember a couple of things.

First, sports competition is extraordinarily healthy but it is flawed by the manipulation of the money which even if you have 12 Phds from the 12 best economics universities in the world, you would have no clue about, and this I would know because after my university economic-law studies I joined the banking-mining cartel De Beers-Barclays

whose head South African Harry Oppenheimer
directly supervised my year long orientation into this mafia of mafia who only care about things like the health of the oceans if it can contribute to the dumbing down of the population.

Second, there is clear, easy solution that Mark Zuckerberg can choose to embrace or face exponentially increasing numbers of people knowing better than to trust anyone who ducks the knowledge of the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] that is well spelled in American Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic non-ficition book, The Diamond Invention; not to mention when Epstein first met with Harry Oppenheimer on December 4, 1978 which you see at the top of chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON I was just completing that year long introduction, and nor did Oppenheimer ever take me for a fool.

Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel
n the winter of 1978, diamond dealers in New York City were becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of a serious rupture, or even collapse, of the pipeline through which De Beers’ diamonds flowed from the cutting centers in Europe to the main retail markets in America and Japan. This p…
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
the not well is some flare-up with my diverticulitis!!! 🙂 nothing mental 🙂
Had you thought you also commented to me about what you thought of my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post? You did remember to tell me that you thought I needed an editor. Yet you didn’t say if you had changed your mind after reading those articles; how can you be so ugly in your false criticisms and then say in the end another lie that you had told me you are sick?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you need an editor for new stuff… I assume JP edited… duh! 🙂
I have never ever lied to you… you are being weird…
how did you get so hostile???
How does a sick person not follow through on explaining what is wrong with the people who are silent when not distracting after watching The Lady’s Speech?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have to catch up with the many links!!! 🙂
nothing on the lawyer; I am disappointed…
No need to catch up with the links Find where you told me that you are sick.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
did you tell me why you are not with your mom??? in ISR or here in US?
I was at Mt Sinai twice for this infection which I have had 6 weeks… getting better tho!!! 🙂
Remember me telling you that people who have bad memories are liars?
Find where you told me that you were sick
That question goes to the heart of your competency and integrity Do you think it was your lack of morals or competency that had you in spite of all your formal schooling that provided you a desk job your whole life, failing to pick up the weakness of the GDP? Could this be the source of all your hostility? In short order you are going to feature prominently, and fitting that you come down from Mt Sinai
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
desk job???— I led Missions to Israel and Russia… traveled the US training thousands…
YOU make up stuff about me that is false… not a good idea.
maybe we stop now… too toxic for me frankly… I am sorta tired of your insults.
no more insults or we stop, OK?

Are you interested to see a draft of my next communication to two people who know each other well, but not as well as I know the two of them, and both women hated each other’s guts before they began sharing with me the dirt they had on each other? First let me tell you more about both my sister Kathy and Deborah Sturman Esq. who being the New York City big time fund raiser-mover shaker you might recognize standing next to her very old lover Professor Arthur L. Miller Esquire
Bring money-No memory, hide Dementia, Dementia, Dementia, Dementia, Complete Dementia
The Lady’s Speech – Zena’s Netanya apartment, September 22, 2016 Teachers – Zena, King David Hotel, Jerusalem, September 24, 2016 The addiction – Zena, King David Hotel, September 24, 2016…
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
cool, thanks! Tell me!!! 🙂

You probably don’t remember so I will repeat what most who follow my writings very carefully haven’t forgotten and that includes complete strangers once they read my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which also doesn’t stop bothering them until they die or develop full on dementia when it is likely to be the last thing they remember of substance.

My “lovely” sister Kathy came into a $55+ million windfall less than 3 months before she wrote to me last on September 21, 2016

letting me know not to expect my mother Zena’s refrigerator in Netanya to be stocked full of food even though that well over a $1 million apartment and the one directly next door on the same floor and worth $500K+ had no mortgages, and the rental from $550+K bachelor apartment also with a beautiful ocean front view but not quite as spectacular as my mother’s second home more than enough to cover my mother’s living expenses; to mention little of the abundant cash my mother and I had over the years most discretely placed to expose all those in our inner circle.

Well, Im working on it and will let you know when it ready to go out. I did notice that you are continuing to talk politics-economics-military on your FB wall but still only mention about a nothing photo of a square in Spain but nothing about my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which besides for exposing the top officials of the land responsible for furthering terrorism it explains the nonsense of the different political parties as well as economic systems, making all of you involved in raising moneys making much ado about nothing. When can I expect to see you help promote those 4 articles? Have you started to read The D I book yet? Given how eager you are to read what I will sending my sister and Sturman Esq. as will everyone who has an interest in money, and so you have the time, why not simply start reading The D I book or continue from where you have left off and you have me currently online to answer all your questions.

Remember I have been doing this since early 2004 once I got Epstein to stop dead in his tracks.

A decade before without being aware that The D I book existed, I had shared the knowledge of the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] with just one individual besides for my mother Zena and you remember me mentioning if you wanted to make me an offer on Randolph Apperson Heart’s uncashed $100 American Express Travelers Check.

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
as soon as I get past the diverticulitis infection!!! too much pain, discomfort, etc. to focus properly…
I know of Sturman and Miller…
looks like Biden fucked up in the Ukraine… I get PMs on that now… he is toast…
I have to get the Epstein book and your JP articles— I have not been able to do that yet…
A 12 and 15 year kid took no time to focus on the very easy to read book which brings immediately neurological diseases to the forefront of those who not only thought they knew everything there was to know about the money but they talked up a storm in both their social activities as well as money making business meetings about their knowledge of the money game.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
you should have op-ed in the NY Times… article in New Yorker!!!… Atlantic… etc.
You remember me mentioning that my wife’s two kids were those 12 and 15 year olds who also were eager to have their best friends read the book because they nor their friends had yet to be corrupted.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Is the Epstein book on Amazon, and your articles— send me link pls.
sorry… I have been dealing with the infection for 6 fucking weeks!!!
tell me yur view on Trump… Biden… et al…
Here you are, a non-published author suggesting to me that I should learn about where to publish my writings. Do you remember the nature of the work I did for the richest and most powerful publisher and TV station owner on the planet, about from Harry Oppenheimer? I will give you for the umpteenth time a hyperlink to The D I book which I didn’t need to repeat to both the 12 and 15 year old and their friends back in 2004 that the book is free on The Internet.
Let me know when you have clicked on the hyperlink and whether it is still free.
Also, as I have asked previously, why do you think the book is free to everyone?
Remember you are recommending that I write an op-ed piece even though you are not commenting on my riveting 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post that sent shockwaves around the globe.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am published, fyi… and I edited two!…
Why don’t you leave me to figure out how best to spread my knowledge. This way you can focus on explaining when you plan to promote on your FB wall my 4 articles as well as Epstein’s The D I book.
Send me all your articles via a hyperlink.
Did you click on the hyperlink taking you to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
Let me run some numbers for you as you get back to me letting me know if the book is still free.
14 years have passed since I began having conversations such as this with people.
My social circle was significantly larger than my 3 elder siblings and Deborah Sturman Esq. combined.
My business connections throughout the globe in 2004 were most significant allowing me at any time to pick up the phone to any captain of industry and they would take my call in an instant.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
He offered to provide me air transportation and access to the mines in Botswana, Lesotho and other independent nations. I accepted his offer.— very cool… I will read it all!!!
You must have heard of Maurice Hank Greenberg.
Who is “He” in “He offered…”?
Im taking a break for a great breakfast in the quietest spot possibly on the planet. If you do nothing else, just tell me when you have clicked on chapter 16.

Still you haven’t said if you have clicked on the hyperlink.
I see that despite your pain you are online, even if only to read my next post.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
he is Oppenheimer… that is from Epstein… I am on and off here now… pain
Are you saying that Harry Oppenheimer offered to provide you “air transportation and access to the mines in Botswana, Lesotho and other independent nations.” When was that? Have you clicked on the hyperlink?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
that is Harry to Epstein… read his intro
Now it is getting interesting. It is now 11:35 AM on the west coast and I assume you are on the east coast where the time is 3 hours ahead. I sent you the hyperlink at 10AM. It did not take you chapter one, not the intro, where you read at the very end, “He offered to provide me air transportation and access to the mines in Botswana, Lesotho and other independent nations. I accepted his offer.” They hyperlink I provided took you to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL. Before reading all of chapter one which would take at the most a couple of minutes, you would have read chapter 16, especially since you are Jewish and make out like you care deeply about the Jewish homeland. In fact the human behavior study that I have been doing in earnest since the beginning of 2004 once Epstein went silent and realizing that I knew more about the DIG [you remember what this acronym means] than him, and still The D I book remains free. Why do you think that is? [I’ve asked you that important question repeatedly and still you don’t talk publicly about my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post. Do you have any questions about those 4 articles?] Therefore a reasonable person would assume you would have read the very important piece of information in WARRING WITH ISRAEL; namely that De Beers’ favorite clients are the banks, meaning that given your high morals AND knowing how important is money to you, your family and the people you take money from, to want to share this information provided by scholarly Professor Epstein. Do you think your family and friends who are interested in money would want to hear that a very well schooled professor Edward J. Epstein’s explained after being given unique access to Harry Oppenheimer that De Beers’ favorite clients are the banks?
Clarity: The hyperlink did not take you to chapter one which is not the “introduction”, were you read….
Finishing the thought that began, “In fact the human behavior study that I have been doing in earnest since the beginning of 2004 once Epstein went silent and realizing that I knew more about the DIG” has everyone, other than young teenagers who have yet to be corrupted and those accomplished, shutting down once reading those words, “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers”.
Are you ready to hear more about this human behavior study and the number of people I now have lined who are just as eager as you to read a draft of my forthcoming communique to my sister Kathy and Deborah Sturman Esq.
Let me know if the words “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers” ever stop resonating in your head. In fact it is impossible for an honest person to have a conversation with any other human without first feeling the strong urge to say, “I want you to know that I have read Epstein’s The D I book and therefore you should know that the most anti-Semitic, most anti-Israel institution, De Beers-Barclays’ consider themselves and their subordinate bankers such as the world’s central banks, Wall Street etc as their favored clients.”

Today is the day after the 14th anniversary of Maurice Hank Greenberg’s most trusted risk management specialist, Ron Bellows Snr writing me the following memo:

When I met Mr. Bellows in the first week of January 1997, less than a month after my phone converstion with AIG’s ceo and chairman of the board Hank Greenberg which took place on December 10, 1996 and within 10 minutes Greenberg who turned down the offer of CIA Director because he felt that AIG was far more accomplished in the intelligence gathering arena than the Central Intelligence Agency, bought on Mr. Tizzio, AIG’s President who while we were speaking alerted Bill Frye who was head of AIG’s mergers and acquistions department where Ron Bellows Snr was situated and the most trusted subordinate of Frye who wouldn’t take long be led out of AIG’s headquarters overlooking Wall Street in handcuffs.
When you read Bellows’ email which was also sent to his son of the same name, so you begin to understand what caused the global economic crisis of 2008 which lasted a good serveral years.
If you know as much as me and Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who you should speak with if you are genuinely interested in Joe Biden’s Chinese connections since you write a lot about it on your FB wall at the same time trash the Chinese who you should only trash if you know what you are talking about and that would mean you are as familiar with the DIG as me and I wouldn’t be so foolish as to trash the Chinese because I am not stupid and very careful what I post up on my FB wall as well as what I post up on other people’s FB walls and the same when writing to you and everyone else on FB messaging.
Finishing the thought, “if you know as much as me and Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who I introduced you to aways back, you would find one section of what Mr. Bellows wrote as extraordinarily interesting, especially if you make your money like Mr. Krinsk Esquire does in prosecuting shareholder class action lawsuits.
You would also know if interested in Krinsk which is natural if you are interested in Biden because you know being Jewish the importance of following the money-mineral resource trail, that Krinsk’s best friend, Client #9, aka Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq. filed the most refreshing criminal complaint against the megalopy AIG-Marsh Mclennan-ACE LTD in mid October 2004 and then a few weeks later, 11.11.2004 I broke my 24 year deafening silence with De Beers-Barclays.
Note that exactly 24 minutes ago, I reposted the Daily Dirt from November 2008 right after DAAC-Barclays stooge Obama became President-elect.

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK… I did read Chapter 16 and more— it is all there… I saw Epstein talking about Snowden… and read him on JFK murder… etc. Tell me about Sturman and your sister!!! 🙂
China is fascist and dangerous… but I am 74…

Have you considered changing your diet?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am more macrobiotic now…
Do you eat meat-dairly?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
a little of both
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I know………
What difference does it make if you are macrobiotic and still eat meat-fish-dairy?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
very little…….. so far
If you know, do something about it.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes! you are right!
How else do you expect an intelligent conversation with me?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yup 🙂
We are constantly changing our diet; because we get new information.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes… good
Have you started to read, “Your battle is halfway won”?
Roger Waters & Paul Carrack-Hey You.
Berlin, una ciudad cosmopolita y de gran monopolio comercial, tambien era la capital del Tercer Reich Adolf Hitler. Berlin en Mayo de 1945 fue tomada por los…
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
will look
Roger Waters supports BDS…..
You don’t have far to look. It should be the last item in your inbox
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK… will look… see you later— Soraya hurting…

To understand the slow painful death my sister and Deborah Sturman and those of their kind are experiencing without any prospect at the end of salvation even if HER-God is laughing heartedly because you would expect our Creator to want increasingly enlightened atomic structures to replace the previous creation,
and why not use what you already have that works perfectly so long as it is fed high quality fuel of the same atoms but arranged differently and this great log
ic transferred to those in touch with the heartbeat of the universe, you need to scroll back to the missing paragraph in the american edition of Smuts’ biography again written in 1952, two years after his death by his son of the same name You May find that you will remember it better by writing it out by hand and sending me a copy this way I know for sure you have read it and I’m sure you remember from school this sort of exercise works

Repeating from yesterday Review of DDML: The results of this rather exhaustive “survey” should have everyone focusing their attention on two things: First, how does something come from nothing; and, Two, there has to be more than ego involved which has everyone making the wrong decision which they know is wrong, and they know everyone else knows it is wrong, and yet they make the wrong decision because it makes them feel good which is the exact opposite of how a human or animal is supposed to react to good information which could be a matter of life or death if say you are a wild dog and needing to eat but incapable of figuring out whether or not a berry is poisonous, or getting right the first time the arithmetic problem of 2+2 equals 4. Joy should not come from doing wrong and everyone knowing that you are doing wrong.
All of you here today… are specifically interested in getting as much money as possible and then broadcasting to the world because you want to be honest with your friends otherwise why even have Facebook friends?
Again, the thinking of the common herd: “Once I get a windfall of $55+ million or part of it, as well as what has been stolen from Zena Ash Gevisser’s estate, I will be generous with not only charities of Andrea Kerzner who is also still with us, and the funding of Andrea’s charities c/o of her father, Sol “Gambling Czar” Kernzer’s benefactors
but I will never forget my FB friends who stood by me all this time without them first asking me for an advance payment for their friendship.”
Still waiting for your great friend Israeli lawyer to write to me or for you to give me their email address. Did my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which I have yet to compare to your published writings because you haven’t sent them to me, energize you or in a worse case scenario which could only be because they hit a truth which you should have instantly figured out on your own given how you are an avid reader of the important military-economics-politics of the day, caused you that much greater pain? I am also most eager to hear how you plan to use this information to secure work with your friend, former United States Attorney General Eric Holder who played a pivotal role in the Marc Rich pardon and Holder’s treason resulting in him being rewarded with the post of Attorney General. Do you think there are negative consequences for lowering your morals in order to make more money? Would your children say to you, “Hey dad, go for the money and just do your best to ignore this Gevisser until you find an excuse to just unfriend and/or block him, and whatever reason you come up with or no reason at all, is perfectly fine with us because this is how you raised us and besides we know that you are not going to live forever, your immune system is already shutting down, and you don’t plan to take your wealth with you in the grave because you can’t spend it even if you instantly transform into a snail who has a built-in home.”
sorry for the delay— I just am not getting help from Israel on the lawyer… who is in that picture? The gorgeous blonde? I am NOT about $ only, or even first. Soraya is first, with my children.
between us, our 7 children are 19-50 years old!!! The oldest is Ibo-Jewish… the youngest is in Medellin.
How can you write all this praise about a lawyer who you obviously have great personal experience with, and he doesnt respond to you? Again, give me his email. Surely you don’t want to protect him when he is being so rude. You will hear in due course about the very important blonde who is sitting to the left of a more important man than the man on her left, her husband Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner who I know for a fact would be most interested in this conversation that we are having now, the same with his eldest daughter Andrea and we are talking many billions of $s at their fingertips and both of them despite Sol Kerzer being a close personal friend of my mother Zena from when she and her parents stayed at his parent’s kosher Minorah Hotel when first arriving in Durban. I also notice that you are no longer hyping Eric Holder. Now if you are not giving your children money or leaving money to them when you die, please explain to me what moral principals you are currently imparting? Also explain if they have a moral code why they wouldn’t be all over my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post and telling you to have nothing to do with Eric Holder even if it means that you will leave them that much more money?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I did NOT have a lawyer in mind… I am looking for one with no success… 😞 dunno— my ISR friends have not been responding with a good lawyer info… Pls send me link to the JP articles… I have not seen them yet… feel better today but it has been rough for weeks on the infection…
Didnt you write saying that you had a great lawyer?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
NO… I said I would look for one.
send me the JP articles please… what happened to that blode with Sol?
Holder is interested in gerrymandering

For the umpteenth time, here is the hyperlink to the 4 articles

For your own brain, try not to distract with the blonde. I told you that you will be hearing more about that photo on the group chat Review of DDML.

So why is Holder coming to you. What is your area of expertise?

Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post –
There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally. It…
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I worked with Eric for Stuyvesant in ’08 so he knows I know how to organize… agize..
Please explain to me specifically what your expertise is in “organizing”. [Remember, I have a very strong corporate workout experience and before becoming a most trusted advisor to the like of chairman of the Board of Hearst Corp, Randolph Apperson Hearst I ran very sophisticated businesses requiring not only my organizational skills but hiring those with the best organizational skills, so again, you have to expertise in more than getting people together to shmooze. In other words, since you are working with a devil politician like Holder, are you saying that you are an expert in politics?] Also let me remind you that you wrote to me on April 28, 11:09 PM Calif. time, “I can get you a great lawyer in ISR”, why even mention it if it means going through the yellow pages. Obviously whoever your contacts are in Israel they are either useless or don’t think highly of you to be responsive. Yes, there are tons of lawyers in Israel and every Jew in the world thinks they know how to get hold of a great lawyer until they read my 4 articles in the JP and then their brain freezes.
Now I happen to be an expert in the gerrymandering business, and this you would instantly pick from my 4 articles. Why not email Holder right now and tell him that you are in discussions with me right now and include the hyperlink to the 4 articles, or better yet, give me his email and I will introduce myself.
Do you remember me mentioning my direct contacat with Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I was wrong about getting you a great lawyer since my people in Israel are not getting that for me!!! Sorry!!! My mistake.
For various reasons, I cannot/not able to respond to all you ask. Forgive me pls.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Industry veteran Sol Kerzner will be presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award during the International Hotel Investment Forum (IHIF) next month. The founder and former chairman of Kerzner International Holdings Ltd. is widely credited for redefining the scope and scale of destination resorts. The youngest of four children, born in Johannesburg to Russian immigrants, Kerzner’s early career began in accounting before taking the helm of the family-owned and -operated hotel chain. He bought his first hotel, the Astra Hotel in Durban, in 1962 and quickly went on to build South Africa’s first 5-star hotel, the Beverly Hills hotel. Several more hotel development projects followed, expanding beyond South Africa until 1979, which saw Kerzner’s development of Sun City. The ten-year project encompassed four hotels, a man-made lake, two golf courses and an entertainment center with a 6,000-seat indoor arena.
Why other than to distract answering my very important questions, which would make Kerzner and everyone following my writings since the publication of those 4 articles that much more interested and also very nervous because they can see that Im not falling for any of it, would you tell me about Kerzner who since I was a kid I have known everything there is to know about this Jewish Gestapo Kapo, and of course one of a great many. Now what you bring to the table with your tight connections to Eric Holder who were it not for his forcefullness the Marc Rich pardon might not have gone through and then you and the rest of the ignorant world would never have known the importance Jewish Gestapo Kapo Marc Rich played in not only furthering terrorism but helping the DAAC promote anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment which of course is most welcome by Jewish people in and outside of Israel who profit from chaos, anarchy, and war on the poor. Have you read the 4 articles?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
one so far… 🙂
All in all you are just another brick in the wall
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK… read them all… so what is to be done NOW???
Send me Holder’s email and see peace and prosperity beginning to rain on all
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I only have his private email…
That’s what I want and you understood that perfectly
Do you disagree with anything in those 4 articles?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
You appear to be protecting an enemy of the Jewish people and the State of Israel
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I do not share private emails with anyone… yours included
Eric is OKish…
You are ducking
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
where is Marc Rich now…? wife?
Kerrey was in NY at New School
where is the Kerzner blonde? 🙂
what to DO NOW??????? tell me
I will now pull out all stops to reach Eric Holder Are you aware that gerrymandering is manipulation of the election process?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
check out Bennet for President… his mom was Jewish
yes on gerrymandering
Eric is working on that
What to do now is to bring public international attention to Holder seeking your services in manipulating the election process. What in your resume makes you such an expert?
Spell out clearly what exactly is Holder doing with regard to gerrymandering?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Eric is doing good
Explain what is good
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
stop Rep gerrymandering
Speak simple English What is “stop Rep gerrymandering”?
2. Explain how you can help Holder? 2. How much money is he offering you?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I asked you what YOU would do now… forget about what I am doing…
I was the first to expose all those who helped Rich get away with mass murder and spread anti Jewish-anti Israel sentiment Eric Holder is a key player amongst those most vile criminals You are the first person I have met since bringing their crimes to the forefront more than 18 years ago who has an intimate relationship with Holder This is a very important day
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
not intimate! 🙂
and it is done… where is Rich now? wife?
You have his private email and you say that he wants to hire you That is intimate What exactly can you do to help criminal Holder and how much money do you expect to make or are you providing services for free?
What is done?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I did not say he wants to hire me…
stop— no more on this except the substance of your info…
Spell out what he wanted from you? How do you get to criminal, anti Jewish, anti Israel, anti human rights Holder?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
What do you want to get done now? answer my questions please!!!
do you like Glenn Greenwald?
I have contacts in media— what needs to be done now???
we need to get up to date now!!!
The Clintons are sorta done and Eric is working on gerrymandering… Rich now? wife now?
Those 4 articles exposed all those including Holder who supported the Rich pardon because they profited from it Holder became attorney general Just like on Feb 1, 2001 when I began to expose Holder and the rest I continue to do so You understand this and you want to avoid upsetting those scum you are in bed with at the same time you want to make out to the world that you are a good Jew and pro Israel I came across a lot of you in South Africa including my mother Zena’s second husband Don’t ask why she married Alan Zulman because if you had Jewish Seckel-brains you would know how best to expose the weak Jewish people who curry favor with our enemies such as Holder For the life of you cannot escape the fact that your friend Holder openly supported the pardon of a major terrorist financier and enemy of the United States, Israel and the Jewish people You are the first Jewish person outside of my parents to admit you read the 4 articles Do you want to know what I am doing the rest of the day to expose people like you and Holder?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
What is to be DONE now!!!???… send me info!!!
where is Rich? wife?
We need new info and new approach!!!
expose me??? you are nuts.
No need for new approach My 4 articles were perfect for the time because they are timeless Holder is alive. Rich is dead We don’t need anyone else in the media You have the perfect connection to Holder
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what do you want from Eric??? and Rich is dead… wife?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what can be done NOW?????
what can Holder do????
Research the Lazarus clan of Durban North – go to and bear in mind I’m giving right now a mini-seminar-workshop to a group of youthful physical therapists including a 30 year old Persian with his doctorate and they no doubt find this all very interesting – and the Lazarus were the open supporters of the Apartheid Regime aka 3rd Reichs Southern Division and the rich liberal Jewish South Africans no less bought and when the DAAC made way for the stooge Mandela to replace the man to the right of the blonde, the sick fuck Lazarus clan became the primary sponsor of Durban’s Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial Museum Now see if you can draw the connection with stooge Holder I want him to admit publicly that he got rewarded with the job of Attorney General for pardoning terrorist financier Rich and that giving work to Jewish person Hurwitz does not mitigate his crimes against humanity
ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location: New Jersey, U.S. Father: Charles Engelhard, Sr. Mother: unknown Wife: Jane Mannheimer Children: 4 biological daughters, 1 adopted daughter of Jane’s previous marriage EDUCATION Primary: Johannesburg, South…
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I want him to admit publicly that he got rewarded with the job of Attorney General for pardoning terrorist financier Rich and that giving work to Jewish person Hurwitz does not mitigate his crimes against humanity— absurd idea as you know… and he was already AG!!!… duh… so what is NEW… NOW… to be done smart
No he wasn’t – he was acting Let’s move on What organization is he now with?
You must have that organization at the tip of your tongue
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
if you mention me to Eric I will have to tell him you are crazy…
stay away… think of something positive to do NOW
Very important response will come when this Educational Light Journey- One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop ends and it is also online with a sampling of the world’s literate – approximately 3 hrs from now In the meantime continue to study YOUR BATTLE IS HALFWAY WON and what you are discovering new on REVIEW DOWN DURBAN MEMORY LANE while understanding you can’t expect your children to be any better than my 3 elder siblings and their Israeli liar-lawyers and the other co-conspirators; not to mention how could you in good conscience be telling me that you are trying to find me an impossible to find great Israeli lawyer when you haven’t posted a comment on The Lady’s Speech Youtube video denouncing the so obvious wrongdoers who are as silent as the rest of viewers.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
KISS— you gotta get down to some simple steps forward…
Wrong again I didn’t need your assistance with the 4 articles You didn’t get invited to sit for the year long entrance to join De Beers-Barclays at their highest level on US soil and reporting directly to their head Harry Oppenheimer You didn’t even have the common sense before wasting all that time at university to figure that if you were going to get into the business of fundraising you needed to find a way to get your foot in the door of the people who control the money and the mineral resources otherwise you would end up resentful and threatening.
Btw we heard yesterday a story of God intervening following the prayers of enough people to kill a very bad person
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
awesome… I like that!!!
Like the CP in China!!! Iran… Malaysia… N Korea… Russia… we need some funerals!!!!
No need to look beyond Jewish Kapos and then see who they associate with Hence why my mother Zena and are so blessed Also, you should know if you know the history of the Jewish Kapo business that instead of looking for an honest Israeli lawyer or judge who are non-existent, to find one Israeli friend of yours with a conscience and they won’t need my or your help in finding the honest Israeli politician who would free my mother and lock up the rest and throw their cell key away Btw has anyone previously told you that you are very easily distracted?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
NOW, son, NOW! who are the kapos now… ? Yes, your mom situation is current, but the other stuff is old— so put that in your book!!! HISTORY.
Anyone who associates with someone such as Holder
To be clear any Jew who associates with someone like Holder unless their objective is to expose him
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
OK!!! good!!! Expose him NOW!!! How to best do that???
You are playing your part but you can improve Again I will responding fully in due course to your previous “crazy” stuff
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Nothing stops you now finding that one good person to assist my mother and me
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I cannot find anyone yet… sorry… 😞 dunno why my contacts, freinds are not responding on this…
send me email on mom and your need — that will help.
The Review of DDML which you are watching spells it out clearly as does the comment section of The Lady’s Speech An edit of yesterday’s postings on Review of DDML will also be provided later but in the meantime all Jewish people should hold their head in shame

Can you name the stooge?
Can you name this man and his coward white liberal assassins
In preparing my response to you, during any your university studies or at anytime when engaging with politicians like Eric Holder, did the subject of the weakness of the GDP ever arise? Do you consider it important for Erick Holder or anyone of his stature to know that the DAAC’s Lloyd’s of London instituted a ban that is more than a quarter century old, preventing Americans from investing in Lloyd’s who accept price fixed diamond currency as a money instrument from accredited investors such as Mr. Bone Saw Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and the royal families of Qatar and Kuwait?
Harry Oppenheimer, 91, South African Industrialist, Dies
Harry F Oppenheimer, South African gold and diamond magnate who used his great wealth and considerable influence in fight against apartheid, dies at age 91; photo (M)
What did you learn about motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins which I covered in “Your battle is halfway won”?
In your finance and law university studies did they cover when doing consolidated accounting how to eliminate between affiliate entities transactions using untraceable diamond currency? In such instances how would one go about retroactively fixing the problem dating back to the turn of the last century? Have you met Barack Obama?
Do you recall why the Muldergate scandal hit very close to home?
Would you consider Trump a very unsophisticated real estate investor and casino operator when compared to the DAAC-Barclays?
What do you understand by, “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers”?
When you looked at Ron Bellows’ email to me of May 3, 2004 which section do you think scal Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. found the most interesting?
When did you become aware that Europe’s oldest and most prestigious banking institution, Barclasy accept as collateral price fixed diamonds?
Didn’t it strike you as odd that a bank would accept the value of a price fixed item that is unlimited in supply and because of its untraceable nature you wouldn’t know if it came from Hitler’s stash which he didn’t use?
Was my explanation sufficient about why Obama is no better than Sir Ernest and Harry Oppenheimer?

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
My family was very involved with Lumumba…
It is hard to keep up with all you write so I am now interested in what to do NOW… I met Obama once— he and Holder have been close… my bank is HSBC…
so where do we go from here???
Pls explain your family’s involvement with Lumumba
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I know of Andrew Cordier’s approval of the murder of Lumumba— terrible!!! He became Pres of Columbia and I worked with him……..
US has some of the worst foreign policy actions of ANY country…
so what is important NOW!!!
This is important now. You didn’t explain which member/s of your family were involved and how specifically?

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
stay in the NOW… old news not important on this NOW

You do agree that the history of Holderis important, and why you have come around to help me expose him?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Expose him is nuts now.
He wouldn’t be the first to use people like you who don’t understand the mineral resource-banking business to distract others by showing how concerned they are about protecting the integrity of the election process; i.e. gerrymandering, which you understand from having read The D I book has been fully corrupted from the turn of the last century. So of course when you come to terms with this, and you don’t feel good that your friend/client Holder has you hoodwinked, you lash out and call me crazy. People in shock also don’t listen. Remember I can prove that I am much healthier than you in every department and that helps me recall very easily how I got through so very well the year long orientation before joining De Beers-Barclays officially in early spring 1979. Again, during that orientation I got to see how people like you, Holder, Milton Friedman etc etc reacted, but they knew better than to call Harry Oppenheimer crazy. Not only have all your friends in Israel “let you down” but you shouldn’t forget that you had to have bad mouthed me in order for none of your FB friends I have contacted to be so non-responsive. Did you receive “Convince your wife” and did you follow my last post on Review on DDML. Big things happening today. Just preparing for a major launch. BTW, you have heard that you are what you eat. That you know makes persfect sense. So if you eat shit, which you have admitted that you can’t break the habit which does not show you have great willpower, that shit fuel goes into your brain and shit results. Again, garbage in, garbage out. I am also 100% certain that Holder would follow all of this and expect you to keep towing the line. Remember, it doesn’t get any crazier than you writing to me this past Wednesday at 2:14 PM Calif time, “I told you I was not well!!!!!!” after it was transparent you were not playing it straight with me, but in fact you had not come close to telling me that you were not well; quite the contrary in fact as you were only previously protesting how sharp you are. There isn’t a single normal human being on the planet no matter how poor their diet who wouldn’t be shocked by your total lie, “I told you I was not well!!!!!!” Note how many exclamations you felt were necessary to throw in at the end!!!!!! Of course you have thought through that Holder is not the only person in the world who would applaud you for throwing as much shit up against the wall as possible in order to draw attention away from him and his kind and that would include saying bullshit like, “stay in the NOW… old news not important on this NOW” ; but that applause which of course includes things like money payments, invites to parties where you can shake hands with the likes of Obama and then use that “prestige” to make other money connects, only lasts so long as you don’t get caught playing it fast and loose. I am still in the process of responding to your threat: “if you mention me to Eric I will have to tell him you are crazy… stay away… think of something positive to do NOW.” This is all very positive. Would you like me now to send you a backup?
Have you read pages 192 and 193 of The Sunlit Years? Do you have a sense of the huge size and influence of my immediate family’s The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] which is all that stood in the way of the DAAC-Barclays conquering the world? Do you think there was a single honest Jewish lawyer, Jewish judge, rabbi or rich business person in South Africa during the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime’s 46 year uninterrupted rule who wasn’t known to my highly secretive British-English mother Zena and her two most trusted friends, Muslim Indian South African Fatima Meer
and Roman Catholic Aida Parker?
Do you recall reading what black South Africans who were genuinely opposed to the Apartheid Regime thought of people like you, Senator Ted Kennedy and Jesse Jackson?
Why don’t you start your talk with Eric Holder letting him know that you have studied my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post and that you have a hard time belieiving that he hasn’t read them or that DAAC-Barclays officials wouldn’t have already approached him just as they do all their high level puppets including De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton of the Class ’68.
Ask yourself and Holder, what thinking do you think went behind the Jerusalem Post’s decision to continue publishing my articles after the first shocked people like you and Holder like a lightening bolt?
It is very important to my safety and security and those I care about which includes all those not quite as financially rich as you and your ex wives who you have me beleive you have been most generous with, that you explain very precisely, “My family was very involved with Lumumba…”. My goal is to get the people who dont have the information, all the relevant information so that they dont end up like black South Africans protesting the arrival of Senator Ted Kennedy in South African in January 1985 who were never heard from again. As you know Lumumba was brutally murdered. That means those on his inner circle were not completely reliable.
Let me explain. Lumumba knew that his life was in danger.
How would Lumumba have been able to vet that your family or members of your family hadn’t turned on him? You are the first person I have come across who not only says he knows about Lumumba but so very clear is the intimacy, “My family was very involved with Lumumba…” I know that your family didn’t do his washing and cooking or his garden work. They could have only been helping him stay alive. They would not have been helping him export rich minerals out of the Belgian Congo because that meant that they were working for the DAAC-Barclays. You are aware that not all CIA operatives wear American Special Forces army fatigues and carry business cards that say, “I am a Green Beret” or “I am a US Navy SEAL.” In fact when the CIA get up to bad stuff they are most reluctant to use professionally trained soldiers such as Green Berets or Navy SEALs because it could be their last order which is why Mossad set up the Kidon assassination unit which specifically kills enemies of the State of Israel when their other options run out. All your political activities such as helping any politician only undermines the fairness doctrine when you don’t point out that enemies of competition; namely DAAC-Barclays only want people like you to give the false impression to the people that their vote counts. This is obvious from my 4 articles as well as what you learned in Epstein’s The D I book. My mother Zena is paying with her life and you are doing much worse than Dilly & Dallying.
Pay careful attention to the date of the cartoon in Durban’s THE DAILY NEWS.
You remember the photo of me, my first cousin Karene and my sister Kathy taken in Arosa, Switzerland 42 days before.
20 days after the publication of the very very very important cartoon; Conductor Ash: “I will now finish the Unfinished Symphony”, the richest and most powerful person on the planet, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. succumbed to his poison.
“Conductor Ash” was deep water port Durban’s most powerful Vice Mayor and he was by far the richest. That Ash was my highly secretive British-English mother Zena’s half-brother Joe Ash who was 6 years of age when my Zena was born.
Above is a photo of my very connected mother Zena and Joe Ash on the day that he was sworn in as Vice Mayor of Durban. Joe was also the Commodore of the Durban Yacht Club.
Most yachts need water to properly function unless they are pitched on land and serve only as venue for government party officials and others watching petty government party officials.
Joe didn’t need to have a huge yacht birthed on land because he owned a spectacular party house high above the bluffs of Durban Harbor which you see in the background to this photo
of my mother Zena taken soon after she and her parents arrived in Durban in early 1948 where they first stayed at Sol “Gambling Czar” Kernzer’s parents’ Minorah Hotel. On March 20, 1948, 56 days after Israel’s War of Independence officially began, my parents who had just met for the first time weeks before were engaged.
You would agree that is a cool photo of two very good looking and highly athletic Jewish people. You would also agree that both my father and mother don’t fit the stereoptype of the dirty New York Jew such as a great many including Trump’s fix it lawyer, Rat Cohen. Do you think people who have a poor self-image such as ugly Cohen are less likely to rat or more likely to rat?
A month before, mid-February 1948 Mossad head David Ben Gurion whose most trusted runner during World War 2, my mother Zena’s paternal grandmother Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] who was most likely assassinated and upon her passing her favorite son, my mother’s father Al Ash
who changed his and the family’s name from very Jewish sounding to the more Gentile back in September 1941
sent his most trusted South African-Israeli spy and WW2 Fighter Bomber Pilot, Boris Senior [1924-2004] back to South Africa to recruit other WW2 Fighter Bomber Pilots like my father and his wingman Syd Cohen
as well as purchased Fighter Bomber aircraft which Senior purchased in a rigged auction and the 300 English Pounds Sterling which Senior paid for 50 Kittyhawk Fighter Bombers
all in perfect working condition, all lined up ready for take off, and only needing fueling, being undoubtedly the greatest military purchase of all time, but the decision was taken to leave all 50 in South Africa because of the arms boycott the western weapons manufacturers had placed on the fledgling Jewish Homeland which had yet to come into existence. The fact that Senior would later go on to say that his decision to leave all 50 Kittyhawks behind as the biggest mistake of his life, did not mean that Senior was the only decision maker or that Ben Gurion had blundered. Exposing Mossad agents in South Africa just like what the Nazi’s did when ransoming Hungarian Jewish people destined for Auschwitz in mid-1944 in exchange for cash when the Nazis had all the money in the world prior to the tide turning not in their favor, was simply not worth the risk given how extraordinarily few Jewish people around the world had yet to be turned. Kittyhawk Fighter Bombers is all that Boris Senior, my father and Syd Cohen flew on the tail end of World War II; and nor did Senior’s love for the Kittyhawk get any less because he got shot down in March 1945 after scoring a direct hit on a German huge vessel in Venice harbor, since he owed his life to its ruggedness and attaining sufficient altitude to then bail out successfully. As you must know, but no harm in repeating, South African Syd Cohen became commander of Israel’s only fighter squadon, Squadron 101 on October 16, 1948 when its first commander Israeli Modi Alon was killed.
Boris Senior was very close to my mother Zena who you see below guarded by Mossad agents on the Southampton Castle on their voyage from Southampton to Cape Town
Smuts did not greet my mother Zena and her parents when they arrived in Cape Town harbor because that would not have been prudent. They did stay for two weeks, the same length of time my mother and father were guests of Pandit Nehru, at the 5 star Mt. Nelson Hotel nestled in the foothills of Table Mountain where Smuts kept a permanent private suite. You must have noticed mention of Smuts on page 193 of The Sunlit Years. Smuts knew everything that was going on at the headquarters of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies located at 173 Maydon Road, a very short train ride from the docks of deep water port Durban. By the time Smuts died on September 11, 1950, there were that many more Jewish Kapos in mineral rich South Africa which simply meant the Mossad agents had to be that much more careful not to speak with people who couldn’t be trusted. Do you see how all it takes is perseverance, brains, which takes perseverance, patience, which takes brains, and choosing the right company to figure out who is untrustworthy and to do that prior to trusting such individuals? Upon Nechie’s death which came after she fell down a flight of stairs where she was recuperating after being run over by a hit and run driver who was never apprehended, my mother’s father Al Ash then took over setting up “safe houses” for Mossad operatives until the war ended, before then immigrating in late 1947 to mineral rich South Africa which was the safest place in the world for Jewish people thanks to General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1970] not only still Prime Minister but “Master Spy Catcher” Smuts had a loyal following of the world’s most loyal assassins and spies dating back to the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902] where Boer Commanders such as Smuts pioneered asymmetric warfare.
Every move of those who escaped prosecution at Nuremberg was carefully monitored by Ben Gurion who remember did not take out a centerpage ad in The New York Times calling upon Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry to turn themselves in. Ben Gurion-Mossad could also observe those such as the American Engelhards who already had close ties to mineral rich South Africa wanting a larger slice for themselves and the only way to do that was to get in that much tighter with the Oppenheimers. Do you think Ben Gurion was wrong in not approaching your family to help protect Patrice Lumumba? Im still very eager to hear exactly what your family did for Lumumba and if there were any regrets, you would know why?” You remember that 10 days after Lumumba’s brutal execution, TIME MAGAZINE announced to the world that Charles W. Engelhard Jr. now owned mineral rich South Africa. That was not news to my immediate family including my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890-1970] and his elder brother Morris Gevisser [c. 1881 – August 25, 1961]
You can figure out that 7 months and 8 days after Lumumba was assassinated because his friends obviously let him down, Morris Gevisser died. His death did not mean the death of his younger brother Issy who prior to my father’s arrival at Moshal Gevisser soon after WW2 ended, was the entire brain trust of Moshal Gevisser, but he continued to be advised by his most trusted sister in law Janie Moshal Gevisser [c. 1893 – May 20, 1976]
who you will recall joined my immediate family for Passover 1967
and you see me standing directly in front of Janie

who cared for me, my mother and my father Bernie as though we were her own.

She cared little for her 4 children including her youngest David Gevisser, the “male heir” of Engelhard Jr. or her bunches of grandchildren and great grandchildren including my cousin Gary Lewinsohn who co-produced in 1998 with Jewish Kapo Steven Spielberg, Saving Private Ryan which my father Bernie refused to watch because my father was not interested in nonsense.

You knew that by virtue of the fact that none of Janie’s immediate family were at our 1967 Passover table.

You must remember that in 1967 Engelhard took over Philips Bros. where Marc Rich who your friend/client Eric Holder supported and which prevented justice from being served some 34 years later when DAAC President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton who probably has a healthier diet than you and your wife and 6 children, committed treason by granting Rich a pardon on his last day in office, January 20, 2001.

Soon followed the June 1967 Six Day War where my mother Zena was the first “civilian” allowed into the captured territories of the Sinai.

Have you read my mother Zena’s most carefully crafted memoirs titled, LIFE STORY OF ZENA and which begins, “Literally – ‘born to perform’ Zena Gevisser…” which my mother began broadcasting on September 25, 2001, 7 months and 24 days after my first article was published in the Jerusalem condemning, as did the 3 articles that followed, the treason pardon by DAAC President Clinton and his trusted aides including your friend/client Eric Holder?

What did you find the most interesting?

Was there anything boring which would disinterest your wife, ex wives and 6 children?

Zena R Gevisser
Born: May 30, 1929 Location: Blackpool, England Father: Albert Bardash – Al Ash [December 5, 1899 – 1965] Mother: Rachelle Pevy [c 1903 – April 23, 1972] Religion: Jewish Education: Yiddish Kop: Grandmother Neche Badash – Member of Haganah Immigration 1947: Durban, South Africa from England “The Imp…
My mother Zena has not had the pleasure of my company for the past 941 odd days. All I see in the comment section of The Lady’s Speech from you is “Gary Gevisser lovely” that you posted up a week ago. Just moments ago I responded: “Neal H. Hurwitz is that all you have to say? Is that comment rather superficial at best?”
In 1967 Ben Gurion-Mossad had not lost track of Engelhard Jr. and his co-conspirators hell bent on destroying us Jewish people and the fledgling State of Israel from the inside out should it not be possible to defeat Israel militarily. Cutting and pasting my mother Zena’s “best friend” David Gevisser’s THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, chapter X, THE ENGELHARD EXPERIENCE; bottom of page 96: The background to this needs some explanation. The origin of Charlie’s approach lies I believe in the common desire of very wealthy and famous people to be amused, to have courtiers round them, to have a court jester. Charlie was certainly prey to this desire. In addition, and sadly, he was beginning to show signs of the deterioration in his health, and of his self-neglect that led fairly rapidly to his early and unnecessary death at the ridiculous age of 53 in 1970. The roots of this lay deep in his psyche, of which I have my own diagnosis. On the physical side, this once slim, attractive USAF pilot, was now becoming almost grotesquely obese. He had a bad hip which could easily have been treated, but he had a pathological fear of hospitals and
Page 97
Top of page 98 fell into the hands of quacks in Switzerland. I knew them, and suspected them from the start. He soon became dependent on strong painkillers and allied drugs, and on their suppliers, and their advice. Simultaneously he had all the signs of a severe diabetic, including, towards the end often falling into a coma, but refused accepted treatment. His physical condition was ugly and acutely uncomfortable. He lost the will to live. He never re-captured his joie, his spirit, his drive. At 53, he should have been at the peak of wealth, of connections, of career. He was a close and intimate friend of the most influential leaders, politicians, business-men world-wide, immensely respected. He was the most successful racing figure in the world. His death was tragic and unnecessary. So startling was it that there were rumours about the cause.This resulted in one of the most bizarre situations in which I have ever been involved. At the time of Charles’ death, President Nixon reigned supreme in Washington, but as we now know, was paranoid about real and imagined enemies…
Neal, you remember me talking last on Review of Down Durban Memory Lane of David Gevisser having possibly dementia? I pointed out that Nijinsky did not win any Derby in 1968 as both Derby wins were in 1970. David Gevisser wanted to forget 1970 when DAAC operative Natie Kirsh made the biggest killing of his life when “asset stripping” our Moshal Gevisser while leaving on the table, ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES, Moshal Gevisser’s most valuable asset besides for all its real estate which had no mortages.
Are there things in your life including dates when important people die and who you have not treated fairly, that you want to forget?
You notice that David Gevisser mentions twice that Engelhard Jr. who he owes his priceless fortune to, died at age 53 and he mentions that his death took place in 1970 which was the year my grandfather Issy Gevisser passed away from a broken heart. Engelhard Jr. as you know died on March 2, 1971, having turned 54 the month before. How can get such an important date wrong and yet just the year before, July 16, 2005 you are capped with a Masters of Studies of Historical Research? Would you say that one of your attributes is that you are a good researcher? I am still trying to figure out why Eric Holder would have recently engaged your services?
In 1970 Janie Moshal Gevisser was still very much alive and understood perfectly that her youngest son David was a traitor. She, my mother Zena, and my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser knew he was traitor the first time he sat at Engelhard Jr.’s dinner table and was carefully placed next to the Nazis Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
If you had a choice, would you prefer to be seated next to Wallis Simpson and the fool Duke of Windsor who also saw no problem in running down on horseback defenseless and most beautiful foxes or a Jewish Kapo or someone like Bill Clinton and Eric Holder?
Correction: 56 days before…

Note that David Gevisser’s FAMILY TREE which he provides as the last Appendix in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER

has his uncle, my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser dying in 1985
You must have noticed that at 10:01 am Calif. time, going on 3 hours ago, my one FB friend Bob posted, “So interesting gary… A lot of accomplishments.I hope you write that book.”

You continue to write up a storm of distracting material on your FB wall. Does it really help you cope, or does it in fact add to your anger? Have you done, like I have done, and shared our entire dialogue, keeping the exact chronology, with others you thought you should trust just to keep a check on your thinking? How do you escape the lie of telling me on May 1, “I told you I was not well!!!!!!” How do you escape the lie of wanting me to believe that you have not bad mouthed me? How do you escape the lie of continuing to bash China which sits well in most political circles at the same time you think it is smart to leave open a hatch that your advanced age of 74 may not have you right in the head? How does your mind deal with writing me on Monday at 1:28PM, “OK!!! good!!! Expose him NOW!!! How to best do that???” and then the next day at 8:24 AM, not even 24 hours later you are pulling back on Eric Holder, “Expose him is nuts now”. Are you thinking of applying for a job with Trump or is that already well in the works? You will have read on Review of Down Durban Memory Lane where you see amongst the “attendees” a whole bunch of people that you don’t get to talk with on a regular basis, or for that matter at all, but you also know that like you they have read The D I book as well as my 4 articles, and each of them have the mental aptitude to know that your close and recent association with Eric Holder is important news today as are my 4 articles, that Nijinski “did not win in 1968 either the Epsom Derby or the Irish Derby which are the only 2 Derbys which Nijinsky did win and both in 1970.” 1970 was the year that David Gevisser went from very rich to superrich but he could only talk it to his best friend my highly secretive British-English mother Zena who he never once suspected as knowing what he was all about. You see only one thing that affects the thing you most care about which is getting more money and that is for people to think that you are highly intelligent and that is what has given you high level government officials. The people who want to ride your coattails also know that you are not close to the most politically connected person in the world but their thinking is that you are more connected than most and that you have a rap going where you throw in once in a while stuff that you have picked from the likes of Eric Holder but you never suspecting the possibility that Holder figured you are a talker and relies on your talkativeness. Since running into me you are finding out that in fact you knew shit about how the real world works and that you are rather late in the game in finding out this knowledge and yet the people around you while probably quite bothered by all your political hack name dropping, thought that if there was one thing you were on top of, it was the money game. Have you told any of the other Hurwitz people who are your FB friends as well as our 2 mutual FB friends Dean Hillel Weiss and Lawrence Kushner how washed up has been your thinking going back as far as you can remember? Do you see where I am going next on Review of Down Durban Memory Lane?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I need to know what is current and worthwhile from your end.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Thanks for all the diamond stuff… I like the history and all you post that isinformative about how the real world works!!!
what is to be done and KNOWN now… current.
We are exposing Eric Holder and all those who seek to curry favor with him. Again, back to Review of DDML, “The ‘survey’ shows… that we don’t share knowledge once we find out that we have been fooled about the thing we most care about which is the money.”
Remember, if you were a leader or anything close, then Harry Oppenheimer and his emissaries would have sought you out, and if not then your common sense would have told you that if you have any interest in money which you show is the be all and end all to you because obviously your health takes a backseat, you would have long figured, well before beginning your university studies to get a top job with Oppenheimer-De Beers-Barclays. That does not mean I fail to figure out what your conniving mind is attempting to do and you are of course very angry with yourself, no different to my 3 elder siblings who are simply taking their vengeance on my mother Zena and knowing that it is also hurtful to me, but I can rise above all of you because you are mired in negativity resulting in always being one step away from the heartbeat of the universe. Now that is huge punishment, is it not? Nor can you think the punishment ends just there. You are equipped to realize that if you couldn’t figure out the money system and its linkage to the DIG then your brain cant be all that great to begin with and your blockages prevent you from achieving the greatest happiness which is knowing that each of us is being carefully watched by a far greater force than your political hack friends. How stupid for you to think that you can write “Thanks for all the diamond stuff… I like the history and all you post that isinformative about how the real world works!!!” and yet you are not publicly encouraging all your FB friends to be my FB friend and join my FB group chats such as Review DDML. Remember, if you can follow this perfectly as you duck and dive, say one thing one minute and then contradict yourself almost instantly, and your actions are no different than Donald Trump who should be your role model since I see no difference between the two of you in terms of intellect and lack of morals, then I am 100% certain everyone who knows you, including Eric Holder, will follow along perfectly. Again, which organization today is Holder most associated with?
Cutting and pasting Review of DDML: Unless exclusively interested in having sex with the next person … all of you here today as well as those who have already “ducked and dived” and the same with those others yet to join us, are specifically interested in getting as much money as possible and then broadcasting [the following] to the world because you want to be honest with your friends otherwise why even have Facebook friends: “Once I get a windfall of $55+ million or part of it, as well as what has been stolen from Zena Ash Gevisser’s estate, I will be generous with not only charities of Andrea Kerzner who is also still with us, and the funding of Andrea’s charities c/o of her father, Sol “Gambling Czar” Kernzer’s benefactors”.
[photo] but I will never forget my FB friends who stood by me all this without them first asking me for an advance payment for their friendship.”

After you left the Review of DDML group that was 12 second ago, I added the following: Where does it say in the Bible or the interpretations that you should forgo the good science and make yourself sick by eating things like rotting animal carcasses and fish?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
had to leave that group— only you and I sharing there…
Please make a backup of this and then compare it to the backup I will be emailing you and other parties in due course.
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
the others are silent
I don’t do backups… 🙂
Didn’t Eric Holder tell you that deafening silences speak the most volume?

Do you think I was displeased when poverty of thought people like you didn’t react to my 4 articles in the JP?


When did you work for Eric Holder last?
I see on Google that there is this “Nipsey Hussle’s Alleged Murderer Eric Holder Being Held in …” that wouldn’t be him, surely?
I’m writing to him now. Can you stay online? Would you like to see a draft?
Do you remember writing on April 28 at 9:11PM, “I am now sharper than ever!” followed by “what is Uranium One???”? Do you remember who was Attorney General of the United States when President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton led the charge in granting President Putin-DAAC-Terry Rosenberg ownership of 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves?
Do you remember writing April 28, 10:21 PM, “I may work for Eric Holder, the former AG… “. Were you saying in those words that you worked for Eric Holder in the past or that you hope to work for Eric Holder in the future? Are any of these statements of yours inconsistent?
What did you think of Mr. Krinsk’s Gold Flowchart?
How do you think the people including the Review of DDML group chat will take to you not knowing that you Hashomer Hatzair had been fully infiltrated by the Żagiew and that their leader Abraham Gancwajch was also a leader of Hashomer Hatzair? “Abraham Gancwajch first became a Nazi collaborator as a leader of the Hashomer Hatzair” ~ Wikipedia.
How does this sound, the start of my writings to Eric Holder: I have been speaking with Mr. Neal Hugh Hurwitz who says that he is close to you, that he worked with you in the past and hopes to do so in the future. Mr. Hurwitz was unfamiliar until very recently with my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post right after your support of the Marc Rich which I strongly opposed.
Neal, do you remember writing to me this past Monday at 9:01 AM, “Holder is interested in gerrymandering”?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
do not contact Holder with my name— I will tell him you are nuts— do what you want but keep my name out of it… capice?
What do you think Holder can do now to fix the ills he helped create?
I will most definately not abide by your demands, capice?

Neal Hugh Hurwitz
fuck off…
I see you have unblocked me to tell me to fuck off
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
correct… you cannot do as you like about Eric and me…
Now I’m sending you a personal invite to an Educational Light Journal One Tribe of Achiever seminar-workshop where you are the central character
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I value your info but not your stupid insults as I told you!!!
I am just lining up others with the following information:
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
🙂 central eh?
people are going to think you are mad… 🙂
you funny
Educational Light Journal One Tribe of Achiever — love the title!!!
I’m also a “life coach” in that there are few who bring to the table the knowledge that I have because in fact there are none. The D I book I cannot tell you stops people in the middle of making love in order to read it but I do know that it brings out the best and worst in everyone They all do read the book and most get very angry because they feel totally stupid. An excellent example is this Neal Hugh Hurwitz who hasn’t yet managed to convince all his fellow Hurwitz Facebook friends to leave my group chat Review Down Durban Memory Lane He was going nuts before because of all his lies which are easy to discover in our fb messaging and the best is how he can’t stop himself continuing to distract on his fb Wall, totally oblivious to the trail of total stupidity this idiot has left behind starting with how he wrote to that he had previously told me that he was ill when in fact he hadn’t. It meant that he was simply sick in the head but he couldn’t admit to that because he didn’t want to admit how he became so stupid that he would write that he was sick in the head because his poor memory from lying had failed him. You also get to see that the idea that people are both good and bad as none of us are perfect is not true If you are good The D I book puts you to the test just as it does the bad It clearly defines if you are good or bad Advertising costs the De Beers-Barclays group nothing Borrowing money costs them nothing That means they can price someone like you out of the market in an instant They also do that 100% of the time when not supporting the weakest of us humans. Do u want to hear more?
Neal when you look in the mirror do you recognize the person?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
love it … uh… continue 🙂
I don’t mean facial features. I’m talking about do you respect that persons intelligence and credibility?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
yes… I am cool! 🙂
you funny— good!!!
Does it mean anything to you that I see you as no better than Trump and Obama and Hitler?
Neal Hugh Hurwitz
How come you haven’t managed to convince not one of the other Hurwitz fb friends of yours to join you in leaving Review of Down D ML? Have you told your friend Eric Holder in writing that you have read The D I book and you wondered if he knew that De beer-Barclays don’t tolerate competition even amongst their stooge politicians such as him?
my friends are all independent people…
Do you want to see a draft of my next Twitter to Holder or are you more interested in those people I’m inviting to this ELJ-OTA seminar-workshop?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have never dissed you to anyone moron! 🙂
you are paranoid…
Have you lied to me?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Did you write to me saying that you had previously told me that you were ill?


Again, Did you write to me saying that you had previously told me that you were ill?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I have had an infection for over 6 weeks…
!!!! so???
Again, you are avoiding the very important question about your competency and integrity. Did you previously write to me Did you write to me saying that you told me that you were ill?


Do you recall writing to me and lying through your teeth that you had previously told me that you were ill?


Why is it other than I caught you in you lie that you can’t admit that lies to me when writing to me that you were ill?


Do I need to explain to you why I think you decided to lie to me when telling me that you had previously told me that you were ill?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
are you nuts?— that is no lie
I guarantee Holder and every literate person in the world would think you are nuts even if they didn’t tell you to your face


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
haha… you funny
so— what’s new???
You represent the worst of the politicians You told me a lie when you write and said you had previously told me that you were ill?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
The why you lies is very easy to explain


The important thing is that you lies because you know that you had not previously told me you were ill but it was obvious you have a brain problem


Are you closer to getting the job with Holder?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Eric is working on gerrymandering… 🙂
my brain is in my skull…
What is new is that your tormented mind from lying one too many times has you unblocking me. Do you think it is going to win you Browny points with disgusting people like Holder and his DAAC-Barclays Bankers? Are you aware that now having admitted to reading and understanding The D I book you are obligated from a fiduciary standpoint to inform prospective clients like Holder and existing clients of the lack of competition in all markets including elections?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
send me short statement I can share…
my list is 16,000 people— many from Stuyvesant and Ivy colleges… that’s my group… and Jews/Zionists… animal rescue… Humane Farming… etc etc etc
you can post rational stuff on my FB…
8,000 on my FB accounts…
Here is what I just sent one of the individuals I’m lining up for the largest gathering on earth: U must be aware that all my fb friends who speak English have all read the book and they understand why it is devastating to all business models but they are as yet reluctant to share the knowledge because they want to make hey while the sun shines while forgetting there are people out there like Neal Hugh Hurwitz who just can’t stop talking Wait till you see his and my fb messaging dialogue up on the BLOG
ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location: New Jersey, U.S. Father: Charles Engelhard, Sr. Mother: unknown Wife: Jane Mannheimer Children: 4 biological daughters, 1 adopted daughter of Jane’s previous marriage EDUCATION Primary: Johannesburg, South…


You can use the entire piece that follows which is to this one female South African image-branding maker, to line up your 8000 Fb connections – even though I thought you are restricted to 5000: Try not to forget that while I was still 21 years of age which no doubt is much younger than you I got to see in the flesh how De beer-Barclays execute 90% of their transactions off balance sheet and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by that 90% In your business people keen to make money work through the night when gathering critical information such as this


It is a funny thing that happens when people find out that our capital markets are identical to the operation of the communist markets where there is no competition but everyone understands that it is all about bribes and intimidation Have you seen my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post?


Here is the tail end of my last message to Carol who you will find amongst my fb friends: One of the things you should try not to forget is that you are very late in the game to learn about the Diamond Invention Game DIG which is not taught in any subject at university People like Old man Hurwitz at 74 can decide to change if he can see profit for himself before losing his mind altogether I think the two of you should be fb friends- he judges people on their looks which is better than their balance sheet


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
cool 🙂
who is Carol???
I’ve explained how to find to find Carol – if I have more than 1 carol friend ask them all and remember to invite them to this 1 to 100 million gathering which could be more than all the 2.4 billion subscribers You should be able to follow what I just sent Tiffany who you will remember from Review of DDML where you have missed a great amount of important stuff unless others including the other Hurwitz people are forwarding you the material: We have nothing to show at this time We met yesterday with a small t shirt design house and this very entrepreneurial woman who is in far better physical shape than most and there are similar features to you that you would pick up instantly, got the concept down My wife Marie is going to send them an illustration or two and when she does I cannot say for sure when that will be They key is how to get each of to get the ball rolling and everyone who wears the t shirt will also have GOT the ball rolling We had a bumper sicker


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
hey— put me back on that chat… I miss it 🙂
Neal given how I don’t trust you at this time I will not share the very clever concept with you but you remember my website is very clever in exposing all the world’s two-faced Jewish people and non Jewish people, all as rotten as each other. Below is the rest of what I sent hugely attractive single 37 year old Tiffany after taking out more details no the concept: It would be clever without the history of knowledge of the lack of competition in every market including website design, t shirt design and real estate, but once you have the knowledge you know everyone’s game! If we could get 1 million or 100 million into an Internet “stadium” where you will quickly have the wisest shutting up everyone the first thing that happens is that you never have to hear the word election again and if anyone dares to mention such a word the rest of the world will laugh their heads off
ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location: New Jersey, U.S. Father: Charles Engelhard, Sr. Mother: unknown Wife: Jane Mannheimer Children: 4 biological daughters, 1 adopted daughter of Jane’s previous marriage EDUCATION Primary: Johannesburg, South…


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Tiffany— where?
Tiffany you should remember from Review of DDML check you backups – I will be adding you back to Review of DDML shortly. I am now going to help out my gorgeous F-C wife in the kitchen Btw the Marie just made the best chocolate – banana cake and all totally healthy She also thinks it wonderful that you wanting to rejoin and start growing back your spine


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
🙂 tell her TY and xo.



Could you see written on your tombstone “I don’t have time for this…”?


You are going to love the dialogue I just had with Hiram Reisner You can ask him for a copy or I can send it to you later when back at an easier to use keyboard


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
where is it w Hiram? He is tough guy.
What do you mean “tough guy”?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
acerbic, wonderful, smart
Im kinda busy right now. Could you ask him to send you a copy of our fb messaging, I don’t think you want to waste a moment in not seeing it.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Did you get hold of him?


Didnt you just love his “bite me”?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I asked him
What did he say?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
nada… yet
How can you say such positive things about him when he is obviously hiding?


No luck hey?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
he says he is too busy to deal with your posts
Excuse me, are you conscious? How could you possibly duck such nonsense unless you are doing the same? They were not “posts”. He and I were having a conversation that centered around you. How could you not dig further with him, or are you lying? Do you want to see his and my conversation on FB messaging? What did you think of “Backward communities – NAT [No Attention Thinker]”? A very very very big day today as I will be writing to my siblings as well as hopefully Roger Waters and I will remember to send him your best regards unless you have a specific message you would like for me to share with him? BTW, not one of the Hurwitz people I picked up from your FB friend list and who I added to Review of DDML have left the group which you will see when I add you back shortly. Have you been in touch with any of them?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I am in touch with all…
How come you didn’t tell me that you removed my responses to your comments about Jewish people like yourself being first in the world in terms of charity, philanthro… etc?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
sorry… had to do that
Why did you have to do that? Did you forward all them Hurwitz people “Backward communities – NAT [No Attention Thinker]”?


Are you aware of how well you would have fitted in the Jewish communities of Apartheid South Africa who cowered just like Zagiew?


I just love that “sorry … had to do that”.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what’s new? info!!!!
forget all the personal crap… waste of time 🙂
You must easily imagine yourself as a Jewish Kapo at Auschwitz explaining why another Jewish person had to go ahead of you to the showers, “”sorry … had to do that”.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
🙂 you funny
not… 😞
What did you find so disturbing that you had to remove my response to your nonsense?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
what’s new??? info???!!!
Why did you remove my responses to your postings about Notre Dam and the Jewish people contributing monies?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
too long?
Are you saying you don’t know why you removed them?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
we need substantive info
I think you are lying because they were not too long just disturbing to you and you didn’t like people finding out that you are a very small minded person with a big ego.


In due course you are going to be added to my $ HIT list and at the same time your name is going to be prominent in my next Tweet to Eric Holder. Still I will not forget to add you back to Review DDML.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz, you are very dirty.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
so add me back already! 🙂
do not be paranoid pls… 🙂
Just to be clear, we currently have 9 mutual FB friends: Abdou Dampha 1,013 friends April Gottlieb 1,351 friends Bernard Reisner 632 friends Christina Moritsch-Krall 87 friends Dean Hillel Weiss 869 friends Heidi Pretorius 13 mutual friends Lawrence Kushner 2 mutual friends Muhammad Kabir Ali Works at American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) Rich Nagan 2,829 friends


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
Nagan is a tough guy… AD is in The Gambia
What sick puppy thinks they can remove their lack of intellect because they go wherever there is money, by simply censoring a very important post that is now going to get that much more attention before of your Zagiew censorship?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I need info… not only your opinions… 🙂
Did you see how many people were included in the cc section of “Backward communities – NAT [No Attention Thinker]”?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
how about Trump and China? info from you
current events in general
Remember I had a classmate and cousin who was murdered because of Jewish Kapos-sellouts such as yourself.


Your distractions must be taking that much more toll on your feeble mind.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
want me to block you again?????????????????????????
I think I will now draw more people’s attention to my fb messaging with your pal the “bite” Hiram. Surely you aleady saw on my BLOG.


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
send me the Hiram conv

Remember very torment mind Hurwitz, I never asked you to unblock me.

Your weak mind had you deciding when seeing the additional coverage I was getting on the Internet from exposing you to tell me “Fuck off” and then I convinced you that you are the fuckhead and that resulted in you pleading with me to add you back to Review DDML.

You are too funny 🙂 🙂 🙂 ha ha ha.

Why don’t you have a first crack at drafting what you think I should next Tweet your pal Holder?

Has he hired you yet?


Neal Hugh Hurwitz
I need info from you or I block… KISS 🙂
While you give thought to that Tweet, you can also look forward to me posting up on not only my FB wall but other FB friends of mine genuinely interested in what makes you tick, what you took down. If you can think of an introduction for me to introduce you to people who don’t know you because they have yet to get a copy of “Backward communities – NAT [No Attention Thinker]”, please share it with me.


BTW, which of your FB friends should I send a backup of this?

[Neal H Hurwitz then blocked for the second time]
